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We Made the Mistakes
Materials & Construction | Spring 2019 | Andrew Madl with partner CHLOE REEVES
In hindsight, what seems to have been a strike of manic lust of BLOBS struck young CHLOE REEVES and SUE CHOI in the Materials & Constructions course taught by Andrew Madl. Fascinated by midcentury technology and forms, the two chose to recreate iconic furniture of the 20th century. Held back only by fi nances, time, and worries of lung cancer, the two set to work on creating the FIBERGLASS CHAIR.

TOP: Journey to the fi berglass nightmare. LEFT: Form study from the famed Eames Chair. RIGHT: Cardboard mold to realize dreams.

The youthful duo was inspired by the Modern spirit celebrated by technology and personal boats. Of all common construction materials, CHLOE and SUE chose FIBERGLASS and the form inspired by “the” Eames Chair, to realize their maniacal dream.

LEFT: CHLOE methodically incising cuts into test fi berglass; SUE in the working conditions for this project. RIGHT: Victorious glamor shot. NEXT: More glamor shots.