Cer fied Biophilic Designer who loves to teach the same.
On pathway towards architecture licensure.
Have a good set of crea ve problem solving skills to help navigate through challenges and tasks.
An energe c, extroverted person with a desire to learn and explore new things. Collaborate well with teams.
Teaching at ASU
Part-time - Architectural Studio 2021 - Present
Architectural Faculty Associate - ARC 201 and ARC 301 Project Based AY: 2023 - 24
Teaching Assistant - ARC 101 Project Based AY: 2022 - 23 - ALA 225/394 and 226 Design Based AY: 2021 - 22
11/2022 - Present
◦ Well-rounded development and exposure in all the phases of a project.
◦ Project types and sizes vary from 3 story ground up school building to container house. TI for a boarding home to a minor expansion on an industrial building.
◦Experienced working with City of Phoenix (Permi ng and variance processes).
◦ Experienced with Camelback’s CEPCSP Process.
◦Ac vely corresponding with engineers, contractors, and consultants, both on-site and off-site.
◦Proficient with paperwork, filing and bookkeeping.
◦ Works with the leadership to create and develop project proposals.
Architectural Designer at Architectural Resource Team 6/2022 - 10/2022
◦ Ac vely researched about Small Business Administra on, and process related to registering the company as a vendor.
◦ Refined and created Biophilic Design files for laser cu ng (facade and decora ve element).
◦ Worked and learned Revit (primary workflow), and coordinated on BIM 360 for a phased project. Involved in SD, DD, and CD for three different projects.
▪ SD and DD for a guard house and a center for a luxury senior living community.
▪ DD and CD for a Park Restroom.
Emerging Professional at StudioMa Summer 2022
◦Worked on 7 different projects at different phases of development (Research and Educa onal).
◦Primary du es include pre-design, SD, DD, construc ng physical models, and assisted the team in developing and documen ng a research project.
◦A ended team and client mee ngs.
◦Worked closely with principals and project architect to create and develop interac ve community exercised for Pre-Design phase.
Event and Mee ng Service Associate 8/2020 - 8/2021
Coordina ng, and scheduling events and mee ngs related to the Memorial Union and STPV area in the ASU, while supervising the safety of these areas resul ng in smoother opera ons.
Graduate Service / Technology Assistant Fall 2020
Opera ng, troubleshoo ng, and resolving issues related to digital classrooms technology.
h ps://www.linkedin.com/in/sudhaunnava/
h ps://issuu.com/sudhaunnava/docs
h ps://www.instagram.com/dento_architect/
+1 602-326-5702
Design MS Office

ng System
Quick Learner
Windows & Mac
Teamwork and Collabora on Cri cal Thinking
Global and Intercultural Fluency
Work Ethic
Model Making
Photography and Videography
Sketching and Pain ng
Laser Cu ng and 3D Prin ng
Exploring Nature and Biophilia
Studio Ma
Philip Horton
Claudio Vekstein
Felipe Mesa
jmesaric@asu.edu REFERENCES Animate
Master of Architecture
Bachelor of Dental Surgery
Arizona State University, Herberger Ins tute of Design andArts, Tempe, AZ, USA
Drs. Sudha and Nageswara Rao SIDS, Andhra Pradesh,India.
Finalist in “Universi es for SDG-13” - First Edi on - (2022)
Represented ASU and USA in a sustainability compe on, on a global pla orm. The compe on is organised by Siemens Gamesa in collabora on with the UN - SDSN.
LFA - Living Futures Accredita on - June 2023
Cer fied Biophilic Designer (From ILFI) - May 2023
Nominated for Outstanding Research/Scholarship in Design and Arts - May 2023
HIDA’s Career Development Grant recipient - Spring 2023
CSI - Phoenix Scholarship recipient - May 2023
Sonoran Studio Founda on Scholarship recipient - February 2023
Crea ve Constella on Grant recipient - February 2023
GPSA Career Development Grant recipient - December 2022
GPSA Teaching Excellence Awardee - November 2022
GPSA Jumpstart Grant recipient - September 2022
Katherine K Herberger Scholarship recipient - (2022-2023)
Y.F. Wu, Asian American & Pacific Islander Student - (2020-2021)
Member of ILFI (Interna onal Living Futures Ins tute) - Since 2023
AIA Associate Member - Since 2023
Member of NOMA (Na onal Organiza on for Minority Architects) - Since 2022