A New Comunitea Tania Sofia Hueck, Mexico
The built environment will grow and mature together with the tea production, all the way from
Sustainable Urban Dynamics
the tea plot to the teapot.
The vision for the project is to design a neighborhood that will develop, grow and evolve around tea production. The aim is to create a unique identity and a strong community sense, activating the site and promote outdoor public life. The objective of the project is to keep the current calm and peaceful living environment, creating activities for the residents and tourists, improving the public spaces and exploiting the qualities that the riverside has to offer. Nursing, pruning, picking and processing tea leaves take its time, and so it takes building a city. As the plants grows, so the urban development will do. Tea will not be used only for drinking, medicinal qualities can be exploited, beauty products can be produced, fabrication of handmade teapots, organic products and agro-tourism can become excellent marketing to promote tourism. Streets and public life are strongly intertwined in the Chinese culture,
so for this cause, the streets play an important role in the project. In order to activate and promote active outdoor activities, shops and teahouses will be found in the site along the main streets. Finally, the goal of this proposal is to create a new urban development that honors the ancient tradition of tea making and drinking, creating stronger cultural roots and sense of pride of belonging. At the same time, it aims to exploit the advantages that tea has to offer, generating commercial and economic opportunities, building community for the residents and attractiveness for the tourists.