CV and Work Portfolio 2020 - Sudeshna Sarkar

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Sudeshna Sarkar


Architect / Urban Designer

Personal Details

Educational Background

Architecture, of all the arts, is the one which acts the most slowly, but the most surely, on the soul. - Ernest Dimnet

C O N T E N T S Car e er t i mel i ne A cad emi c Proj e c t s U rb an Des i gn A rc hi t ec tu r e Prof es si on al Pro je ct s A rc hi t ec tu r e, Co ns t r u ct i on & U r ban Des ig n Co nse r vat i on & Res t o r at i on Landsc a pe A rc hi t ec tu r e

2019-2020 Al Tasnim Group LLC

Architect and Project Coordinator 2019-2020

New Town, Kolkata

Surbana Jurong Private Limited Urban Design Expert

New Town, Kolkata


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


MA Urban Design

MA Urban Design

MA Urban Design

MA Urban Design

MA Urban Design

MA Urban Design

Architecture (Undergrad)


1 Ar ch i t e ct u re & I nt er i o r D e si gn 2 3 Co n ser vat i on & Res to r at i o n 4 Lan dsc a pe Ar ch i t e ct u re

Architecture, C onstruction, Project management SJ Surbana for New Kolkata Green Smart City, West Bengal, India Urban Design Expert

July - December 2019

Al Tasnim Group Showroom Designed with shipping containers - Situation Analysis, Concept Proposals, Stakeholder meetings, Presentation, Detail design development, Interior design, Vendor communication, Approval Drawings, 3d rendered views.

3 high end Zunairah Villas in Al Mouj Development, Muscat- Project coordinator -Develop and Review Architectural, structural, MEP and interior design drawings, Reviewing Estimate Costs and Provide Oversight for vendor finalization in procurement stage, Consult with Clients, developer, approval authorities, and services consultants, Managing Contractors, and Overseeing Scheduling and Timelines.

Al Tasnim group Showroom

Zunairah Villas, Al Mouj

Urban Design & Architecture SJ Surbana for New Kolkata Green Smart City, West Bengal, India Urban Design Expert

July - December 2019

Identifying development Project allover the city - Situation Analysis, feasibility study, Concept Proposals, Stakeholder meetings, Presentation, report preparation

Model Open Gym designs in Parks - Situation Analysis, Concept Proposals, Stakeholder meetings, 3d rendered views, Presentation, Detail design development, Vendor communication, assisting in tender documents and BOQ.

Container Daycare for underprivileged children -Site analysis, demand analysis, design development and presentation, 3d rendered views.

Bamboo Fencing Pilot Project -Project conceptualizing, sustainable contextual solution designing, design development, Reviewing BOQ and tender documents, assisting vendor finalization and mockup preparation.

Public Toilet Pilot Project Cycle stand Pilot Project Bus Stop Pilot Project Neem Banani Park - Project coordination, Presentation, Vendor communication, assisting in tender documents and BOQ.

Micro Greening of canal side underused areas - Project conceptualizing, sustainable contextual solution designing, design development, Photomontage scenario presentation.

Canalside Micro Greening

Container Daycare Kerb to be painted grey Bamboo ring sections 70 mm thick of random sections 25X70 mm MS sections painted black Kerb Ramp needs to be provided

2 nos. vertical 25X70 mm posts @ 1.5 m c/c

Open Gym

SS wires

Bamboo Fencing

Neem Banani Park

Architecture & Interior

A r c h i t e c t u r e, C o n s t r u c t i o n & U r b a n D e s i g n

A r c h i t e c t u r e, C o n s t r u c t i o n & U r b a n D e s i g n

A r c h i t e c t u r e, C o n s t r u c t i o n & U r b a n D e s i g n

A r c h i t e c t u r e, C o n s t r u c t i o n & U r b a n D e s i g n

Conservation & Restoration

Landscape Architecture



We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit. - Aristotle



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