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Suffolk Bird Report
to ‘intentionally kill, injure or take any wild bird’. Unlike Scotland there is no vicarious liability here, but it sends a powerful statement to those who potentially benefit from killing birds of prey. You’ll find enclosed the 2016 programme card listing all the indoor talks and outdoor trips. Please come along and join in. There’s also a membership renewal form to return to Kevin Verlander, who has kindly volunteered to be Membership Secretary. You can pay as always by cheque, or over the internet. Lastly, I hope you enjoy all the photographs inside. One of the joys of the role of Harrier Editor is seeing the many super photographs sent in for publication. We only ever have room for a fraction of them and my theme this edition, with Christmas in mind, is birds stuffing themselves with food. Can you guess which species is the Kestrel’s prey in Lesley’s cover photograph? Answers on a postcard please... Merry Christmas and all the best for 2016.
The Suffolk Bird Report 2014 is out now and available to purchase from the Ipswich Museum or through the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society’s (SNS) website. The Suffolk Bird Report is an annual publication, compiled by SOG and published by the SNS. This edition is Nick Mason’s 8th since he took on the role of editor in 2007, a role from which he is now standing down after nine years at the helm: a mighty achievement! The editorship is a key role at the heart of the annual documenting of Suffolk bird life, and involves close liaison with the three recorders as well as the authors of the sections of the report and other papers. Nick’s departure leaves the role of editor vacant and SOG are currently seeking a replacement. Potential candidates should know that Nick has kindly offered to work with the new editor over the coming year on the 2015 edition, as they learn the ropes. The post carries with it seats on both the SOG and SNS committees. For more information, or to apply for the position, please get in touch with any member of council or contact us through the website. f l f h