1 minute read
Raise money for SOG – without parting with a penny!..........Gi Grieco
Raise money for Suffolk Ornithologists’ Group – without parting with a penny!
Everyclick.com has launched a new way to donate. Called ‘Give as you Live’, the scheme, which is free to the user, has over 3,800 participating stores including Amazon and eBay, and has raised almost £6 million for charity since its launch. Sign-up takes a few moments on the ‘Give as you Live’ page – select Suffolk Ornithologists’ Group as your chosen charity – and you can even set a browser tool to remind you to use it every time you shop. When you shop at your usual stores going via the ‘Give as you Live’ website, each purchase will raise funds for us. You can even track how much of the current total you have raised – who thought online shopping could be so satisfying?
For birds & for birders SOG merchandise
You can pick from six different types of garments ments that come in five standard ard colours (specials can be e requested) and a size-range range of S/M/L/XL/XXL. Other items are available ble . for your home or office.
Fleeces from £20 T-shirt £10
Suffolk Ornithologists’ Group