Field Trip Reports Gi Grieco and Val Lockwood
RSPB Minsmere for Migrant Waders 19 July 2015 Leaders: Gi Grieco & Dave Pearsons With the Stanta trip having been moved to May, July was suddenly empty, so a trip to RSPB Minsmere was arranged to coincide with the first returning passage waders. Although SOG is primarily a birding organisation, other wildlife seen on trips is enjoyed and appreciated, and an insect report is included in this write-up, reflecting this.
Photo: Barry Woodhouse
juvenile Sand Martin
THE HAR R I ER – A u tu mn 2 0 1 5
Birds A good number of members gathered at the Minsmere car park for the early morning start. We got caught in a brief shower as we headed to East Hide for our first bit of birding and some shelter. Across the scrape a number of returning waders were present; highlights included a Little Stint, Dunlin, Green and Common Sandpipers, five Ruff, a Little Ringed Plover and several Spotted Redshank. There were also good numbers of Common Tern, including a number of juveniles. Two Red Kites along with a Buzzard and a Marsh Harrier could be seen in the distance and a Kingfisher flashed past the front of the hide. We headed off to look at the levels south of the sluice and although it was quiet on the patches of water, we did have excellent views of the two Red Kites that proved popular; these were initially seen over the Island Mere reedbeds before flying close overhead. On South Scrape there were several Avocet, more Common Tern – amongst which a Black Tern landed – as well as 29 Little Gulls and further waders including a Greenshank and three Knot. On West Scrape, with careful scanning, our patience was rewarded when a Wood Sandpiper was found. We then headed back to the visitor centre, where some of the members said goodbye for the day. The remainder stopped for lunch and an afternoon where insect observations predominated.