The SAM Observer April 2014

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The cover picture was supplied by Gary Wardman-Browne and was taken at Blickling Hall, Norfolk. Mike Roberts did the picture editing and graphical work.

Now you see me, Now you don’t Andre Castle The SAM Observer April 2014

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You Committee Your No Calls After 9pm Please

Officers Chairman Secretary Treasurer

Beverley Rudland John Sillett Bryan Duncan

01473 401362 01473 219488 07879 654122

Committee Members Vice Chairman Membership Secretary Chief Observer Buddy Co-ordinator Buddy Co-ordinator Events Events Publicity Co-ordinator Publicity Discount Scheme Group Nights Webmaster Magazine Editor

Martin Drury Linda Barker Derek Barker Stephen Cook Vicky Smith Vincent Evans David Arbon Paul Spalding Martin Drury Bryan Duncan Graham Parker Mike Roberts Felix Oliver

07595 277831 01473 327555 01473 327555 07711 650183 01255 830352 01473 890496 01473 684206 07879 844618 07595 277831 07879 654122 07905 468995 01473 718915 07712 649860

National Observers Observer Mike Roberts Karl Hale Chris Smith Lee Gage Leia Dowsing

01473 718915 01359 241552 01206 251946 07732 753623 07841 699081

David Rudland Richard Toll Stuart Young Nick Lambert

01473 401362 01473 401363 07931 350799 01394 271540

Observers John Morgan Paul Newman Tony Chyc Paul Spalding Steve Studd Ruth Elmer Ross Mckinlay

01473 711699 Steve Gocher 01473 430643 01473 620450 Simon Phillips 01473 830671 01206 231782 John Sillett 01473 219488 07879 844618 AndrĂŠ Castle 07730 526674 07903 867000 Mark Hardy 07557 671465 07783 007100 Nigel Chittock 01473 737356 07986 838028 Tim Murgatroyd 07901 332757 Associate iate Co-ordinator, Co Susan Smith, 01206 251946

I.A.M. Examiners Bob Gosden

01473 716873

The SAM Observer April 2014

Kevin Stark

01473 310504

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Contents Now you see me by Andre Carstle Committee Chairman’s Chat by Beverley Rudland IAM’s Passes New Associates Calling you all by Karl Hale Join our Clan by The Ride leader team Run Leader and Ride Coordinator Training SAM Super Summer cuircut by Vini Jones SAM’s Chip Run by Vini Jones SAM Breakfast Run by Vini Jones Saturday Jaunt by Vini Jones Social Ride Hints and Tips by Lee Gage SAM’s Publicity by Paul Spalding Ride Leader, Who me? by Bob Page Editorial by Editor Advertise Here by Committee Members Information by Mike Roberts SAM Dates for Diary Other events for your Diary North of the Boarder by Chris Smith Our Venue

2 3 5 6 6 7 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 24 27 28 31 32

Next Issue Closing date for copy – Friday after club night. Send via e-mail or on a USB memory stick (which will be returned) or even hand-written, not a problem. The Editor reserves the right to edit, amend or omit as he feels fit.

WEBSITE ADDRESS SAM is a registered Charity ~ No. 1067800 All Official Correspondence to: John Sillett, 37 Bishops Hill, Ipswich, IP3 8EW. 01473 219488. 07801685362. The SAM Observer April 2014

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April’s Chairman’s Chat Dear Reader, Welcome to the April edition of our SAM magazine. As I’m running late for the copy deadline my chat this month is going to have to be brief. Unfortunately, work and my motorbike have been particularly demanding of my time in the last few weeks. I was going to take a photograph of how my poor old bike looks at the moment but to be honest it’s becoming an all too familiar picture. It doesn’t seem all that long ago that the image of my R1220R, striped back to his bare bones, was published in the magazine. This time the dismantling is not quite so extreme but it was complicated initially because the cable that releases the seat had snapped. After an awful lot of cussing and cursing David came up with a cunning plan which saved the day and the fault that was causing the brake failure light to stay on has been identified. It’s the brushes in the motor that drives the ABS and I don’t suppose it will surprise any of you fellow BMW owners that this fiddling little unit will cost over £1300 to replace. Once I had humbly admitted, once again, that David was right when he suggested some years ago that I should have traded my bike in for a newer model, we set to work on trying to solve the problem. At this very moment in time it would appear that we have been successful thanks to information found on the Internet diagnosing what appears to be a reasonably common problem. Hopefully nothing else will crop up to spoil our plans for a brilliant motorcycling Easter Holiday, I hope your Easter plans go smoothly too. With my very best wishes,

Beverley The SAM Observer April 2014

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IAM Test Passes Congratulations to the members who have passed their Advanced test this month.

Jamie Johns Trevor Fisk

his Observer was his Observer was

Derek Barker Lee Gage

When you pass your advanced test please let Derek Barker or Susan Smith know.

New Associate Members A warm welcome is extended to our most recent Associate members:

Andrew Phillips If anyone else has joined us and not had a mention yet, let the Editor know and he will put pu your name in the next issue The SAM Observer April 2014

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Calling You All to spread the word, Safe rider

A great number of SAM members over the years have taken part in the two day motorcycle workshops run by Suffolk Constabulary and as a result have progressed to become better and safer riders. The question is would as many of you have known about SAM had you not been pointed in the right direction. Are there friends, mates or colleagues you know who ride and who would be more confident, competent and enjoy their riding that much better if they trained with SAM but just need that little convincer? Here's the spiel. This year the motorcycle workshops in Suffolk are being re-launched. 'Safe Rider' is a joint initiative between Suffolk and Norfolk Constabularies which aims to reduce motorcycle casualties. The Suffolk Safe Rider campaign sets out to achieve this by running ‘Safe Rider’ motorcycle workshops to help improve riders’ awareness and ability while on the road. Our workshops are run over two days and are aimed at all fully qualified riders who want to improve their skills to become better and safer riders. The underlying message of our workshops is that education is the key, not enforcement. In a conflict free environment, riders will be introduced to the police roadcraft system - the corner stone of police riding. The workshop provides individuals The SAM Observer April 2014

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with professional advice and confirms their strengths and identifies their weaknesses as a rider. The two-day workshop is aimed at riders living in Suffolk and is run with the support of Suffolk Roadsafe and Copdock Classic Motorcycle Club The workshop costs £50 per person and is held at Police Headquarters, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich. It starts on a Friday at 7pm with classroom sessions on the system of road craft, with particular attention given to positioning and cornering. The next morning, you’ll go on an escorted ride out session with a class 1 police motorcyclist. A maximum 3:1 ratio ensures an accurate and personalised assessment of your riding performance, which will be explained to you at the end of the session. This is followed by a light lunch which is included in the cost, and an informative classroom session on first aid will bring the workshop to an end. Course dates for 2014 April 25th / 26th June 13th / 14th August 22nd / 23rd Further details

May 23rd / 24th July 18th / 19th September 26th / 27th

For further information, go to and check out our Frequently Asked Questions section or if you would like to register for a course, call Hayley Batterham on 01473 613730 or Kevin Stark on 01473 613888 Ext 3395 or email: By Karl


Join our clan...........Please!!!!! How about being a Ride Leader? Nothing to it – they just ride out front don’t they? Well, there’s a Training and Assessment Day for Ride Co-ordinators and Leaders coming up soon. April 26th, it’s a Saturday. Why not give it a try. But I still don’t see what’s required to lead a Group. The SAM Observer April 2014

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Let me try and explain what is involved. SAM’s Social Rides don’t just happen by magic. Suggestions come in for venues that might suit SAM’s needs. Then a route has to be devised that offers interesting riding. A reconnaissance run is then arranged so that a section of our Ride Leaders can assess the suitability of the roads used, and whether the venue can accommodate the numbers likely to attend and serve within a reasonable timescale. So, straightaway you can see that you will be involved in more Rides – and more eating – than you will ever see advertised by the club. Once the recce is made you at least know where you are going. Then all you have to do is get five other riders there. They can range in experience and ability from a Nick Sanders /Valentino Rossi hybrid to someone who has only recently scraped through their CBT. To cope with the demands of this bit of extra responsibility an annual training and refresher course has evolved. In the morning classroom session of this training you will find out the roles of Ride Leaders and Co-ordinators and all that is involved, and what level of commitment is required. There will be a refresher of the riding ’System’ (remember IPSGA) and Group Riding. After a light lunch there will be an Onroad riding assessment. All this helps to promote a professional approach to the public with a level of consistency. If you think your observation skills have been improved so far in your journey through the IAM then prepare for another leap forward as you will be spending a great deal more time on your evaluation of rearward vision. After only a few rides out front you will definitely be suffering from ‘Mother Hen’ syndrome. With Breakfast Runs now seeing around forty bikes turning up, a need for seven or eight Ride Leaders for each event arises. The larger the pool of available Ride Leaders then obviously the smaller the amount of commitment is needed from each one. Many hands make light work, don’t they? If you feel you can help and your riding is of a good test standard then email Sara Hale on to register your attendance or if you want more details then give Leia Dowsing a call on 07841 699081 If you get through the day successfully then you will be able to wear a hi-viz waistcoat emblazoned with the SAM logo – all in the prettiest fluorescent green. Also by being out at the head of the field you will get the pick of the biggest, tastiest cake in the cafe. Remember, without your help there will be NO SAM Social Rides. Your club needs YOU! The Ride Leader Team The SAM Observer April 2014

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Run Leader and Ride Coordinator Training As you may be aware we have carried out some Run Leader and Ride Coordinator Training over the past few years for people who help out on SAM social rides. SAM's aim is to continue providing them with yearly training as well as inviting new full members to join the team. There is a number of reasons for this, most obvious is to make sure we all reach the destination and no-one gets lost, but in addition there are social ride obligations placed on us by the IAM, insurance etc to which we have to adhere. There are two key Roles needed to make the social ride a success:The Ride Coordinator Key Tasks /responsibilities: To deliver the pre-run briefing. To ensure people are divided into groups of up to 6 with a Run Leader leading each group. To ensure there is a group for Associate members that is supported by a group Observer. To call the destination before the event to check it’s still open and on the day to let them know rough numbers. The Run Leaders Key Tasks/ Responsibilities: To lead their specific group to the destination safely at an appropriate speed. To be a good IAM test standard rider, (Full Member) who is able to keep a group of riders together on a run. If you are interested in taking part, I am running the training session for both the above posts at Stowmarket Fire Station (community room) on Saturday 26th April 2014 at 9am. The assessment day will consist of both classroom (AM) and practical on-road (PM) assessment. Please note that you will need to bring some lunch. Current Ride Coordinators and Run Leaders must attend this session to retain their position. Please email Sara Hale (SAM admin) to register your attendance If you require any further information about what either this day or each role involves please do not hesitate to contact Leia Dowsing on 07841 699081. The SAM Observer April 2014

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The SAM Observer April 2014

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SAM’s Super Summer Circuit o’ Suffolk Fancy a ride that is a bit longer than the regular Breakfast Run? Don’t want to go too far from home? How about a trundle round the outer edges of the county? In the height of summer – hoping that statement doesn’t invite the worst rain in history – we will be holding the inaugural all-day event to find out the true size of our county. July 20th is the date, remember that. The exact details of the route and timings will be published in the SAM Observer magazine and in the Events section of the Forum on the SAM website nearer the date, which happens to be July 20th ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Got that? I’ll give a quick run down of where we are going though to give you a tantalising taster. Setting off from Ipswich to where the Eastenders of Suffolk live, (to the right of the A12), we’ll head to the top of the county. Without venturing into the extremity of Lowestoft we’ll follow the Waveney valley until a quick coffee and comfort break near Bungay. A large section of the roads so far have regularly been travelled on past SAM Social Rides and should prove easy going. More challenging is the next hop to and beyond Mildenhall which involves lots of junctions and small country lanes. You may have gone past some of these turnings and wondered where they went. Nobody knows – you may well think. This can be a true voyage of discovery, and all ridden on a delightful summers’ day. July 20th that is. A well deserved lunch stop near Newmarket will, if like me you are not as youthful as some, give a chance to do your stretching exercises to ease back, wrists and neck. The final leg will be easier going, heading almost into Haverhill and then following the Stour valley back to the starting point. The route does dip its’ toes into neighbouring counties at times but only by a matter of yards. A full run within the boundaries could have been achieved but only by using virtual tracks with a greater proportion of grass than tarmac, and the height of grass is usually quite considerable on July 20th. So, just by circling little old Suffolk you will cover around 180 miles. If this whets your appetite then keep an eye open for more details later. In the mean time if you see me at one of the intervening Group Nights or Runs then please remind me when all this is happening. It’s July 20th.

Vini Evans The SAM Observer April 2014

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SAM’s Chip Run 24th April 2014 Botesdale Fish & Chip Shop Market Place, Botesdale, IP22 1BT Tel: 01379 898543 Meet Stowmarket Tesco’s in good time for the 18:15 Briefing and subsequent departure. All riders must attend Briefing. Ride Co-ordinator is Martin Drury. Turn right out of Tesco’s at roundabout, turn right at 3rd roundabout – Gun Cotton Way, Turn left at next roundabout – Navigation approach, immediate right turn past the station Turn right at T junction into Stowupland Road. Turn left at mini roundabout on B1113. Continue until meeting A143. Staggered right then left into Rickinghall. Turn right at High Street. When Rickinghall turns into Botesdale, a memorial is to the left, chippie is opposite.

Please check the SAM Calendar and SAM Forum on-line for last minute changes/cancellations. On the Forum you will also find the routes as text, route cards, and on Google Maps / Streetview, along with a photo of the destination, so you can familiarise yourself with the route before the day.

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BREAKFAST RUN May 4th be with you !!! The Hippodrome, March PE15 8AQ Tel: 01354 602980 Meet at Stowmarket Tesco’s in good time for the 08:45 Briefing and subsequent departure. All riders must attend Briefing. Ride Co-ordinator is Trevor Adams. Leaving Tesco’s car park keep wheeling left until the A14 westbound (Bury) is joined. Leave A14 at J45 (Woolpit) and follow A1088 through Ixworth to Thetford. At 2nd roundabout in Thetford take 3rd exit - A1075 to Watton. Turn left at Watton traffic lights. Follow B1108 to A1065 crossroads. Straight over (v narrow lane) to T jnct at Didlington. Turn left, 3rd crossroads – in middle of forest – turn right. Left then Right at staggered crossroads to Feltwell. At Feltwell T junction triangle turn right on Bell Road to Southery. Turn right at Southery High Street to join A10(N). Take 1st left at Modney Bridge Road past Wildlife Centre to bridge T junction. Turn right to Welney village. Take 1st left – New Rd – B1100 – towards March. Turn left at T jnct with B1098 along Sixteen Foot Bank. Turn right over bridge at Upwell Rd along B1099. Turn right at High Street traffic lights in March. At Dartford Rd traffic lights turn left then 1st right into Darthill Rd – free car park on right. Building opposite is Wetherspoons – entrance on Dartford Rd. Find table – get table number – order at bar. The SAM Observer April 2014

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Saturday Jaunt 17th May 2014 Lighthouse Diner (closes 16:30) Whapload Rd Lowestoft NR32 1UL Tel: 01502 588791 Meet at Tescos Martlesham in good time for 13:15 Briefing and subsequent departure. All riders must attend Briefing. Ride Co-ordinator is Chris Nunn. Join A12(N) taking the first left after the Melton roundabout going through Bredfield to the B1078. Turn right at T. Turn 2nd left through Charsfield and on to Kettleburgh where a left then right is made into The Street to Framlingham. Turn left along Station Rd then turn right into Fore Street. At top of hill opposite garage turn left on B1120. Turn right on the A1120 to Peasenhall, forking left through Sibton to Walpole. Turn right on B1117 to Haleswoth, follow ringroad to 3rd roundabout, Turn right on B1123 to Holton Straight on at sharp right hand bend to follow B1124 to Brampton, Turn left onto A145 to Beccles Turn left at A146 roundabout, Turn right at A143 roundabout Turn right at St Olaves on B1074 to Oulton Broad and Lowestoft Turn right onto Millenium Way, Take 2nd exit at 2nd undabout on A1144 Straight over A12 roundabout on Rant Score Turn left into Whapload Rd Diner ½ mile on left The SAM Observer April 2014

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Social Rides Please note that it is you, the rider, who is deemed to be in control of the vehicle at all times during an Observed Run and during all other Group activities and that the Committee of Suffolk Advanced Motorcyclists cannot and do not accept any liability whatsoever for any injury to person or damage to vehicle occurring in the course of any rally or other event organised by the Group. Any member attending such an event does so entirely at his or her own risk and must maintain their own insurance to cover any said injury to person or damage to vehicle and must be riding a road legal vehicle, having valid road tax, insurance and MOT certificate (if applicable). Participants on S.A.M social rides are advised of the Events Committee’s guidelines as follows: You will be expected to provide a suitable means of carrying a map of the route If possible, have breakdown cover for your machine. Be responsible for your own safety Rides will commence promptly at the published departure time. Have a FULL tank of fuel No more than 5 in a group.

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HINTS AND TIPS BRUNCH RUN Sunday 15th June 2014 3 Routes / 3 Venues Organiser’s: Lee Gage / Richard Toll Meet at A140 Beacon Hill Services. 09:15 briefing (You Must Attend Briefing) All the usual things as you would expect from a breakfast run, getting up early, riding great roads, chatting with like minded people and of course the chance for the obligatory Billy Bunter Brunch at end. You also have your riding looked at, give and be given general feedback. This is an informal and relaxed way of keeping up or gaining knowledge of advanced riding. We are organising 3 different routes finishing at 3 different venues (to help with numbers). Each route will take approximately 1½ hrs.of riding plus however long the midway briefing takes. A ride leader will lead each route so you don’t have to worry about navigation, just ride and enjoy. Pillions and non-members are welcome, as this is a very sociable type of ride out. All are welcome and it is a good promotion for the group. Who can help make this a success? Non Members: Socialise / Enjoy the ride / Be part of a led group / learn about SAM / Participate in debrief. Pillions: Socialise / enjoy the ride. Full / Associate Members: Be part of a led group / demonstration ride / participate in debrief / socialise/enjoy More Details on SAM website or contact Richard Toll / Lee Gage for more information. See You There

The SAM Observer April 2014

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SAM Publicity rolls into action As the weather starts to show signs of improving and the motorcycle community begin dusting off their bikes the SAM publicity team springs into action. This year we have a few events to attend as well as the renamed SafeRider sessions run by the Suffolk Police. The list of events, so far are listed below: FUMCC Kesgrave - 19th April Safe Rider - April 26th Mid & West Suffolk Show (Stonham Barns) - 26th April Hadleigh Show - 17th May Safe Rider - May 24th Safe Rider - June 14th St Elizabeths Hospice Run - 22nd June Safe Rider - July 19th Safe Rider - August 23rd Safe Rider - September 27th Copdock Bike Show - 5th October At these event we will be talking to motorcyclists about the virtues of being an advanced rider and encouraging them to sign up for the Skill for Life course. If you know of anyone that would benefit from this course then please encourage them to sign up, as an advanced rider yourself, you are the best person to promote SAM. Hopefully you will now be getting used to receiving the monthly emailed SAM Update informing you of the next Group Night, forthcoming ride outs and information. If you have any comments about this, I would be happy to hear from you. The events we attend throughout the year can only go ahead with the help of our members and I would like to thank everyone that has offered their help. If you feel that you would like to get involved then please let me know.

Paul Spalding

Martin Drury

07879 844618 07595 277831 The SAM Observer April 2014

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Ride leader – Who me? There’s an old saying, two questions, used to encourage involvement from a large audience… If not you..Who? … If not now ..When? Which is why in a round-about way I decided to have a go at ride leading and ride co-ordinating last year. Having passed my advanced test towards the back end of 2011 I was happy enough with my riding having achieved the goal of IAM member and turning up now and again for a ride out. And yet there was always a thought in the back of my mind which I think came from my grandmother years ago, probably in relation to my post office savings account.. “If you take a little out, put a little back and you’ll always have something of value” So, I decided that having enjoyed turning up, being guided and always arriving where I expected and without drama, that just perhaps I was becoming a bit of a passenger. Nothing wrong with that at all however it’s not what I was brought up to be or trained to be in the Royal Corps of Transport all those years ago.. so last year I decided to try my hand at being assessed as a ride leader. I thought I’d give that a year or so and then perhaps ‘stretch’ myself to take on the ride co-ordinator role a couple of years down the road. Well, life ain’t like that and once I’d decided to have a go, the old training kicked in and ambition to be as good as I could came to the fore, so on ride leader assessment day I decided to go for the lot. Having planned the route, and ridden a recce the week before I thought nothing would go astray. Best laid plans and all that!! The initial plan was to ride the planned route in two legs, one being assessed as ride leader and the other as a follower and having my riding system assessed. This plan fell into disarray when we had three riders being assessed on my route so my plan, carefully imprinted in my brain, was broken down into three parts. Now I don’t know if its age or ineptitude but once you’ve a picture of the world implanted and someone throws a curved ball, however so gently, the tension rises, not least with the Chief Observer close up your pipe, if you know what I mean!! So, missed a turning, lost the plot with the SatNav and had to stop the ride group to gather my wits… all factors guaranteed to lead to a fail you’d expect. The SAM Observer April 2014

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Not so!! The call later that evening to say that I’d been successful was almost as joyously received as the advanced test pass. A year down the road (almost), how does it feel? Great to be part of a friendly and supportive group within SAM who are essential to making the ride-outs safe and successful. I’ll certainly be re-training this year as the leading thing adds to my riding experience and certainly ensures I always keep my mind on the system and ride to a good competent standard in the sure knowledge that the group you’ll be leading will be populated with Observers! So, my message to anyone who might be tempted to join us; have a go, you’ll be part of an enthusiastic group who help each other and help club members and associates enjoy their ride outs, and given the current popularity, with 30 to 40 riders out on Sundays, we’ll need all the support we can get. Come with us on 26th April, you can do it!

Bob Page

Editorial Disaster… Dragged the trusty GTR out of the garage after a few months hibernation and found an oil leak…. Fired her up and the leak started dribbling, so removed all the lower fairing and gave the underside a good clean, It appeared that the leak was coming from the oil cooler return pipe, and the washer in particular. Loosened it and retightened it and it seemed to have stopped. As all the fairings are off and I seem to have lost half my sump oil…. it would be a good time for an oil change then I can also remove the washer and clean it. Then in the words of a famous film star “ I’m back ”… Last few day ( mid-March ) the weather has really bucked up and a few more bikes are on the roads, yesterday and today have been heavy frosts, Rape field are about to explode with flower, and because it’s warm the bees are flying which last year they couldn’t do so missed the bumper crop of pollen and nectar. By the time you read this BST will have in full swing, Bikes are coming out to play. The SAM Observer April 2014

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Part of your duty as a SAM member is that you have to write one article a year for the magazine… We have 250 members in the club, that’s a lot of magazine per month, So if you enjoy your monthly read get scribbling, Set your font to Times New Roman, size 16 and you’ll soon fill a page. Add a picture or 3, less words… I’ll sort out the formatting. And Thank you in advance.


Safe Riding


Bowman’s Barn, Back Street, Gislingham, Suffolk. IP23 8JH. Tel: 07712649860

Thank you To all the members who have contributed to this month’s magazine.

Closing date for copy Friday after club night

Advertise here

Annual Advertising Rates: Advertise on the SAM website for an additional £25.

£25 for 1 /8 page

Contact: Felix


The SAM Observer April 2014

£35 for ¼ page £50 for ½ page £75 for full page

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If you’d like to help save the Group on the printing and postage costs of your monthly ‘hard copy’ of the ‘SAM Observer’ by opting to receive an email notification instead, then please give me your email details on Group Night or send me an email. I hope that you have been enjoying the reports that members who go on ride outs have written, and as you can see, it doesn’t have to be a wordy passage, so feel free to scribble a few words down, a few pictures and next month you will have another great magazine to read

Don’t forget to take your cameras and a notebook to record your trip then you can write a nice article about it for your favourite magazine. I have a word template if anyone would like it, email me and I’ll send you a copy which has all the formatting re-set on it. Please remember that we use Times New Roman as the main font for the magazine at a size 16 so that when the printer converts the A4 pages down to A5 the font looks like a 12. I like pictures to be separate to your articles because I can make them bigger or small to fill the page

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MEMBER INFORMATION A lot of useful information about SAM and its activities is available on our website. Below are some key links members will find useful.

CONTACTS Contact details of SAM’s Committee & Observers, complete with photographs so you can recognise everyone.

CALENDAR Our online calendar with relevant links which can also be linked to your smartphone. Contact: Mike Roberts

OBSERVER ASSOCIATE CHARTER What is expected of the Observer and Associate while preparing for the IAM motorcycle test. Contact: Derek Barker

CARING SAM Our customer service & complaints procedures. Contact: Karl Hale

DISCOUNT SCHEME The SAM Committee are pleased to announce the following discounts have been arranged for SAM members, thanks to the hard work of Nigel Chittock. The SAM Observer April 2014

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Orwell Motorcycles, Ipswich - Discounts always available, please ask + Discounted MoTs. Tel: 01473 257401 Dave Barkshire Motorcycles, Norwich - 10% off parts & accessories etc. Tel: 01603 722800 Colchester Kawasaki Ltd - 10% off clothing and Tel: 01206 860006


T.K. Cope, Colchester - Up to 10% off clothing and accessories. Tel: 01206 868663 Lind Motorrad BMW, Norwich - 10% off parts & accessories. Tel: 01603 622655 Washbrook Service Station - At least 10% off accessories in stock (not tyres), + discounted Mots. Tel: 01473 730282 Davey Bros Motorcycles, Ipswich Tel: 01473 254488 Ipswich Motorcycle Accessories 10% Tel: 01473 257515






Autofit Ipswich Ltd - Discounts available, ask for Adrian Fitch, Tel: 01473 723325 Lings, Ipswich - 10% off Helmets, 5% off clothing, 5% off parts. Items must be in stock, tel: 01473 272789 Mototechniks Ltd, Stowmarket - 10% off clothing, helmets, accessories, oils, (not tyres), 5% off workshop jobs. Tel: 01449 775775 Chris Self, Ipswich who is offering SAM members the following package:MOT's ÂŁ25 Non-OEM service items, oils, plugs, filters batteries etc - 10% discount Pairs of ZR rated tyres, fitted and balanced to bike - 10% discount The SAM Observer April 2014

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ZR rated tyres fitted to "loose" wheels -15% Tel: 01473 225990


Parkinson Motorcycles, Colchester - 10% off accessories & clothing. Tel: 01206 368500 C. J. Ball of Norwich - 10% discount on labour for servicing, not during peak summer months. Tel: 01603 307500 RiderMount, Layham - 5% discount on orders placed via their website for all SAM members. Providers of GPS mounts etc. Tel: 01473 823351 Just Helmets 10% discount on orders placed at online. Just enter IAM in the discount code box. Tel: 01912 755444 Biker Tidy - 5% discount if you place an order by telephone on 01933 274323. Tel: 01933 274323 The Adventure Bike Shop - 10% discount on all SDoc 100 products and Optimate battery chargers. Tel: 01787 372901 Proof of identity will be required to be shown. (e.g. Current IAM/SAM membership cards) Save your membership fee, and more, by using these retailers who give a discount to SAM members. Contact: Bryan Duncan A welcome addition to our list of suppliers who are prepared to offer SAM members a discount is Motorcycle Hut. Motorcycle Hut operate a mail-order business out of Tyne and Wear and you can access their site through Motorcycle hut will offer a whopping 20% off of all products if you quote the offer code IAM20 at the checkout. The SAM Observer April 2014

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Whilst at the Motorcycle Show I was looking at a pair of Sid Adventure boots which retail at £314.99 and despite all of my skills at haggling, the best I could get the price down was to £265. Buying these boots from Motorcycle Hut, including postage, I got them for £255.18. their phone number







ADVERTS Got something to sell? Want to see what other members are selling? See our online adverts section. Contact: Mike Roberts

SHOPS T-shirts, sweatshirts, fleeces, hats, and more are available from SAM’s two online shops. Contact: Mike Roberts FORUM All the latest news and discussion on all things SAM and motorcycle related. Have a read, and then register to join in. Contact: Mike Roberts

SAM Events for your Diary April 2014 Tuesday 15th SAM Group Night. Announcements at 19:30 Followed followed by guest speaker from Lady Biker clothing company Thursday 17th Theory Evening. Come along and learn more about Roadcraft. 19:30. Topic: Gears & Acceleration

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Thursday 24th First Chip Run 2014. Botesdale Fish & Chip Shop, Market Place, Botesdale, IP22 1BT, Meet Stowmarket Tesco’s in good time for the 18:15 Briefing and subsequent departure. Saturday 26th Ride Co-ordinator and Ride Leader training and reassessment. See article.

May 2014 Sunday 4th Breakfast Run, The Hippodrome, March, PE15 8AQ Meet at Stowmarket Tesco’s in good time for the 08:45 Briefing and subsequent departure. Saturday 17th Saturday Jaunt, Lighthouse Diner (closes 16:30) Whapload Road Lowestoft NR32 1UL Meet at Tesco’s Martlesham in good time for 13:15 Briefing and subsequent departure. Tuesday 20th SAM Group Night. Announcements at 19:30 Followed by guest speaker, this month fromTriumph. Thursday 22th Theory Evening. Come along and learn more about Roadcraft. 19:30. Topic: Overtaking Thursday 29th

Chip Run. TBA

June 2014 Sunday 15th Hints And Tips Brunch Run, Organiser’s, Lee Gage / Richard Toll, Meet at A140 Beacon Hill Services. 09:15 briefing

July 2014 July 20th SAMs Super Summer Circuit o’ Suffolk, See article in the April Magazine. ,

Other dates that you might want to put in your diary April 2014 Sunday, 13th

Pioneer Bike Run to Brighton, See advert in magazine.

The SAM Observer April 2014

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June 2014 Sunday 22nd Charity Cycle Ride in aid of Prostate Cancer UK. Contract David Wood if your interested in forming a team.

August 2014 Sunday 3rd Folembray 2014. Machine Skills On A Circuit. See February’s magazine for more details.

Note from Editor Please check the SAM Calendar & Forum for further details and for any changes after going to press. Especially in winter months when the weather can be unpredictable.

Disclaimer The articles published herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Institute of Advanced Motorists or the Suffolk Advanced Motorcyclist Group. They are the opinions of individual contributors and are published with a view that free expression promotes discussion and interests.

Norfolk Advanced Motorcyclists 3rd Thursday of the month, 19:30, at Dunston Hall, A140, Norwich, NR14 8PQ Chairman, Rob Chandler, 01493 730409 Secretary, Alex Mason, 01603 716735

The SAM Observer April 2014

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The SAM Observer April 2014

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A wee picture North of the Boarder By Chris Smith. The SAM Observer April 2014

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The SAM Observer April 2014

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