Suffolk Birds 2007 Part 2

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Suffolk Birci Report


The 2007 Suffolk Bird Report Systematic List Introduction The list and its appendices have been written using data supplied by the county's birdwatchers and conservation organisations. The raw data have been collated and interpreted by the following: Swans, geese and hérons Ducks Game birds, rails to crâne Divers to Shag Raptors Oystercatcher to Ruff Snipes to phalaropes Skuas to gulls

Tom Bamber Andrew Green John Davies John Grant Chris Gregory Mark Nowers Philip Murphy James Wright

Terns to auks Pigeons to woodpeckers Larks to Hedge Accentor Chats to thrushes Warblers to flycatchers Tits to shrikes Crows to buntings Appendices

Andrew Easton Malcolm Wright Derek Beamish Steve Fryett James Brown Tony Howe Rob Macklin Peter Kennerley

The 'officiai' British list is maintained by the British Ornithologists' Union (BOU). Species are included in various catégories according to their status, as follows: • Category A - species which have been recorded in an apparently natural state at least once since January Ist 1950; • Category B - species that would otherwise be in Category A but have not been recorded since December 3Ist 1949; • Category C - species that, although originally introduced by man, either deliberately or accidentally, have established self-sustaining breeding populations; • Category D - species that would otherwise appear in Catégories A or B except that there is doubt that they have ever occurred in a natural state; • Category E - species that have been recorded as introductions, transportées or escapees from captivity, and whose breeding populations are not thought to be self-sustaining. The main part of the species accounts consists of species that occurred in Suffolk in 2007, which fall into Catégories A and C. Where a species is included in multiple catégories, this is shown in the initial status summary. Catégories D and E do not form part of either the British or Suffolk lists. Species from these Catégories that occurred in Suffolk in 2007 are included as appendices to the main list. The order and nomenclature follow the latest published for The British List by the British Ornithologists' Union (BOU 2006). This list can be accessed on their web site at English names follow the same list. Subspecies are listed under the main species' heading, which includes the scientific name. The records for each species are listed mostly under the parish where the bird occurred, sometimes followed by a more precise location if known. The exception to this is at the river estuaries and larger, well-known sites criss-crossed by several parish boundaries e.g. Walberswick NNR, Minsmere, Orfordness, Alton Water etc. The gazetteer on page 161 gives locations for those sites not easily located on a standard road map. The order of records is north to south down the coastal région, working round the estuaries, then inland from the northeast to the southwest of the county. To minimise any Potential threats to site security, some records of rare breeding birds are published anonymously and under a vague site heading. As much use as possible is made of systematic monitoring schemes such as the WeBS counts. Using such co-ordinated data instead of maximum counts gives a better idea of the populations of each species wintering in the county on a given date. However, fluctuations


Suffolk Birci Report


in numbers due to changing weather patterns will affect totals and higher counts are given in the text after the table where appropriate. Counts from North Warren include Thorpeness Meare, Chureh Farm Marshes and the shoreline between Thorpeness and Aldeburgh; the Aide/Ore Estuary includes the complex of the Aide, Ore and Butley rivers as well as Orfordness, Gedgrave reservoir and Havergate Island; and the Orwell includes Trimley Marshes, Loompit Lake and Bourne Park Water Meadows. Counts from the Stour all refer solely to the Suffolk side of the estuary. The larger part of the report, particularly for the more common species, is based upon ad hoc records. Data of that type are influenced by the distribution of birdwatchers, the weather and other factors that result in imperfections. We are nonetheless indebted to those observers who have persevered with other studies, such as Breeding Bird Survey (BBS), Constant Effort Sites (CES) and transect counts and for making the results available for use. A summary of the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is given for all those species for which meaningful data are available. See 'A Guide to Recording Birds in Suffolk' elsewhere in this Report for information on submission of records. The following définitions are intended as a guide to the relative status of each species: Very common: Occurs in large numbers in suitable habitat and season. Common: Occurs regularly or widely distributed in suitable habitat. Fairly common: Occurs in small numbers in suitable habitat and season. Uneommon: Occurs annually in small numbers. Scarce: One or two records each year or restricted to specific habitats. Rare: Occurs less than annually. Very rare: Less than 15 records in past 30 years. Accidentai: Less than three records in past 30 years. Included in the status description is a note if the species is included in either the Red or the Amber List of Birds of Conservation Concern '. This is a paper jointly produced by the leading bird conservation organisations in the UK. See Suffolk Bird Report Vol. 47: 6-10 for further détails. The following abbreviations are sometimes used in the systematic list:— GC Golf Course Ad adult = Breeding Bird Survey GP = gravel pit BBS Constant Effort Site Imm = immature CES Juv CP Country Park = juvenile NNR = National Nature Reserve Ind. Est. = industriai estate bird(s) flying north R = River N res bird(s) flying south S = reservoir WP = Water Park WM Water Meadow WR = Wildfowl Reserve SW sewage works


3. Fourth winter Caspian Gull, Walberswick.

4. Second Calendar Year Caspian Gull, Lakenheath.

Marks Brean

Peter Wilson


5. Second Calendar Year Caspian Gull, Minsmere (note small mirrors). Sean Nixon


- Third Calendar Year Caspian Gull,


Peter Wilson

6. Third Calendar Year Caspian Gull, Lakenheath.

Peter Wilson

8. Fourth Calendar Year Caspian Gull, Southwold.

Peter Wilson



MUTE SWAN Cygnus olor Common resident. Amber List. Categories A and C. Only 40 records of successful breeding were received, mainly from coastal sites with a few from the west of the county. It remains the case that the status and distribution of the species is under-recorded Peak monthly counts from selected sites: in Suffolk. Jan Feb Mar Apr Sep Oct Nov Dec Other counts of note, in Minsmerc 16 19 9 addition to those in the North Warren 24 33 28 49 table, were 62 Boyton 14 Orfordness 21 14 23 9 15 33 6 Marshes, April 23rd; 89, Deben 166 180 % 72 129 136 199 188 North Warren, August 26th Redgrave Lake 49 32 35 55 and 71, Rosier Marshes (Felixstowe Ferry), November 11th. At Landguard Point 11 came in off the sea, September 11th. TUNDRA (BEWICK'S) SWAN Cygnus columbianus bewickii Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber List. The few records that were received for the first winter period were mainly from Minsmere where there were 29 January 3rd, 21 adult and five immature birds flew over January 25th, and nine on January 29th. At Blythburgh 29 flew south on New Year's Day, and 25 flew south on January 25th, almost certainly the same birds as those seen at Minsmere and Walberswick the same day. Eight were at Beccles Marshes, February 16th. In the second winter period Minsmere Reserve and the adjacent levels held small parties on many dates from October 19th until the end of the year with a maximum of 24, October 19th and 28th. 23 were present November 15th, when an additional 21 flew in off the sea. In the west of the county a flock of 200 was in fields near Kenny Hill. Mildenhall on New Year's Eve. All other sightings are given below:Mutford: nine north. Dec 12th. Kessingland Levels: four, Dec 31st. Benacre: 20 north. Nov 14th. Covehithe: Porter's Farm, six. Dec 5th. Reydon Marshes: four, Dec 30th. North Warren: two, Oct 30th; 11. Nov 10th. seven. Dec 26th. Orfordness: 24 south, Dec 12th. Boj ton Marshes/Butley River: Oct 20th. Bawdsey: East Lane, four, Dec 21st; four, Dec 27th. Felixstowe Ferry: eight, Nov 14th, 21 west, Nov 12th and one behind the golf course on Dec 22nd. Felixstowe: 28, Oct 21st. WHOOPER SWAN Cygnus cygnus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber List. Categories A and E. •n the first winter period up to three birds were regularly seen in the Minsmere/Walberswick area until February 16th. Three present at Dingle Marshes on two dates in January and again March 2nd could well have been the same birds. A single bird lingered at Gifford's Park, Stoke-by-Nayland until April 17th. The first returning birds of the autumn were two at Livermere Lake, October 17th. At Landguard Bird Observatory five flew south, December 16th. This is the fifth site record. One flew upriver at Hemley on Dec 29th. All other sightings are given below:Kessingland: five south, Nov 9th; five north. Nov 1 Ith; four. Nov 12th. Benacre: two north. Dec 14th. Dunwich/Walberswick: two adults and three juveniles. Nov 16th to the end of the year.


Suffolk Birci Report


Minsmere: Oct 19th. North Warren: three, Nov 12th. Boyton Marshes: two, Oct 24th. Hemley: Dec 29th. Lower Holhrook: 67 flew north-west late afternoon, Nov 12th. Harleston: Moorbridge Farm, five north-west calling, Oct 22nd. BEAN G O O S E Anser fabalis Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber List. Categories A and E. In the first winter period Tundra Bean Geese were seen in small numbers at their favoured Suffolk haunt. North Warren, on widely scattered dates from the beginning of the year, with a maximum of four, February 23rd. The last sighting involved two birds. February 25th. Two were present at Trimley Marshes on several dates in February and again March 3rd. A sighting of two birds at nearby Loompit Lake, February 18th almost certainly involved the same birds. The first returning birds were on November 14th at Landguard where two flew in off the sea and then continued north up the coast. The first birds to return to North Warren were five on December 16th. They were present at the end of the year, with a maximum of six on December 25th. All other sightings are given below:Boyton: five on a tilled field. Dec 21st. Falkenham: King's Fleet, five, Dec 26th. Trimley Marshes: Dec 30th. Landguard Bird Observatory: two in off the sea and then north, Nov 14th. PINK-FOOTED G O O S E Anser brachyrhynchus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber List. Categories A and E. Since 2004, large flocks of wintering Pink-footed Geese have been observed regularly in the Lowestoft area in winter. In 2007, a large flock of 5000 birds was at Flixton, October 12th. This, however, was well beaten by a Suffolk record of 8500, Herringfleet, on December 18th! Other large flocks are given below:Gorleston: 2690. Oct.12th; 400, Oct 13th; 300, Oct 29th. Corton: 150 flew out to sea, Oct 7th. Burgh Castle: 1500, Oct 12th; 600, Oct 13th. Fritton Marshes: 800, Nov 3rd; 3000, Dec 16th. Flixton: 2000, Dec 5th. Blundeston Marshes: 600, Jan 20th; 1000, Dec 13th; 3000, Dec 16th. Somerleyton Marshes: 3000. Oct 8th. Ashby Warren: 1000, Jan 14th. Belton: 1000. Jan 14th. Bradwell: 700, Oct 13th. Lowestoft: 1200 south, Dec 8th. Oulton: 500, Dec 5th. Henstead: 375, Oct 31st. Wangford: 850, Oct 12th. Benacre: 1200 south, Dec 8th, same flock as Lowestoft. Orfordness: 123 north. Jan 27th. Gedgrave: 15 (including two juveniles), Jan 4th. Pink-footed Geese were regularly present at Trimley Marshes in the first winter period with a peak total of 29 in early March: three remained there until May 22nd. Among birds at Trimley, on February 2nd. was a neck-collared bird that had been ringed at its Icelandic nest in 2000. The first report of returning birds was a flock of 26 that flew north at Minsmere, September 26th. five came in off the sea at Landguard Bird Observatory. October 4th, and three flew south there, October 11th.




Also on September 26th two birds were found dead, in Hollesley, following a brief but ferocious thunderstorm. In the west of the county one or two escaped birds are regularly present at Mickle Mere, Livermere Lake and Redgrave Lake, usually in the company of Greylag Geese. Another escaped individual was at Flixton Gravel Pits, October 14th. A lone bird in the Gipping Valley with Greater Canada Geese at Sharmford Mere. February 15th and Great Blakenham Gravel Pits, April 10th was considered to be an escapee by its observer who had seen it at these sites in recent years. GREATER W H I T E - F R O N T E D G O O S E Anser albifrons Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber List. Categories A and E. The bulk of the wintering population preferred Peak monthly counts at the two principal sites; Feb Mar Oct Nov Dec Jan the north marsh at North 50 Minsmere 9 33 31 Warren in both winter 4 5 North Warren 250 190 105 149 periods. Overall, numbers were somewhat lower than in recent years. Away from these traditional sites 36 came in off the sea at Landguard Bird Observatory, January 27th; at Orfordness 70 flew up the river, February 18th and 80 flew over December 22nd. At Ramsholt. 125 flew along the River Deben, December 21st. Other sightings are given below:Southwold: Town Marshes, up to 40 on several dates in late December. Shingle Street: 27 (including three juveniles), December 24th. Bawdsey: East lane, two adults and two juveniles. Oct 3rd. (This is the first record of returning birds.) Trimley Marshes: 11. Jan 16th to Mar 5th; seven, Dec 26th. Bavlham: Sharmford Mere, presumed escapee. February 15th. One of the birds at Trimley Marshes seen on January 27th was wearing a white neckcollar. This bird was trapped and ringed in Germany in December 2002. G R E Y L A G G O O S E Anser anser Common resident from feral stock. Amber List. Categories A, C and E. The Greylag Goose continues to prosper; many breeding records were received and flock sizes in winter continue to grow. Peak monthly counts at selected sites: Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Sep Twenty-five years 240 534 234 343 33 139 122 ago Greylags were Minsmerc 102 323 143 31 North Warren 261 rarely recorded in 30 45 95 173 25 20 61 15 Orfordness significant numbers 165 89 22 0 15 246 Dehen 4 8 in West Suffolk, 94 80 53 72 71 Redgrave 0 with a few birds 800 1285 43 630 250 1135 807 l.ivermere Lake found in the large wintering flocks of the then predominant Greater Canada Goose Branta canadensis. Livermere Lake is a stronghold for the species; at least 20 pairs successfully raised young, there was a moulting flock of 428 in June and July, and a grand total of 1285 birds, a county record, was recorded there, November 11 th (WeBS). Other large flocks were 877 at Trimley Marshes, November 2nd; 450 at Weybread Gravel Pits, December 17th; 425 at Benacre Broad, September 14th and 897 at Lackford Lakes, September 18th. At Landguard Bird Observatory four came in off the sea, November 25th. G R E A T E R CANADA G O O S E Branta canadensis Common resident. Categories A, C and E. Apart from the above totals, 395 were on Havergate. February 5th. 420 on the Butley


Suffolk Birci Report


River September 15th and 631 at Boyton Marshes, December 31st. Breeding records were received from Burgh Peak monthly counts from selected sites: Castle, Lound, WeyOct Nov Dec bread Pits, Sizewell, Jan Feb Mar Apr Sep 34 Minsmere 4 32 37 62 58 28 Dunwich, Dingle '•-:•,— 217 North Warren 120 Marshes, Orfordness, 124 86 274 180 265 190 Deben 86 45 Barton Mere, Liver100 206 Redgrave Lake 87 180 66 48 mere Lake. Lackford Barton Mere 24 14 239 207 Lakes and Cavenham Miekle Mere 14 150 17 60 Pits. 67 Livermere Lake 5 67 350 5 21 Greater Canada Geese were noted at Landguard Bird Observatory on eight dates between March 7th and June 18th, with a maximum of 11 north, June 9th. Later in the year singles flew north, October 18th and 30th. BARNACLE G O O S E Branta leucopsis Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant; increasingly common feral resident. Amber List. Categories A and E. A flock of 900 birds Peak monthly counts at selected sites: was at Covehithe, Jan Feb Mar Apr Sep Oct Nov Dec October 8 th. N o Southwold 700 ; 6 500 8 records were reMinsmere 164 240 850 300 11 390 105 525 ceived of breeding North Warren 77 80 54 142 220 at key sites in the Bure Valley (in Norfolk), but breeding was confirmed at Minsmere (seven pairs). In the west of the county a pair held territory at Lackford Lakes in mid-May but did not breed successfully. At Landguard Point 74 flew south, February 17th. (DARK-BELLIED) BRENT GOOSE Branta bermela bermela Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber List. Categories A and E. In the first winter Peak monthlv counts at selected sites: period a flock of 925 Jan Feb Mar Apr Sep Oct Nov Dec at Shotley Marshes, Orfordness 29 85 18 28 2 30 153 169* January 12th, conDeben 1759 1296 3 22 0 0 599 1103 tained only eight * included 65 juveniles first-winter birds. 500 were at Havergate, January 26th. A lone bird lingered well into the summer with sightings at Minsmere, June 1st, Landguard Point, June 3rd, Kessingland. June 4th. Dunwich, June 11 th and Orfordness in July. The first returning bird of the autumn may have been one off Landguard Point, August 15th, while another early arrival was off Lowestoft Ness Point, September 11th. The autumn passage was disappointing with few counts of significance, nowhere near the record counts of "15 000 off Pakefield, November 5th, 1982, and 16 000 off Landguard Point, November 11th, 1983" (Piotrowski 2003). At Kessingland a total of 1391 birds was noted on 28 dates during October - 289 north and 1102 south. At Thorpeness in the same month 1789 occurred, 60 north and 1729 south. 307 were off Covehithe, October 13th with 60 flying north. The largest recorded movements of birds in the autumn were at Landguard Bird Observatory with 2800 south, October 13th and 1093 south, October 24th. At Shotley Marshes a flock of I 18 Brent Geese, November 19th, contained 27% firstwinter birds. An interesting inland sighting was of two at Livermere Lake from October 26th to 28th.




(PALE-BELLIED) BRENT G O O S E Branta bermela hrota Uncommon winter visitor. Southwold Boating Lake: Feb 22th. Minsmere Beach: on the sea close inshore, Oct 4th; five flew north. Nov I Ith. River Orwell: Apr 23rd; Mar 15th. BLACK BRANT Branta bermela nigricans Scarce visitor. Birds, in the first winter period, were reported as follows:Trimlev Marshes: Feb 12th to Mar 3rd. Levington Creek: Mar 20th to May 3rd. Shotley Marshes: Mar 15th. In the second winter period an adult was reported at Holbrook Bay, November 19th and another was found on the Orwell Estuary, December 14th, remaining until the year's end. An adult was also in Erwarton Bay December 17th and 18th suggesting that two birds were present in south Suffolk in December. EGYPTIAN GOOSE Alopochen aegyptiaca Locally fairly common resident. Categories C and E. Breeding records were received from Lowestoft Leathes Ham, Lound, Flixton Gravel Pits, Weybread Gravel Pits, Somerleyton Marshes, Hen Reedbed, Redgrave Lake, Barton Mere, Livermere Lake, Lackford Lakes and West Stow Country Park. There was a flock of 66 birds at Ashby Warren, November 17th; the largest flock in the west of the county was of 54 birds at Livermere Lake. August 28th. COMMON SHELDUCK Tadorna tadorna Locally common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. Monthly counts from the key sites: Jan Apr May Feb Mar Aide/Ore Estuar)* 888 797 260 112 1181 Deben Estuary 837 304 658 686 Orwell Estuar) HW 499 574 590 Orwell Estuar) LW 646 ' 727 _ 123 241 Trinile) Marshes* 166 Stour Estuarv* _ 244 979 411 638 Livermere Lake* 181 220 165 146 154 * monthly maxima HW = High Water LW = Low Water

Jun 212

Sep -


40 25




172 6 146



Oct 723 99 39 -

208 35

Nov 592 392 185 438 -

905 102

Dee 1118 398 303 558 -

404 113

Orfordness, the main breeding site in the county, enjoyed its best breeding season since 2004, with 23 pairs fledging a total of 108 young. Elsewhere along the coast, breeding records were reeeived from Benacre NNR (eight pairs), Hen Reedbeds (two pairs), Walberswick NNR (ten pairs), Dingle Marshes (one pair), Boyton Marshes (two pairs) and Landguard (at least 16 birds prospecting and one brood seen). At the principal inland breeding site, Livermere Lake, the number of ducklings recorded was slightly down on recent years, with a maximum count of 44. May 23rd and August 3rd. This was probably due to prĂŠdation, rather than a drop in the number of breeding pairs, as evidenced by three partially-eaten ducklings found along the edge of the lake, May 29th. Confirmed breeding records also included two pairs at both Flixton GP and Gifford's Park, and single pairs at Pipps Ford, Mickle Mere, Ampton Water and Barton Mere, where the nest was located in a baie Stack. At Black Heath, Wenhaston five territories were held, but breeding success was unknown. Offshore passage was again light and the only movements exceeding 50 were during very


Suffolk Birci Report


strong northerly winds on November 11th, when 80 (six flying north and 74 south) were recorded off Landguard and 77 (29 flying north and 48 south) off Thorpeness. M A N D A R I N D U C K Aix galericulata Uncommon feral visitor. Small breeding colony is becoming established. Categories C and E. Two pairs bred at Christchurch Park, Ipswich, so continuing the run of breeding records at this site during this decade. Elsewhere, small numbers were widely reported, some of which may have been birds wandering from Ipswich, although no doubt others were recent escapees from captivity. Somerleyton Marshes: Mar 28th. Sotterley Park: pair. May 1st and three, Dec 4th to 31st. Minsmere: male, May 19th and female, Nov 5th. Fourth and fifth site records. Trimley St. Martin: Loompit Lake, four, Nov 25th. Ipswich: Christchurch Park, two pairs bred raising broods of three and one; Victoria Nurseries, Westerfield Road, six, Jan 12th and 28th; New Cemetery, male. May 6th. Lackford Lakes: male, Nov 30th. Sudbury: Common Lands, male, Dec 24th. Little Cornard: pair. Apr 10th. E U R A S I A N W I G E O N Anas penelope Common winter visitor and passage migrant. A few oversummer. Amber list. Categories A and E. Following exceptionally high numbers on the Aide/Ore Estuary complex in December 2006, as reported last year, Monthly sites from the key sites: numbers continued Jan Feb Mar Apr Sep Oct Nov Dec to rise at this site 36 Dingle Marshes 206 12 0 28 102 25 through the winter, Minsmere* 422 487 262 80 570 600 10 705 culminating in a North Warren* 1650 2085 1000 28 650 1150 1130 WeBS 10 count of Aide/Ore Estuary* 7799 8280 2498 3 73 1350 4011 6372 8280, February 18th, Deben Estuary 739 747 3 8 111 676 651 506 the highest count Orwell Estuary HW 1324 1339 465 81 483 941 655 made in the county Orwell Estuary LW 1244 1633 1338 1510 since January 1985, Trimley Marshes* 990 184 150 97 383 when a flock of Alton Water 99 111 26 2 0 2 21 50 10,000 was present Stour Estuary 1702 1778 1055 1 31 1115 1035 996 Gedgrave. In Redgrave Lake* 203 59 150 125 2 187 108 at the second winter Mickle Mere* 150 183 115 46 75 151 9 period, the previous Livermere Lake* 129 88 89 25 118 101 50 19 December's impresLakenheath Fen* 230 100 38 76 24 - sive count (6103) * monthly maxima HW = High Water LW = Low Water was exceeded, consolidating this site's position as the only one in the county to hold wintering numbers of national importance. Aside from the table, other counts to reach three figures at inland sites came from Fritton Decoy, 270, December 20th; Shelley, 350. January 14th and 110,December 16th; Gifford's Park, 120, January 20th and 100, December 3rd and Thorington Street Reservoir, 162, December 15th and 117, December 24th. At least seven individuals oversummered at two coastal sites, but breeding was not suspected. Offshore autumn passage was much lighter than usual. Although there was the usual midOctober peak off Landguard Bird Observatory (217 south, October 13th), the total movement of 642 (15 north and 627 south) recorded at this site in October was considerably


— Systematic


lower than that of recent years. Further north, peak monthly totals were recorded off both Kessingland (P.Read) and Thorpeness (D.Thurlow) in December (279 off Kessingland and 326 off Thorpeness), while the peak day-count off Thorpeness was made during the first winter period when 150 flew south, January 27th. GADWALL Anas streperà Common resident and winter visitor. Amber list. Categories A and C. Monthly counts from the key sites:

Dingle Marshes Minsmere* North Warren* Aide/Ore Estuary* Orwell Estuary HW Orwell Estuary LW Alton Water Redgrave Lake* Miekle Mere* Barton Mere* Lackford Lakes* Thorington Street Res* * monthly maxima

Jan 38 167 220 130 179 246 116 66 66 51 99 97

Feb 48 114 194 171 204 274 28 44 21 56 IS 34

HW = High Water

Mar 12 124 28 96 14


Jul ;

22 20 29

Aug ;

200 -



152 13 6














35 24 6





77 11







110 -

Sep 0 305 12 8 47

Oct 6 330 19 38 63 ..

10 60 100 3 73


17 21 28 12 63 54

Nov 94 378 140 206 166 210 61 75 :


22 60

Dec 28 545 66 75 100 259 87 73 103 -

64 130

LW = Low Water

Numbers were particularly high at Minsmere throughout the second winter period, culminating in a county record count of 545, December 14th, the second consecutive year that this record has been broken. Apart from those in the table, other counts of note included 85, Minsmere, May 27th and 175, June 17th; 63, Trimley Marshes, June 10th and 189, September 18th and 80, Lakenheath Fen, February 18th. Following repeated subtle requests over the years in this report for breeding records, it is pleasing to write that 145 breeding pairs were reported (the most ever) from nine coastal and eight inland sites, confirming that the breeding status of this species within the county remains of national significance. On the coast, breeding sites included Minsmere (potentially 63 pairs), Walberswick NNR ( 16 pairs), Sizewell Estate ( 11 pairs), North Warren (ten pairs) and Benacre NNR (eight pairs), while in the west seven broods were present at Mickle Mere in June. EURASIAN TEAL Anas crecca Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Scarce resident. Amber list. There were several impressive counts in late summer involving early-returning birds including 250, Butley River, August 19th; 252, Minsmere, August 28th; 265, Havergate Island, August 30th and a maximum count of 317 at Orfordness in August. Other threefigure counts aside from those in the table included 153, Lakenheath Fen, January 21st; 271, Trimley Marshes, March 8th and 602, Burgh Castle, December 29th. Single pairs holding territory were reported from Hen Reedbeds, Dingle Marshes and Sizewell Belts and two pairs from North Warren, although once again this year there was no confirmation of breeding (the last confirmed breeding in the county was in 2004). Minsmere held good numbers throughout the summer including counts of 54, June 19th and 75, July 15th, and there was a maximum of 40 at Orfordness in June. Coastal offshore passage included the following notable movements:Kessingland: 79 north and 293 south during August; 73 north and 233 south during September and 87 north and 223 south during October. The peak day-count was 156 (five north, 151 south), Aug 21st.


Suffolk Birci Report 2007 Southwold: 113, Aug 19th. Thorpeness: 181 north and 97 south during September and 56 north and 140 south during November. Landguard: two north and 170 south during September; 177 south during October and 80 north and 297 south during December. The peak daycount was 80 north and 286 south. Dee 27th.

Monthly sitcs from the key sites: Jan Feb Mar Apr Sep Oct Benacre Broad* 280 570 165 Dingle Marshes 298 68 111 266 250 Minsmere* 791 399 292 64 1021 926 71 North Warren* 718 425 340 190 430 227 200 1003 Aide/Ore Estuary 3275 2088 877 Deben Estuar) 254 94 285 17 76 82 Orwell Estuary HW 382 349 58 92 91 Orwell Estuar} LW 799 610 Stour Estuarv 399 525 163 68 145 163 Mickle Mere* 260 100 187 86 36 73 Lackford Lakes* 287 97 66 34 134 209 Gifford's Park* 48 3 54 * monthly maxima HW = High water LW = Low Water

Nov 190 83 1040 660 3334 408 487 304 586 49 265 252

Dec 315 360 1155 660 2565 241 488 714 592 243 277 200

Eurasian Teal Anas crecca x Green-winged Teal Anas carolinensis hybrid A male, presumed to be of this parentage, was present on the Scrape at Minsmere, December 30th and 31st (D.Fairhurst). This is the first county record of this rarely recorded hybrid. G R E E N - W I N G E D TEAL Anas carolinensis Rare visitor. Minsmere: male. Mar Ist to 14th (J.Rowlands et al.). The 24th record for the county and the ninth at Minsmere. This bird commuted between the Scrape and the Levels. MALLARD Anas platyrhynchos Very common resident, winter visitor and passage


Monthly counts from the key sites: Jan Feb Mar Apr Dingle Marshes 136 47 60 Minsmere* 130 24 399 93 North Warren* 127 74 68 Aide/Ore Estuary* 587 84 325 165 Deben Estuary 217 107 93 85 Orwell Estuary HW 145 136 53 Orwell Estuary LW 306 461 -ci: Stour Estuary 137 74 78 35 Redgrau Lakc* Mickle Mere* 50 77 Llvermere l.ake* 600 26 Lackford Lakes* 190 127 58 Thorington Street Res* 32 " * monthly maxima HW =High Water .W = Low Water

Aug -

211 -

Sep 23 188 100




97 7


16 -

160 4: 106


59 190

Oct 64 136 175 340 102 198 -

138 80


600 92 175


295 -

Nov 95 243 140 640 109 141 384 171 44 äw—

109 -

Dee 297 343 184 588 88 115 461 104 70 132 Jfc196 250

In addition to those in the table, the following three-figure counts were received: 129, Leathes Ham, Lowestoft, November 17th; 102, Benacre Broad, January 13th; 119, Mickle Mere, July 26th; 190, Lackford Lakes, October 10th and 160, Sudbury, November 22nd. There was a further welcome increase this year in the number of sites from which breeding was reported. A total of 337 pairs or broods was recorded from 29 sites (19 in 2006), with three reserves, Benacre NNR (50 pairs), Walberswick NNR (50 pairs) and Minsmere (88 pairs), together holding over half the reported pairs. At Orfordness 17 broods totalling 79 young were located, but prédation, in particular by Grey Herons Ardea cinerea, was high.




NORTHERN PINTAIL Anas acuta Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant; a few oversummer. Amber list. Categories A and E. Aside from the table, Monthly sites from the key sites; Jan Sep Oct Nov Dee Feb Mar Apr the only other count 4 0 45 59 North Warren* 36 39 8 27 of note was 193 on Aide/Ore Estuary* 441 411 268 316 72 31 18 54 the Blyth Estuary, Deben Estuary 247 228 22 0 8 135 103 0 January 5th. <147 Orwell Estuary HW 124 88 1 34 158 Unlike last year, Orwell Estuary LW 145 113 193 169 none oversummered. Trimlev Marshes* 230 230 120 3 105 The last of the spring Stour Estuary 171 117 54 63 32 0 78 100 was one at Mins- * monthly maxima HW =High water LW = Low Water mere.May 7th, while the first returning bird was also recorded at Minsmere, August 11th. Coastal offshore passage was poor and involved the following;Corton: ten north, Sep 11th. Gunton: two south, Dec 15th. Lowestoft: three north, Apr 26th; nine in off the sea, Sep 10th; four north. Sep 11th; eight north, Sep 27th and nine south, Nov 18th. Kessingland: three south, Jan 5th; two south, Jan 15th; two north. Mar 22nd; two south, Sep 24th; two north, Oct 5th; 13 south, Nov 21st and four north, Dec 10th. Covehlthe: three north, Dec 13th. Southwold: north, Sep 18th. Thorpeness: two south, Sep 23rd; two south, Oct 13th; eight south, Nov 5th; two south, Dec 1st and 11 north, Dec 10th. Landguard: four south in September; four south in October; 11 south in November including six, Nov,28th and five south in December. Inland records were received f r o m : Livermere Lake: female, Jan 2nd; six, Aug 24th; three. Sep 27th; female, Oct 28th and pair, Dec 19th. Laekford Lakes: regularly recorded from Jan 4th to Feb 25th, with maximum of four (two males), Feb 23rd; Sep 18th; ten, Oct 2nd and male Dec 2nd and 25th. Lakenheath Fen/Washes: male, Jan 22nd and three (one male). Mar 17th. Gifford's Park: two, Jan 20th and three. Sep 8th. Thorington Street Reservoir: female, Sep 1st and two males, Nov 16th. GARGANEY Anas querquedula Uncommon summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. The first record of the year involved a pair on the Scrape at Minsmere on the early date of March 8th, and pairs were seen at three other sites before the end of March. A pair bred successfully at Lakenheath Washes and a pair was present at Minsmere in June and July possibly indicating a failed nesting attempt there. A late-stayer was present on the Scrape at Minsmere in early November, remaining until 4th, only the third November record for the county. The status of records this year was clouded by birds released from captivity wearing yellow plastic rings. These were first noted at Leathes Ham, Lowestoft in late August and sightings continued to be made there until mid-October, with a peak count of seven in midSeptember. Single yellow-ringed birds were also noted at Benacre Broad and Minsmere in September. With this proviso in mind, the following lists all records of birds of presumed wild origin:Dingle Marshes: pair. Mar 10th and male, Apr 20th. Minsmere: pair. Mar 8th and then I -2 recorded regularly until Nov 4th. Maximum counts were of six, Aug 22nd; three, Sep 10th; four. Sep 12th and three. Sep 17th. North Warren: male. Apr 25th; female. May 16th; pair. May 18th and 25th; female. May 30th; male. May 31st and Jun 12th.


Suffolk Birci Report 2007 Orfordness: male. May 12th, 25th and 28th; two males. May 27th. Boyton Marshes: two, Aug 21st. Bawdsey: East Lane, pair. Mar 30th. Ramsholt: male, Apr 29th to May 1 st. Kalkenham: King's Fleet, Apr 15th. Trimley Marshes: male, Apr 25th and 26th; one regularly between May 11th and Jun 27th; Aug 21st. Trimley St. Martin: Loompit Lake, Sep 17th. Redgrave Fen: pair. Mar 27th. Mickle Mere: female/juvenile. Jul 22nd to 24th. Livermere Lake: male. May 11th. Ampton Water: pair, Apr 17th. Lackford Lakes: juvenile, Sep 3rd. Lakenheath Fen/Washes: pair. Apr 11th and 12th; four (three males). Apr 24th; seven (five males), Apr 29th; pair. May 1st; two males, May 5th; female with brood, Jun 4th; three, Sep 27th. NORTHERN SHOVELER Anas clypeata Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Uncommon resident. Amber list. Monthly counts from the key sites: Jan Feb Mar Apr Aug Lowestoft Leathes Ham* 29 29 7 v. 16 Minsmere* 179 96 107 13 43 North Warren* 140 249 24 88 7 Aide/Ore Estuary* 165 344 441 251 23 Orwell Estuary HW 80 80 48 - i wf Orwell Estuar) LW 81 97 Trimley Marshes* 97 80 Redgrave Lake* 15 7 — .••Mickle Mere* 45 40 35 21 49 Livermere Lake* 10 34 43 71 13 Lackford Lakes* 14 13 25 35 * monthly maxima HW =High Water LW = Low Water



Nov 56 143 106 295 27 82

25 40 52 14 23

12 8 58 53

5 K*88 16

Sep 75 127 7 66 13

Oct 105 143 22 107 35

Dec 81 138 162 246 31 55 -

7 10 -


High numbers of this handsome duck were present on the coast during both winter periods. Orfordness held particularly high numbers from February to early April, peaking with a count of 406, March 18th. This very impressive gathering largely contributed to the county record WeBS count of 441 on the Aide/Ore Estuary complex, the largest count made in the county since 500 congregated at Minsmere during the harsh, freezing conditions of midJanuary 1962. Counts exceeding 30 were made at the following additional sites:Lound Waterworks: 49. Feb 13th. Trimley St. Martin: Loompit Lake,40, Aug 29th and 136, Sep 18th. Lakenheath Fen/Washes: 71, Mar 17th; 85, Mar 18th and 46, Apr 1st. Minsmere supported an impressive total of 36 pairs during the breeding season and five pairs bred at Walberswick NNR. Elsewhere along the coast, nine pairs were reported from six sites. In Breckland two pairs bred successfully at Mickle Mere, and Livermere Lake and Barton Mere each held a single pair. In the south of the county, one pair bred at Gifford's Park. RED-CRESTED P O C H A R D Netta rufina Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant. Categories A and E. Flixton gravel pits continue to hold a considerable introduced population that numbered over 90 in December. All other records, some of which could relate to birds of wild origin, are listed:—




Lowestoft: Leathes Ham, two females, Dec 23rd. Dingle Marshes: female, Jan 14th. Trimley St. Martin: Loompit Lake, female, Oct 6th to 10th. Lackford Lakes: male, Sep 29th. C O M M O N P O C H A R D Aythya ferina Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Uncommon resident. Amber list. A and E. Monthly counts from the keysites: Jan 57 Aide/Ore Estuary* 23 Orwell Estuary HW 152 Orwell Estuary LW 84 Lackford Lakes* Cavenham Pits* -

Feb 33 68 132 91

Mar Apr 12 10 9 ffi?ÂŽ -

0 1

0 2

Aug 0 0


Sep 0 0

Oct 1 34



68 82

168 70

Nov 12 31 58 75 -


Dec 38 37 58 67 -

For the second successive year, numbers in both winter periods were low. Aside from the counts in the table, the only other to exceed 50 was of 82 at Trimley Marshes, November 25 th. The only records of confirmed breeding came from Breckland, where single broods were raised at four sites. On the coast four pairs possibly bred at three sites, but no young were reported. Coastal passage was light and the only significant movement involved 40 that flew south off Thorpeness, December 22nd. RING-NECKED DUCK Aythya collaris Very rare visitor. Trimley St. Martin: Loompit Lake, female, Jan. 14th to 16th (W.J.Brame et al.). Melton: Fishing Lakes, female, Feb,8th to 10th, the same as above (G.Grieco et al.). The ninth county record (involving 11 individuals) and the first since 2001. TUFTED DUCK Aythya fuligula Common resident, winter visitor and passage


Monthly counts from the keysites: Jan Feb Mar Apr Aug 3 121 49 Aide/Ore Estuary* 68 69 Orwell Estuary HW 127 8 v" 81 Orwell Estuary LW 121 81 230 Alton Water 150 89 963 728 39 Redgrave Lake* 58 82 69 50 Livermere Lakes* 10 6 127 123 Lackford Lakes* 104 121 Cavenham Pits* 40 81 20 22 Thorington Street Res.* 10 63 * monthly maxima HW = High Water LW = Low Water

Sep 3 13 -

428 30 -


Oct 14 51

Nov 35 49 28 345 296 10 •C 105 113




Other counts exceeding 50 came f r o m : Lound Waterworks: 51, Nov 3rd. Flixton GP: 150, Mar 4th (some at this site are colour-ringed and introduced). Weybread GP: 127, Feb 7th. Coddenham: Sharmford Mere, 61, Feb 15th. Lakenheath Fen/Washes: 60, Jan 21st. Shelley: Priory Farm, 70, Sep 23rd.


Dec 23 100 130 664 16


117 -


Suffolk Birci Report


Breeding was reported from 18 sites ( 17 in 2006) involving a total of 103 broods or pairs (93 in 2006), with Minsmere accounting for 39 of these. All of the county's breeding duck species suffer high prĂŠdation. This was cruelly illustrated in a report from Orfordness, where eight ducklings from a single brood were taken by a Grey Heron Ardea cinerea, although the one remaining duckling from this brood did fledge (see also Mallard). Surprisingly there was a pronounced southerly offshore movement during July, with 22 recorded from three sites, with a peak count of seven off Thorpeness, 21st. There were two other mid-summer records (two north off Kessingland, June 10th and one south off Thorpeness, August 8th), followed by a very light autumn passage. TĂźfted Duck Aythya fuligula x Greater Scaup Aythya marita hybrid A male hybrid, presumed to be of this parentage, was on a farm reservoir at Shelley with Tufted Ducks, December 17th. GREATER SCAUP Aythya marita Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. There was a poor showing during the first winter period. Benaere Pits: female, Jan 1st to Mar 14th. Benacre Broad: male, Jan 4th. Minsmere: female, Mar 8th and 9th. Trimley Marshes: male, Jan 2nd to 6th; two males, Jan 7th to 12th. Alton Water: male, Jan 27th. Stour Estuary: Seafield Bay, female, Jan 27th; two, Feb 18th (WeBS count). The sole summer record was of a male at Minsmere, July 28th. Records were more widespread during the second winter period, but, as in the first winter period, mainly involved single birds. Lowestoft: Leathes Ham, female, Sep 16th and 17th; flew north offshore, Oct 24th. Benacre Sluice: River Hundred, adult female, Nov 11th. Benacre Pits: adult female, Oct 21st and Nov 11th to Dec 31st (same as Benacre Sluice), joined by firstwinter male, Dec 10th to 31st and first-winter female, Dec 26th to 31st. Thorpeness: eight, south offshore, Nov 13th; three, north offshore, Nov 14th; north offshore, Dec 31st. Bawdsey: East Lane, male Oct 6th; Dec 4th to 6th. Melton: River Deben, Dec 12th. Trimley Marshes: female, Dec 16th to 21st; male, 19th Dec. Trimley St. Martin: Loompit Lake: first-winter male, Oct 5th to 7th; male, Nov 24th to Dec 31st, joined by female, Dec 29th. Wherstead: River Orwell, female, Dec 23rd to 31st. Alton Water: first-winter male, Nov 25th; male, Dec 16th to 31st. Shelley: Priory Farm, male, Dec 27th. the only inland record of the year. C O M M O N EIDER Somateria moltissima Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. Has bred. Amber list. As in the previous two years, numbers were very low during the first winter period, totalling a meagre 26 from six coastal sites. The only record from the south-east of the




county came from Orfordness involving one that flew south offshore, March 8th. Three were recorded in April, including a female off Havergate Island, April 16th, and five in May, including three that flew north off Landguard, May 30th. There was the usual scattering of summer records, with one off Minsmere, June 3rd and a first-summer male in Hamilton Dock, Lowestoft, June 10th, while at Landguard one was on the sea, July 14th and three flew south, July 20th. Numbers were much improved during the autumn and second winter period, and included 98 north off Kessingland, December 10th, the largest day-count recorded at a single site since 160 flew north off the same site, December 5th 2002. All day-counts exceeding 20 are listed below:Lowestoft: Ness Point, 77 north, Nov 14th. Kessingland: 33 on sea, Sep 19th; 55 north, Nov 14th; 98 north, Dec 10th; 58 north, Dec 11th. Southwold: 71 north, Nov 14th. Minsmere: 90 north, Dec 11th. Thorpeness: 37 north, Dec 11th. Orfordness: 23 north, Nov 4th. LONG-TAILED DUCK Clangula hyemalis Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. The year's total of 15, which possibly includes one or two duplicates recorded during a significant and widely-logged coastal movement on November 10th and 11th during very strong northerly winds, is the highest since 1994. Gorleston: on sea, Mar 6th; north, Nov 11th. Hopton: male north, Mar 24th; north, Nov 11th (same as at Gorleston). Lowestoft: Ness Point, north, Nov 11th (same as at Hopton and Gorleston). Minsmere: female/first-winter, Jan 27th; female south, Nov 10th; female north. Nov 11th. Sizewell: female north, Nov 11th (same as at Minsmere). Thorpeness: female south, Nov 10th and male north, Dec 7th. Orfordness: north, Nov 11th. Landguard: two south and one on sea, Nov 10th; two south, Dec 13th. Carlton Marshes: female, Dec 30th 2006 to Feb 1st (probably same as at Flixton Decoy, Nov 20th to Dec 16th 2006). COMMON SCOTER Melanitta nigra Common non-breeding resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list. Kessingland North South Thorpeness North South Landguard North South













168 324

46 77

20 8

137 41

72 1

9 22

29 106

33 33

101 41

84 141

203 344

53 45

137 56

98 70

81 36

25 5

58 42

181 832

733 253

43 81

24 46

60 234

82 855

94 31

0 58

0 0

4 1

I 1

1 6

16 65

33 79

20 107

11 40

11 199

41 420

35 7

Accumulated monthly totals from Kessingland (Paul Read), Thorpeness (Dave Thurlow) and Landguard Bird Observatory are shown in the table. As usual the highest numbers were recorded off Thorpeness during the summer, and these included the highest day-count of the year when 475 flew south, June 16th. There was a further peak in November, when both Kessingland and Landguard had their highest monthly totals, with the 461 recorded off Landguard being the highest monthly total recorded there since October 1991, when 1271 were recorded.

Suffolk Birci Report


The following additional counts of 50 or more were received:Lowestoft: Ness Point, 50 on sea, Apr lOth; 61 north, Sep 5th. Pakefield: 100 on sea, Oct 3rd; 86 south, Nov 4th. Southwold: six north, 54 south, Jan 13th; 86, Jun 30th; 124, Jul I5th; 65, Jul 20th; 67, Jul 29th; 84 south, Sep 5th; 401, Nov 4th and 99, Nov I4th. Minsmere: 50, Mar 30th; 65. Apr 1 Ith; 60, Jul lOth and 50, Sep 29th. Orfordness: 59 south, Nov 4th. On the estuaries, two were recorded on the River Stour during a WeBS count, November 1 Ith and two were on the Orwell. December 24th. There was a single inland record: Lackford Lakes: iemale, May 30th. VELVET SCOTER Melanina fusca Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list. Records in the first winter period were slightly more numerous than usuai. Kessingland: south, Jan I7th; north. Mar 3rd; two north. Mar 22nd; two north. Apr 4th and two north. Apr 17th. Southwold: south. Jan 17th. Minsmere: north, Apr 7th. Sizewell: two south. Mar 15th. Thorpeness: two south, Jan 23rd and two north, Apr 17th. None was recorded between Aprii 17th and October 2nd, but thereafter a good spread of records was received from sites along the complete length of the coastline, particularly during November. Gorleston: Nov 1 Ith. Gunton: north, Nov 1 Ith; north, Dee 15th. Kessingland: north, Nov 7th; three south, Nov 23rd: two south, Nov 24th: two north, Nov 27th. Benacre: south, Oct 26th. Southwold: two, Nov 7th; south. Nov lOth: male, Nov 1 Ith; female. Dee 4th. Dunwich: north, Nov lOth and male, Nov 16th. Minsmere: two, Oct 2nd; four south, Nov 4th; north, Nov 6th; Nov 1 Ith; four south, Dee 27th. Thorpeness: singles flew south on seven days during November; two on sea, Nov 4th; north and eight south during December, including three south. Dee 31 st. Slaughden: two on sea, Nov.l2th. Orfordness: three south, Nov 4th; north, Nov 1 Ith. Bawdsey: Nov 1 Ith; two, Nov 12th. Landguard: south, Oct 17th; south. Dee 13th;two north. Dee 29th. Stour Estuary: Holbrook Bay, Dee 30th. COMMON GOLDENEYE Bucephala cĂŹangula Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. Small numbers were widely reported during both winter periods, but the only counts reaching double figures were from sites included in the table. The last record of the spring was of six at Lackford Lakes, Aprii 9th, and there were no further records until October lOth, when one was present on Loompit Lake, Trimley St. Martin. A light offshore autumn passage was noted from October 13th (Kessingland). peaking on November 13th, when six were noted off Thorpeness and five flew south off Landguard.




Monthly counts from the key sites: Jan Feb Mar Apr Oct 12 3 Aide/Ore Estuary* 10 0 Deben Estuary* 6 19 1 0 0 Orwell Estuary HW 31 19 6 0 Orwell Estuary LVV 27 59 0 Alton Water 14 16 3 0 0 Stour Estuary 21 102 5 0 17 2 Lackford Lakes* 29 25 12 * monthly maxima HW = High Water LW = Low Water

Nov 5 1 0 20 8 53 8

Dee 15 12 3 42 4 32 11

S M E W Mergellus albellus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Even allowing for mild weather in both winter periods, the total of three individuals represents a very poor year (in fact the poorest since 1992), although a long-staying drake, which commuted between the Scrape and Island Mere at Minsmere, offered some compensation. Fritton: Decoy, male and redhead, Dec 20th. Minsmere: male, Jan 23rd to Mar 9th. R E D - B R E A S T E D M E R G A N S E R Mergus serrator Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. Holbrook Bay on the Stour Estuary remains the most reliable place in the county to see this species during the winter months. Maximum counts from the Stour Estuary, which include the only double-figure counts received, are summarized in the table. One flying south off Oct Nov Dee Jan Feb Mar Apr Kessingland, May 5th Stour Estuary 40 43 15 5 41 40 45 was the sole record for that month, although unusually there were two records in June: one flew south off Kessingland, 2nd, and a male flew north off Orfordness, 8th. The first record of the autumn involved two on Benacre Broad, September 16th. This heralded the start of a very light autumn passage, with peak numbers recorded off Thorpeness, including 22 in October and 19 in November. There were two inland records. A drake was at Redgrave Lake, March 27th and a drake flew north-west over Mutford, November 25th. G O O S A N D E R Mergus merganser Locally fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. First nested 2006. Maximum counts from the main wintering roost site at Lackford are summarized in the table. Other records in the first winter period came f r o m : Lound WaterSep Oct Nov Dee Jan Feb Mar Apr works: female, 28 0 14 22 3 0 0 2ĂŽ Lackford Lakes Feb 18th. Slaughden: in off the sea. Mar 3rd. Orfordness: two north over the airfields. Mar 3Ist. Melton: fishing lakes, Feb 9th. Alton Water: male, Jan 2nd. Barking: Pipps Ford, four females, Feb 26th. Bamham: Nunnery Floods, 11, Jan 23rd; female, Feb 15th; 22, Mar 6th; two males. Apr 23rd. Tuddenham St Mary: River Lark, four (one male) flying to roost at Lackford Lakes, Jan 17th. Fakenham Magna: three. Feb 26th.


Suffolk Birci Report


For the second consecutive year the same pair (presumably) bred successfully on the northern border of the county along the Little Ouse River at Thetford. The female was first seen with seven juveniles in mid-May, although by mid-July the brood was down to five. As documented last year, this is a remarkable record considering the nearest known breeding sites to this pair are in the Derbyshire Peak District. A brief report can be found on page 45. Records in the second winter period were received f r o m : Lowestoft: Leathes Ham, male, Nov lOth; Ness Point: male north, Nov 1 Ith. Pakefield: male in off the sea, Nov 4th. Kessingland: male north, Nov 1 Ith and three south, Nov 24th. Minsmere: redhead north, Nov I Ith. Thorpeness: four north, Nov 1 Ith; six south, Nov 24th. Aldeburgh: River Aide, Nov 1 Ith. Orfordness: north, Nov 1 Ith; Dee 22nd and 23rd. Trimley St. Martin: Loompit Lake, Oct 1 Ith. Landguard: north, Oct 2nd; south, Nov 1 Ith. Fritton: Decoy, two redheads, Dee 20th. Weybread GP: redhead, Nov 15th. West Stow: Country Park, four (two maies), Dec I5th. (The same birds also recorded at Lackford Lakes.) Sudbury: Common Lands, Nov Ist; redhead, Dee 27th. Bramford: Suffolk WP, two, Dec 16th, one to Dee 20th. RUDDY DUCK Oxyura jamaicensis Uncommon resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Catégories C and E. Minsmere Trimley Marsh Livermere Lake Ampton Water Lackford Lakes

.(an Feb - - 1 -

Mar 2 1 2 2

Apr 3 1 5 5

May 42 4 2

Jun 1 2 2

Jul 2















_ 1




There was a further dramatic réduction in numbers this year probably as a direct result of the on-going Government-commissioned culi. Although Ruddy Ducks have not been knowingly culled within the county, eradication measures had recently been implemented at both wintering and breeding sites in neighbouring Essex. Numbers now stand at a level not seen in the county since the breeding population first became established in the early 1980s. Additional records came from the following sites:Hen Reedbeds: pair held territory in the spring; two males, Aug 17th. Waldringfield: River Deben, Jan 2Ist (WeBS count). Trimley St. Martin: Loompit Lake, three, May Ist; two juveniles, Sep 18th; River Orwell, Sep 2 Ist. Redgrave Fen: pair, May 14th and 15th. Mickle Mere: male, May 20th and 21st. Barton Mere: pair, Apr 2Ist; male.Jun 12th and 21st; Jul 17th. Breeding was not confirmed in the county, although pairs were present in the spring at Hen Reedbeds, Minsmere, Trimley Marshes, Livermere Lake and Ampton Water, and two juveniles of unknown origin were seen at Loompit Lake, Trimley St. Martin in September. However, a pair did breed successfully just over the county border in Norfolk on Lopham Fen. RED-LEGGED PARTRIDGE Alectoris rufa Resident. Catégories C and E. Reported from only 31 sites in the County, this species remains under-recorded. The largest counts in exCess of 30 birds were reported from sites where captive birds had been released. Breeding was confirmed at only 15 sites.




The remnant population at Landguard continues to struggle with only three birds recorded at the start of the year reducing to two in February. GREY PARTRIDGE I'erdix perdix Formerly common resident, now localised. Red List. Categories A, C and E. The increasing number of reported sightings is hopefully indicative of a continuing slow recovery in the population of this now local species. Some 68 reports were received from 46 sites. Presence of birds during the breeding season or evidence of breeding was reported from 36 sites, also a slight increase on the previous year. The highest counts were:Metfield: Metfield Airfield, 16, Jan 11th. Cavenham Heath: 12, Dec 1st. Bardwell: Bowbeck, 15, Nov 11th. COMMON QUAIL Coturnix coturnix Scarce summer visitor and passage migrant. Red List. A slightly improved year for this shy species with nine reports received from seven sites. Breeding was considered possible at one site. Mutford: Aug 27th. North Warren: male. May 6th. Woolverstone: Jun 6th and 7th. Flixton Park: male, Jun 29th. Lakenheath: Lakenheath Fen, male, Jul 31st and Aug 2nd. Cavenham: Cavenham Pits: male, Aug 1st to 13th. Icklingham: Berners Heath, Jun 16th. COMMON PHEASANT Phasianus colchicus Very common resident; numbers augmented by releases. Categories C and E. Reports of this extremely common species were only received from nine sites. Breeding was recorded at only three of the sites, with a total of 73 territories being recorded at North Warren where the population recovered to its 2005 levels following a sharp decline in 2006. GOLDEN PHEASANT Chrysolophus pictus Scarce resident. Categories C and E. Only six records were received for 2007 all of which came from the west of the county. Only one male was reported, from Knettishall Heath on January 1st. Otherwise the highest counts were of seven birds at Bamham on January 2nd and six at Euston on March 11th. Only one report was received of a young bird. RED-THROATED DIVER Gavia stellata Pheasant Peter Beeson Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. It may be too soon to start sounding the alarm bells in earnest just yet, but, at least in the short term, wintering numbers are showing a worrying decline. Annual peak day-counts have been getting smaller in recent years and the peak for 2007 was 862 off Thorpeness, January 8th. This is well below the corresponding figures for any year in this millennium,


Suffolk Birci Report


the previous smallest being 1393 in 2005. It seems certain that the species' winter food supplies off Suffolk - particularly its favoured sprats - have also dwindled. Apart from the total already referred to, the only other three-figure day-counts in the first winter period were 114, Kessingland, January 13th; 180, Thorpeness, February 17th and 100, Kessingland, March 27th. The 109 off Kessingland, April 3rd, may well have referred, at least in part, to passage birds, as was more probably the case with the handful of May records. There was a surprising run of mid-summer records in 2006 but in 2007 only one record was received for this period, a single off Thorpeness, June 17th. Two off Minsmere August 4th heralded the species' return to Suffolk waters, with other August records coming from Thorpeness, August 10th, and Kessingland, August 21st. The paucity of high concentrations seen in the first winter period continued in the second winter period, when only seven three-figure day-counts were received. They were: 170, Minsmere, November 8th; 336, Thorpeness, November 27th; 170. Minsmere, December 8th; 450, Minsmere, December 13th and 180 off Landguard on the same day; 700, Minsmere, December I4th and 41 ] , Kessingland, December 31st. BLACK-THROATED DIVER Gavia arctica Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. There can be no doubt whatsoever that this species' status in Suffolk is undergoing a rapid and dramatic change. As recently as 2001, the year's total of 46 individuals was described in the Suffolk Bird Report as "phenomenal." In 2007, even adopting the most conservative approach and allowing for duplication of individuals recorded, it appears the total was more than 100. As the Red-throated Diver declines, its Black-throated cousin is very much on the "up." Previous bird reports have ascribed the recent increase simply to greater observer awareness but now an actual increase in numbers must surely be a certainty. For a species previously mostly encountered only as singletons, we now have to consider peak day-counts. Groups of more than two were noted on no less than six occasions: six, Covehithe, November 4th; six north, Southwold, November 11th; five, Thorpeness, December 15th; four, Southwold, November 11th; three, Minsmere, November 15th and December 11th. In the first winter period, records were more in line with the species' traditional status as an uncommon visitor. In January there were 11 records, followed by four in February and just two in March. However, there were even two mid-summer records - involving perhaps the same bird, off Southwold on July 5th and 8th - that must have left the observers somewhat surprised. The deluge of records relating to the second winter period was preceded by six passage birds in September, with singles off Lowestoft, 23rd, Kessingland 19th, 25th and 29th, and two off Covehithe, 27th, and a total of nine in October. There were two on the Orwell, December 12th to 31st and two, Seafield Bay, Stour Estuary, December 30th. GREAT NORTHERN DIVER Gavia immer Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. In common with Black-throated Diver, this species is becoming more frequently encountered off our shores and in our estuaries. The county's previous record high of at least 30 seen during 2005 was well beaten, even if a conservative approach is taken when assessing the records received. Taking into account possible duplication within the records, it appears that about 50 individuals were seen. Most reports related to singletons but there were at least six off Ness Point. Lowestoft, November 10th, the largest site total ever recorded in Suffolk. The spread of records indicates a continuation of the pattern set in previous years, although the 2006 glut of December records was not repeated and the highest numbers in




2007 came a little earlier, in November. In general terms however, the pattern seems to be as follows: small numbers in the first winter period followed by a sharp increase in late autumn/early winter reports of passage birds, before a return to lower numbers towards the end of the year. The last blank year for this species in Suffolk was 1983 but the rate of increase in annual totals can perhaps best be appreciated by bearing in mind that as recently as 2000 the year's total of at least 16 individuals was then said to be the highest ever recorded in Suffolk. LITTLE GREBE Tachybaptus ruficollis Locally common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Reports of confirmed or probable breeding were received from a total of 17 sites and involved about 94 pairs, with the highest concentrations being at Minsmere, (28 pairs), Walberswick NNR (25 pairs) and the Hen reedbeds (13, up from just five the previous year.) Although the number of sites was broadly similar to the total reported in recent years, the number of pairs they held showed a distinct increase. The equivalent figures for 2006 were 21 sites and 75 pairs and for 2005 18 sites and 69 pairs. WeBS counts were as follows:Elsewhere, the highest Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Sep counts received were as 2 1 7 4 0 follows: 24, Minsmere, Blyth 44 79 46 58 31 59 August 12th: 26, Loom- Aide/Ore Deben 14 37 49 50 47 37 28 pit Lake, Trimley St 39 26 33 31 Orwell 50 14 Martin, September 18th; Stour 7 7 26 17 4 6 20, Thorington Street Reservoir, October 12th and 17, Lakenheath Fen and river, September 6th. GREAT CRESTED GREBE Podiceps cristatus Locally common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Alton Water remains the key breeding site in Suffolk for this species. Up to 12 pairs nested and are thought to have produced up to 20 young (per J.Glazebrook), a slight improvement on the ten pairs reported in 2006. Elsewhere, breeding was confirmed at a minimum of 21 sites involving at least 36 pairs. The highest breeding concentrations among these sites were five pairs at Suffolk Water Park, Bramford, four pairs at Gt. Blakenham and three pairs at Walberswick NNR. Remarkably few reports were received relating to offshore concentrations in either winter period. The highest counts received were 450 off Minsmere, December 12th and 163 off Thorpeness, November 10th. Elsewhere, the most noteworthy count was 33 at Weybread Gravel Pits, December 15th. RED-NECKED GREBE Podiceps grisegena Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. It seems 2005's strong showing of 32 birds was something of a blip. In 2006 the total reverted to a more traditional level with 12 being noted and it was the same again in 2007 with a maximum of 12. Of course, the year's total would be lower if the run of records from Thorpeness actually involved the same bird being seen on more than one date. All records are as follows:Kessingland: north, Nov 11th. tovehithe: Aug 28th. Thorpeness: Jan 8th; Dec 13th, 16th, 20th and 31st. Landguard: Oct 13th; Nov 12th and two south, Dec 13th. Stour Estuary: Seafield Bay, Brantham, Jan 27th to 29th.


Suffolk Birci Report


SLAVONIAN GREBE Podiceps auritus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. The south-east of the county, especially Holbrook Bay and Alton Water, has built up something of a reputation for being Suffolk's key wintering area for this species. It seems to be only rarely encountered elsewhere, usually only as a passage migrant. True to form, Holbrook Bay weighed in with the year's largest gathering - six on February 18th - and this locality held three on December 14th and two on December 30th. At Alton Water singles were noted on the following dates, although some of these records probably refer to the same individuals: January 2nd, January 25th, October 18th, October 21 st, November 17th and December 31 st. Three were seen at this site on November 24th and on December 23rd a group of four was noted at this winter stronghold for the species. Elsewhere only singletons were observed, including a wintering bird near Shottisham Creek on the Deben Estuary during February. The only records from the north of the county concerned individuals seen on seawatches: past Southwold, November 13th, Orfordness, November 27th and Kessingland, December 17th. BLACK-NECKED GREBE Podiceps nigricollis Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. An average showing for this, our rarest grebe. The run of records neatly shows the dilemma often faced when assessing the numbers of individuals involved - do reports from the same or neighbouring localities, but separated by a few days, refer to the same birds or different ones? Take your pick from the following: Gorleston: adult in summer plumage. Aug 19th. Lowestoft: North Beach/Ness Point, adult in summer plumage drifting south, then north, on sea, Aug 19th. (No prizes for assessing if these two records refer to the same bird!) Levington Creek: Oct 6th Trimley St Martin: River Orwell. Oct 20th (possibly the same as the Levington Creek bird). Trimley Marshes: Mar 3rd. Livermere Lake: singles Mar 30th and May 2nd; two, May 7th and 8th. Cavenham Pits: Apr 12th to 16th. The cluster of records from the west illustrates the point referred to above relating to the assessment of numbers! NORTHERN FULMAR Fulmarus glacialis Fairly common summer visitor and passage migrant. Formerly bred. Amber list. May was once again the month in which the highest numbers were recorded, although this year's May total of 206 was well down on the same month's totals for 2006,2005 and 2004, which were 2 9 4 , 4 2 2 and 765 respectively. June was also prominent among the monthly totals but the 105 reported was also below the previous year's equivalent total of 261. From these figures it certainly appears as if this species is struggling as a breeder around the coasts of the North Sea. The following table shows the monthly totals, but it should be borne in mind that these totals probably contain some duplication, with the same individuals being reported from more than one watch point as they track along our coast:Jan 1

Feb II

Mar 82

Apr 138

Mav 206

Jun 105

Jul 13

Aug 25

Sep 96

Oct 21

Nov 3

Dec 12

S O O T Y S H E A R W A T E R Puffinus griseus Uncommon passage migrant. This exciting oceanic traveller from the southern hemisphere was first noted this year on




August 11th at South wold. The last of the year was seen on December 15th off Thorpeness (D.Thurlow), just four days short of Suffolk's latest-ever, which was recorded in 2002, a year in which unprecedented numbers were off our coast, with more than 700 in September alone. The monthly totals were as follows, albeit with some inevitable duplication as a result of the same birds being seen at more than one location:Within this tally, the largest movements recorded Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec on single days were 25 north, one south, Thorpeness, 130 42 157 6 1 August 26th; 27 north, Lowestoft, September 15th and 69 north, Southwold, October 1st. On the latter date there was a marked northward movement along much of the Suffolk coast, with other double-figure counts coming from Gunton beach (10), Kessingland (20), Thorpeness (31) and Bawdsey (16). The year's accumulated total of 336 makes 2007 the second-best year ever for this species in Suffolk, beaten only by the phenomenal events of 2002. It comfortably surpassed 2003's total of 208, which itself was approximately double the total in the previous all-time record year of 1989. It can be seen, therefore, that this species' Suffolk status has changed markedly in recent years. Its occurrence is still closely linked to weather patterns however, but nowadays, given the merest hint of a northerly element to the wind in August, September or October, observers with a little patience stand a great chance of connecting with this thrilling shearwater. MANX SHEARWATER Puffinus puffinus Uncommon passage migrant. Amber list. The first of the year was off Lowestoft, April 30th and the last of the year were noted off Southwold and Landguard, October 1st. The monthly totals within this timespan were as follows:Aug Sept Oct Apr May Jun Jul The year's accumulated total of 109 4 20 2 1 17 47 18 is a significant increase on the 63 in 2006,54 in 2005,48 in 2004 and 84 in 2003. It was slightly down on 115 recorded in 2002 and well behind the high totals of 335 in 201 and 246 in 2000. Only two day-counts reached double figures, and they came on consecutive days in June, with 14 off Thorpeness, 29th and ten off Southwold, 30th. June has recently become the month in which seawatchers expect to see the highest numbers of this species off Suffolk. BALEARIC SHEARWATER Puffinus mauretanicus Rare passage migrant. This species has burst onto the seawatching scene in the south-west of Britain in a big way in recent years, but remains infrequently observed off Suffolk. Lowestoft: North Beach, north, Sep 4th; Sep 11th (both A.Easton, R.Wilton). The county's total has risen to 35 since the first in 1998. 2006 Addition Gorleston: October 25th, 2006. EUROPEAN STORM-PETREL Hydrobates pelagicus Rare passage migrant. Amber list. For the second successive year a spate of records that would normally be regarded as unseasonable surprised and delighted many observers. In 2006 the "Stormie" action was condensed into a few days in May with the four records being the first in spring since 1966. In 2007 the action came a little later and involved more birds so was probably even more surprising.


Suffolk Birci Report


All records in this period are listed: Southwold: June 30th (C.Fulcher). Thorpeness: south, June 30th (D.Thurlow); four, July 6th (D.Thurlow, S.Abbott el al.): five, July 7th (D.Thurlow et al.). In Suffolk, the species is more conventionally considered to be a bird of the late-autumn storms, albeit quite a rare one, so the following run of records is less surprising. Nevertheless, it represents a good showing for this oceanic waif, even though there undoubtedly is some duplication among the records. Southwold: north, Nov 10th (J.H.Grant, J.Gibbs, S.Deans). M insilin e : north, Nov 11th (D.Fairhurst). Sizewell: north, Nov 11th (R.Drew); north, Nov 12th (R.Drew). Thorpeness: four north, one south, Nov 10th (D.Thurlow et al.)', Nov 11th. (D.Thurlow). Slaughdcn: Nov 11th (M.C.Marsh); different bird Nov 11th (W.J.Brame); south, Nov 12th (J.H.Grant). The above records make 2007 the best year for this species in Suffolk since at least the first half of the 20th century. LEACH'S STORM-PETREL Oceanodroma leucorhoa Scarce passage migrant. Amber list. The "balance of petrel power" shifted away from this species in favour of European Stormpetrel once again, but given the strong showing of the latter species in 2007 perhaps this is not very surprising. There were just three reports: Lowestoft: Ness Point, north, Sep 10th (R.Wincup). Pakeiield: Oct 1st (Lounge Lizards). Southwold: Sep 21st (C.Fulcher). NORTHERN G A N N E T Morus bassanus Common passage migrant. Amber list. The fact that the highest monthly total for the year came in July appears to add credence to the statement in Suffolk Birds 2006 that breeding birds from further north in the North Sea may well be venturing far to the south to find sufficient food supplies. If a breakdown of the ages involved in our mid-summer gatherings was provided we could deduce a little further on this point. The monthly totals for the year are as follows, although they are presented more as a general indication of the temporal pattern for the species rather than with any claim for exactitude as there will inevitably be much duplication:Jan 50

Feb 214

Mar 855

Apr 1332

May 1216

Jun 1562

Jul 2495

Aug 1475

Sep 2376

Oct 1945

Nov 1382

Dec 269

The highest day-count was 605 (603 north, two south) off Kessingland, March 25th. In addition to the records on which the above table is based - mainly from the north of the county - Landguard submitted the following: "One south Jan 4th; one north March 20th; two north March 23 rd. The species was noted on 67 dates from April 26th to December 9th with notable counts of one north. 53 south June 23 rd; 48 south June 24th; 13 north, and 30 south July 15th; 62 south August 22nd; nine north, 23 south September 24th and 41 north, October 1st". GREAT C O R M O R A N T Phalacrocorax carbo Common winter visitor and passage migrant; has nested since 1998. Amber list. Another milestone was reached during 2007 in the extraordinary history of this seemingly ever-increasing species. The RSPB confirmed that one pair nested at its Lakenheath Fen reserve and, although no information was received regarding success or failure, this appears to be the first-ever recorded breeding attempt involving this species in west Suffolk.




The tree-nesting colony at Loompit Lake, Trimley St Martin, which was established in 1998, held 92 nests and produced an estimated 150 young, just short of the site's record total of ca.100 nests, in 2003. WeBS and other counts for the main sites were as follows:The year's Jan Feb Mar Apr Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec largest counts f 96 142 97 43 117 55 came from the Aide/Ore 39 20 33 57 38 19 30 extreme north of Deben 33 61 23 42 47 67 the county - Orwell Loompit Lake 164 113 133 153 170 that's Watsonian Stour 24 18 51 40 33 29 40 15 25 Suffolk, just to reLackford Lake 55 40 19 86 61 79 86 116 mind our Norfolk neighbours! On December 19th, 158 were counted in flight over Beacon Park, Gorleston, and on Christmas Day, 228 were noted in flight over the same location. On both occasions it appears that these birds had been roosting at nearby Fritton Lake and were heading for the inshore waters off Great Yarmouth to feed (per P. Allard). EUROPEAN SHAG Phalacrocorax aristotelis Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. For the second successive year an unseasonable record catches the eye in an otherwise fairly routine year. In 2006 a single off Kessingland on June 4th raised a few eyebrows. In 2007 one flying south off Gunton Warren on July 26th was, perhaps, equally unexpected. In the first winter period, the reports received can be summarised as follows: Lowestoft: Hamilton Dock/Lake Lothing, two, Feb 4th, rising to three, Feb 25th to Mar 3rd. then two, Mar 24th. Minsmere: Jan 28th, close inshore. Melton: Fishing Lake, Mar 24th. Landguard: Jan. 4th, Mar 9th and Mar 27th. Ipswich Docks: Jan 9th to Feb 18th. A single in Hamilton Dock, Lowestoft, on April 28th was joined by a second bird on 30th, with one remaining to May 5th. On autumn passage, one was noted off Gunton Warren, October 1 st and other birds on the move were noted off Landguard on October 9th, 17 th and 24th. In the second winter period, the reports received can be summarised as follows:Gunton Warren: Dec 15th. Lowestoft: Hamilton Dock, Nov 15th and 30th: three, Nov 25th. Southwold: Dec 4th. Landguard: Nov 25th and 26th; Dec 13th. Irimley Marshes: two on reservoir, Nov 2nd. Wherstead: Strand, three, Dec 16th to 31st. Ipswich: Docks, Nov 17th. GREAT BITTERN Botaurus stellaris Slowly increasing breeding population, scarce resident, passage migrant and winter visitor. Red List. The wet spring and summer caused nests to fail at all sites within the species' coastal stronghold. In spite of this some successful breeding did eventually take place. At Minsmere, where there were ten booming males, the first "grunter" was heard January 29th. Only three nesting attempts were successful, six other attempts failed because of flooding and inclement weather. Other details are given below. Site A: Two pairs bred successfully. Site B: One pair bred (four in 2006). There were two booming males (five in 2006). Decreases were probably due to saline incursions.


Suffolk Birci Report


Site C : Three booming males and one nest. Site D: One pair and additional booming male. In the west of the county at Lakenheath Fen, a booming male was heard in suitable breeding habitat, but only one bird was present there during the breeding season. It is hoped that the RSPB's efforts to restock the site with young rudd will attract more Bitterns to this site and help sustain a breeding population in the future. Outside the breeding season, singles were at Butley River, February 18th; Trimley Marshes, February 15th and Lackford Lakes, February and December 23rd to 31st. SQUACCO HERON Ardeola ralloides Accidental Minsmere: July 13th. (JA Rowlands et al.). This is the first in Suffolk since 1912 when a male was shot at Aldeburgh, May 5th. See full report on page 168. CATTLE EGRET Bubulcus ibis Very rare visitor A bird was at North Warren from July 26th to 30th, often being elusive. This was only the fourth Suffolk record and the first since 2001. LITTLE EGRET Egretta garzetta Locally common and increasing resident and passage migrant. Amber List. Peak monthly counts at selected sites:This species' Jan Mar Apr Sep Oct Dec Feb Nov status in its coastal 20 Orfordness 27 29 15 12 22 15 12 and estuarine Deben 20 37 11 10 If 56 25 12 strongholds con- Minsmere 4 4 8 3 12 8 7 tinues to expand. It is now very well established in good numbers. 59 were at Benacre Broad, October 8th, and 47 were at a night roost at Hen Reedbeds, September 15th. At Landguard Bird Observatory one came in off the sea, January 1 st, one flew out to sea, April 25th, and five came in off the sea, November 14th. Other movements there involved birds flying north and south in small numbers in May, June, July, September and November. The Little Egret is now regularly seen in small numbers in most months of the year in West Suffolk. Little Egret is now an established breeding bird in Suffolk. There were six pairs near Aldeburgh, eleven pairs near Sudbourne, probably five at Woolverstone, eight pairs at Henham Reed Beds and others "near Ipswich". GREAT (WHITE) EGRET Ardea alba Rare visitor Walberswick: Jan 14th; Jan 22nd; Feb 7th; Sep 17th. Dunwieh: Dingle Marshes, Nov 20th. Minsmere: Oct 17th to 20th. A second bird was reported on 20th, having flown over Orfordness 45 minutes earlier! North Warren: Mar 28th. Thorpeness: Dec 31st. Boyton Marshes: Sep 26th. Felixstowe Ferry: Nov 28th (M.Biddle). Landguard Bird Observatory: one south and inland into Essex, Sep 25th (second site record). The year's total of at least five individuals is a record annual figure for Suffolk.




GREY HERON Ardea cinerea Common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Peak monthly counts at selected sites:— Breeding probApr Jan Feb Mar Sep Oct Nov Dec ably took place Orfordness 2 4 3 3 2 5 5 3 at West Stow Deben 10 7 17 32 17 23 11 4 heronry (where 17 birds were flushed by a Common Buzzard Buteo buteo flying over the forest, February 25th). Other breeding records include the following:Henham: eight pairs. Friston: Black Heath, 11 pairs. Deben: Methersgate, 18 pairs; Ramsholt. five pairs. Woolverstone: ten pairs. Stutton: Kiln Spinney, ten pairs. IJttle Wratting: eight pairs. Pakenham: seven pairs. At Landguard Bird Observatory one flew south. April 20th and two flew south, April 23rd. Autumn movements involving three north and 18 south, one in off the sea and two out to sea, took place on 20 dates between June 4th and November 3rd. PURPLE HERON Ardea purpurea Scarce passage migrant. A single bird was at Minsmere, Apr 27th and 28th (S.Nixon et al.). There were at least three present between May 18th and June 1st. Two of the birds were observed displaying on several occasions, but hopes of a possible breeding attempt were thwarted by torrential rain in late May. WHITE STORK Ciconia ciconia Very rare passage migrant Lound Waterworks: Jan 12th to 14th. This bird was colour-ringed: yellow with black code 306 on the right tibia, apparently plain on the left tibia. It collided with overhead power lines on Jan.14th and broke both legs. It was taken into care by the RSPCA, but subsequently died. EURASIAN SPOONBILL Platalea leucorodia Uncommon passage migrant. Now increasingly oversummers; has overwintered. Amber List. At Landguard Point one flying south, October 13th, is the fifth record for the site and the first for 19 years. At Minsmere Spoonbills were present January 25th and on many dates between May 2nd and July 24th with a maximum of 11 on July 14th. A party of seven birds put in an appearance there, September 25th. Three of the birds were adults in breeding plumage and four were in non-breeding plumage. Two of the latter engaged in courtship preening. Only one showed black in the wingtips. (J.G). All other sightings are given below:Breydon Water: South Flats, May 19th and 22nd; five, Aug 17th. Burgh Castle Flats: two, Aug 17th. Benacre Broad: Aug 12th. Dingle Marshes: May 3rd and 31st. Dunwich Heath: Apr 26th. Leiston Common: May 14th. North Warren: Feb 20th to 25th; May 30th; five, Aug 14th. Hazelwood Marshes: seven, June 12th. Orfordness: adult, Mar 27th to Apr 8th; two adults, Apr 10th and 11th: first-winter bird, Apr 21st


Suffolk Birci Report


and 22nd; two first summer. May 13th; adult. May 19th; then up to seven to May 31st. Up to 16 birds were regularly present in June. In July there was a maximum of 12 with up to ten birds present most days. In August there were up to 22 birds present most days with interchange with Havergate Island. In September there was a maximum of 18 with one bird remaining until Oct 16th. Snape/Tlinstall: in flight over River Aide near Snape Maltings, Jun 26th. Havergate Island: 22, Aug 18th; 23, Sep 1st to 8th. Trimley Marshes: two, Jun 20th; Jun 21st to 24th; two, Jun 26th and 27th; three, Jun 29th; Jul 25th. Landguard: south, Oct 13th. One of the birds present on Orfordness, in August (0[C6]/B{C6}) was originally ringed May 19th 2004 as a nestling in the Netherlands; surprisingly it still showed some black in the wing tips. E U R O P E A N H O N E Y - B U Z Z A R D Pernis apivorus Scarce passage migrant. Amber list. 2007 was a rather interesting year for this species, and perhaps an indication of things to come. There were three records in the east. Two came from spring and related to the same individual as it passed through the south east of the county. The third involved a bird 'wingclapping' at a site in the north east on two dates in mid-summer, though there was no further suggestion of a breeding attempt. Over in the west of the county, an unsubstantiated claim of five birds on two dates in late August, plus several sightings by multiple observers between early August and midSeptember, suggest that at least one adult male and one female were present in the Tuddenham/Cavenham area. The evidence suggests that a pair may have bred somewhere in the vicinity. However, the situation was complicated somewhat by the large number of Common Buzzards also present in the area at that time. Benacre: single bird seen displaying. Jul 31st. and Aug 8th. (P.J. Dare, R.C.Smith). Melton: south-west. May 25th (S.Abbott) (another bird was "reported" at Bawdsey on the same day). Cavenham Heath area: Aug 1st and 16th; light phase adult Aug 31st; female, Sep Ist. 2nd, 8th and 15th; five together on Aug 28th and 29th. B L A C K K I T E Milvus Rare passage migrant.


There were no accepted records of this species in 2007. R E D K I T E Milvus milvus Uncommon but increasing winter visitor and passage migrant. Has bred in recent years. Amber list. The number of reports of this species in 2007 was 82, a slight increase on the 69 received last year. It was generally a similar pattern to 2006 with the bulk of records coming from spring and summer and comparatively few birds around in the latter half of the year. At the beginning of the year, the two birds present in the Sotterley area towards the end of 2006 remained there until February at least, including the wing tagged bird "Orange 6", which was tagged near Leeds in 2005. However, only one remained there after February 24th. thus dashing any hopes of a breeding attempt. The only other




records at this time came from Trimley, where a single bird was seen on January 23rd and from Lakenheath Fen on February 18th. Sightings increased during March with a total of nine reports, five from coastal sites and four from inland. The single bird was still in the Sotterley area; elsewhere singles were seen on four dates at Minsmere, and on three dates in west Suffolk. During April, reports came from ten sites and of these. Melton, Orfordness, Leiston and St Olaves all logged individuals on the same date, April 9th. Elsewhere, a single bird was still at Sotterley on April 19th, and an immature flew south at Henstead the same day. Reports were also received from five other sites in the north-east; two in the south-east and two in the west. The number of records peaked in May when a minimum of four birds was present across the county. In the north-east single birds were recorded at four locations, including two birds seen together at Minsmere and at Leiston on May 18th. Elsewhere, single birds were recorded at a further three sites in the north-east, two sites in the south-east and seven sites in the west. The relatively few reports in June involved wandering, non-breeding birds at Rushmere St Andrew, Ipswich, Tuddenham St Mary, Mildenhall Woods and Barnham Cross Common. The three reports in July probably related to a single individual, logged at Minsmere and Sizewell on July 21st and at North Warren on July 28th and 31st. In August again just one bird (an immature) was seen at Trimley Marshes on August 31st. There were no records from September and the only report from the following month came from Cavenham Heath on October 1st. The final two reports of the year were from Wangford, in East Suffolk, on November 30th and Minsmere, December 29th. Details of other wing-tagged birds are as follows:Ixworth: May 9th: a bird seen with a Green tag on the right wing and White on the left wing was orginally tagged at Rutland in 2006. Tuddenham St Mary: a bird seen on June 4th with a Green tag on the right wing and a Yellow tag on the left wing was tagged in the Chilterns in 2006. EURASIAN M A R S H H A R R I E R Circus aeruginosa Fairly common summer visitor and passage migrant. Increasing numbers overwinter. Amber List. It was another successful year for this species; the breeding season went well, despite the very wet summer, and the number of wintering birds continues to increase in line with the national trend (see Field Note). Co-ordinated roost counts in mid-January provided a comprehensive estimate of the number of birds wintering in the county early in the year. The counts produced four birds at Benacre, 29 at Easton Broad, ten at Westwood Marshes, 13 at Minsmere and 19 at North Warren. This meant the total number of birds counted at the traditional roost sites in January alone was 86, nearly twice as many as in 2006. Other counts during January included seven birds at Orfordness; two birds were present at Somerleyton Marshes, Falkenham Marshes and Trimley Marshes and inland four birds roosted at Lakenheath Fen. This put the estimated total of wintering birds in Suffolk at a minimum of 99, which is a huge increase on the estimated totals of 34 in 2006 and 22 in 2005. During spring, coastal movements were noted at Landguard where one flew south on May 19th. Inland, roaming birds included a male at Harleston on April 13th and single birds at several sites in Breckland during April, including two on Icklingham Plains. In May one flew low south-east over Creeting St Mary, and singles were also seen at Barnby and Mickle Mere. Breeding was confirmed at seven sites (eight in 2006) and suspected at a further seven. Productivity was about the same as last year. A minimum of 107 young was fledged (at least 108 in 2006). Minsmere had yet another record year with 14 nests producing 38 young, compared with 11 nests and 30 young in 2006. Elsewhere, 27 young fledged from 12 nests

Suffolk Birci Report


at Benacre/ Easton Bavents NNR, which is slightly down on the 12 nests and 34 young last year. At Walberswick eight nests produced 17 young compared with six nests fledging 17 young in 2006. At Hen Reedbeds the nine young fledged from six nests was a slight improvement on the four nests in 2006. At North Warren one, possibly two, pairs nested, and although two pairs nested on Orfordness, both deserted following very heavy rain. It was also a disappointing year at Lakenheath Fen, where just seven young fledged from nine nests, compared with 24 from the same number of nests last year. Breeding was also suspected at a further seven coastal sites. Autumn passage was noted at Pakefield, where one flew in off the sea on August 12th. At Landguard single birds flew south on August 16th and September 29th; singles also flew north on September 4th and 11th, and on October 21st. Further co-ordinated counts were carried out at four traditional night roosts on December 12th. These produced counts of 12 birds at Easton Broad, 24 at Westwood Marshes and 13 both at Minsmere and North Warren (the peak count at the latter site was 19 on November 26th). On Orfordness six birds were present during November and December and four roosted at Lakenheath Fen. Additional birds were seen at Somerleyton Marshes; two, Carlton Marshes; Hen Reedbeds; Aide/ Ore estuary and three, Falkenham Marshes. This makes a provisional total of 79 during the second winter period compared with 57 in 2006. FIELD


The winter distribution of the Eurasian Marsh Harrier has changed considerably since the first bird was recorded wintering in Britain in the 1930s. Around ten individuals were found wintering during the 1981-1984 atlas survey, now provisional results from the Winter 1 Bird Atlas (2007-2008) show that the wintering population has increased significantly since then. The species was recorded along much of the East Anglian and north Kent coastline; there was also a good population in the Fens and around the Humber. BTO H E N ( N O R T H E R N ) H A R R I E R Circus cyaneus Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. Red List. In complete contrast with the previous species, the number of Hen Harriers wintering in our region continues to decline, despite a significant increase in the number of reports in 2007. During the first winter period reports were received from a total of 37 sites, compared with just eight last year. However, the estimated number of birds was a mere five or six, slightly down on the seven in 2006. Single birds were present at several coastal locations between January and March, with two birds seen at Easton Broad and Walberswick. Away from the coast "ringtails" were reported at Elveden on two dates in January, and one remained at Lakenheath throughout the year. Another "ringtail" lingered at Minsmere until at least early May. Other spring sightings included single birds at Dingle Marshes, Orfordness and Lackford Lakes in April; and at Southwold, Orfordness, Falkenham Marshes and Landguard in May. As well as the long-staying Lakenheath Fen bird, another lingered in the Falkenham area through June and into July at least. Autumn passage was noted at several coastal locations during September, including Minsmere, Orfordness and Felixstowe Ferry. Reports came from Boyton Marshes. King's Fleet, Kirton Creek, Falkenham Marshes, Landguard and Trimley Marshes in October. Inland, one was at Brettenham mid-October and a male was seen in the Brecks in early October. Single birds flew in off the sea at Lowestoft on November 1st and Landguard on November 11th. The second winter period produced 44 reports from 24 sites and involved an estimated




six or severi birds which was an improvement on the four birds at six sites in 2006. A male frequented Minsmere from November 9th until the end of the year; two "ringtails" were present on Orfordness on November 23rd. During December two males were seen at Dingle Marshes on Boxing Day; single birds were seen at Fisher's Marsh, Breydon, Fritton Marshes, Mutford, Burgh Castle Marshes, Carlton Colville and Westleton Heath. In the west a "ringtail" was seen going to roost on Cavenham Heath on December 15th and another, or the sartie bird, was seen over The King's Forest the following day. A "ringtail" continued to roost at Lakenheath Fen until the New Year. Table showing Year 200ÂŤ 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 estimated total 14 lst winter period 15 33 32 19 8 6 7 number of winter2nd winter period 4 12 13 12 14 12 6 7 ing birds between 2000 and 2007. M O N T A G U ' S H A R R I E R Circus pygargus Uncommon passage migrant. Formerly bred. Amber List. 2007 was a fairly average year for this species. The nine reports in 2007 was a welcome increase following the three in 2006, and came from six coastal sites in the south-east of the county. Ali but two of the reports came from May and seven birds were involved. Intriguingly, a pair was discovered in the south-east of the County towards the end of May, but tragically the iemale was found dead on the road two days later. Other records included a "ringtail" in June and a juvenile bird in late August. Westleton Heath: first-summer male, May 20th (R.Drew). Minsmere: north (same as Westleton Heath bird), May 20th (J.A.Rowlands). Orfordness: male, May 5th and 17th; juvenile, August 31st (J.R.Askins, D.Crawshaw, M.C.Marsh). Waldringfield area: pair May 27th; female found dead on road and a male, May 29th (P. Oldfield). N O R T H E R N G O S H A W K Accipter gentilis Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant, uncommon resident. This species continues to be absent across most of Suffolk, and remains elusive even in the more traditional locations in the west. Ali 16 reports came from the Brecks and, typically, the majority carne from February, March and Aprii. Displaying birds were noted at three locations, including one outside Thetford Forest, though breeding was not suspected. Breeding was confirmed at two locations; one pair fledged at least one young, the outcome of the second attempt is unknown. Apart from the late winter/early spring period, there were two other records both involving males; one at Cavenham on June 9th, and another at Lackford on September 16th. EURASIAN S P A R R O W H A W K Accipiter nisus Common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Reports of this species came from 142 sites, compared with 129 reports in 2006. This continues the graduai upward trend in numbers in recent years, and exceeds the previous highest-ever total of 140 in 1999. BBS in Suffolk found Sparrowhawks in 16% of the 59 squares surveyed which is a marked improvement on the 9% in 2006 and 11% in 2005. Breeding reports were rather sketchy; breeding was proven at just 12 sites and suspected at a further seven. Of the former, two pairs bred successfully at Sotterley, and three pairs successfully fledged young at Benacre. Single pairs bred at Hen Reedbeds. Ipswich, Combs Lane Water Meadows, Creeting St Mary, Stowmarket, Chilton, Lackford Lakes, Livermere Lake and Thetford. At Hinderclay Fen, one observer watched four newly-fledged young play-fighting and exercising their wings on the ground in a woodland. There were three reports of Sparrowhawks hunting at sites with large Common Starling roosts. At North Warren three were seen awaiting the arrivai of Starlings on December


Suffolk Birci Report


27th; three were also observed at Lackford Lakes on November 24th and at Redgrave and Lopham Fen on November 30th. Elsewhere, two were seen at Lakenheath Fen on October 19th. Meanwhile, Pied Wagtail roosts at Stowmarket and Bury St Edmunds also attracted the attention of hunting birds, and one was seen chasing Redwings at Icklingham. Observations of passage birds included one seen battling against a headwind off Ness Point, Lowestoft on September 26th and one in off the sea at Southwold on the same day. C O M M O N B U Z Z A R D Buteo buteo Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant; increasing breeding population. This species was reported from 123 sites in 2007, compared with 135 in 2006. This slight reduction is more likely to be as a result of under-recording rather than any decrease in numbers, which still appear to be rising, albeit at a slower rate. Of the 334 reports over 50% came from the west; with 23% from the north-east and 19% from the south-east. BBS results found Common Buzzards in three of the 59 squares surveyed in 2007 as opposed to just one square in the previous two years, which represents an increase from 2% to 5%. The number of confirmed breeding records was also down. Again this is likely to be an underestimate. There were just 12 proven breeding records, compared with a minimum of 26 in 2006 and pairs were suspected to have bred at a further seven sites. Details of breeding success came from just two locations in the north-east of the county, where three pairs bred successfully at one site, and two pairs bred at a second. Multiple gatherings have become fairly commonplace and were observed at several locations across the county. Those of note included 17 over Boyton Marshes on October 30th and 19 in the air together between Risby and Cavenham on February 3rd. Elsewhere, ten were counted at Lackford on March 12th; nine birds were seen at Orfordness on September 30th and Cavenham Heath on September 1st and eight were seen over Shottisham on January 27th. Possible spring migrants were seen at several coastal locations around mid-March, including three at Benacre; seven at Minsmere and singles flying north at Flixton and Landguard. During autumn there was a discernible movement of birds around the end of September; four flew south over Kessingland Sewage Works, one flew south at North Warren and nine were over Orfordness all on September 30th. FIELD


According to the RSPB's latest Bird Crime report, the number of reports of birds of prey being poisoned in 2007 rose to 41, the highest number ever reported in a single year. At a more local level a C o m m o n Buzzard was found poisoned in Suffolk in March 2007. C. Gregory R O U G H - L E G G E D B U Z Z A R D Buteo lagopus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. After a poor showing last year, when there were just three records, 2007 saw a marked improvement with eight reports from coastal sites. However, it seems that only two birds were involved. Bradwell: Gapton Marshes, first- winter, Novl8th. (Lowestoft Lounge Lizards). Kessingland Levels: south, early morning. Oct 27th. (Lowestoft Lounge Lizards). Dunwich: juvenile, Oct 23rd. (R.Drew). Minsmere: juveniles on Oct 23rd. (D.Fairhurst), Oct 27th (J.H.Grant) and Nov 5th. (J.H.Grant). Thorpeness: Oot 23rd. (R.Macklin). Orfordness: Oct I4th. (J.Askins et al.).




OSPREY Pandion haliaetus Uncommon passage migrant. Amber list. Following last year's record 51 reports, 2007 was something of a disappointment as only 27 reports were received from 20 sites. This is the lowest number of reports since 2003, when there were 21. The season was also comparatively short and no early or late migrants were recorded this year. The only summer record came from Minsmere where one was present mid-June. Autumn passage was equally unremarkable; reports of single birds were received from seven sites, and included three in August and four in September. The last bird was seen at Minsmere on September 14th. Breydon: Fisher's Marshes, May 7th. Flixton: south, Sep 20th. Fowestoft: in off sea. May 8th. Osprey Su Gough Oulton Broad: Apr 4th. Found Waterworks: juvenile, Sep 12th to 16th. Worlingham: Sep 1st and west. 18th. Minsmere: May 8th and 9th; May 28th; Junlรณth; Aug 27th; Sep 13th and 14th. River Orwell: Sep 22nd, the latest sighting of year. Hollesley: heading inland, Aug 4th. Felixstowe: Apr 23rd. Fandguard: north, Apr 23rd. Waldringfield: north, Apr 27th. Framlingham: Sep 9th. Pipps Ford: Apr 21st. Brettenham: May 6th. Bamham: Apr 21st. Cavenham Heath: Aug 16th. Fackford Lakes: May 8th and 20th. Brandon: May 14th. Fakenheath Fen/Washes: May 10th; two, May 11th. C O M M O N K E S T R E L Falco tinnunculus Common resident. Amber list. There was a further increase in the number of reports of this species in 2007. The total of 239 represents an increase of over 75% on the 2006 total of 135, and continues the recent recovery of this species since 2003 when there were a meagre 38 reports. These figures are even more encouraging given that this species continues to be poorly recorded in some areas of the county. Reports came from 90 sites across Suffolk; three in the north east; 16 in the south east and 71 in the west. BBS results showed that Common Kestrels were present in 35% of the 59 squares covered, very similar to the figures of 36% in 2006 and 34% in 2005. At a local level one observer at Brent Eleigh had fewer records this year, but the species was seen on 58% of the visits along Lavenham Railway Walk, compared with 17% in 2006.


Suffolk Birci Report


Breeding was confirmed at 19 sites and suspected at a further three. These included a report of a pair nesting in a dovecote at Brettenham, alongside the resident doves! Another female was discovered incubating five eggs in a nest box in a barn at Creeting St Mary. Migrants included one in off the sea at Southwold on November 14th. Finally, a female was found dead on the road at Barton Mere on March 27th. R E D - F O O T E D F A L C O N Falco vespertinus Rare visitor A juvenile bird seen flying south at Landguard in late June, is the only 2007 record and provided the site with its second record of this species, the first having occurred there on May 30th, 1992. Landguard: first-summer male, south, Jun.28th. (R.Q.Skeen). MERLIN



Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber List. 2007 was another good year for this species, even though the 99 reports were slightly down on the 119 reports received in 2006. Reports came from 37 sites compared with 33 sites in 2006. Traditional locations featured prominently once again, particularly Orfordness which provided about 55% of the records. Records suggest that up to five birds were present during the first winter period. During January reports of single birds came from Minsmere, Orfordness, Shingle Street and Hemley. In February a female was present at North Warren on two dates and up to two birds were present on Orfordness. A single bird flew along Minsmere beach on March 4th and up to two birds were seen on Orfordness on most days in March. A female at Landguard on March 3rd was the only record from this site during this period. Coastal observations of likely spring migrants included a male at Corton Cliffs on April 28th and a single bird at Kessingland Sewage Works on April 12th. A pair lingered around Landguard from April 1st to 14th at least, and one was seen at Trimley Marshes on April 27th. In west Suffolk single birds were seen at Elveden and Cavenham in January and at least two birds were present in February: a female was at Great Waldringfield and a male was seen at Cavenham and at Lackford Lakes. A male was reported from Great Barton and a female from Icklingham. Elveden: Jan 2nd. Cavenham: female, Jan 27th. Great Waldringfield Airfield: female, Feb 12th. Great Livermere: Apr 2nd. Cavenham: male, Feb 13th; pair. Mar 25th. Lackford Lakes: male, Feb 6th. In late summer the first returning bird, a female, was logged at Orfordness on August 5th and one was also present there on August 25th. What could have been the same bird was also seen at Landguard from August 22nd. After that singles were recorded on more typical dates in late September, including one in off the sea at Lowestoft on September 28th; at Southwold one was watched flying south over the sea on 24th. Also in September single birds were seen at Minsmere, Thorpeness, Orfordness, Shingle Street and Trimley. In the west of the county single birds were recorded in the Cavenham /Tuddenham area on September 5th and 29th. October records included single birds at Benacre, Orfordness, King's Fleet, Landguard and Trimley. Also one was seen at Minsmere on three dates and two birds were seen on Orfordness on two dates. A similar number of birds appear to have overwintered in the county during the second winter period. During November single birds were seen at Walberswick, Westleton


13. Rough-legged Buzzard: south of Breydon in November.

14. Roseate Tern at Minsmere ยกn June.

Sean Nixon

17. This Grey Phalarope was on Orfordness.



Common and Lackford. Up to three birds were present on Orfordness. In December reports came from four coastal locations, including singles on four dates at Minsmere, one at Thorpeness on December 21st and two birds present throughout the month on Orfordness. Further reports came from six inland sites including females at Thorington Street and Cavenham Heath on Boxing Day. Elsewhere, one was seen near Stowmarket on three dates and singles were also seen at Ampton and Coney Weston. EURASIAN H O B B Y Falco subbiiteo Fairly common summer visitor and passage migrant. About 310 reports were received from 99 sites across Suffolk, a slight increase on the 85 sites in 2006 and 80 in 2005. The first spring records came from Minsmere and Nayland on a fairly typical arrival date of April 15th. There were then a further 29 reports during April from 15 locations, and by the end of April over 40 birds were present in the county. Notable counts at the end of the month included nine at North Warren and 27 at Lakenheath Fen, both on April 30th.

Hobby Peter Beeson

Breeding was confirmed at four sites and suspected at a further five sites. Thetford Forest continues to hold a significant number of breeding pairs (see Field Note). A total of 27 pairs was located in the forest, compared with 23 pairs in 2006 and 11 in 2003, and of these, 21 pairs were in Norfolk and six in Suffolk. All nested in old Carrion Crows nests, apart from one pair, which used a specially erected basket. In all nine chicks were ringed taking the total since ringing began in 2005 to 36. Elsewhere, four pairs bred at Benacre; three bred at Walberswick and two bred at Lakenheath Fen. At Hen Reedbeds two pairs were on territory and probably bred, as did single pairs at Sotterley, Sizewell, North Warren, Upper Hollesley Common and Cavenham Heath. Gatherings of post-breeding birds included five at Lound Waterworks on September 13th, five at Minsmere on September 15th and ten hawking for insects over woods near Barton Mills on September 7th. The number of reports dropped considerably during October and came from just seven sites; Minsmere, Orfordness, King's Fleet.Trimley St Martin, Trimley Marshes, Sproughton and Lakenheath Fen. There were several interesting observations of hunting behaviour at various coastal locations in late summer. A bird flying landward offshore at Lowestoft on September 18th


Suffolk Birci Report


FIELD NOTE The population of Eurasian Hobbies in Thetford Forest is thought to be one of the densest in the UK. Hobby populations are traditionally measured in pairs per 100sq km; Thetford Forest held 7.66 pairs per 100 sq km in 2007. Studies from other parts of the country show that the nearest any population comes to this figure is a New Forest study, where 5.5 pairs were found per 100 sq km. R. Hoblyn/M. Wright was making slow progress because it was plucking and eating its prey as it flew! Another caught a Common Swift over the sea off Lowestoft South Beach in late August, only to let go of its prey when challenged by a Herring Gull. At Covehithe a pair was frequently seen flying up to a mile offshore during the summer; at Southwold one caught a Sand Martin over the sea on September 22nd and three chased a Dunlin over the work centre at Minsmere on August 11th. At Creeting St Mary one repeatedly stooped at a Common Swift on July 30th and one was seen attacking House Martins there on August 20th. In the west, at Tuddenham St Mary, one chased and caught a Linnet on September 11th. The last bird was seen at Oulton on November 6th which is the latest date ever recorded, the previous latest sightings were on November 1 st in 1996 and 2001. P E R E G R I N E F A L C O N Falco peregrinus Uncommon but increasing winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber List. Categories A and E. The number of reports received in 2007 was 155, which is considerably fewer than last year's record total of 229. However, reports were received from 44 sites, which is a slight increase on the 40 in 2006 and underline the Peregrine Falcon's status as an increasingly common winter visitor. Orfordness again featured prominently, providing nearly 30% of the total number of reports, which spanned the whole year. Evidence suggests that a maximum of nine birds was present in the county during the first winter period. Numbers peaked in January with reports from at least nine coastal locations. Favoured sites included Minsmere, North Warren and Landguard, where a male and a female were seen regularly from January until mid-March. On Orfordness single birds were seen on two dates and two were present on January 21 st. Inland a female was at Sotterley Park mid-month and two males were seen sparring over Livermere Lake on January 29th. Also in the west at least one bird roosted at Bury Beet Factory during January and February and a pair was seen roosting there from early March. There were fewer reports in February; singles were seen at four coastal sites, including the pair at Landguard, and up to two were present on Orfordness during the month. Reports came from a similar number of coastal sites in March, including one at Cattawade on March 10th and two flying north over Orfordness on March 31st. In April records came from eight sites and included long-staying birds at Orfordness and at Landguard. Single birds were also recorded at Minsmere, Leiston, Snape and North Warren during April. Inland a female was roosting at Bury Beet Factory until April 2nd at least, and another was seen at Gifford's Hall Flood on April 17th. May records came from five sites including two at Southwold on 25th, an immature bird at Orfordness on six dates and a male at Landguard on 10th. A single bird was at Trimley on May 1st and in the west a female was seen at Cavenham Heath on May 8th The only June record involved a single bird seen on Orwell Bridge on June 21st. During July one was seen at Aldeburgh on 15th and at Orfordness four days later. August reports included one on Orfordness on 7th, a juvenile at Southwold mid-month and a female at Sizewell on 24th. Reports during September came from four coastal sites, and included singles at Burgh




Castle, Boyton Marshes and at Landguard, where there was a pair on four dates between September 20th and October 28th. On Orfordness two were present on two dates in September and singles recorded on five other dates. In October the adult bird present throughout the month on Orfordness was joined by a juvenile bird on two dates and the pair at Landguard was joined by a first-winter male on October 21 st. There were further records from King's Fleet on October 17th and a returning bird was seen at Bury Beet Factory from October 8th. FIELD NOTE On Orfordness on September 26th a female Peregrine Falcon with a Eurasian Teal was repeatedly mobbed by a female Marsh Harrier which settled on the kill and commenced to pluck and tear at it. The Peregrine landed nearby and started calling. Eventually she took off, made a short stoop at the harrier, snatched the Teal and flew away. The Marsh Harrier remained on the mass of feathers for a few minutes before resuming hunting over the airfields, Orfordness Recorder An estimated five to six birds were present during the second winter period. Singles were seen at ten coastal sites in November, including Westwood Marshes, Minsmere, Thorpeness, Aldeburgh, Orfordness, Felixstowe and the Orwell Bridge. In Mid-Suffolk singles were seen at Lindsey Tye, Gifford's Hall Flood and Bury Beet Factory and, in the Brecks, at Berner's Heath. In December one was seen flying offshore at Kessingland, in pursuit of a small passerine. Elsewhere, single birds were seen at Minsmere, Orfordness, Melton, Gifford's Hall Flood, Bowbeck, Bury Beet Factory, Cavenham Heath, Mickle Mere and Euston. Finally, two were seen near Great Barton on December 28th. WATER R A I L Rallus aquaticus Fairly common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. Well over 100 records of this secretive species were received from 45 sites in the county this year. Whilst this represents an increase on previous years, reports of breeding or probable breeding were received from only ten sites. This may be due to under-recording as the nocturnal breeding habits may have led to it being overlooked on some less closely monitored sites. The sites with the largest breeding populations were; Westwood Marshes, Walberswick NNR (100 pairs estimated), Benacre NNR (75 pairs), Minsmere (16 pairs). Hen Reedbeds (16 pairs at least) and North Warren (48 pairs). At Minsmere there was a noticeable decline observed in breeding pairs but a similar increase in single birds, a reversal of the trend of recent years. Winter records were widely dispersed throughout the county with the highest counts being at Lakenheath Fen, 12, October 19th and December 30th and Lackford Lakes, five, October 18th. During the Aide WeBS counts there were five recorded in November and four in December. S P O T T E D C R A K E Porzana porzana Rare passage migrant; rarely oversummer. Amber list. Reports of this elusive species were received from only one site this year. A male was calling at Lakenheath Fen on April 25th, 27th and 30th. Two males on May 12th and a sighting reported on July 15th suggest the possibility of breeding. C O R N C R A K E Crex crex Very rare passage migrant. Red list. Records of Corn Crake in Suffolk continue to be very rare. This year a male calling in


Suffolk Birci Report


Whepstead, late in the evening of June lüth, was recorded on a mobile phone prior to being confirmed ( C J a k e s , D.King, M.Wright). 2006 Addition Breydon: south wall, June 23rd, 2006 (K.R.Dye). C O M M O N M O O R H E N Gallínula chloropus Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. This common wetland species continues to be reported from suitable sites throughout the county and at all times of the year. A total of 64 breeding pairs was recorded at Minsmere, this being the highest for the county. North Warren, Lakenheath and the Sizewell Estate also recorded high breeding numbers with 5 6 , 5 3 and 36 territories respectively. The results of winter counts at some regularly monitored sites are shown below:-

Aide/Ore Deben Orwell Alton Water Lackford Lakes

Jan 38 28 14 24 14

Feb 58 28 30 20 22

Mar 11 2 5 10 18

Apr -




Sep -

11 4 13 33 -

Oct 20 16 23 32 24

Nov 31 S 34 13 29

Dec 45 14 20 9 7

C O M M O N C O O T Fúlica atra Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Reports of breeding were received from 25 sites, an increase of 11 on 2006. At North Warren breeding numbers have declined by almost 90% in five years perhaps due to the presence of mink. The adjacent Thorpeness Meare has now lost its entire breeding population. A significant decline in breeding numbers was also recorded at the Hen Reedbeds. The largest over-wintering populations were recorded at Alton Water (857, January 21st) and Lackford Lakes (414 on September WeBS count). The winter counts at the more regularly monitored sites are shown below:Minsmere Aide/Ore Deben Orwell Alton Water Lacklord Lakes

Jan 32 104 14 43 857 125

Feb 74 71 12 141 380 68

Mar 58 64 4 34 165 47

Apr -

13 91 -

Sep 347 -

59 90 92 414

Oct 157 34 34 311 44 271

Nov 222 79 3 75 60 241

Dee 200 60 6 43 107 235

C O M M O N C R A N E Grus grus Uncommon passage migrant. Amber list. The Lakenheath RSPB reserve was the site of the first breeding attempt in the county for over 400 years. Sadly this was unsuccessful but the presence of up to seven birds in the Lakenheath area boosted totals even higher in another excellent year for this species. See article on page 24. Lound: one was seen circling then drifting west between Ashby and Lound, then later in the morning over the Waterworks drifting east, May 6th. Oulton Broad: four north-east just after midday, Jul 31 st. Carlton Colville: two in the evening on Share Marsh, May 29th. Blythburgh: two, Jan 26th, presumably same as Minsmere birds. Minsmere: two north. Jan 25th; two north towards Dunwich, Jun 19th. A Coastal Site: pair displaying, Jun lOth.




Martlesham Heath: two, Apr 28th. Elveden: three, Jun 2nd. Thetford Heath: three, Jun 3rd. Hardwick Heath: three north calling, Jun 6th. Lakcnheath Fen: two on Joist Fen, Apr Ist; three, May Ist; up to three, May 12th; seven, Jun 29th; two heard calling Aug 25th; four, Aug 3Ist; two flew in toroost.Sep 6th; two.Oct 14th; tworoosting, Oct 19th; four roosting, Oct 27th; two, Oct 30th; up to four, Nov 3rd; four flew in to roost, Dec 30th. E U R A S I A N O Y S T E R C A T C H E R Haematopus ostralegus Very common winter visitor and passage migrant. Common resident. Amber list. Thirty-four pairs were reported from 12 sites across the county. The highest number of breeding pairs was 14 at Walberswick. There were few reports of confirmed breeding. Adults with chicks were reported from Mickle Mere, Lackford Lakes and Landguard, where the first chick fledged since 2001. WeBS counts were as follows:The Orwell and Oct Nov Dee Jan Feb Mar Apr Aug Sep Stour Estuaries Blyth Estuary _ 253 4 96 41 87 continued to fly Alde/Orc Estuarv 70 464 414 I 52 9 the county flag for Deben Estuary 241 109 173 120 233 278 129 86 this species on Orwell Estuary 1467 1228 834 890 1159 1192 1332 WeBS counts. Stour Estuary 556 226 586 586 664 404 679 528 1026 Low water counts on the Orwell also provided consistent four-figure returns with a peak of 1653 in February. Observations from Landguard show coastal movements peaking in July and August: Monthly totals were:North South

Jan 0 1

Feb 0 2

Mar 2 H

Apr 4 11

Mav 14 39

Jun 0 20

Jul 0 97

Aug 7 169

Sep 1 43

Oct 0 6

Nov 2 9

Dee 0 3

P I E D A V O C E T Recurvirostra avosetta Fairly common resident, summer visitor and passage migrant on the coast. Amber list. Breeding figures go from strength-to-strength at Minsmere, with 123 pairs and the first chicks in evidence on May 13th. However, ali hatched young were thought to have been predated, primarily by Black-headed Gulls. Some nests were lost to flooding with the calamitous weather in May. One pair attempted to nest on the North Levels. There were 19 pairs at Walberswick; ten pairs at Benacre and nine pairs at the Dingle Marshes. Two nests at Dingle, at least, were predated at the egg stage by gulls. Birds were present at North Warren throughout the breeding season, peaking at 21 on June 7th, but there was no evidence of breeding. Elsewhere, at Bawdsey, an adult was seen with three juveniles on the late date of August 20th and in the west of the county, a pair was Avocet Su Gough seen mating at Mickle Mere on April 25th. Other sightings during the breeding season came from Lackford Lakes and Lakenheath Fen, with two birds present at both sites in the first week of Aprii.


Suffolk Birci Report


WeBS counts data as follows:The Aide/Ore Jan Feb Mar Apr Aug Sep Oct Estuary consis- Blyth Estuary 617 6) 5 • tently returned Aide/Ore Estuarv 1265 1383 290 269 internationally im- Deben Estuary 156 120 21 168 177. 6 portant numbers Orwell Estuarv 57 62 94 39 0 and the value of Stour Estuary 70 consistent WeBS coverage picked up the continued colonisation of the Stour and Orwell. Other counts of note during the year were 323 at Blythburgh, January 10th Snape Warren on November 6th.

Nov 236 1088 28 110 141

Dec 488 1113 61 118 -

and 600 at

S T O N E - C U R L E W Burhinus oedicnemus Locally fairly common summer visitor. Red list. Two Stone-curlews were present on February 5th and 15th at the Breckland site where up to six had been noted in December 2006 (Suffolk Birds 2006: p82). Remarkably, one was at a traditional Breckland breeding site on February20th, one day after the early arrival of a bird at North Warren (S.Dumican). This was the earliest arrival on the coast since 1972 when a bird was at Levington on February 11th. There was then a gap of two weeks before the next record of four over Minsmere on March 8th. In total there were 84 pairs of Stone-curlew in the Suffolk Brecks (RSPB). Close monitoring at three of these sites saw successful breeding reported; 45 pulii were ringed of which at least 34 fledged giving a productivity rate of 0.71 young per pair, just above the required rate (0.7) to maintain the population. There was successful breeding on the coast, with six pairs, two of which were doublebrooded raising six young. Peak autumn aggregations in the Brecks were 42 on August 25th and 71 across two sites, September 14th. The last record of the year was at a coastal site on October 20th. L I T T L E ( R I N G E D ) P L O V E R Charadrius dubius Uncommon summer visitor and passage migrant. The first record of the year was a single bird at Cavenham Pits on March 22nd. The next record was of two at the same location on March 24th. Spring records came from eleven locations across the county. Coastal sites were poorly represented, with the only records received being of singles at Landguard on May 7th and Minsmere on May 10th. Seven locations supported 12-13 pairs. Only one site reported a clutch having been laid, but this was predated at the egg stage. Some encouragement came later in the year when three of these locations had juveniles on site. Autumn passage was light and difficult to split from birds still on breeding sites. An adult at Minsmere, however, on July 12th was a good candidate for a south-bound migrant. Two juveniles were at Boyton on August 16th and a further eleven records came from Minsmere, with the last on October 13th. This was the latest in Suffolk since 1984, when one was at Minsmere, October 21st. R I N G E D P L O V E R Charadrius hiaticula Declining resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. The national survey in 2007 served to highlight the calamitous decline of this species as a breeding bird in Suffolk since the first two national censuses in 1979 (164 pairs) and 1984 (125 pairs). Mick Wright has written a report on the Suffolk results of this survey - see page 39. Only 43 pairs were recorded under the auspices of the 2007 survey and to compound this, productivity was very poor with only four or five fledged young observed. Key sites and niimber of pairs were the Orwell Estuary with ten, Orfordness, eight, and four




each at Erwarton Bay, Minsmere and Landguard. Recreational disturbance was viewed as a key contributory factor for these worrying figures. The successful fledging of one chick at Landguard was described as 'a miracle ' considering the level of disturbance from dogs off leads. WeBS counts came from the following estuaries which served to highlight the significance of certain sites for autumn passage:The highest Jan Feb Mar Apr Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec winter counts Aide/Ore Estuary 29 37 30 1 33 67 came from Land- Deben Estuary 126 51 11 9 168 177 28 61 guard with 325 Orwell Estuary 101 91 5 26 12 181 48 on January 16th Stour Estuary 1 21 50 11 176 60 131 91 91 and in the second winter period, 260 on November 9th. The only other three-figure count received was of 100 at Levington Creek on November 1 Ith. D O T T E R E L Charadriiis morinellus Scarce passage migrant. Amber list. Landguard: two, May 5th (P.J.Holmes et ai.). E U R O P E A N G O L D E N P L O V E R Pluvialis apricaria Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Peak counts from the first winter period came from the following sites:— Benacre: 1250, Feb 16th; 1000, Jan 13th. Great Waldingrield Airfield: 1000, Mar I st; 700, Mar 8th. Great Barton: 1000, Feb 28th. WeBS counts from the estuaries highlight the importance of the Aide/Ore complex and Deben for this species:The last sizeJan Feb Mar Apr Aug Sep Oct Nov Dee able flock in the Aide/Ore Estuary 1492 1660 26 780 1188 2076 spring was 400 Deben Estuary 30 26 28 736 1900 1536 1643 0 at Brettenham, Orwell Estuary 570 720 620 570 0 700 0 0 Aprii lOth. There Stour Estuary 56 763 189 140 866 5 208 450 were no records received in May. Autumn records commenced in July with 25 south over Leiston, 1 Ith and a single south over Thorpeness, 14th. Greater numbers were seen in the second winter period. Great Waldingfield Airfield provided the highest figures, with 900, October I6th, peaking at 2250, November 7th and then 1750, December 4th. Figures received from Tuddenham St Mary showed an increase through December from 1200 on 1 st, to 2000 on 27th. Levington Creek also recorded large numbers with 800 on November 2nd and 750 on December 31 st. G R E Y P L O V E R Pluvialis squatarola Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. WeBS data continues to highlight the importance of the Stour Estuary for this species, Erwarton Bay hosting the most important high-tide roost:The only other Apr Aug Sep Oct Nov Jan Feb Mar significant non26 66 57 25 WeBS counts Aide/Ore Estuary 53 104 489 127 11 248 272 262 were from the Deben Estuary 70 180 31 0 86 2 Stour and Orwell Orwell Estuary 636 120 185 186 968 746 148 1156 with 2000 at Stour Estuary



Dee 256 490 265 425

Suffolk Birci Report


Erwarton on March 2nd and 750 on October 23rd. 309 were on the Orwell on November 19th. The last spring record was a single, south at Kessingland on May 31st. Autumn passage commenced on July 27th with two south over Thorpeness. Passage improved in August, when the most notable count was 54 past Southwold on August 22nd. Monthly figures from Landguard highlight August as the peak month for passage:North IN/South

Jan 0 1

Feb 0 0

Mar 0 0

Apr 0 1

May 0 1

Jun 0 1

Jul 0 1

Aug 10 101

Sep 0 12

Oct 0 1

Nov 1 1

Dec 0 0

NORTHERN LAPWING Vanellus vanellus Very common winter visitor and passage migrant. Declining as a breeding species. Amber list. Four-figure counts were recorded at the following locations in the first winter period:North Warren: 1350, Feb 2nd; 1625, Feb 18th. Orwell Estuary: 1387, Jan 12th; 2727, Feb 12th. Cattawade: 4100, Jan 29th (took flight from the Suffolk side). Livermere Lake: 1200, Feb 13th. Redgrave Lake: 1100, Feb 18th; 1600, Feb 19th. Higham (near Hadleigh): 1020, Feb 20th. W e B S counts from the estuaries also recorded consistently strong figures from the Aide/Ore complex and the Deben:A total of 109 Jan Feb Mar Apr Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec pairs was re- Aide/Ore Estuary 3290 5406 321 834 1198 5052 ported from 22 Deben Estuary 41 1597 3598 95 306 223 190 1990 sites. Productivity Orwell Estuary 774 1835 52 111 58 151 833 at key sites was Stour Estuary 903 1101 32 36 298 159 416 206 638 poor. Of 26 pairs at North Warren, only three nests were active by April 26th, with persistent mobbing by Carrion Crows and Marsh Harriers being a factor. By May 16th, only seven birds were left on the marshes. Inland at Mickle Mere, there were ten displaying males on May 7th, but confirmed breeding was only in the form of a Carrion Crow taking a chick on May 21st. There were good inland post-breeding counts in July, with 230 at Great Livermere on 6th, 200 at Lakenheath on 12th and 400 at Livermere Lake on 15th. In the second winter period the highest counts came f r o m : Carlton Colville: 1056, Dec 26th. Minsmere: 1025, Dec 30th. North Warren: 727, Dec 24th. Levington Creek: 1000, Dec 31st. Tuddenham St Mary: 2000, Dec 27th. Livermere Lake: 800, Dec 2nd. Micklc Mere: 700, Dec 28th. Cavenham Heath: 600, Dec 9th. Lapwing Su Gough

R E D K N O T Calidris canutus Locally common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. WeBS counts highlighted the stronger showing in the second winter period, with a trend




developing of post-Christmas dispersal, particularly on the Stour Estuary. Stutton Mill and Erwarton Bay were the favoured high-water roost sites on the Stour. The highest Jan Feb Mar Apr Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec count in the first , _ 198 245 0 0 250 half of the year Birth Kstuary 63 11 58 2 20 was at Erwarton Aide/Ore Estuarv 27 14 75 5 63 5 8 14 75 Bay, with 1300 Delicti Estuary Orwell Estuarv 283 1825 600 40 185 on March 2nd. Stour Estuary 153 1777 186 : 7 30 320 4560 3322 Only four nonWeBS records were received in the spring, with eight on the Blyth, April 3rd, a single bird at Ramsholt on May 1st, two at Breydon on May 21st and the last of the spring at Slaughden, May 28th when ten were located. Autumn passage was first noted on June 29th with a single past Landguard. Fifty birds were noted south past Thorpeness in July with a more notable count of 171 past Southwold on August 19th. There were 3000 at Erwarton, October 23rd and good December counts came from Levington Creek on the Orwell, with 800 on 19th and 400 on 31st. S A N D E R L I N G Calidris alba Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. During the first winter period, reports came from only four sites. Birds were present at Benacre throughout, with WeBS counts of 11 on January 13th, three on February 16th and a peak of 13 on March 15th. Away from the north-east, the only records came from Landguard with one on March 5th and three on March 7th. There was a single inland record during spring passage, at Livermere Lake on May 11th. This is the first in west Suffolk since 2002 when a bird was at Mickle Mere, May 13th and 14th. On the coast, peak counts were 18 at Ness Point, Lowestoft on May 28th and 17 at Southwold on May 27th. Light passage was noted at Landguard throughout May and June with 17 birds in the period, the last being four south on June 13th. A lone bird at Minsmere signalled the end of spring passage on June 15th. Four birds at Kessingland on June 16th could have been oversummering or saw the commencement of autumn passage. Six sites recorded a total of 49 birds through the autumn, with 14 at Minsmere on August 22nd and ten at Lowestoft North Beach being the highest counts. Highest figures in the second winter period were 25 at Kessingland on December 10th and 14 at Benacre on December 7th. L I T T L E S T I N T Calidris minuta Uncommon passage migrant. Occasionally overwinters. Only eight birds were noted on spring passage. One at Breydon, May 21st, followed by three records at Minsmere, singles on June 3rd and 10th and three on 12th and two on Orfordness, May 28th. Minsmere saw the first autumn bird on July 20th and a continuing passage was evident there through to November 2nd, with records on 38 days during that time. Peak counts were 15 on September 30th, 14 on October 6th and ten still present on October 17th. Other multiple sightings were three at Walberswick, September 26th and four at Benacre, September 29th. At Burgh Castle, there were three, October 5th and eight, October 7 th. The only inland records were from Mickle Mere with singles seen on four dates between August 23rd and September 9th. There were no overwintering records in 2007.


Suffolk Birci Report


Little Stint autumn passage at Minsmere, 2007

16 14



10 8

¥ Ite

6 4













T E M M I N C K ' S S T I N T Ca/irfra temminckii Scarce passage migrant. Amber list. A quiet year with four spring records:Trimley Marshes: May 12th (S.Abbott). Minsmere: May 23rd; June 3rd (RSPB). Orfordness: May 12th. W H I T E - R U M P E D S A N D P I P E R Calidris fuscicollis Very rare passage migrant. There were three records in 2007, Suffolk's 30th to 32nd records. Breydon Water: Aug 14th (R.Fairhead); Sep Ist (multi-observer). Orfordness: Aug 5th to 15th (J.Askins, D.Crawshaw, M.Marsh). P E C T O R A L S A N D P I P E R Calidris melanotos Scarce passage migrant. Walberswick: Tinker's Marshes. Sep 25th (PJ.Hobbs). Orfordness: Aug 5th to 7th (J.Askins, D.Crawshaw. M.Marsh). C U R L E W S A N D P I P E R Calidris ferruginea Uncommon passage migrant. A typical spring with a few records in May; singles at Minsmere from 3rd to 9th; two on Orfordness, 7th, three there on 12th and two more on 28th; two at Breydon, May 2Ist and two at Tinker's Marsh, Walberswick on May 23rd. In June there was a single at Minsmere, 7th and two off Slaughden, 24th. Autumn passage got underway in July, with records from Minsmere on 16th, three adults, 20th and two on the 2Ist. Three adults were at Trimley on 2Ist and 12 on Orfordness on 22nd. All records in August were coastal, with one south at Curlew Sandpiper Peter Beeson Landguard, 19th, a peak o f f o u r at Minsmere on the 29th




and one on the Deben on the 28th and 29th. A count of 108 adults on Orfordness on 19th was exceptional.

Curlew Sandpiper passage at Minsmere, 2007

Movement picked up in September with nine sites recording passage birds, the only inland records being at Mickle Mere with a peak of four on September 6th. Minsmere recorded the highest figure with ten on September 17th, with six at Breydon, September 9th. The last bird of the autumn was, unsurprisingly, at Minsmere on October 14th. PURPLE SANDPIPER Calidris maritima Fairly common winter visitor. Scarce passage migrant. Amber list. Records in the first part of the year came from Landguard with a maximum of three present up until May 11th and a single was at Gorleston Pier on January 28th. All other records came from Ness Point, Lowestoft, with seven, January 24th, six, February 4th, seven, February 24th, eight. March 31st, six, April 1 Ith and two. May 6th. There was a single summer record, one at Minsmere on July 16th, the first July record since 2003. There were reports from eleven coastal localities in the latter part of the year, with the first at Lowestoft North Beach on September 14th. Counts of four or more came from Southwold, six, November 11th, Corton, four, November 13th, Hamilton Dock, Lowestoft, five, December 5th and from Ness Point, Lowestoft, six, November 16th, nine, December 8th, four, December 14th and seven, December 27th. Other records were received from Benacre Sluice, Minsmere, Melton (September 6th), Landguard, Felixstowe, Hopton-on-Sea, Thorpe ness and Kessingland. DUNLIN Calidris alpina Very common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. WeBS counts from the Suffolk estuaries highlight continuing declines on the Stour and Orwell estuaries, with five-figure counts not uncommon less than ten years ago. Counts on the Orwell have halved since 2005:Other notable Feb Mar Apr Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan first winter Blyth Estuary 810 2598 1469 4895 2208 counts came from Aide/Ore Estuary 3149 3137 307 251 1573 1697 North Warren Deben Estuarv 1505 1316 267 284 487 1559 2516 224 with 1050 on Orwell Estuarv 37 158 660 1083 750 1137 35 January 19th and Stour Estuary 796 266 197 392 808 6010 3583 2797 1650 Levington, 1000 on February 26th.


Suffolk Birci Report


In the spring, the Scrape at Minsmere held over 100 birds through to mid-May with 160 on April 27th and 136 still there on May 11th, although this was overshadowed by the 560 at Breydon south flats on May 5th. Small numbers were recorded inland with 14 at Livermere Lake on May 11 th being the highest figure. The last spring records were in June, with four on 5th at Kessingland and three on 9th at Thorpeness. Returning birds were first noted past Landguard on June 30th. Inland July records came from Flixton GP and Lackford Lakes. Three-figure counts came from Blythburgh, 102 on July 30th and Southwold, 165 south on August 19th. Notable counts in the second winter period came from Erwarton Bay, 3000 on October 23rd, North Warren, 1000 on November 23rd and Levington Creek, 600 on December 19th. BROAD-BILLED SANDPIPER Limicola falcinellus Very rare visitor. Breydon Water: south shore, adult. May 21st and 22nd (I.Smith). A typical short-stayer on the south shore was present for the evening only. This was the fifteenth Suffolk record and the first since 1998. RUFF Philomachus pugnax Common passage migrant. A few oversummer and overwinter. Amber list. Records for the first winter period were restricted to the coast between Southwold and North Warren with consistent counts of 20+ throughout January and February. There were 25 on January 1st at North Warren and 26, January 19th, with 20, just to the south, at Aldeburgh Marshes on January 21st. The peak count at Minsmere was 22. February 20th. Similar numbers and geographical distribution continued through the spring. Highest figures at Minsmere were 18, March WeBS, 26 on April 7th and 20 on May 3rd. North Warren recorded peaks of 12 on March 28th and eight, April 16th. Elsewhere there were four at Southwold Golf Course on April 7th. Autumn records commenced with three at Minsmere on June 17th. No new sites recorded birds until August 10th, when two appeared inland at Mickle Mere. The only counts of 10+ birds in the second half of the year were from Minsmere, with 11 on July 14th and ten on July 28th. Other notable records came from Mickle Mere, seven on September 11 th, Trimley Marshes, five on September 18th and eight on Southwold Town Marshes, December 21st. WeBS figures for Ruff were patchy:Aide/Ore Complex Stour Estuary Orwell Estuary North Warren Minsmere Scrape Benacre

Jan 20

Feb -

Mar 1











1 -

. r.5irv





10 18 m

9 -


1 1

JACK SNIPE Lymnocryptes minimus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant Overall there were 60 reports from a total of 15 sites, of which four were not in the coastal region. Of the 60 reports, 26 were from Minsmere and 13 from Orfordness. The peak total during the first winter period was four, Mutford, January 15th - two of these were trapped and ringed. Reports from Minsmere in January and February involved one, and sometimes two, at three separate sites around the reserve - The Scrape, Levels and Island Mere. A well-marked spring passage was evident from mid-March until the fourth week of April. Orfordness recorded the season's highest totals with four on March 18th and three on April 1st. Overall, spring passage birds were reported from nine sites and included singles at Landguard, March 19th; Thetford Nunnery, April 4th; Livermere Lake, April 10th and




in the Gipping Valley at Gt. Blakenham, April lOth. The final bird of spring was at Minsmere, April 23rd. The first of the autumn was at North Warren, October 5th, but the only other October record was from Bawdsey, 22nd. No more than two were at three coastal sites in November during which month an unexpected sight was of one Aying south at Landguard, lOth. Inland one was at Lakenheath Fen, November 27th. December witnessed sightings at seven coastal sites with a maximum of three, Boyton Marshes, 9th. C O M M O N SNIPE Gallinago gallinago Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Verging on extinction as a breeding species. Amber list. It is encouraging to report that a pair bred at Minsmere, the first confirmed breeding in Suffolk since 2003. Elsewhere a pair probably bred at Mickle Mere, Pakenham, where a displaying male was noted in late May. Indications of possible breeding were of up to four on Orfordness in May, a count of 12 at North Warren, May Ist, one at Lakenheath Fen, May Ist and two at Bamham, June 20th. Counts from the principal wetland sites were:Jan Minsmere* North Warren* Alde/Ore Orfordness* Deben Estuary Orwell Estuary Trimley Marsh* Stour Estuar)' Mickle Mere* Livermere Lake* • Monthly maxima


Feb 35



24 67 28 0

34 11 24 0



44 -


108 6 3

Mar 16 12 79 69 47 0 42 0 39 7

Apr 18 12

Sep 39 7


30 5 16 13 2 40 7



4 5 2

Oct 160 29 31 5 7 16 26 2 4 11

Nov 105 50 47 12 8 12 15 23

Dee 150 117 35 15 6 12 -






This year saw a welcome return of three-figure gatherings, as shown in the table above. However, the totals at Erwarton/Holbrook (Stour Estuary), Minsmere and North Warren were eclipsed on December 21 st at Southwold Town Marshes where it was estimated that 500 were present - this equals the largest total ever recorded in Suffolk, at Shotley Marshes on December 30th 1981. The table illustrates that spring passage was evident at some sites, principally in March, including Mickle Mere, Pakenham which has had good numbers in this month in recent years. The only spring migrant at Landguard occurred on March 13th. August witnessed the first major arrivals of autumn migrants with maxima of 27 at Minsmere and 25 on Orfordness. Autumn passage occurred at Landguard between August 18th and November 28th; an overall total of 15 was recorded at this site with a peak of three on November 13th. Three flew in from offshore at Kessingland, September 19th. The principal totals during September to December are shown in the table. Relatively few records carne from elsewhere but these did include 23, Lakenheath Fen, November 5th, 22 at Boyton, December 13th and 11 at Carlton Colville, November 27th. T w o were flushed by a Barn Owl Tyto alba at Cornard Mere, January 14th. LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER Limnodromus scolopaceus Very rare visitor Brantham: Seafield Bay, Stour Estuary: March 9th to April I5th (M.Nowers et al.). There have now been six Suffolk records of this Nearctic wader involving seven individuals. This is the first occurrence in our county since autumn 1985 when singles were noted at Alton Water and Minsmere.


Suffolk Birci Report


Although usually seen from Mistley on the Essex side of the Stour, this well-observed wader frequently occurred on the Suffolk side of the estuary channcl. E U R A S I A N W O O D C O C K Scolopax rusticóla Uncommon resident. Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. It is somewhat demoralising to report that the only record from the coastal región in the summer months was of "possible breeding" at North Warren. Over in Breckland, the breeding population hopefully remains in a stable condition; reports of roding males involved six in the Lark Valley between Cavenham Heath and Barton Mills, three at both West Stow Heath and Knettishall Heath and two at North Stow. It is to be hoped that Atlas Fieldwork will reveal the true extent of the breeding population in Breckland. Eurasian Woodcock had been widespread in December 2006 and this trend continued into the early months of 2007 with reports from 30 sites across the county although most were in the coastal región. The peak total was of five at North Warren, February 19th and three were recorded at each of Corton, Flixton Decoy and Saxmundham. Probable migrants were at Orfordness, January 15th, 16th and 25th (2); Minsmere Sluice, January 25th; Gunton, January 22nd and Landguard, January 29th to February 7th. Spring passage was very light when compared with 2006. Migrants were noted at only eight coastal sites with a máximum of only three at Minsmere, March 13th; one on March 28th was the solé Landguard report. Apart from an isolated report from Westleton, September 24th, what was to be an excellent autumn passage commenced on October 18th when one was located on Minsmere beach with singles at Lowestoft and Landguard the next day. Overall, migrants were noted at nine coastal sites in October with a máximum of four at Thorpeness, 26th. The peak of the autumn passage occurred in November. A prominent feature was the number of birds seen flying in from offshore, of which we received 17 reports totalling 38 birds at eight sites, between November 6th and 24th. Ness Point, Lowestoft, was easily the principal site for observation of this visible migration with 16 birds on four dates and a máximum of seven on November 13th. Overall, reports were received from 16 coastal sites in November with a clear peak of 13 at Landguard, also on 13th. An unfortunate migrant was killed when it collided with a window at Corton, 13th. In direct contrast with November, relatively few were located in December. Some idea as to the possible intended destination of some of November's migrants was provided by the report of 20 flushed during the course of a shoot in a wood at Framsden, 7th. The only indication of continued immigration in December was the presence of one on Orfordness, 16th. B L A C K - T A I L E D G O D W I T Limosa limosa Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Formerly bred. Red list. The male limosa retumed to the Suffolk coast for its tenth successive spring and summer. In previous years it had only been noted displaying at one site but in 2007 reports were received of this bird from at least five sites on various dates between March 23rd and July 16th. However despite displaying at additional sites, it still failed to attract a mate. The only other reported limosa was a well-observed juvenile on Minsmere Scrape, July 12th to 31 st. WeBS counts on the estuaries were:Alde/Ore Deben Orwell HW Orwell LW Stour HW/= High Water

























L W = Low Water













Sep -

_ 1818












It is encouraging to see a welcome return of four-figure totals on the Stour Estuary after none had been recorded there in both 2005 and 2006. September's total on the Stour is the highest there since January 2003 when 1901 were located. The Orwell high-water totals continue to be disappointing although, as in 2006, the low-water figures were generally higher; it was suggested in Suffolk Birds 2006 that these birds might roost elsewhere but we have received no data to prove or disprove this suggestion. The Deben maintains its status as a significant high-water roosting site for this species, and the Aide/Ore totals are generally higher that in 2006 although this extensive site held no four-figure gatherings in 2007. Monthly maxima at individuai sites included:Minsmere Orfordness Butlev River Trimley Marsh

Jan 12 1

Feb 263 345

Mar 420 10







Apr 320 45 31 65

Aug 121 459 406 406

Sep 51 10 33 100

Oct 150 3 54 -

Nov 219 31 55 -

Dec 108 17 27 -

Additional first winter period reports from the coast involved 900. North Warren, January 19th and 60 north past Minsmere, January 29th. The highlight of the early months was a flock of 225 in the Brett Valley at Gifford's Park, Stoke-by-Nayland, January 20th; this is the county's largest-ever gathering away from the coast and estuaries, easily exceeding the previous largest of 163 at Higham on the Suffolk/Essex border. March 31st, 2001 (M.F. Peers). Possibly these birds at Gifford's Park had been disturbed from a roost on the upper reaches of the Stour Estuary. Additional inland records in the first winter period involved singles at Livermere Lake, January 8th and Lackford Lakes, February 16th. Spring passage was particularly evident in March and April, especially on the Stour in the latter month (see WeBS table). Additional reports included 500, Snape Warren, April 6th and maximum totals of 180 and 172 at Burgh Castle in March and April respectively. At inland sites, spring migrants were noted at Mickle Mere, Gifford's Park and Lakenheath Fen; peak totals were 12, Mickle Mere, March 31 st and five, Gifford's Park. April 6th. Non-breeding gatherings in June included 125, Minsmere, 21 st and up to 86 on Orfordness during the month. An unexpected sighting involved six inland, Mickle Mere, June 24th. July witnessed a substantial increase in totals. By the month's end there were up to 353 on Orfordness, 295 on the Butley River and 110 at Blythburgh. As in recent years, July was also a good month for inland sightings with reports from Mickle Mere, Lackford Lakes and Livermere Lake and maxima at the latter site of seven on 8th and 24 on 15th. Returning Icelandic birds were present in even greater numbers in August. The Stour Estuary attracted 506 and elsewhere monthly maxima included 459 on Orfordness, 406 on both the Butley River and Trimley Marshes, 143 at Blythburgh and 121 at Minsmere. Inland in August, seven were at Higham (Suffolk/Essex),4th and three, Gifford's Park, 19th; these two sites continued to attract this species in the first two weeks of September with maxima of 13, Gifford's Park, 2nd and three, Higham, I Ith. Autumn totals, as shown in the above two tables, remained impressive and also included 600, Snape Warren, October 23rd. In December, totals increased sharply at both high and low water on the Orwell, but on the other three estuaries there were noticeable decreases when compared with those in November - where did ail these birds go to? B A R - T A I L E D G O D W I T Limosa lapponica Fairly common passage migrant and locally common winter visitor. Amber list. This species' status as a locally common winter visitor was maintained in 2007 with only the Aide/Ore and Stour estuaries providing regulär sightings on the WeBS counts:-


Suffolk Birci Report


As in recent years, the majority Jan Feb Mar Oct Nov Dec of the Stour birds were in 14 Aide/Ore 0 4 6 8 12 Erwarton Bay, this species' prinStour 187 66 15 0 130 0 cipal wintering site in Suffolk. Spring passage was exceptionally heavy and probably the best overall since 1984 although the record spring total of 450 north off Thorpeness on April 21st, 2001 was not exceeded. Totals peaked in late April and early M a y : Burgh Castle: 48, May 5th Oulton: 25 east, April 30th Lowestoft: Denes Oval, 19, May 1st - feeding on cranefly larvae. Benacre Broad: 254 (77males), May 2nd; 85 (40 males), May 3rd Covehithe: 30 north, April 30th. Blyth Estuary: 34, April 29th. Minsmere: 32, April 27th; 45, April 29th; 68, April 30th; 69 on Scrape and 30 north, May 1st; 52, May 2nd. Orfordness: 110 on site and 51 north, April 30th; 174, May 1st. Ramsholt: 35, May 1st. Trimley Marshes: 31, May 2nd. Levington: 53, May 1st. This strong passage was reflected at inland sites with reports from Gifford's Park (Stokeby-Nayland), Livermere Lake, Lakenheath Fen and Mickle Mere (Pakenham); the only double-figure totals were 13, Lakenheath Fen, April 30th and ten, Gifford's Park, April 29 th. Laggard birds in early June included five north, Thorpeness, 8th and four, Butley River, 9th. One probably oversummered on Havergate Island, and what is likely to have been the first returning bird flew south off Orfordness, June 24th. Seawatchers witnessed most of the return passage between early July and mid-September. The peak day for southerly offshore passage was August 19th when totals involved 65, Kessingland, 81, Southwold, 126, Orfordness and 24, Landguard. Overall, the latter site recorded 74 south offshore between July 1st and September 11th. During September to December the only significant sightings away from the Stour and Aide/Ore Estuaries were 11, Levington (Orwell), November 11th, ten, Deben Estuary, September 16th and nine, Orwell low-water count, December 17th. W H I M B R E L Numenius phaeopus Fairly common passage migrant. Occasionally overwinters. Amber list. As in 2006, spring passage totals were generally below the average for recent years. The first arrivals were on April 5th when singles were at Minsmere and North Warren, but it was not until late April that significant totals were noted. The principal coastal site in April was Orfordness with up to 22 present late in the month and 23 flew north there on 30th. Away from the coast, sightings in April were at:Beccles Marshes: 14,20th; ten, 23rd; seven, 24th Henstead: 24th Pakenham: Mickle Mere, 30th Lakenheath Fen: 22nd. Seawatchers recorded the highest totals in May, principally early in the month:Kessingland: 18 north, 3rd Thorpeness: 39 north, nine south in May, max 17 north. 1st. Landguard: 85 north, April 19th to June 3rd, max 13, May 1st. Feeding totals in May peaked at 15 on Orfordness; ten, Blythburgh, 2nd and ten, Minsmere, 4th. Reports from inland sites in May involved: Lakenheath Fen: three, Ist; 23rd. Cavenham: ten, 3rd; 4th to 6th Stoke-by-Nayland: Gifford's Park, 7th.




The total at Cavenham on May 3rd is the highest in West Suffolk since 1998 when 22 flew south over Long Melford, July 26th. The final spring migrant was the Landguard bird on June 3rd. Another which flew south off this site on June 12th was possibly oversummering in the area. Another possibly oversummered on Orfordness and as early as June 24th the first returning bird flew south off Thorpeness. July, August and early September witnessed the year's highest totals but again these were mainly recorded by the county's seawatchers, as follows:Gunton: 27 south, Aug 27th. Lowestoft: 13 south , Aug 19th. Kessingland: 70 south, July, max 11 on 17th; 31 south. Aug, max 23 on 19th. Thorpeness: 42 south, July, max 12 on 7th; 98 south. Aug, max 70 on 27th and 22 on 19th. Orfordness: 32 south, Aug 19th; 17 south, Aug 21st; 33 south, Aug 27th. Landguard: 88 south, June 12th (see above) to September 5th, max 17, July 5th. As with Bar-tailed Godwit, August 19th was a peak day for offshore passage. The highest feeding totals were recorded in July with up to 13 on Orfordness and 12, Blythburgh, 31st. Inland records were f r o m : Lakenheath Fen: July 20th. Cavenham: July 13th and 31st Mickle Mere: Aug 19th; two, Aug 22nd Very few were noted after mid-September and the final sighting of the year was on the Blyth Estuary, October 14th. The year's most intriguing report was of one showing characteristics of subspecies hudsonicus or variegatus which few south off Lowestoft and then Southwold, July 26th. When compared with the nominate phaeopus which it accompanied, it was darker breasted and had duller underwing coverts, and showed a brown rump and back (B.J. Small et al.). EURASIAN CURLEW Numenius arquata Common winter visitor and passage migrant. A few pairs breed. Amber list. Eurasian Curlews were located at seven potential nesting sites in the northwest of Suffolk. As in 2006, there was a possibility of breeding in the Ixworth Thorpe area. At least ten were seen at Cavenham, June 26th which suggests that successful breeding occurred in that vicinity. Our breeding population is miniscule when compared with that which frequents our estuaries in the winter months. Counts at the principal wetland sites were:January's WeBS total of 3719 is just over 700 Sep Oct Nov Dec Mar Jan Feb 327 840 682 n/c 288 higher than that of Aide/Ore 680 1320 98 35 55 33 396 13 63 January 2006 (3207). The Orfordness* 622 562 159 772 833 615 863 very impressive January Deben Estuary 292 665 65 622 790 402 811 total also included the Orwell HW B/C n/c n/c 535 753 792 696 year's only four-figure Orwell LW 262 571 652 908 432 725 559 count, of 1320 on the Stour Estuary Aide/Ore complex. How- * Monthly maxima HW = High Water LW = Low Water ever, although totals on the Aide/Ore were generally higher than those of 2006, they were lower on the Deben, Orwell and Stour Estuaries. February witnessed the start of spring passage with the first northbound migrants off Landguard, 17th and inland reports from Nunnery Lakes, Thetford, 28th (14) and Flixton GP, 17th. Northerly offshore passage peaked in April with maxima of 47 past Orfordness, 15th and


Suffolk Bird Report


37 past Landguard, 19th. This northerly passage continued off Landguard until June 2nd, and only four days later, on 6th, the same site witnessed the first returning birds. The indications are of an excellent breeding season at sites well to the north and east of Suffolk, with record autumn passage totals at Landguard. Southerly offshore passage peaked in June and July:Kessingland: 233, July, max 110, 1st. Thorpeness: 66, June; 383, July, max 205, July 1st. Landguard: 578, June; 701 .July, max 261, July 5th. Additional offshore passage totals included 107 off Felixstowe promenade, June 25th, 53 off Ness Point, Lowestoft, July 1st and 42 off Southwold, July 4th. Impressive feeding totals in July involved 241, Orfordness 25th, 160, Blythburgh, 25th and 130, Butley River, 15th. Offshore passage was almost non-existent in August but during the month estuarine totals peaked at 150, Butley River, 11th and 133, Blythburgh, 13th. Inland reports in August were from Gifford's Park, Stoke-by-Nayland, 10th (two), Weybread G.P., 22nd and Lakenheath Fen, 31st. Totals during the year's final four months were dominated by the WeBS figures (see table above). The table highlights a big decrease between October and November and an even bigger increase between November and December. S P O T T E D R E D S H A N K Tringa erythropus Fairly common passage migrant. A few overwinter. Amber list. What was to be a generally disappointing year for this species started well with reports from seven coastal sites in January and February. Dingle Marshes, Dunwich attracted the largest gathering with six on January 7th; elsewhere, there were five on the Deben Estuary, February 9th and three on the lower reaches of the Orwell Estuary, January 12th. None was noted at Minsmere until February 4th, followed by two on the reserve, February 10th to 22nd. Spring passage birds became evident in mid-March when two were at both Minsmere and Orfordness. April usually witnesses a fair scattering of migrants, but this year sightings were reported from only four coastal sites during the month, peaking at five, Minsmere, 26th. Birds were noted in May at Trimley Marshes, Dingle Marshes, Minsmere and Burgh Castle, with a maximum of six at the latter site on the 5th. The spring's final sighting was at Minsmere, May 19th. Just under four weeks later on June 14th, the first returning birds were back at Minsmere (three). The species was then regularly noted at Minsmere throughout the rest of June, with maxima of 15 on 19th and 14 on 25th. Elsewhere in June, reports were from only five additional coastal sites, peaking at six, Trimley Marshes, 22nd and five, Dingle Marshes, 26th. Inland, two at Mickle Mere, Pakenham, June 20th to 24th were the year's only inland sightings. July and August usually witness the year's largest gatherings but in 2007 relatively few were noted. The July and August maxima were both at Blythburgh with 15, July 30th and 12, August 4th. Minsmere's peaks were only 12 in July and 11 in August. Very few were noted away from Minsmere and Blythburgh in either month. One flew south off Landguard, July 27th. Apart from up to 14 at Minsmere, 23 rd to 27th, very few were noted in September, but October witnessed new arrivals on the coast with a peak of 20, Dingle Marshes 11th; this is the year's maximum total, the lowest annual peak in Suffolk since at least 1974. Elsewhere in October reports were from five coastal sites including up to five at both Benacre Broad and Minsmere. Sightings in November included a late peak of six at Minsmere, 11th. In December there were single wintering birds at Burgh Castle, Minsmere, Orfordness and Melton; two were on Havergate Island, 9th.



One observer commented that most of the Spotted Redshanks that he saw during the autumn were adults, which is probably indicative of a very poor breeding season and the reason for such low totals on autumn passage. Monthly maxima of Spotted Redshanks, Minsmere, 2007:Jan 0

Feb 2

Mar 2

Apr 5

May 2

Jun 15

Jul 12

Aug 11

Sep 14

Oct 5

Nov 6

Dee 1

C O M M O N R E D S H A N K Tringa totanus Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Declining resident. Amber list. Reports of the coastal breeding population were from only 11 sites (15 in both 2006 and 2005). Not surprisingly, the number of reported pairs on the coast was also lower, at 98 (144 in 2006). The number of pairs at principal coastal sites was as follows with the 2006 figures in brackets, where available, for comparison:Walberswick NNR: 12(12). Dingle Marshes: 10(12). Minsmere Scrape: 10 (nine). Minsmere Levels: 22. Orfordness: 14(14). Trimley Marshes: 15(12). Cattawade: six (20). Away from the coastal rĂŠgion. Common Redshanks were noted during the breeding season at Lakenheath Fen, Lackford Lakes, Livermere Lake, Cavenham GP, Mickle Mere, Stoke-by-Nayland and Higham St. Mary. The only successful breeding occurred at the latter site where a pair was seen with juveniles, June 5th. Counts at the principal coastal and estuarine sites were:Encouragingly, Apr Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar WeBS counts 305 1139 987 1673 631 Aide/Ore 1590 were marginally 150 139 178 183 393 203 Orfordness* 147 higher than in 1826 1587 1543 989 1340 Deben 1245 2059 2006. The Deben Orwell HW 75 1015 1184 1153 1080 720 1722 retains its position Orwell 1.W : 1375 1265 2075 1401 4 as the principal Stour Estuary 414 488 1333 1085 715 1190 483 691 estuary for roost- * Monthly Maxima HW = High Water LW = Low Water ing Common Redshanks in Suffolk. The Ipswich Docks roost continues to hold impressive totals: the Orwell figure in November contained a peak of 387 at this industrial site, It is interesting to note the diffĂŠrence of almost a thousand birds between the high water and low water Orwell counts in February. Impressive counts inland at Lakenheath early in the yearinvolved 18,January l s t a n d 14, February 26th. In the north-east of Suffolk, observers at Burgh Castle recorded spring figures of 160, March 25th and 170, Aprii 15th. Offshore autumn passage was almost non-existent apart from at Landguard where movements were recorded between June 23rd and September 14th. Landguard's principal monthly counts were 38 in July and 57 in August with a peak day-total of 22, July 5 th. In late summer, Orfordness attracted up to 151 in July and 210 in August; also in July, the Stour WeBS count was 617 and 300 were on the Deben at Melton on the 15th. There were few reports away from the estuaries during the year's final four months. Inland reports in December involved up to two at Cavenham G P on several dates; one, Thorington Street Reservoir, 15th and five, Lakenheath, 30th.


Suffolk Birci Report


M A R S H S A N D P I P E R Tringa stagnatalis Very rare visitor There was a single bird at Trimley Marshes on August 31st (P. Oldfield). There have now been eight Suffolk records, involving ten individuals, of this east European and Asiatic wader. This is the second site record, the first having been found at the well-watched locality also on August 31st back in 1999. C O M M O N G R E E N S H A N K Tringa nebularia Common passage migrant. A few overwinter. December 2006 had seen seven Common Greenshanks located in Suffolk. This total increased still further during the first three months of 2007 with as many as nine, a record total, being reported from the Orwell Estuary (3), Stour Estuary (2), Felixstowe Ferry (2), Melton and Blythburgh/ Walberswick. A second bird at Melton, April 4th might have been the first spring arrival but the main phase of spring passage commenced on April 11th at Minsmere. As in 2006, Orfordness was the principal spring locality with peak counts of 19, April 28th; 15, April 29th and 11, May 3rd. The only other double-figure spring total was of 15, Melton, May 3rd. Elsewhere on the coast spring passage witnessed up to eight at ten localities. During the period April 29th to May 26th Common Greenshanks were noted inland at Boxford, Cavenham, Holton St. Mary, Mickle Mere and Gifford's Park, Stoke-by-Nayland with a maximum of up to three at the latter site in May. The final spring report was from Orfordness, June 2nd. One at Trimley Marshes, June 16th possibly oversummered in the area but it was joined by a second bird, June 19th. Landguard's first autumn bird was on June 21st and Minsmere's on June 28th. There was a slow build-up of sightings in July with reports from seven coastal and two inland sites, and a peak of ten on Orfordness, 22nd. August and September witnessed the main phase of autumn passage which included the year's maximum totals. Overall there were reports from 16 coastal and eight inland sites with double-figure totals as follows: Minsmere: II,Aug 19th. Orfordness: 12, Aug 27th; 11, Sep 4th increasing to 18, Sep 23rd; 15, Sep 26th. Deben Estuary: 11, Sep 16th. Orwell Estuary: ten, Sep 16th; 12, Trimley Marshes, Sep 23rd. Stour Estuary: 32, Aug 12th; 45, Sep 16th. Inland sightings were at Boxford, Cavenham. Lakenheath Fen, Mickle Mere, Thorington Street Reservoir, Flixton GP, Livermere Lake and Gifford's Park. Inland maxima were five, Mickle Mere, August 11th and three, Lakenheath Fen, August 4th. None were recorded inland after September 6th. October was also a busy month with reports from 11 coastal sites, but the only doublefigure counts were of 31, Stour Estuary and 20, Orwell Estuary, both on 7th. Additional totals included eight at Melton as late as 29th and seven on the Aide/Ore, 7th. November reports were from Melton (3), Stour Estuary (3), Orwell Estuary (2), Blyth Estuary (2), Orfordness and Kessingland - the latter bird flew north offshore, 10th. The year ended quietly with the only December sightings being of one at the traditional Melton site, two on the lower reaches of the Orwell Estuary and one at Dingle Marshes, Dunwich. L E S S E R Y E L L O W L E G S Tringa flavipes Very rare visitor Southwold: Town Marshes, juvenile moulting tofirst-winter,Dec 21st into 2008 (B.J. Small et al.). Walberswick: Tinker's Marshes, juvenile, Sep 25th and 26th (P.J. Hobbs et al.). Minsmere: Juvenile, Oct 30th to Nov 9th (B.Buffrey et al.).




G R E E N S A N D P I P E R Tringa ochropus Fairly common passage migrant. Small numbers overwinter. Amber list. An excellent year for this popular wader commenced in the first two months with reports from three coastal and six inland sites and peaks of three, Cavenham GP, February 4th and 19th and two, Sproughton, February 26th. There was an unexpected lack of sightings from Wilford Bridge which had been a favoured wintering site for several years. Totals increased in March with several sightings at Cavenham G P peaking at five on 13th. Flixton GP also started to feature with three on 25th. Most spring migrants occurred in April; inland sites dominated with reports from seven sites and a maximum of four at Gifford's Park, Stoke-by-Nayland. 15th. In early May singles were at North Warren, 1st and Minsmere 5th and two inland at Boxford, 2nd. One at Minsmere, May 23rd and 24th was either a very early returning bird or oversummering in the area. Autumn passage commenced in early June with singles inland at Shelley, 3rd and on the coast at Minsmere, 4th. Overall, returning birds were at eight localities in June with maxima of eight, Flixton GP, 23rd, seven, Orfordness, 17th and 21st and five, Minsmere, 30th. As we have come to expect, Green Sandpipers occurred in higher numbers and at more sites in July and August than at any other time of the year. Overall, during these two months observers reported this wader from 25 sites (12 coastal, 13 inland) with maxima as follows:Minsmere: six, Aug 2nd. Orfordness: 19, Jul 22nd: 16, Jul 8th to 10th; 15, Aug 6th; 12, Aug 26th. Stour Estuary: 14, Aug 12th. Flixton GP: 18, Jul 17th, 19th and 22nd; 14, Aug 1st. Hindlerclay Fen: nine, Jul 22nd. Mickle Mere: 11, Aug 13th. Livermere Lake: eight, Aug 21st. Gifford's Park: eight, Aug 4th and 19th. A decline in totals was noted after mid-August, and in September the maximum gatherings were of six at Gifford's Park, 2nd, Flixton GP, 11th and Boyton Marshes, 13th. In October sightings were from five coastal and nine inland sites but the maximum total was of only three, Shelley, 14th. Few were noted in November with singles at only two coastal and five inland sites, but totals increased in December with up to three at Cavenham GP, two at Butley, Flixton GP and Carlton Colville and singles at Burgh Castle, Worlingham, Westleton, Wickham Market, Shingle Street and Barking. Monthly maxima of Green Sandpipers, Flixton GP, 2007:Jan 1

Feb 1

Mar 3

Apr 2

May 0

Jul 18

,lun 8

Aug 14

Sep 6

Oct 2

Nov 0

Dec 2

W O O D S A N D P I P E R Tringa glareola Fairly common passage migrant. Amber list. In what was to be a mediocre year for this species, early arrivals were noted in April at Orfordness, 21st; North Warren, 22nd and Lackford Lakes, 29th. The bird on Orfordness is the earliest in Suffolk since 1988 (April 17th, Covehithe). Although May witnessed the peak of spring passage, it seems likely that no more than nine occurred at our well-watched wetland sites. Reports were f r o m : Minsmere: two, May 7th; May 11th. North Warren: May 3rd. Orfordness: three. May 5th, one remaining to May 7th; May 10th. Cavenham GP: May 5th. The only June sightings occurred on Orfordness with one, 7th and 8th, and, presumably, a second bird, 16th.


Suffolk Birci Report


Orfordness also recorded the first bird of the autumn passage, July 22nd to 24th. The only other reports in July were of singles at Hen Reedbeds, 24th and Boyton Marshes, 30th. Although August was the year's best month, totals were low with no more than two at any one locality. Overall, sightings in August were at five coastal and three inland sites. Two were at Orfordness, 20th, Boyton Marshes, 20th to 24th and North Warren, 5th. Inland reports, all of singles, were from Lakenheath, 13th, Thorington Street Reservoir, Stoke-byN ay land, 10th and Mickle Mere, 12th to 16th and 21st. Minsmere's sole autumn bird remained on the reserve between September 28th and October 1 st, the first October record since 2004. C O M M O N S A N D P I P E R Actitis hypoleucos Common passage migrant. A few overwinter. 2006 had ended with a wintering Common Sandpiper on Orfordness and this individual remained there throughout the first three months of 2007 - it visited Havergate Island on February 18th. Unexpected sightings in March involved singles at Minsmere, 7th and 12th and inland at Cavenham GP, 10th. This is the first winter since 1997/98 that there had not been an overwintering Common Sandpiper at Wilford Bridge on the Deben Estuary at Melton. April witnessed the first spring migrant on 10th at Sudbury. Although noted at 12 sites in April, all sightings involved singles apart from four, Weybread, 30th. A widespread passage was recorded in May with reports from as many as 13 coastal and 11 inland sites. However, totals were generally low with no double-figure counts; maxima were eight, Weybread GP, 4th and five, Livermere Lake, 4th. Sightings at Lowestoft involved four, Hamilton Dock, 11th, two Ness Point, 12th and one, North Beach, 19th. Minsmere recorded the final bird of the spring, June 9th. What was probably the first autumn passage bird was at Minsmere as early as June 22nd but no more were reported until July 10th. Totals increased noticeably towards the end of July with the following maxima, which included the first double-figure count of the year:Minsmere: eight, Jul 22nd and 24th. Orfordness: nine, Jul 28th. Flixton GP: 11, Jul 20th. August was easily the best month of the year with sightings at 13 coastal and nine inland localities. Double-figure gatherings were recorded at six sites:Minsmere: 32, Aug 10th. Orfordness: 12, Aug 25th Stour Estuary: 16, Aug 12th. Flixton GP: 22, Aug 22nd; 17, Aug 24th. Weybread GP: 13, Aug 22nd. Livermere Lake: 12, Aug 21st. The total at Minsmere on August 10th is the highest in Suffolk since August 2nd 2003 when a record 55 were on Havergate Island. Significant totals continued to be recorded into early September with eight, Orfordness, 1st, six, Shelley, 2nd and five, Minsmere, 1st and 4th. Relatively few were noted after midSeptember and the only October reports were of two, Orfordness, 7th, two, Stour Estuary, 7th and one, Dingle Marshes, 11th. The sole November sighting was of one on 18th on Orfordness with presumably the same bird there in December during which month there was an isolated report of one at Trimley Marshes, 9th. RUDDY T U R N S T O N E Arenaria interpres Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. Counts at the principal estuarine and coastal sites were:-



Lowestoft* Aide/Ore Estuary Deben Estuary Orwell Estuary HW Ipswich Docks Orwell Estuary LW Stour Estuary * Monthly maxima


Jan Feb Mar Apr Aug Sep 23 34 38 25 31 12 35 14 54 11 16 20 20 0 8 134 175 142 4 • 123 99 99 0 257 251 220 200 193 70 210 97 HW = High Water LW = Low Water

Oct 8 0 13 33 0 106

Nov 0 47 16 284 76 96 281

Dec 30 22 0 158 132 112 116

The Ipswich Docks totals are included in the Orwell high water figures. The Aide/Ore and Deben totals were generally comparable to those of 2006 although the latter estuary did not record any three-figure counts in 2007. The Stour and Orwell totals were generally higher than those of 2006 in the first winter period. The November counts on the Stour and Orwell were noticeably higher than any others in a generally poor second winter. The Stour's April and August totals were well below those in the same two months in 2006. Additional reports in the first winter period included 60 north off Kessingland, January 19th and a maximum of 47 on Havergate Island, January 21st. Spring passage was only recorded at coastal and estuarine sites. Maxima at Minsmere were 21, April 7th and 16, May 12th. At least 35 flew north off Kessingland in May with a peak of 15 on 28th. Other May totals involved up to ten on Orfordness, 11 at Lowestoft and 12 at Melton. Return passage commenced in July with southerly offshore passage totals for the month of 53 at Thorpeness and 22 at Landguard. August reports were dominated by the Stour WeBS total of 210; birds moving south off Thorpeness and Landguard totalled 13 and 12 respectively during the month. Very few reports were received during the year's final four months apart from the WeBS counts (see table above). A previously unreported roost site was Burat Hill, Carlton Colville where 13 were present, December 14th. As in 2006, none were reported from the west of Suffolk in 2007. R E D - N E C K E D P H A L A R O P E Phalaropus lobatus Rare passage migrant. Red list. The first record of this species in Suffolk since 2004 occurred at our county's most inaccessible site. Orfordness: juvenile, Aug 13th to 20th. trapped and ringed on 17th (J.Askins, M.Marsh et al). All five records since 2001 have occurred in August. G R E Y P H A L A R O P E Phalaropus fulicarius Scarce passage migrant and rare winter visitor Four typically- dated autumn records but none were available for mass observation. Benacre: Nov 12th. Orfordness: juvenile, Nov 1st to 8th (J.Askins. M. Marsh et al.). Landguard: north, Sep 26th (N.Odin, R.Q.Skeen); south, Sep 30th (JZantboer). P O M A R I N E SKUA Stercorarius pomarinus Uncommon passage migrant. A few overwinter. A distinctly below-par year for this species lacking the pronounced May passage that most seasoned seawatchers have become used to in recent years. In the first winter period three were noted off Kessingland during January. The only multiple occurrences during the spring were a flock of five which flew north past


Suffolk Birci Report


Thorpeness, April 28th, another flock of five flew north past Kessingland, April 30th and seven north off Southwold, May 1st. Other sightings made were singles seen at a few other coastal locations. Return autumn passage was generally sparse and limited to a few single sightings in late August and September. One rested on the beach at Landguard, September 29th and 30th. October was very quiet, the only multiple occurrence coming from Thorpeness where three flew south together, 13th. November picked up a little with 12 past Kessingland during the month and a total of ten being noted from Thorpeness. There was a good scattering of wintering birds with up to seven noted off Kessingland during December. Further south, seven were noted off Minsmere, December 24th. Five lingered off Landguard, December 27th. A R C T I C SKUA Stercorarius parasiticus Common passage migrant. A few overwinter. Another good year for this species, although, as usual, spring passage was limited to a few single and some double sightings during May and June at the normal coastal watch points. An inland record came from Lakenheath Fen where one adult was seen by the Little Ouse, 6th July. This was the first sighting in West Suffolk since 2004 when three were at Lakenheath Fen, May 11th. As expected return passage was much more plentiful with late August and September being the time when peak observations were made. Notable peak return counts included 79 past Southwold, 46 past Orfordness and 44 past Landguard, all on August 22nd. The following month a further 72 were seen past Southwold and 34 past Thorpeness, September 10th. Twenty were seen past Ness Point, Lowestoft, September 11th. Winter records included two past Minsmere Beach and three past Thorpeness, December 7th. Five flew past Southwold, December 4th. At Landguard one was offshore, November 30th and December 1st. L O N G - T A I L E D SKUA Stercorarius longicaudus Uncommon passage migrant. This species enjoyed a plentiful year with all sightings occurring in August and September. One observer noted that the seven juveniles he saw was the most in 14 years of sea watching from Covehithe. Three past Southwold, September 10th was the highest count of the year. Looking at the list of sightings it is difficult to pinpoint any possible duplicate records, which is different to previous years. Lowestoft: two juvs north past North Beach, Sep 15th (A. Easton. R. Wilton and R. Wincup); juv lingered offshore before flying north, Sep 17th (R. Wilton, K. Wright). Kessingland: south, Aug 22nd; south. Aug 26th; on sea close inshore, Sep 16th (P. Read). Covehithe: juv north 08:17, Aug 22nd; juv south 07:18. Aug 29th; two juvs south 15:15 and 15:30, Sep !0th; two juvs south 08:28 and 11:45, Sep 18th; juv south 12:40, Sep 26th (P. Dare). Southwold: two south 08:38 and 08:55, Sep4th (B. Small); three south, Sep 10th (B. Small); juv north, Sep 1 Ith (J. Grant); juv north, Sep 19th (B. Small); juv south, Sep 26th (B. Small). Minsmere: from beach, Sep 4th, (R. Drew). Thorpeness: two adults south, Aug 9th; juv north. Sep 5th (D. Thurlow). Landguard: north. Oct Ist (G. Jobson, E. Marsh, R. Skeen et al.). 2006 Addition Gorleston: August 12th, 2006. G R E A T SKUA Stercorarius skua Fairly common passage migrant. A few overwinter. Amber list. A much better year for this species. One off Southwold, January 16th and 17th and one flying south off Thorpeness, January 20th may have involved the same overwintering bird.




Spring passage peaks consisted of five passing north off Thorpeness, April 28th and May 1st, seven past there April 29th and 30th and three flying north off Kessingland, April 30th and May 1st. Peak counts on return passage included 12 past Southwold, October 1st. On the whole, larger numbers of birds were involved than seen in the spring, sightings tended to be of single birds well spread out over August and September. Towards the end of the year single records continued to be noted throughout October and November and multiple sightings included six seen at Landguard, November 12th. Two flew past Southwold. November 14th. The only two December records came from Kessingland where single birds were seen on 14th and 25th. S A B I N E ' S G U L L Xema sabini Rare passage migrant After a blank year for this arctic breeder in 2006, 2007 saw a good autumn including a juvenile that lingered in the Bawdsey area giving people a rare opportunity to 'twitch' one. Analysis of the sightings and allowing for duplication suggests about six juveniles were seen in total in the county, the best year since 2001. Lowestoft: Ness Point, juv, south close inshore mid-afternoon, 15th Sep (R. Wincup). Covehithe: juv north, Sep 10th (R. Waiden). Southwold: juv south 12:07, Sep 10th (B. Small); juv south 16:45, Sep 15th (B. Small), same as Lowestoft bird; juv, Nov 7th (R. Drew). Thorpeness: juv north, Oct Ist (D. Thurlow). Shingle Street/Bawdsey: juv, on sea and in fields Oct 29th and 30th, (P. Hobbs el al.). Felixstowe/Landguard: juv, south 06:50 then north, 09:00. thought to be same bird, Sep 24th (P. Oldfield, R.Skeen). B L A C K - L E G G E D K I T T I W A K E Rissa tridactyla Very common passage migrant and winter visitor. Small numbers breed. Amber list. In the first winter period offshore movements were low, with no notable day counts made. Landguard noted a peak of 24 flying past, January 1 st. However, at Kessingland 190 flying north and 116 south were recorded, January 11th. In the second winter period much stronger movements were noted. In December a monthly total of 3673 was recorded, on the coast, with half seen going north and the other half going south. This may indicate local feeding movements rather than passage migration. At Landguard there was a peak count of 300, December 27th. Breeding in Lowestoft Harbour consisted of 67 nests in which 83 chicks were ringed. One other nest on an accommodation module produced two chicks. Half a mile to the south, on Claremont Pier, 31 chicks were ringed from 20 nests. There were no records received of breeding activity at the Sizewell rigs. A movement of 200 which flew south past Thorpeness. June 29th, was said to have included many first-summers. Around 500 were noted flying north past Minsmere Beach in the space of two hours. May 1st. B L A C K - H E A D E D G U L L Chroicocephalus ridibundus Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. In the first winter period, 7000 roosted on Lackford sailing lake, January 7th, 12th and 18th. 3500 roosted at Cavenham Pits, January 9th and over 5000 were counted during the WeBS survey on the Aide/Ore during the same month (see table below) with 2000 offshore at Orfordness, January 28th. Breeding was confirmed inland at Lackford Lakes. Great Livermere and Mickle Mere. Thirty-seven nests were counted at Mickle Mere; heavy rain did damage some of these and no firm counts of successfully fledged birds were made, but they were thought to only be in single figures. At Orfordness 31 nests produced only two young. 2000 pairs bred at


Suffolk Birci Report


Walberswick NNR but there is no information on their success rate. Minsmere hosted 591, May 2nd and successful breeding was confirmed with a total of 816 birds of all ages being counted, June 17th. At Trimley Marshes 40 pairs brought off 50 young, to the detriment of the Common Terns. This species appears to be under recorded on passage especially around the coast. In the second winter period up to 14000 were estimated to be roosting at Lackford Lakes, November 17th and December 6th. This roost peaked at 16000, November 18th. At other inland sites, 1800 were at Livermere Lake, December 19th, 3200 at Weybread Pits, December 29th and 900 at Cavenham Pits December 16th. On the coast, 2000 were at Landguard, December 24th. Blyth Aide/Ore Stour

Jan 590 5121 195

Feb 738 1058 216

Mar 153 343 108

Apr 203


Oct 54




Nov 40 618 289

Dec 91 4466 211

L I T T L E G U L L Hydrocoleus minutus Fairly common passage migrant. Regularly oversummers. Small numbers overwinter. There were very few records in the first two months of the year but spring passage enjoyed a slightly stronger showing than in 2006. Peak counts were made at inland sites such as 23 at Livermere Lake, April 15th, and 22 still present there the following day. Sites along the coast saw single-figure counts around the same dates. During late summer much higher numbers were recorded, with 42 on Minsmere Scrape, July 31st, rising to 61, August 8th. 75 were at the Sizewell rigs, August 20th and 71 were seen past Thorpeness, August 26th. Moving further into autumn, 106 flew past Southwold, September 3rd and another 140 flew past there, September 10th. During September this species was recorded daily off Kessingland. Towards the end of the year 25 were seen off Kessingland, October 20th, part of the site's monthly total of 87, spread over nine different dates. Three past Thorpeness, November 8th, was the year's final record. M E D I T E R R A N E A N G U L L Larus melanocephalus Uncommon resident winter visitor and passage migrant. Rare breeder. Amber list. During May up to 15 were present on Minsmere Scrape, increasing to 23 during July. Overall Minsmere held the monopoly of sightings for this gull in 2007. Away from the reserve smaller numbers were seen including five at Southwold Boating Lake, March 3rd. Eight were at Shotley Marshes, January 12th and 13, November 19th. At Kessingland six were seen, together, flying north, October 27th. Five were at Pakefield Beach, October 2nd and November 27th and another five flew north at Ness Point, Lowestoft, September 26th. In the south, 14 were at Landguard, March 5th and 19 were present, October 29th. 17 were at Trimley, August 3rd. In the west of the county two were at Livermere Lake, April 18th. Breeding at Minsmere consisted of six nests, three of which failed due to poor May weather. The other nests successfully fledged five young between them. At another coastal site, six pairs bred but we have no information as to how successful these were. On the whole this species continues on its upward trend with many more double figure counts being made at locations up and down the coast with a few being recorded regularly at sites in the west. M E W ( C O M M O N ) G U L L Larus canus Very common winter visitor and passage migrant. Scarce breeding species. Amber list. At a traditional site there was no evidence of breeding activity this year despite two or three birds being present during June and July. At another site further down the coast it appears several pairs attempted to nest but there is no information regarding their success.




Inland winter counts included 200 at Cavenham Pits, January 9th and 370 at Leavenheath, January 19th. A peak of 630 was at Lackford in gale force winds, January 18th. In the south, at Landguard, 400 were noted, November 25th plus an exceptional influx at the year's end when numbers peaked at 8000, December 25th. Elsewhere in the second winter period, 500, including one leucistic (all white) bird, were at Lackford, December 6th. 760 were counted at Covehithe, December 13th. The WeBS data, below, shows that there was no repeat of the exceptional January 2006 count.of 4914 on the Blyth.

Blvth Alde/Orc Stour

Jan 11 337 2

Feb 7 79 69

Mar 3 36 4

Apr 4 -


Sep -

Oct 10





Nov 15 28 3

Dec 140 352 55

R I N G - B I L L E D G U L L Larus delawarensis Very rare visitor. Ninth Suffolk record, fourth for West Suffolk and third for Lackford Lakes. Lackford Lakes: adult in pre-roost before flying west, Dec 21st and 22nd (J. Walshe). L E S S E R B L A C K - B A C K E D G U L L Larus fuscus Very common summer visitor and passage migrant. Increasing numbers overwinter. Amber list. On Orfordness there were around 678 pairs towards the southern point, but no young on the main colony. There were as many as a 1000 pairs with 6 young, successful fledglings were made from the pagoda roofs. Large gatherings were noted over the summer months e.g. 3000, Livermere Lake, August 23rd, 2350, Blythburgh, August 17th and 2000 on ploughed fields, Bowbeck, Bardwell, August 17th. At Landguard this species was noted to be very common from mid-March to November due to nesting in the adjoining docks. Winter counts at Landguard were the highest on record peaking at 50, December 25th. A peak count in the second winter period of 3200 was made at Lackford sailing lake, November 18th and 200 were at Livermere Lake, November 4th. Elsewhere, 2300 were noted at High Lodge Farm, Santon Downham, February 11th and 700 at Wangford Fen, March 3rd. WeBS data received illustrates well the summer build-up on the northern rivers and estuaries. Blvth Aide/Ore Slour

Jan 5 168 3

Feb 199 242 3

Mar 2160 2290 7

Apr 1987

Sep -





Oct 7 14

Nov 20 69 4

Dec 8 77 7

H E R R I N G G U L L Larus argentatus Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. Winter roosting records included a good count of 700 in pig fields at Covehithe, December 13th. At Landguard 2500 December 25th was the largest count. In the west, 167 roosted at High Lodge Farm, Santon Downham, February 11 th. Due to predation this species suffered the same bad breeding season on Orfordness as the Lesser Black-backed Gull, with a total of 381 pairs (250 main colony) producing no young. The only birds to successfully fledge were on the pagoda roofs, transmitter building and a small island on Lantern Marsh. A pair bred successfully at Walberswick NNR and a pair with a single chick was at Flixton Pit. At Lowestoft many birds attempted to nest on rooftops of houses and businesses; no exact count of pairs or juveniles could be made, but there were certainly a number of successfully


Suffolk Birci Report


fledged juveniles seen by the end of the breeding season. This species was also noted nesting in Felixstowe Docks. The following WeBS data illustrate the Aide/Ore complex being an important wintering area, and the species being less numerous in the south:-

Blvth Aide/Ore Stour

Jan 93 1761 78

Feb 487 679 18

Mar 481 1106 37

Apr 439


Oct 25




Nov 89 252 20

Dec 110 1257 28

Y E L L O W - L E G G E D G U L L Larus michahellis Uncommon winter visitor, passage migrant. Small numbers oversummer. Seventeen were at Blythburgh, January 7th and 10th. As in 2006, once again good counts came from the west of the county where up to 39 were at High Lodge Farm, Santon Downham, February 11th. 12 were at Wangford Fen, March 4th. In the spring, nine were seen at Mickle Mere, April 18th and up to six were seen at Livermere Lake, April 28th and five were on Minsmere Scrape, May 10th. The late-summer build-up consisted of 19 present at Blythburgh, August 27th and 15 remained there, September 2nd, although very few were reported elsewhere. One individual returned to the groynes on Lowestoft North Beach, where it has been noted every summer since 1997 - it is now estimated to be at least 15 years old. Further into the autumn numbers along the coast appeared to decrease while inland sites saw numbers increase towards the year's end. In the second winter period ten were on the Blyth, December 28th. In the west of the county, nine were noted at Lackford Lakes, December 2nd. Seven were at Lackford, November 18th, increasing to nine, December 2nd. At Landguard, records were of a first-summer, May 15th and 18th, first-winter October 2nd, 8th and 16th, second-winter October 28th, first-winter November 17th, adult December 17th and second-winter December 30th. These are the fifth to the tenth individuals to have been noted at Landguard. C A S P I A N G U L L Larus Cachinnans There were many records mainly of single birds at the usual coastal locations but there were some multiple occurrences including three at Blythburgh, January 7th (B.Small). In the west, three were at High Lodge Farm, Santon Downham, February 3rd (P.Wilson). In the spring, four were noted at Lackford Lakes in a pre-roost on The Slough, March 23rd. Included in this total were two first-winter birds that remained in the pre-roost until April 8th (J.Walshe). In the autumn two were at Livermere Lake, September 5th (L.Gregory). The Ukrainian-ringed bird, now an adult, had returned to Southwold by August 13th and was also seen at the boating lake, October 3rd (R.Drew). In the second winter period, two were at Lackford Lakes, 15th December (L.Gregory). In the north-east, two were in a day roost at Burnt Hill, Carlton Colville, December 24th (A.Easton) and three were at Minsmere, December 27th (D.Fairhurst). At Landguard, a second-winter was present, September 26th (P.Merchant, N.Odin), firstwinter October 8th and 12th (N.Odin, R.Q.Skeen et al.) and first-winter December 28th (N.Odin). These are the second, third and fourth individuals for this site. 2006 Additional r e c o r d s There were several Caspian Gull records from the Blyth Estuary/Southwold area during 2006 which were accidentally omitted from that report. To summarise these, two first-




summers were noted during May, single juvenile, third-winter and adult birds were noted during August, single juvenile and first-winter birds were noted during September, a second-winter bird was noted during October and at least three first-winter, two secondwinter and an adult bird were noted during December. Of particular interest was the return to Southwold of the Ukrainian-ringed bird on July 28th where it remained until at least October 5th. As it had first turned up as a juvenile during 2003, it was now in its fourthwinter plumage. I C E L A N D G U L L IMr us glaucoides Scarce winter visitor. There were only two records in a disappointing year for this winter visitor:North Warren: second winter on grazing marsh. Jan 31st (D.Fairhurst). Santon Downham: High lodge Farm, juv, Feb 14th (D.Balmer). G L A U C O U S G U L L Larus hyperboreus Scarce winter visitor. A first-winter was in the county during the first winter period, on Minsmere Scrape, January 12th (I.Levett), was the only sighting. During the second winter period a first-winter was at Bradwell, November 7th, which may have been the widely ranging individual seen between Gunton Warren and Walberswick; it was thought to be the same bird that was picked up freshly dead at Hamilton Dock, Lowestoft, December 15th (Lowestoft Bird Club), with no first-winters reported along the coast after this unfortunate occurrence. A second-winter was also present in the North Suffolk area and was seen alongside a first-winter at the main gull roost off Burnt Hill Lane, Carlton Colville, December 15th. The day after, it was on Lowestoft South Beach (R.Walden) and was last reported at the Carlton Colville roost, December 27th. A firstwinter was in the Minsmere and Sizewell area where it roosted on one of the rigs, December 10th (D.Thurlow). One flew south past Slaughden, November 28th. A first-winter was at Landguard, December 24th (J.Zantboer) and 28th (N.Odin). In the west of the county a first-winter roosted regularly at Lackford Sailing Lake, November 16th to December 2nd (J.Walshe) and another at Cavenham Pits, December 26th (M.My les). G R E A T B L A C K - B A C K E D G U L L Larus marinus Common winter visitor and passage migrant. A few oversummer. Has recently bred. Breeding was confirmed at a site in the north-east of the county with two successful pairs. Another four were seen on Orfordness during July but no breeding was attempted. Winter gatherings in the west of the county consisted of 130 roosting at Lackford Lakes, January 18th. In the second winter period, at Lackford Lakes, the highest count of 76 was noted, November 28th and December 6th. At Wangford, 90 were recorded. October 7th. At Landguard 500, December 24th and 25th, was the peak count. Elsewhere in that area the WeBS census continues to illustrate that it is an uncommon species in the south-east of the county compared with the rivers and estuaries further north. Outside of the WeBS data there were 83 at Blythburgh, January 7th, 35 on Minsmere Scrape, December 8th and 32 at Aldringham Walks, December 31 st. There was a leucistic individual at Minsmere, December 28th.

Blyth Aide/Ore Stour





55 1

31 3

Mar 35 23 1

Apr 16 4


Sep 30

Oct 3



Nov 43 52 6

Dec 53 81 1

Suffolk Birci Report


L I T T L E T E R N Sternuta albifrons Common summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. The first individuai of the year was at Minsmere on April 23rd, closely followed by singles at Landguard on 24th and Kessingland on 25th and 27th. Two flew north past Thorpeness on the 29th and another on the 30th, with two at Trimley Marshes also on the 30th. The 2007 breeding season appears to have been even worse than in 2006, with no reports received of young fledging, although dĂŠtails from Orfordness are unknown:of Pairs

Fledged Young






All attempts failed

Dingle Marshes



Failed at egg stage




Eight young had hatched by 17th .luly




Display and copulation noted.





Breeding Site Kessingland


but all had disappeared by 20th. No nesting attempt.

Large numbers gathered on The Scrape at Minsmere during July, with the peak count being 110 on 28th. Both Landguard and Kessingland noted their last birds of the year on August 27th and the only subsequent record received was of one at Benacre Broad on September 16th. 2006 Addition Gorleston: October 1st, 2006. B L A C K T E R N Chlidonias niger Fairly common passage migrant. As in 2006 the first birds were noted on April 15th, with two at Livermere Lake and singles at Lackford Lakes and Cavenham Pits. The only other April records were of two at Livermere Lake, 21st, and one at the Suffolk Water Park, Bramford, 29th. During May and June Black Terns were recorded from the following sites:— Walberswick: Tinker's Marsh, Jun 11th. Minsmere: singles, Jun 11th,12th, 20th, 26th and 28th. Landguard: north, May 2nd; two south. May 10th. Trimley Marshes: three, May 1st. Cavenham Pits: two, May 3rd. Livermere Lake: eight. May 8th. Ampton Water: May 8th (thought to be additional to the eight at Livermere). Lackford Lakes: May 2nd. During the second half of the year, noted along the coast between July 17th and September 17th although the vast majority passed through in mid- to late August. Lowestoft: south, Sep 17th, the latest recorded in 2007. Kessingland: five south, Jul 29th. Southwold: Aug 15th; three. Aug 19th; seven, Aug 20th; eight, Aug 22nd; Sep. 3rd. Minsmere: Jul 17th; Jul 24th; Jul 30th; Aug 16th; 15, Aug 20th; Aug 22nd; three, Aug 23rd. Sizewell: 30, Aug 20th. Thorpeness: two, Aug 6th; south, Aug 8th; Aug 26th. Slaughden: six, Aug 19th. Landguard: five, Aug 22nd; five, Aug 25th. Trimley Marshes: Aug 21st. Unlike 2006 there were no inland autumn records.




W H I T E - W I N G E D (BLACK) T E R N Chlidonias leucopterus Rare passage migrant. A moulting adult at Minsmere on August 22nd and 23rd spent its time commuting between The Scrape and Island Mere. It was last seen at dusk on 23rd apparently preparing to roost on South Scrape. This was the 33rd Suffolk record, involving 51 individuals. S A N D W I C H T E R N Sterna sandvicensis Common passage migrant, declining summer winter visitor. Amber list. The first of the year was recorded on The Scrape at Minsmere on April 8th, an unexpectedly late date for the initial arrivai. Peak spring passage days at Thorpeness were Aprii 29th (27 north) and May 12th (22 north), and at Kessingland, Aprii 30th (21 north). The table below shows monthly movements past three well-watched coastal sites:— Kessingland Thorpeness Landguard

Apr 24N4S 74N0S 4N OS

May Jun 43N US 44N35S 120N4S 123N128S 47N4S 50N 25S

Jul 222N238S 239N120S 20N43S

Aug 143NI19S 90N155S 11N27S

Sep I18N I48N 65N42S 0N6S

Oct 2N IS 12N5S 3N IS

Once again no reports of any breeding attempts were received. The largest summer gatherings reported were of 88 at Minsmere on July 12th, and 90 at Havergate Island on July 27th. Two were noted inland, with one at Weybread Gravel Pits on August 22nd, and one fishing at a farm reservoir at Pakenham Fen on August 23rd. The final record of the year was one flying south at Kessingland on October 18th. C O M M O N T E R N Sterna hirundo Common summer visitor and passage migrant. Weybread Gravel Pits recorded the first of the year on April 9th, and by the 15th six were present at this Waveney Valley site. On April 16th three were even farther inland at Livermere Lake. The first record from the coast was of one at Minsmere on April 18th. Counts at well-watched coastal sites are detailed below:Apr Kessingland 35N 4S Thorpeness 17N4S Landguard I63N0S

Jun May 45N IIS 105N27S 482N H6S 141N41S ION IS

Sep Aug Jul 199N 225S 484N382S 336N210N 487N83 IS 865N 3949S 310N379S 17N41S 144N 464S 85N 128S

Oct 3N 2S 3N7S IN 3S

The incomplete breeding information received is summarized below:Lowestoft: Lake Lothing, at least 13 active nests on factory roof. Some young hatched but persistent very heavy rain during the summer resulted in total failure. Dingle Marshes: two pairs held territory, but no sign of breeding. Minsmere: at least 35 nests. Fledging success thought to be good, but no accurate assessment possible. Havergate Island: no dĂŠtails. Trimley Marshes: 70 birds present, only four fledged. Alton Water: 47 nests, 40 pairs, 60 fledged, 57 ringed. Only rafts used because island under water. Needham Market Lake: pair bred unsuccessfully. Weybread GP: ali breeding attempts failed. Lackford Lakes: pair bred on raft, fledging one young. The Lackford breeding record was the first at the site and the first in West Suffolk since 1991. The largest post-breeding summer gathering noted was of 190 at Minsmere on July 25th. The peak day-count for the autumn migration period was 1975 (69 N, 1906S) at Thorpeness on August 6th. The last individuai recorded in 2007 was one south past Kessingland on October 22nd.


Suffolk Birci Report


A R C T I C T E R N Sterna paradisaea Fairly common passage migrant. Occasionally breeds. Amber list. Inland spring passage was very much lighter than in 2006, with a total of 22 individuals compared with 45 in 2006. Weybread Gravel Pits again hosted the first of the year, on April 15th, although this was the only spring report at that site. Elsewhere inland in the spring Arctic terns were recorded as follows:Livermere Lake: three, Apr 16th; May 5th. Mickle Mere: two, Apr 28th. Lakenheath Fen: ten, Apr 30th. Lackford Lakes: four, May 7th; May 12th. The first coastal spring migrant was noted at Landguard on April 22nd, and between then and May 28th a total of 41 flew north there on six dates, with a maximum count of 26 on May 1st. A total of five was noted at Minsmere between April 28th and May 11th. A much larger northbound movement totalling 60 birds was recorded at Thorpeness on May 28th. After just two reported in June 2006, this year June saw a total of ten; with three at Thorpeness on 1st, six at Lowestoft, 9th and one at MinsArctic Tern Su Gough mere, 27th. An adult was seen at Minsmere on several dates throughout July from 1st onwards, and a second summer was also there on 8th. A total of 14 was noted during July at Thorpeness. There were no reported breeding attempts. Autumn passage was markedly better than in 2006. Landguard recorded 25 south between August 15th and October 20th. The highest day-counts in the County were 30 south at Southwold on September 10th, 28 north at Lowestoft on September 11th, and 15 (including 13 juveniles) feeding at Sizewell Rigs on September 20th. Inland records, both of juveniles, came from Redgrave Lake on September 26th and Weybread Gravel Pits on September 28th. There were two at Landguard on October 28th and two, the final birds of the year, on the Stour Estuary WeBS count. November 11th. R O S E A T E T E R N Sterna dougallii Scarce passage migrant. Red list. Another good year for this species with up to ten individuals reported, the same as in 2006, which was itself the best year since 2001. L o w e s t o f t : N e s s P o i n t , o n e north with C o m m o n T e r n s , M a y 28th ( C . M u t i m e r ) . S o u t h w o l d : n o r t h , Jul 6th ( B . S m a l l ) . M i n s m e r e : M a y 2 5 t h (multi o b s e r v e r ) ; Jun 7th to 15th ( C . B u t t l e et at.); p r o b a b l y s a m e b i r d , J u n 26th t o 29th ( R S P B ) ; t w o a d u l t s , Jul 10 th and 1 Ith ( R . D r e w , R . H a r v e y et al.). T h o r p e n e s s : n o r t h , M a y 14th; t w o s o u t h . J u n 29th ( D . T h u r l o w ) . L a n d g u a r d : n o r t h , A p r 30th ( N . O d i n ) ; n o r t h . M a y 1st ( N . O d i n ) ; f e e d i n g o f f s h o r e in t h e estuary m o u t h , J u n 8th and 10th ( D . L a n g l o i s , N . O d i n . E . P a t r i c k et al.); j u v e n i l e n o r t h , A u g 2 3 r d ( J . Z a n t b o e r ) . T r i m l e y M a r s h e s : J u n 9 t h , p r e s u m a b l y the s a m e i n d i v i d u a l a s that s e e n f e e d i n g o f f s h o r e f r o m L a n d g u a r d o n 8th and 10th.

2006 Addition G o r l e s t o n : adult s o u t h . S e p 3rd 2 0 0 6 .




C O M M O N G U I L L E M O T Uria aalge Common passage migrant and winter visitor. Amber list. Thorpeness produced the maximum day-count of the year, with 3572 (54 north, 3518 south) on December 7th, an impressive number but a little way behind the County record of 3942 south, set at the same site on the morning of December 3rd 2000. Other high day-counts from Thorpeness were 417 on January 8th (70 N, 347 S), and 229 on November 25th (122 N, 107 S). The second highest day-count though, came from Lowestoft where 436 flew north in just a 90 minute period on the afternoon of September 18th The wind then dropped and the passage ceased abruptly. The monthly totals at Thorpeness were as follows:Jan 316 753

North South

Feb 10 5

Mar 4

Apr 3 Ăź

Mav 32 30

Jun 52 66

Jul 15 4

Aug 1

Sep 4 -

Oct 2 2

Nov 342 360

Dec 588 4978

RAZORBILL Alcatorda Uncommon passage migrant and winter visitor. Amber list. The 53 live individuals and one tideline corpse reported this year is the highest annual total in the last eight years. The months of November and December accounted for the bulk of the records as usual, though June managed a respectable total of seven, the same as in January. Monthly totals of live Razorbills in 2 0 0 7 : Jan 7

Feb -



May 2

Jun 7


Aug 3

Sep 2

Oct 4

Nov 17

Dec 11

Corton: Aug 22nd. Lowestoft: Jan 25th; north, May 5th; north, Sep 1 Ith. Kessingland: north, Jan Ist; two north, Nov 1 Ith; south, Dec 6th; Dec 22nd. Southwold: two, Nov 3rd; Nov 4th; Nov 25th; Dec 4th . Minsmere: Oct 6th; north, Nov 8th. Thorpeness: two north, Jan Ist; three south, Jan 5th; south, May 30th; two south, Jun I6th; three south, Oct 13th; two north and six south during month of Nov; north and six south during month of Dec. Orfordness: two north, Aug 29th. Bawdsey: East Lane, corpse, Oct 24th. Felixstowe: Nov 28th. Landguard: four north, Jun 4th; Jun 6th; out of the river, Sep 12th. Pin Mill: Dec 26th. Ipswich: at the dock head off Bath Street, Nov 17th. The bird on the Orwell was the first record since 1998 when an oiled bird was in Thorpe Bay, January 8th. 2000 28

Totals of live Razorbills reported 2000-2007 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 28 40 32 36 48 23

2007 53

BLACK G U I L L E M O T Cepphus grylle Very rare visitor. Amber list. Southwold: north, Dec 4th (C.Fulcher) If accepted this will be the ninth County record. There have now been single records in each of the last three years after a blank spell lasting 15 years. 2006 Addition: Kessingland: Dec 3rd (P.Read).


Suffolk Birci Report


L I T T L E AUK Alle alle Uncommon passage migrant and winter visitor. There was just one record in the first winter period, of a bird flying up off the read at Felixstowe Ferry on January 23rd (J.Davies). The first of the autumn were a group of six, accompanied by a Teal, that flew north at Covehithe on October 20th. No more appeared until October 3Ist when single birds were noted at Southwold and Benacre. DĂźring November the species was seen virtually daily from Ist to 27th, but with the overwhelming majority passing north o n j u s t t w o d a y s , lOth and l l t h . As usuai several were noted accompanying Starlings inland, although a few were seen heading inland of their own accordi All November records are listed below. Obviously there will be a fair degree of duplication so it is impossible to say how many were involved in total. The highest daycount at one site was of 205 at Lowestoft on lOth, with Thorpeness and Southwold recording 120 and 107 respectively on the same date. Suffolk observers could surely be forgiven for expecting to see a few more given the very impressive 18731 that were logged off the Farne Islands on the 9th. Gorleston: 14,Nov lOth; 25,Nov llth. Hopton-on-Sea: 51 north,Nov llth. Corton: three north, Nov 13th. Oulton Broad: flew west with 300 Starlings, Nov 12th. Lowestoft: north. 12 south, Nov 9th ; 199 north, five south and one ĂŹnland with Starlings (with possibly the same bird later appearing from inland and then settling on the sea), Nov lOth; 98 north, 23 south. and two heading a short way inland before dropping into the industriai yards around Hamilton Road, Nov 1 Ith : nine north, one south, Nov 12th ; 18 north, Nov 13th ; two north, seven south, three on sea, Nov 14th ; two north, three on sea, Nov 15th; headless corpse, Nov 29th. Pakefield: six heading inland, Nov 12th involving one on its own, one with a large Starling flock (perhaps that seen at Oulton Broad the same day), and a group of four together. Kessingland: five north. Nov 5th; north, Nov 7th; three north, two south, Nov 9th; 25 north, two south, Nov llth; seven north, one south, Nov 12th; eight north,Nov 13th; two north, one on sea,Nov 14th; two north, Nov 15th; 13 north, Nov 26th; four north, Nov 27th. Covehithe: three north, Nov Ist; four north, Nov lOth; 30 north, two south, four on sea, and two heading inland with Starlings, Nov 1 Ith. Southwold: three, Nov 4th; six, Nov 9th; 107 mainly north, but included three heading inland with Starlings,Nov IOth;57,Nov llth;51,Nov 12th;two,Nov 13th;46,Nov I4th. Walberswick: Nov 27th. Dunwich: 27 north, Nov lOth; 11 north, Nov 1 Ith; three north, Nov 14th. Minsmere: three south, Nov 4th; Nov 6th; Nov 7th; five, Nov 8th; 13, Nov lOth ; 30 in one hour (part of a steady passage all day) ,Nov 1 Ith; six, Nov 12th; 11, Nov 13th; four, Nov I4th; Nov 15th; Nov 16th; Nov 18th; Nov 23rd; on the sea and another on West Scrape, Nov 26th. Sizewell: 41, Nov lOth; 13. Nov llth; 15, Nov 12th. Thorpeness: November total of 155 north and 47 south; with a maximum day total of 102 north and 18 south on lOth. Slaughden: north, Nov 6th; three, Nov lOth; 14+, Nov. I Ith; 12 north, Nov 12th; Nov 13th. Orfordness: Nov 4th; 18 north, eight south, Nov 1 Ith; four north, two south, Nov 12th; six north, six south, Nov 13th; three north, one south, Nov 14th. Shingle Street: Nov 7th; two, one of which crash-landed in allotments, Nov lOth. Bawdsey: East Lane; Nov lOth; four, Nov 1 Ith; Nov 14th. Falkenham: Deben Estuary, Nov 5th. Felixstowe: 12, Nov lOth; six south Nov 1 Ith; north, Nov 20th. Landguard: three south. Nov 7th; 15 north, 31 south and seven in off the sea, Nov lOth; six north, 13 south,Nov 1 Ith; six south Nov 12th;2l south,Nov 13th; two north, five south, Nov 14th;Nov 15th; three north, two south, Nov 24th. Ipswich: Riy'er Orwell, London Road Bridge, Nov 14th. Stutton Mill: two flew west along the Stour Nov 26th.




O n e s u m m e r - p l u m a g e d individual amongst the birds flying past L o w e s t o f t on N o v e m b e r 10th stood out well f r o m the rest of the group. S u b s e q u e n t l y this species w a s only recorded on three dates in D e c e m b e r ; north past Kessingland, 4th, three north T h o r p e n e s s , 10th, and the final bird of the year on the Orwell off W o o l v e r s t o n e M a r i n a , 14th. ATLANTIC PUFFIN Scarce passage migrant.

Fratercula Amber list.


K e s s i n g l a n d : s i n g l e s n o r t h , O c t 19th, N o v 13th a n d D e c 11th ( P . R e a d ) . C o v e h i t h e : t w o n o r t h , S e p 15th ( P . D a r e ) ; n o r t h , S e p 2 9 t h ( P . D a r e ) . S o u t h w o l d : n o r t h , J u n 16th ( C . F u l c h e r , R . M a r s h ) ; n o r t h , N o v 10th ( J . G r a n t , B . S m a l l . J . G i b b s ) ; N o v 12th ( B . S m a l l ) . T h o r p e n e s s : north M a y 26th (D.Thurlow); three north and two south. N o v 24th (D.Thurlow); t w o s o u t h , D e c 7 t h ( D . T h u r l o w ) ; t w o s o u t h , D e c 10th ( D . T h u r l o w ) . L a n d g u a r d : n o r t h , N o v 11th ( P . H o l m e s , M J a m e s , N . O d i n et al.).

In addition to the expected records at sea, one was found freshly dead at Rectory Hill, East Bergholt on N o v e m b e r 9th (C.Burton). This was the first non-coastal record in Suffolk since 1964 w h e n one was f o u n d dead at Mildenhall, June 23rd. R O C K P I G E O N ( D O V E ) Columba livia Very common resident from feral stock. Categories A, C and E. Few records w e r e received and this species is under-recorded. The main flocks noted were: L o w e s t o f t : 2 7 9 in L o w e s t o f t t o w n c e n t r e . J a n 17th. S o m e w e r e f e e d i n g y o u n g o n this d a t e . O r f o r d n e s s : r e c o r d e d in n i n e m o n t h s , w i t h a p e a k of 2 3 , J a n 2 1 s t . I p s w i c h : C l i f f Q u a y g r a i n t e r m i n a l , 5 0 0 , J a n 2 1 s t a n d 6 0 0 , N o v 11th. L a n d g u a r d : s m a l l g r o u p p r e s e n t all y e a r , p e a k i n g at 2 7 , O c t 2 n d a n d N o v 2 1 s t . S u d b u r y : North Street, 50, Jan 5th. L i v e r m e r e L a k e : derelict church, 35, M a y 5th.

S T O C K P I G E O N ( D O V E ) Columba oenas Fairly common resident and passage migrant. Amber list. Records c a m e f r o m 4 2 locations in 2007 (41 in 2006). T h e highest count in the north-east was 120 at M i n s m e r e , N o v e m b e r 17th; in central S u f f o l k , 80 at Earl S t o n h a m , March 23rd and in the west, 86 at a roost at Botany Bay, Lakenheath, October 27th. In the south-east, 150 were at C h e l m o n d i s t o n , D e c e m b e r 3rd. The Breeding Bird Survey f o u n d Stock Doves in 3 5 % of the 59 squares surveyed ( 4 2 % in 1 9 9 7 , 4 4 % in 2002), with a combined total of 79 birds. Survey figures f r o m North Warren and A l d r i n g h a m W a l k s show a markedly fluctuating population.

1998 3

Stock Doves at North Warren and Aldringham Walks - Breeding Pairs 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 3 3 7 7 9 10 14 10 8

At Great Barton a pair bred in an owl nest-box, three pairs bred in " A f r a m e " Barn Owl boxes at both Bildeston a n d Kettlebaston and several pairs nested at B o w b e c k , near Bardwell. Out on O r f o r d n e s s , u p to 4 3 pairs were recorded as nesting. At L a n d g u a r d autumn passage w a s very light, just 15 south between October 14th and N o v e m b e r 8th, with a m a x i m u m six on the latter date. O r f o r d n e s s logged 30 on N o v e m b e r 4th. C O M M O N W O O D P I G E O N Columba palumbus Very common resident, passage migrant and winter visitor. The highest c o u n t s early in the y e a r w e r e 1100, Lakenheath F e n , January 1st, 2 0 0 0 , M o o r b r i d g e F a r m , Harleston, January 28th, 1200, Brettenham, February 11th and 1000,




R e d g r a v e Lake, M a r c h 5th. L a n d g u a r d noted a total of 1209 south between M a r c h 1st and J u n e 30th, with a peak of 2 1 3 on April 9th. T h e B B S f o u n d W o o d Pigeons in 9 8 % of the 5 9 squares surveyed ( 1 0 0 % in 1997, 100% in 2 0 0 2 ) , with a c o m b i n e d total of 2404 birds. B r e e d i n g n u m b e r s h a v e d e c l i n e d on O r f o r d n e s s to " p r o b a b l y less than ten pairs", while about 15 pairs nested at L a n d g u a r d . A very striking leucistic, near pure white bird w a s present around the Mickle M e r e , P a k e n h a m all year. A u t u m n passage at L a n d g u a r d w a s quite strong, with a total of 2 3 3 9 8 flying south on 21 days between O c t o b e r 14th and N o v e m b e r 27th, and a peak of 14887 on O c t o b e r 30th. Very high n u m b e r s were reported f r o m the Euston Estate throughout the y e a r , with up to 10000 birds attracted to rape fields and roosting in Great G r o v e W o o d . High counts late in the year were: 6 0 0 , L o n g M e l f o r d , D e c e m b e r 8th, 3300, G i p p i n g Great W o o d , D e c e m b e r 15th and 1100, L o n g M e l f o r d s e w a g e works, D e c e m b e r 28th. E U R A S I A N C O L L A R E D D O V E Streptopelia decaocto Common resident. T h e highest c o u n t f r o m the north-east of the county was just 4 0 in K e n s i n g t o n G a r d e n s , L o w e s t o f t , October 4th but in the south-east it was 144 at M o r r i s o n ' s superstore, Felixstowe, D e c e m b e r 4th. In central Suffolk there was a count of 9 0 in Crowfield Road, Stonham Aspal, D e c e m b e r 9th and in the west a high count of 126 at L i v e r m e r e L a k e , S e p t e m b e r 13th. T h e s e latter birds were on wires by a h e a p of grain put out to decoy ducks f o r shooting by the lake. T h e B B S f o u n d Collared D o v e s in 6 8 % of the 5 9 squares surveyed ( 5 3 % in 1997, 7 0 % in 2 0 0 2 ) , with a c o m b i n e d total of 198 birds. T h r e e pairs nested at L a n d g u a r d , but only o n e w a s successful, rearing t w o broods. At Henstead, one pair nested successfully in an exposed rain gutter, "despite atrocious weather conditions". E U R O P E A N T U R T L E D O V E Streptopelia turtur Fairly common but declining summer visitor and passage migrant. Red list. T h e first birds to return were quite late in 2007, with the earliest inland at L a c k f o r d L a k e s , April 2 2 n d f o l l o w e d by the first coastal record at M i n s m e r e on 24th. A light passage w a s n o t e d d u r i n g M a y , with L a n d g u a r d logging ten b e t w e e n M a y 8th and J u n e 13th and a m a x i m u m of three south. M a y 20th and one w a s on O r f o r d n e s s , also M a y 2 0 t h . Turtle Doves w e r e reported f r o m 71 sites this year, exactly the s a m e as in 2 0 0 6 and 2004. T h e B B S f o u n d the species in 2 2 % of the 5 9 squares surveyed (42% in 1 9 9 7 , 5 3 % in 2002), with a c o m b i n e d total of 20 birds. C e n s u s returns show that the population at N o r t h W a r r e n and A l d r i n g h a m W a l k s went up by five pairs in 2 0 0 7 , although the population there has actually halved in the past ten years. 1998 42

Turtle Doves at North Warren and Aldringham Walks - Breeding Pairs 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 37 23 24 )7 20 20 16 16 21

At M i n s m e r e , 15 pairs w e r e on territory, one less than in 2 0 0 6 . An observer at B o w b e c k , near Bardwell, w h e r e the species normally breeds, reported just a single record on A u g u s t 2 n d . A n o t h e r o b s e r v e r at P a k e n h a m reported "none singing locally for the first time in 22 years ". There were counts of five in July/August f r o m Flixton G.P., North Warren and Stradishall Airfield but the only counts a b o v e this figure were f r o m : Boyton Marshes: six. May 14th: ten, Aug 26th; eight. Sep 2nd. Landguard noted five departing birds between S e p t e m b e r 2nd and October 1 st, while one lingered at L i v e r m e r e Lake until October 4 t h , f e e d i n g on grain put out for the d u c k s by the lake.




ROSE-RINGED PARAKEET Psittacula kramerì Scarce resident. Catégories C and E. After a blank year in 2006 there were two records in 2007. Beccles: Jun 27th. Aldringham: Walks, Jun lOth. The Beccles bird circled Tesco's car park and then flew off northwards. C O M M O N C U C K O O Cuculus canorus Fairly common but declining summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. The first of the year was located at Minsmere, Aprii 1 lth followed by another at Ferry Farm, Sudbourne on Aprii 13th. Birds were fairly widespread by late Aprii but as usuai the bulk of the records came in May and June, with very few adults recorded after the end of the latter month. Records in 2007 came from a total of 77 localities, up from 65 in 2006, with 23 of these sites in the north-east, 18 in the south-east and 36 in the west. The BBS found Cuckoos in 22% of the 59 squares surveyed (32% in 1997, 28% in 2002), with a combined total of 23 birds. Eight territorial maies were reported on the 600ha (1482 acres) of North Warren and Aldringham Walks. Multiple records of three or more came from Share Marsh, Carlton Colville, with six, May 21st; Lakenheath Fen, five, May 24th; Lackford Lakes, four, May 13th and June 21st and three at Barsham Marshes, May 1 lth; Long Melford sewage works, June 2nd and Walsham Road, Ixworth, June 21 st. Landguard recorded an outgoing adult, July 18th and 19th and juveniles were reported from Minsmere, July 15th and August 7th and 29th, Landguard, July 29th, Hen Reedbeds, August 3rd, Lackford Lakes, August 9th, Livermere Lake, August 18th and 19th; Shingle Street, August 28th and Cavenham Heath, August 28th. The final record of the year was another juvenile at Cavenham Heath, September 6th. BARN OWL Tyto alba Fairly common resident. Amber list. Catégories A and E. This species' fortunes in the county are being helped by the Suffolk Community Barn Owl Project (SCBOP), which reported that, "despite the poor summer weather, it was a good year for Barn Owls in Suffolk. The warm spring of2007 encouraged the owls to make an early start to the breeding season. A total of 89 pairs of Barn Owls was recorded using project nest boxes and there was an average of2.7 chicks per nest. Vole numbers and weights (around 32 grams) were good, resulting in an abundance offood for the young owls. Later in the summer, second broods were recorded in 25% of pairs, which is a high proportion. In 2007 over 150 additional boxes were installed, bringing the total in situ at the end of the year close to 600". Most of the boxes referred to above are situated in the north-east recording area. Barn Owls were reported to the recorders from a total of 103 sites, with 51 in the north-east, 21 in the south-east and 31 in the west, although clearly there is some overlap with the SCBOP sites. The BBS found Barn Owls in 15% of the 59 squares surveyed (7% in 1997, 2% in 2002), with a combined total of 12 birds. Out on Orfordness, birds were recorded in every month, with up to four in February and three in January and December and one pair nested and reared three young. A maie ringed as a chick at a nest in Mutford in 2006, bred nearby and raised three young. The largest brood recorded was four young in a box at Lodge Farm, Lindsey. LITTLE OWL Athene noctua Fairly common resident. Recorded from a total of just 64 localities this year, down from 86 in 2006 and 96 in 2005. Of these sites, 28 were in the north-east and 18 in both the south-east and the west recording




areas. T h e B B S f o u n d Little O w l s in 8% of the 59 squares surveyed (14% in 1997, 5 % in 2002), with a c o m b i n e d total of five birds. Perhaps this species is in retreat? N o b r e e d i n g pairs w e r e f o u n d at North W a r r e n and A l d r i n g h a m W a l k s f o r the first time since the site b e c a m e a reserve and their annual census f o r the past ten years s h o w s a s u d d e n , sharp decline. 1998 4

Little Owls at North Warren and Aldringham Walks - Breeding Pairs 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 3 4 1 5 5 4 2 1 0

T h r e e pairs w e r e n o t e d in f o u r k i l o m e t r e s along the W e s t l e t o n to Y o x f o r d r o a d . O n O r f o r d n e s s , 1 -2 were seen in each month except July, August, October and D e c e m b e r . There w a s no sign of breeding on O r f o r d n e s s this year, but an adult was retrapped in N o v e m b e r that had bred there in 2 0 0 6 . T A W N Y O W L Strix aluco Common resident. Reported f r o m a total of only 51 sites in 2 0 0 7 (67 in 2006, 62 in 2005), with 12 of these in the north-east, 15 in the south-east and 24 in the w e s t . T a w n y O w l s continue to be underreported. The B B S f o u n d the species in just 2 % of the 59 squares surveyed ( 5 % in 1 9 9 7 , 0 % in 2 0 0 2 ) , with a c o m b i n e d total of o n e bird. N o r t h W a r r e n and A l d r i n g h a m W a l k s reserve noted " a poor year, with a 50% decline from 2006 and no breeding pairs found on the Walks. This may be explained by the large corvid roost in the woods at the Walks adjacent to the outdoor pig units ". 1998 10

Tawnv Owls at North Warren and Aldringham Walks - Breeding Pairs 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 6 7 6 14 9 11 9 10 5

A pair was seen with three fledged j u v e n i l e s in Somerleyton Park. N o less than four road casualties w e r e f o u n d d e a d along the A 1 4 , including t w o at the H a u g h l e y B e n d s within a w e e k during April and t w o w e r e f o u n d dead on the road close to Barton M e r e , in A u g u s t and October. L O N G - E A R E D O W L Asio otus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Scarce resident. U p to 12 birds w e r e reported as f o l l o w s : Bradwell: Sep 27th. Lound: Waterworks. Mar 14th. Lowestoft: Nov 17th. Orfordness: Nov 25th. Felixstowe: Fagbury.Nov 19th. Landguard: Sep 27th; Oct 5th; two Nov 20th Lackford Lakes: flew over the entrance track at dusk, Oct 24th. Icklingham: flew across West Stow road near the junction with Al 101 at 1.25am, Jan 25th. Another found dead on the road near the village during May. S H O R T - E A R E D O W L Asio flammeus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Scarce resident. Amber list. Scarce in the first winter period, w h e n the only records c a m e f r o m : Westleton Heath/Minsmere: Mar 4th. Orfordness: 1-2 intermittently from Jan 1st through to two, May 14th, with three. Mar 13th. Deben Estuary: flying south-east down river, seen from Hemley during an SOG trip, Jan.27th. Pakenham: Puttock's Hill, two hunting the ditches and field margins, Jan 26th and Feb 7th. Singles at G a p t o n M a r s h e s , Bradwell, M a r c h 24th and Carlton M a r s h e s . April 11th were




probably outgoing migrants. There were no records in June or July but August reports came from Orfordness, 19th to 23rd and North Warren, 28th and September records from Minsmere, 18th and Kessingland Levels, 30th. There were three October records at Minsmere and other reports in that month came from Kessingland and Shingle Street. Most plentiful in November, when reports came from ten coastal sites from Breydon Water down to Orfordness and there were four together at the latter site on 28th. December coastal records were from Burgh Castle, Gunton Warren and Minsmere and two returned to hunt the field margins at Puttock's Hill, Pakenham, in the west of the county. EUROPEAN NIGHTJAR Caprimulgus europaeus Locally fairly common summer visitor. Scarce passage migrant. Red list. The first record came from the Sandlings, with two on Aldringham Walks, May 3rd, closely followed by the first Breckland record of a churring male near West Stow, in The King's Forest, May 5th. In Thetford Forest there was "no survey this year but good numbers again" (R.Hoblyn) and churring males were widely reported from clearfells in The King's Forest during June and July. In the Sandlings, there was a total of 11 pairs on the Walberswick/Westleton Heath NNRs, 15 pairs on the Minsmere RSPB reserve, eight territories at North Warren and Aldringham Walks and ten churring males on Sutton and Hollesley Commons. Five males were still churring at Minsmere on August 13th. An outgoing bird was reported from Landguard on September 6th, the seventh site record and the last of the year was one flushed from a pile of rubble in a garden near Mutford on September 13th. COMMON SWIFT Apus apus Very common summer visitor and passage migrant. The first bird was recorded at Flixton, April 16th followed by one inland at Lackford Lakes, April 19th, with two at Minsmere on 20th, two at Trimley Marshes on 21st, one over Long Melford on 22nd and the first over Ipswich on 25th. A large influx was noted at Minsmere, May 3rd, with approximately 1000 appearing in the early afternoon; 350 were over Worlingham Marshes, May 4th and 235 over Trimley Marshes. May 11th. FIELD NOTE At Lowestoft, it was noted that in early May the cold, dismal weather kept Common Swifts away from the town and instead they were feeding over the marshes, where food was more concentrated. As the weather finally improved on May 6th, small numbers quickly appeared over the rooftops of the town. Lowestoft Lounge Lizards The BBS found Swifts in 37% of the 59 squares surveyed (39% in 1997,39% in 2002), with a combined total of 214 birds, which appears to indicate a fairly stable breeding population at present. The following table shows the monthly movements at Landguard. It is interesting to note that the predominant direction was southerly in both spring and autumn. The largest movement was 3017 south on July 25th. Monthly Movements of Common Swifts at Landguard Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep In/North 1 23 68 7 89 0 South 0 303 717 5510 655 0 Local breeding birds departed from Pakenham on July 29th. most of the Ipswich breeding birds had gone by August 1 st and local birds had departed from Long Melford




before August 12th. Records were regular until late August but September reports were sparse, with the final bird seen at Brettenham on 22nd. Unusually there were no October records in 2007. C O M M O N KINGFISHER Alcedo atthis Fairly common resident. Amber list. Reports came from a total of 80 sites, just one more than the 79 sites reported in 2006. The sightings were quite evenly divided between the north-east (28), the south-east (25) and the west (27), but the majority of the north-east and south-east sightings came from the coast and estuaries during the autumn and winter and probably do not involve breeding birds. The BBS found Kingfishers in 8% of the 59 squares surveyed (0% in 1997,5% in 2002), with a combined total of six birds. Confirmed or probable breeding came from four sites in the north-east, just one in the south-east and 11 in the west. At Livermere Lake, five juveniles were trapped in July and August, as in 2006, indicating successful nests in that area (J.Walshe). Three were seen at three different sites, at Minsmere in January and October, at Lackford Lakes on several late-summer dates and also on the Blyth Estuary, November 4th. FIELD


While sea-watching from Ness Point, Lowestoft on September 2nd, I saw a distant speck heading in from out at sea low over the waves, which eventually turned out to be a Kingfisher as it came closer. After reaching the North Beach it was heard calling once as it flew south along the coast below the seawall. Not an everyday sight! Andrew


On Orfordness, a single, April 21st was the only record in the first half of the year, but from August 10th birds were seen fairly often, with a peak of three, October 27th and November 4th. At Landguard, one which flew north on October 7th was the only record. EUROPEAN BEE-EATER Merops apiaster Rare passage migrant. Minsmere: south over North Marsh and Bittern Hide, 08.40hrs, May 31st (C.Lodge, R.Harvey, J.H.Grant). Sizewell: Common, flying over. May 16th (R.Macklin). These two maintain the record of, apparently brief, occurrences in every year so far this century. H O O P O E Vpupa epops Scarce passage migrant. Categories A and E. After a blank year in 2006 (the first since 1963), there was a small influx in mid-April and early May. Felixstowe Ferry: golf course, mid-afternoon, Apr 18th. Halesworth: May 1st to 5th. Badingham: Mill Road at 07.30, Apr 17th (M.Elliot). Laxfield: Rookery Farm, late am, Apr 17th, probably the same bird as at Badingham (M.Elliot). Horringer: Apr 18th (Mr.Cass). Polstead: Apr 26th. 2006 Additional Record Blythburgh: in observer's garden, Sep 12th (M.Everest).





18. Great Skua close in at Minsmere in October.

The juvenile Sabine's Gull in late October south of Shingle Street.


Sean Nixon

Sean Nixon

22. Wryneck at Landguard in August. Bill Baston

23. Good population of Woodlarks on Hollesley C o m m o n .

24. October can be good for Black Redstarts.

Bill Baston

Alan Tate

25. Ring Ouzel at Minsmere in April.

26. Grasshopper Warbler: seems e a s i e s t to s e e at L a k e n h e a t h .

bíii Bastón

bíii Bastón

27. Blackcap at Hadleigh in April. Bill Bastón



WRYNECK Jynx torquilla Uncommon passage migrant. Red list. There were three spring records which came f r o m : Southwold: May 25th. Landguard: On ridge north of compound, April 14th. Nayland: Stoke Road, May 31st (D.Lowe). Of the eight autumn records, jus.t one was inland: Minsmere: car park, Aug 21st to 25th (A.Rowlands); second bird reported Aug 21st and 22nd. Aldeburgh: Aug 25th (E.Patrick). Orfordness: trapped, Sep 22nd to 24th. Shingle Street: Aug 25th and 26th (RJohnson). Felixstowe: Spa Gardens, Aug 25th (P.Oldfield). Landguard: Aug 21st to 27th. Little Welnetham: Aug 27th (per C.Jakes). 2006 Additional Record Walberswick: Hoist Covert; Sep 12th (A.Lancaster). GREEN W O O D P E C K E R Ficus viridis Common resident. Amber list. Green Woodpeckers were reported from a total of 109 sites, although the majority of these were in the west and it was under-reported from the Sandlings, where it remains common. The BBS found the species in 56% of the 59 squares surveyed (44% in 1997,53% in 2002), with a combined total of 61 birds. Among the breeding records submitted were 13 pairs on Benacre Broad NNR, five pairs on the S W T Sizewell Estate, 39 pairs at north Warren and Aldringham Walks and up to three calling in the Ipswich Old and New cemeteries on March 17th. Another observer (M.F.Peers) located seven territories between Clare and Glemsford and later found eight family parties at different sites around Sudbury. Out on Orfordness 1-2 were regularly recorded up to June I st, with three on January 27th and then 1 -2 again from October 4th to the year's end. At Landguard 1 -2 were seen on most days between July 21st and August 25th, with three on August Ist and then singles on September 30th, October 5th and November 4th. GREAT SPOTTED W O O D P E C K E R Dendrocopos major Common resident. Scarce passage migrant. This species was reported from a total of 82 localities, although, as with Green Woodpecker, the majority were in the west and it was under-reported from the coastal belt. The BBS found Great Spotted Woodpeckers in 42% of the 59 squares surveyed (35% in 1997,44% in 2002), with a combined total of 37 birds. Prior to the breeding season there were five at Brookhill Wood, Foxhall on March 10th and on the same day "a squabbling group of six" at Hares Drift, Long Melford. The Sizewell SWT reserve held four pairs and there were five probable territories at Bradfield Woods. On May 22nd there were three nests in Gipping Great Wood and two nests in Northfield Wood, Onehouse all with calling young (J.Walshe). Landguard logged one on February 17th, then singles on 15 dates between August 4th and November 2nd, with two on October 14th and 23rd. Orfordness noted one on September 16th and 22nd and October 14th and 31st, while at Covehithe Broad one flew in off the sea on November 3rd. At the end of the year at West Stow C.P., up to four males and three females were present during December.




L E S S E R S P O T T E D W O O D P E C K E R Dendrocopos minor Uncommon resident. Red list. This much sought-after woodpecker was reported from just 15 sites in 2007 (20 sites in 2006). The three reports from the north-east came from Lound Waterworks in March; Weybread G.P. in April and Hen Reedbeds, where a pair was present during the spring. In the south-east there were records from Levington Marina on January 1 st, April 7th and April 22nd; Newbourne Springs, February 1st; Pipps Ford March 12th and 22nd and Boyton Marshes in October. In the west the species is slightly less uncommon, although still hard to locate. In the south of this area, the only records came from Arger Fen in January and August. Around Bury St Edmunds there were reports from Holywater Meadows in the town and Great Barton, both on February 12th and Ickworth Park, a single with a tit flock in December. In Breckland there was a male at West Stow C.P., March 28th and several records from Cavenham Heath during the spring. As in several recent years, there were reports of up to 3-4 pairs along the Little Ouse valley either side of Santon Downham. G R E A T E R S H O R T - T O E D L A R K Calandrella brachydactyla Rare visitor. This is the first record since 2003 and takes the county total to 15. It was the first at Minsmere since 1969. Minsmere: dunes, May 19th (I. Salkeld). W O O D L A R K Lullula arborea Fairly common breeding species. Scarce on passage and in winter. Red list. Breeding was confirmed at four sites: Sutton and Hollesley Common, 29 pairs, Walberswick, eight pairs, Westleton, five pairs and Benacre, three pairs. At Minsmere 17 singing males were recorded, June 29th and at North Warren there were 25. Five to six pairs holding territories were noted at Cavenham. Singles were at Dunwich and Leiston Common. During the breeding season singing was noted at Ashby Warren, Covehithe, Fritton, West Stow C P and The King's Forest. In Thetford Forest, of 270 singing males found in the Brecks, I 18 were in Suffolk, a decrease of six percent compared with 2006. Migration was observed at Landguard with singles on March 10th, September 26th and October 21st and 27th. Records came from 29 sites; the first record of the year was at Snape Warren, January 14th, with seven on arable land next to the common and the last record came from West Stow Country Park with a single being noted on November 22nd. The largest single count of the year was a post-breeding flock of ten at Minsmere, August 4th. S K Y L A R K Alauda arvensis Common resident, passage migrant and winter visitor. Red list. In the first winter period the highest count was at Snape Warren where 70 were recorded in acid grass fields, January 19th. Leading up to the breeding season pairs were recorded at 14 locations with higher counts coming f r o m : Sizewell: Estate. 14 pairs, Jun 29th. Orfordness: 18 nests on the point and as many elsewhere; breeding success was poor. North Warren and Aldringham Walks: 168 singing males. Clare: 14 singing between Clare and Glemsford, March 14th Great Waldingfield: airfield, 35 singing males. Feb 12th. Long Melford: 12 singing males, Feb 26th. Thorpe Morieux: five singing males, Feb 18th. Kersey: 10 singing males, Febl8th. Spring migration at Landguard totalled 31 individuals peaking with 21 in April. The total recorded for the year was 714 with the peak movement being 465 during October with the




highest day count being 240, October 4th. 215 were recorded during November when the highest day count was 154, November 3rd. Other three figure counts came in the second winter period from two locations: Great Waldingfield airfield with 120, November 4th and 130, December 4th and Boxford 100. December 2nd. H O R N E D ( S H O R E ) L A R K Eremophila alpestris Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant. Numbers were low this year with only five individuals being recorded at four coastal locations:Pakefield: beach. Oct 1st. Walberswick: beach, Oct 11th. Minsmere: Oct 4th; beach. Nov 11th. Landguard: Dec 27th. SAND M A R T I N RiparĂŹa riparia Common summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. The first record of the year occurred on March 13th with three at Lackford Lakes. During March a further seven localities reported incoming birds the most notable being 50 at Minsmere, March 29th. Numbers increased during April and May with notable numbers at: Corton, 70, April 22nd; Livermere Lake, 80, April 30th and 130, May 3rd and Butley River, 125, May 25th. Breeding confirmation came from only two sites with 400 pairs at Benacre NNR and 130 pairs on Thorpe Cliff, in the North Warren complex. In late summer and autumn significant counts all came from Livermere Lake with 100, July 1st, 150, August 6th and 11th, and 80, August 20th. In October four reports were received, involving seven individuals, the most notable being three at Gunton Warren, 4th. This was also the site for the last bird of the year where an individual was observed on October 7th. At Landguard, autumn numbers were up on 2006 with a total of 618 recorded between June 30th and October 4th, the highest day-count being 109 moving south on July 28th. BARN S W A L L O W Hirundo rustica Very common summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. Normally the Barn Swallow is recorded a few days after the arrival of the first Sand Martin but 2007 proved to be a change to that rule as the first record came four days earlier, on March 9th, at Lowestoft Denes. One, two or three birds were noted at widely-spread locations during April. Only four sites recorded numbers above that during the month with the most notable being 20 at Bawdsey on April 28th. Numbers built up during the summer months with several reports of 50 plus birds. The first report of over one hundred birds came from Cavenham Heath with 120 on August 30th. During September there was one report from Lakenheath Fen of 250, September 6th and two reports of 300 from Cavenham Heath, September 1st and Flatford, September 28th. The three highest counts came in October with 3650 moving south at Landguard on 4th. 500 at Minsmere on the 3rd and on the same date at Potter's Bridge, Reydon there were 2000 F I E L D N O T E observed feeding over the reedbeds. During September 22nd and 23rd November records came from nine locations thousands of birds were observed and involved a total of 24 individuals with the passing SSW at Framlingham last bird being seen at Minsmere, November accompanied by a similar number of 28th. Orfordness recorded five to six breeding House Martins. pairs.




R E D - R U M P E D S W A L L O W Hirundo daurica All three Red-rumped Swallow records for 2007 came over a ten day period in spring at Landguard:Landguard: Apr 22nd (P.J.Holmes. R.Q.Skeen et al.); Apr 25th (N.Odin. R.Q.Skeen, J.Zantboer); May 1st (P.Oldfield). H O U S E M A R T I N Delichon urbicum Very common summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. This year no records were received of early migrants in March. The first record was early in April with five reported at Minsmere on 4th. Further April records came in but only five sites recorded double figures, the highest being 30 at Livermere Lake on 27th. The only three-figure count during the spring also came from Livermere Lake with 100 on May 14th. At Canada Farm, Icklingham 14 pairs nested in 2006, but disappointingly, there were no nests reported there this year. At Fornham All Saints there were also no nests but two to three pairs in 2006. At Sudbury breeding was reported as "reasonable, but fifty percent of the town centre colony was destroyed when the nesting eaves were wired off". Further disappointment came from Brettenham where one farm reported no nesting for the first time in seventeen years. In Thetford breeding numbers were reported as being eighty percent down on 2006 and at Mickle Mere there was just one nest at the watermill whilst in 2006 there were five. The last report on declining breeding birds for the year came from Great Bealings where two nests were reported, a decline of seven from 2006. There was one report of additional numbers from Sudbury with at least 30 extra pairs along the Stour Valley, presumably birds that had been displaced from the town centre. There were 42 pairs reported from the North Warren and Aldringham Walks area. There were two reports of three-figure counts, both from Livermere, with 100, September 28th and 150, on October 2nd. A few birds lingered into November with the last two reported from Minsmere on 15th. R I C H A R D ' S P I P I T Anthus richardi Scarce visitor. With these three records the Suffolk total now stands at 59 individuals. The North Warren bird is the earliest ever autumn record in Suffolk. North Warren: Sept 11th (D.Thurlow). Orfordness: King Marshes, Nov 25th (M.Marsh); probably same, Airfield, Dec 23rd, the latest ever in Suffolk. Iken: Stanny Farm, ringed, Oct 6th (M.Miller, M.Pratt, R.West). TREE PIPIT



Fairly common summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber list The first bird of the spring was noted at Kessingland sewage works, April 8th. During the rest of the month one or two birds were recorded at a further eleven sites with four being observed at Sutton Heath on 24th. Breeding or potential breeding, was noted at only four sites: The King's Forest, two singing males, Sutton and Hollesley Commons, six pairs, Cavenham Heath, singing male and West Stow Heath, singing and displaying male. FIELD NOTE Autumn passage was low with Landguard An observer, noting the Tree Pipit is recording 25 between August 17th and October now very scarce in the Lowestoft 13th. Away from Landguard, only two birds were area, pointed out that Yellow-browed observed in August, at Minsmere on 18th and Warbler more frequent in autumn. Corton on 23rd. Birds were noted during Lounge Lizards September, at Creeting St Mary on 15th and 16th and at The Haven, Thorpeness, 23rd. In




October a single bird was noted at Benacre Sluice on 7th and the final bird of the year was at Landguard, October 13th. M E A D O W P I P I T Anthus pratensis Common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. During the first three months of the year, numbers were low with only four counts of over thirty birds: 33, Long Melford, January 27th; 38, Carlton Colville, February 3rd; 57, Long Melford sewage works, February 4th and 33 at Lakenheath Fen, February 7th. Between April and August the highest counts were 12 at Boyton Marshes, August 17th and 26th. Numbers increased from September onwards with significant counts coming f r o m : Lowestoft: North Denes, 873 south, Sep 16th; Ness Point, 123 in off the sea. Sep 27th. Minsmere: 400, Oct 4th. North Warren: 110, Sep 22nd; 124, Sep 30th. Orfordness: 550, Sep 22nd; 250, Oct 3rd. Ramsholt: 200, Dec 21st. Landguard: 810, Sep 23rd; 180 south, Sep 17th. Cavenham Heath: 100, Oct 4th. Icklingham: Berner s Heath, 200, Oct 5th. Breeding reports came from only three sites. There were 22 pairs at North Warren and Aldringham Walks. At Orfordness, 12 pairs bred with up to 20 birds elsewhere, and seven broods of three or four noted. At Dingle Marshes, Dunwich, five pairs were holding territories. At Orfordness, the origin of some of the large numbers moving through the site in autumn was illustrated by a bird that was controlled, with an Icelandic ring, on October 10th. R O C K P I P I T Anthus petrosus Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. During the first four months of the year birds were noted regularly up to April 6th with the last record coming from Orfordness. No double-figure counts were made during this period with mostly one, two or three birds being observed, at mostly coastal sites. Counts of four came from Hamilton Dock, Lowestoft, February 17th and Walberswick, February 1st. The first returning bird was noted on the early date of August 19th at Felixstowe Ferry, the earliest since 1999 (Landguard, August 14th). Numbers built up during September and October with several double-figure reports coming in November:Lowestoft: Ness Point, ten, Nov 3rd. Dunwieh: Corporation Marshes, ten, November 21st. Orfordness: 32, Nov 15th; 43, Nov 26th; 20, Dec 9th, 16th and 22nd; 25, Dec 15th Felixstowe Ferry: ten on saltmarsh.Nov 21st. WATER P I P I T Anthus spinoletta Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Records of this uncommon visitor came from fifteen, mostly coastal, sites and, as with most years, Minsmere was the favoured locality. Birds were noted there from January 1st to April 2nd. During that period between one and four birds were present with the exception of ten, January 3rd and eight, January 7th. In the second half of the year returning birds were noted from October 19th (the only inland record of the year, at Lakenheath) until the end of the year. During that period the highest day-count was seven at Minsmere, December 24th. Other notable counts came from: Orfordness ten, on December 22nd and 12, December 30th and 15 at Walberswick, November 13th. Only one summer-plumaged individual was observed, on Island Mere at Minsmere, March 31st.




Y E L L O W WAGTAIL Motacilla flava flavissima Fairly common summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. The first spring record was at Gifford's Hall Farm, April 1st, when three birds were present. It was not until six days later that a single was observed at Minsmere. During April ones and twos were noted at several locations and it was not until April 25th, again at Minsmere, that the first double-figure count was made, on the levels, when 13 were present. During the rest of April and into May numbers remained low with maxima of five at Cavenham Heath, April 29th, five atLakenheath Fen/Washes, May Ist and seven at Benacre Broad, May 12th. There were no confirmed breeding records but potential breeding reports came f r o m : Gisleham: pair collecting food. Orfordness: pairs stayed but no evidence of F I E L D N O T E breeding. At Leiston a pair attempted to breed E l v e d e n : at least t h r e e p a i r s in c r o p s o n t h e e s t a t e . B u r e s : male holding territory. G r e a t W a l d i n g f i e l d : airfield, pair on territory. L a c k f o r d : village, pair on territory; C l a m p s H e a t h , pair on territory.

in a field of potatoes but failed after the crop was sprayed at least three times.

Lounge Lizards The only notable autumn count was of 150 roosting in Joist Fen reedbed at Lakenheath Fen, September 6th. Ten were noted at Knettishall Airfield, September 15th. The last bird of the year was at Cavenham Heath on September 25 th. Blue-headed Wagtail M.f. flava This attractive sub-species was only noted at two sites;Southwold: Town Marshes, April 29th. Boyton: May 15th. G r e y - h e a d e d Wagtail M.f. thunbergi A single individual was present for one day. Landguard: May 30th (J.Zantboer). 2006 Addition Hopton-on-sea: May 10th 2006. G R E Y W A G T A I L Motacilla cinerea Fairly common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. In the first half of the year reports were received from several sites and mostly involved one or two birds, the exception being five at Boxford, February 5th; four at Sudbury, March 1st and three at Long Melford sewage works, March 10th, Creeting St Mary, March 15th and Little Cornard, March 15th. The second half of the year mirrored the first although the total number of birds observed was greater. Breeding, or probable breeding, numbers were similar to those of 2006 with 12 pairs being located along the Stour Valley. It was considered a poor season, however, with few juveniles seen. At Landguard autumn passage numbers were up on 2006 with 74 moving south and five on site from July 7th to November 27th. The maximum day-count was five on both September 13th and October 14th.

P I E D W A G T A I L Motacilla alba Very common resident, passage migrant and winter and summer visitor. During the first winter period three-figure counts came from three sites: Lakenheath Fen, 150 Januar^ 14th and 100, March 7th, Redgrave Fen, 120, January 19th and Stowmarket




where 140 were observed going into evergreen shrubbery at Cedar's Park. At this time of year sewage works are a magnet for this species with 60 at Long Melford, January 23rd and 79, February 18th, and 66 at Kessingland on January 28th. Also, in the first month of the year, 80 were noted at Cornard Mere. If reports reflect the actual breeding then this species had a poor year. At Landguard, one pair nested and at Orfordness three pairs were noted, each with one newly-fledged young. There were 11 pairs reported from North Warren and Aldringham Walks. At Mendlesham Airfield a male was observed feeding two juveniles. Juveniles were also reported from Creeting St Mary, and Boyton Marshes where a pair was noted with four young, August 17th. At Lowestoft North Denes and in the Wilford Bridge area of Melton, mixed family groups were recorded. During the second half of the year pre-roost flocks were noted at Nicholas Everitt Park in Lowestoft with 200 on September 29th and 153 on October 14th, Orfordness with 80 going to roost in a reed bed, November 25th and Stowmarket where 200 were counted on a supermarket garage forecourt, October 14th. The sewage works at Kessingland and Long Melford again attracted birds, with 60 and 61 respectively. A flock of 71 was found at the entrance to Brakey Pin Hall Farm, Flempton, November 29th. White Wagtail M.a. alba The first spring record was at Benacre, March 8th, followed by a further four records during March at Felixstowe Ferry on 12th, Kessingland sewage works, 10th and 25th and Minsmere, 29th. A further eleven were reported in April, four in May and a further two in June. During the return passage only two birds were recorded, at Great Livermere, August 25th and Minsmere, September 13th. B O H E M I A N W A X W I N G Bombycilla garrulus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Of the 34 reports, 12 came from Martlesham Heath between February 5th and 15th. with the highest day count being nine on 13th. Eight reports came from Westleton between January 4th and 15th with one or two birds being observed except on 4th when there were four. During the first winter period reports also came f r o m : I-owestoft: Feb 14th; two, Feb 24th Carlton Colville: Mar 8th Reydon: five, Feb 24th to 26th Minsmere: four, Jan 5th. Yoxford: two, Feb 10th. Ipswich: Jan 30th; seven, Feb 11th. During the second winter period birds were reported from Thorpeness with two in scrub, October 26th, then singles at North Warren, November 3rd; Westleton, November 4th; Minsmere, November 5th; Lowestoft, November 8th; Redgrave Lake, November 11th; Ipswich, November 15th and Nacton, November 24th. There were four at Coddenham, November 23rd and 19 at Cattawade, November 24th. W I N T E R W R E N Troglodytes troglodytes Very common resident and scarce passage migrant. Reports came from only eleven locations for this common and widespread, though underrecorded, species. At Boyton Marshes it was recorded 14 times during visits in six of the twelve months with the highest count being eight, May 2nd. At Orfordness three pairs bred with the highest annual count of ten on October 21st. At Sizewell 159 held territories on the estate; this number included 96 along the Sizewell Belts. North Warren and Aldringham Walks held 324 pairs. At Lackford Lakes five adults and 12 juveniles were trapped; juveniles were up on last year, nearly back to the six-year average since the project began.




At Landguard three pairs bred successfully. Dispersing juveniles from other sites turned up from June through to August 2nd. Autumn passage was light with a maximum of eight, November 18th to 20th. At least six birds were attempting to winter in the latter part of the year. H E D G E A C C E N T O R ( D U N N O C K ) Prunella modularis Very common resident and passage migrant. Amber list. The Lackford Lakes CES Project monitoring Dunnocks showed a slight increase on last year with 14 adults and 14 juveniles, although this was still below the yearly average. On the Sizewell Estate, 43 territories were recorded. One site, Landguard, recorded up to 15 breeding pairs and breeding success was very good. The only other potential reports of breeding came from North Warren and Aldringham Walks where 278 pairs were recorded, Sudbury, where a pair was noted and Gunton Warren where 12 singing males were recorded. At Moorbridge Farm, Harleston, 50 birds where trapped where game cover crops had been planted and feeders put out. At Landguard at least 17 birds successfully survived the winter. The maximum count on site was 40, some of them presumably passage birds, September 2nd. E U R O P E A N R O B I N Erithacus rubecula Very common resident, passage migrant and winter visitor. Landguard maintained its status as a popular venue for this species to overwinter with up to 14 present during the first winter period. Spring passage was noted at Landguard from March 18th to May 8th with a maximum of eight, March 24th. Breeding records were thin on the ground but some of the key sites recorded good numbers with 101 pairs at Sizewell Estate and 312 pairs at North Warren. A sizeable autumn passage was evident during the first week of October, principally on Orfordness with a peak of 75, October 3rd, at Martlesham Heath with 61, October 1st and at Landguard with 150, October 3rd and 70, October 4th. During December, Orfordness reported up to five individuals with Landguard recording as many as eight preparing to overwinter. C O M M O N N I G H T I N G A L E Luscinia megarhynchos. Fairly common summer visitor and scarce passage migrant. Amber list. At least a week later than 2006, the first reported Nightingale was at Lackford, April 14th, with birds at Minsmere and Aldringham Walks, April 15th, followed the next day by records from Westleton Heath and Bromeswell. More than 39 sites in the county recorded this species with the major number of territories at Benacre, 12 (15 in 2006), Walberswick, 14 (12 in 2006), Minsmere, 24 (33 in 2006), North Warren, 40 and Bradfield Woods, five. There has been a further decline at Minsmere where a 28% fall in territories was recorded, equalling the levels of 2005. Although rarely seen in the autumn they do, however, occasionally turn up at ringing stations. This was the case on August 30th at Dunwich, where three juveniles were netted and ringed. Another individual was ringed at Orfordness on August 12th and stayed on site until August 24th, during which time it was frequently seen around the moth trap. The only other record in the autumn was a field sighting at Minsmere, August 3rd. R E D - F L A N K E D B L U E T A I L Tarsiger cyanurus. Very rare visitor. This individual is the third record for Suffolk and the second in less than a year (with the previous being at Thorpeness from Oct 16th to 24th, 2006). See article in rare birds section. Corton: disused railway line, Sep 28th (J.Brown).




BLACK R E D S T A R T Phoenicurus ochruros. Uncommon summer visitor and passage migrant. Occasionally overwinters. Amber list. The only reports of wintering birds came from the Lowestoft area between Hamilton Dock and Ness Point, where an immature male and a female were noted throughout January and on several dates in February. A reasonable spring passage was seen at eight coastal sites with counts f r o m : Orfordncss: two, Apr 1st. Felixstowe: Manor Terrace, two. Mar 23rd. Landguard: recorded on 17 dates. Mar 19th to May 31st, with a max of three, Apr 22nd. The only inland spring record came from Cattawade, Brantham with an early report of a singleton, March 8th. A more unexpected observation came from Newmarket where a singing male was noted June, 21st. Breeding was confirmed from Lowestoft where two pairs fledged at least three young for the first time since 2001. This species was also successful at Felixstowe Docks with juveniles recorded at Landguard from July 7th. No breeding data were received from Sizewell. An early passage juvenile was reported at Minsmere sluice, July 15th. Other autumn reports as follows:Lowestoft: Oct 10th; Oct 31st. Minsmere: dunes, Aug 10th and Septl 1th. Orfordness: Oct 4th. A late individual, possibly preparing to overwinter, was reported from Quayside Place, Woodbridge, November 24th. C O M M O N R E D S T A R T Phoenicurus phoenicurus. Uncommon summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. There was a poor spring passage noted from only five sites; all are listed:— Gunton: Warren, female, May 9th. Minsmere: Apr 15th; May 1st. Orfordness: male, Apr 9th and May 19th; four. May 28th; two. May 30th. Landguard: noted on nine dates from Apr 13th to May 30th with two. Apr 23rd and May 8th. Knettishall: May 8th, potentially a breeding record? Typically there were few breeding records but territories were located at Walberswick, Minsmere and the Hollesley Commons area, where there were six. An interesting record came from Martlesham Creek where a singleton was reported in the wood, June 2nd, in suitable habitat. The area is not known as a breeding site so it may be that the bird had wandered over the River Deben from Sutton Heath. Once again there were no reports from the Brecks. Autumn passage which was predictably better than in the spring was recorded from 14 sites, mostly in the north-east. Selected counts came f r o m : Carlton Colville: two, Sep 27th. Benacre Sluice: two, Oct 7th. Orfordness: four, Sep 29th; two, Sep 30th; five, Oct 3rd; three, Oct 4th. Landguard: noted on 14 dates from Aug 19th to Oct 26th with maximum of five, Oct 3rd. The only inland autumn record came from Creeting St Mary where a female was present August 27 th. W H I N C H A T Saxicola rubetra Fairly common, passage migrant. Formerly bred. A remarkable discovery was that of a Whinchat inland at Honington, January 20th (S.Bishop). This is Suffolk's first record of a Whinchat in January. Although still a declining species there was a better spring passage than in recent years with records from nine coastal sites. All the records are listed;—




Gunton Warren: female, May 18th. Gorton: sewage works, male. May 29th. Carlton Colville: Shore Marsh, female, May 30th. Lowestoft: North Denes, female. May 10th. Benacre: Sluice, male, May 24th. Minsmere: Apr 22nd; May 1st. North Warren: female, May 10th. Orfordness: May 28th; two, May 29th. Landguard: two, May 12th; three, May 13th; two, May 14th; May 15th. The only inland report came from Icklingham where a male was present, April 24th. Once again there were no reports of breeding in the county. An early juvenile was noted at Minsmere on July 15th. Elsewhere Orfordness recorded single juveniles, on passage, July 22nd, 25th and 28th. Records continued into August with peak counts of 11, August 13th and 14, August 23rd. This is a declining passage migrant with the only other multiple reports during the month coming from Corton with five at the sewage works, August 24th, five at Gunton Warren, August 24th and five at Landguard, August 25th. Inland records came from Stradishall with three on August 26th, Cavenham, August 28th to 30th and Bowbeck, Bardwell, August 24th. The peak counts for September came from Westleton Heath with four, September 9th, North Warren with six, September 4th, Orfordness with 16, September 2nd and Cavenham with three, September 3rd. Elsewhere inland, singles were noted at Lavenham, September 1st, Brettenham, September 2nd and Giffords Hall, Stoke-by-Nayland, September 2nd. Late reports came from Orfordness where two were present October 4th and Stradishall with two, October 5th. The last sighting was from Lowestoft North Denes, October 19th. S T O N E C H A T SaxĂ­cola torquatus Fairly common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. During the first winter period reports came from a total of 16 sites spread mainly in the coastal belts and the Brecks. Peak numbers recorded were f r o m : Carlton Colville: Shore Marsh, six, Feb 18th. Orfordness: four, Jan 21st. Livermere Lake: five, Jan 1st. Cavenham Heath: three, Jan 16th; four, Feb 16th; four. Mar 3rd. It was of interest to note that Orfordness reported new birds arriving on May 16th and two May 30th. The breeding status is difficult to assess without data from some of the key sites. Minsmere, however, recorded a decline but the East Suffolk Sandlings, on the whole, showed an increase. Totals of pairs were:Dunwich: five. Minsmere: ten. North Warren: five. Orfordness: two. Sutton and Hollesley Commons: 13. Felixstowe Ferry: two. Lakenheath: two. Post-breeding movement was seen at Orfordness with maximum counts of nine, September 29th; 15, September 30th; 15, October 7th and 12, October 13th. The record of 15 on two dates is the highes^ ever recorded from a single site in Suffolk outside of the breeding season. The Orfordness log also Stonechat Su Gough




recorded a considerable turnover of new birds during this period with ten in September and 20 in October. Where this influx has come from, considering none was noted as being of Continental origin, poses an intriguing question. Elsewhere peak counts came f r o m : Corton: sewage works, five, Aug 24th. Carlton Colville: Shore Marsh, five, Oct 5th. Easton Bavents: five, Oct 4th. North Warren: grazing marshes, six, Sep 4th; seven, Oct 5th. Snape Warren: seven, Oct 23rd. Trimley Marshes: eight, Oct 21st. Stradishall: six, Oct 5th. Cavenham Heath: seven, Sep 25th. Icklingham: Berners Heath, eight, Oct 5th. Lakenheath Fen: five Oct 27th. Towards the end of the year the main concentration came from the south-east coastal belt with the highest counts from Orfordness where eight were present, November 3rd and up to six on several dates in December. Six were at Trimley Marshes, November 4th and five at Shotley Marshes, November 19th. Elsewhere there were four at Shore Marsh, Carlton Colville, December 9th, three at North Cove, November 30th, four at Cavenham Heath, December 29th and two pairs present at Mickle Mere during December. An interesting inland record came from Boyton Hall, Great Finborough where two were seen, December 27th. N O R T H E R N W H E A T E A R Oenanthe oenanthe. Common passage migrant and uncommon summer visitor. This year's earliest records all came from the coast with Orfordness and Landguard jointly recording the first sighting, March 11th, closely followed by Felixstowe Ferry, with two, March 12th and Minsmere, March 19th. The first inland sighting came from Cavenham on March 18th. The main passage was seen during the last week of April with:Corton Cliff: nine, Apr 24th. Minsmere: seven, Apr 27th. Orfordness: 12, Apr 22nd. Sutton Heath: seven all of the Greenland race, Apr 29th. Landguard: 32, Apr 24th; 28, Apr 25th. Cavenham: eight, Apr 24th. A second major passage occurred during mid-May with peak counts f r o m : Lowestoft: North Denes, seven May 15th. Orfordness: 12, May 19th. Landguard: 28, May 13th. Unexpected records were of a male at Landguard, where no breeding occurred, June 16th and a female in central Suffolk at College Farm, Creeting St Mary, June 15th. Breeding was only confirmed from Orfordness where two pairs fledged at least two young. It is possible that some pairs continue to breed within the Brecks. August is the traditional month for the start of passage with Orfordness recording up to eight birds daily from 11th to 23rd, and 12 present on 24th and 25th. Elsewhere there were five at Corton sewage works, 23rd, four, East Lane, Bawdsey, 20th and 32 were recorded at Landguard, 24th, the highest total for the month. Inland a singleton was recorded at Cavenham, August 4th. During September reports came from most coastal sites with the highest numbers recorded in the latter half of the month. Peak counts came f r o m : Lowestoft: North Beach, six, Sep 29th. Thorpeness: The Haven, six, Sep 24th. Orfordness: ten, Sep 2nd; 12, Sep 29th. Landguard: 22, Sep 22nd.




A late passage was seen at Lowestoft North Denes where eight were present on October 3rd. Orfordness recorded an impressive 22, on October 4th, which is the highest individual site day-total ever recorded for the month of October in Suffolk. The last report of the year came from Southwold, November 15th. RING OUZEL Turdus torquatus Fairly common passage migrant. Red list. An excellent spring passage was noted from 26 sites mostly in the coastal belt. The first reports came from Breydon South Wall, April 9th and Minsmere, on the same day, when three were present. This was closely followed by a singleton at Cookley, April 11th and a male at Lackford/Cavenham April 15th. A period during the last week of April and the first week of May provided the bulk of the spring records with peak counts from Westleton Heath of five, May 3rd and Minsmere, eight, April 21st, five April 20th and four, April 23rd. Interestingly, inland reports came from Whitehouse Road, Ipswich where a singleton was present April 23rd and Long Melford where two males were located on May 5th. Autumn could only be deemed as poor with a mere sprinkling of records from the coastal belt. Peak counts were from the following:Minsmere: eight, Sep 8th. Orfordness: five, Sep 29th. Felixstowe: Peewit Hill, three Oct 5th. Landguard: six, Oct 2nd. The only inland autumn record came from Long Melford, September 30th. A very late male was present around Dunwich and Minsmere from November 1st to 3rd. C O M M O N BLACKBIRD Turdus merula Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. The only noteworthy gatherings during the first winter period were 21 at Sudbourne, January 5th, 21 at Moorbridge Farm, Harleston, February 7th and 30 at Lavenham, January 6th. Landguard recorded spring passage from March 13th to May 8th. Breeding status is difficult to ascertain with so little data available. Sizewell Estate and Belts, however, supported 46 pairs, North Warren 167 pairs and Landguard had 15 nesting pairs. The ringing station at Creeting St Mary reported 13 juveniles trapped. May 26th. Lackford Lakes' ringers recorded their best year since 1997 with 16 juveniles trapped and ringed. A trickle of reports came from the usual coastal locations before the main influx was seen from October 20th with peak counts f r o m : Corton: 50, Oct 14th. Orfordness: 40, Oct 20th. Landguard: 80, Oct 20th. Great Cornard: 30, Oct 15th. FIELD NOTE Harleston: Moorbridge Farm, 70, Oct 20th. Two Blackbirds were seen to be killed A further influx was seen in November with peak counts f r o m : by Herring and Lesser Black-backed Minsmere: 100, Nov 14th; 50, Nov 25th; 50, Nov Gulls as they came in off the sea at 26 th. Slaughden on November 11th. Orfordness: 65, Nov 3rd; 377. Nov 13th. J. Grant Landguard: 150, Nov 11th; 85, Nov 14th. FIELDFARE Turdus pilaris Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. The first winter period provided several sizeable flocks in January and February before the spring movement began to take shape, with peak counts f r o m : -




Henstcad: 80, Feb 16th. Hawstead: 131, Feb 2nd. Creeting St Mary: Woolney Hall, 60, Feb 11th. Long Melford: 166, Jan 20th. Lavenham: 100, Feb 3rd. Kedington: 200, Jan 30th. March peak counts were from:Minsmere: 170, Mar 13th. Pakenham: 163, Mar 23rd. Lackford Estate: 72, Mar 1st. Bardwell: Bowbeck, 150, Mar 9th. Cavenham: 150. Mar 29th. Risby: 220, Mar 16th. During April the only large gatherings seen were 100 at Kedington, 4th, 70 at Fen Street, Redgrave, 3rd and 120 at Lakenheath Fen, 1st. Thereafter sightings gradually petered out although the 15 seen in Marsh Lane, Blundeston were noteworthy. Late records were from Great Livermere and two were reported at North Warren and one at Upper Hollesley Common, on May 4th. Returning birds were first noted at Sutton Hoo from September 19th, followed by a single at Landguard, September 26th, a single in Lowestoft, September 28th, two at Gunton, September 29th, a single, Orfordness, September 29th and two, Boyton Marshes, September 30th. The main passage was seen principally in the west of the county during mid-October with peak counts f r o m : Boyton Marshes: 153, Oct 17th. Lackford Estate: 183, Oct 24th. Cavenham: 400, Oct 19th. Lakenheath Fen: 145, Oct 19th; 200, Oct 24th; 400, Oct 27th. Other concentrations in the latter part of the year came f r o m : South LI m ham: St Margaret, 334, December 30th. Shadingfield: Church Farm, 600, December 29th. Creeting St Mary: 130, November 22nd. Combs: Combs Lane Water Meadows, 110, December 11th. Long Melford: 220, December 31st. Barrow: 210, December 26th. SONG T H R U S H Turdus philomelos Fairly common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list. A pre-migratory flock of 12 seen at Corton Sewage Works February 24th was the only noteworthy gathering during the first winter period. Spring passage was noted from Orfordness where a maximum of eight was reported. April 19th. At Landguard, passage was seen between March 1st and May 13th, with a maximum of six on April 10th and April 16th. Breeding data were widely reported in the west of the county and the possible number of breeding pairs exceeds 80. Territories were noted at Sizewell Estate, four; North Warren 39; Bradfield Woods, 11; Sudbury, 11 and Hengrave, three. In the Stour Valley, between Kedington and Glemsford, 14 pairs were recorded. Elsewhere Landguard confirmed that the site's first breeding attempt for 12 years had resulted in one successfullyfledged young. During the autumn the main influx of passage birds was on just three dates:Corton: sewage works. 20, Sep 28th. Orfordness: 40, Sep 29th; 40, Oct 3rd. Landguard: 80, Sep 28th; 50, Oct 3rd. Stowmarket: Creeting Road, 12, Sep 29th. Chilton: 14, Oct 3rd.




R E D W I N G Turdus iliacus Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. As with other thrush species, Redwings were not highly visible in large numbers during the first winter period. However, pre-migration flocks appeared in better numbers during early March with almost all the reports coming from the west of the county:FIELD NOTE Mutford: 100 north, Mar 14th. Hintlesham: 160 north, Mar 13th. A Redwing of the Icelandic race Onehouse: Northfield Wood, 140, Mar 10th. coburrti was ringed at Moorcroft Brettenham: 100, Mar 7th. Farm, Harleston before flying off Lackford Lakes: 80, Mar 9th; 200, Mar 15th. north-west, March 30th Redgrave: Fen Street, 85. Mar 3rd. J. L. Walshe Harleston: Moorbridge Farm, 96, Mar 30th. Cavenham: 200, Mar 29th. The first week of April saw smaller flocks moving through with peak counts from Aldringham Walks, 27 on 3rd, Fen Street, Redgrave, 85 on 3rd and Moorbridge Farm, Harleston, 33 on 6th. One late individual was recorded at Landguard, May 11th. Returning birds in the autumn were first noted at Orfordness where one was ringed, September 9th. Inland, at Creeting St Mary another was ringed, September 15th. Other September flocks were reported from Kessingland with 19 flying south-west, 18th; Minsmere, 20 on 29th; Orfordness, 12 on 29th; St Marys Road, Stowmarket, 50 on 27th and 23 at Hardwick House, Bury St Edmunds, 27th. The main influx was seen in the third week of October with peak counts of 211 west at Cawston School, Felixstowe, 18th; 100 at Boxford. 18th; 100 at Cavenham, 14th and 223 at Lakenheath Fen, 19th. A further influx was seen from Landguard with 40, November 19th. The only wintering flocks of note were reported from Farnham with 60, December 23rd, Great Cornard with 200, December 23rd, Shelley 100, December 1st and Brettenham with 30, December 23rd. M I S T L E T H R U S H Tardus viscivorus Fairly common resident and scarce passage migrant. Amber list. The only winter gatherings of note came from Saxham where five were present, February 27th, Great Waldingfteld, six, January 2nd and Mildenhall, five, February 18th. Spring passage occurred at Landguard on just two dates with a singleton, March 4th and three, March 7th. Breeding territories were recorded at 16 sites with confirmed breeding numbers only from Sizewell Estate with three pairs. North Warren with 37 pairs, Long Melford, five pairs and Sudbury eight pairs. Landguard recorded two early juveniles flying south, May 20th. Records of post-breeding flocks were as follows:Covehithe: 26, Aug 14th. South Cove: 25, Aug 19th. North Warren: 11, Jul 28th; 15, Aug 29th. Brettenham: 12, Oct 15th. Leavenheath: ten, Aug 24th. Mildenhall: l5,Jun 26th. Autumn passage was noted at Orfordness with two on September 29th and Landguard, with up to three on eight dates between September 28th and November 27th. C E T T I ' S W A R B L E R Cettia cetti Uncommon resident and rare passage migrant. The species continues to increase and strong populations are stabilizing in favoured areas.




There was a very encouraging increase in the North Warren area where 49 territorial males were located, rising from 17 in 2006. The survey at Minsmere revealed 60 territories (47 in 2006), with this species' song now a very frequent sound around the reserve. More extensive surveying compared with recent years revealed 20 territories at Carlton Marshes with, at least, five territories present over the river on Oulton Marshes. The three main strongholds are detailed above but the species was also noted from a wide range of other sites in the north-east of the county including Kessingland sewage works. Lound waterworks, Walberswick, Hen Reedbeds and Burgh Castle. In the west singles were noted at Lackford Lakes, Great Cornard, Nunnery Lakes and Knettishall Heath while a juvenile was noted at Lakenheath Fen on July 10th - this is the first confirmed breeding record for west Suffolk. In the south-east singles were noted at Martlesham Creek, Bromeswell, Shingle Street, Shottisham Creek (three) and Loompit Lake. G R A S S H O P P E R W A R B L E R Locustella naevia Uncommon summer visitor and passage migrant. Red list. The first of the year was noted at Fisher Row, Oulton on April 9th, with a widespread arrival in mid- to late April. The best area in the county for this species appears to be the rather dry reedbed and rough grassland around Fisher Row, Oulton and the nearby Share Marsh at Carlton Marshes SWT Reserve with at least nine males reeling here during the spring. The survey at Minsmere revealed five birds. Not a single bird was recorded at North Warren during the year. Nor was a single bird reported from Walberswick, a formerly very reliable site. The species appears to be declining in Suffolk with numbers well down from the 24 reeling birds at Minsmere in 1989. In the west, five were reeling at Lakenheath Fen and four were at B e r n e r s Heath. Elsewhere one or two were recorded at Kessingland sewage works, Southwold, Thorpeness, Snape, Shingle Street, Felixstowe Ferry. Beccles Marshes, Barsham Marshes, Lackford, Livermere Lake, Temple Bridge (Cavenham Heath). Stradishall Airfield, Cavenham Heath and Icklingham Plains. S E D G E W A R B L E R Acrocephalus schoenobaenus Common summer visitor and passage migrant. The first arrival of the year was at Minsmere on March 27th, followed by one at Felixstowe Ferry on April 1st. The main arrival took place in mid-April. At Landguard there were four singles on spring passage between May 10th and 19th. Breeding data included 98 territories located at North Warren, where numbers dropped below 100 territories for the first time since 1999. No surveyed data was received from the other two main strongholds of Minsmere and Lakenheath Fen. Other data included 25 pairs at Sizewell, 40 pairs at Hen Reedbeds, 14 pairs at Boyton Marshes and ten pairs at Lackford Lakes. The CES at Lackford reported a very poor year due to weather. A French-ringed breeding female was trapped at North Warren on 8th July and 24th August. Nine birds trapped at Creeting St Mary on May 20th is the highest catch ever at the site. A migrant was noted on Lowestoft North Denes on August 25th while autumn passage at Landguard consisted solely of singles on four dates between July 30th and August 27th. M A R S H W A R B L E R Acrocephalus palustris Scarce migrant. Red list. An average year with two records. Kessingland: Kessingland sewage works, singing male. June 3rd to 12th, trapped 12th (R.Wilton, C.Carter et al.). Minsmere: singing male. May 29th (J.A.Rowlands).




E U R A S I A N R E E D W A R B L E R Acrocephalus scirpaceus Common summer visitor and passage migrant. The first of the year was noted at Stowmarket on April 16th, followed by singles at North Warren April 17th, Lakenheath Fen on April 18th and Bamham Gravel Pit on April 19th. There was a large scale arrival on April 23rd, when 14 were recorded at North Warren plus birds at many other sites. Spring passage at Landguard involved one or two noted on 24 dates between April 23rd and June 29th and three June 3rd. At North Warren 122 territories were located. This is down from the 156 territories in 2006, though these lower numbers may be attributed to the poor weather conditions during the breeding season. As with Sedge Warbler the two main sites of Minsmere and Lakenheath Fen were not surveyed during the breeding season. Received breeding data included 32 pairs at Sizewell, 19 pairs at Lackford Lakes and nine males at Temple Bridge. The CES at Lackford noted a very poor year due to weather. Autumn passage at Landguard comprised of singles on nine dates August 11th to October 3rd. I C T E R I N E W A R B L E R Hippolais icterina Scarce passage migrant. There were four spring records which is the highest ever total in Suffolk at this season. This species is becoming increasingly scarce in autumn, it seems. Orfordness: two. May 28th (J.Askins) Landguard: May 23rd (R.Q.Skeen et al.) and May 29th (R.Q.Skeen et al.). BLACKCAP



Common summer visitor and passage migrant. A few overwinter. Wintering birds were noted at Combs Lane W M , March 3rd and December 22nd, Westleton, February 5th, Oulton Broad, March 4th, Fisher Row, Oulton, March 3rd, Barnby, December 14th and 31st, Gunton, January 2nd, Landguard January 16th, Kedington, February 3rd and Moreton Hall, Bury St Edmunds, December 26th. Spring passage at Landguard was from March 29th to June 13th with a maximum of 12 on April 16th. 133 territories were located at North Warren, another very good year but, interestingly, again outnumbered by Garden Warbler at this site. Other breeding records included ten territories at Reydon Wood, six territories at Hen Reedbeds, 25 pairs at Sizewell, 17 territorial males at Sudbury and nine in the Lark Valley between Temple Bridge and Barton Mills. The CES at Lackford produced 19 adults and 32 juveniles trapped which was below average due to the poor weather. Autumn passage was uneventful with Landguard noting birds between August 24th and November 23rd with a maximum of ten on October 3rd. G A R D E N W A R B L E R Sylvia borin Corninoti summer visitor and passage migrant. The first of the year was noted at Loompit Lake, April 15th, with the next at Beccles Marshes on April 19th followed by one at Temple Bridge the next day. The main arrival occurred in late April. April 28th saw a good arrival of the species including 12 on Orfordness, one which flew in off the sea and landed on the beach. Spring passage at Landguard spanned April 27th to June 8th with a maximum of five on May 30th. The survey at North Warren located 175 territories, numbers being at an all-time high. This site has shown a definite upward trend in recent years and is now seemingly nationally important for the species. Other breeding records included 32 pairs at Minsmere, 26 pairs at Sizewell, five singing at both Bradfield Woods and Bulls Wood, Cockfield and six singing at Lackford Lakes. The CES at Lackford reported an average year with 11 trapped including six juveniles.




Autumn passage was rather uneventful with Landguard noting birds from August 23rd to October 14th with a maximum of three on August 24th and 25th. B A R R E D W A R B L E R Sylvia nisoria Scarce passage migrant. A reasonable year with four records, the best year since 2002 when seven were located. Burgh Castle: Back Lane, first-winter, trapped, Oct 19th (P.Noakes). Thorpeness: Common, first-winter, Oct 3rd (R.Macklin). Landguard: Aug 25th (A.Lansdown, A.Thompson et al.)-. Sep 27th to 30th (N.Odin, R.Q.Skeen et al.). L E S S E R W H I T E T H R O A T Sylvia curruca Fairly common summer visitor and passage migrant. This species was first noted at Felixstowe on April 11th, then at Harleston on April 13th, followed by birds at Hadleigh and Landguard April 14th, plus records from four sites on April 15th and a widespread arrival in late April. Spring passage occurred at Landguard up to May 26th with a maximum of seven on April 22nd. In the breeding season 42 territories were found at North Warren, a relatively poor year with the lowest number recorded in ten years. Seven pairs were located at Sizewell and nine pairs at Minsmere. Other data included five singing males at Mutford and three breeding pairs at Landguard. The CES at Lackford trapped a pair and their three young. There was a strong autumn passage with up to 25 noted in the Minsmere North Wall bushes in late August and early September. Autumn passage at Landguard was from August 1st to September 30th with a maximum five on three dates in late August. A late bird was noted at Corton on Oct 14th. A very late bird frequented Beach Farm, Benacre from November 28th to December 23rd. This is Suffolk's first December record. The bird had a damaged wing which presumably meant it was unable to migrate. At Landguard three birds showed characteristics of one of the eastern races S.c.blythi/ halimodendri, October 3rd and 4th, October 3rd to 6th and October 6th (N.Odin, R.Q.Skeen et ai). C O M M O N W H I T E T H R O A T Sylvia communis Common summer visitor and passage migrant. The first record of the year was at Hopton on April 13th, followed by a bird at North Cove on April 14th and a widespread arrival in mid-April. Spring passage at Landguard was from April 21 st to June 15th with a maximum of ten. May 13th and 19th. Only 265 territories were located at North Warren (358 last year), one of the poorest seasons in recent years. This was possibly attributable to the appalling weather throughout the breeding season although there does seem to be a downward trend since 2001. 32 pairs were found at Minsmere, a decline from the 40-50 pairs of the 1990s. Sizewell held 26 pairs while Church Farm, Thorrington held six territories. The only other high count during the breeding period was of 14 singing males at Sudbury. At Lackford the CES reported a poor year due to adverse weather. Five breeding pairs at Landguard obscured the start of the autumn passage, but it appeared to be in late July continuing to October 3rd with a maximum of six on August 9th. D A R T F O R D W A R B L E R Sylvia undata Uncommon local resident. Scarce visitor. Amber list. Dartford Warblers continue to increase in the county. We have not yet, however, had a cold spell in winter hard enough to effect the population. At Minsmere there were 24 pairs, up from 22 in 2006 but not as high as the 27 in 2005. Dun wich Heath held 47 pairs. There were seven pairs at North Warren. The population at Sutton and Hollesley Commons increased again, rising from 23 in 2006 to 27 pairs.




In Breckland, in the Suffolk section of Thetford Forest up to three males were seen throughout the breeding season, with a female observed on April 1st only. Away from breeding locations migrants were noted at Gunton Warren from April 4th to 6th and October 19th, Henstead on October 15th, Bawdsey on October 15th andlรณth and Orfordness October 16th, November I st and December 4th. 2006 Addition Hopton-on-sea: November 5th 2006. P A L L A S ' S L E A F W A R B L E R Phylloscopus proregulus Rare visitor. This was a good year with six records including the first ever apparent attempt to overwinter in the county. Lowestoft: Warrenhouse Wood, Dec 13th to 29th (R.Wilton et ai). Easton Bavents: Oct 30th (S.Howell, B.Small, R.Drew). Thorpeness: Common, Oct 21st (D.Thurlow). Orfordness: trapped, Oct 20th (M.Marsh). Bawdsey: East Lane, Oct 23rd to 25th (P.&J.Kennerley, J.Clark, GJobson). Landguard: trapped, Oct 22nd (R.Q.Skeen et al.). Y E L L O W B R O W E D W A R B L E R Phylloscopus inornatus Scarce visitor. An excellent year with 40 birds recorded, exactly matching the record in 2005. Hopton: Warren Lane, Oct 7th (I.Smith). Burgh Castle: trapped Oct 3rd; another bird trapped Oct 10th (P.Noakes). Gorleston: Cobholm Island, Oct 24th (P.Allard). Corton: disused railway line, Oct 1st and 2nd; Oct 3rd to 7th (J.Brown, R.Fairhead et al.). Gunton: Gunton Wood, two long-staying birds Oct 6th to 29th (N.Blacker et al.). Lowestoft: Arnolds Walk, Sep 27th (R.Wilton); North Denes, Oct 14th; Warrenhouse Wood, Oct 11th (R.Wilton), Hollingsworth Road, Oct 4th (K.Brett); Cemetery, Oct 17th (R.Wincup). Mutford: private garden, Oct 14th (S.Reeve). Dunwich: Sep 27th; trapped, Oct 3rd; another bird trapped Oct 7th (Sir A.Hurrell). Southwold: Campsite, Oct 3rd (B.Small). Minsmere: Sep 28th (A.Rowlands); Oct 3rd (R.Harvey); Oct 9th (P.Green); Oct 11th (A.Rowlands); Oct 16th (D.Fairhurst); Oct 17 (R.Harvey); Oct 19th (D.Fairhurst); Oct 20th (S.Abbott); Oct 23rd (D.Fairhurst). Thorpeness: Haven, Oct 21st (S.Abbott); Common, two Oct 6th to 8th (R.Macklin, J.Davies). North Warren: Oct 4th (D.Thurlow). Orfordness: ringed, Oct 2nd (J.Askins). Bawdsey: Sep 28th; Oct 17th (P.Hobbs). Ramsholt: by River Deben, Oct 7th (G.Riley). Felixstowe: promenade, Sep 28th (per BINS); Grove, Oct 5th. Landguard: two, Oct 3rd and 4th (GJobson, R.Skeen, N.Odin et al). BredField: in private garden, Oct 7th (per BINS). D U S K Y W A R B L E R Phylloscopus fmeatus Rare visitor. Two were ringed on Orfordness, taking the county total to 19. Orfordness: ringed, Oct 3rd, remaining to 4th; second bird ringed, Oct 4th (J.Askins, D.Crawshaw) W O O D W A R B L E R Phylloscopus sihilatrix Uncommon passage migrant. Breeds irregularly. Amber list. Again this was a very poor year continuing the recent trend. Only four birds were seen and no breeding activity was noted. In the spring only one was noted, at Landguard on May 19th. The autumn only fared slightly better with just three records: Creeting St Mary on August 8th,Thorpeness Haven on August 17th and Landguard on August 8th.




C O M M O N CHIFFCHAFF Phylloscopus collybita Very common summer visitor and passage migrant. A few overwinter. Up to three wintered at Kessingland sewage works. Other wintering singles were noted at Lowestoft North Denes/Ness Point; Camps Heath Lowestoft; Weybread GP; North Warren; Minsmere; Corton Wood; Marsh Lane, Flixton; Creeting St Mary; The Grove, Felixstowe; Hadleigh and Brandon. Spring passage at Landguard was between March 8th and May 29th with a maximum of 14 on April 16th. On Orfordness the highest spring count was nine on April 6th. During the breeding season 153 territories were located at North Warren, a good year at the site. Other breeding data included 45 pairs at Sizewell; eight territories at Reydon Wood; 12 singing Bradfield Woods: eight singing Northfield Wood, Onehouse; 13 singing Lackford Lakes and 25 singing at Sudbury. The CES at Lackford trapped nine adults and 14 juveniles; this was considered to be an average year. Autumn passage at Landguard produced birds from August 21 st to October 30th with a maximum of 20 on October 4th. A bird of the Scandinavian race P.c.abietinus was trapped at Landguard on September 27 th. A bird showing some characteristics of Iberian Chiffchaff P. ibericus (P.Hobbs) was present at Lavenham from April 13th into July but it was thought it may have been an example of a hybrid Iberian Chiffchaff/Common Chiffchaff (see British Birds 101: 174-188). Birds showing characteristics of the Siberian race P.c.tristis were noted at Thorpeness on October 28th, Gunton, November 21st to 23rd and Long Melford sewage works, December 25 th to 31st. WILLOW WARBLER Phylloscopus trochilus Common summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. The first arrivals of the year were noted at Beccles Common and High Lodge, Thetford Forest on April 2nd with most arriving in mid-April. A notable 24 birds arrived on Orfordness on April 9th. Spring passage at Landguard from April 7th to May 30th saw a maximum of 25 on May 12th. In the breeding season 58 territories were located at North Warren, a rather disappointing year. Other breeding data included 29 pairs at Minsmere, three pairs at Sizewell, five males at Carlton Marshes, six males at Creeting St Mary and seven pairs at Bradfield Woods, where numbers were at an all time low compared with the 54 territories in 1995. An individual with mixed song containing Common Chiffchaff was noted in the spring at Cockfield, but trapping revealed an apparent pure trochilus. A Willow Warbler/Common Chiffchaff hybrid was singing at Benacre May 15th to 18th. The CES at Lackford trapped only six birds. Autumn migration at Landguard spanned from July 25th to October 5th with a maximum of 15 on August 25th. Birds showing characteristics of the northern race P.t.acredula were present at Landguard on June 10th and 18th (R.Q.Skeen et al.). The final record of the year was from Easton Bavents, October 30th. GOLDCREST Regulus regulus Very common resident and passage migrant. Amber list. Under-recorded again and with no notable passages in either season. Spring passage at Landguard was from March 12th to May 7th with a maximum of three on March 13th. Only five spring migrants were noted on Orfordness. At North Warren an all-time high of 73 breeding pairs was located, centred in the main conifer blocks. Three pairs were on territory at Sizewell. 20 birds were counted at North Stow.




On autumn passage 30 were noted at Corton sewage works on September 27th. Autumn passage at Landguard, from September 8th to November 30th, had a maximum of 30 on October 22nd. Passage on Orfordness peaked at 30 birds on October 20th and 23rd. FIRECREST Regulus ignicapilla Uncommon passage migrant. Breeds and overwinters irregularly. Amber list. In the first winter period a bird was noted at Minsmere Sluice on several dates in January. There were regular sightings at Greyfriars Wood, Dunwich, which is a reliable wintering site for the species. Four were noted in February at Brandon CP. There was a fair spring passage mainly in late March and early April including four at Minsmere on March 28th. Spring passage at Landguard was from March 12th to May 7th with a maximum of three on March 13th. Four birds were noted on spring passage at Orfordness. At Minsmere a singing male was present at the same locality as last year's pair, when no breeding was confirmed, but was heard on only one date. Nine individuals were noted at a site in the Brecks during the breeding season with probable breeding occurring. Breeding was also suspected at Santon Downham churchyard with at least two present in the spring. Singing males were also noted during the spring, inland at Sotterley Park and Herringswell. Autumn passage was average with Landguard recording birds between September 8th and October 12th and a maximum of five on October 2nd and 3rd. Ten were noted on Orfordness during autumn passage. In December at least three wintered in Corton Woods in an area containing evergreens such as Holm Oak and Holly, and two were at Dunwich. Singles were also noted in the second winter period at Freston, Minsmere, Butley, Long Melford, Brandon CP, Lound and Arnolds Walk, Lowestoft. One was ringed on Orfordness on December 1st. SPOTTED FLYCATCHER Muscicapa striata Fairly common but declining summer visitor and passage migrant. Red list. The first of the year was noted at Minsmere on May 1st, followed by one at Weybread GP on May 7th. The main arrival came mid- to late May, including four on Orfordness on May 28th. Spring passage occurred at Landguard from May 15th to June 12th with a maximum of five on May 19th. Breeding reports came from 52 sites, an encouraging return to form after requests for sightings. The majority of confirmed breeding reports came, again, from the west of the county. In contrast only one bird was noted, on June 9th. at the very well surveyed North Warren reserve. The seven successful pairs in the Brettenham area are noteworthy. Further details can be found in the survey report on page 42. Autumn passage was recorded at Landguard on six dates between August 23rd and September 22nd with a maximum of two on September 12th and 22nd. Only three birds were noted on autumn passage on Orfordness. The final sighting of the year was at Lowestoft, October 3rd. R E D - B R E A S T E D FLYCATCHER Ficedula parva Rare visitor An average year with three records. Corton: disused railway line, Sep 28th (J.Brown, R.Wilton. D.Beamish). Easton Bavents: Sep 18th to 20th (L.Townsend et al.). Landguard: Oct 2nd (G.J Jobson, R.Q.Skeen et al.). PIED FLYCATCHER Ficedula hypoleuca Fairly common passage migrant. Spring records came from Minsmere on May 29th and June 7th. At Landguard spring birds




were noted with a female on April 29th and a male on May 7th. Orfordness recorded a male on May 28th and a female on May 30th. Singles were reported from Sizewell and Thorpeness on May 29th. No records were received from the west of the county and no breeding was suspected. As usual more numerous on autumn passage although no influx was apparent this year. Singles were noted at 18 sites with the majority in late August. Autumn passage at Landguard was from August 12th to October 3rd with a maximum of four on September 27th. The last report of the year was from Felixstowe, October 5th. BEARDED TIT Panurus biarmicus Uncommon resident. Amber list. Breeding pairs of this delightful reed dweller continue to increase in Suffolk's reedbeds with 2007 exceeding last year's previous record figure. In the west of the county Lakenheath Fen continued its upward trend with an impressive 35 pairs (23 in 2006, 14 in 2005, four in 2004) and birds were recorded in every month. At Walberswick NNR 60 pairs were recorded (similar to last year) with Benacre NNR holding its usual 45-55 pairs. At North Warren work to improve the reedbed for Bitterns may have proved detrimental to this species but even so 11 pairs bred (14 in 2006, 17 in 2005, 18 in 2004). The Hen Reedbeds held 18 pairs (ten in 2006, 12 in 2005, 12 in 2004). As in 2006 no accurate survey was conducted in the Minsmere reedbeds but usual numbers were thought to be present. During the first winter period three birds were present at Trimley Marshes on January 27th and February 3rd, six at North Warren on March 4th and three at Fisher Row, Oulton on March 13th. Post-breeding movements included ten at Aldeburgh Marshes, four at Benacre Sluice and, on October 7th, three at Boyton. Second winter reports away from the breeding sites included two near the Butley River on December 23rd, one at Carlton Colville on December 9th and three, Bourne Park, Ipswich, December 25th. In the west, three were at Lackford Lakes on October 21st and two at Redgrave (and Lopham) Fen on December 28 th. Reports from Orfordness in January included six present on 1st, five on 7th, and four on 27th, then in February, six on 3rd, 12th and 18th. There were F I E L D N O T E up to nine during March and two Three birds were heard and seen flying north on in early April. In the autumn October 21 st over Southwold Boating Lake when during October a single on 5th, suddenly a Sparrowhawk swooped down and took four on 6th, eight on 11 th, ten on one, flying with it into bushes near Easton Bavents. 13th and 14th, one on 18th and The remaining two Beardies took cover by diving eight on 21st. Then there were into the lake's reedbed. up to five in November and at least one in December.

LONG-TAILED TIT Aegithalos caudatus Very common resident and scarce passage migrant. North Warren breeding activity started in February and the total of 51 pairs saw a welcome return to normal numbers (44 in 2006, 58 in 2005, 59 in 2004, 64 in 2003). Sizewell Belts held 12 pairs (21 pairs in 2006, 12 in 2005) and Bradfield Woods also held 12 pairs (seven in 2006, 12 in 2005, six in 2004).




The BBS recorded this species in 53% of the 59 squares surveyed (30% in 1996,33% in 2001 ) with a combined total of 103 birds. Large flocks included 60 at Dingle Marshes on January 14th, 37 at Hinderclay Fen on July 7th, 30 at Trimley Marshes on October 21st, 30 at Gunton Wood on November 2nd, 30 at Sudbury Common Lands on September 26th and 23 at Creeting St Mary on May 20 th. Passage at Landguard during spring saw one daily from February 12th to March 7th and seven on March 10th. In the autumn eight were present on September 8th, 11 on October 4th, 23, October 18th and six on November 2nd. The count of 23 is the highest site-total since October 28th 1983 when 44 were present. B L U E T I T Cyanistes caeruleus Very common resident and scarce passage migrant. As is usual, records for this species from only ten sites obviously do not represent the true status of this very familiar and widespread bird. At North Warren and Aldringham Walks another excellent season was recorded with 223 pairs noted (218 in 2006, 244 in 2005,195 in 2004) confirming the upward trend of recent years. A total of 25 pairs used nest-boxes laying 217 eggs, at an average clutch size of 8.68, and fledging at least 119 young with an average of 4.76 per pair. The S W T Sizewell Belts had 50 breeding pairs, at Cosford Hall five pairs used nestboxes to fledge 28 young and at Lackford Lakes ringing activities suggested a good breeding season with 50% adults and 50% juveniles recorded during the winter. The BBS found this species in 95% of the 59 squares surveyed (88% in 1996, 93% in 2001) with a combined total of 326 birds. At Landguard birds were present all year with one pair nesting unsuccessfully. Spring passage was noted from March 7th to April 26th with a maximum of 15 birds on March 11th. Dispersing juveniles were present from June 17th with autumn passage recorded until October 19th, and a maximum of ten on September 22nd. G R E A T T I T Parus major Very common resident and scarce passage migrant Reports for this species came from only 16 sites and this well-known resident remains blatantly under-recorded. The BBS recorded Great Tits in 90% of the 59 squares surveyed (86% in 1996, 89% in 2001 ) with a combined total of 229 birds. North Warren and Aldringham Walks held 188 pairs (217 in 2006, 224 in 2005, 210 in 2004), the lowest number of breeding pairs since 2003. A total of 56 pairs used nestboxes laying 387 eggs, at an average clutch size of 6.91, and fledging 225 young at an average fledging rate of 4.02 per pair. The S W T Sizewell Belts recorded 51 territories. At Cosford Hall, six nestboxes were used; of these three nests failed and the other three pairs fledged 17 young. At Lackford Lakes the Constant Effort Site ringing study showed that breeding success was about average but the number of juveniles trapped during the winter was below average. At West Stow, however, winter ringing discovered that juveniles made up 60% of the catch for this species. At Landguard birds were present all year with two pairs breeding successfully. Spring passage was noted from March 2nd to April 28th with a maximum of nine birds on March 10th. Dispersing juveniles were present from May 27th with a maximum of 15 on May 31st. Autumn passage was recorded until October 21st with a maximum of eleven on September 30 th.




C O A L T I T Periparus ater Very common resident and scarce passage migrant. Reports from just 17 widespread sites leaves this species as one of those common ones that invariably goes under-recorded. At North Warren and Aldringham Walks singing birds were heard regularly in mild conditions in December through into January but the population declined markedly to just 46 pairs (69 in 2006,71 in 2005,58 in 2004). Just two pairs used nestboxes laying 20 eggs and fledging 17 young. The SWT Sizewell Belts recorded 13 pairs and at Bradfield Woods eight pairs bred (six in 2006, six in 2005). The BBS recorded Coal Tits in 12% of 59 squares surveyed (21% in 1996,21% in 2001) with a combined total of 59 birds. Birds of the Continental race P. a. ater were noted at two sites - Thorpeness Häven on October 26th and an unexpected inland record at Brandon where a bird was trapped and ringed on December 14th. W I L L O W T I T Poetile montana Uncommon resident and scarce passage migrant Red list. As normal all the records of this declining species came from the west of the county, with birds, as last year, recorded at seven sites (seven in 2006, 12 in 2005). Breeding was not definitely confirmed at any of these sites but all the records came from the breeding season so birds probably bred at them ail. One observer at Santon Downham regularly recorded a pair in his garden. This species was not found in any of the 59 BBS squares surveyed during 2007 (2% in 1996,0% in 2001). M A R S H T I T Poetile palustris Fairly common resident. Red list. Reports came from 64 locations across the county (50 in 2006), with birds being present at 58 of these locations (43 in 2006) during the nesting season. No Marsh Tits were found in the 61 BBS squares surveyed in 2007 (23% in 1996,7% in 2001). North Warren numbers remained stable with ail four pairs being found in wet woodland (three in 2006, four in 2005, five in 2004, five in 2003). At Sizewell Belts three pairs bred and Bradfield Woods saw an increase to eleven pairs (seven in 2006, seven in 2005, five in 2004). W O O D N U T H A T C H Sit ta europaea Fairly common resident Records involved 36 woodland sites with birds noted at 30 of these locations during the breeding season. This species was not found in any of the 61 BBS squares surveyed during 2007 (5% in 1996,2% in 2001). Breeding records included one pair at Minsmere, five pairs at Ickworth Park, two pairs at Christchurch Park, Ipswich and a family party, including two juveniles, at Kentwell Hall, Long Melford on May 22nd. At Bradfield Woods on April 27th a bird was seen mobbing a Tawny Owl. The bulk of the records again came from the west of the county with parkland and forest sites predominating; for example West Stow C P reported Nuthatches as being regulär visitors to the bird feeding station.




E U R A S I A N T R E E C R E E P E R Certhia familiaris Common resident. This diminutive woodland specialist was reported from 55 widespread sites (45 in 2006) with birds present at 29 of these during the nesting season. The BBS recorded this species in 6% of the 59 squares surveyed (16% in 1996, 10% in 2001 ) with a combined total of four birds. The S W T Sizewell Belts held two pairs (four in 2006) and at Bradfield Woods six territories were found (eight in 2006). At North Warren and Aldringham Walks the population remained stable with 17 pairs (14 in 2006) with as usual most pairs located in the wet woodland area of the site. Christchurch Park, Ipswich held two pairs. Unusual records included one in a garden at Martlesham which was the first site record in the last 12 years. At Landguard a bird on June 27th to 28th was the ninth record for the site. E U R A S I A N P E N D U L I N E T I T Remiz pendulinus Very rare visitor. An excellent year for this attractive species with seven records involving at least six individuals:Dunwich: Dingle Marshes, four birds, two adults and two first winters, November 12th and 13th, then at least three birds present until November 20th and then two birds there until November 25th. Minsmere: Nov 4th to 6th. There have now been 13 Suffolk records of this species involving at least 20 individuĂĄis. E U R A S I A N G O L D E N O R I O L E Oriolus oriolus Scarce summer resident and passage migrant. Amber list. Passage in spring was limited to three records, with an early singing male at Westleton on April 26th and a female there on May 16th, and a bird at Minsmere on June 7th. At Lakenheath Fen the first record of a male in song was on May 6th. Up to three males were reported throughout June, and breeding confirmed with three fledged young being seen. Birds remained at Lakenheath until at least August 2nd. R E D - B A C K E D S H R I K E Lanius collurio Scarce passage migrant; formerly bred. Red list. A total of five records (six in 2006) with, remarkably, ali five occurring in a two-day period in the spring. Unusually there were no autumn records. Lound: male. May 30th. Dunwich: Dingle Marshes, male, May 3Ist. Leiston Common: male, May 31 st. Orfordness: female ringed, May 29th; female (diffĂŠrent bird), May 30th.

Great Grey Shrike Peter Beeson

G R E A T G R E Y S H R I K E Lanius excubitor Scarce passage migrant and winter visitor. Santon Downham: in village garden, Jan 17th. In the second half of the year there were six coastal records including four in a remarkable two day period:Corton: single along disused railway line, Sep 28th. Minsmere: Levels, Sep 29th and 30th. Orfordness: Sep 29th, seen carrying a Common Redstart. Levington Creek: Nov Ist.




Landguard: Sep 28th (this constitutes the tenth site record). Brantham: Seafield Bay, Oct 8th. The September records are the first in that month since 1993 when a bird was present at Westwood Marshes, Walberswick NNR. 17th. There was one inland winter record:Cavenham Heath: Dec 26th. EURASIAN JAY Garrulus glandarius Common resident and scarce passage migrant The breeding population at North Warren and Aldringham Walks remained relatively stable at 16 pairs with just two of these found on the Walks. Further breeding reports included just three pairs at Bradfield Woods, a 50 % decline from the six pairs in 2006. The only counts of note were ten West Stow Country Park January 15th, six Henstead April 8th, ten North Warren October 5th, eight Boyton Marshes, presumably immigrants, November 8th and six Bradfield Woods December 15th. BLACK-BILLED MAGPIE Pica pica Very common resident A number of large flocks and roost counts were received from across the county as follows: Ja Westleton Heath: 67, Jan 31st. y Pe,er Beeson Aldringham: 28, Dec 12th and 25, Dec 20th. Redgrave Fen: 119 Jan 19th (count includes birds in Lopham Fen, which is in Norfolk). Old Newton: Bridge Farm, 62, Jan 24th; 36, Dec 7th. Barking: Pipps Ford, 50 in blackthorn scrub Jan 5th; 25+, Feb 26th. Ipswich: 69 in blackthorn scrub. Bourne Park, Jan 2nd and 48, Dec 5th. Lark Valley: 70 in scrub between Temple Bridge and Barton Mills, Jan 17th. Lakenheath Fen: 25, Jan 1st; 29, Oct 19th; 30, Dec 30th. After a small reduction of 9% in 2006 the breeding population at North Warren and Aldringham Walks recovered to an all-time high of 61 pairs in 2007. Many birds were seen feeding on the plentiful available food on the outdoor pig units which may well have also aided juvenile winter survival. EURASIAN JACKDAW Corvus monedula Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant Sizeable roosting flocks were reported from only three locations with the usual Gipping site attracting much lower numbers than in recent years. Redgrave Fen: 9000, Jan 21st; 4000. Nov 30th; 6000, Dec 28th. These counts include birds on Lopham Fen, in Norfolk. Gipping Valley: Deal Plantation, 900, Oct 16th, 1500. Nov 29th. Stoke-by-Nayland: Gifford's Hall, 3500, Dec 27th. Lakenheath Fen: 15000, Jan Ist; 3000, Sep 27th; 8000.Octl9th. Breeding reports included a 50% increase in numbers to 45 pairs at North Warren and Aldringham Walks - another all-time-high figure and again linked to the large numbers using the outdoor pig units. Up to 20 pairs were found breeding on Orfordness. At Landguard spring passage was of two north and 24 south on twelve dates from March 2nd to May 23rd (maximum of six south May 23rd). In autumn one south Oct 11th and 60 in off the sea on Oct 22nd. Several reports were received of birds of the Scandinavian race, monedula, as follows:-




Southwold Town Marshes: Jan 22nd (B.Small). Leiston: flying north. Feb 27th and Mar 3rd. The individual on Feb 27th showed characteristics of an intergrade between monedula and spermologus (J.Grant). Aldringham-cum-Thorpe: Oct 19th. Herringfleet: Mar 17th (A.Easton). Finally, one was caught and eaten by a stoat at Mutford Jan 21st. ROOK Corvus frugilegus Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant Sizeable flocks were reported from just six locations and all were again outshone by the huge roost at Lakenheath Fen/Washes. Flixton: 2000, Feb.l 1th. Redgrave Fen: 9000, Jan 21st; 2000, Nov 30th; 6000, Dec 28th - all at roost with Eurasian Jackdaws. These figures include birds on Lopham Fen, which is in Norfolk. Great Bealings: 5000+, Dec 12th - mixed flock with Jackdaws. Gipping: Deal Plantation, 3500, Oct 16th and 3000, Nov 29th at roost with Jackdaws. Stoke-by-Nayland: Gifford's Hall, 1500, Dec 27th - mixed flock with Jackdaws including an all white individual. Long Melford: 2000, Dec 22nd - pre-roost gathering with Jackdaws. Lakenheath Fen: 15000, Jan 1st; 1500, Sep 27th; 8000, Oct 19th - all at roost. Spring passage at Landguard involved two north and seven south on four dates from March 2nd to April 15th peaking at three south March 2nd. In autumn reports were of two south, October 11th, three south, November 3rd and two in off the sea, November 15th. The few breeding reports received included 14 nests at Claydon Level Crossing, 20+ nests at Baylham, 25 nests at Mockbeggar Hall, Claydon and eight nests on electricity pylons at Pipps Ford, Barking (P.Murphy). Breeding was recorded at North Warren and Aldringham Walks for the first time with four nests at the Warren and seven nests overlooking the surrounding pig fields on the Walks. CARRION CROW Corvus corone Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant A number of large flocks were reported from across the county with two sites involving large flocks feeding on outdoor pig units. Redgrave Fen: 789 at roost in woodland, Jan 21st. Aldringham: 118, Oct 3rd; 330, Nov 4th; 214, Dec 12th - all around pig units. Gipping: Great Wood, 200, Oct 22nd. Wherstead: Braky Wood, 250 Jan 2nd and 334 Dec 5th. Livermere Lake: 177 on pig fields and winter wheat, Jan 2nd; 54, Mar 15th. Lakenheath Fen: 65, Apr 1st, flying to roost over Joist Fen. Spring passage at Landguard involved 15 south and five in off the sea from March 5th to May 15th, with a maximum of nine south on March 31st. In autumn there were 28 south and one in off the sea from September 30th to November 14th, with a maximum of 13 south October 14th. Breeding reports included 26 pairs at North Warren and Aldringham Walks, the second highest number on record after 29 pairs in 1999. Hybrid "carrion/hooded crows" were at Hobland Hall, Bradwell, June 3rd, Corton Radar Lodge September 29th and Kessingland, August 28th. H O O D E D CROW Corvus comix Scarce winter visitor. There were no records of Hooded Crows in 2007.




C O M M O N S T A R L I N G Sturmis vulgaris Very common but declining resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Red List. Several large concentrations were recorded throughout the county with the largest numbers coming from North Warren, Lackford Lakes and Lakenheath Fen. Westleton: 4500, Dec 29th. Minsmere: 15000, Jan 8th; 25000, Jan 10th; 10000. Mar 7 th. North Warren: 30000, Dec 16th; 50000, Dec 21st; 30000, Dec 27th. Slaughden: 4000 in off the sea, Nov 12th. Orfordness: 7000, Oct 21st. Landguard: 3000 attempting to roost on the dock lights, Oct 26th. Livermere Lake: 2500, Jan 8th; 4000, Jan 15th, 2000, Feb 7th and 15th; 2000, Oct 28th; 15000, Dec 19th. Lackford Lakes: 40000. Jan 1st; 20000. Jan 25th; 22000. Nov 24th; 28000, Nov 28th; 15000, Dec 6th; 24000, Dec 22nd; 50000, Dec 25th and 28th; 20000, Dec 31 st. Starling Su Gough Redgrave Fen: 3000, Nov 30th. Lakenheath Fen: 40000, Jan 1st; 2000, Sep 16th; 40000. Oct 19th; 20000, Oct 27th. The breeding population at Aldringham Walks remained at a low ebb of just six pairs (six in 2006, eight in 2005 and 11 in 2004). The first fledged juveniles noted at Sizewell Common were on May 24th. Five pairs nested at Landguard with the first juveniles noted on May 18th. Autumn passage at Landguard occurred from October 18th to November 23rd with a total of 6066 coming in off the sea or flying south. There was a maximum of 2027, Nov 14th. H O U S E S P A R R O W Passer domesticus Common but declining resident. Red List. Very few sizeable flocks were reported which is hopefully just a result of under-recording. Peak counts were; Lowestoft; Ness Point, 62, Aug 12th. Martlesham Heath: 25, May 18th. Ipswich: 23, (19 adults & four juveniles) in a garden. Brunswick Road, May. Bradfield Woods: 40, Oct 7th. Chilton: 30, Feb 4th and Aug 13th. Thorpe Morieux: 60, Feb 18th. Long Melford: 25, Jan 6th. Ampton: 25. Jan 1st. Breeding reports included a decline of 30% at Aldringham Walks to 27 pairs (39 in 2006), 25 pairs at Brettenham in August and 310 pairs located at Sudbury in May (M.F.Peers). At Landguard birds were present all year although only five pairs were found breeding and they reared very few young. There was a peak count of 30 in early August while the only movement noted was two south September 25th. E U R A S I A N T R E E S P A R R O W Passer montanus Uncommon and declining resident. Scarce passage migrant. Red List. This now-scarce species was reported from just 17 locations with the majority of the records, as in recent years, from the west of the county. At Stanny Farm, Iken, a regularly monitored site, there were 48 birds ringed in total (M.Miller). Singles were ringed on 6th January and 1st February. The other 46 arrived




between 21st October and 30th December, with 14 new birds on 21st October. None of the birds caught was controlled, suggesting that they quickly become accustomed to the net? Other peak counts were:Bcnacre: Beach Farm, 34 Nov 8th; 65, Nov 17th; 42, Dec 16th; 80, Dec 30th. Sudbourne: Ferry Farm, Aug 25th. Lackford Estate: 40, Feb 10th; 200, Mar 1st; 70 feeding in game cover. Mar 15th. Cavenham: Rifle Range, 200, Jan 27th; 217, Feb 11th; lOO.Mar 12th; 44, Apr 4th. Risby: Poors Heath, 31, Feb 25th; 200, Mar 1st; 70, Mar 16th. Mildenhall Fen: 22 in December. At Landguard single birds were seen in spring on March 28th and 29th. In autumn, passage was recorded from August 12th until October 19th involving 12 birds, with a maximum of four on August 24th. C H A F F I N C H Fringilla coelebs Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Categories A and E. An encouraging number of flocks were reported in the first winter period, particularly from the west of the county, as follows;Butley River: 200, Jan 14th and 150, Jan 21st. Stoke-by-Nayland: Withermarsh Green, 130, Feb 20th. Lackford: 113, Mar 1st. Harleston: Moorbridge Farm, 126, Jan 28th; 125, Feb 7th; 100, Feb 18th. Cavenham: Rifle Range, 350, Jan 26th; 130, Mar 4th; 115, Mar 10th. Icklingham: Weatherhill Farm, 150, Jan 14th; Berner's Heath. 100, Mar 2nd. Spring passage at Landguard occurred from March 4th to May 27th, with a maximum 12 south April 9th. There were 20 grounded birds on March 29th and 60 March 30th. Breeding reports included a remarkable upturn in fortunes to 437 pairs at North Warren and Aldringham Walks (370 in 2006 and 440 in 2005) and a slight decline to 138 pairs at Sizewell Estate (161 pairs in 2006 and 149 in 2005). Autumn passage at Landguard occurred from August 23rd to November 30th with a total of 955 birds moving south or coming in off the sea. There was a maximum of 115 south on October 4th and 144 south on November 2nd. At Minsmere 100 flew south along the beach on October 4th. The only counts of note in the second winter period came from Moorbridge Farm. Harleston peaking at 272 October 22nd, 209 November 11th, 215 November 25th, 221 December 3rd and 131 December 20th. B R A M B L I N G Fringilla montifringilla Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant Very scarce throughout the year with most records in single figures and just eight noteworthy flocks reported as follows:Sudbourne Park: I00+, Dec 28th. Cavenham: Rifle Range, 30 in game cover, Jan 26th; 30, Oct 8th. King's Forest: 40. Oct 24th; 25, Nov 8th; 20, Dec 7th. Thetford Forest: High Lodge. 60. Mar 15th. Santon Downham: 50, Jan 5th. At Landguard spring passage was noted on six dates between March 12th and April 16th involving just eight birds. The last bird remained well into May, a female at Sparrow's Nest Gardens at Lowestoft on May 12th. The first autumn arrival occurred at Lowestoft Denes on September 18th while autumn passage at Landguard involved 36 moving south or flying in off the sea and 55 on site from September 25 th to November 21st with a maximum of eight south or in off the sea October 18th and six on site October 3rd and 31st.




E U R O P E A N S E R I N Serinus serinus Rare migrant. Amber List The fifteenth site record for Landguard involved a female on July 7th. This is Suffolk's second July record, the first having occurred in 1992. Landguard: female, July 7th (N.Odin et at.). 2006 Additional Record Kessingland: June 2nd (P.Read). E U R O P E A N G R E E N F I N C H Carduelis chloris Very common resident and passage migrant. Categories A and E. Sizeable flocks were reported from just eight locations as follows: Lowestoft: North Denes, 60, Aug 4th; 50, Oct 7th; 40, Dec 12th. Lowestoft: South Industrial Estate. 50. Pinbush Road Nov 7th. Pakefield Beach: 200, Nov 17th; 100, Dec 3rd. Orfordness: 120, Oct 14th; 110, Oct 21st; 70, Nov 4th; 60, Nov 5th;50,Nov 17th;31,Dec 22nd. Creeting St.Mary: 47 trapped at feeding station, Oct 14th and 66 Oct 22nd. Hadleigh: Cosford Hall, 70 at roost in bamboo clump, Dec 29th. Sudbury: 116, in March. Lavenham: 110, Sep 24th. At Landguard, in spring, just 11 flew south from March 15th to April 26th with a maximum of five on April 16th and seven on site April 22nd. At North Warren and Aldringham Walks the upward trend for this species continued with a record 101 pairs located (89 in 2006 and 87 in 2005). At Sizewell Estate 13 pairs were recorded. Autumn passage at Landguard occurred from August 18th to December 3rd involving 2604 south (4407 in autumn 2006, 9572 in autumn 2005) with a maximum 368, Oct 15th. E U R O P E A N G O L D F I N C H Carduelis carduelis Very common summer visitor and passage migrant. Overwinters in small numbers Extremely thin on the ground in the first winter period with peak counts of just 120 feeding on burdock and teasel at Lakenheath January 1st, 35 Combs Lane WM, Jan 7th, 45 Sudbury in March and 40 Livermere Lake, Jan 8th. Spring passage at Landguard involved 176 south and five north from March 10th to June 21st with a maximum of 22 south April 25th. Breeding reports were few and far between but did include 32 pairs at North Warren and Aldringham Walks (27 in 2006 and 26 in 2005) plus seven pairs at British Energy's Sizewell Estate. Autumn passage at Landguard totalled 2370 south (4635 in 2006) August 24th to December 4th with a maximum of 261south Nov 2nd, while Orfordness peaked at just 40 October 6th and 14th. Late year flocks were reported from many locations although most of these involved autumn movements, especially along the coast. Gunton Warren: 50 north, Oct 7th. Easton Bavents: 200 north throughout the morning, Oct 8th. Minsmere Levels: 300 north September 29th; 75 north, Oct 5th. Thorpeness: 133 south along the beach Sep 30th. North Warren: 140, Oct 13th. Boyton Marshes: 100, Oct 5th; 55, Oct 21st. Great Waldingfield Airfield: 80, Oct 16th, Nov 4th and Dec 4th. Long Melford: 70, Nov 3rd. Stradishall Airfield: 60, Sep 3rd; 100, Sep 16th; 100, Oct 5th. Livermere: 60, Sep 20th; 180 on game crops, Oct 2nd; 50, Nov 14th.




Cavenham Heath: 110, Sep 2nd. Icklingham Plains: 150, Aug 30th. Lakenheath Fen: 100 on burdock, Dec 30th. E U R A S I A N S I S K I N Carduelis spinus Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Uncommon resident. Following on from late 2006 this species was very scarce in the first winter period with peak counts of just 20 North Cove, January 27th, 20 Minsmere, February 11th, 40 Lackford Lakes, January 15th and 40 Great Livermere, February 17th. No breeding records were received from the west of the county apart from a pair feeding a juvenile at Lackford on July 11th and in the east a female was seen carrying food at Westleton on July 4th. Autumn passage at Landguard involved 504 (only 46 in autumn 2006) south or in off the sea and five north from September 4th to Dec 12th with peak day-counts of 46 south, November 12th and 54 south. December 4th. There was a much better showing in the last quarter of the year with the following peak counts:Somerleyton: railway station, 90, Dec 10th. Minsmere: 100, Oct 4th; 200, Nov 3rd; 70, Dec 4th. Sizewell: Goose Hill, 80, Dec 16th. Thorpeness Common: 120 north, Sep 29th. Combs: Combs Lane Water Meadow, 60 in alders, Dec 31st. Great Finborough: 100 in alders, Dec 28th. Lackford Lakes: 60, Dec 10th and 16th. C O M M O N L I N N E T Carduelis cannabina Common summer visitor and passage migrant. Overwinters in small numbers. Red List. Relatively scarce in the first winter period with higher numbers coming into the county in early spring as follows:Lowestoft: North Denes, 100 north, Apr 14th. Aldringham Walks: 60 on fallow land. Mar 13th. Orfordness: 30 to 50 throughout April. Stowmarket: Creeting Road, 60 in scrub, Jan 27th and 160, Feb 26th. Clare: 70, Mar 14th. Mickle Mere: 40 on set-aside, Mar 19th. Livermere Lake: 250 on beet stubble, Feb 13th. The only visible spring migration at Landguard involved 20 south, March 17th, but 140 were on site from April to August. Breeding records included a decrease to 69 pairs at North Warren and Aldringham Walks (87 in 2006 and 93 in 2005), five pairs at Dingle Marshes, six pairs at British Energy's Sizewell Estate and 15 pairs at Snape Warren. Autumn passage at Landguard was noted from August 31st to December 8th involving 538 south with a maximum 112 south on October 4th (1105 in 2006). In the second half of the year most of the flocks were recorded through the autumn with peaks o f : Lowestoft: North Denes, 50, July 15th and Sep 5th. Orfordness: 70, Sep 30th; 70, Oct 13th; 40, Nov 4th. Creeting St.Mary: 62, Nov 22nd and 63, Dec 13th at Flordon Road. Great Cornard: 50, Dec 24th. Great Waldingfield: Airfield. 170. Sep 24th. Long Melford: 120, Aug 30th. Mickle Mere: 100 on set-aside, Oct 5th; 50, Oct 28th and 200, Nov 15th. Livermere Lake: 51, Sep 28th. Bardwell: Bowbeck, 60, Sep 6th.




T W I T E Carduelis fiavirostris Locally fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. Red List. Twite were recorded from just four locations on the coast with most records coming from the Walberswick/Southwold area. Peak counts were:Southwold: ten Town Marshes and 30 Woodsend Marshes, Dec 23rd. Walberswick: 40, Jan 3rd; 30, Jan 27th; 35, Feb 1st; 25, Feb 17th; 41, Feb 18th; 20, Mar 13th; 35, Nov 21st. Dingle Marshes: 25, Dec 17th; 40, Nov 5th and Dec 18th, same flock as above. Thorpeness: 14, Dec 21st. L E S S E R R E D P O L L Carduelis cabaret Uncommon and declining resident. Declining winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber List. This species was extremely scarce in the first part of the year with double-figure counts from just three localities; 40 Lackford Lakes, March 9th, 30 High Lodge, Thetford Forest, Mar 15th and 30 Minsmere, Mar 31st. Spring passage at Landguard was restricted to just a single north on March 21st, another south April 2nd and two north April 3rd. In autumn 328 were noted from Sep 19th to Nov 25th with a maximum 68 south October 4th (54 in autumn 2006, 1078 in autumn 2005). Lesser Redpolls were more plentiful in the second half of the year but with numbers still well down on previous years, reflecting the recent decline of this species. Peak counts were:Southwold: golf course, 40, Sep 29th. Minsmere: 40 north, Sep 29th; 15, Oct 27th; 14, Oct 29th. Middleton: 12, Nov 4th. Orfordness: 50 south, Sep 30th; 25, Oct 3rd; 20, Oct 4th and 18th; 15, Oct 21st. Lakenheath Fen: 25, Nov 3rd. Cavenham: 34, Dec 16th. M E A L Y ( C O M M O N ) R E D P O L L Carduelis flammea Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant Mealy Redpolls were relatively scarce after a plethora of records in 2006, being recorded from just five localities as follows:Thorpeness: The Haven, three trapped and ringed, Oct 13th. Orfordness: singles trapped and ringed, Oct 18th. 19th and Nov 5th. Landguard: Sep 28th and 30th, particularly early records. Lackford Lakes: Oct 29th; Dec 2nd. Cavenham: six, Dec 16th. C O M M O N C R O S S B I L L Loxia curvirostra Locally common resident and irruptive visitor. Extremely scarce throughout the year with peak counts of just seven at High Lodge, Thetford Forest, March 15th and nine on April 2nd, 16, Minsmere May 20th, 20, Dunwich, May 23rd, ten at Minsmere June 9th and nine in Corsican Pines at North Warren. July 31 st. Common Redpoll Su Gough Confirmed breeding reports were received from High Lodge, Thetford Forest with possible breeding reported from Santon Downham. At Landguard two came in off the sea, June 2nd and one flew south, Oct 4th.




C O M M O N BULLFINCH Pyrrhula pyrrhula Common but declining resident. Red List The only counts of note came from three localities involving 12 at Minsmere January 24th and eight, February 25th, seven at Cornard Mere December 27th and eight at Moorbridge Farm, Harleston, December 3rd. Ringing activities from Lackford Lakes trapped 11 individuals and included just two juveniles. Breeding reports included an excellent year at North Warren for this sometimes unobtrusive species with 37 pairs, the second-highest number ever recorded at the site. The bulk of the population was found within the scrubby habitats at the Warren. A full survey along the Stour Valley between Stoke-by-Nayland and Clare produced 22 pairs and eight pairs were recorded at Bradfield Woods. The only reports from Landguard involved single birds on March 14th and October 15th. HAWFINCH Coccothraustes coccothraustes Uncommon resident and rare passage migrant. Amber List A very poor year for this now-scarce Suffolk species with reports received from just four locations as follows:Minsmere: south over north bushes, Oct 4th; work centre, Oct 17th. Upper Hollesley Common: Apr 28th. Bamham Cross Common: Jan 30th; two, Feb 20th; Dec 14th and 18th. Thetford: Nunnery Floods, Mar 27th. 2006 Additional record Aldeburgh: Apr 24th (M.Swindells). L A P L A N D LONGSPUR Calcarius lapponicus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. This bunting was very scarce in 2007 with just nine sightings, mostly from the north-eastern corner of the coast as follows:Corton: Corton Cliffs, Sep 21st; radar lodge, Oct 21st. Burgh Castle Marshes: two, Dec 30th. Lowestoft: North Denes, Oct 3rd. Aldringham Walks: in off the sea, Nov 8th. Orfordness: Sep 23rd; Dec 5th. Landguard: Oct 11th. SNOW BUNTING Plectrophenax nivalis Locally common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list Extremely scarce in the first winter period with the only counts of note coming from Kessingland with monthly peaks of 17 January 2nd and 8th, 28 February 28th and 20 March Ist. The last sighting, of three on March 5th, was also from Kessingland. The first autumn arrivals occurred on September 22nd at Walberswick, followed by single birds at Ness Point, Lowestoft and Minsmere, 27th, and then Thorpeness on Sep 28th. Snow Bunting Su Gough




There was a better showing in the second winter period but they were still relatively thin on the ground. Peak counts were:Kessingland: 20, Nov 12th and 19th: 12, Dec 5th. Walberswick: 23, Nov 15th; 14, Dec 20th. Dingle Marshes: 25, Nov 17th; 16, Dec 18th. Minsmere: ten, Dec 7th. Aldeburgh: 50, Dec 18th. Slaughden: 30, Dec 1 Ith. Orfordness: 30, Nov 24th; 34, Dec 18th; 30, Dec 29th. At Landguard single birds were noted on eight dates from November 6th to 30th, but three November 12th. Y E L L O W H A M M E R Emberiza citrinella Common resident and passage migrant. Red List An encouraging number of flocks were reported in the first winter period although most reports came from the west of the county. The main counts are as follows:North Warren: 42, Jan 24th and 60 on stubble. Mar 2nd. Earl Stonham: 300 Brewery Farm. Feb 6th. Chilton: 54, Jan 13th. Norton: Church, 100, Jan 27th. Cavenham: Rifle Range, 62 in game cover, Jan 26th. Harleston: Moorbridge Farm, 90 Jan 28th; 300, Feb 6th: 40, Mar 25th and Apr 20th. Breeding reports included three pairs at British Energy's Sizewell Estate, 18 pairs at Snape Warren, 23 pairs between Clare and Kedington and 11 pairs in clear-felled areas around North Stow. At North Warren and Aldringham Walks a count of 70 pairs was the lowest number recorded for many years and continues the downward trend (76 in 2006 and 78 in 2005). Autumn passage at Landguard involved just single birds moving south on September 30th, October 19th, November 9th, 15th and 17th. There was another reasonable showing in the second winter period and again most records came from the west of the county:Mutford: 34, Nov 18th; 40, Dee 9th. Croton Wood: 30, Dec 12th. Great Cornard: 20, Oct 15th. Great Waldingfield: Airfield, 34 Nov 4th; 30, Dee 4th. Harleston: Moorbridge Farm, 51, Nov 25th; 145, Dee 3rd; 101, Dee 20th. LITTLE BUNTING Emberiza pusilla Accidental. Dunwich: Oct 1 Ith (Sir A.Hurrell). This is, somewhat surprisingly, the first Suffolk record since 1987 when one was trapped at Landguard, October 19th. REED BUNTING Emberiza schoeniclus Common resident and passage migrant. Red List A number of large flocks were reported from the west of the county although two sites, Cavenham and Lackford, held by far the greatest concentrations. Peak counts were:Lark Valley: 30 between Tempie Bridge and Barton Mills, Jan 17th. Lackford Lakes: 206. Jan 7th; 261, Jan 25th; 188. Feb 6th. Cavenham: Rifle Range, 227, Jan 12th; 356, Jan 26th; 60, Feb 27th; 100, Mar Ist. Redgrave Fen: 20, Jan 19th. Breeding reports included nine pairs at Hen Reedbeds (12 in 2006),seven pairs at Dingle Marshes, 12 pairs at British Energy's Sizewell Estate, 20 pairs at Orfordness and 26




territories on the River Stour between Kedington and Nayland. Minsmere recorded its highest-ever breeding total of 69 pairs while 35 pairs at North Warren was the lowest total since 2002 (41 in 2006 and 40 in 2005). At Landguard autumn passage involved one north, 25 south and eight on site from September 28th to November 24th with a maximum of four south, October 27th. The only counts of note in the west, in the second winter period, came from Lackford Lakes with monthly peaks of 80. October 18th, 130, November 10th and 82, December 15th. There were 20 at Lakenheath Fen, October 27th and 22 at Cavenham Rifle Range, October 24th. On the coast, Orfordness held the highest numbers with monthly peaks of 15, September 22nd, 70, October 13th, 20, November 4th and ten, December 15th. Reed Bunting Peter Beeson CORN BUNTING Emberiza calandra Locally common resident. Red List. As in 2006, Corn Buntings were virtually absent from the north-east of the county, but reasonable numbers were reported elsewhere within Suffolk, particularly in the west. Peak counts:Trimley Marshes: 14, Apr 24th. Chelmondiston: 20, Lings Lane. Dec 26th. Wherstead: 16, Dec 24th to 31st. Great Waldingfield: Airfield, 24, Jan 2nd; 40, in February; 20, Mar 8th; 17, Sep 24th; 24, Oct 16th; 22, Nov 4th; 24, Dec 4th. Mildenhall Fen: 13, Apr 15th. Lakenheath Fen: 80, Jan 1st; 40, Apr 30th and May 31st; 20, Dec 14th. Single migrants were at Landguard on March 13th, April 16th and November 12th. A full breeding survey of the Shotley peninsula on June 2nd produced 21 singing males and 14 other observations confirming this area as the major coastal stronghold in Suffolk. A similar search on the Felixstowe peninsula only located one bird on territory at Levington.




APPENDIX I - CATEGORY D SPECIES Species which would otherwise appear in Categories A or B except that there is reasonable doubt that they have ever occurred in Britain in a natural state. M A R B L E D D U C K Marmaronetta augustirostris Small population breeds Morocco and south Spain. Asian range extends from Turkey through Azerbaijan and Armenia, east to Iraq and north to southern Kazakhstan. Many Spanish breeders move northeast in late summer to Ebro Delta, north-eastern Spain. Categories D and E. Lowestoft: Leathes Ham, juvenile, Aug 27th to Oct 8th, presumed same as at Dingle Marshes and Minsmere. Although this juvenile was unringed. it arrived and frequently associated with Garganey, of known captive origin, at this site. Dunwich: Dingle Marshes, juvenile, Aug 24th, presumed same as at Leathes Ham and Minsmere. Minsmere: Scrape, juvenile. Aug 28th, presumed same as at Leathes Ham and Dingle Marshes. S A K E R F A L C O N Falco cherrug Breeds locally from eastern Europe across the Palearctic to the Tibetan plateau. European breeders winter in north-eastern Africa, while much of the Asian population is resident. Categories D and E. Landguard: Sep 10th.

APPENDIX II - CATEGORY E SPECIES Species which have been recorded as introductions, transportĂŠes or escapees from captivity, and whose breeding populations (if any) are thought to be not self-sustaining. Where a species is also placed in other categories of the British List, this is indicated in the species' summary. SILVER P H E A S A N T Lophura nycthemera Central and southern China to Indochina Category E. Mutford: Ash Farm, female, Apr 7th. LADY A M H E R S T ' S P H E A S A N T Chrysolophus amherstiae Forested mountains of southwestern China to northern Burma. Feral population on the verge of extinction in Bedfordshire. Categories C and E. Rushmere: male, May 24th. R E E V E S P H E A S A N T Syrmaticus Forests of central China. Category E. Stanton Street: male, Dec 20th.


B L A C K SWAN Cygnus atratus Throughout Australia and Tasmania. Category E. Oulton Broad: Apr 21st: Jul 1st: three, Sep 25th; Oct 24th. Pakefield: beach. Apr 20th. Minsmere: three, Apr 18th; two, Jun 8th; Nov 11th. Orfordness: three. May 26th.




RUDDY S H E L D U C K Tadorna ferruginea Breeds from Morocco and Turkey east through central Asia to Tibetan plateau. Winters to south of breeding range, with majority in Indiati subcontinent. Ferai population breeds in northern Europe. Catégories B and E. Flixton: GP, two, Jan Ist to Feb 1 Ith; pair with seven young, Jul 22nd; five, Aug 7th; two, Dec 29th. Weybread: GP, two, Aug 22nd to 24th. Kaston Bavents: Easton Marshes, Jan 21st to 25th. Southwold: two, Aug 16th; Dunwich: Dingle Marshes, Jan 21st. Minsmere: Scrape.Jul 15th; juvenile, Aug lOth. Wickham Market: three, Aug 27th. Livermere Lake: Mar 8th; singles, Apr 15th, 22nd, 23rd and 27th. Cavenham: Cavenham Pits, May 6th. Icklingham: Icklingham Plains, May 14th. M U S C O V Y D U C K Cairina moschata Breeds from southern Mexico to northern Argentina and Brazil. Category E. Beccles: Beccles Quay, six, Aug 30th; female with young, Aug. 30th; 17, Oct. 7th; 25, Dec. 12th. Melton: River Deben, May 27th; Aug 29th; Dec 3Ist; three, Dec 26th. Livermere Lake: Jan 2nd; Mar 2nd; Apr 29th. W O O D D U C K Aix sponsa Canada to northern Mexico, Cuba and Bahamas. Category E. Lound: Waterworks, male. Mar 25th. A M E R I C A N W I G E O N Anas americana Alaska and Canada to northern and mid-western south to Colombia. Catégories A and E. Flixton: GP. male. Mar lOth to Apr 22nd.

USA. Winters to south of breeding

C H I L O Ë W I G E O N Anas sibilatrix Breeds southern South America to Falkland Islands. Some winter south-eastern Category E. Minsmere: Apr 26th; intermittently Oct 27th to Dec lOth. Stoke-by Nayland: Thorington Street reservoir, maie, Sep 21st.



C H E S T N U T T E A L Anas castanea Breeds southern Australia and Tasmania. Category E. Orfordness: male, Apr 28th and 29th; May 5th and 6th, 1 Ith and 13th. W H I T E - C H E E K E D P I N T A I L Anas bahamensis Breeds throughout the West Indies, south to southern Galapagos Islands. Category E. Redgrave: Redgrave Fen. May 15th. Trimley Marshes: Nov 13th. Lackford Lakes: Sep 3rd.

Brazil, Argentina,

Chile and the

S I L V E R T E A L Anas versicolor Breeds South America from Bolivia to southern Chile and Falkland Islands. Category E. Bramford: Suffolk Water Park, Apr 15th, considered to be of race A. v. puna. G A R G A N E Y Anas querquedula Breeds across Europe and Asia, winters in tropical Africa, Catégories A and E.


India and Southeast




Lowestoft: Leathes Ham, five, Aug 25th to 29th; two present throughout September with max of seven, Sep 16th. At least three with yellow colour rings in August and two in September; two, Oct 15th. All believed to be escapees/releases. Benacre: Benacre Broad, one with yellow colour ring. Sep 9th, presumed same as at Leathes Ham and Minsmere. Minsmere: juvenile with yellow colour ring on right leg, Sep 2nd and 14th, presumed same as at Leathes Ham and Benacre Broad. R E D - C R E S T E D P O C H A R D Netta rufina Breeds western Europe to central China. Winters to south of breeding range. Categories A, C and E. Flixton: GP,93,Dec 29th. FERRUGINOUS DUCK



Breeds southern Spain, and from eastern Europe to Caspian Sea, and east through Kazakhstan and western Mongolia to Tibetan Plateau. Winters eastern Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Seas, north-eastern Africa and Indian subcontinent. Categories A and E. Flixton: GP, male, Sep 11th; two females, Oct 14th. ARGENTINE BLUEBILL



Breeds southern South America, with southernmost populations dispersing northwards after breeding season to Paraguay and southeastern Brazil. Category E. Livermere Lake/Ampton Water: male. May 18th and Jul 7th. Pakenham: Mickle Mere, male, May 21st. R E D - T A I L E D HAWK Buteo jamaicensis Widespread throughout temperate North America south to Costa Rica and West Indies. Category E. Benacre: Benacre Broad, Aug 1st. Thetford Forest: Apr 6th. Cavenham Heath: with Common Buzzards on several dates between Jul 30th and Oct 1st. HARRIS'S HAWK



Breeds south-western USA south through Central and South America to southern Argentina and Chile. Category E. Cavenham: one with jesses associating with Common Buzzards on Feb 3rd and Mar 2nd. Lackford Lakes: Mar 9th. L A N N E R F A L C O N Falco biarmicus Largely resident in arid regions of the southern Palearctic and throughout much of Africa. In Europe, breeds in Italy and the Balkans, but more widespread in northern Africa from Morocco, south to Mauritania and east to southern Iraq. Category E. Burgh Castle: Marshes, May 7th. S U L P H U R - C R E S T E D C O C K A T O O Cacatua galerita Resident in northern and eastern Australia and New Guinea. Category E. Hollesley: the bird from 2006 was seen regularly around the village and Poplar Park until the middle of March. C O C K A T I E L Nymphicus hollandicus Widespread throughout interior Australia. Category E. Corton: Corton Wood, two, Aug 26th.




S U P E R B P A R R O T Polytelis swainsonii Interior south-eastern Australia.. This species is not on any category of the British list. Gunton: disused railway line, female/immature, Oct 2nd to 6th. B L U E - C R O W N E D P A R A K E E T Aratinga acuticaudata Breeds northern South America from Colombia to northern Argentina. Thorpeness: Thorpeness Common, May 23rd.

Category E.

O R A N G E - W I N G E D P A R R O T Amazona amazรณnica Breeds northern South America. This species is not on any category of the British list. Naeton: Dec 25th to 27th.

APPENDIX III - Schedule of Non-accepted Records The following list consists of records that were not accepted, either by the BBRC (national rarities) or SORC (county rarities). In the majority of cases the record was not accepted because the relevant Committee was not convinced, on the evidence submitted, that the identification had been fully established. In only a few cases were the Committee satisfied that a mistake had been made. 2007 R e p o r t s Taiga Bean Goose: North Warren, two, October, 27th. Great White Egret: Sutton, June 15th Great White Egret: Minsmere, July 17th. Great White Egret: Walberswick, November 20th. Purple Heron: Covehithe, two, October 9th. Black Kite: Aldeburgh, April 27th. Rough-legged Buzzard: Sotterley, February 13th. Rough-legged Buzzard: Tuddenham/Icklingham/Cavenham, October 29th and December 11th to 15th. Osprey: Glemham, February 15th. Kentish Plover: Benacre Broad, two, April 10th. Great Skua: Lackford. October 20th. Ross's Gull: Landguard. adult, January 1st. Gull-billed Tern: Landguard, two adults, May 1st. Alpine Swift: Elmswell, April 13th.




List of Contributors Whilst every effort has been made to make this list as comprehensive as possible, sortie observers names may have been inadvertently omitted. If your contribution has not been acknowledged, please accept my sincere apologies. S.Abbott, D.Adelson, A.Aldous, P.R.Allard, L.Allen, J.Arnold, J.R.Askins, R.Attenborrow, C.Ayers, R.Axten. S.Babbs.D. Backhouse,D.E.Balmer,T.Bamber, M.F.M.Bamford.C.Bannister, l.Barthorpe, B.Baston, P.Batchelor, S.Batty, D.R.Beamish, A.Beaumont, J.Bedford, K.Bennett, R.Berry, R.Biddle, BINS, Birdline East Anglia, Birdguides, S.Bishop, N.C.Blacker, K.Bliss, K.Blowers, A.Botwright, W.J.Brame, M.Breaks, K.Brett, J.A.Brown, R.M.Brown, J.Brydson,B.T.O.Thetford, B.Buffery, A.Bull, M.Bunn, A.Burrows,C. Burton, C.A.Buttle. N.Calbrade, O.Campbell, N.Cant, C.Carter, D & M Carter, M.T.Cartwright, I.Castle, P.Catchpole, D.Cawdron, A.Chapman, R.Chittenden (Birdline East Anglia), J.Clarke, K.Coates, J.Coleman, G J . C o n w a y , M.Cook, R.Coombes, D.Cormack, T.Cowan, J.Cracknell, D.Craven, D.Crawshaw. C.Darby, PJ.Dare, J.Davidson, J.Davies, J.Davis, S.Dean, M.Deans, R.Diaper, P.Dickinson, R .Drew, R .Duncan. S.Edwards, A.C.Easton, M.Elliott, P.Etheridge, S.Evans. I & B Fair, R.Fairhead, D.Fairhurst, Forest Enterprise, D.Finch, L.Forsyth, S.Fryett, C.Fulcher, D.F.Fuller. A.Gardner, J.and K.Garrod, J.Gaskell, D.Gawin, N.Gibbons, J.Gibbs, R.Gilbert, J.Glazebrook, S.Goddard, M.Gooch, D.Gowen, J.H.Grant, A.Green, P.D.Green, J.Greenwood, A.M.Gregory, C.Gregory, L.Gregory, Gi.Grieco, A.Gretton, M.Gurney. P.Hamling, B.Harrington, R.Harris, B & M Hart, R.Hartley, R.Harvey, I.Hawkins, J.Higgott, M.Hines, P.Hobbs, R.Hoblyn, SJ.Holloway, D.Holman, P.J.Holmes, M.Hopton, A.Howe, S.Howell, R.Hughes, T.J.Humpage, A.Hurrell. M.Jackson, C J a c o b s , CJ.Jakes, M.James, SJarvis, GJ.Jobson, R.Johnson. M.Kemp, P & J.Kennerley, T.Kerridge, S.Kingdon, J.C.King. P.C.Lack. Lackford Lakes Log, Lackford Ringing Group, Landguard Bird Observatory, D.Langlois, J.Lansdell, Lavenham Bird Club, S.Leadsom, I.Levett, K.Lewis, M.Linsley, C.Lodge, N.Loth, D.Lowe, G.Lowe, Lowestoft Lounge Lizards. R.Macklin, P.Manners, J.H.Marchant, S.Marginson, O & M Marks, D.Marsh, E.Marsh. M .Marsh, N .Marsh. R .Marsh, N .Mason, S .May son, B .McCarthy, C .Mclntyre, T.Melhuish, P.Merchant, C.Michette, Mickle Mere Log, W.Miles, A.Miller, M.Miller, G.Millins, R.Milner, Minsmere RSPB, P.W.Murphy, R.Murray, C.Mutimer, M.Muttit, M.Myles. A.Nairn, P.Napthine, National Trust Orfordness, Natural England, C.Naunton, A.Needle, S.Newby, D.Newton, P.Newton, T.C.Nicholson, P.Noakes, R.Noble, S.Noble, P.Norfolk, North Warren RSPB, M.Nowers.




N.Odin, C.Oliver, P.Oldfield, D.Owen, J.Oxford. M.Packard, l.Paradine, P.Parker, E.Patrick, S.Paterson, J.Patterson, D.J .Pearson, M.F.Peers, S.Piotrowski, B.Pleasance, R.PIowman, A.Plumb, C.Powell, G.Price. R.Rafe, A.Raine, B.Ranner, P.Ransome, M.J.Raven, P.Read, S.Read, G.Reeder, Mr & Mrs Ridout, A.Riseborough, D & K Roberts, D.Rothery, N.Rowbottom, P.Rowe, J.A.Rowlands, R.S.P.B. I.Salkeld, J.Secker, T.Schofield, P.Scotcher, N.Sills, N.Skinner, O.Slessor, B.J.Small, I.N.Smith, P.Smith, R.C.Smith, G.Stannard, H.Stanworth, R.Stewart, W.Stone, T.Stopher, A.Stuart, D.Sutton, Suffolk Wildlife Trust, M.Swindells. M.Taylor, R.Thomas, D.Thurlow, D.Tomlinson, L.Townsend, Trimley Marshes SWT D.K.Underwood. N.Vipond. P.J.Vincent, R.Vonk. R.Waiden, C.S.Waller, D.F.Walsh, I.R.Walsh, J.Walsh, R.Walsh, J.Walshe, A.Walters, J.Warnes, K.Warrington, G.Webb, L.H.Weeks, A.Wells, D.West, R.West, I.Whitaker, S.R.Whithorne, P.Whittaker, W.Whybrow, P.Wilson, R.Wilton, R.Wincup, H.Wiswell, D.Woodhead, L .G .Woods, M.Woolgar. J .Wright, K .Wright, M .T .Wright, M and R .Wright. J.Zantboer.


30. Firecrest in March at Landguard. Bill Bastรณn

31. Whinchat: this juvenile at Landguard, in August. Bill Bastรณn

32. Pied Flycatcher: typically seen in September.



35. Serin at Landguard in July.

36. Singing Yellowhammer at Dunwich Bill Baston

37. Twite were not very widespread in 2007.

H e a t h in April.

Bill Baston

Alan Tate



Gazetteer This gazetteer gives locations for sites listed in the main checklist section of this issue of Suffolk Birds. The intention is to make it easier for newcomers to birdwatching, or those less familiar with the county, to be able to locate sites. Specific sites are given a six-figure reference where appropriate; larger sites are given a four-figure reference for the 1 km square in which they are situated. Whilst a complete list of all sites would obviously be of most use, it would of necessity, be very long. Therefore, it does not contain parish names, which are easily located by reference to a standard road map. Aldeburgh Town Marshes Aide Estuary Aldringham Common Aldringham Walks Alton Water Ampton Water Barham Pits Barnhamcross Common Barsham Marshes Barton Mere Belle Vue Gardens, Lowestoft Benacre Broad Benacre Pits Bentley Berner's Heath Blundeston Marshes Blyth Estuary Botany Bay Bowbeck Boxford Boyton Marshes Brackenbury Cliff, Felixstowe Brent Eleigh Breydon Water Bromeswell Carlton Marshes Castle Marshes Cattawade Marshes Cavenham Heath Cavenham Pits Christchurch Park, Ipswich Cobbold's Point Combs Lane Water Meadows Cornard Mere Corton railway line Corton sewage works Cosford Hall, Hadleigh Cove Bottom Covehithe Broad Deben Estuary Dingle Marshes Dunwich Heath Eastbridge East Lane, Bawdsey Easton Broad

TM450560 TM3957-4450 TM458606 TM4661 TM1436 TL8770 TM1251 TL8681 TM4090 TL910668 TM550944 TM530828 TM535842 TM120385 TL7976 TM5095 TM4575-4776 TL675854 TL9475 TL9640 TM3946 TM322360 TL943480 TM4706-5107 TM3050 TM4991 TM475915 TM0932 TL755725 TL763715 TM 164454 TM315349 TM04358I TL887391 TM537579 TM539982 TMO13446 TM4979 TM524808 TM2850-3238 TM4872 TM4768 TM452660 TM354401 TM518794

Elveden Erwarton Bay Euston Lake/Park Fagbury Cliff Falkenham Marshes Felixstowe Ferry Fisher Row Flixton GP Foxhole Heath Fressingfield Fritton Decoy/Lake Frostenden Gedgrave Marshes Gifford's Hall Gipping Great Wood Glemsford Groton Gunton Warren Hardwick Heath Hare's Creek, Shotley Haughley Park Havergate Island Hazelwood Marshes Hengrave Hall Hen Reedbeds Herringfleet Marshes Herringswell Hinderclay Fen Holbrook Bay Hollesley Commons Holy wells Park, Ipswich Homersfield Gravel Pits Icklingham Plains Ilketshall St Lawrence Ipswich Golf Course Ipswich Wet Dock Kedington Kentwell Hall, Long Melford Kessingland Levels Kessingland sewage works King's Fleet King's Forest, The Kirton Creek Knettishall Heath Lackford Lakes


TL8279 TM2333 TL9079 TM270346 TM3138 TM3237 TM507927 TM3187 TL735776 TM260775 TM4800 TM4781 TM410480 TMO 137 TM075625 TL8348 TL9642 TM5495 TL854625 TM244360 TM000620 TM4147 TM435573 TL824686 TM470770 TM468977 TL7169 TM025788 TM1733 TM330474 TM 175435 TM287855 TL7573 TM3883 TM207433 TM 169439 TL7046 TL863479 TM530850 TM533857 TM310379 TL8173 TM292417 TL952804 TL800710

SuffolkRingingReport Lake Lothing Lakenheath Fen Lakenheath Warren Lakenheath Washes Landguard Lavenham railway walk Layham pits Leathes Ham Leiston Abbey Levington Creek Levington Marina Lineage Wood, Lavenham Livermere Lake Long Melford churchyard Long Melford sewage works Loompit Lake Lound Waterworks Lowestoft Harbour Lowestoft Market Weston Fen Martlesham Creek Mayday Farm Mickle Mere Middleton Minsmere Minsmere Levels Mutford Needham Market Lake Ness Point North Denes, Lowestoft Northfield Wood North Warren Nowton Park Nunnery Lakes Old Newton Olley's Farm Orfordness Orwell Bridge Orwell Estuary Outney Common, Bungay Oulton Broad Oxley Marshes Pakefield Beach Pakenham Fen Peewit Hill Pipps Ford Potter's Bridge Ramsey Wood Ramsholt Marshes Redgrave and Lopham Fen Redgrave Lake Reydon Marshes Santon Downham Sedge Fen, Lakenheath

TM5392 TL7085 TL7580 TL7085 TM2831 TL9049 TM021402 TM530933 TM444643 TM237383 TM246380 TM890485 TL882716 TL868468 TL855459 TM255377 TG501007 TM5592 TM550944 TL980787 TM2647 TL7983 TL937699 TM4267 TM4766 TM4667 TM4988 TM094548 TM555936 TM551951 TM024600 TM4658 TL866615 TL872815 TM0562 TL824815 TM4654-3743 TM175413 TM1641-2534 TM3290 TM5192 TM370435 TM5389 TL930680 TM289338 TM 108538 TM509791 TM065430 TM298423 TM046797 TM055767 TM485766 TL818878 TL6784


Shelley Shingle Street Shotley Marshes Shottisham Creek Sizewell Beach Slaughden Sole Bay Sotterley Park Southwold Boating Lake Southwold Town Marshes Spinny Marsh Staverton Thicks Sternfield Stonham Aspal Stour Estuary Stradishall Airfield Stratton Hall Stutton Mill Sudbourne Marshes Suffolk Water Park Sutton Common Sutton Heath Tangham Temple Bridge, Cavenham Theberton Grange Thetford Heath Thorington Street Reservoir Thorpeness Common Thorpeness Meare Thorington Street Reservoir Tinker's Marshes Trimley Marshes Trinity Hall Farm, Moulton Tuddenham Heath Tuddenham St Martin Ufford Undley Upper Abbey Farm, Leiston Walberswick NNR Waldingfield airfield Waldringfield Pit Wal pole Wangford Warren Westleton Heath West Stow Country Park Westwood Lodge Westwood Marshes Wetherden Weybread GPs Wherstead Strand Wilford Bridge Wolves Wood Wordwell


TM0338 TM365425 TM248350 TM3043 TM4763 TM464555 TM5177 TM460850 TM510769 TM500754 TM292428 TM3650 TM3961 TM 1359 TM 1032-2433 TL7452 TM254388 TM133330 TM4553 TM 120485 TM3247 TM308478 TM355485 TL758728 TM438652 TL845800 TMO12352 TM475604 TM4659 TM012352 TM484760 TM2635 TL693651 TL7472 TM 1948 TM300525 TL6981 TM453646 TM4674 TL8943 TM274438 TM3674 TL758842 TM4569 TL800713 TM465737 TM4773 TM0062 TM2481 TM 173408 TM291501 TM055440 TL828720




Garganey Osprey Hobby Stone Curlew Little (Ringed) Plover Whimbrel Wood Sandpiper Sandwich Tern Common Tern Arctic Tern Little Tern Black Tern Turtle Dove Cuckoo Nightjar Swift Wryneck Sand Martin Swallow House Martin Tree Pipit Yellow Wagtail Nightingale Redstart Whinchat Wheatear Ring Ouzel Grasshopper Warbler Sedge Warbler Reed Warbler Garden Warbler Lesser Whitethroat Common Whitethroat Wood Warbler Willow Warbler Spotted Flycatcher Pied Flycatcher

ARRIVALS Date Locality Mar 8th Minsmere Apr 4th Oulton Broad Apr 15 th Minsmere and Nayland North Warren* Feb 19th Mar 22nd Cavenham Pits Apr 5th Minsmere and North Warren Apr 21st Orfordness Apr 8th Minsmere Apr 9th Weybread GP Apr 15 th Weybread G.P. Minsmere Apr 23rd Livermere, Lackford and Apr 15 th Cavenham Pits Apr 22nd Lackford Lakes Sudbourne Apr 13 th Aldringham Walks May 3rd Flixton Apr 16th Landguard Apr 14 th Lackford Lakes Mar 13 th Lowestoft May 9th Minsmere Apr 4th Kessingland SW Apr 8th Gifford's Hall Farm Apr 1st Lackford Apr 14th Orfordness Apr 9th Honington** Jan 20th Orfordness/Landguard Mar 11th Breydon/Minsmere Apr 9th Oulton Apr 9th Minsmere Mar 27th Stowmarket Apr 16th Loompit Lake Apr 15 th Felixstowe Apr 11th Hopton Apr 13th May 19th Landguard Beccles/Thetford Apr 2nd Minsmere May 1st Landguard Apr 29th

* Ignores overwintering birds ** May have overwintered *** Ignores bird at Benacre with broken wing


DEPARTURES Date Locality Nov 4th Minsmere Sep 14th Minsmere Nov 6th Oulton Oct 20th Coast Oct 13th Minsmere Oct 14th Oct 1st Oct 18th Oct 22nd Oct 28th Sep 16th

Blyth Estuary Minsmere Kessingland Kessingland Landguard Benacre Broad

Sep 17th Oct 4th Sep 6th Sep 13 th Sep 22nd Sep 24th Oct 7th Nov 28th Nov 15 th Oct 13 th Sep 25th Aug 30th Oct 26th Oct 19th Nov 15 th Nov 3rd

Lowestoft Livermere Lake Cavenham Heath Mutford Brettenham Orfordness Gunton Minsmere Minsmere Landguard Cavenham Heath Dunwich Landguard Lowestoft Southwold Minsmere/Dunwich



Aug 27th Oct 3rd Oct 14th Oct 14th Oct 3rd Aug 17 th Oct 30th Oct 3rd Oct 5th

Landguard Landguard Landguard Gorton*** Landguard Thorpeness Haven Easton Bavents Lowestoft Felixstowe



A GUIDE TO RECORDING BIRDS IN SUFFOLK Introduction The foundation stone of any report is the data upon which it is based. Unless we all submit our records diligently, and in a usable form, then the Suffolk Bird Report will not be a comprehensive account of the birds recorded in Suffolk. The system The recording of the county's avifauna is the responsibility of the Suffolk Naturalists' Society, working in close co-operation with the Suffolk Ornithologists' Group. The linchpins of the system are the Recorders, who are the initial point of contact for all records. Because of the volume of records in Suffolk the county has been divided into three areas. See the inside front cover for a map and addresses. Observers are reminded that Suffolk works to Watsonian vice-county boundaries, taking in areas that are now administered as Norfolk, Cambridgeshire or Essex. The most significant area affected is that of Lothingland, the northern limits of which follow the River Yare and include the south side of Breydon Water. We have retained these originai boundaries as we feel that sensible comparison of data can only be made from year to year if the recording area is kept constant. Submission of records All observers are requested to submit their records monthly. We also suggest that the following format be followed: (a) Location (precise place name from the Ordnance Survey map plus parish if ambiguous). OS grid référencé should be added if in any doubt or if reporting breeding locations. (b) Species (c) Date (d) Name and address of observer (e) Sex/age - male, iemale, juvenile etc. (f) Abundance - count numbers, frequency, etc. (g) Type of record - dead, ringed, etc. (h) Other comments considered relevant - behaviour etc. In particular see the list below for particular information required f o r e a c h species. Ail claims of national rarities should, of course, be accompanied by a full description. The Recorder will automatically forward this to the British Birds Rarities Committee (BBRC). If submitting a list of records for one particular site, please put ail détails at the top of the list and annotate with sex and/or frequency. Remember, if in any doubt as to the value of any record, please send it in! A spreadsheet is available for submitting records and can be downloaded from the SOG website. This can be sent electronically to the Recorders and is a much easier and quicker method for them. Whilst this is not essential, we would encourage ail those who can to use this method of submitting their records. Assessment of records Ail records come under the scrutiny of the Suffolk Ornithological Records Committee (SORC) and for rare or scarce species, vérification is sought - i.e. photographs, field sketches, witnesses, sound recordings (for calling or singing birds) and (most importantly) written descriptions. The S O R C ' s policy for vagrants, classified as national rarities, is clear; records should be channelled through the County Recorder to be considered by the British Birds Rarities Committee (BBRC), whose décisions are accepted by SORC. A full list of species that are considered by the SORC follows. The committee may also request further


A Guide to Recording

Birds in Suffolk

détails regarding any other species that, in the opinion of the committee, is out of context in terms of season, habitat or numbers. A list of records which have not been accepted for publication can be found in Appendix III and includes those which have been circulated to the respective committees but were considered unacceptable due to either the identification not being fully established or, more rarely, a genuine mistake having been made. It does not include records still under considération. Guide to species The following list shows ali the species recorded in the county and thus this is also a checklist for Suffolk. For any species not listed, a full description will be required. The list shows those species accepted into Catégories A, B and C, as per the British Ornithologists' Union (see the Introduction to the Systematic List for more détails). Note that a large number of species included can also fall into Catégories D and E (basically as escapees); a description of such a bird may be requested but will be essential if it is believed that the bird is of wild origin. There are only two changes to catégories of birds in Suffolk this year. Both Atlantic Puffin and Roseate Tern are moved from 2 to Category 3. There was one change to the Suffolk list in 2007; Caspian Gull now has full species status Larus cachinnans. Mute Swan 4 Tundra (Bewick's) Swan 3 Whooper Swan 3 Bean Goose Tundra 3 2 Taiga Pink-footed Goose 3 Greater White-fronted Goose 3 Greylag Goose 4 Greater Canada Goose 4 Barnacle Goose 3 Brent Goose Dark-bellied 4 3 Pale-bellied Black Brant 2 1 Red-breasted Goose 3 Egyptian Goose 1 Ruddy Shelduck * 4 Common Shelduck 4 Mandarin Duck 4 Eurasian Wigeon 2 American Wigeon 4 Gadwall 4 Eurasian Teal 2 Green-winged Teal 4 Mallard 4 Northern Pintail 3 Garganey 1 Blue-winged Teal 4 Northern Shoveler 3 Red-crested Pochard 3 Common Pochard 2 Ring-necked Duck 2 Ferruginous Duck 4 Tufted Duck 3 Greater Scaup 1 Lesser Scaup

Common Eider Long-tailed Duck Common Scoter Velvet Scoter Bufflehead Common Goldeneye Smew Red-breasted Merganser Goosander Ruddy Duck Red-legged Partridge Grey Partridge Common Quail Common Pheasant Golden Pheasant Red-throated Diver Black-throated Diver Great Northern Diver Yellow-billed Diver Little Grebe Great Crested Grebe Red-necked Grebe Slavonian Grebe Black-necked Grebe Northern Fulmar Cory's Shearwater Great Shearwater Sooty Shearwater Manx Shearwater Balearic Shearwater European Storm-petrel Leach's Storm-petrel Northern Gannet Great Cormorant European Shag


3 3 3 3 1 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 1 4 4 3 3 3 4 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 4 3

Great Bittern Little Bittern Black-crowned Night-heron Squacco Heron Cattle Egret Little Egret Great Egret Grey Heron Purple Heron Black Stork White Stork Glossy Ibis Eurasian Spoonbill European Honey-buzzard Black Kite Red Kite White-tailed Eagle Eurasian Marsh Harrier Hen Harrier Pallid Harrier Montagu's Harrier Northern Goshawk Eurasian Sparrowhawk Common Buzzard Rough-legged Buzzard Greater Spotted Eagle Osprey Common Kestrel Red-footed Falcon Merlin Eurasian Hobby Eleonora's Falcon Gyr Falcon Peregrine Falcon Water Rail

3 1 2 1 1 3 2 4 2 1 2 1 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 1 2 2 3 3 3 1 3 4 2 3 3 1 1 3 3

SuffolkRingingReport Spotted Crake Little Crake Baillons Crake* Corn Crake Common Moorhen Allen's Gallinule* Common Coot Common Crane Little Bustard Macqueen's Bustard Great Bustard Eurasian Oystercatcher Black-winged Stilt Pied Avocet Stone-curlew Cream-coloured Courser* Collared Pratincole Oriental Pratincole Black-winged Pratincole Little Ringed Plover Ringed Plover Killdeer Kentish Plover Greater Sand Plover Eurasian Dotterel American Golden Plover Pacific Golden Plover European Golden Plover Grey Plover Sociable Lapwing Northern Lapwing Red Knot Sanderling Semipalmated Sandpiper Little Stint Temminck's Stint White-rumped Sandpiper Baird's Sandpiper Pectoral Sandpiper Curlew Sandpiper Purple Sandpiper Dunlin Broad-billed Sandpiper Stilt Sandpiper Buff-breasted Sandpiper Ruff Jack Snipe Common Snipe Great Snipe Long-billed Dowitcher Eurasian Woodcock Black-tailed Godwit Bar-tailed Godwit Eskimo Curlew* Whimbrel Eurasian Curlew Spotted Redshank Common Redshank

2 1 1 2 4 1 4 3 1 1 1 4 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 2 1 2 2 1 4 4 1 4 4 3 1 3 3 2 1 2 3 3 4 1 1 2 3 3 4 1 1 3 4 3 1 4 4 3 4


Marsh Sandpiper Common Greenshank Greater Yellowlegs Lesser Yellowlegs Green Sandpiper Wood Sandpiper Terek Sandpiper Common Sandpiper Spotted Sandpiper Ruddy Turnstone Wilson's Phalarope Red-necked Phalarope Grey Phalarope Pomarine Skua Arctic Skua Long-tailed Skua Great Skua Ivory Gull Sabine's Gull Kittiwake Slender-billed Gull Black-headed Gull Little Gull Ross's Gull Laughing Gull Franklin's Gull Mediterranean Gull Common Gull Ring-billed Gull Lesser Black-backed Gull Herring Gull Yellow-legged Gull Caspian Gull Iceland Gull Glaucous Gull Great Black-backed Gull Sooty Tern Little Tern Gull-billed Tern Caspian Tern Whiskered Tern Black Tern White-winged Black Tern Sandwich Tern Lesser Crested Tern Common Tern Arctic Tern Roseate Tern Common Guillemot Razorbill Black Guillemot Little Auk Atlantic Puffin Pallas's Sandgrouse* Feral Pigeon Stock Pigeon Common Wood Pigeon Eurasian Collared Dove


1 3 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 4 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 4 1 4 3 1 1 1 2 4 2 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 1 4 1 1 1 3 2 4 1 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 1 4 4 4 4

European Turtle Dove Rose-ringed Parakeet Great Spotted Cuckoo Common Cuckoo Yellow-billed Cuckoo Barn Owl Eurasian Scops Owl* Snowy Owl Little Owl Tawny Owl Long-eared Owl Short-eared Owl Tengmalm's Owl* European Nightjar Common Swift Pallid Swift Alpine Swift Common Kingfisher European Bee-eater European Roller Hoopoe Eurasian Wryneck Green Woodpecker Great Spotted Woodpecker Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Greater Short-toed Lark Crested Lark Wood Lark Sky Lark Horned (Shore) Lark Sand Martin Barn Swallow House Martin Red-rumped Swallow Richard's Pipit Blyth's Pipit Tawny Pipit Olive-backed Pipit Tree Pipit Meadow Pipit Red-throated Pipit Rock Pipit Water Pipit Yellow Wagtail Blue-headed Wagtail Grey-headed Wagtail Black-headed Wagtail Ashy-headed Wagtail Citrine Wagtail Grey Wagtail Pied Wagtail White Wagtail Bohemian Waxwing White-throated Dipper Winter Wren Hedge Accentor Alpine Accentor European Robin

4 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 4 1 2 3 2 1 3 3 4 4 3 2 1 4 4 3 4 4 4 2 2 1 2 1 3 4 2 3 3 4 3 3 1 2 1 3 4 3 3 2 4 4 1 4

A Guide to Recording Thrush Nightingale Common Nightingale Bluethroat Red-flanked Bluetail Siberian Blue Robin Black Redstart Common Redstart Whinchat Stonechat Siberian Stonechat Isabelline Wheatear Northern Wheatear Pied Wheatear Desert Wheatear White-tailed Wheatear White's Thrush Ring Ouzel Common Blackbird Fieldfare Song Thrush Redwing Mistle Thrush Cetti's Warbler Lanceolated Warbler Common Grasshopper Warbler River Warbler Savi's Warbler Aquatic Warbler Sedge Warbler Paddyfield Warbler Blyth's Reed Warbler Marsh Warbler Eurasian Reed Warbler Great Reed Warbler Olivaceous Warbler Booted Warbler Icterine Warbler Melodious Warbler Blackcap Garden Warbler Barred Warbler Lesser Whitethroat Common Whitethroat

1 4 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 1 3 1 1 2 4 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 3 4 4

Birds in Suffolk

Spectacled Warbler Dartford Warbler Marmora's Warbler Subalpine Warbler Sardinian Warbler Greenish Warbler Arctic Warbler Pallas' Leaf Warbler Yellow-browed Warbler Hume's Leaf Warbler Radde's Warbler Dusky Warbler Western Bonelli's Warbler Wood Warbler Common Chiffchaff Siberian Chiffchaff Willow Warbler Goldcrest Firecrest Spotted Flycatcher Red-breasted Flycatcher Collared Flycatcher Pied Flycatcher Bearded Tit Long-tailed Tit Blue Tit Great Tit Crested Tit Coal Tit Willow Tit Marsh Tit Wood Nuthatch Eurasian Treecreeper Eurasian Penduline Tit Eurasian Golden Oriole Isabelline Shrike Red-backed Shrike Lesser Grey Shrike Great Grey Shrike Southern Grey Shrike Woodchat Shrike Eurasian Jay Black-billed Magpie Spotted Nutcracker

1 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 3 4 2 4 4 3 4 2 1 3 3 4 4 4 2 4 2 4 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 4 4 1

Red-billed Chough* Eurasian Jackdaw Rook Carrion Crow Hooded Crow Common Raven Common Starling Rosy Starling House Sparrow Eurasian Tree Sparrow Red-eyed Vireo Chaffinch Brambling European Serin European Greenfinch European Goldfinch Eurasian Siskin Common Linnet Twite Lesser Redpoll Common Redpoll Arctic Redpoll Two-barred Crossbill Common Crossbill Parrot Crossbill Trumpeter Finch Common Rosefinch Common Bullfinch Hawfinch Lark Sparrow White-throated Sparrow Lapland Longspur Snow Bunting Pine Bunting Yellowhammer Ciri Bunting Ortolan Bunting Rustie Bunting Little Bunting Yellow-breasted Bunting Reed Bunting Black-headed Bunting Com Bunting

2 4 4 4 2 2 4 2 4 3 1 4 3 2 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 3 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 4 2 2 2 2 1 4 1 4

* not recorded as wild since at least 1949

Key: 1 2 3 4

National Rarity - detailed description required. County Rarity - notes detailing observation will always be required. Ail records requested - supporting notes may be requested. Specific records - records of breeding, large counts, earliest/latest dates, unusual inland records or migration/weather-related movements requested.




Rare Birds in Suffolk 2007 David Walsh Summary To repeat what I wrote in last year's SBR: at the end of 2005, the British Birds Rarities Committee moved a significant number of species from having the status of national rarities to county rarities. As a result, this list of rare birds seen in Suffolk in 2007 again looks on paper to be lower than was actually the case, and there were a number of highlights. A Long-billed Dowitcher on the Stour Estuary stayed for around six weeks in the early spring and was much enjoyed. The only other national rarity in the first half of the year was also a wader, a Broad-billed Sandpiper remaining for a couple of days at Breydon Water. Two herons put in appearances in July, an adult Squacco Heron at Minsmere undoubtedly the bird of the year in Suffolk despite its stay being just one day; a Cattle Egret at North Warren was present for longer but was rather less obliging. In August a Marsh Sandpiper at Trimley showed to just one fortunate observer, but by contrast a Lesser Yellowlegs, having first appeared at Tinker's Marsh in September, was then seen intermittently at various sites well into 2008. A Red-flanked Bluetail was seen for the second successive year, whilst Penduline Tit was for many the bird of the autumn: one at Minsmere was rather elusive, but the family party at Dingle Marshes was present for nearly a fortnight allowing most birders the chance of exceptionally close views. Accepted B B R C R e c o r d s 2007 Marbled Teal: Dingle Marshes, August 24th; same, Minsmere, August 28th; same, Lowestoft, August 27th to October 8th (accepted as Category D). Squacco Heron: adult, Minsmere, July 13th (J. A. Rowlands et ai). Cattle Egret: adult, North Warren, July 26th to 30th (J. A. Rowlands, D. Thurlow et al.). Broad-billed Sandpiper: Breydon Water south shore. May 21st and 22nd (A. C. Easton, I. N. Smith, R.Wilton et al.). Long-billed Dowitcher: Brantham, Stour Estuary, March 9th to April 15th (T. Nicholson, M. Nowers et al.). Marsh Sandpiper: Trimley Marshes, August 31st (P. Oldfield). Lesser Yellowlegs: juvenile. Tinker's Marsh, Walberswick, September 25th and 26th (P. Hobbs et al.); same, Minsmere, October 30th to November 9th (B. Buffery et ai); same, first winter, Southwold, December 21st to February 9th 2008 (B.J. Small et al.). Red-flanked Bluetail: Corton, September 28th (J. A. Brown). Penduline Tit: Minsmere, November 4th to 6th (M. Deans, D. Fairhurst et al.); up to four (male, female, two juveniles), Dingle Marshes, November 12th to 25th (P. D. Green, J. A. Rowlands et al.).

SQUACCO HERON - First for Suffolk since 1912 Circumstances At 7am on Friday 13th July 2 0 0 7 , 1 was checking the scrape at Minsmere from the Public Hide. I decided to have one last scan and picked up a white heron approximately 1 km away, flying directly away quite high above the reedbed. The bird appeared to have a smaller wing span than a nearby Black-headed Gull, which immediately set alarm bells ringing and I transferred to my scope. Through the scope I could see that the bird had a dark buff brown saddle, contrasting with the white wings and tail. It was clearly a Squacco Heron, but it was a long way off and flying directly away. 1 was aware that this was a species that had not been recorded in Suffolk for a while. I didn't want to take my eyes off it and willed it to turn back! For a short while, it started to fly around in circuits, presumably over the Island Mere, and I was able to determine that the head and breast were also strongly suffused with buff, but


Rare Birds in Suffolk


then it continued westwards, inland and away. I still resolved to follow it through the scope (which wasn't mounted on a tripod) rather than try and alert other observers by radio or mobile phone in the vain hope that it would turn back. Finally, after what must have been about ten minutes, it suddenly did an about turn and came steaming back towards me. It rapidly descended and appeared to alight in the reedbed, in the vicinity of Island Mere. At this point, I sent a text message to local birders and started on foot towards Island Mere Hide. Dave Fairhurst was first on the scene and phoned me to say the bird was sitting on the mere, perched right in front of the hide. What a relief! I arrived shortly after Jon Gibbs, who got a photo of the bird, and Richard Drew arrived shortly after me. It transpired that the bird was in stunning full summer plumage. After a few minutes, the bird flew south and alighted out of view in the reedbed/meadows south of the mere. It was next located by Paul Green Aying around over the reedbed and then seen on several long flights intermittently during the morning before it settled to feed on pools on the grazing marshes on Minsmere Levels for the afternoon. It was last reported at 9pm on the Scrape, but could not be found the next day. Many observers connected with it during the day - the first Squacco Heron in the County since 1912! Description Size and structure: a relatively small heron, with a smaller wing span than Black-headed Gull; it was dwarfed by a nearby Cormorant when perched at Island Mere and appeared almost half the size of Little Egret when feeding together on the levels. It often appeared quite compact and stocky, with neck retracted and hunched. Bare parts: bill dagger-like with cleanly demarcated black distal half and powder blue base. Lores olive yellow. Iris yellow. Legs and feet brighi yellow. Head: rieh golden buff wash to head with long black and white striated plumes running from crown and extending down nape and onto upper mantle. Throat white. Upperparts: mantle and lower back dark, almost purple golden brown, forming subtle saddle effect against golden buff scapulars. Upperwing and tail appeared pure white in flight, but largely concealed at rest. Underparts: extensive paler golden buff wash to breast sides extending down flanks. Centre of breast white, extending to white belly and vent. Adam Rowlands

RED-FLANKED BLUETAIL - third for Suffolk Friday September 28th held much promise, with good north-easterly winds prevailing. However, the morning was a wash out with constant fairly heavy rain. I decided to look at my locai patch at Corton disused rail track for the afternoon along with several locai birders. Shortly after midday the rain suddenly ceased and the birds came alive with much activity and a noticeable arrivai of more birds, mainly Song Thrushes, Robins and Bramblings. There was much activity along the edge of a hedge that bordered a ploughed field with many thrushes and Robins coming out to feed on the wet field. A small bird appeared, quite close, perched along the hedge. Raising my bins expecting another Robin, I was surprised to see it did not have a red breast when facing directly at me and in fact had a pale white throat area set out from a darker but still pale underside. The bird quickly flew into the field. At close range it sat side on and showed very obvious orange flank sides and a small chatlike structure similar to Robin, as well as a paler belly and brownish upperparts. The pulse quickened and my suspicions of Red-flanked Bluetail were confirmed when the bird flew back into the hedge clearly showing a blue tail in flight. With the identification now confirmed, I frantically fumbled for the mobile and called Robert Wilton who in fact was just Walking into view along with Derek Beamish and others. I pinpointed where the bird




had flown, but this was more distant compared to its original spot, and consequently it could not be located immediately. The Robins were at this time constantly harassing two small birds, one of which was clearly a Red-breasted Flycatcher showing the typical tail pattern of that species, and the other was probably the bluetail. Then it ail went quiet; the Robins had done their job and neither bird was seen subsequently after moving further down the track into a large wooded, impenetrable area. Although my views were admittedly brief - about 30 seconds in total - I was 100% certain that this was a bluetail and in fact it was unmistakable on the superb views I had. It was so frustrating that such a good find could not be enjoyed by others. I remained on the site until dusk in the hope that it would resurface; alas it didn't, but a fine Great Grey Shrike in the same hedge made for a real red letter day. A feather by feather account was not taken due to the length of the observation and me wanting to concentrate on the necessary features. Ali the salient key features were noted and the searing sight of this unmistakable bird will remain with me forever. James







Suffolk Ringing Report 2007 Andrew


Information about ringing activities in 2007 and news concerning earlier years and subsĂŠquent events has been collected from various sources and summarised here in numbers and words. Obviously those concerned work in widely differing environments ranging from the battlements of Landguard and the windswept marshes of Orfordness to the woods and thickets of forested and agricultural Suffolk. Some of their captures are given instant Publicity, especially if a rarity appears in an accessible site, but otherwise news can only be found in their logbooks, on the BTO system or here. A scan of the tables will tell you how the Century is going so far. Ringing totals in Suffolk 2007 and the mean annual totals for the seven years 2000 to 2006. * Means correct to the nearest whole number. Bracketed (number) indicates total ringed in the period. Species Mute Swan Greylag Goose Canada Goose Shelduck Wigeon Gadwall Teal Mallard Shoveler Pochard Tufted Duck Little Grebe Storm Petrel Cormorani Grey Heron Sparrowhawk Kestrel Hobby Marsh Harrier Water Rail Spotted Crake Corncrake Moorhen Coot Oystercatcher Avocet Stone Curlew Little Ringed Piover Ringed Piover Golden Piover Grey Piover Lapwing Knot

Annual M e a n s 21 3 6 5 26 13 2 17 9 (1) (2) 1 11 (1) 2 6 67 21 1 23 3 (1) (1) 5 3 20 14 18 (1) 21 11 4 38 15

2007 4 I 11 14 0 4 9 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 65 38 0 4 5 0 0 1 0 4 18 37 1 25 17 7 22 72


SuffolkRingingReport Species Sanderling Little Stint Curlew Sandpiper Purple Sandpiper Dunlin Ruff Jack Snipe Common Snipe Woodcock Black-tailed Godwit Bar-tailed Godwit Whimbrel Curlew Spotted Redshank Redshank Greenshank Green Sandpiper Wood Sandpiper Common Sandpiper Turnstone Red-necked Phalarope Black-headed Gull Common Gull Lesser Black-backed Gull Herring Gull Great Black-backed Gull Kittiwake Common Tern Little Tern Little Auk Stock Dove Wood Pigeon Collared Dove Turtle Dove Cuckoo Barn Owl Little Owl Tawny Owl Long-eared Owl Nightjar Swift Kingfisher Wryneck Green Woodpecker Gt. Spotted Woodpecker Lsr. Spotted Woodpecker Woodlark Skylark Sand Martin Swallow House Martin


2007 A n n u a l M e a n s 2000 to 2006*



4 11

1 6



797 2 4 8 9 31 6 2

404 1 2 9 4 27 2 (3)





419 19 5

230 5 5



19 8 1 93 0 36 12 1 108 67 0 1 74 77 23

5 9 (1) 62 1 383 69 (4) 28 50 7 (0) 84 90 70



0 294 22 27 2

3 22 14 9 2



1 36 2 46 53

8 34 1 46 81



38 40 256 2415 63

26 19 831 1633 173


Suffolk Ringing Report Species Tree Pipit Meadow Pipit Rock Pipit Water Pipit Richard's Pipit Yellow Wagtail Grey Wagtail Pied Wagtail Wren Dunnock Robin Nightingale Bluethroat Black Redstart Redstart Whinchat Stonechat Isabelline Wheatear Wheatear Ring Ouzel Blackbird Fieldfare Song Thrush Redwing Mistle Thrush Cetti's Warbler Grasshopper Warbler Aquatic Warbler Sedge Warbler Marsh Warbler Reed Warbler Great Reed Warbler Icterine Warbler Melodious Warbler Blackcap Garden Warbler Barred Warbler Lesser Whitethroat Whitethroat Dartford Warbler Pallas's Warbler Yellow-browed Warbler Radde's Warbler Dusky Warbler Wood Warbler Chiffchaff Willow Warbler Goldcrest Firecrest Spotted Flycatcher Red-breasted Flycatcher

2007 3 1830 13 15 1 21 18 106 613 872 1135 29 0 7 27 27 96 0 18 3 2282 14 535 183 5 79 24 0 2148 2 2432 0 2 0 1847 290 0 534 876 24 2 10 0 2 4 939 685 705 62 32

2007 Annual Means 2000 to 2006* 9 1298 2 (1) 0 32 15 126 624 1100 942 46 (3) 12 27 32 27 (2) 59 6 2401 21 566 175 18 35 20 (2) 1804 1 2728 (1) (3) (3) 2075 263 1 341 1067 8 1 2 (4) (3) 4 911 733 986 61 38




SuffolkRingingReport Species Pied Flycatcher BeardedTit Long-tailed Tit BlueTit GreatTit CoalTit Willow Tit Marsh Tit Nuthatch Treecreeper Great Grey Shrike Red-backed Shrike Jay Magpie Jackdaw Rook Carrion Crow Starling House Sparrow Tree Sparrow Chaffinch Brambling Greenfinch Goldfinch Siskin Linnet Twite Common Redpoll Lesser Redpoll Arctic Redpoll Redpoll species Crossbill Bullfinch Hawfinch Yellowhammer Reed Bunting C o m Bunting Little Bunting Snow Bunting Lapland Bunting

2007 26 39 768 1320 1516 139 0 36 11 46 0 0 14 21 87 0 0 518 186 82 1336 14 2680 933 34 526 1 7 681 0 0 0 143 1 216 580 0 1 15 0

2007 Annual Means 2000 to 2006* 30 158 626 2450 2040 285 2 56 17 62 (1) (2) 21 26 25 2 4 756 661 29 1588 371 3337 819 938 758 6 15 376 (1) 8 24 209 1 222 653 (1) 0 67 (1)

Total number of birds ringed for each of the years 2000 to 2007 according to submitted data. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

32617 27884 36853 39650 52683 49933 47334 36044

(Mean Annual Total during 2000-2006 was 40993)


Suffolk Ringing Report


Ringing reports have been received from groups such as SBOP, Hurrell and Watts, Catchpole, Miller, Miller and West, Thompson and Hedges, Landguard, Orfordness, Flatford, Dingle, Fen Street, Abbott, Batty, Backhouse, Newton and Wright together with other information from Minsmere and overseas scientists. Selected recoveries and reports. Pink-footed Goose A neck-collared bird that had been ringed at its Icelandie nest in 2000 was among a group of birds at Trimley Marshes on February 2nd. Greater White-fronted Goose One of the White-fronted Geese on Trimley Marshes, between January 16th and March 5th, had a white neck-collar. This bird had been trapped and ringed in Germany in December 2002. Cormorant A nestling ringed in north Netherlands on May 30th 2006 was sighted on Orfordness on May 5th 2007. A bird ringed as a chick at Abberton Reservoir on May 17th 1997 was reported, for the first time anywhere, on a Sizewell Rig on September 15th 2007. Spoonbill Seven Spoonbills, all of which had been colour-ringed as pulli in the Netherlands, were seen on Orfordness in 2007. A one year oĂ­d bird moved from Cantabria in Spain on May 16th 2007 to reach Suffolk two days later. Red Kite One of the birds at Sotterley in January and the beginning of February 2007 was wingtagged "Orange 6". It was tagged near Leeds in 2005. Coot An adult bird colour-ringed at Radipole, Weymouth, Dorset on October 22nd 2006 visited Trimley Marshes the following summer, last being noted on June 3rd and was back at Radipole by June 27th. Grey Plover Mick Wright having ringed an adult at Levington on September 5th 1994 was delighted to recapture it at the same venue on August 24th 2007. Lapwing A bird colour-ringed at the nest on Heligoland, Germany on May Ist 1997 was noted at Minsmere on March 27th 2005. Dunlin A young bird ringed in Norway on August 29th 2006 found its way to Orfordness 1188km on 193deg by September 26th of the same year. Ruff An adult ringed in Friesland, Netherlands was sighted at Holland Haven, Essex in December 2006 and October 2007 and stayed on Orfordness from July 24th until August 12th 2007.




Black-tailed Godwit An adult iemale, coded OL-LW, ringed at Holbeach, Lincolnshire on September 9th 2002 continues to reappear. It was noted at Breydon Water in the autumns of 2003/4/5, in the west Netherlands in spring 2003/4, on the breeding grounds in Iceland on Aprii 26th 2005 before delighting Dave Fairhurst with an appearance at Minsmere on July 27th 2007. Another Holbeach adult male, coded OR-RW, and ringed the same day as the above had been reported from places including Lancashire, Welney and Northern France before reaching Minsmere on Aprii 3rd 2007. An adult male, coded Y-WR//W, ringed at Holbeach on August 30th 1996, having been noted at various places in East Anglia, since showed at Minsmere in February 2007. Sigga Beta was able to report to David Fairhurst that the bird, coded YO-RO, ringed in Iceland on June 24th 2003 has since travelled as far as Badajoz in Spain, January 7th 2006 and Setubal in Portugal, January 18th 2007, before showing at Minsmere in Aprii and August 2007. Jose Alves was excited to hear that one of 'his' birds, coded YG-YGf, ringed on the Tagus Estuary in Portugal on February 20th 2007 was noted at Minsmere just over a month later on March 31 st. Orfordness reported five birds that had been colour-ringed in Iceland but perhaps more surprisingly, two birds of the race limosa both ringed as chicks, one in East Anglia, in 2003. The other ringed in Friesland on June 5th 2006 was seen in Portugal in February 2007 before appearing on Orfordness on June 24th 2007. Redshank Amongst many retraps made at Levington by Messrs Wright and Newton one ringed on July 27th 1991 appeared again on September 9th 2007 aged at least 17. A bird ringed upon hatching on June 20th on the new arable reversion area on Berney Marshes, Norfolk was a welcome sight at Minsmere just 44 days later on August 3rd. Black-headed Gull A near-adult ringed in the unsavoury environment of Bramford Landfill on February 1 lth 1989 obviously gathered enough immunity to survive a further 18 years before being picked up dead in Friesland on June 14th 2007. A Finnish bird hatched and ringed as a pullus in 1999 showed to the alert David Fairhurst on Boxing Day 2007 at Minsmere. Another first-winter when ringed at Landguard on January 27th 1996, apparently had its ring number read by an astute Dane in Jyyland on May 20th 2007. Mediterranean Gull An adult ringed at Landguard on January 21 st 1998 was controlied at Antwerp, Belgium on March 20th 2007. Birds ringed on Heligoland in 2006 eventually appeared at Minsmere in Aprii 2007 after being seen frequently in Kent and Sussex. Lesser Black-backed Gull Few of the inhabitants of Ipswich. many of whom claim to be plagued by the racket at ali hours created by this species, will be pleased to know that by ringing its leg rather than its neck Mick Wright enabled us to know that the nestling from Ipswich Docks handled on July 9th 2001 died in Safi, Morocco some 2353km away on 193deg on, or before, August 15th 2007. Remarkably birds that had been ringed mostly on Orfordness (July lOth 2004) were reported from Algeria (1), Belgium (22), France (24), Morocco (16), Netherlands (7), Portugal (35), Spain (77) and Western Sahara (1). The Algerian bird was noted in


Suffolk Ringing Report


Constantine 1756km on 168deg in December 2006 and September 2007 having been on Orfordness in May 2007. Herring Gull Birds ringed as pulli in Suffolk were reported in 2007 in France (7), Netherlands (4) and Belgium (1). One ringed near Scarborough, North Yorkshire on March 16th 2007 was seen in Southwold Harbour on December 30th of the same year. Great Black-backed Gull A bird ringed at Stavanger, Norway has been seen on the Suffolk coast several times between 2004 and February 2007 (date ringed not established yet). Kittiwake Nestlings ringed by Colin Carter at Lowestoft fared as follows:One of two ringed on July 11 th 2005 was seen alive off the Dutch coast on February 26th 2007 whilst the other was found 'long dead' in Germany earlier in the month. A third bird ringed exactly one year later was in the same state in Cork, Ireland on April 26th 2007. Green Woodpecker Ringed on January 12th 2003 at Levington this bird was snaffled there again on June 17th 2007. Another which was trapped as an adult on Oxley Marshes on September 29th 2002 was again there on October 24th 2007. Sand Martin Two birds ringed at Charente Maritime in France in August 2005 were both noted the following July at Easton Bavents 737km almost due north. Swallow A bird of the year ringed at Flatford on September 3rd 2005 was presumably heading north for the second time when it was controlled in the Alps in Italy, on April 3rd 2007. Meadow Pipit A young bird ringed in Iceland on September 3rd 2007 was controlled at Orfordness on October 10th 2007 having moved 1941km on 144deg. In October 2007 one moved from Orfordness on 4th to Vlanderen in Belgium by 30th, 174km on 137deg, whereas most records show the birds moving in the reverse direction. Dunnock A typical recovery of a bird ringed at Landguard on November 4th 2006 and controlled at Blofield in Norfolk some 230 days later, having moved 68km virtually due north. Are the alpha or the beta males more likely to move? Robin An adult ringed at Landguard on October 3rd 2007 was controlled seven days later at the busy ringing station of Icklesham in Sussex 124 km on 202deg. It was almost a gram heavier on the second weighing. Blackbird Landguard-ringed birds were recovered in various countries over the last two years. One ringed on March 23rd 2001 survived to be at least six before being taken by a cat in Romsey, Hampshire 225km on 242deg on January 11th 2007.




Another trapped on November 9th 2001 was still well, aged about six, when controlled on Heligoland 506km on 061deg on November 11th 2007. Two birds, one ringed on October 26th 2004 and the other on November 2nd 2006, both died within two days of each other in May 2007 by flying into windows. The former in the Netherlands 221km on 106deg and the latter in Sweden 904 km on 057deg. The final Scandinavian recovery concerned a bird ringed on November 17th 2005 and controlled at Jyyland, Denmark (also the site for a Black-headed Gull control from Landguard), 601 km on 049deg on March 28th 2006. However, to emphasise that early winter birds are passing through, a bird ringed on the same day as one of the glass casualties on November 2nd 2006 was controlled in Caernarfon 398km on 289deg on December 20th 2006. Redwing An adult having made a transit stop at Landguard on October 7th 2007 headed, in spite of global warming, on to Beira Alta in Portugal, 1421km on 208deg, where it was shot on December 23rd of the same year. Cetti's Warbler A young bird ringed at Cauldwell Hall, Hollesley, on October 8th 2006 made a fairly typical movement to be controlled at the Dingle Hills 31km on 022deg five days later. Sedge Warbler Young birds ringed at Dingle Hills produced the following information:August 8th 2003 controlled in western France August 8th 2006. August 9th 2005 controlled in Senegal on January 24th 2007. August 9th 2006 controlled 17 days later in Finistere, western France 646km on 225deg. August 20th 2006 controlled in Loire-Atlantique, France 8 days later 614km on 225deg. August 11th 2007 controlled in Belgium, 14 days later, 176km on 135deg. Did the last bird head the wrong way or did it intend to winter further east than most of our birds? A young bird ringed at Orfordness on August 11 th 2007 had reached Loire-Atlantique in France 593km on 207deg by August 26th 2007. At about the same time, a similar bird ringed on Orkney on August 14th spent, at the most, 16 days travelling to Orfordness 806km on 160deg losing 1.9 grams in the process. Coming in the opposite direction to most of the above, a French-ringed bird was controlled at North Warren. Reed Warbler Three birds ringed at Orfordness on May 29th 2006 and August 7th and 11th 2007 were controlled in Belgium on August 31st 2006,215km on 125deg, northern France on August 25th, 205km on 15 ldeg, and Gironde in south-western France on August 26th 2007,849km on 193deg. Chiffchaff A bird noted at Tarragona in north-eastern Spain on November 3rd 2005 was controlled at Landguard, 1249km almost due north, on April 22nd 2006. Blackcap A young bird ringed on the Dingle Hills on September 12th 2007 was found dead in the Algarve, Portugal 1849km on 202deg on October 1st 2007.


Suffolk Ringing Report


Willow Warbier An adult trapped on Hilbre Island on Merseyside on May 3rd 2006 was controlied on May 22nd 2007 at Orfordness. A young bird ringed on Orfordness on August 6th 2006 was controlied at Zaragoza in Spain on August 25th 2006 a distance of 1184km on 187deg. A Landguard bird ringed on April 13th 2007 travelled 293km on 309deg to kill itself against a window in Manchester on May 5th 2007. A Dingle Hills bird ringed on August 5th 2006 returned next spring to be controlied on the Calf of Man, Isle of Man on May 5th 2007. Goldcrest A young bird ringed in Norway on October 13th 2007 was controlied at Landguard on October 20th 2007 having moved 791km on 203deg. Seven days of determined effort for the little bĂźndle of feathers and muscle. Tree Sparrow A bird ringed at Dunwich on September 24th 2005 was controlied on the Lackford Estate on February 24th 2007. Chaffinch An adult bird ringed in Northfield Wood. Onehouse near Stowmarket, on March 20th 2003 was found dead in Denmark 606km on 045 deg on April 24th 2007. Greenfinch A young bird ringed in Norway on September 26th 2007 was controlied at Orfordness on October 13th 2007 having moved 807km on 202deg. An adult bird ringed in Norway on October 23rd 2007 was controlied at Orfordness on October 3Ist 2007 having moved 781km on 199deg. These are typical movements for the species. A Belgian bird, ringed on April 9th 2006, was controlied at Landguard 206km on 303deg seven days later, presumably having wintered on the Continent. Twite A young bird ringed at Light Hazzles Reservoir near Manchester on October 5th 2003 was controlied at Walberswick on December 23rd 2006, a movement of 291km on 135deg. Three other birds ringed at the same site in October/November 2006 were also controlied at Walberswick, two on December 23rd 2006 and the other on January 28th 2007. Seven colour-ringed birds from the same northern site were noted at Southwold in February 2002 along with others from the nearby Clough Reservoir. Ten were present from the same source in the winter of 2006/7 at Dunwich on Corporation Marshes. Two adults ringed at Walberswick on February 5th 2006 were controlied in West Yorkshire in autumn 2007. Reed Bunting A young bird ringed on the Dingle Hills on August 8th 2006 made the Somme in France 280km due south by November 1 Ith 2006. Did it mean to go that far?




2006 Regional Review Adam


This review is intended as a summary of some of the more notable records and events from the three counties adjoining Suffolk, for those that may not have ready access to each county's report. The information is taken from the latest published bird reports, for 2006. For further information and full details direct reference should be made to the relevant report.

Cambridgeshire The peak count of 5268 Bewick's Swans on the entire Ouse Washes in January was some 300 down on the previous year, and probably for the first time ever there were more Whooper Swans than Bewick's, with 5503 in January. A better breeding year for the scarcer ducks, with 1-4 pairs of Teal, 8-9 pairs of Garganey (one brood), 1 -2 pairs of Pintail and I -5 pairs of Pochard. A Lesser Scaup on the Ouse Washes was the county's third record, whilst 21 Red-crested Pochard at Barleycraft (now Fen Drayton) GP in January was a county record. There were 22 Quail at 15 sites, with a family party at one site. Four Leach's Petrels were present in early December, three of which died. There were 255 occupied Cormorant nests at two sites, the highest ever county total (following the long-running debate over standardised English bird names, an interesting typo named this species the 'Great Rant' possibly a result of the press coverage this species sometimes attracts?). Booming Bitterns were at three sites, with possible nesting by one pair. At least six pairs of Little Egret nested at two sites; the report contains a useful analysis of records of herons and allies going back to 1950. As well as the increase in egrets, there has also been a notable increase in the numbers of both White Stork (though only one in 2006) and Spoonbill (five records involving nine birds in 2006). The Red Kite national success story continued, with up to two pairs nesting in the west and south-west, following 2004's first confirmed nesting since 1848. There were 25 paired female Marsh Harriers at 13 sites. Single pairs of Common Buzzard nested at 11-32 sites (up from 4-17 in 2004), whilst Hobby nested at 13-18 sites, and a pair of Peregrine displayed in the Peterborough area. There were 4-5 calling male Spotted Crakes at two sites, and four calling Corn Crake on the Nene Washes, including one unringed bird, not from the release scheme. Two Stonecurlew were noted on autumn passage. A Broad-billed Sandpiper at Ouse Fen in May was the county's second and there were a notable five American Golden Plover in autumn, taking the county total to nine. Again there were no nesting Black-tailed Godwit on the Ouse Washes, but 48 pairs were at the Nene Washes, fledging just four young due to heavy prĂŠdation and wet weather. Numbers of drumming Snipe at the two Washes were back up, with 390 (cf. 253 in 2004), but with only four at three other sites. Lapwing and Redshank also had a better year (389 and 385 pairs respectively at the two Washes). Lesser Black-backed Gull and Herring Gull nested at two sites each, with at least 16 and three pairs respectively. The peak count of Yellow-legged Gull was a record 60 at Paxton Pits in July; a pair was present at the same site, but apparently didn't nest. T w o county firsts were Franklin's Gull (Grunty Fen, late July), and Laughing Gull (Grafham Water, mid-November). A Roseate Tern in early June was only the sixth county record. There were at least 59 pairs of calling Turtle Doves reported. There were 7-14 pairs of Long-eared Owl and a winter Short-eared Owl peak count of 14 on the Nene Washes. An Alpine Swift in July was the county's twelfth.


2006 Regional


There were just two probable pairs of Lesser Spotted Woodpecker with a nest at Monks Wood destroyed by Great Spotted Woodpecker before eggs were laid. There were further breeding season records at ten other sites. There were again more records of both Rock Pipit (seven) and Water Pipit than Tree Pipit (four records). Only 61 pairs of Yellow Wagtail were reported (cf. 173 in 2003). A singing male Black Redstart was in Peterborough in April and May. Cetti's Warbier bred at six sites, with a county record of 68 pairs; a Yellow-browed Warbier took the county total to eight. Paxton Pits reported an impressive 54 Garden Warbier and 69 Blackcap territories. Fifty three pairs of Spotted Flycateher were reported. Willow Tit was only recorded at three sites in summer, including one juvenile; in contrast there were at least 48 pairs of Marsh Tit (including 20 at Monks Wood). There was just one record of a passage Golden Oriole. Two Raven records (one involving two birds) were the county's eighth and ninth since 1900. At least 34 pairs of Tree Sparrow were reported from fi ve sites, with 17 pairs at Farcet Fen fiedging at least 72 young; another encouraging sign was that 16 birds were ringed at Wicken Fen, the first here since 1997. Crossbill was strongly suspected to have bred at Monks Reeding Bunting Su Gough Wood (last confirmed nesting in the county 1998), and there were a pair of Hawfinch at the same site. At least 426 Reed Bunting territories were reported and at least 192 C o m Bunting territories, including 90 within 8km of Melbourn. The latter species (identified by RSPB as their top farmland bird priority in this rĂŠgion) declined further, with BBS occupancy falling from 44% to 31% in the last decade, and the number per square falling from 1.8 to 0.9. The report also includes a summary of the British Birds paper reviewing the 1946 records of Moustached Warbier near Cambridge; BOURC rejected this record in 2005 and the species has therefore been removed from the British list. Other papers include a survey of screaming swifts in Cambridge, a detailed summary of 'bird forms' (subspecies) in the county and an interesting comparison of visible migration over Hilton/Fenstanton from the early 1980s and the present.

Norfolk Numbers of Bewick's Swan at Welney were well down, with 3114 in January 2006, and only 1580 in December, whilst Whooper Swan numbers were slightly up with 2794 in November. There were 179 Taiga Bean Geese (fabalis) in the Yare Valley in January; but there were only 25 Tundra Bean Goose (rossicus) in the first winter period, and only five in the second. Pink-footed Geese numbers dropped a little, with a peak coordinated count of 112777 in early-January (down from a revised total of 152514 in 2004). Two presumed wild Snow Geese (one white morph, one blue) returned to Holkham in October with Pinkfeet. Three or four broods of Garganey were noted (with June/July records from five other sites), and three pairs of Wigeon were thought to have nested, but no broods were seen.




Rarer ducks included a Green-winged Teal in the Hickling-Horsey area for its fifth winter, and a Surf Scoter at Titchwell (the county's first since 2003). This was a good Quail year, with at least 66 birds reported from 34 sites; a remarkable nocturnal survey recorded 28 calling males in one night at Choseley! (Similar efforts in Suffolk might be worthwhile?). There were also two January records of over-wintering birds. Golden Pheasants were recorded at five sites, with a maximum of seven birds at Wolferton. There were 21 autumn records of Balearic Shearwater, which the report describes as 'probably the rarest of the world's birds visiting the county' (estimated world population 10,000 birds). Fulmar nested at five sites (130+ pairs), and four blue-phase birds were recorded. 88 pairs of Cormorants nested at Holkham (cf. 72 in 2004 and 50 in 2005). Bitterns increased slightly from 12 boomers to 13 (and six nests), mostly in the Broads, but with three sites on the coast. Little Egret increased further, to 72 pairs at four sites, whilst the roost at Holkham held 175 birds in December. Five to nine pairs of Common Crane nested and there were up to 36 birds present in the second winter period. Two pairs of Honey Buzzards were at the usual site, but they failed for the third year running. An encouraging four pairs of Montagu's Harrier nested at two sites, fledging four young in all, with an additional female also present at one site. At least 77 pairs of Marsh Harrier nested, but this data is incomplete. A juvenile Pallid Harrier at Winterton for two weeks in the autumn was the county's third. Three pairs of displaying Goshawks were seen (of which two were in the Brecks, raising three young). The Common Buzzard success story continues, with 11-60 pairs. Hobbies had a good year, with 27 pairs (18 nests in the Brecks). The data on breeding Avocet was incomplete, with 380 pairs at 12 sites; at Cley all 98 first clutches/chicks were predated by Grey Heron. The report includes a paper on the protective caging of Ringed Plover nests at Scolt Head; combined with predator control, this resulted in 64 pairs fledging some 150 young (the highest number since 1993). The county's second Killdeer was at Blakeney for three days in April. A combined total of 87 Dotterel at Terrington and Choseley on one August day was a county record. Two more records of American Golden Plover were the county's seventh and eighth (following two in 2005), and an adult Pacific Golden Plover was also the eighth. Other scarce waders included 18 Pectoral Sandpipers in autumn, up to eight White-rumped Sandpipers and three Buffbreasted Sandpipers. In the Norfolk Brecks, there were 121 pairs of Stone-curlew, and there were a further ten pairs in north Norfolk. Lapwing exactly equalled the 2005 total, with 657 pairs at 34 sites in 2006, but with data not received from some sites. Common Snipe dropped to 63 drummers at seven sites (down from 68 to 38 drummers at Welney, but with an intriguing reference to 'revised survey techniques'). The report wonders whether the sound of drumming Snipe in Norfolk could become 'a distant memory' (as it is already for many Suffolk and Essex birders). Three pairs of Black-tailed Godwit fledged four young, and there were 593 pairs of Redshank at 13 sites (slightly down on the 601 in 2005). The county's second Ross's Gull remained at Cley on New Year's Day, and a Laughing Gull in May was Norfolk's fifth. Three pairs of Mediterranean Gull produced three young. During the year up to 67 different Caspian Gulls were reported from 12 sites, and an impressive 3000 Little Gulls were seen off Sheringham in late October. A total of 3450 pairs of Sandwich Tern at two sites fledged at least 2820 chicks, the second good year in a row. Little Tern also did well, with at least 600 pairs at nine sites fledging a record 708 young (all but 35 from Yarmouth north beach, helped by 24-hour wardening). Fourteen pairs of Arctic Tern fledged just two young. The rarer terns were represented by single Caspian, Whiskered and White-winged Black Terns. There were at least seven Black Guillemots.


2006 Regional


Turtle Doves were reported from an encouraging 55% of Norfolk Bird Atlas tetrads, but Stock Dove from only 8%, albeit with higher numbers per tetrad. Barn Owls were reported from an impressive 316 sites, with nesting noted at only 26 sites (at least 51 pairs involved). Long-eared Owl breeding records came from two sites; with five young seen or heard. A flock of at least five European Bee-eaters was seen in early June, and there were seven Hoopoe records. Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers were reported from 23 sites (down from 50 in 2003). A survey of Woodlark in Thetford Forest recorded 287 singing males, of which 158 were in Norfolk; 27 further pairs were reported elsewhere in the county. At least 34 pairs of Tree Pipit were reported, and there were two passage Tawny Pipits. Yellow Wagtails were confirmed nesting at ten sites (but presumed breeding at two others), with just nine pairs at Welney, down from 31 in 2005. The county's seventh Citrine Wagtail was at Stiffkey in early September. There were three pairs of Black Redstart in Great Yarmouth, and at least 50 singing Redstart at Stanford training area. The same area held six pairs of Wheatear, and the county had some 41 pairs of Stonechat. Grasshopper Warbler numbers increased from 113 singing males in 2005 to 177. It was generally a poor year for rare Phylloscs, with just two Pallas's, two Hume's and c. 43 Yellow-browed Warblers. One site had at least three Dartford Warblers at the end of the year, including a singing male. There were up to 23 singing Firecrest on the Holt-Cromer ridge, plus up to 17 in the Norfolk Brecks, and five elsewhere. Breeding pairs of Spotted Flycatcher dropped slightly from 75 to 68. Willow Tit was recorded at only 35 sites (down from 53 in 2004), and Marsh Tit at 70 localities. For the first time in 20 years, no nesting Golden Orioles were reported. There was a single Woodchat Shrike and five records of Great Grey Shrike. Some 46 pairs of Tree Sparrow were reported, at 22 sites, but no information was received from Fulmodeston (previously the best site). At Thornham Farms an encouraging 76 were ringed in autumn, including 65 juveniles. There were 615 Twite at Terrington/Lynn Point in December. Hawfinch peaked at 21 at Lynford in December, and there were 700 Snow Buntings at Caister in January. The Little Bunting from 2005 remained at Morston until mid-February. There was a Rustic Bunting in June and the county's sixth Yellow-breasted Bunting in August. There were 15 Lapland Buntings just inland at Choseley in February. The report ends on a high note with the county's first Rosebreasted Grosbeak, in a private garden at Holme in early May. As well as the Ringed Plover paper referred to above, the report includes papers on the Rook and Great Grey Shrike Su Gough Jackdaw roost at Buckenham (by Mark Cocker), the explosion of nesting gulls in Great Yarmouth (from the first roof-nesting in 1995 to 1040 pairs of large gulls in 2006), and the first recorded roof-nesting Common Tern in Norfolk. There is also a useful updated Norfolk list, with a total of 420 species to the end of 2006.




Essex A flock of 53 Whooper Swans in early March was a county record, whilst an adult Whooper again helped a neighbouring pair of Mute Swan raise their brood at Dovercourt. The peak Brent Goose WeBS count was significantly up from 2005, with 27457 in January. At least 26 pairs of Mandarins were reported, with most in Epping Forest. At least two pairs of Red-crested Pochard produced 20 young at Hanningfield. Gadwall and Shoveler were only confirmed to have bred at four and two sites respectively. Rarer ducks included E s s e x ' s seventh Blue-winged Teal at Hanningfield for one day in August and two Green-winged Teal. Sawbills reached the following winter maxima: Smew, 41; Redbreasted Merganser, 181 and Goosander, 56. Forty two broods of Ruddy Duck were reported from 14 sites; the winter peak count was 500 at Abberton, up from 400 the previous year. There was again a peak of 26 Black-necked Grebes at Girling reservoir (Lee Valley) in late autumn, and Slavonian Grebe peaked at 21 on the Blackwater in February. The number of Cormorant nests decreased by 10% to 504, with Walthamstow reservoir supporting 258, Abberton 214 and Holy field Lake 32; the total of 945 birds in the January roost count was the lowest since 1992 (cf. the peak of 1866 birds in 1998). There were at least 31 pairs of Little Egret, and the September WeBS total was 762 (up from 533 in 2005). Two records of Cattle Egret doubled the county total, and there were eight records of Great White Egret possibly involving the same four birds; before 2006 there had only been two records - a sign of things to come? It was a record year for Red Kite with some 77 records (previous record 50 in 2005), and two possible pairs nesting in the north and north-west. Goshawk went one better with the first successful nesting in Essex - two pairs were confirmed, one of which produced young. 15-16 Marsh Harrier nests fledged at least 27 young, and Hen Harrier peaked at 24 in January; a ringtail was on Wallasea Island for over two weeks in late June/early July. An apparent family group of three or four Montagu's Harrier on Foulness in mid-August suggested possible unreported nesting in the area. Common Buzzard continued to increase, with 25-34 pairs reported. There were 28 pairs of Hobby, and six pairs of Peregrine nested in the Thames Valley, with four further pairs south of the river, but hunting on the Essex side. A Long-billed Dowitcher at Old Hall was the ninth for Essex, and the county's fourteenth Buff-breasted Sandpiper was on the Dengie at the start of October. There were only 3-4 drumming Snipe at two sites. The number of nesting Lapwing was down to 170 pairs, but Redshank were slightly up to 193 pairs. At least 147 pairs of Avocet were recorded from 11 areas; there were 20 pairs of Little Ringed Plover at 15 sites. There were three Ring-billed Gulls, including the long-stayer ('Rossi') at Westcliff-onSea for its eighth winter. At least 11 pairs of Mediterranean Gull nested, and there was a new record count of 144 in the Southend Seafront area in July. Up to 80 different Caspian Gulls were reported from ten sites. There were only 92 pairs of Little Tern reported at six sites, but their breeding success was not reported. A Bridled Tern at Dovercourt in late August was only seen by one observer who submitted photos to RSPB for identification (by which time it had of course left, frustrating many). A possible Sooty Tern off Frinton in mid-September, shortly after the report of one at Landguard, could not be confirmed, but would have made an extraordinary sea tern double. A Black Guillemot on the Dengie in September was Essex's tenth, and there were up to 164 Little Auks during the year. There was a worrying decrease in the number of Turtle Doves reported, with 161 pairs at 100 sites (down from 216 pairs in 2005). Ring-necked Parakeet again nested, and up to 14 birds were seen in the Ingrebourne valley and Rainham. Barn Owls were noted at 103 sites, with some 60 pairs nesting (seven more than 2005). There were 78 pairs of Tawny Owl and 122 pairs of Little Owl reported. Long-eared Owl


2006 Regional


bred at five sites in the south of the county and two in the north-east; and there was the first nesting by Short-eared Owl since 1994, with a pair in the east of the county producing one fledged young; the wintering population peaked at 25 in both March and November. There were 35 Lesser Spotted Woodpecker territories at 30 sites (higher than numbers from 2000-2004, with only 19 territories in 2002). Tree Pipit territories feil to just five at three sites. Numbers of Yellow Wagtail increased to 64 at 25 sites, and the county's third Citrine Wagtail was at Holland Häven in early May. Only two pairs of Black Redstarts were reported, both at Dagenham; 28 pairs of Stonechat were reported - up from 15 the previous year. A Redwing caught at Bradwell on July 23rd was only the second July record for Essex. Cetti's Warbier sang at 28 sites, with 76 males involved (up from 40 in 2005), and 22 reeling Grasshopper Warbiers were at 17 sites. A Booted Warbier at the Naze for one day in early September was 'a long-awaited and overdue first for Essex'. There were 1 1 Dartford Warbiers, but with no evidence of breeding yet. One potential Firecrest territory was reported, and Spotted Flycatcher increased to 51 territories. Despite searching, there were no records of Willow Tit (the report very sadly describes the species as 'probably extinct within Essex'), and there was a decrease to 21 Marsh Tit territories (down from 29). Penduline Tit peaked at five at Rainham Marshes. Again there were no breeding records of Tree Sparrow, but there were at least 15 birds roosting at the Naze in November. There were 21 Hawfinch at Braxted Park in late January; across the county 432 Reed Bunting and 201 Corn Bunting territories were reported. Finally, from the escapes section there was again a report of a singing Eagle Owl in Hatfield Broad Oak on one date in late February. The papers in the report include updates from Bradwell Bird Observatory, Old Hall and Rainham Marshes, plus an account of Peregrines on the Thames. Their territories are focused on the river, and, on average, are 3-4 miles long. There were ten pairs in the London area (including some in Metropolitan Essex) plus another four in Essex. In 2006 Peregrines nested for the first time on a pylon in this area (albeit unsuccessfully); the paper notes that some 15 pairs in the West Country are using pylons, and predicts that numbers nesting in Essex could at least double in the next fi ve years. How long until we see pylon-nesting in Suffolk?


SuffolkRingingReport 2007



SuffolkRingingReport 2007



SUFFOLK NATURALISTS' SOCIETY F o u n d e d in 1 9 2 9 b y C l a u d e M o r l e y ( 1 8 7 4 - 1 9 5 1 ) , t h e S u f f o l k N a t u r a l i s t s ' S o c i e t y p i o n e e r e d t h e study and r e c o r d i n g of the C o u n t y ' s f l o r a , f a u n a a n d g e o l o g y , t o p r o m o t e a w i d e r interest in natural history. R e c o r d i n g t h e natural h i s t o r y of S u f f o l k is still o n e of t h e S o c i e t y ' s p r i m a r y o b j e c t s , a n d m e m b e r s ' o b s e r v a t i o n s are f e d to a n e t w o r k of specialist r e c o r d e r s f o r p o s s i b l e p u b l i c a t i o n , a n d d e p o s i t e d in the S u f f o l k B i o l o g i c a l R e c o r d s C e n t r e , j o i n t l y managed with Ipswich M u s e u m s . Suffolk



a r e v i e w of the C o u n t y ' s w i l d l i f e , a n d Suffolk



C o u n t y b i r d r e p o r t , are t w o high quality a n n u a l p u b l i c a t i o n s i s s u e d f r e e to m e m b e r s . T h e S o c i e t y a l s o p u b l i s h e s a quarterly n e w s l e t t e r a n d o r g a n i s e s an i n t e r e s t i n g p r o g r a m m e of field e x c u r s i o n s a n d w i n t e r lectures at v e n u e s t h r o u g h o u t the County. T h e Suffolk Naturalists' Society offers a joint m e m b e r s h i p with the Suffolk O r n i t h o l o g i s t s ' G r o u p at a r e d u c e d s u b s c r i p t i o n . T h i s entitles j o i n t m e m b e r s to r e c e i v e literature a n d attend t h e m e e t i n g s of b o t h o r g a n i s a t i o n s . If y o u a r e n o t yet a m e m b e r of the S o c i e t y b u t w o u l d like t o j o i n , c o n t a c t M r s J . H a r d i n g h a m , c / o T h e M u s e u m , H i g h S t r e e t , I p s w i c h IP1 3 Q H . MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES: SNS

Joint membership S N S / S O G









CONTENTS Page Editorial and Review of the Year: Nick Mason T h e Bittern Botaurus


stellaris population on the Suffolk coast and the potential

vulnerability to sea level rise: Simon Wotton and Chris Lodge Guidelines for the identification of Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans:

8 Brian Small . 13

The Return of Nesting Crânes Grus grus to the Fens of eastern England: Norman



Changes in a House Martin colony in north Suffolk during 25 years: Peter J Dare

. 28

Marked decreases of some migrant passerine breeders in the Walberswick/ Dunwich Forest area in 2007: David Pearson


Report of Ringed Piover Survey, 2007: Mick Wright Suffolk Spotted Flycatcher Survey, 2007: Anthony

39 Chapman

The B a m h a m Goosanders: A New Breeding Bird for Suffolk: John Law

42 45

The 2007 Suffolk Bird Report: Introduction Systematic List Appendices

47 49 155

List of Contributors




Earliest and Latest Dates of Summer Migrants


A Guide to Recording Birds in Suffolk


Rare Birds in Suffolk 2007: David Walsh


Suffolk Ringing Report 2007: Andrew Gregory


Regional Review: Adam Gretton




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