Stefania Sanna Portfolio
Stefania Sanna Profession: Building engineer and architect Address: The Chandler - Arran Quay - Dublin 7 Telephone: +353 831729504 Email: estefania.sanna@gmail.com Date of birth: 02/03/1986
January 2013 - May 2013: Architect and 3d modelling and rendering designer at Well-Tech Studio, architectural office in Milan, Italy. October 2012: Master degree in Building Engineering and Architecture, University of Bologna. Final master degree project on Restoration and Preservation of Buildings: “La Restauración de la arquitectura de tapia en la Comunidad Valenciana. Criterios, tècnicas, resultados y perspectivas”, carried out at the Institute of Heritage Restoration of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. March 2012 - June 2012: Collaboration with an internship contract at "IRP, Istituto de Restauración del Patrimonio" (Institute of Heritage Restoration of the Polytechnic University of Valencia), tooking part in a research project called: "La restauración de la arquitectura de tapia en la Península Ibérica. Criterios, técnicas, resultados y Perspectivas". June 2012: Organization Team ResTapia 2012 - International Conference on Rammed Earth Conference. Valencia. September 2011 - January 2012: Curricular Internship at Engineering and Architectural Studio March'Ingegno, Bologna. September 2010 - June 2011: Erasmus project at Polytechnic University of Valencia - Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura (ETSA). February 2010: Workshop Elegant Ecotones: Grasshopper. Level 1 - Generative and parametric design. Stefania Sanna Portfolio
Stefania Sanna Portfolio
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Work Poject Seashell Luxury Hotel in Mawei Island - China University Poject work NaCL-system Research and tourism center in the Molentargius Park area - Cagliari. Green corridor urban Park - Nuova Corticella - Bologna A window for every situation Residential building in urban lot - Bologna Restoration and investigation work Restoration of architectural surfaces Boncompagni Palace - Bologna "La restauración de la tapia en la Comunidad Valenciana. Criterios, tècnicas, resultados y perspectivas”. Master degree project at Institute of Heritage Restoration - Valencia
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Seashell Luxury Hotel Project: Luxury Resort Hotel Location: Mawei Island, China Authors: Stefania Sanna and Well-Tech Office, Milano
During my internship at Well-Tech Office, Architectural Studio in Milano, Italy, I worked as an architect, concept designer and 3D modeling and rendering designer. I collaborated in different project and in particular I worked on a part of the master plan for Mawei Island, China, an important project to which the Studio was working on. Especially I have been worked on the 3D modelling of the port area: Yacht club building, luxury resort hotel, design of wellness and commercial area, development of residential area and viability. In the pages below we can see some renders of the Seashell Luxury hotel, a luxury resort hotel located in the port area of Mawei Island. For this project I develop the initial concept and I made the 3d modeling, rendering and video. The hotel is developed as a shell shape, with a central building where are located a lot of services areas for the hotel (restaurants, area wellness and gym, theatres, etc.) and a spiral building where are located especially the rooms. The corridors inside follow the spiral trend. The skin of the shell is perfored outside but of glass wall on inside, exactly like a shell rough outside but like pearl on the other side.
Stefania Sanna Portfolio
Seashell Mawei Island - China
Stefania Sanna Portfolio
Seashell Mawei Island - China
Stefania Sanna Portfolio
Seashell Mawei Island - China
NaCL-Systems Project: Multifunctional building for research and tourism Location: Natural Park of Molentargius Cagliari Author: Stefania Sanna
This project, implemented within the course of Architecture and Architectural Composition III, concerns the creation of a multipurpose building to accommodate the functions of research and tourism related with the area of the Natural Park of Molentargius, located in the salt flats of Cagliari. The area is characterized by a very particular ecosystem and for the design were taken into account the unusuals environmental parameters that characterize this area. For the construction of the building have been used programs of parametric architecture (Rhinoceros and Grasshopper) with the aim of creating a structure that would fit perfectly into the environment, through the use of strategies morphogenetic typical of the ecology and ecosystems of the area of the salt marshes. The study therefore focused especially the morphological adaptations of the vegetation characteristic of the area and its ability to reproduce and protection and environmental parameters characteristic (prevailing winds, salinity levels and dryness). The strategies used for the morphogenesis of the multipurpose building are: - Branching L-system tree and phyllotaxis, to ensure protection to the structure and permeability; - salinity and aridity, to identify the area most suitable for the "germination" ; - inclination of the wind, to ensure a good porosity of the surface.
Stefania Sanna Portfolio
NaCL-Systems Molentargius Park-Cagliari
Stefania Sanna Portfolio
NaCL-Systems Molentargius Park-Cagliari
Stefania Sanna Portfolio
NaCL-Systems Molentargius Park-Cagliari
Green corridor Project: Urban park in a residential area Location: Neighborhood of "Nuova Corticella" - Bologna Author: Stefania Sanna
This project, implemented within the course of Architecture and Architectural Composition II, involves the design of a new residential neighborhood in "Nuova Corticella" in Bologna. Within this new district will develop a small urban park, called "green corridor" for the geometric shape that sets it apart: extremely long but very tight. The park will be developed in relation to the functions they are to perform, therefore by the "sum" of the connections that it must ensure and by the various leisure areas that should contain. The ecological corridor therefore fully meets the required functions: developing the longitudinal connection (from the Emilia road to Silone road, two very important roads which needed a link) and cross-connections (inside the new district between the various residential buildings); contains areas of rest and relaxation, leisure and meetings and play areas for children; the connections are been made through bike paths and walking trails. Each area is characterized by different kind of trees, which are particularly suited for the function of the area. The choice of the trees has been determined through a rigorous study of the green.
Stefania Sanna Portfolio
Green Corridor Nuova Corticella - Bologna
A window for every situation Project: Residential building in urban lot Location: Bologna Authors: Stefania Sanna, Stefano Pegoraro, Guido Rocca
This project, implemented within the course of Architecture and Architectural Composition I, concern the design of a building in a residential character, inserted in an urban area, which presents only two free sides, one side looks on the street front, and the other side on a green area. To allow a good interior lighting the building is equipped with numerous openings. The distribution of the openings may appear random, but in fact each window is designed to carry out various functions, so that every height of a window is thinked to absolve a different human function. For example a window at a height rather low, it can perform the function of a comfortable seat to read, a window at the kitchen height is able to provide an excellent natural lighting useful for washing dishes or cooking, a full-height window in front of the kitchen table, offers a fantastic view during meals ... and so on. The different heights of the openings were also assessed through the use of the well known "Modulor" by Le Corbusier: "a range of harmonious measurements to suit the human scale, universally applicable to architecture and to mechanical things..." Hence the motto of the project "a window for every situation." The building provides a street frontage more closed, but is opened and stretched to the green of the other side, through numerous balconies and terraces on the ground floor. The ground floor that facing the road has been used for shops, since the area surrounding the building has a commercial vocation. The cuts of the apartments are various and for all family needs.
Stefania Sanna Portfolio
A window for every situation Urban lot - Bologna
Stefania Sanna Portfolio
A window for every situation Urban lot - Bologna
Stefania Sanna Portfolio
A window for every situation Urban lot - Bologna
Architectonic facade restoration Project: Restoration of the Boncompagni Palace's facade Location: del Monte Road - Bologna Authors: Stefania Sanna, Beatrice Silvano, Guido Rocca
This project, implemented within the course of Architectural Restoration, involved the restoration of the facade of Boncompagni Palace, a Senatorial Palace which is located in Bologna, in del Monte Road. The first step of the project has concerned a deep study on the history of the building, its construction by Pope Gregory XIII, the various historical developments and alterations of the building and finally a study on the various hypotheses attributive (Baldassarre Peruzzi, Jacopo Barozzi or Andrea from Formigine). Then we moved to the phase of survey, geometric and architectural survey. During the geometric survey, it is been faithfully reconstructed both the front both the map of the building, using the triangulation technique by means of a laser rangefinder. To realize the architectural relief was achieved a photoplan with a high resolution of the entire faรงade of the building. Then we studied all the building materials of the Palace, especially the brick and the sandstone, and then we moved to the study of the degradation, and we carried out a deep study of the degradation mechanic, physic and chemic of all elements of the faรงade, by creating a relief of degradation very detailed. Finally, we made the restoration project itself, by establishing for each type of degradation, the relative operation to do, while respecting the history of the building and of the restoration critical-conservative.
Stefania Sanna Portfolio
Architectonic facade restoration del Monte Road - Bologna
Stefania Sanna Portfolio
Architectonic facade restoration del Monte Road - Bologna
Stefania Sanna Portfolio
Architectonic facade restoration del Monte Road - Bologna
Final Master Degree Thesis Project: Final dissertation in Recovery and Preservation of Buildings: “Restoration of rammed earth architecture in the Comunidad Valenciana. Criteria, techniques, results and prospects". Location: Comunidad Valenciana Author: Stefania Sanna
My final master degree project was carried out within a research project of the Institute of Heritage Restoration of the "Universidad Politecnica de Valencia" and funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation. The subject of the reasearch project concerns the study of the restoration of rammed earth architecture in the Iberian Peninsula. Rammed Earth is a sustainable building material very important for the historical and architectural heritage of Spain. In my thesis, I focused on the study of the restoration of rammed earth architecture in the "Comunidad Valenciana".The study included an initial research phase of the interventions at the Archives of the Province, during which I have identified 14 buildings in rammed earth, subject to restoration, from the 80s until today. Then I have analyzed in detail the restorations found by studying the criteria and techniques used. Finally, I have studied the results obtained from the restorations, through both the assessment of compliance or less of the general criteria of the discipline of restoration (established by G. Carbonara), both by analyzing the current status of the buildings, through survey in situ and the realization of photoplans, to establish if they were new forms of degradation, following the intervention. Finally I have tried to establish the most suitable guide lines to restoration of this kind of architecture, which does not exist yet. Given that none of the interventions analyzed meets all the criteria, I chose an intervention "model", not present in the schedule, that fulfilled all the criteria, and that reconciled the needs derived from the progressive degradation of the material and the needs derived from the criteria of the discipline in the right measure.
Stefania Sanna Portfolio
Restoration of rammed earth architecture in the Comunida Valenciana. Criteria, techniquest, results and prospects
Stefania Sanna Portfolio
Restoration of rammed earth architecture in the Comunida Valenciana. Criteria, techniquest, results and prospects
Stefania Sanna Portfolio
Restoration of rammed earth architecture in the Comunida Valenciana. Criteria, techniquest, results and prospects