John Turner
Pearson Silburn 1934 - 2016
Pearson Silburn was a very long-standing member of SOG. Although an accomplished birdwatcher, Pearson was never one to push himself forward; he loved his birds, had a very keen eye and just enjoyed what he did. Not many people know that Pearson was one of Bert Axell’s original band of volunteers at Minsmere, where he spent many a day working on management tasks including creation of the scrapes, with his ol’ mate the late Derek (Moore) and later manning the moth trap two or three times a year, staying overnight in the bunks in the hut (where he was especially well known for dishing up very large English breakfasts!). Pearson joined the Wildfowl and Wader counting team on the Stour right at the start
of what was then BOEE – at the beginning of the seventies – and he carried on for forty years until his health started to deteriorate. He took part in all BTO Atlas and species surveys, most SOG surveys, several for SWT & RSPB and of course the Low Water Counts whilst also helping with Herons and Breeding Bird Surveys. He was also an avid feeder and recorder of his garden birds. Pearson always enjoyed the SOG evening meetings, valued the friendships made and several times was inspired to go and see at first-hand some of the birds and places he heard about from the likes of Derek Moore, Steve Piotrowski and particularly Bill Baston… so thanks, SOG, for what you did for another GOOD OLD BOY – my mate Pearson.
Suffolk Ornithologists’ Group are the grateful recipients of Pearson Silburn’s collection of bird books. These will be available at upcoming indoor talks and all monies raised from their donation will go to SOG causes.
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