SUFFOLK BIODIVERSITY PARTNERSHIP NEWS Our aim : To provide guidance on Suffolk’s Priority Species and Habitats for Local Authorities, community groups and schools SBP Planning Group Achievements The Planning Group was set up more than 10 years ago in response to a demand for support with biodiversity issues for Local Authority Planning staff and other bodies with planning responsibilities. We have achieved some great successes over those years. Here are just a few of them:
Planners’ Update The update is published twice a year, in the spring and autumn, and is one of the outcomes from a workshop in the summer of 2013, following a request by planners. Issue 4 available now! Visit our Planners’ Page to download the Spring 2015 Update > Contents include: Demystifying Green Infrastructure report urges property industry to take lead in protecting natural environment, Suffolk Planning & Biodiversity seminar, Building development creates the majority of bat crimes, Infrastructure Act , National Pollinator Strategy and more…. The update highlights new reports, legislation and useful sources of information, helping planners to stay up to date in a rapidly changing field. The easy to read format ensures that no time need be wasted on irrelevant issues, but further information can be followed up if wished.
Suffolk Biodiversity Validation Checklist. The checklist provides planning application guidance on Protected and Priority Species for which Survey and Assessment will be required; Designated Sites, Priority Habitats and other biodiversity features and geodiversity features where Survey and Impact Assessment will be required and; information on identifying the appropriate survey season by species type. The guidance has proved invaluable for the individual Local Authorities and can be found through our website at planning-and-development.aspx Small Wind Turbine Guidance Note This Recommended Approach flowchart was produced in response to numerous wind turbine planning applications and some confusion about best practice. There was wide consultation before on-line publication in March 2013 ( We even had an enquiry from the Bombay Natural History Society who asked permission to use the flowchart! The guidance greatly simplifies the process of assessing small wind turbine planning applications.