1 minute read
Editorial ...........................................................................................Eddie Bathgate
The Harrier
Suffolk Ornithologists’ Group
Welcome to Harrier 187 – I hope you thoroughly enjoy its contents. I’ve had some lovely birding experiences over the past few months. A delightful coincidence meant that my daughter is in class with the granddaughter of Reg Snook, the first Harrier editor. As well as being a renowned painter of birds, Reg takes every opportunity to encourage budding naturalists and he has boosted my daughter’s feather collection with some corkers. We spent a wonderful afternoon recently with Reg and some of his family, hearing about their involvement in shaping Minsmere in the early days (you’ll never guess what they had in their sandwiches…), as well as how the Harrier’s predecessor, the SOG Bulletin, was first produced, compiled in Reg’s front room and typed up by his wife Ann. I thoroughly enjoyed Ed Keeble’s talk on the Kakapo, which was accompanied by a lifesize model. Indeed this was so lifelike (see picture) that a certain Mr. Lister has added Kakapo to his Suffolk list. SOG council have been busy preparing for next year. The 2017 programme card is enclosed with its selection of indoor talks and outdoor trips; I hope very much to see you at the events. A massive thank you goes to all the speakers and trip leaders who lend us their support. The deadline for nominations for the Garrod Award is 31st January – we look forward to your nominations. Also included is a membership renewal form. You can pay as always by cheque, or over the internet. The 2015 Suffolk Bird Report has just been published. Available from the Ipswich Museum and from Minsmere, it is a monumental achievement by Nick Mason and the team of section writers, contributors and photograph and artwork assistants.