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Short-toed Treecreeper and the weight watcher! ............Nigel Odin
Field Trip Report
Steve Fryett
Sizewell for Summer Migrants
September 24th
Leader: Steve Fryett
Eight members attended a rather low-key event at Sizewell that would clearly struggle to provide much in the way of excitement or noteworthy bird records given that it was a warm sunny day – clearly better for a barmy sail at sea than ornithology. The previous two weeks’ excellent passage, including a stupendous sea movement caused by a tail end of a hurricane would not be surpassed.
To begin, we moved north noting that our chances of anything remotely tern or skua-like from the Sizewell rigs was thwarted by a shutdown on pumping from the power station. Personally I have never seen these rigs so bereft of seabirds. Checking the area between ‘A’ and ‘B’ stations a male Black Redstart was welcome, followed by a juvenile, confirming breeding at this site once again this year. The nearby Sycamores held at least three Chiffchaff with one small warbler sp remaining unidentified. One would hope to record a Wheatear and, on cue, a south-bound single individual was duly noted. Several Meadow Pipits were seen passing overhead or disturbed from the grass, but remained in low numbers for the time of year. Continuing north we reached Kenton Hills and overlooked the Minsmere levels. Here many more pipits were seen in longer grass with some finches that may well have been Linnets. High above the tree line two distant Hobbies were seen picking off insects as they passed south.
Returning we stopped off at Kenton Hills Bridge where a large tit flock contained mainly Long-taileds. A very brief sighting, by just one member, of a Kingfisher was noteworthy. As we continued our return more Meadow Pipits were spotted amongst the dunes. During the meeting we also noted Small Copper and Small Heath with an excellent specimen Parasol Mushroom. Harebell and Scabious were in flower and provided additional interest.