03 SBP Newsletter Summer 2015

Page 22

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Map showing this year’s on -line swift records to date

Keeping Non-native Invasive Species at bay…..the importance of good biosecurity! Dedham Vale AONB and Stour Valley Project

Biosecurity Plan for Norfolk and Suffolk Since early 2015 we have been working with the Norfolk Non-Native Species Initiative to contribute to their Biosecurity Plan for Norfolk and Suffolk by developing a Biosecurity and Control Action Plan for the River Stour catchment. The Plan has highlighted the need to not only continue with the great control work that has been taking place in the Valley, but also to implement measures to prevent the spread of new invasive non-native species, such as the fearsomely named killer shrimp, into and out of, the catchment.

River Stour Biosecurity and Control Action Plan The Biosecurity and Control Action Plan focuses on identifying the high risk species that could invade the Stour catchment; the pathways for invasion; and provides an action plan for 2015-2019. The plan deals with both reducing the risk of invasion from new invasive species and tackling the existing ones that pose a threat to our native biodiversity. The plan is now available online at www.dedhamvalestourvalley.org

Local action Matt Holden, River Stour Project Officer, has worked successfully with landowners, land managers and community groups to instigate practical control of giant hogweed and Himalayan balsam in the Valley. Matt has now left to travel the world, our new Project Officer Alex Moore da Luz will be in post 2nd September. The Stour Valley Invasive NonNative Species Local Action Group is also gaining steam and has focused on obtaining information on which species we should target and at which sites. 22

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