The Harrier 188, Spring 2017

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booklet about Shingle Street’s wildlife, an apology (mine!) to Michael Bamford and an obituary of the late Pearson Silburn. And then, Alison Ballantyne in poetry corner has written about Paul Farley’s poem ‘The Heron’ which has a very rude word in it so you might want to go there first! Finally, because of new commitments, my time as Harrier editor is coming to an end. I can highly recommend the role: it takes a certain time commitment, is hugely

educational, involves getting to know an informative group of writers and viewing a fantastic array of photographs – great fun, with the odd squeaky-bum moment thrown in. Training will be given to the new editor over a staged handover period and the role includes access to the SOG computer and a seat on Council. I would urge anyone wanting to get more involved in the life of Suffolk birds and birders to consider putting themselves forward – do email me for an informal chat.

AGM At this year’s AGM, held on 2nd March, John Grant was unanimously elected President and in his new role presided over both the presentation of accounts and the re-election of Council. An enjoyable evening was had: a great quiz set by Edward Jackson and Nick Mason was won by Ed Keeble, the fund-raising raffle raised just shy of £100 and the following awards were presented by John. Garrod Award

Ellie Zantboer

Denis Ockleton Trophy

Nick Mason

BINS Cup for 2017 bird race

Lowestoft Lounge Lizards

The BINS Bird of the Year was the Minsmere Cliff Swallow. It was found by Eric ‘d’Weasel’ Patrick and Steve Piotrowski.

Clockwise from left: Eric Patrick, John Grant, Steve Piotrowski, Nick Mason, Jean Garrod, Ellie Zantboer


THE HAR R I ER – S p ring 2 0 1 7

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