The SAM Observer October 2022

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The SAM Observer October 2022 Page 2 Octobers’ cover
was taken by the Editor
after parking the
Copdock Please send in Pictures for our 2023 magazines covers
Roger Payne receiving first prize Bob Rhodes receiving Second Prize Eric Aldridge receiving Third prize Prize giving from the Great Challenge
by Nigel and Judy Chittock
prizes were handed out by our guset speaker Richard Gladman

your Committee



Chairman GlynHill 07986319163


Secretary EricAldridge 07984022646

Treasurer BryanDuncan 07879654122

Committee Members

ChiefObserver PaulBallard 07850715063

MembershipSecretary DaveFranklin 07801688639

CaringSAM BrianEllis 07740564097

CharityCo-ordinator BrianEllis 07740564097

PublicityCo-ordinator DeanHarris 07956339112

RideLeader TrevorRead 07525724002

AssociateCo-ordinator GeoffScott 07983939998

ContinuousTrainingCoordinator GeoffScott 07983939998

Events SteveBingham

Webmaster LesSmith 07792273334 Communications LesSmith 07792273334

MagazineEditor FelixOliver 07712649860

National Observers

MikeRoberts 01473718915 DerekBarker 01473327555

TonyChyc 01206231782 PaulBallard 07850715063

GeoffScott 07983939998 AndréCastle 07730526674

PaulNewman 01473620450 GrahamParker 07905468995

Local Observers

IanLeedham 07747792992 JohnRudland 07740874300

DeanHarris 07956339112 RobBaker 07710537844

PhilSayer 07990565451 GlynHill 07986319163

TerryFellowes 07870764187 IanBishop 07775920661 NickBraley 07990734581 SteveBingham 07971075424

DaveFranklin 07801688639 AndrewRobotham 07816128591 MatthewBarker 07931700725

I.A.M. Examiner

IanMaxwell 07974941545 NealeMcConnell 07899714136

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Group night pictures by Bryan Duncan 2 Committee 3

Not the Chairman’s Chat by Eric Aldridge 5 New Associates 9

IAM Test Passes 9

National Observer Pass by Paul Ballard 9

SAM Theory Evening by Paul Ballard 10

Copdock show pictures by Sonnie Westley 11

SAM at Orwells by Sonnie Westley 13 Your Committee by Geoff Scott 15

The Great Challenge by Sonnie Westley 16 Copdock Show by Sonnie Westley 19 Ride Leaders by Trevor Read 20 Your Committee by Paul Ballard 21 Where are we going? by Vini Evans 23 Sunday Bash by Jeremy Duszynski 25

The Great Challenge by Nigel Chittock 26 Sam Survey by Committee 27

Advertise Here by Committee 27

SAM Events for your Diary 28

Copdock parking by Eric Aldridge 29 Members Information by Mike Roberts 31

Editorial by Editor 33 Copdock parking by Editor 35 SAM Volunteers by Editor 36 Our Venue 36

next Issue

Closing date for copy – Fridayafterclubnight. Send via e-mail The Editor reserves the right to edit, amend or omit as he feels fit.


SAM is a registered Charity ~ No. 1067800 All Official Correspondence to: The Secretary, Eric Aldridge.

The SAM Observer October 2022
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Not The Chairman’s Chat

There is no doubt that the events during September 2022 will remain in our memory for a long time.

Firstly, Boris Johnson met the Queen to resign his premiership followed by Liz Truss requesting permission to form a new government as our new Prime Minister.

This was quickly followed by the news that the Queen was unwell and like most people my worst fears were heightened by the rapid mobilisation of the royal family to Balmoral. Then came the news that the Queen had passed away.

Later whilst her body lay in state people queued for many hours to view the coffin and the state funeral took place on 19th September.

Whatever your views of the monarchy and royal family there is no doubt of the Queen’s devotion to this country and the unfailing commitment to her duty that she has maintained throughout her reign over the last70 years.

Moving on from these important events SAM has a new Chairman. Richard Ockelton who, due to personal reasons, resigned at the September Committee Meeting. The membership has been informed of the ‘minor reshuffle’ both at the September Group Night and by email.

The Committee would like to thank Richard for his enthusiasm and efforts as a SAM member, ride leader, observer, committee member and Chairman and wish him well. Hopefully, he will continue to join SAM events in the future. Our Vice Chairman Glyn Hill has taken on the role of Chairman until the February 2023 AGM when we hope he will stand for election in the role. The vacant Vice Chairman position will be resolved by the Committee as soon as possible.

The Committee will assist Glyn to carry out his new role and hopefully, apart from the new face (I’m resisting any additional comments) in the front at Group Nights the Club will continue to progress and function as usual.

As you will note the Chairman’s Chat in your magazine has been allocated to the Secretary. For those still reading this………

That brings me to another announcement to the membership. As you may recall at the February AGM this year Felix asked for someone to volunteer as Editor of the Observer magazine so that after some 12 years in the role he could step down. Since that time Richard Ockelton has been requesting help from the membership hoping someone would join Felix as deputy Editor to learn how he puts the magazine together each month and eventually replace Felix. To date no one has shown any interest in doing so. Felix has now confirmed that he will be

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stepping down at the AGM in February 2023. Unfortunately, unless someone steps forward, the January Observer magazine will be the last one and the monthly Observer will not be published thereafter. Obviously, this is really bad news and the Committee hopes there will be someone from the membership who will be prepared to put their head above the parapet and to carry out the task in the immediate future.

It seems I have been banging the drum most of the summer requesting volunteers to help with our commitment to the 3 CCMC charity fun runs and finally the Copdock Bike Show in early September. I’m pleased to confirm I am not asking for anymore this year as all the CCMC events are now complete. I’m even more pleased to report that there were 27 volunteers as ‘Bike Parkers’ who admirably managed the event this year. We had extra arrows made by Felix (multi-tasking) that enabled a bit more flexibility for the teams. There were quite a few ‘new’ volunteers and that was great to see too.

I think there were around about 8000 bikes to park this year and compared with the hectic time last year it was a little more ‘relaxed’ and the parking was a success (although there is always room for improvement). I would like to thank all the volunteers who helped me with the 3 fun runs and the Copdock Show this year. How about more new volunteers for next year?

Next year’s show is Sunday 3rd September. No excuse about ‘I booked my holiday and I didn’t know the date of the show. Hopefully, someone else will have the drum to be banging for volunteers next year.

Also within the showground our intrepid PR Team at the SAM stand were equally busy chatting to the ‘punters’ and encouraged 12 new members to enroll for training with SAM and that was a brilliant success. Welcome to you all new members.

At the September Group Night the SAM Challenge 2022 reached its climax with Nigel Chittock presenting the awards to the 40+ members who completed the Challenge. Nigel ably assisted by Judy had trawled through 800 photos checking the submissions.

The prize draw was held and the winners drawn by Richard Gladman were:

£50 Eric Aldridge (that made the rain, punctures etc all worthwhile) £100 Robert (Tall Bob) Rhodes £200 Roger Payne

Our thanks to Nigel and Judy for arranging and organising the Challenge again this year. Nigel and Judy are already planning next year’s challenge!! Are you ready?

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At the same event Richard Gladman from IAM gave a presentation on his role with the IAM as Head of Driving and his experience as a police driver and later an instructor at Hendon. The presentation was both instructive and thoughtful sprinkled with amusing anecdotes and videos. Thank you Richard.

Knowing Glyn was on holiday, as were several committee members this month Dean Harris was to take the chair for the meeting only for him to come to a standstill on the M25 on his way to the meeting from work. (Driving the combine harvester made filtering a little tricky). As I was holding the microphone ………….. Next month will be better.

The SAM social rides have continued throughout the summer with the Members Social Ride Coordinator, Trevor Read assisted by Vini (the routemaster) Evans and his team of ride leaders. Autumn is rapidly moving in and the last ‘long’ Breakfast Run was completed to the Garden Nursery near Rutland Water together with the last fish and Chip Run.

In October there are 2 charity rides. The first took place on the 2nd October.- A Breakfast Run to Route 11 in support of the Somersham Ward Support Group, at Ipswich Hospital There were about 25 riders who raised £155 in donations. The next will be on the 22nd. A Saturday Jaunt to Marriots Warehouse, Kings Lynn in support of SANDS Charity, West Suffolk Hospital.

As usual we asked for a donation for each rider to take part in the ride. We hope these good causes will be well supported by the membership.

The last monthly dexterity and control day is on 23rd October and this is a great opportunity to learn the safe way to ride in slow traffic conditions. Whilst these are generally for Associates only this event is open to all and an opportunity for full members to practice and improve their skill too. Please book in advance (see calendar).

In October the Group Night will have an introduction by Les Smith to our new website and he will give us some insight into what information is available to us and how to find it on

At the same night we will also give you some feedback from the recent Membership Survey.

Finally, looking forward to our Group Night in December Bryan Duncan will be our Quizmaster for the traditional Christmas Quiz Night. Please note this is on Wednesday 14th December 2023.

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New Associate Member

A warm welcome is extended to our most recent Associate members:

Sebastian Humphrey

If anyone else has joined us and not had a mention yet, let the Editor know and he will put your name in the next Issue

IAM Test passes

Congratulations to the members who have passed their Advanced test this month.

Andrew Budd his Observer was Rob Baker Dean Austin his Observer was Geoff Scott Gavin Marshall his Observer was Ian Leedham Richard Carter F1rst his Observer was Derek Barker Matthew Watts his Observer was Tony Chyc

When you pass your advanced test please let Paul Ballard or Geoff Scott know

National Observer

The Observer Corps is delighted to announce that Graham Parker has passed his National Observers test and is now a National Observer with SAM - Well done Graham

Paul Ballard

Chief Observer

Suffolk Advanced Motorcyclists

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Kevin Hills Russell Simons Simon Gregory
Tont Filbert Lucie Richardson
Kevin Brabrook Leanda Hoyland-Linch Nicky Hardy
Jayne Hardy Mark Davie Jonathan Lowe Richard Lucas
Jennie Mann Paul Boon Nicholas Ashdown Morgan Bagert Kevin Cartwright Chris Austin

SAM Theory Evenings

As most of you know, on the 4th Wednesday evening every month, SAM holds its monthly Theory Evening. Based on an ever revolving subject list of important rider skills these nights are an informal evening of facts and lively banter all aimed at improving your ride based on the information in the Advanced Rider Course Logbook.

Each session covers one of the four main topic areas;

Overtaking Planning & Positioning Cornering Gears & Acceleration

Mainly aimed at Associates going through the course, these evenings are also a good way for full members to brush up on their theory and add their experiences and questions to the session.

The great benefit of attending these sessions in the classroom means it saves time on the road, covering theory and has the added advantage of an opportunity to discuss any issues you may have generally on your Advanced Rider Course.

Next theory night meeting will be October 26th 2022. 19:30 ~ 22:00.

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Pictures from Copdock Bike show By Sonnie Westley
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SAM at Orwell Motorcycles

Demo Day 24th September

Well, firstly many thanks to Orwell Motorcycles for the invite to assist them on their second demo day this year, which turned out to be quite a busy and successful day assisted in part by mostly decent weather for both parties, with Dean, Dave and myself on the SAM promotions stand and booking out the demo bikes, considerable interest in SAM shown and two definite sign ups on the day, with a selection of Observers / Ride Leaders (you know who you are, dare not list names for fear of missing someone out) for leading out the various riders on a selection of machines, including a number of Observed rides. Many thanks to all for all the hard work, the good company and with the banter that goes with it.

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Sonnie Westley
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Your Committee members

I’ve been riding motorcycles on and off since 1970. According to my parents I actually fell out of my dad’s sidecar on a roundabout when I was only 18 months old, I happy to say I don’t fall off so much these days thanks to the training I have received from SAM.

As a qualified motor mechanic, I have always been interested in the internal combustion engines, so do as much as I can on my own bikes.

I have been a member of the IAM since 1991 and a member of SAM since 2013, Wow where has that time gone.

I am a committee member and a National Observer and have recently passed my Master’s with distinction and am now a Masters Mentor.

So, what do my roles for SAM entail?

Well, as Associate Coordinator, I allocate new Associates to an available Observer, arrange for the Associates to have a cross checks when considered to be test ready and mark them as test ready if they are successful on their cross check.

I report monthly to the committee and Chief Observer on any issues that arise.

As Continuous Training Coordinator I either carry out or arrange for other Observers to help members who have passed their advanced test and feel they would like further training or just someone to have a look at how they are riding. These rides are open to all members and are FREE so please take advantage of these observed rides. The idea is not to rip your ride to pieces, it’s just to give you a few pointers that might help keep you a little safer.

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Well, some of it wasn't easy but the Old Ipswich Crew (minus one, Jean decided not to do the Essex, Cambs and Norfolk bit) have managed to complete another challenge. First the easy bit, all registered (thanks Steve), anagrams solved a joint effort and the routes loaded into the trusty SatNav (again thanks Steve) he always takes point on the outward journey and I get to get us home hmm?.Right

So Tuesday 11th May the three of us set off to do the Suffolk bit, first to Great Waldingfield clockwise round finishing at Great Bealings covering some interesting, challenging roads through some lovely villages and a short ride home. Mixed weather but a fun day.

Then comes a bit of a break due to various situations and commitments that I won't bore our intrepid readers with, the rest of May, all of June and into July is missed before plans are made for the rest of the challenge, 18th and 19th of July might be good then comes the hottest days of the year finally we settle on the 21st and 22nd .

Thursday 21st July starting with the Essex bit, just Steve and me (as I have said Jean decided not to accompany us), a fairly early start Great

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Bentley being our first stop, nice easy ride to a pretty village then continuing around Essex finishing at Great Hallingsbury again a lovely ride in good weather with good roads so much so we even saw some of them twice, even the ride to Great Wakering was fun sort of (thanks Nigel).

With the Essex bit done in good time and incident free the question "how are you feeling" says Steve, "okay" says I "wanna do the Cambs bit" says Steve "yes" says I so off we jolly well go. Riding through Finchingfield, Saffron Waldon and past Duxford, quite a spirited ride Great Shelford our first stop, to finish at Great Gidding, now up to Great Staughnton Steve's SatNav had been faultless, then it decided to play silly buggers which meant getting to Great Gidding was done by shall we say a roundabout route. Two challenges completed, bikes and riders refuelled then a long ride home (the most miles in one day I had done in many a year) at least some of it with me taking point. A long day, a challenging day but a lot of fun.

Back at Steve's the question "are we good for tomorrow" to complete the challenge, with my impending surgery imminent "yes " says I let’s get it done so after a bit of a later start Norfolk here we come. 22nd July dawns with Great Hockham our first stop then through the prettiest of villages on some pretty challenging roads (the B roads etc around Norfolk ain't the best) finishing at Great Witchingham. Now my turn to lead, back on to the A47, A140, A143 the B1113 and home challenge completed ringing ears and all. Another brilliant day the weather had been kind on both days and a challenging challenge completed. Pictures made, submitted and confirmed, job done. Many thanks to Steve and his trusty (mostly) SatNav and a special thanks to Nigel and Judy for planning a fun challenge covering a considerable part of East Anglia.

Sonnie Westley.

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Copdock SHOW

4th September 2022. Another successful day for the SAM promotions team

A nice early start for Jean and myself (be there for 7-30 was the request), Triumph loaded up and a short but pleasant ride to Trinity Park Showground (first time out for us for a while), site located, Nigel was already there.

We were shortly followed by Dean on his bike and De-anne and Jo with all the kit in the car, with the others arriving soon after. By 8-15 the gazebo was up and information etc. neatly laid out and we were ready to go. By the time the gates were open we had already had some interest shown, I guess from people who had camped overnight, anyway, we were all kept pretty busy with people enquiring about improving their riding skills, some of which took the information away with them but throughout the day several had signed on there and then thanks to the new Gizmo purchased by the club, and the sterling efforts by Dave in sorting out the initial gremlins experienced between said new Gizmo and the IAM website and not least the 10% discount offered on the day.

We were all kept pretty busy all day but being well staffed were able to take a bit of time to escape, grab some food and have a look around what was obviously a very good show with something to suit everyone even a fun fair, of course helped by the weather which was lovely. By around 5-30 people had started to drift away the gazebo was dismantled and stowed away with all the gear in De-anne's vehicle and another Copdock Show was over.

A great day I think was had by all and most importantly a successful one for SAM. Thanks must go to "Team Leader" Dean for all the instructions and the briefing, also not in any order but ladies first, wife Jean, Jo, De-anne, and Judy, also Nigel, Glynn, computer man Dave, Steve and Trevor for all the hard work. Another brilliant day over followed by a rather warm and sticky ride home.

Sonnie Westley.

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Ride Leaders

Social Ride Coordinator

Trevor Read Ride Leaders

Eric Aldridge Ken Beckinsale

Jeremy Duszynski


Mike Roberts Steve Hart

Kevin Bolt Chris Bond

Vini Evans Dave Frankin

Marriott Alex Jones

Fred Sparrow Andrew Robotham Les Smith

Wood Graham Woollard

Please check the SAM Calendar online for last minute changes/cancellations –this also includes a link to the registration page with more details..

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Your Committee members

My interest in bikes came from my dad, being an engineer who was interested in all things mechanical and electrical, he was always interested in motorcycles, having had Ariel square fours and a Rudge Ulster at one point. He was dead against it when I became interested as a teenager, in having one on the road (probably rightly) this is because he and my mum were nearly killed on one in Malaya with my mum as pillion - he tried his utmost to dissuade me from having a big bike on the road, threatening to take an axe to it if I bought one home. Having said that, he did support me and my brother riding off road, which for me started at around 7 to 8 years of age when I rode his Lambretta LD150. My brother and I then progressed to a Triumph Tiger cub 200cc which we shared. The bike wasn’t running when we bought it for £7 10s from 2 lads who were pushing it home because they couldn’t start it. But after a little fettling from us it fired, It had been adapted for off road which saved us having to do it - we had great fun on it as kids and I remember achieving my first wheelie on it! That said when I fell off it I had real problems picking it up, then I had to have a breather before kick starting it again - similar to now really!

That was my favourite holiday activity but as time went on we all grew up and it got sold. I had always had a desire to get another bike at some stage but didn’t think it would be a bright yellow Puch maxi when I was old enough - but it was independence and despite looking like an idiot, it was good fun at the time and got me where I needed to be.

After that I past my driving test and then was in to cars but bikes hadn’t gone away and at one stage when I couldn’t afford a car as I had bought a house which also needed attention so I was back on a bike - an RS 125 Yamaha, which was a great bike and ultimately I passed my test on it in 1983.

After a while I had a car again and the bike had to go but I did get a part time job as a courier rider, which was great as they supplied the bikes! The job involved going to places in London (often more than once a day), Peterborough, Yeovil, Liverpool to mention some, from my base in between Portsmouth and Southampton on the south coast .

I started with riding a CX 500 Honda which was a brilliant bike at the time, then they got a CX 650 Sport which I liked even more and one I spent a lot of time on. Then the company bought another Honda 500 (can’t remember which one, think it was a V twin) but it was horrid - too small and gutless. After that they went to

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BMW and I had a lovely R80 - luxury it was and I was converted to Beemers from then on but didn’t really have a chance to get another bike as my wife and kids came along. After a time I needed a commuter bike and got a Honda Benly which served its purpose and kept the spark alive.

Some years later we moved to Suffolk (20yrs ago now) and I needed a bigger bike to commute to Norfolk on so I bought a BMW K75 which was a good bike until someone came out of the car park in Wickham Market in front of me, the bike was repaired and sometime after that I came off it on muddy wet roads in October whilst having to divert off the A12 due to an accident, it was written off unfortunately.

After that I bought my (only) GS1150 oil head, it was a great bike and I had it for about 7-8 years and I only lost a £1000 when I sold it. This was the bike I was riding when I started the advanced course, just after I had come back from one of my tours on the continent. At this point I had noticed how popular these GSs were, as there were groups of all GSs on the roads over there (helped by Ewan and Charlie no Doubt) and I felt I needed something that did the same thing, was British and different from a GS, so I ordered a new Tiger Explorer XC which is my current bike and it has been brilliant - looks great when dirty (handily). So I took the test on the Triumph on a horrible day in December - I passed but the 2 month old bike was absolutely plastered in mud (the theme started there).

After joining this friendly outgoing club and having passed my test I felt that I could contribute and therefore tried the assessment day for Observers and surprisingly managed to complete the process. After having had a few successful associates I thought I would try the National qualification which meant I got more involved in the club doing cross checks as well as coaching associates and getting involved with demo days and assessment rides etc.

I was really surprised when Derek Barker asked me to take over from him as Chief Observer, he had done a brilliant Job organising and training the Observers for about 7 years. I am enjoying doing this job which is a challenge but is also rewarding. It is an essential job in such a successful club and I’m proud of what everyone who run the different sections within the club has achieved in making it so.

My hope for the future of the club is that it can continue to maintain if not increase its position as a friendly, efficient group that continues its task of helping make riders safer thus improving road safety and ultimately saving lives.

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Where are we going and how are we getting there?

Social Rides in November

Sunday the 6th sees us off on a traditional SAM Breakfast Run to La Hogue Farm Shop at Chippenham. We’ll be meeting behind B&M at Copdock, in good time so that the last group can set off by 09:00. Settling in to the Ride with an easy cruise down the A12 to Stratford St Mary we’ll then turn off, going through Stoke by Nayland, to Sudbury. Just a little bit different to our usual dash along the A1071.

Leaving Sudbury on the A131 for a while we’ll turn off on to that glorious stretch of road out to Castle Hedingham. Then we’ll join the A1017 out to Sturmer and then on to the B1061 to feed us on to the High Street in Newmarket. At the end of which we’ll bear left at the clock tower roundabout and then fork right at the lights through Snailwell and on to Chippenham. Then skirt the grounds of the Hall and down the small lane to La Hogue. Enjoy your food and the pleasant outlook while you can. The premises has pledged to remain open but will soon be a tiny island in a sea of photovoltaic panels in one of the easts largest solar farms.

Saturday 19th brings our Jaunt to Horningsea – to Scotsdales. Surprise, surprise, it’s a Garden Centre. We’ll be aiming to have everyone on the way by 13:00, so please be there prompt. Setting out to Great Finborough by way of Combs Lane we’ll fork off through Buxhall and Brettenham to Lavenham. We’ll be entering Long Melford via Bull Lane and joining the A1092 out to Clare. We’ll cut across through Kedington and Withersfield to Balsham. Then it’s up through Fulbourn to skirt Cambridge Airport and out through Fen Ditton to Horningsea. Scotsdales is situated on the right.

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Vini Evans
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Sunday Bash to Garden Nursery, Manton, Rutland

Or as John Keats wrote, “Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness”.

The Sunday morning of the ride started off with heavy mist. Riding over to the start at Bury St Edmunds was cool so on with another layer. Note to self, put in my autumn/winter gloves for future rides until next spring/summer.

At the start it was nice to see that a few more people had decided to join this final longer ride of the season. Even so there were still only two groups but with larger numbers in both groups.

As the ride started it was as though we were riding through missel as there was water streaming off my visor although later in the morning the mist lifted and the temperature started to become more pleasant and dare I say it even warm.

Some of the roads up to Earith had a very interesting surface necessitating modified lines through corners due to the very uneven nature of the fenland roads. It was certainly useful looking at the white line at the edge of the road (where painted) to see how undulating it was and whether to modify my road positioning.

From Earith it was then on to St Ives and up the B1090 flying past RAF Wyton and then the protest camp against breeding beagles for experiments. Then on to Sawtry, Elton, Wansford, a very short hop on, hop off the A1 turning on to the A47 before heading to Collyweston and Ketton. The newly surfaced road cuts through the quarry area near Ketton however it was necessary to maintain concentration on the road or else you could end up sailing into the depths of the quarry. It was then a short distance to the Garden Centre.

For me there was a tasty bacon roll, cheese scone and coffee to fill the gap in readiness for the return journey, I won’t divulge what others may have had or their penchant of asking for an pensioner’s discount (wonder who that could be, clue he rides a BMW but then so do a lot of others).

I decided not to do the bash along the A1 as I thought it would mean riding some of the 8 miles of 40 mph restriction from Stamford down to just north of Peterborough. On a subsequent trip down the A1 I found that the A47 joined during the final mile of the road works and the speed restriction at that point was 50 mph. There was also the bridge repair works at Newmarket on the A14 to contend with, so I turned off the A47 for Wansford, going over an ancient bridge then heading for Glatton, Holme, Ramsey, Warboys, Earith, Wilburton,

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Stretham, Wicken, Soham, Fordham, Chippenham, Kennet, Kentford and then onto the A14 eastbound. I managed to miss the worst of the badly surfaced roads of the way up to Earith although some others were almost as bad. The fens may be flat but their roads certainly aren’t, some of them would be better suited to a motocross bike.

In total I did an approximately 220 mile thoroughly enjoyable round journey. I have seen a quote, “There’s no wrong way on a motorcycle, only a long way” how apt.

Thanks to Vini for plotting the route and for Trevor and his deputies for organising the groups.

The 2022 Great Great SAM Challenge

The prize draw for the 2022 Great SAM Challenge took place on the September group night.

The three lucky winners were:

1st Prize £200 Roger Payne

2nd Prize £100 Bob Rhodes

3rd Prize £50 Eric Aldridge

All three winners will get the value of their prize refunded to them by the club against purchases from any of the companies that currently advertise in the SAM Observer magazine plus Reiten Motorrad and Hideout Leathers.

Commemorative SAM flasks were handed out to members who completed the Challenge. If you were absent on the night then I will bring the flasks along to the next group night or please contact me to arrange collection. (Remember to remove instructions from inside the flask before cleaning/using).

Many thanks to everyone who participated this year, and if you didn’t then why not give it a go in 2023? More details to follow soon!!

Nigel Chittock

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SAM Membership Survey

We recently asked members

complete a survey on the actions and operation of SAM.

The response was bigger than we anticipated and the comments were many and thought provoking.

It has not been possible, in committee, to come up with answers/resolutions to all of the questions to date, but we intend to announce any responses to the members on October Group Night.

We will also publish this response to the survey in the November edition of the SAM magazine.

for the delay and please bear with

Advertise in our magazine


on the SAM

Norfolk Advanced Motorcyclists

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us. Your Committee
Rates: Advertise
website for an additional £25. Contact Felix for more details 07712649860 £50 for ½ page £75 for full page
3rd Mondayofthemonth, 19:30, at The Cottage, Thunder Lane, Thorpe St Andrew. NR7 0JD Chairman, JohnYoung, 07948538036 Secretary, PaulMilner, 07834600665

SAM Events for your Diary 2022

Please see website and magazine for updates

October 2022

Wednesday19th SAM Group Night. Announcements followed by Guest speaker, Les Smith will be detailing where to find things on the new SAM Website or see the Calendar for latest info. 19:30~22:00 at Kesgrave War Memorial Community Centre, Twelve Acre Approach, Kesgrave, Ipswich IP5 1JF Bar serving drinks, including teas and coffees.

Saturday22nd Saturday Jaunt to Marriotts Warehouse, Kings Lynn. departure at 12:00 Tesco, Stowmarket

Sunday,23rd Dexterity & Control. Sidegate Primary School, 292 Sidegate Lane, Ipswich IP4 4JD, 09:00–13:00, For more details please contact Observer: MatthewBarker

Thursday26th Theory Evening Kesgrave War Memorial Community Centre, Twelve Acre Approach, Kesgrave, Ipswich IP5 1JF Come along and learn more about Roadcraft. Topic: Planning and Positioning. Contact: Paul Ballard. Meet in The Board Room

November 2022

Wednesday2nd SAM Committee meeting 19:00~22:00. Kesgrave War Memorial Community Centre, Twelve Acre Approach, Kesgrave, Ipswich IP5 1JF

Sunday6th Breakfast run to La Hogue Farm Shop, Chippenham, Meet behind B&M, Copdock in time for 09.00 departure

Wednesday16th SAM Group Night. Announcements followed by Guest speaker is TBA see the Calendar for latest info. 19:30~22:00 at Kesgrave War Memorial Community Centre, Twelve Acre Approach, Kesgrave, Ipswich IP5 1JF Bar serving drinks, including teas and coffees.

Saturday19th SaturdayJaunt to Scotsdales, Horningsea. Meet at Tesco, Stowmarket in time for 13.00 departure

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Thursday23rd Theory Evening Kesgrave War Memorial Community Centre, Twelve Acre Approach, Kesgrave, Ipswich IP5 1JF Come along and learn more about Roadcraft. Topic: Acceleration, Gears & Braking, Contact: Paul Ballard. Meet in The Board Room


Sunday4th Breakfast run to Mr. D's Diner, Hatfield Peverel, Meet behind B&M, Copdock in time for 09.00 departure

Wednesday7th SAM Committee meeting 19:00~22:00. Kesgrave War Memorial Community Centre, Twelve Acre Approach, Kesgrave, Ipswich IP5 1JF

Wednesday14th SAM Group Night. Announcements followed by Chrismas Quiz night. See the Calendar for latest info. 19:30~22:00 at Kesgrave War Memorial Community Centre, Twelve Acre Approach, Kesgrave, Ipswich IP51JF Bar serving drinks, including teas and coffees.

Saturday17th Saturday Jaunt to the Bistro at Stonham BarnsMeet at Tesco, Stowmarket at 12:00.

Sent in by Eric

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A lot of useful information about SAM and its activities is available on our website. Below are some key links members will find useful.


Contact details of SAM’s Committee & Observers, complete with photographs so you can recognise everyone.


Our online calendar with relevant links which can also be linked to your smartphone. Contact: Les Smith


What is expected of the Observer and Associate while preparing for the IAM motorcycle test. Contact: Paul Ballard



Our customer service & complaints procedures. Contact: Brian Ellis



Proof of identity will be required to be shown. (e.g. Current IAM/SAM membership cards). Save your membership fee, and more, by using these retailers who give a discount to SAM members. Contact: Dean Harris


Got something to sell? Want to see what other members are selling? See our online adverts section. Contact: Mike Roberts



T-shirts, sweatshirts, fleeces, hats, and more are available from SAM’s two online shops. Contact: Mike Roberts


All the latest news and discussion on all things SAM and motorcycle related. Have a read, and then register to join in. Contact: Mike Roberts


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Editorial 2022

Copdock bike show was a great, thousands of bikes came so the parking as busy and hectic, Every one parked where they were asked, Unfortunately I had to bring the van as I could get all my arrows on safely, however I didn’t see another GTR1000,

Congratulations to everyone who completed the Great Challenge, We, as in Mrs E and myself managed to get all of Suffolk, Essex some of Cambridge and some of Norfolk but ran out of time to get the far flung places.

Saddened to hear that Richard our chairman is standing down, I would like to wish him all the best and hope we see him on a club event,

Just to reiterate, if anyone would like to take over the magazine I’m very happy to talk them thought the process of how I put it together. For me the magazine is a very important tool in our recruitment drive, not only that it also glues the club together. We have plus or minus 250 members in SAM, club night we might see 50 ish, bike runs are less attended with about 30 bikes. Without the magazine those who are less active would lose interest and before long the club could start to dwindle. I belonged to another bike group and they cut the magazine and in almost 2 years went from 100 ish members to less than 20

I’ve enjoyed doing the magazine and it has helped me with my dyslexia and I feel that after being editor for the last 12 years it’s time to give someone else a go.

The new website has been made live, and my email is back up

Safe Riding Felix.. Editor

Bowman’s Barn, Back Street,

Thank you

To all the members

have contributed to this month’s magazine.

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Gislingham, Suffolk. IP23 8JH. Tel: 07712649860

Note from Editor

Please check the SAM Calendar, Forum & Facebook page for further details and for any changes after going to press. Especially in winter months when the weather can be unpredictable Disclaimer

The articles published herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Institute of Advanced Motorists or the Suffolk Advanced Motorcyclist Group. They are the opinions of individual contributors and are published with a view that free expression promotes discussion and interests. Any comments please email the editor.

Closing date for copy Friday Friday Friday Friday after club night

If you’d like to help save the Group on the printing and postage costs of your monthly ‘hard copy’ of the ‘SAM Observer’ by opting to receive an email notification instead, then please give me your email details on Group Night or send me an email.

I hope that you have been enjoying the reports that members who go on ride outs have written, and as you can see, it doesn’t have to be a wordy passage, so feel free to scribble a few words down, a few pictures and next month you will have another great magazine to read

Don’t forget to take your cameras and a notebook to record your trip then you can write a nice article about it for your favourite magazine. I have a word template if anyone would like it, email me and I’ll send you a copy which has all the formatting re-set on it. Please remember that we use Times New Roman as the main font for the magazine at a size 16 so that when the printer converts the A4 pages down to A5 the font looks like a 12. I like pictures to be separate to your articles because I can make them bigger or small to fill the page

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This tyre was taken on one of the officals bikes….. Help
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SAM volunteers getting ready to funnel the first bikes to park

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