Our Group’s Secretary expresses some concerns about the possibility of nuclear power generation being expanded in Suffolk.
Phil Whittaker
Sizewell ‘B’, already a ‘blot’ on our landscape, might now be joined by ‘C’ - the ‘carbuncle’?
Suffolk’s biggest construction project Sizewell ‘C’ - another blot on our landscape? It was pleasing to read in the local press recently that EDF Energy had won the Wildlife Trusts’ Biodiversity Benchmark for its efforts with Suffolk Wildlife Trust around the Sizewell ‘B’ site. Christine Blythe, EDF Energy’s biodiversity manager said; “We are making a positive contribution towards the conservation of biodiversity as we recognise how important it is to economic performance as well as our health and well being. The management of our site Sizewell ‘B’ contributes to the delivery of an integrated network of rich habitat along the Suffolk coast.” All ventures of this kind should of course be warmly applauded and recognised by anyone interested in conservation in Suffolk. However, those concerned about birds or wider conservation in Suffolk should be in no doubt about the impact, (if it is eventually given the green light) of the Sizewell ‘C’ twin reactor development project
which is now in the early stages of the planning process. Suffolk Wildlife Trust and the RSPB, both with reserves immediately adjacent to the site, have expressed concern about the initial planning outlines submitted by EDF.
This is what ‘B’ plus ‘C’ will look like, excluding the extensive construction site access to the south and west
THE HARRIER – June 2013