Towards Networked Learning | Stronger Together
Conclusion and community matter. Many of the
As the networked schools model evolved and expanded, so did the pedagogical model. However, what we have today still holds true to those first principles - that people, connections and community matter.
foundational approaches still exist in the model we have outlined here and have significant worth to New Zealand Education beyond the limiting confines of what we have traditionally considered ‘Distance Education’. We now live in a world where considering things in binary terms; online learning, face-to-face learning is
The establishment of the first eLearning cluster,
not a constructive way forward.
CASAtech, in 1994, was not only a move to ensure a sustainable future for the Canterbury
We recognise that the VLNC will continue to
Area Schools, but by sharing their own teachers
evolve and change to meet the needs of our
these schools established a new pedagogical
education system. In order to do this, we need
approach to distance education in New
to consider what limits we may have placed on
Zealand. This new model was small scale with
ourselves and what the possibilities are. This
low teacher to student ratios, ensured local
report is not only a snapshot of where we are at
teachers could teach their specialist subjects
now, but a road map for future pedagogical
and was people centred. As the networked
development. Our community believes that in
schools model evolved and expanded, so did
order to future proof our educational system,
the pedagogical model. However, what we have
and to enable equitable access to the
today still holds true to those first principles -
curriculum through online learning, we must
that people, connections
embed the model at a national level.