Suffolk Birds 2015

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Suffolk Birds 2015

Vol. 65

West Area Recorder Colin Jakes, 7 Maltward Avenue, BURY ST EDMUNDS IP33 3XN Tel: 01284 702215 Email:

North-East Area Recorder Andrew Green, 17 Cherrywood, HARLESTON Norfolk IP20 9LP Tel: 07766 900063 Email:

South-East Area Recorder Scott Mayson, 8 St Edmunds Close, Springfields, WOODBRIDGE, IP12 4UY Tel: 01394 385595 Email:

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A review of birds in Suffolk in 2015


Nick Mason Greatly assisted by Philip Murphy (Systematic List)

Bill Baston (Photos) Phil Whittaker (Artwork)

Published by SuffoLk NAturALiStS’ SociEty Compiled by SuffoLk orNithoLoGiSt’S GrouP 2016

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Published by the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society, c/o the Museum, high Street, ipswich iP1 3Qh © the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society 2016

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the copyright owners.

the SNS is a registered charity No. 206084.

iSSN 0264-5793

Printed by healeys, unit 10, the Sterling complex, farthing road, ipswich, Suffolk iP1 5AP.

Front cover: Black-browed Albatross at Minsmere – Ed Keeble the copyright remains that of the photographers and artists. 2

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Editorial: Nick Mason.................................................................................................................................. 5 Weather report: Edward Jackson ............................................................................................................... 7 Review of scarce and rare birds in Suffolk in 2015: Lee Woods................................................................. 9 Black-browed Albatross at Minsmere: Ian Salkeld, Peter Hobbs, Adam Rowlands.................................. 18 Little Bittern at Lakenheath Fen: Nick Mason, Philip Murphy.................................................................. 21 Juvenile ringtail harrier at Bawdsey: Steve Abbott .................................................................................. 23 Rookery Survey 2015: Gi Grieco ............................................................................................................... 25 Recent experiences with flagged Knot in Suffolk: Ed Keeble ................................................................... 33 Observations on the Tawny Owls in Christchurch Park: Richard Stewart................................................ 36 The 2015 Suffolk Bird Report introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 38 Systematic List...................................................................................................................................... 40 Appendices......................................................................................................................................... 150 Suffolk Ringing Report 2015: Simon Evans....................................................................................... 154 List of contributors ............................................................................................................................ 184 Gazetteer ........................................................................................................................................... 186 Earliest and Latest Dates of Summer Migrants .................................................................................. 188 A Guide to recording Birds in Suffolk................................................................................................. 189 Rare Birds in Suffolk 2015: David Walsh ................................................................................................ 193 Index of species: ...................................................................................................................................... 194

the artwork in this report is by Richard Allen, Peter Beeson, Terry Everit, Ed Keeble, Oliver Slessor and Richard Thewlis.

Plate No. 1. tundra (Bewick’s) Swans Sean Nixon 2. Black Brant Will Brame 3. Long-tailed Duck Ian Goodall 4. Goosander Chris Mayne 5. Lesser Scaup Will Brame 6. Great Northern Diver Bill Baston 7. Slavonian Grebe Peter Ransome 8. red-necked Grebe Ian Goodall 9. Black-browed Albatross Peter Hobbs 10. Black-browed Albatross Peter Hobbs 11. Little Bittern Ian Goodall 12. Great (White) Egret John Richardson 13. Purple heron John Richardson 14. Black kite Peter Ransome 15. common Buzzard John Richardson 16. common crane Chris Mayne 17. Avocets David Borderick 18. Black-winged Stilts Chris Mayne 19. Stone-curlew Mick Vince 20. knot Bill Baston 21. curlew Sandpiper Sean Nixon

List of Plates

facing Page 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 81 81 81 120 120 120

Plate facing No. Page Spotted redshank Alan Tate 120 23. caspian Gull Sean Nixon 120 24. Black tern Sean Nixon 120 25. Little Auk Sean Nixon 121 26. European turtle Dove John Richardson 121 27. common cuckoo Liz Cutting 121 28. Long-eared owl Liz Cutting 121 29. Short-eared owl John Richardson 121 30. Eurasian hoopoe Chris Mayne 144 31. European Bee-eater Jon Evans 144 32. Eurasian Wryneck Bill Baston 144 33. Merlin Barry Woodhouse 144 34. red-backed Shrike Chris Mayne 144 35. Great Grey Shrike John Richardson 144 36. rook Ian Goodall 145 37. Northern raven Colin Jakes 145 38. Pallas’s Leaf Warbler Paul Oldfield 145 39. Marsh Warbler Paul Oldfield 145 40. Pied Wheatear Bill Baston 145 41. Serin Chris Mayne 145


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Suffolk Bird Report 2015

Notice to Contributors

Suffolk Birds is an annual publication of records, notes and papers on all aspects of Suffolk ornithology. Except for records and field descriptions submitted through the county recorders, all material should be original. it should not have been published elsewhere or offered complete or in part to any other journal. Authors should carefully study this issue and follow the style of presentation, especially in relation to references and tables. Where relevant, nomenclature and order should follow the latest published for the British List by the British ornithologist’s union and available on their web site at English names should follow the same list.

contributions should, if possible, be submitted to the editor by e-mail or on a cD/DVD and written in Microsoft Word. if typed, manuscripts should be double-spaced, with wide margins, on one side of the paper only. they must be in the final form for publication: proofs of longer papers are returned to authors, but alterations must be confined to corrections of printer’s errors. the cost of any other alterations may be charged to the author.

Photographs and line drawings are required to complement each issue. Suitable photographs of birds, preferably taken in Suffolk, can be either digital or in the form of 35mm transparencies. Artwork is also required to complement each issue. A payment of £12 will be made to the artist for each original drawing.

Every possible effort will be made to take care of the original photographs and artwork. however, photographers and artists are reminded that neither the editor nor the SNS can be held responsible in the unlikely event that loss or damage occur.

Authors may wish to illustrate their papers, but this will be subject to the illustrations being of the standard required by the editor and the decision on such matters will rest with him or her. Material submitted for publication should be sent to the editor no later than March 1st of each year. Authors of main papers may request up to five free copies of the journal. Any opinions expressed in this report are those of the contributor and are not necessarily those of the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society or the Suffolk ornithologists’ Group. Suffolk Ornithological Records Committee (at time of printing): Chair: Steve Abbott Area County Recorders: Colin Jakes, Andrew Green, Scott Mayson Bird Report Editor: Nick Mason (non-voting) Secretary: Craig Fulcher ( Other Committee Members: Will Brame, Lee Woods, Dave Fairhurst, Lee Gregory, Brian Small. BBRC correspondent: Dave Walsh (non-voting) ADDrESSES Papers, notes, drawings and photographs: the Editor (Suffolk Birds), the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society, c/o the Museum, high Street, ipswich iP1 3Qh. Records: See inside front cover. Suffolk Ornithological Records Committee – correspondence: the Secretary, Sorc, c/o the Museum, high Street, ipswich iP1 3Qh – or 4

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Suffolk Bird Report 2015

Editorial Nick Mason

Malcolm Wright has been working on the bird report for more than 25 years. he was the editor for the five years before i took over. for all those years he wrote the section which includes the pigeons, woodpeckers, owls, Nightjar and swifts. his work has been exemplary. he has decided that it is now the time to retire. We would all like to thank him for his efforts – and wish Darren Underwood luck as his replacement! i am extremely pleased to say that this edition includes WeBS data from the Alde – so many of the species’ accounts will be more complete. Whether my harangue in last year’s report had any effect on that i am not sure, but we are thankful that we have the data. With regards to the Swift project (SoS Swifts) – a report will appear in the 2016 Bird report. the Suffolk Swift Survey is ongoing and here is a reminder from Edward Jackson that sightings should be sent in as follows; please continue to log all breeding season details of screaming parties and nest sites (now including nest boxes) on the Suffolk Swift Survey website: of course there are many records that need sending in to the relevant recorders and so this is the annual reminder and request for these. Many of the species’ reports mention the lack of breeding data and it is not difficult to add these to records that are submitted. So what’s in the report this year? the main talking point of the year was the Black-browed Albatross which spent a very short time at Minsmere and is the first for Suffolk. Ian Salkeld who found the bird and Peter Hobbs (not our own) from Basildon, who took the pictures, have both written a short piece on this amazing event. Adam Rowlands has added a bit about its identification. i was one of five birders who thought that we had had one off Dunwich in 2010 – only for it not to be accepted! the other rarity, which caught the imagination of many birders, was the Little Bittern at Lakenheath fen. Although it was difficult at times, it was seen, and definitely heard, by just about everybody who wanted the experience. Patrick Goffin, a birder from Norfolk, found the bird and with his info Philip Murphy and i have cobbled together a write-up. other articles include a sort of follow-up, adding to our knowledge, on the christchurch Park tawny owl by Richard Stewart, who sees this bird regularly. Steve Abbott has written a full account of our experience with a ring-tailed harrier at Bawdsey Marshes including some excellent identification details. A Pallid harrier is another species that i cannot yet definitely add to my Suffolk list! our SoG chairman, Gi Grieco, has written a write-up on the 2015 rookery survey and made comparisons with historic data and recent studies including the 2007-2011 Bird Atlas. Ed Keeble has been busy supporting the Suffolk Bird report this year and has also added an article on the flagging of knot. Something else to look out for in those winter flocks. the front cover of this report is a painting of an/the albatross. i think it catches the event marvellously. it is the second excellent cover in a row by Ed. Someone else stepping down after quite a stint is Lee Woods. Lee has written the review of the year for many years using his BiNS data and own knowledge of the rarer species in Suffolk. Another big thank you to him. BiNS, of course, continues to be a big boon for those birders who wish to see our rarer visitors – so well done, and keep it up, to Lee and roy. Gi Grieco, Andrew Green, John Davies, John Grant, Chris Short-eared Owl Terry Everett Gregory, Ernie Lucking, James Wright, Phil Whittaker, 5

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Nathaniel Cant, Andrew Gregory, Richard Attenborrow, Steve Fryett, Paul Gowen and Peter Kennerley (who writes the Appendices) have all given of their time again to prepare the species’ sections. thankyou all once again. Ed Keeble has taken over the second half of the wader section. Brian Buffery has taken on the terns to auks section and, as mentioned above, Darren Underwood has returned to do pigeons to woodpeckers. All three of them have done an excellent job. the ringing report has again been compiled and written by Simon Evans. he has excelled himself again piecing it all together and producing an article of interest for ringers and non-ringers alike, with some interesting comments along the way. the rarities report, on rare birds considered by the British Birds rarities committee, has, as usual, been put together efficiently by David Walsh. he, again, has also checked on the accuracy of our reporting of these species. Laurie Forsyth has proof-read much of this report and my thanks go to him yet again. Phil Whittaker has again sorted out the artwork for this report and Bill Baston, again, the photographs. the standard of both remains very high. thankyou to everyone who submits either artwork or photos even if their work, often because of duplication, does not get used. once again Philip Murphy has been extremely helpful during the preparation of this report. his knowledge of, and interest in, the birdlife of Suffolk continues unbounded. i could not do it without him! i am lucky enough to live east of Woodbridge, an area with most of the types of habitats that one can find in Suffolk. it is also one of the best places to see what remains of our turtle Dove population. And even i, as a regular birder, do not see them that often. What are we going to do about this special species? is it up to all of us, not just operation turtle Dove, to do our bit? Let’s persuade farmers and other landowners to leave those corners or create some new ones. those bits of scrub will not only benefit the doves but several other species as well. i have seen tree Pipit disappear from my local heaths and don’t want other species to go the same way. i would much rather mention those positives such as our increasing populations of Stone-curlew, Woodlark and Dartford Warbler.


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Suffolk’s Weather in 2015

Suffolk’s Weather in 2015 Edward Jackson

South-easterly winds have been blowing for a couple of days and BiNS reports of birds from the east are pinging into my mobile! As ever, this shows how wind and pressure patterns across the northern hemisphere often determine when and where migrant birds are found in Suffolk. two other key elements of weather – temperature and rainfall – can also significantly affect both winter survival and summer breeding success for a wide range of species. this short annual review draws on information from the Met office website for the uk and East Anglia, to give a feel for the weather experienced by Suffolk’s birds in 2015. it follows the Met office format classifying December, January and february as ‘Winter’; March, April and May as ‘Spring’; June, July and August as ‘Summer’ and September, october and November as ‘Autumn’. Monthly temperatures refer here to the mean of all the daytime maximum readings. comparisons with ‘average’ temperatures and rainfall refer throughout to a Met office 30-year long-term average calculated from 1981 to 2010.

Winter: January and February in the previous winter at least 12 major storms crossed the uk. By comparison, 2014-2015 was relatively benign and quiet, with East Anglia and Suffolk experiencing a fairly typical winter. in both months the weather was mostly dominated by lower energy Atlantic airflows, although there was a notable spell of high pressure in early february. the uk mean temperature was near average for January and february, with anomalies in relation to the long-term mean of +0.1°c and -0.1°c respectively across the uk, including Suffolk. East Anglia was the driest region, with overall rainfall totals for Suffolk 126% in January and 89% in february compared with the average. Any snowfall was light and unexceptional. this was also the sunniest winter for the uk since 1929, with Suffolk receiving around 130% of average sunshine. A relatively unexceptional winter, so resident birds should have been in reasonable physical condition at the onset of the breeding season.

Spring: March, April and May Spring 2015 was also fairly unexceptional overall. March brought a mixture of typically variable early spring weather; April was the sunniest in the uk since 1929, but May saw a return to cooler, more unsettled conditions. in general, central and eastern areas – including Suffolk – fared best. North-westerly airflows in May produced above-average rainfall across the uk as a whole, but Suffolk only received around 60% of the average. however, significantly there were some days of heavy rain. Along with the rest of East Anglia, spring temperatures in Suffolk were just +0.2°c above the long-term average. These fairly typical spring weather conditions should have improved the chances of successful breeding for both resident species and arriving migrants, although heavy rain in May will have compromised some nesting attempts.

Summer: June, July and August Summer 2015 was mostly characterized by a cool westerly Atlantic flow, with the uk often under the influence of low pressure systems. June was drier and sunnier than average especially in East Anglia, with Suffolk receiving 60% of average rainfall. After a brief heatwave in early July with many temperature records broken, weather patterns broke down to give nearly double the average rainfall for the month in East Anglia. torrential rain 7

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on July 16th and 17th was followed a week later by more heavy and persistent rain. August saw more unsettled and cool conditions, with more heavy rain in the second half of the month. Although compared with the rest of the UK, East Anglia including Suffolk tended to fare best for warmth and sunshine, intense bouts of rainfall in July and August will have adversely affected survival rates of recently fledged juveniles.

Autumn: September, October and November September and october were generally quiet months, with periods of high pressure often bringing dry and sunny conditions. these led to sunshine totals for East Anglia 10% above average, but mean temperatures -0.4°c below average. November was mostly unsettled, very mild and dull, with temperatures well above average and sunshine hours only 50% of average. Return to Winter: December ‘Winter’ is used here only in the standard meteorological sense, since December was a recordbreaking, exceptionally mild and wet month across the uk as a whole. the weather was dominated by moist, tropical maritime air masses and a marked absence of frost, particularly in the south. temperatures for most of southern England including East Anglia were 5°c above average. The exceptionally mild conditions towards the end of autumn and into early winter are likely to have caused ‘short-stopping’ on the near-continent of wildfowl and other wintering species that would normally continue across the North Sea to the UK. Reference: – accessed October 2016


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Suffolk Bird Review of the Year 2015

Suffolk Bird Review of the Year 2015 Lee Woods

January 2015 overcast and blustery conditions welcomed those who took part in the New year’s Day birdrace; that said, some good birds were seen on 1st with the highlights mainly being leftovers from 2014; these included the Surf Scoter on the Stour Estuary which remained all month as did the three Shore Larks at covehithe, juvenile Glaucous Gull on oulton Broad on 1st and 2nd, seven Tundra Bean Geese and the four satellite-tagged Lesser White-fronted Geese which remained in the Aldeburgh area until 3rd and then were seen in Belgium the next day. the feeding station at Dunwich provided high counts of 63 Snow Bunting and 97 Twite. redhead Smew were present at Minsmere and covehithe and remained all month as did the overwintering Little Stint at trimley Marshes SWt. Several Ravens were sighted mainly in the south of the county, over Butley Priory on 3rd, at least two over Boyton Marshes, 4th, a single bird north over Bawdsey hall also on 4th and finally a single bird south over Snape Marshes on 11th. two Black Brants were seen on numerous occasions throughout the month on the lower reaches of the orwell Estuary. Several Short-eared Owls were reported with the highest count being four from both orford town Marshes on 6th and havergate island on 26th. it was rather pleasing to see an increase in the number of Hen Harrier sightings. A Lesser Whitethroat was an unexpected find along the disused railway track at North Warren on 4th as was the European Turtle Dove at hubbards Loke, Gunton from 24th to 26th. Despite the lack of any real cold weather we did see a small number of Waxwing making it to the county. the largest flock was of four mobile birds that were seen frequenting roadside mistletoe in ipswich on 29th with this flock rising to six birds on 30th and 31st. other Waxwing sightings included two birds on Lowry Way, Lowestoft, 23rd and single birds south over kessingland, 25th and on Dunwich road, Blythburgh, 31st. it was a good month for Pomarine Skua with several sightings coming from the entire stretch of our coastline; the highest count was of four birds off thorpeness on 26th – otherwise it was mainly single birds being noted elsewhere. in the west of the county, a Great Grey Shrike spent the month at Santon Downham, and a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker was also seen there; other sightings included a very impressive flock of up to 160 Tree Sparrows at Ampton village on 1st, a first-winter Glaucous Gull in pig fields at Great Livermere on 3rd, 4th, 18th and 26th and a Great White Egret at Lakenheath fen rSPB throughout the month with two birds present from 18th to 26th and three birds on 27th. three hundred Bewick’s Swans were seen in fields at Burnt fen, Lakenheath viewable from the A1101 on 12th, while nearby a flock of 22 Corn Buntings was seen at Sedge fen and finally six Pinkfooted Geese were present at Mickle Mere throughout the month. Along with the long-staying Surf Scoter, other birds of note on the Stour Estuary included; Blacknecked Grebe, up to six Slavonian Grebes and a Great Northern Diver. A Richard’s Pipit was a good find along the south wall at Breydon Water on 7th, with the bird remaining all month. three Spoonbills were present on havergate island and occasionally wandered further afield. the highest count of Bewick’s Swans at Blythburgh was 36 birds; two Whooper Swans were seen all month at Minsmere and two adult Whooper Swans were at kingsfleet, felixstowe ferry for most of the month. Away from the stronghold of the feeding station at Dunwich, 30 Snow Buntings were present at Slaughden on 12th, three birds at Landguard, 12th and 11 at Pakefield from 22nd. A first-winter Glaucous Gull was seen on castle Marsh, part of the carlton Marshes complex, on 6th, which was followed by further sightings on Peto’s Marsh, carlton colville on 15th and 16th with two present on 17th and then a single bird again on 18th, 19th and 31st. it or another 9

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first-winter was seen at Ellough Airfield on 15th and 16th. three Greater Scaup were present at Beccles Quay on 22nd and then two birds from 23rd until 31st, proving popular and showing well to all-comers. twenty-four Tundra Bean Geese flew over Dingle hill on 15th. A Black-necked Grebe was present on Alton Water from 24th until 31st at least and showed well at times, while the only report of Red-necked Grebe in the period was of a fly-past off thorpeness on 26th. finally, up to 12 Purple Sandpipers were on the sea defences at Ness Point, three Water Pipits at Dunwich on the shore pools, seven Corn Buntings at Lings Lane, chelmondiston, a Long-tailed Duck off Minsmere and several sightings of Firecrest, mainly from coastal locations.

February 2015 the first-winter Glaucous Gull was again noted at Ellough Airfield on 1st, 2nd and, finally, 6th while nearby at Beccles Quay the two Greater Scaup remained until 3rd with one bird remaining until 6th. Eleven Snow Buntings remained on the beach at Pakefield for most of the month favouring the area opposite the Jolly Sailors public house. the Waxwing flock in ipswich increased to ten birds and these were seen to commute between colchester road and cedarwood School, kesgrave from 4th to 8th. Seven Waxwings were seen to fly over Sandy Lane, Martlesham on 5th and a first-winter female Waxwing was present at Mildenhall between 7th and 25th. three Waxwings were seen on Denmark road, Lowestoft on 11th, five along Millennium Way, Lowestoft, 20th and three birds on 21st by the nearby registry office in the town. the long-staying first-winter drake Surf Scoter continued to show on the Stour Estuary and was by now looking rather dapper. the three Shore Larks at covehithe were last seen on 10th although the redhead Smew remained. the overwintering Little Stint continued to show, on and off, at trimley Marshes SWt all month. the two adult Black Brants were seen on the orwell Estuary at chelmondiston from february 1st to 3rd, then Shotley Marshes, 8th. Nearby the Black-necked Grebe was last seen on Alton Water on 2nd. A Long-eared Owl was seen to roost in the village of Bredfield on 6th only. the 36 Bewick’s Swans remained just south of Blythburgh as did the two adult Whooper Swans on king’s fleet and the two Whoopers at Minsmere. A first-winter Glaucous Gull was seen briefly on covehithe Broad on 8th before flying north. A Slavonian Grebe away from the Stour Estuary is scarce so one on the Alde Estuary, south of Aldeburgh Marshes, on 8th was noteworthy. the overwintering Great Grey Shrike continued to show at Santon Downham all month, with the same site also hosting a Lesser Spotted Woodpecker on 18th. one Great White Egret remained at Lakenheath fen rSPB. two Shore Larks were discovered on the beach at Shingle Street and stayed from 9th until 18th although they were mobile and elusive at times. Eight Tree Sparrows were frequenting the feeders at reydon Smear. the three Spoonbills continued to roam the coast, mainly being seen at rSPB’s Minsmere, North Warren and hollesley Marshes reserves. Snow Buntings remained at Dunwich all month with 41 birds still present and there were up to six birds at Landguard and Golf road, felixstowe. two Smew, both redheads, were present for most of the month on the Scrape at Minsmere. in the west another first-winter Glaucous Gull was found at Barnham in fields by rymer farm from 13th to 17th and was then joined by a third-winter Iceland Gull from 14th to 16th this bird then being seen at Lackford Lakes SWt on 20th. Six Tundra Bean Geese were noted at ferry farm, Sudbourne on 14th. A single Waxwing took up temporary residence in the garden of the Lodge, Alderton from 14th until 28th. three Shorteared Owls were noted, away from their usual haunts, at kessingland beach on 17th. 10

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the Richard’s Pipit remained along the south wall at Breydon Water up to the month’s end and was amazingly joined by a second bird between 15th and 23rd! forty-eight Bewick’s Swan were seen to fly high over Minsmere and out to sea on 18th. two Firecrests were present at Landguard towards the latter part of the month. finally, a Great Grey Shrike was present on upper hollesley common from 23rd to 28th though it was mobile. A first-winter Glaucous Gull was seen on claremont Pier, Lowestoft from 25th to 28th.

March 2015 A second-winter White-tailed Eagle toured East Anglia during March. in Suffolk it was at Mickle Mere on 15th and then cruised over Minsmere rSPB on both 19th and 20th. it was noted at Sizewell on 20th and seen perched at Benacre Broad the same day. it was last seen to head south over Minsmere rSPB and felixstowe, 23rd. An unringed White Stork was seen over the harbour at Southwold on 20th. the Surf Scoter continued to be seen on the Stour Estuary from Stutton Ness. Also on the Stour Estuary were up to eight Slavonian Grebes. A Black-necked Grebe was also nearby at Alton Water reservoir on 15th. A Ferruginous Duck was at Lakenheath fen rSPB on 21st and 22nd. two Garganey at Southwold, 12th were the first of the year and three Tundra Bean Geese at Minsmere rSPB from 25th and into April. Great Grey Shrikes was still at Santon Downham and another at upper hollesley common from 23rd. three Shore Larks ranged between Benacre Pits and Easton Broad and two were at Shingle Street from 14th to 27th. A Turtle Dove at Moulton on 12th was presumably an overwintering bird. up to two Waxwings were at Mildenhall, up to 11 at kesgrave and up to 13 in ipswich. up to two Iceland Gulls were on Ampton Water and the surrounding pig fields. A Glaucous Gull was at Lowestoft until 8th and one at Sizewell, 27th and Minsmere, 28th. [finally, a Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell (aka Scarce tortoiseshell) was at felixstowe on 27th.]

April 2015 the long-staying Surf Scoter was last seen on the Stour Estuary on 2nd; this bird, a county first, was first seen on November 3rd 2014. three Tundra Bean Geese were present and showing well on island Mere, 2nd to 5th. in the west of the county, a sub-adult Iceland Gull was seen on the scrape at Mickle Mere on 1st, 2nd, 5th and 13th; other Iceland Gull sightings included an adult on Minsmere Scrape on 8th and a juvenile in fields by rymer farm, Barnham from 17th to 19th. three Pomarine Skuas offshore at Landguard on 4th were noteworthy. thirteen Waxwings were again seen at kesgrave on 4th and what was presumably the same flock, now 15 birds, was noted on Sutton common, 17th to 26th, although mobile. the Great White Egret continued to show well at times at Lakenheath fen rSPB. one of the adult Black Brants remained on the orwell Estuary up to 8th. A flurry of Raven sightings occurred; initially one south over the A12 foxhall roundabout on 6th, then two over Broom heath, Woodbridge on 7th and the next day one sat in fields by the waste disposal site at foxhall. A fine drake Lesser Scaup was initially found on the reservoir at trimley Marshes on 6th then ‘firmed up’ the following morning. this bird is only the third for Suffolk following individuals at Suffolk Water Park, Bramford in 2004 and 2006. A first-winter Glaucous Gull was seen on the scrape at hollesley Marshes rSPB on 7th only. five Garganey (three drakes) were present on Snape Marshes from 8th. the overwintering Little Stint was seen throughout the month at trimley Marshes. A small influx of Ring Ouzels occurred mid-month with 22 birds being reported, with the peak count being 15 on 21st between Minsmere sluice and Eastbridge. A Great Grey Shrike was a good inland discovery at Great Waldingfield on 10th; the bird was seen for one evening only in roadside hedges along Valley road. Numerous Black Redstarts were 11

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seen with the peak being five birds at Landguard on 10th. two Common Cranes were seen over carlton Marshes SWt on 11th, and then four Common Cranes were seen regularly between reydon and Minsmere throughout the rest of the month. Wrynecks were found by Beach farm, Benacre, 14th and 15th and at thorpeness on 15th. Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers were seen at Santon Downham and Pipps ford, Barking. on the morning of 21st an adult White-tailed Eagle flew north-west over Boyton Marshes. A female Serin was seen on the common at Landguard during the morning of 23rd and then, amazingly, three Serins, including two males, were seen on the common on 26th. Black Terns were over the reservoir at trimley Marshes on 23rd and 25th. two Black-winged Stilts were present at trimley Marshes SWt for a couple of hours during the morning of 26th before flying off high north. A juvenile Glaucous Gull was seen by Lowestoft South Pier, 26th. A Great White Egret took up residence on North Marsh, Minsmere from 24th until 30th. ringtail Hen Harriers were seen at both Westleton and Boyton on 26th. A Stone-curlew, away from the traditional breeding grounds, was seen at Shingle Street on 27th. Ospreys were noted at felixstowe and Lakenheath fen rSPB on 27th and Martlesham on 30th. [the Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell was again seen at Peewit hill on 2nd and two further sightings of this rare butterfly were at North Warren on 15th and 18th.]

May 2015 the Great White Egret continued its residence at Minsmere and was seen intermittently either from island Mere or on the South Levels. A ringtail Hen Harrier was a notable discovery along the Gipping Valley on 1st, and on the same day two Common Cranes flew north over ipswich Docks. Black Terns were seen at both trimley Marshes and Livermere Lake on 3rd. A Rough-legged Buzzard was noted south-east over Melton Park on 4th and a smart first-summer male Pied Flycatcher was a good inland find at chilton hall, Sudbury the same day. A Wood Warbler was present along the cycle track between church road and St. Margaret’s road, Lowestoft on 5th. up to three Spoonbills were seen intermittently at Minsmere during the month. A Honey-buzzard was seen south over christchurch Park, ipswich on 7th. Golden Orioles were heard at both Lakenheath fen on 7th and then Minsmere on 8th. Greyheaded Wagtails were noted at trimley Marshes from 14th to 16th and tinker’s Marshes, Walberswick, 20th. A smart summer-plumaged Curlew Sandpiper was seen on the winter flood at trimley Marshes on 7th and again on 13th and sightings of this smart wader were also forthcoming at both Minsmere, 17th and tinker’s Marshes from 20th to 23rd with three birds present at both sites. A single Temminck’s Stint was found on the scrape at hollesley Marshes on 8th and 9th, then two birds present, 10th to 12th and then joined by a third from 13th to 17th. further Temminck’s Stints were seen at trimley Marshes, 11th and 12th and 30th and three birds were present on orfordness, 16th. An Osprey flew north over the Birds Eye factory, Lowestoft on 8th and another over Minsmere, 13th. A Bee-eater was seen south over the old Sewage works at corton on 10th. A Black Kite was seen south over Shingle Street at 06:00hr on 13th while the escaped Wrentham Black Kite remained in residence by the church. two Black-winged Stilts spent the day at Mickle Mere on 13th. A Roseate Tern was seen off Landguard on the mornings of both 14th and 15th. A smart Red-spotted Bluethroat showed well along the north wall at Minsmere on 15th. on the morning of 16th news broke of a male LITTLE BITTERN singing from the reed bed at Lakenheath fen rSPB. the bird was then seen that evening before going missing for four days only for it to re-appear from 20th until the month’s end which enabled many to add this species to their county lists! Along with the Little Bittern, 16th also saw both Serin and Red-backed Shrike at Landguard 12

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and Black Kite east over the plantation at trimley Marshes. A male Red-necked Phalarope was on the Scrape at Minsmere on the evening of 18th and remained until 26th although it would often ‘go missing’ for long periods. A female Red-necked Phalarope was then present on the Scrape on 30th and 31st. A first-summer female Montagu’s Harrier was seen inland at Brettenham before heading off eastwards on 18th. A full summer-plumaged Red-necked Grebe was seen at Lackford Lakes SWt on 19th and then on Livermere Lake on 24th and 25th. the adult Black Brant was again seen on the orwell Estuary from Levington on 21st. A very smart adult Broad-billed Sandpiper was found on tinker’s Marshes, Walberswick midmorning of 22nd and remained the following day allowing many to make the trek up the Blyth Estuary to view this charismatic little wader. finally four Red Kites were noted on 28th at Willisham, Brettenham, Witnesham and kirton creek. four Little Stints were present on tinker’s Marshes, Walberswick on 29th and a male Redbacked Shrike was present on Southwold common on 30th.

June 2015 the male Little Bittern, first seen at Lakenheath fen on May 16th, continued to sing from the reed bed by Joist fen until 11th and again on 17th and 26th but was seldom seen in flight. three Little Stints continued to show on the triangular pool at tinker’s Marshes, Walberswick on 1st and 2nd. A single Little Stint was present on the scrape at hollesley Marshes on 3rd and 4th with three birds there on 8th and 9th. four Spoonbills were present at North Warren early morning of 6th while nearby two Great White Egrets were on the reserve at Minsmere the same day. A Collared Pratincole, the fifth county record, was seen briefly over the western end of Lakenheath fen rSPB from Joist fen watch point during the evening of 7th and remained until 11th. A Red-rumped Swallow was seen over the observatory at Landguard for 15 minutes on 7th. on 8th a Cattle Egret flew north offshore from undercliffe, felixstowe. A single Bee-eater along the north wall at Minsmere on 15th was very obliging as it spent up to one hour on site. ten Bee-eaters flew north over the South Levels at Minsmere on 19th and continued on their journey north through the dunes. on 22nd a male Red-necked Phalarope was present at Mickle Mere, remaining until 23rd. A smart male Red-backed Shrike was present along the north wall at Minsmere on 25th on which date a juvenile Common Crane was on Peto’s Marsh, carlton Marshes and six flew south over Southwold. five Bee-eaters were seen over Aldeburgh on 27th. two Common Crane were over Lowestoft on 26th. An immature Spoonbill was on the reserve at trimley Marshes from 27th to 30th and was joined by a second bird on 30th. A summer-plumaged Cattle Egret was seen briefly on the scrape at trimley Marshes SWt on 28th before making the short trip across the river and taking up brief residence on Shotley Marshes. four Wood Sandpipers were on carlton Marshes on 29th.

July 2015 the two immature Spoonbills remained at trimley Marshes on 2nd. A singing Marsh Warbler was present at carlton Marshes, although very elusive, on 3rd. Late morning of 5th ten Bee-eaters were found in Leiston and due to the inclement weather the birds were grounded for almost five hours allowing many to catch up with this difficult but beautiful species – it goes without question that this is the same flock that was first seen over Minsmere on June 19th! the Bee-eaters were then discovered roosting in trees along Moat road, theberton on 7th and delighted hundreds until they were last seen on the morning of 10th. A Honey-buzzard was seen over island Mere, Minsmere on both 7th and 8th and then over nearby theberton Wood on 9th. Spotted Redshank numbers peaked at 25 at Minsmere and Little 13

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Gulls at 51. A record Suffolk count of Mediterranean Gulls was logged with a staggering 463 birds at Walberswick on 22nd!! A Black Redstart was trapped at Landguard on 8th and an Osprey flew over Lound Lakes the same day. What is presumed to have been the escaped Black Kite from Wrentham was seen north over Leiston on 9th, then further sightings were forthcoming from Pipps ford, 26th and finally Bawdsey from 29th to 31st. Aside from the Leiston/theberton spectacle, further Bee-eater sightings came from Minsmere, 10th and covehithe on 23rd when two were at field farm. Astonishing news broke late on Sunday afternoon of 12th when an adult BLACK-BROWED ALBATROSS was on the pool behind South hide, Minsmere!! Almost on discovery this majestic creature took flight and headed back out to the North Sea much to the disappointment of those not present in the hide at the time of the once-in-a-lifetime discovery. A Short-eared Owl was seen at Bawdsey on 13th, a juvenile Black-necked Grebe was found on Livermere Lake and stayed from 17th until 31st and a small passage of Black Terns took place offshore on 25th. A first-summer Purple Heron was a surprise discovery on the reed-fringed waterway of king’s fleet, Deben Estuary on 14th. the bird remainied all month although it was often very elusive and would go missing for several days. A Velvet Scoter north off Southwold on 26th was unseasonable. A smart Pomarine Skua whizzed around Minsmere Scrape on 27th while nearby up to 70 Little Gulls were feeding off the rigs at Sizewell. finally, six Spoonbills were present on South Marsh, North Warren on 29th and a brief Rednecked Phalarope was seen on the orwell Estuary from Levington the same day.

August 2015 the first-summer Purple Heron remained at king’s fleet until 17th and was possibly seen over Shingle Street on 5th. An Osprey was seen over Pipps ford on both 1st and 2nd. the juvenile Black-necked Grebe continued to show on Livermere Lake until 4th. A Serin was noted at Landguard on 2nd, 7th and 15th. A Bee-eater was seen flying north over Minsmere car park on 2nd. two Spoonbills were present at the east end of Breydon Water from 6th to 11th; further Spoonbill sightings were noted at hazlewood Marshes where seven birds were present from 12th to 17th and also 13 birds on havergate island on 15th. the peak count of Little Gulls involved 91 birds on the Scrape at Minsmere on 11th. there were a few Wood Warbler sightings in the south of the county; one was seen in the grounds of Bawdsey hall, 8th, a single bird was trapped at Landguard, 11th and then three were present also at Landguard on 14th. on 9th an Aquatic Warbler was trapped on orfordness. A Roseate Tern was over the observatory at Landguard early morning of 11th the same day that a juvenile Purple Heron was picked up exhausted on a fishing boat 26 kilometres offshore from Southwold then later released at carlton Marshes SWt, the bird staying until 17th. An Osprey was seen for several days mid-month on the Blyth Estuary. it was also noted midmonth that there had been a small influx of common migrants with Pied Flycatcher, Whinchat and Redstart all being the first of the autumn. Wood Sandpipers were seen in good numbers with several sites recording seven or more on numerous days with up to 12 present at hollesley Marshes on 25th. A small influx of Pectoral Sandpipers occurred with birds being seen at Minsmere, 19th to 23rd, hazlewood Marshes, 19th and finally havergate island, 21st. Minsmere Scrape held up to four Little Stints on 20th and 21st and an adult Temminck’s Stint on 26th. A Great White Egret was seen on hockwold Washes, Lakenheath late in the month. A small influx of Wrynecks occurred late in the month with birds being seen at; kessingland Sluice, 22nd to 27th, Easton Bavents, 25th, corton old sewage works, 25th to 27th with two there 14

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on 28th, Gunton Warren, 28th, Minsmere 29th and 30th, thorpeness, 29th to 31st and finally town Marshes, Southwold on 31st. Sea-watching highlights included a Long-tailed Skua south off thorpeness on 23rd, five Balearic Shearwaters south off Southwold, 26th and a single Balearic Shearwater north off Southwold on 31st. A juvenile Red-necked Phalarope was noted on hollesley Marshes on 23rd and on the same day eight unseasonable Pink-footed Geese were on the reservoir at trimley Marshes. A juvenile Red-backed Shrike was at Easton Bavents from 25th to 27th. two Icterine Warblers were noted, firstly at East Lane, Bawdsey on 25th and then at thorpeness old caravan park on 27th and 28th. twenty-two Whinchats were noted between the Bailey bridge at Walberswick and tinker’s Marshes on 29th on the same day that 34 were on orfordness. A Black Stork was seen circling over Landguard during the early afternoon of 28th and what was presumably the same bird photographed at clacton, Essex later that afternoon. finally, the eight Redwings seen over Bawdsey on 29th were very early.

September 2015 the month got off to a good start with a Barred Warbler on the North Denes at Lowestoft and a juvenile Red-backed Shrike on Minsmere north wall being found on 1st, with the latter staying until 4th. the thorpeness Wryneck was not seen after 1st. A moulting adult Honey-buzzard was seen over hollesley Marshes on 2nd. Seawatching never really got going this month. however, Long-tailed Skuas were seen off Minsmere and thorpeness (two) on 9th, Southwold 10th and thorpeness again, 15th and finally a Black-throated Diver off Southwold on 9th A Long-eared Owl spent the day showing to all-comers as it sat on the ‘icky ridge’ at Landguard on 3rd. A Great White Egret was seen on Boyton Marshes on 4th. A Barred Warbler was found in dense vegetation along ferry road, Southwold on 5th but was rather elusive. A first-winter Barred Warbler was found by the old wind pump at Minsmere on 9th and remained until 13th. A Red-necked Phalarope was also present at Minsmere being seen on the Scrape from 9th to 11th. A very early Snow Bunting was at Landguard on 9th. Suitable weather conditions from 10th resulted in grounded migrants being seen in good numbers, notably Pied Flycatcher, Common Redstart and Whinchat. the first Yellow-browed Warbler report of the autumn came from Warrenhouse Wood, Lowestoft on 12th and the same day also saw an Icterine Warbler at Landguard, albeit briefly. A juvenile Red-necked Phalarope was present on the scrape at hollesley Marshes from 10th to 18th and was joined by a second bird on 12th and 13th. Wrynecks were seen at corton radar lodge on 10th, Whin hill, Minsmere, 10th to 14th, tuddenham road, ipswich, 14th and hollesley Marshes, 17th. Spoonbill sightings included; four at hazlewood Marshes, 11th, two at trimley Marshes, 17th and then three south off Landguard on 18th. A Lapland Bunting was trapped at Shingle Street on 20th. A Great White Egret was seen briefly on North field, Walberswick on 22nd then on island Mere, 22nd to 24th before flying further south and settling on hazlewood Marshes from 24th to 28th. A Wryneck was present on the beach at thorpeness from 26th to 28th and showed well at times and a Long-eared Owl was seen to come in-off at corton on 26th. on 27th there was an influx of Yellow-browed Warblers into the county with several being reported from coastal locations and the highest count of five birds on 28th at thorpeness. A first-winter Red-breasted Flycatcher was trapped on orfordness, 27th and there were up-to eight Spoonbills on the National trust reserve the same day. the first Ring Ouzel of the autumn was noted at Bawdsey MoD also on 27th. A Red-breasted Goose was seen off Landguard on 30th. it was later recorded in Essex. October 2015 A Siberian Stonechat present on orfordness on 10th would have proved popular had it been in 15

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an accessible location; the bird was trapped and present for just one day. A Sabine’s Gull was off corton on 11th and another off thorpeness on 14th. Serins were at Landguard on 9th and Southwold, 20th. Several Great Grey Shrikes were seen in the county from mid-month with birds at; Lowestoft, castle Marsh, Southwold with two, Dingle Marshes, Minsmere, falkenham and Landguard. two Penduline Tits were present near island Mere, Minsmere on 18th and 19th. Also at Minsmere rSPB was a Shore Lark from 22nd with another at Gunton on 13th. in what was a good year for Pallas’s Warblers, these Asiatic gems were noted at; orfordness, 11th and 18th and Landguard, 26th and 27th. A late Wryneck was at Lowestoft on 12th and an early Iceland Gull at thorpeness on 16th. A ringtail harrier sp thought to be either a Montagu’s or Pallid Harrier was present at Bawdsey Marshes on 15th and 16th but it moved on before certain confirmation of its identity was agreed. Rough-legged Buzzards were seen over Easton Bavents on 18th and thorpeness, Minsmere and Alderton, all on 18th. it was a good sea-watching day on october 10th. the murky conditions and favourable winds produced two Cory’s Shearwaters past Southwold and one past Lowestoft. Leach’s Petrels were seen at Lowestoft, Southwold, and Bawdsey, also on 10th and off orfordness on 11th. throughout the month good numbers of Yellow-browed Warblers were noted at coastal locations.

November 2015 November can sometimes bring a surprise to the birding calendar as was the case this year. the month started off with a Great White Egret present at hen reedbeds which remained there all month. Great White Egrets were also seen at hazlewood Marshes on 1st, Lakenheath rSPB on and off all month, island Mere, Minsmere from 6th to 15th and finally Dunwich shore pools/Dingle Marshes on 8th and 28th. A female Long-tailed Duck took up residence at Lackford Lakes SWt from 4th until the end of the year. Suffolk’s third PIED WHEATEAR was discovered mid-morning on the beach at Landguard on 3rd and delighted many as it performed well throughout the remainder of the day. the bird, a male, had possibly been seen the previous day but this was not confirmed. there was a Great Grey Shrike near island Mere, Minsmere on 5th. A very late first-winter Rednecked Phalarope was a surprise discovery on the scrape at hollesley Marshes, the bird remaining from 8th to 12th. Also on hollesley Marshes were two Temminck’s Stints, on 5th, the latest-ever in Suffolk. Alton Water held a Red-necked Grebe, 9th until 30th, and a Slavonian Grebe that was seen intermittently. A Long-eared Owl was seen at dusk on 13th and at dawn the next day on Westleton heath and another obliging bird was present on the ‘icky ridge’ at Landguard, 18th. two Spoonbills were seen mid-month on the scrape at hollesley Marshes. three late Long-tailed Skuas were seen passing Southwold on 13th and the same day a Puffin was noted off Slaughden. A Siberian Chiffchaff was at Lackford Lakes on 15th. A Great Northern Diver was seen on the Stour Estuary from Stutton Ness from 16th to 22nd and several were seen offshore during the month. With favourable seawatching conditions over the weekend of 21st and 22nd attention was drawn to the sea; news from various watch-points indicated that a good number of wildfowl were on the move along with a steady passage of Little Auks. the peak count of Little Auks came from Southwold with 21 recorded on 21st. however the highlight of the weekend for seawatchers was the first-winter BLACK GUILLEMOT that was tracked north offshore on 22nd from Slaughden through Sizewell and Southwold and finally noted off Ness Point! A Whinchat seen by the Bailey bridge at Walberswick on 25th was extremely late as was the juvenile Little Ringed Plover that was seen the following day nearby on North field. A small influx of Waxwings occurred late in the month with a single bird being seen then later 16

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trapped at Landguard on 26th followed by five briefly seen at Goseford hall, falkenham, 27th and, what were possibly the same five individuals at tesco’s in copdock on 28th. further Waxwing sightings were forthcoming from Santon Downham, 28th and 29th, Lowestoft cemetery, 28th and finally a single bird along the Drive, reydon on 29th. finally, four Pink-footed Geese were seen at Boyton Marshes on 26th, three Jack Snipe on the managed retreat at trimley Marshes the same day and a Glaucous Gull, probably second-winter, noted north past felixstowe ferry on 28th.

December 2015 the continuing mild and rather damp conditions meant that there wasn’t any real movement of hard-winter birds from the continent. however, there was still plenty on offer throughout the final month of the year. Still no real numbers of Waxwings were noted; the single bird remaining at the Drive, reydon, 1st to 4th then two birds were present there from 14th to 18th, two birds were still at Santon Downham but only until 2nd, one bird was in a cemetery in Bury St Edmunds, 4th and finally five birds were along Millennium Way, Lowestoft on 17th. A Red-necked Grebe took up residence on Alton Water and remained all month and was best viewed from either Larchwood or the sailing club. A Great Grey Shrike was at Santon Downham from 1st until 4th. up to four Slavonian Grebes were on the Stour Estuary throughout the month and a single Slavonian Grebe was present on covehithe Broad and often showed well from 12th to the month’s end. the gull roost on the Minsmere Scrape throughout the month was pretty impressive with up to nine Caspian Gulls along with several Yellow-legged Gulls. A first-winter/juvenile Glaucous Gull was found there on 8th and remained all month commuting between Minsmere and the nearby Sizewell rigs. A third-winter Glaucous Gull was found on the Scrape on 13th. A Great White Egret was seen intermittently at hen reedbeds and Dunwich shore pools throughout the month. two Great White Egrets were seen at Lakenheath fen on 16th and finally one was seen briefly on kingston Marshes, Woodbridge, 18th before flying down the Deben Estuary. the discovery of a Hoopoe at Southolt near Worlingworth on 5th was a pleasant surprise. the bird remained until the next day, although it may have been around for longer, frequenting the village’s bowling green. four Spoonbills were occasionally seen at hazlewood Marshes throughout the month often wandering to North Warren rSPB. Great Northern Divers were noted at Lowestoft (Lake Lothing) from 7th until the month’s end with two there on 9th; orwell Estuary (Wherstead Strand) with initially one bird, 11th, then two birds from 12th to 23rd, three on 24th then just one bird from 25th until 31st and singles on the Stour Estuary throughout the month along with offshore sightings from various watch-points. A Black-necked Grebe was seen on the Stour Estuary on both 14th and 18th. only the one Black Brant was seen this month, an adult bird in fields just inland of covehithe Broad, 15th. three Pinkfooted Geese were present on Southwold town Marshes for much of the month with six there on 30th. three female Goosander took up residence on the Wilderness Pond within christchurch Park, ipswich from 9th, remaining all month. A first-winter Glaucous Gull was seen off felixstowe ferry on 18th and what was presumably the same bird was then seen on the scrape at hollesley Marshes on 23rd and then off Landguard, 29th and 30th. there were several unseasonable reports of Sooty Shearwater late in the month; whether these all relate to the same wandering individual we cannot be sure but the sightings were from Landguard, Dunwich, Minsmere and covehithe. finally, after initially being found on Breydon Water on october 29th, it wasn’t until December 29th that the Lesser Yellowlegs was finally seen on the Suffolk side of the channel from Burgh castle. it was also seen from there on 31st. 17

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Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris at Minsmere A first for Suffolk – July 12th 2015 Ian Salkeld

After finishing my chores for the day i was thinking of taking a quick wander to South hide for the last hour of my stint of weekend cover at Minsmere. i met my colleague Dave thurlow who was just returning from the Scrape and had reported nothing out of the ordinary. however with a chance of a shower in the offing i thought it could still be worth a look, nothing ventured etc! i went straight down to South hide as i figured this was my best option in the time i had. i sat there for about 20 minutes and noted a few waders on show but nothing out of the ordinary as Dave had reported. During this time i was joined in the hide by Peter hobbs and a friend and a couple who sat on the other side of the hide. i continued to scan the Scrape while the weather began to deteriorate and a shower started to pass through. At this point my time was beginning to run out and i was thinking of making a run for it, but decided to have a quick scan on the pool behind the hide before departing. As i looked out of the back window i immediately saw a large dark grey and white bird with the Mute Swans Cygnus olor about 30-40m away. My initial thought was a Great Black-backed Gull Larus marinus, then about a second later the penny dropped (with quite a clang) that actually it was an albatross!! i immediately shouted “there’s an albatross!” and was met with some strange looks from the others in the hide (they were probably assuming i’d had a liquid lunch); however, once folk got onto the bird the air turned blue and Peter set to work taking pictures. During this time i got on the radio to Adam rowlands (Ar) in the Visitor centre to tell him there was a Black-browed Albatross on the pool behind South hide. understandably, this news was met with a degree of incredulity. in amongst trying to contact people and swearing, it became apparent that the bird was not settled and suddenly started a short run across the water and rose swiftly into the air. it was over the Scrape in seconds, did a quick bank in front of the hide then headed straight out to sea. Meanwhile Adam was running from the visitor centre onto the hill behind to try and get a look across the Scrape, but the rain was so closed in by now that he was unable to connect. knowing that there had been a Black-browed Albatross on the German island of heligoland in the North Sea during the spring i was pretty sure that this was the same bird. however, during radio conversations with Adam i was taken aback to be asked if i was sure that it was a Blackbrowed (unbeknown to me there had recently been a yellow-nosed Albatross I. chlororhynchos photographed off iceland), and was its bill yellow? i then realised i didn’t know (this being my first albatross) as i hadn’t spent that much time studying the bird, but rather more time gibbering, swearing and using the radio. hopefully Peter had got some pictures!! thankfully he didn’t disappoint with photos of the bird both on the water and in flight, and with Adam’s coaching we knew for sure it was a Black-browed Albatross. Peter set off to the Visitor centre to show Adam the images and i headed for the beach in the vain hope of re-finding the bird, but, alas, it had gone. A Black-browed Albatross appeared in Denmark several days later and on comparing a number of images it was considered that the heligoland, Minsmere and Denmark sightings were all of the same individual.


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Black-browed Albatross at Minsmere

Meeting Mr. Albert Ross Peter Hobbs

it had been five weeks since i had done any birding in the uk. i had been on an amazing trip to Alaska, but now it was back to Britain and i had arranged with my birding mate Pete Webster to look for Nightjars Caprimulgus europaeus. So, as it was to be a late finish, we decided to make a late start. travelling up the A12 from the south of Essex we were soon over the county border and into Suffolk. We called in at Boyton Marshes and immediately had good ‘scope views of a turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur, not a bad start and a year tick as well. We then headed up towards Minsmere and once again our luck was in with three Stone curlews Burhinus oecidnemus. the heathland was quiet so we decided to visit the tea room and then made our way around to South hide. common Sterna hirundo and Little terns Sternula albifrons, Little Hydrocoloeus minutus and Mediterranean Gulls Larus melanocephalus, a selection of waders, nothing special, but it was July after all. We made our way up to the sluice to get better views from the far end of south Scrape. We weren’t there too long before the clouds darkened and rain began to fall and so we hurried back to South hide. on entering the hide we saw that it was now occupied by two other birders and an rSPB worker who later we knew to be ian Salkeld. he was in the top right-hand corner and we sat to his left and continued to scan the Scrape as the rain continued to fall. ian who had been doing the same decided to turn round and check the back pool and said something incredible – “Albatross”. he said it in a normal voice, not loud, not excited but just ‘Albatross’. you do hear some odd things from time to time whilst in a hide at Minsmere but not normally from an rSPB employee. So my mate Pete Webster who was sitting closest to ian got up and turned round to look over the pool and ian said once again in a cool voice “it’s between the two Swans” By this time i was just a second behind and looking out myself when Pete said something like “******** it’s an Albatross” And it was just drifting from right to left barely 20 metres away! With Ninja-like skills i quickly raised my camera into position and began firing away to get some record shots. ian was radioing hQ and alerting them of his find while i took more photos of the bird which had drifted behind some reeds. it then began to move, running through the water to gain momentum and soon it was airborne and turning though 180 degrees passing around the end of the hide and over south Scrape where it banked right and was lost to view heading out to sea. it was all over in less than five minutes. i checked my camera and saw that i had got quite a few images, enough to identify the bird and to prove to any disbelievers that we had just met Mr Albert ross. Adam rowlands the Senior Site Manager was eager to see the images. We hurried back to the visitor centre while i believe ian went to the beach to scan out over the sea. Adam saw the photos and quickly confirmed that it was indeed a Black-browed Albatross and, undoubtedly the bird recently seen off the west coast of Denmark and Germany, and put out the news. We were all in shock! An albatross at Minsmere, seen because someone decided to check the rear window and someone just happened to have a camera to take some half-decent images to prove that it had all happened, amazing! What to do next? contact information was exchanged with Adam rowlands of the rSPB, i confirmed the news with rare Bird Alert and that was that. Still in a complete daze we talked about what we were going to do and eventually decided on fish and chips from Southwold and then to continue with our plan to go looking for Nightjars. the two elements of our plan were successfully accomplished but we were constantly drifting back to that moment with the albatross both in our thoughts and conversations. When back home i cracked open a beer to celebrate, quickly followed by a second and finally a third. 19

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Regarding a description Adam Rowlands

in the photographs it is clearly an adult, with the dark, short eye-stripe and yellow bill with orange at the tip. the flight photo shows the underwing pattern with pure white body and the rump and upper tail are clearly white (compared with shearwaters we may encounter). Any claim of an albatross in Britain needs to ensure that obvious pitfalls such as Great Blackbacked Gull or immature Gannet Morus bassanus are satisfactorily eliminated. this is even more essential when the bird in question is swimming on a pool accompanied by Mute Swans! the sighting at Minsmere was so brief that the observers had no time to compile a description. in fact, the finder confided that the shock and excitement of the discovery left him unable to describe accurately what he was seeing. however the photographs enable not only the identification to be confirmed beyond doubt, but also to link this sighting to the returning bird from Germany and Denmark (from fine details visible in the wings). this record shows the value of photographs. What would the outcome have been if the bird had been witnessed by the finder alone, without a camera? [Photographs of the Black-browed Albatross can be seen opposite Page 80]


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Little Bittern at Lakenheath Fen

Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus at Lakenheath Fen May 16th until June 26th 2015 Nick Mason and Philip Murphy

How it was found on May 16th 2015 Patrick Goffin visited Lakenheath fen for the first time. he was there mainly to photograph hobbies Falco subbuteo which can be present in large numbers at that time of year. While there he saw a bittern-like bird fly across the path in front of him only for it to disappear into the reeds. Although it was a species he had never seen before, he saw enough of the bird to be able to identify it using his collins bird app on his phone. he informed some of the nearby birders and then the rSPB staff at reception. the bird was quite elusive although those hoping to see it soon knew where it was in the reedbed because of its frequent barking song. Not surprisingly it proved very popular, as it remained on site for nearly six weeks. for most Suffolk birders this was their first experience of this species in the county. Photographs of the bird can be seen elsewhere in this report. Submission to BBRC (edited) Contact Details Full name: Patrick Goffin Reported as: P. Goffin

The sighting Species: Little Bittern (Ixobrychus minutus) Number of individuals: 1 Age and sex of the bird: adult male Date first seen: 16-05-2015 by me Date last seen: 26-06-2015 by other observers County: Suffolk Location: Lakenheath Optical aids: Binoculars Trapped? No Observation time: 9.45 am Observation duration: Six seconds Additional date info Little Bittern Peter Beeson i found the bittern about 9.45 am and it was located again at 9 pm when viewed by ten people Finders Patrick Goffin (P. Goffin) Identifiers Patrick Goffin (P. Goffin) Does anyone disagree with the identification? No Species present for comparison: Observers experience of the species: the bittern was seen flying from left to right in front of me. i was not sure exactly what it was but fortunately i have the collins bird app and quickly id the bittern by the wing patches 21

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Observer’s experience of similar species: i have only previously seen Great Bittern and Grey heron Descriptions Weather conditions: fresh northerly breeze and visibility was very good Circumstances: i was walking back from Joist fen when the bittern flew in front of me. Being unsure as to what it was but thinking it looked like a small bittern, i used the collins bird app (which was extremely helpful) to identify the bittern Description: small heron-like bird; black above; buff-white wing patches very helpful to id bird which didn't call when i saw it Age/Sex reason: i claimed as adult male because of the buff-white wing patches Degree of certainty: 100% Attachments (0) Habitat and distribution Little Bittern is a widespread but local breeding species in continental Europe north to 53° N, much of central Europe and Spain. there is a good population in france. it is most commonly found in freshwater reedbeds but, more often than Great Bittern Botaurus stellaris, will climb reed stems or small trees such as willows. it feeds on amphibians, fish and insects. it is a migratory species wintering mainly in east Africa south to Sudan and Ethiopia. the song of the Little Bittern is a ‘monotonous series of low and muffled croaking ‘hogh’ noises continually repeated’ (L Svensson, Collins Bird Guide 2009). this individual was heard calling, in the daytime, on many occasions. it may have bred in Britain in the early twentieth century but there was one confirmed breeding attempt, later in the century – in yorkshire in 1984. Since then it first bred in the twenty-first century at ham Wall rSPB reserve in Somerset in 2010. they were suspected of breeding again at ham Wall in the next two years and in 2013 were proved to do so. Although Little Bittern is not new to Suffolk, it has not been recorded since 1980 and is classified as accidental in our county. there had been 27 records referring to 32 individuals before the Lakenheath bird (Piotrowski 2003) with breeding not recorded since the 19th century. there were eight records in the twentieth century with a male and a female at Minsmere in May 1977 but seen four days apart, and a pair, also at Minsmere, in June and July 1980. it should be noted that this 1980 record relates to a pair at Minsmere in June/July but details were never submitted to BBrc so, in theory, these birds remain unaccepted.


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Juvenile ringtail harrier at Bawdsey

Observations on a juvenile ringtail Harrier at Bawdsey Marshes, Suffolk Steve Abbott

on the afternoon of october 15th 2015, Will Brame reported an unidentified ringtail harrier Circus sp on Bawdsey Marshes. he viewed it from the southern bank of the river Deben so his views were distant and inconclusive. however, he noted that it appeared to have orange underparts and was smaller than a ringtail hen harrier Circus cyaneus that he had seen nearby. clearly, this was an interesting bird. i could not look for it that afternoon but decided i would try the following morning. together with Nick Mason (NM) and kenny Musgrove (kM), we visited Bawdsey Quay/Marshes around 10.30 hrs on october 16th but were not optimistic of success in the dull and wet conditions. initially no raptors could be found, but as the rain eased, around 11.30 hrs, three Marsh harriers C. aeruginosus appeared, two juveniles and an adult male. About to give up the hunt just before 12.00 hrs, we made one final scan across the fields and marshes from the road towards Bawdsey Quay. Almost immediately, i located a ringtail harrier flying along the river wall towards the Quay/picnic site and quickly got the bird in my ‘scope at 20x magnification, at the same time getting NM and kM onto the bird. this was clearly a lightlybuilt harrier with a buoyant flight and orange underparts, and the choice appeared to lie between Pallid C. macrourus or Montagu’s C. pygargus. the bird then turned and flew directly towards us along the roadside before it turned again to fly across the fields, where it then landed on a post at c. 250m away. As the bird glided onto the post a small, but conspicuous, white rump patch was noted and this contrasted strongly with the upperwing surface which appeared dark brown apart from a fairly extensive, and obvious, pale buff patch on the lesser and median coverts on each wing. At its closest, it flew within c.100 m of where we were standing. During this fly-past, the focus of our attention was on the bird’s underwing pattern, underparts colour, head markings and the outer wing structure, in particular the number of projecting primaries. We all noted that the outer wing was fairly pointed with only four primaries visible, i.e., consistent with Montagu’s/Pallid harrier rather than hen harrier. the underwing pattern/colours were very contrasting, with the secondaries appearing particularly dark with no visible markings and contrasting with the paler primaries. the undersides of the primaries were pale with bold dark barring. Despite looking for it, i could not see black undersides to the wing-tip and tailing edge to the primaries; this feature is typical of juvenile Montagu’s – of six juvenile Montagu’s harriers seen in La handa, southern Spain, in mid-September 2015, all showed this feature. the colour of the underparts including the underwing-coverts was cinnamon/ochre, this appearing yellower than the chestnut/orange underparts of the juvenile Montagu’s harriers seen in Spain. At this stage i thought the structure and plumage details favoured Pallid harrier, so i was surprised and somewhat taken aback to see an apparently entirely-dark head that lacked patterning. Although it was now perched at c. 250 m, the gloomy conditions and passing showers meant that the views were less than ideal. for much of the time it was perched with its back to us, and its most conspicuous feature was a prominent white, heart-shaped patch on the rear crown. All of the wingcoverts were tipped pale buff, forming a large continuous pale-buff patch on the lesser/median coverts of the closed wing which contrasted strongly with the very dark-brown wing. this was quite different from the equivalent orange/chestnut patch shown by juvenile Montagu’s in Spain. At this point i phoned Peter kennerley (Prk) and he arrived at 12.15 hrs. the harrier was still on the post and over the course of the next 40 minutes we were able to enjoy satisfactory views of the bird at up to 60x magnification as it sat on the post, reluctant to fly in the atrocious conditions.

Description the head, whilst generally dark brown did show a narrow pale supercilium running from just 23

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behind the eye to the bill base. the chin was pale buff/white. the ear-coverts/cheeks appeared dark brown but a small white crescent was present just below the eye. this brown feathering reached the base of the bill. When the bird faced us the typical harrier face/ruff was just noticeable due to slightly paler brown feathering behind the face. the bill appeared dark but i did not notice the cere colour. We discussed the bird’s iris colour at some length and concluded that it was dark thus suggesting that the bird was a female. While the bird preened and moved its wings and tail it was evident that the wings, when folded, fell well short of the tail tip by about the width of the distal tail band. the tail was beautifully marked; during preening, with the tail spread i could see the ground colour was cinnamon with dark brown barring. the outer webs of the outer tail feathers were unmarked and slightly paler. Each tail feather had a broad pale tip. the two central tail feathers contrasted with this pattern, appearing darker and apparently unmarked. After some time the bird moved to a lower adjacent post but this time it was facing us. We could now see the underparts well. i confirmed that the breast, belly and ventral areas were pale cinnamon/ochre in colour. the bird did show a dark ‘boa’ that formed a dark brown intrusion onto the lower neck below the junction of the wings. A hint of a slightly paler brown collar area was noted (i.e., ghosting the normal effect). Despite looking for dark streaking on the breast and flanks, none was seen. After watching the bird perched for more than an hour it flew up and quartered along and then behind the small copse. At this range and 40x magnification against the trees i was again able to confirm the in-flight plumage/structure details mention earlier. the bird reappeared from behind the copse and flew back towards the river wall. During this bird’s flight it interacted briefly with one of the juvenile Marsh harriers. this afforded excellent comparison of the bird size/structure. the bird was obviously much smaller, narrower-winged with a more buoyant flight than the Marsh harrier. having said that, it also lacked the rakish/buoyant jizz of a male Montagu’s harrier. it continued flying away and was lost behind the copse. At this point, around 13.30 hrs, in further drizzle, NM, kM and i left and returned home, while Prk, who, sensibly, was wearing Wellingtons, decided to follow the bird and struck out along river wall. Just after 15.00 hrs he obtained further flight views at ranges down to 50m as it quartered the saltmarsh and interacted with a Short-eared owl Asio flammeus before landing out of view. these views, however, did not add substantially to the details we had obtained earlier. Despite being searched for the next morning in greatly improved conditions, it was not seen again. this had been a most exciting, enlightening and yet frustrating encounter. We had enjoyed good views of this attractive harrier for over an hour and had seen all the characters that should have enabled the identification to be clinched. of the features we had seen clearly, these pointed towards Pallid. however, the aberrant head pattern did not match that of either Pallid or Montagu’s, and without this, we concluded that it could not be identified with certainty as either species. Autumn 2015 was exceptionally good for Pallid harriers in Britain, with 11 accepted records, most occurring between mid-September and mid-November. in contrast, there were no definite reports of Montagu’s harriers reported on BirdGuides anywhere in Britain after September 5th. this is one that got away. however, it was also a particularly memorable experience and we are grateful to Will for putting out the news.


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Rookery Survey 2015

Suffolk Ornithologists’ Group Rookery Survey 2015 Gi Grieco

Introduction in 1975 the British trust for ornithology (Bto) carried out a nationwide survey of rookeries. Suffolk ornithologists’ Group (SoG) organised the survey within the county and the results were published the following year in a SoG publication, The Rook In Suffolk by MJf Jeanes and r Snook. Since then there have been smaller studies of the species in the county as well as during the Bto/Bird Watch ireland/Scottish ornithologists’ club Bird Atlas from 2007 to 2011 which aimed to provide a comprehensive update on the distribution of all wintering and breeding species, including rook Corvus frugilegus, in Britain and ireland. As part of SoG’s 40th anniversary celebrations in 2013, the late Derek Moore gave a fantastic talk on ‘Suffolk’s Great ornithological Events of the twentieth century’ in which he talked about the rookery survey in 1975 and the subsequent publication by SoG. Derek remarked that it would soon be the 40th anniversary since the initial enquiry and maybe a new rookery survey should be undertaken in 2015. At subsequent SoG council meetings it was agreed that the survey should go ahead. Aim the aim of this survey was to establish an up-to-date picture of the rookeries in Suffolk, determine the number of nests and record the locations of the rookeries. then, using that and other recent data, from the Bird Atlas 2007-2011 and papers in both the Suffolk Bird reports and the SoG journal, The Harrier, to get a comparison of the 1975 rook population with the present.

2015 Survey method the survey was undertaken between April 10th and 30th 2015, although records prior to that date from early April were acceptable. A recording form was produced to be used for the survey. the form included boxes for the recorder’s name, an email address, the rookery location including grid reference, the number of rookeries and if possible the identity of the tree species used. A separate box for notes and comments was also included.

2015 survey results in total, the results of the 2015 survey came from 56 contributors who recorded 292 rookeries in 173 tetrads (2km X 2km squares) in Suffolk with a combined total of 9420 nests. the average number of nests in a rookery was 32.3. the map in figure 1 shows the distribution of rookeries from the 2015 survey. 2015 Survey

Figure1. Location of Suffolk’s rookeries in the 2015 survey.


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the distribution of rookeries by size is shown in figure 2 which shows that the smaller rookeries are most numerous. the category of 1 to 25 nests in a rookery was the most frequent and 85% of the rookeries contained between 1 and 50 nests.

Figure 2. Distribution of rookeries by size.

the distribution of number of rook nests by size of rookery is shown in figure 3. it shows that the range of 26 to 50 rook nests per rookery had the highest group size and of those between 1 to 100 nests held just over 75% of the total rook nests.

Figure 3. Distribution of Rook nests totals by size of rookery.

Notes from the 2015 survey recorders were requested to add any notes about the rookeries during the survey and listed below are some of the findings. Some of these rookeries have been known to be present and used for a long time while other comments detailed some of the losses or the start of new 26

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rookeries. the rookeries recorded along the A12 corridor are presented in a separate section later in this report and have a number of notes relating to them. • Sudbourne, crag farm/Moss’ carr – number of nests fell to 104 since 130 there in 2010. • Long Melford, former Bush Boake Allen factory – rookery has declined in recent years. • haverhill, East town Park/coupals road – numbers down by half in recent years. • Parham – this rookery has declined markedly, no obvious cause. in 1995 it had 32 nests, increased yearly to 43 in 2005, now eight nests. • Elmswell, the Grange – significant decline over last 15 years as Elmswell gets built up. • icklingham, icklingham Plains SSSi – Scots Pine, one tree blew down in a recent gale, seven nests destroyed. • Melton – rooks established new rookery after main trees were felled last winter. • Great Barton, A143 opposite post office – additionally there was a small rookery at Barton Mere last year; there are no nests or rooks here now. • Baylham, Baylham hall – possibly shooting/control of nests. • Great Ashfield – new rookery which was started in 2013. • icklingham, Mildenhall road – has only been there for two years. • Bawdsey, Bawdsey Lodge – the rooks came to the garden about three years ago. their first attempt at nesting failed due to high winds. this is their first successful nesting year and looking good. • ixworth, rookery Nook/commister Lane – when i built my house ten years ago in commister Lane, ixworth, there were four or five rook nests opposite in mostly elm trees on the moat edge. Now there are 24 or 25. • capel St. Mary, White house – has now replaced the rookery in ‘old hadleigh’ which now has one unoccupied remnant nest. • Eriswell, Eriswell Lodge, adjacent A1065 – very active and long-established site. • holbrook – have been nesting in a large mature copper beech for at least the last 40 years.

Tree species the species of tree used by rooks to nest in was requested but was not a requirement of the survey. of the 20 tree species identified by far the most numerous recorded was oak Quercus sp. with almost a third of the records. Ash Fraxinus excelsior was the next-most-recorded tree species followed by similar numbers of Scot’s Pine Pinus sylvestris, Beech Fagus sylvatica, Sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus and Poplar Populus sp.. A couple of interesting records were of rooks nesting in London Plane Platanus sp. and Eucalyptus Eucalyptus sp.. oak was the second-most-used tree in both an early 1945 survey as well as that in 1975, each time behind Elm Ulmus procera. Elm was recorded only twice as a tree nesting in the 2015 survey. in an SoG Bulletin article of a parish rook survey in East Bergholt between 1975 and 1985 there had been a decline of the population over the period in the area and this was partly attributed to the loss of Elms as a nesting tree due to Dutch Elm Disease.

Comparison with 1975 survey the 1975 survey was comprehensive and gave a snapshot of the rook population at the time. it was to be used as a reference point for the future. the census revealed that rookeries were located in 458 tetrads with a total of 15,850 nests in 929 rookeries. there were no rookeries with over 200 nests and the average rookery size was 17.1 nests. the 2015 survey recorded just under a third of the 1975 total rookeries, 292, and only around 60% of the 1975 total of nests, 9420. the 2015 survey had an average of 32.2 nests per rookery, almost 90% higher than the 1975 survey. table 1 below shows that the vast majority of rookeries in the 1975 survey contained between 1 and 25 nests, while, although still the highest category in the 2015 survey, the distribution is much more spread across the other categories, with a 121% rise in the number of nests between 51 and 100. 27

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Suffolk Bird Report 2015 Number of nests in rookery % of rookeries by size, 1975 survey % of rookeries by size, 2015 survey

1-25 78.9 59.2

26-50 15.3 26

51-100 5.1 11.3

101-200 0.8 2.4

201-500 0 0.3

501-1000 0 0.7

Table 1. Comparison of rookeries by size between 1975 and 2015 surveys.

table 2 is the distribution of number of rook nests by size of rookery shows that the smallest rookeries, between 1 to 25 and 26 to 50, held most of the population in 1975, while for the 2015 survey it was more evenly distributed in the categories up to 100 nests and a significant proportion was in the category 501 to 1000, this coming from the two very close rookeries around fornham Park at fornham St Genevieve (totalling 1181 nests). Number of nests in rookery % of nests in each rookery size, 1975 survey % of nests in each rookery size, 2015 survey

1-25 44.5 23.3

26-50 30.9 29.2

51-100 101-200 18.9 5.7 23.8 9

201-500 501-1000 0 0 2.1 12.5

Table 2. Comparison of percentage of nests in each rookery between 1975 and 2015 surveys.

Rookeries in the Newmarket area one section in The Rook In Suffolk tabled a count of rook nests in Newmarket and the surrounding area, including Exning. this was based on a survey of the area that was published in the 1955 Suffolk Bird Report by A W P robertson. Mike Jeanes recorded those rookeries in 1975 to compare them with those in the 1955 report. Mike again recorded the rookeries in the area for the 2015 survey and the results are in table 3. the 2015 results show a significant drop from both previous surveys, almost 50% since 1975:– Year 1952 1954 1955 1975 2015

Number of nests 525 468 402 481 245

Table 3. Number of nests in the Newmarket area per year

Bird Atlas Survey 2007 – 2011 Between 2007 and 2011 an international survey run by the British trust for ornithology, Bird Watch ireland and the Scottish ornithologists’ club (Bird Atlas) did a complete distribution survey of the birds of Britain and ireland in both the breeding and winter periods. this was to compare with previous surveys to look at the population and fortunes of bird species and to see if there were any changes in numbers and distribution. in Suffolk there was a concerted effort to survey all the tetrads within the county. the results of the Suffolk survey along with species’ maps can be found on the Suffolk Biodiversity information Service web site: the rook was second only to Wood Pigeon Columba palumbus in the top 50 birds encountered during the summer and winter timed tetrads. in the summer period the total number of birds counted in the timed visits was 40898 in 691 tetrads with a maximum count of 1240, while in the winter period the total number of birds was 86233 in 764 tetrads with a maximum count of 720. [More recent roost counts of rooks at Lakenheath fen, in the winter, dwarf these figures with up to 7000 present on october 8th 2013 and 15000 in 2014.] 28

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from the data supplied by the Atlas there was no specific data on rookery numbers but the data does show in which tetrads breeding was recorded. the Atlas used three categories – 1=possible, 2=probable, 3=confirmed breeding and for this report only categories 2 and 3 were used. this showed that rook was recorded as confirmed or probable breeding in 509 tetrads. Rooks

Figure 4. Combined map from 1975, BTO Atlas and 2015 surveys.

there was an overlap between the 2015 and Atlas surveys of 136 tetrads along with 37 unique to the 2015 survey – ie they were not recorded in the Atlas. the total number of rook nests from the 2015 tetrads not overlapped by the Bto survey is 1599, quite a significant count. the distributions of records from the 1975, Atlas and 2015 surveys are in figure 4 above. Both of the most recent surveys show that there has been a reduction in the number of rookeries in the south-west of the county particularly, along with small sections of mid-Suffolk and the ipswich area. the rook has traditionally been absent as a breeding bird in both the Brecks and the Sandlings of Suffolk, but both recent surveys show that there has been a spread in to these areas, most notably in the Sandlings where there has been an eastern spread of rookeries most likely due to changes in farming and land use in the area. there has been a rise in the number of pig farms along the coastal belt and these are known to attract large numbers of corvids. the area around thetford forest is still devoid of rookeries. Although still few in number, there have been some new rookeries in the Deben peninsula as well as in the far north-west of the county in the fenlands; the rSPB reserve at Lakenheath has a large winter roost and a rookery is present in the plantation there.

2009 Rookery survey in north-east Suffolk in Suffolk Birds 2009, Jamie Bruce-Lockhart published a paper on the rookeries in north-east Suffolk along the A12 corridor around Saxmundham. the results below show the counts from the 2015 survey and from his survey six years earlier, with notes on any changes. 29

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SoG rookery Survey 2015 – Saxmundham area undertaken April 6th to 8th 2015:– Map Ref1 tM398685 tM401685 tM399688

Location yoxford, Love Lane yoxford, rookery Park yoxford, cockfield hall

Number of nests [compare 6-8 Apr 2015 1-3 Apr 2009] 12 [35] 10 [55]2 64 [79]

tM365699 tM368695 tM362698

Sibton,3 Abbey Sibton, church Sibton, Bridge

tM398664 tM399667 tM397662 tM403653

North Green railway embank’t North Green farm East Green, level crossing East Green farm

61 58 3 15

[47] [60] [12] [11]

tM387637 tM384634 tM388629

Saxmundham, North Gate Saxmundham, harpers Lane Saxmundham, central

49 18 31

[57] [27] [34]

beech/oak sycamore/oak oak/beech

tM414642 tM442618 tM426622 tM418613 tM417618

clay hills Leiston water tower old knodishall Manor farm Grove wood Pear tree farm

126 6 8 7 12

[147] [14] [23] [76]6 –

oak/ash oak/ash oak/pine5 oak/ash oak7

Stratford/farnham Bridge Benhall, Low Street Parkgate farm, Stratford fir pits Glemham/Stratford Glemham Gates Marlesford Milestone

25 35 48 12 86 47

[11] [26] [46] [9] [107] [not covered]

alder/poplar ash oak/ash firs/ash oak/ash oak/heavy ivy

tM437677 tM432668

tM386652 tM384644 tM374644

tM351644 tM354646 tM348647 tM322661

tM430587 tM383599 tM389592

tM360600 tM358609 tM352596 tM 347596 tM342592 tM325576

24 18 11

reckford Bridge Middleton, yew tree farm

27 45

kelsale Manor carlton hall Bullocks head Wood

rendham, church meadow rendham, old Vicarage rendham, triangle church farm, Bruisyard

20 16 18

[35] [31] [17]

Trees oak/Scots pine Scots pine/oak oak/ash

[40] [35]

alder/poplar oak/ash

[15] [19] [25]

oak/ash oak/ash oak/ash

– 22 11 41

[16] [44] [not covered] [not covered]

horseshoe covert, Aldeburgh rd 16 Snape Watering 21 Green heys corner, Snape 11

[not covered] [26] [18]


oak/ash lime/pine oak/ash

ash oak/mixed ash/fir4 oak

alder oak/mix oak oak/alder

oak/ash poplar pine/ash8

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Extras up the A12 tM399734 Bramfield hall tM402726 Grove farm, Darsham tM410719 flock farm, Darsham9 tM504769 Buss creek bridge, Southwold

162 85 126 30

[152] [102] [132] [22]

oak oak ash poplar

Notes:– Severe (55 mph) storms in late March 2015 set back nest building in several exposed places, e.g. in the windy Saxmundham North Gates area, and Sibton valley.

in general, according to my nature notes, the weather was probably a bit colder and spring less advanced around the turn of April this year (e.g. in tree bud and leaf) than it was in 2009.

1. oS Explorer Map 212. Grid square tM. 2. Substantial earthworks and plantings undertaken in 2012-13 may have disturbed rookeries. 3. Sibton rookeries may have been reduced by windstorm in the east–west aligned valley floor. 4. What previously looked like a developing small extension to North Green farm rookeries has been abandoned. 5. recent landscaping works may have put off the rook inhabitants. 6. farm manager spoke in c.2011 of their intention to cull the rooks. i guess they did. 7. A new small rookery perhaps established by rooks moving from Manor farm woods after the cull. 8. Another small rookery (eight nests in oak/fir mix) on the south side of Green heys in 2009 was no longer present in 2015. 9. According to the owner there is a preservation order on the spinney in part, he believed, to protect the rookery.

of the 39 sites surveyed there was a loss of rook nests at 24 localities, ten had gains, one was new in 2015 and four were not covered in the 2009 survey. overall there was a reduction of 168 nests, from 1605 to 1437 in total and, although most rookeries had minor fluctuations, two in particular had significant losses; yoxford rookery Park where earthworks were thought to have disturbed the rookery and at Manor farm where culling was to be undertaken and it seems most likely that this did take place.

Other records following the ‘hurricane’ of october 1987 and the subsequent loss of so many trees in Suffolk, it was decided that a survey should be undertaken in 1988 to assess the impact that the storm had had on rookeries, particularly as they nest in taller trees that would have been more susceptible to damage or destruction. the survey, a restricted one, that recorded 130 nests, revealed that some rookeries had been deserted although re-located nearby and that there were a number of small rookeries spread widely. Conclusion the survey has succeeded in its plan to obtain an idea of the status of the rook in Suffolk with the number of rookeries present, together with a look back to the survey carried out in 1975. A further year to fill in gaps from the 2015 survey was mooted but it was decided that enough data were gathered to give a snapshot of how the rook was faring. Although the 1975 survey was more comprehensive, than in 2015, along with data from the Atlas, has given a good idea as to how the rook is doing. the survey shows that the rook is still breeding throughout the county, is present in more tetrads than formerly and is more numerous as a breeding bird. Although not present in some of its past sites, mainly in the south-west area, it is becoming more 31

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prevalent towards the coast and in north and north-west Suffolk. Another area where it shows a loss since the 1975 survey is around ipswich, which is most likely due to urbanisation; the rook is traditionally associated with nesting close to human habitation but does have a preference for smaller towns and villages. however, with the large amount of urban sprawl on and around our county town in the last 40 years all the rookeries within ipswich have now disappeared except for a small one along Nacton road. What was most noticeable between the two surveys was the number of rookeries in 2015 with more nests, an average of 50% higher. if the ratio of nests to rookeries was extrapolated out then if the 2015 survey covered the equivalent number of rookeries as in 1975 then the nests would be nearer 30000 compared with the 15850 in the 1975 survey. indicative of these much larger rookeries are the two adjoining rookeries at fornham Park, fornham St Genevieve, whose 1181 nests accounted for 12% of the nests in the 2015 survey and far exceeded the largest rookeries in 1975, the largest of which had only a tenth of the fornham total. Another significant find in the 2015 survey was the number of new rookeries found since the Atlas was completed six years previously. Some of these, mostly in the west of the county, were present in the 1975 survey so may have either been missed or re-established since the Atlas survey. others, in the east, are brand new and not found in the previous surveys; this follows the trend found in the Bird Atlas 2007-2011 survey which shows that the rook is colonising the Sandlings area. in recent years there has been a large decline in farmland birds so the rook is one species that is not only bucking this trend but also managing to increase. in the next 40 years it will be interesting to see if this continues and maybe a future survey can be carried out to ascertain the species’ fortunes in the middle of this century. Acknowledgements i should like to thank all of the contributors listed below for helping in the survey and submitting records. A special “thank you” to the following for specific information and assistance in the report; Peter Lack from the Bto for information and data from the 2007-2011 Bird Atlas, Martin Sanford of the Suffolk Biological records centre on the numbers of rookeries from the Atlas data and supplying the maps included in the report, Mike Jeanes for information on the 1975 survey and Jamie Bruce-Lockhart for discussions and details on his 2009 survey and an update in 2015 which he kindly allowed me to reproduce in this report.

Contributors. Steve Abbott, Emma Bartley, Eddie Bathgate, richard Belson, roger Billings, Jamie Bruce-Lockhart, Paul Bryant, Brian Buffery, David carter, Margie carter, ian castle, Dave cawdron, chris courtney, Eric cousins, Peter Dare, reg Etheridge, keith freeman, craig fulcher, John Glazebrook, Andrew Goodall, chris Gregory, Adam Gretton, Suzanne Grimwood, Gi Grieco, John handford, Daphne hayward, Edward Jackson, colin Jakes, Mike Jeanes, Ed keeble, chris keeling, Anne kell, Dennis kell, Paul king, Anne Law, robin Law, Peter Maddison, Nick Mason, roy Mcfruin, John Mousley, Dave Pearsons, Martin Peers, Jane Pollock, katherine Puttick, Peter rutt, Dudley Sheppard, Nuala Simpson, David taylor, John turner, Darren underwood, Linda Walker, David Wimpress, Geoff Woodard, Malcolm Wright. References Balmer, D.E., Gillings, S., caffrey, B.J., Swann, r.L., Downie, i.S. & fuller, r.J. (eds) (2013) Bird Atlas 2007–11: the breeding and wintering birds of Britain and Ireland. Bto Books, thetford. Bruce-Lockhart, J. 2009. rookery Survey: survey in north-east Suffolk. Suffolk Birds 2009: 26-32. ipswich. Jeanes, M.J.f and Snook, r. 1976. The Rook In Suffolk. Woodbridge. Longhurst, J. 1985. A Parish rook Survey, 1975-1985. Suffolk Ornithologists’ Group Bulletin. 70: 6-14. ipswich. Piotrowski, S.h. 1988. Suffolk rookeries. Suffolk Ornithologists’ Group Bulletin. 79: 14-16. ipswich. Piotrowski, S.h. 1989. Suffolk Birds 1989: 110-111. ipswich. Piotrowski, S.h. 2003. The Birds of Suffolk. helm, London. 32

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Recent experiences with flagged Red Knot in Suffolk

Recent experiences with flagged Red Knot in Suffolk Ed Keeble

Introduction the number of red knot Calidris canutus wintering in the county has been on the increase for some years. historically, it was regarded as “chiefly...a passage migrant” and wintering flocks of more than a few hundred on the orwell and the Stour Estuaries were noteworthy as recently as the 1980s. Since then, wintering numbers have climbed, with recent counts in excess of 10000 birds. this may be a consequence of milder winters. red knot are well-studied, but there is still a lot to learn and our (relatively!) narrow estuaries provide an opportunity to contribute sightings of flagged birds. you might think that researchers would be swamped by readings from the hordes of red knot on the Wash and in Morecambe Bay, but that is far from the case as the flocks spend so much of their time on the horizon or squeezed together in the roost. So i know from recent experience that every record from our estuaries is appreciated- more details are provided below.

From which population do our Red Knot originate? our wintering birds come from the population which breeds in north-east canada and Greenland and migrates to north-west Europe (subspecies islandica). confusingly, despite the tag “islandica” red knot do not breed in iceland or Scandinavia- they are breeding birds of the high Arctic. the islandica population is currently thought to be increasing or stable, with estimates ranging around 400000, and so it constitutes more than half of the global red knot population. Suffolk is also visited by birds which breed in Siberia and migrate on a great circular route down to west Africa (subspecies canutus), but these are almost unknown in the British isles in winter. they pass through in relatively small numbers in spring and autumn, accounting for the small groups of breeding-plumaged birds which occasionally illuminate a May day on the Suffolk coast. this population of red knots is in decline, as are the red knot populations which migrate over ultra-long distances on the Pacific and West Atlantic flyways.

What are the movements of our Red Knot? our birds do not arrive in significant numbers until November and, over the last two winters, they have included at least 40 birds which have been flagged in autumn on the Waddensee, a very large stretch of mudflats along the coasts of the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark (about six times the area of the Wash). the Waddensee holds a huge flock of moulting islandica red knot in autumn. As such it is very likely that the majority of our birds cross over the North Sea from the Waddensee to winter with us, having spent the autumn moulting over there. once our birds arrive, most stay until January or february. But a proportion move on and it seems likely that these are wintering on the outer thames Estuary or elsewhere in south-east England. one flagged bird which was seen on the Stour in November 2015 and was re-sighted at Leigh-on-Sea in Essex in January 2016 neatly supports this. on departure from here in January or february, it is very likely that our birds return to the Waddensee to moult into breeding plumage. About 70% of the total population of islandica red knot gathers on the Waddensee in spring and uses it as the launchpad for migration, even including wintering birds from the west coast of the British isles. A striking demonstration of this in our context was provided by flagged bird LMN, which spent the last two winters on the Stour, but was found (or more correctly its legs were found!) taken by a Peregrine on the Waddensee in february, 2016.


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Spring migration. the islandica red knot leave the Waddensee in May for north-east canada and Greenland. they have two established routes back to their breeding grounds in spring. the majority travel via iceland, but others travel up to north Norway and then depart from there. the jury is still out on how these alternative routes have developed and why individuals might choose one or the other. one possibility is a trade-off between feeding opportunities on migration and distances travelled. for reasons currently unknown, the number of birds using the Norway route is reducing sharply and there is evidence from flagged birds of individuals changing strategy and route-switching to iceland.


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Recent experiences with flagged Red Knot in Suffolk

red knot veteran Jim Wilson has been studying red knot movements on the two routes for some years and almost 50 birds flagged on his expeditions have been detected in our wintering flock over the last two winters. i have been lucky enough to be able to follow the red knot up to north Norway as part of his team in the last two springs and it has provided some memorable experiences. it is hard to think of anything more evocative than standing out in the middle of Porsanger fjord in the last few days of May as the flocks stop feeding and start calling, before spiralling up over the mountains and away north-west towards the North Pole. A particular delight from my perspective is to find “our” birds up in north Norway and pride of place must go to PyP, which i have seen on the Stour and then 4000 kilometres away in the Arctic two seasons in a row.

What use is made of the flag readings? Most obviously, re-sightings allow the movements and age of individual birds to be determined. there is a high-level of site fidelity and we have several red knot using our estuaries that are known to be at least 12 years old. But the bigger picture is that, as the number of red knot that have been flagged overall is known, then if the number of those flagged red knot in a given flock and the size of that flock are also known, it becomes possible to test assumptions about annual survival rates and wider population sizes. current indications are that the density of flagged birds in our flock on the Stour and orwell is higher than predicted, so the plan is to provide some firmer information about that and see what the scientists make of it!

Where to find flagged Red Knot and what to look for. to date i have found that the most productive site for intercepting flagged red knot is Erwarton Bay just upriver from Shotley, together with Wrabness on the Essex side. But red knot are very mobile on our estuaries, so there must be a high level of interchange with birds on the orwell and i should be very pleased to hear from anyone who encounters them in numbers over on that estuary. there are two types of flag combination to look for and persistence is required to overcome the challenges of distance, lighting, weather and mud! A yellow flag on the tibia (above the “knee”) with engraved numbers or letters comes from the study of spring migrants through iceland and north Norway- sightings to A flag without numbers or letters and accompanied by four colour-rings is likely to come from the Waddensee- sightings to other flag combinations are possible of course, but much scarcer here. there has been a bird on the Stour in the last two winters bearing a white flag given to it by canadian researchers at Alert on Ellesmere island, the most northerly land in the world and only about 800 kilometres from the North Pole.

Acknowledgements i am very conscious of being no more than an enthusiastic amateur in this field and should record my thanks to busy researchers, in particular Jim Wilson and Job ten horn, who have been exceptionally patient and generous in sharing their knowledge and experience. Errors are of course my own.

References Bernard Spaans, Laurens Van kooten, Jenny cremer, Jutta Leyrer & theunis Piersma (2011) Densities of individually marked migrants away from the marking site to estimate population sizes: a test with three wader populations, Bird Study, 58:2, 130-140 Davidson, N.c. & Wilson, J.r. 1992. the migration system of European- wintering knots Calidris canutus islandica. Wader Study Group Bull. 64, Suppl: 39–51. Piotrowski, S. 2003. The Birds of Suffolk. helm, London. ticehurst, c.B. 1932. A History of the Birds of Suffolk. Gurney and Jackson, London. 35

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Observations on the Tawny Owls Strix aluco In Christchurch Park, Ipswich Richard Stewart

the arrival of three Goosanders Merganser merganser and a common kingfisher Alcedo atthis on the Wilderness Pond in christchurch Park in late December 2015 obviously attracted many ornithologists and photographers. however, an even rarer attraction was still present on the other side of the park: a tawny owl visible during daytime near the top of an oak tree. Normally these birds spend their daylight hours in deep cover. this one is different as it can be seen clearly from a nearby path, just a few hundred metres along the path leading from the park’s Westerfield road entrance down into ipswich. Bare earth close to the spot is evidence of the many birdwatchers, and others, who have observed it so far. in reg Snook's 'Portrait of an Owl' book i am credited with the first sighting of the owl on September 22nd 2008. in reality it was shown to me by dog walkers who had first seen it on the previous day; but i was the first to report it. Photographic studies, mainly by Bill Baston and Paul Sherman, confirm by study of plumage and other features that, eight years later, it is still the same owl. it normally sits in a hole near the top of the oak and often in the early morning faces east to get the warm rays of the sun. the hole is in fact very deep, something i didn't realise until passing someone and remarking that it wasn't there. he lent me his binoculars and i was able to glimpse just the top of the owl’s head, above the bottom of its perch. this depth gives a quick daytime retreat from mobbing birds – my observations have produced a list of birds close by that includes Stock Doves Columba oenas, common Woodpigeons Columba palumbus, Mistle thrushes Turdus viscivorus, Blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus, Long-tailed tits Aegithalos caudatus, Eurasian Magpies Pica pica and Eurasian Jays Garrulus glandarius. the last mentioned are the noisiest and most persistent, often perching right on the edge of the hole. this hole is also assumed to be the nesting site as the owl is seldom seen during the breeding season, incubation of the eggs usually taking 30-32 days. Paul Sherman has managed to get a 'family of five' photograph which includes three young and what is presumed to be the mate of the above bird, which usually spends the daylight hours in the deep cover of fir and holly trees near the park's bowling green. the three young were photographed in 2014 and Paul recorded two young in 2015. My own records for these two years have resulted in 102 sightings with a gap between March 19th and May 6th 2014. in 2015 the total rose to 119, with a gap between March 8th and May 19th. this longer absence is explained by our being on holiday for most of the first half of May 2015. it should be emphasised that these are not figures from a scientific study but rather the observations of my wife Marie and myself during walks through the park, to and from ipswich. from its elevated position of about ten metres from the ground the owl can see everything nearby and it is tolerant of noise and disturbance, even when a large and illuminated funfair machine was placed just 15 metres from the tree. on November 1st 2015 it was still in its tree despite a fireworks display the previous night followed, in the morning, by noisy clearing up and movement of heavy vehicles. i have only once seen it fly from the oak, this being at precisely 7.39 pm as i was returning home. it flew right in front of me to the deep cover of a tree clump about fifty metres away, on the other side of the path. this north ipswich location offers a catholic diet for hunting owls with large mature gardens nearby. Just a few hundred metres away is the long 'green corridor' linking Westerfield and tuddenham roads and close by is the large ipswich cemetery. hunting owls have been heard in all of these areas. Pellet analysis has revealed a diet of Brown rat Rattus norvegicus, Wood Mouse Apodemus sylvaticus, house Mouse Mus domesticus and birds. the park authorities have an ongoing problem about rat control, trying to balance the health and safety factor with rats being an important prey item for tawny owls. 36

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Observations on the Tawny Owls in Christchurch Park

this particular owl has already featured in three national newspapers and many wildlife magazines. A photograph of the owl by Bill Baston won second prize in the British Birds “Bird Photograph of the year 2010” competition. it has also anthropomorphised into 'Mabel', the name selected by a young girl who named it after winning a competition in a local newspaper. its visible daytime presence is most unusual for this species as is the fact that the tree is only about five hundred metres from the busy centre of ipswich. how long it can survive is obviously unknown but reg Snook has offered an optimistic forecast based on some tawny owls having lived for over 20 years. those, however, were in captivity and not facing the threats that are part of a wild tawny owl's daily existence.


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The 2015 Suffolk Bird Report Systematic List

Introduction the list and its appendices have been written using data supplied by the county’s birdwatchers and conservation organisations. the order has changed and follows the revised Bou list. the raw data have been collated and interpreted by the following:–

Swans and geese Ducks

Gi Grieco

Andrew Green

Game birds, rails to crane John Davies

Divers to Spoonbill

raptors (incl. falcons)

John Grant

Chris Gregory

oystercatcher to ruff

Ernie Lucking

Skuas to gulls

James Wright

Snipes to phalaropes terns to auks

Ed Keeble

Brian Buffery

Pigeons to woodpeckers Darren Underwood Shrikes, corvids, crests, tits Phil Whittaker

Larks, hirundines

Nathaniel Cant

Waxwing, Nuthatch, treecreeper, Starling, Dipper, Wren, thrushes

Richard Attenborrow

Sparrows, wagtails, pipits, finches, buntings

Paul Gowen

Warblers, inc. Long-t tit Andrew Gregory

Spotted fly, robin, chats, wheatears, other Steve Fryett flycatchers, Dunnock


Peter Kennerley

the ‘official’ British list is maintained by the British ornithologists’ union (Bou). Species are included in various categories according to their status, as follows: • category A – species which have been recorded in an apparently natural state at least once since January 1st 1950; • category B – species that would otherwise be in category A but have not been recorded since December 31st 1949; • category c – species that, although originally introduced by man, either deliberately or accidentally, have established self-sustaining breeding populations; • category D – species that would otherwise appear in categories A or B except that there is doubt that they have ever occurred in a natural state; • category E – species that have been recorded as introductions, transportees or escapees from captivity, and whose breeding populations are not thought to be self-sustaining. the main part of the species accounts consists of species that occurred in Suffolk in 2007, which fall into categories A and c. Where a species is included in multiple categories, this is shown in the initial status summary. categories D and E do not form part of either the British or Suffolk lists. Species from these categories that occurred in Suffolk in 2007 are included as appendices to the main list. the order and nomenclature follow the latest published for the British List by the British ornithologists’ union (Bou 2006). this list can be accessed on their web site at English names follow the same list. Subspecies are listed under the main species’ heading, which includes the scientific name. 38

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the records for each species are listed mostly under the parish where the bird occurred, sometimes followed by a more precise location if known. the exception to this is at the river estuaries and larger, well-known sites criss-crossed by several parish boundaries e.g. Walberswick NNr, Minsmere, orfordness, Alton Water etc. the gazetteer on page ? gives locations for those sites not easily located on a standard road map. the order of records is north to south down the coastal region, working round the estuaries, then inland from the northeast to the southwest of the county. to minimise any potential threats to site security, some records of rare breeding birds are published anonymously and under a vague site heading. As much use as possible is made of systematic monitoring schemes such as the WeBS counts. using such co-ordinated data instead of maximum counts gives a better idea of the populations of each species wintering in the county on a given date. however, fluctuations in numbers due to changing weather patterns will affect totals and higher counts are given in the text after the table where appropriate. counts from North Warren include thorpeness Meare, church farm Marshes and the shoreline between thorpeness and Aldeburgh; the Alde/ore Estuary includes the complex of the Alde, ore and Butley rivers as well as orfordness, Gedgrave reservoir and havergate island; and the orwell includes trimley Marshes, Loompit Lake and Bourne Park Water Meadows. counts from the Stour all refer solely to the Suffolk side of the estuary. the larger part of the report, particularly for the more common species, is based upon ad hoc records. Data of that type are influenced by the distribution of birdwatchers, the weather and other factors that result in imperfections. We are nonetheless indebted to those observers who have persevered with other studies, such as Breeding Bird Survey (BBS), constant Effort Sites (cES) and transect counts and for making the results available for use. A summary of the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) is given for all those species for which meaningful data are available – further information can be found on the Bto website. See ‘A Guide to recording Birds in Suffolk’ elsewhere in this report for information on submission of records.

the following definitions are intended as a guide to the relative status of each species: Very common: occurs in large numbers in suitable habitat and season. Common: occurs regularly or widely distributed in suitable habitat. Fairly common: occurs in small numbers in suitable habitat and season. Uncommon: occurs annually in small numbers. Scarce: one or two records each year or restricted to specific habitats. Rare: occurs less than annually. Very rare: Less than 15 records in past 30 years. Accidental: Less than three records in past 30 years. included in the status description is a note if the species is included in either the red or the Amber List of ‘Birds of Conservation Concern’. this is a paper jointly produced by the leading bird conservation organisations in the uk. See Suffolk Bird Report Vol.47: 6-10 for further details. the following abbreviations are sometimes used in the systematic list:– ad = adult N = bird(s) flying north BBS = Breeding Bird Survey NNr = National Nature reserve cES = constant Effort Site r = river cP = country Park res = reservoir Gc = Golf course S = bird(s) flying south GP = gravel pit SW = sewage works imm = immature WM = Water Meadow ind. Est. = industrial estate WP = Water Park juv = juvenile Wr = Wildfowl reserve 39

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MUTE SWAN Cygnus olor Common resident. Amber List. Categories A and C. Present across the county being found on the rivers, lakes and marshes of Suffolk. During the Bto Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) Mute Swan was recorded from five 1km squares, similar to the last six years, but the number of individuals was 59, the highest figure since 60 were recorded in 2001. there were similar breeding records as in 2014 with a slight increase from 30 to 36 sites, a total of 52 pairs and another small increase in the number of young from 85 to 99. the north-east had the same number of breeding sites, 16, as last year, the five sites in the south-east was higher, but maybe not a true record, and in the west the species was recorded from 13 sites. on Beccles Marshes one pair raised a brood of seven that included one ‘polish’ morph individual while another pair had a brood of eight. Elsewhere in the area herringfleet Marshes, carlton Marshes, North cove/castle Marsh, oulton Marshes, hen reedbeds and Sizewell SWt reserve all had multiple breeding pairs. in the south-east two pairs nested on orfordness although unfortunately both failed at the egg stage while elsewhere in the region there were two pairs with four and six cygnets at Shingle Street and two pairs with seven young just upriver from ramsholt. FIELD NOTE i have long known that some adult Mute Swans will force their juvenile young from their territory in autumn. other family groups may stay together throughout the winter. When doing my WeBS count on the Deben Estuary, on September 13th 2015, i witnessed two instances of the male trying to drive the youngsters away. one was four cygnets at Lodge Marsh, ramsholt and the other was six cygnets in a dyke near Shottisham creek. this latter attack appeared particularly vicious. on my return, an hour later, the six cygnets were with the female, appearing calm, and the male was some distance away. the following Saturday i witnessed the same aggressive behaviour at the pumping station just before Shingle Street with, again the male, being aggressive to four juveniles. Nick Mason in the west there were three broods at redgrave Lake and at Pakenham Watermill three young survived from a brood of six with an initial brood of four probably lost to pike predation. in the south-west of the county there was a pair with four cygnets at Wixoe, a pair with five cygnets at Sudbury and a brood of three young at rodbridge, Long Melford. As in last year the largest herds were at North cove/castle Marshes with an exceptionally high count of 250 on November 27th. other high counts included 185 at both fritton Marshes and flixton Gravel Pits, 72 at Boyton Marshes, 75 at redgrave Lake, 112 at Lakenheath fen rSPB, 73 at Lackford Lakes and 92 at Sudbury. of note were an adult and two first-winter birds on the sea at thorpeness on october 7th before flying south. Peak WeBS counts:–

Minsmere North Warren Orfordness Alde WeBS Deben WeBS Stour WeBS * hW = high Water

Jan 32 13 21 187 177 19

Feb 21 11 12 196 166 12

Mar 22 17 29 173 150 4


Apr 21 40 235 57

Sep 19 33 13 101 81

Oct 28 16 8 103 150 102

Nov 49 21 10 104 113 57

Dec 122 26 8 164 188 23

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1. Tundra (Bewick’s) Swans small group at Theberton in December.

Sean Nixon

2. Black Brant at Thorpe Bay in February.

Will Brame

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3. Long-tailed Duck lingering female at Lackford Lakes in November.

4. Goosander one of the females in Christchurch Park in December.

Ian Goodall

Chris Mayne

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5. Lesser Scaup at Trimley Marshes in April.

Will Brame

6. Great Northern Diver small numbers wintering in the tidal estuaries.

Bill Baston

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7. Slavonian Grebe at Covehithe in December.

8. Red-necked Grebe surprise find at Lackford Lakes in May.

Peter Ransome

Ian Goodall

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Systematic List

TUNDRA (BEWICK’S) SWAN Cygnus columbianus bewickii Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber List. once again, as in recent years, this species of overwintering swan occurred in its largest numbers in the fens of north-west Suffolk. the highest counts in the year were in Lakenheath with 230 at Sedge fen on January 5th and 300 at Burnt fen on 12th. Although the highest counts came from the north-west it is in the north-east coastal belt that the species occurs most frequently on marshland in January and february and again in November and December. in the south-east there was a sole record for the year with two at king’s fleet, felixstowe ferry on the first day of the year. in the first winter period there were two main areas; Minsmere to Blythburgh and the marshes around carlton and oulton. the latter sites had a maximum of 12 birds including a first-winter at Peto’s Marsh during the first two weeks of January. the coastal birds roosted at Minsmere, on more than one occasion seen either flying north over Westleton early morning or south late afternoon. they were often viewable on fields adjacent to the A12 during the day. Numbers peaked on february 5th with a count of 36. Movement was noted on february 17th when 37 flew east at New road, Bradwell and a further 48 flew high east out to sea at Minsmere. on february 21st 55 were seen over Santon Downham. in the second winter period the first returning birds were a family group of five which flew over tendring hall, Stoke-by-Nayland on october 16th and two were present on island Mere, Minsmere on october 31st. Birds were at the latter location to the end of the year. these birds were also noted on cereal fields at Leiston, including 11 flying over Sizewell on November 30th, and at covehithe Broad where 14 were present on December 30th. An influx occurred in late November when 20 flew in off the sea, with a further six on the airfields, at orfordness on 21st and on the following day 22 birds flew north over kessingland sewage works, 18 flew in off the sea at Southwold and 21 flew south-east at Aldeburgh and Slaughden. other records during the year include:– Breydon South Wall: 45 north, Jan 31st. Fritton Marshes: 35, feb 8th. North Cove/Castle Marsh: two, Jan 8th; four over, Dec 6th. Carlton Colville: Burnt hill, two north, Dec 12th. Bungay: 100 north-west, Jan 4th. Blythburgh: hinton Lodge, 35, feb 8th. Reydon Marshes: seven over, Nov 12th; three, Dec 28th. Theberton: five, Dec 30th. Lackford Lakes: five west, Nov 1st. Livermere Lake: Jan 3rd and 4th. Thetford: Bto Nunnery reserve, seven, feb 21st. Lakenheath Fen: four, Nov 20th.

WHOOPER SWAN Cygnus cygnus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber List. Categories A and E. the species was encountered more in the first winter period, with small numbers in the northeast, most regularly at Minsmere and along the marshes of the Waveney Valley. in the latter area 11 at North cove/castle Marsh on January 11th was the highest count with smaller numbers being at flixton Marshes, Beccles and Bungay during the month while between february 18th and 21st three birds including a first-winter were at Belton Marshes. in the south-east a single bird on January 12th visited both Boyton Marshes and king’s fleet on the Deben Estuary. in the west there were few records but birds were roosting in the reedbeds at Lakenheath up to the end of March; the highest counts at this site were 150 on January 1st and 245 at Botany Bay on January 25th. this is the second–highest ever Suffolk total, the highest total being of 260 at Sedge fen, Lakenheath on January 1st 2009. the only other record from the west was of two at Dalham on february 26th. in the second winter period there were fewer records, presumably due to the mild weather 41

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further north. in the north-east the only records involved transitory birds; at Pakefield a firstwinter on the sea then flew south on November 5th, at Dunwich Beach six flew in off the sea and then south on November 8th, at orfordness three came in off the sea on November 21st and two came in off the sea at Minsmere on December 2nd. At Boyton Marshes a single bird was present from November 27th and throughout December. in the north-west records came from Lackford with two on october 21st, one on November 16th and 14 flying over on November 22nd. At Lakenheath fen, 21 were at roost on December 11th and still present the next day.

TUNDRA BEAN GOOSE Anser fabalis rossicus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber List. Categories A and E. All bar two records came from the first winter period. there were seven at North Warren on the first day of the year with 20 present the following day. there was a single bird at trimley Marshes also on January 1st and this bird was still present on 5th. At flixton Marshes a single bird was noted on January 11th with two birds there a week later. there was some movement with 24 over Dingle Marshes, Dunwich on January 15th and six flew north-east at dusk at fritton Waveney forest on february 8th. there were three birds at Lakenheath Washes on february 7th and during March there was a record from Boyton Marshes of a single bird with Greylag and canada Geese on March 23rd. the only regular birds were three initially at Eastbridge in a field between the village and the B1122 on March 1st. these birds were then subsequently at Minsmere throughout the month and on into April with the last sighting on April 9th. in the second winter period the only records were of two in off the sea at orfordness on November 21st, a day when a large movement of geese and swans was noted, and the following day when two flew south at Southwold.

PINK-FOOTED GOOSE Anser brachyrhynchus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber List. Categories A and E. the north-east of Suffolk is the area in the county where this species is recorded regularly and in any numbers. there were a few higher counts than in the previous year including more flock counts into four figures. in the first winter period most records came from January up to midfebruary and afterwards there were just the odd records in March and April. there were up to two birds, including an injured individual, at Burgh castle between April and September. Birds started returning from September 25th when eight flew north over Bradwell. records increased from october through to the end of the year. A selection of north-east counts during the year include:–

Breydon South Wall: 1200, Jan 13th. Bradwell: New road, 440 north, oct 12th. Corton: 500 over sewage works, oct 18th. Flixton Marshes: 700, Jan 11th; 1000, Jan 17th; 1000 south-west, oct 18th. Lowestoft: 500 south over industrial estate, oct 19th. Fritton Waveney Forest: 600 north-east at dusk, feb 8th; 1500 east at dusk, oct 11th. St. Olaves: 700 south, oct 11th; 650 south, oct 13th; 600 south, oct 14th; 1000 south, oct 17th; 1500, oct 28th. Herringfleet: 1500 over, oct 30th. Somerleyton: 1000 south-west, Jan 15th; 600 over, Jan 19th; 800 east, oct 13th; 2000 over, oct 17th; 670 south-east, Nov 13th; 1200, Dec 12th. Blundeston: 400, Nov 8th; 150, Dec 12th. Oulton Marshes: 2000 over, Jan 1st; 1000 north over Bosquet close, oct 17th; 600 north, Dec 13th. Carlton Marshes SWT: 1000 south-east, oct 24th. Kessingland: sewage works, 500 south-east, oct 20th. Easton Broad: 50 feeding on stubble, oct 27th.

there were much smaller numbers elsewhere in the county; in the south-east four birds were at Boyton Marshes on November 26th and 27th and a single bird at Snape reserve on December 42

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23rd. in the west 65 flew north at Lakenheath on January 8th and a first-winter bird was at Mickle Mere on January 2nd with a family party of six at the site on January 25th remaining in the area until March 15th. A single bird was at Livermere Lake on various dates from february to May and two were at Lakenheath fen rSPB on December 29th.

GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE Anser albifrons Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. Red List (from Green). Categories A and E. Most sightings throughout the winter period were at the species’ favoured site, North Warren, with the table below showing the peak monthly counts. there were higher counts in the first winter period. Although the highest count at North Warren was greater than last year there has been a continuing reduction of numbers at the site over the last few years having reached a siterecord high of 725 in 2010. Peak monthly counts at principal site:– Jan Feb North Warren 200 210

Mar 60

Oct 15

Nov 16

Dec 103

in the north-east Southwold town Marshes was the only other site with regular records with the highest count being ten on January 1st. there were few records from Minsmere and these were only in the second part of the year with eight on the levels on December 8th. the only other double-figure record in the north-east was of 67 at tinker’s Marshes, Walberswick during the Blyth WeBS count on february 8th, the largest flock away from North Warren. Birds on the move included nine north at corton church on february 9th, six north at Pakefield cliffs, october 18th, five in off the sea at kessingland two days later and six birds flying over with a seventh on the marsh itself at reydon Marshes on December 15th. there were a few records from the south-east; in January a single bird was at trimley Marshes on the first day of the year and, on a few days throughout the month, up to four at Boyton Marshes. on october 1st four birds were at hollesley Marshes and a single bird with Pink-footed Geese at Boyton Marshes on November 26th and 27th with two at the site on December 14th.

GREYLAG GOOSE Anser anser Common resident from feral flock. Amber List. Categories A, C and E. this species of goose continues to grow in number in all three recording sections of the county. high three-figure counts were recorded with two counts in the west over a 1000. Greylag Goose was recorded from 13 BBS 1km squares, which is around the average for the last ten years; after a drop to 75 individuals last year, in 2015 this had increased to 236 and was by far the highest count in the last 22 years, the previous being 164 in 2012. there was a total of 21 sites where breeding was recorded with slightly more in the west than the north-east and only one from the south-east. Broods for the year totalled 74 with 130 young, down from the 159 in 2014. this higher breeding success compared with canada Goose indicates why there are much larger flock sizes of Greylag Goose. As in previous years the main breeding site was Livermere Lake with 35 broods and 84 young. hen reedbeds had four breeding territories, there were three at Dingle Marshes, two pairs at covehithe, five broods at West Stow country Park, four broods at Mickle Mere, three at redgrave Lake and two at culford Park, the other main breeding sites. Breeding records from the south-east came from ramsholt and Loompit Lake, trimley St Martin. As previously mentioned there were some large flocks around the county. Some of those sites with regular high counts are in the table below. other large counts include 550 at Weybread Gravel Pits on January 11th, 334 at redgrave fen on october 2nd, 388 at flixton Gravel Pits on December 17th, 400 at Alton Water on August 16th, 543 at Boyton Marshes on September 13th, 383 at Lakenheath fen, february 4th, 486 at Bto Nunnery reserve, thetford, october 19th, 410 at 43

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Lackford Lakes, November 12th and the largest counts of the year were 1100 at Livermere Lake on September 27th and 1035 there on october 18th. Peak monthly counts:– Dingle Marshes Minsmere North Warren Orfordness Alde WeBS Deben WeBS Orwell Estuary HW * Alton Water Stour WeBS * hW = high Water

Jan 212 200 320 380 370 – 245 243 151

Feb – 253 159 23 91 7 309 – 50

Mar 116 212 35 7 238 107 254 – 68

Apr – 89 – 12 – 38 169 – 34

Sep 350 236 – 10 – 50 628 282 256

Oct 260 400 162 12 517 23 481 365 –

Nov 20 139 15 185 765 170 210 352 88

Dec – 206 560 270 603 238 321 102 167

At Loompit Lake on June 22nd two Greylag Geese appeared to evict a sitting Great crested Grebe from a nest.

GREATER CANADA GOOSE Branta canadensis Common resident. Categories A, C and E. the pattern of distribution is similar to Greylag Goose but flock sizes are generally smaller. there was an increase in the number of breeding sites, up from 15 to 21, of which three-quarters were in the west of the county. from the Bto BBS records canada Geese were found in ten 1km squares, an increase from last year and above average for the past 22 years. the number of individuals was also up from the previous year, rising to 189 from 161. Sites with multiple broods included West Stow cP, Mickle Mere, culford Park, Livermere Lake, fornham St. Genevieve and hall farm, fornham St. Martin. of the three broods at culford Park subsequent survival was very poor. there was a canada x Greylag Goose pair with one gosling at Lackford Lakes and the same pairing, but with six goslings, at West Stow cP. the number of pairs in total was similar to 2014 but with a larger number of young recorded, up from 39 to 64. counts from sites with regular large flocks and WeBS counts are in the table below including the largest individual flock of 550 at Boyton Marshes on December 6th. other large flocks around the county were 427 at redgrave fen on September 29th, 450 on the Butley river, September 26th, 330 at hollesley Marshes, october 21st, 400 at higham near hadleigh, January 9th, 106 on Shalford Meadow, Little cornard on february 16th, 246 at Bto Nunnery reserve, thetford on october 19th, 274 at Gifford’s hall, Stoke-by-Nayland, october 20th and 270 at redgrave Lake on December 6th. the monthly WeBS counts:–

Orfordness Alde WeBS Boyton Marshes Deben WeBS Orwell Estuary HW * Stour WeBS * hW = high Water

Jan 140 528 328 61 224 699

Feb 25 539 211 2 187 386

Mar 32 322 45 17 137 355

Apr 20 – – 46 66 60

Sep 37 – 414 130 83 359

Oct 63 316 – 125 1205 203

Nov 40 42 320 1 236 369

Dec 4 847 550 15 197 401

canada Goose is the goose species that is most often recorded as inter-breeding with other species of geese and this was the case in 2015. records include, in addition to those already mentioned in the breeding section, a canada x Barnacle Goose hybrid at covehithe Broad in 44

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December and canada x Greylag Goose hybrids at both Lackford Lakes in January and carlton Marshes in August.

BARNACLE GOOSE Branta leucopsis Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant; increasingly common feral resident. Amber List. Categories A and E. there was the typical pattern of larger numbers on the north-east coast in the first three months of the year and in the last three as well. in August and September the only large flocks, of up to 300, were at Minsmere and Walberswick. At the former site there were 17 breeding pairs while at heveningham Park at least one pair bred. the birds on the Suffolk coast regularly move between sites, mostly between covehithe and North Warren. records from North Warren are in the table below but the main sites for this species are the marshes around Southwold and reydon. here the flock increased from c.1000 at the beginning of the year to 1600-1700 throughout late January and early february. this is a county record total; the previous record was of 1580 at reydon Marshes on December 26th 2010. Again from late August to the end of the year 600-700 were present in the area. other large counts included 1000 at Blythburgh on January 8th, 900 at Walberswick on January 22nd and 673 at covehithe on December 14th. other notable records in the north-east were eight which flew in off the sea then south at hopton-on-Sea on october 17th and 120 which flew north at Bungay in the morning of october 20th. the peak counts at North Warren:– Jan North Warren 350

Feb 252

Mar 350

Apr –

Sep –

Oct 160

Nov 240

Dec 380

there were smaller numbers elsewhere in the county with 80 at Shingle Street on february 15th being the highest count in the south-east, while in the west there were up to three feral birds including one at Livermere Lake which associated with Greylags and a brood of goslings.

(DARK-BELLIED) BRENT GOOSE Branta bernicla bernicla Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber List. Categories A and E. While being primarily a wintering bird on the estuaries of the south-east of the county a lot of the records are of passage birds moving off the coast. from January to May the species was seen frequently but in small numbers predominately at kessingland and thorpeness with the highest count from the period at the latter site with 19 north on february 13th. there was a summer record of seven south off Minsmere on July 23rd. Passage resumed on September 5th at Southwold with birds noted offshore until the end of the year. As has been the norm for Dark-bellied Brent Goose on autumn passage, peak movement is often clustered over a number of dates. in 2015 this occurred from September 27th to october 1st with the highest count being 600 off thorpeness and again from october 10th to 12th with maxima of 1000 at Southwold, 1217 off thorpeness and 1865 south at orfordness. the final cluster was smaller and occurred on November 21st and 22nd with a maximum of 200 off Ness Point, Lowestoft. Passage was recorded throughout the year at Landguard and is recorded in the table below. the peak day-totals off Landguard were both in october with 1194 south on 27th and 4644 south on 28th. Monthly totals at Landguard Bird observatory were:– Jan Feb Mar Apr May N+out 188 818 471 97 700 S+in 112 53 153 96 2 45

Jun 12 3

Sep 13 745

Oct 105 9537

Nov 193 601

Dec 83 597

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Peak monthly estuary counts in the two winter periods are in the table below. Some of the larger individual counts include 300 at Alton Water on January 25th, 500 at hollesley Marshes on february 16th, 600 at Loompit Lake, february 24th, 420 at Melton on the river Deben, April 12th with the same number at the same site on September 12th and 250 which flew up the Deben Estuary at dusk at Shottisham creek on December 12th. Monthly WeBS counts:–

Deben WeBS Orwell Estuary HW * Stour WeBS * hW = high Water

Jan 1141 209 654

Feb 1163 528 192

Mar 320 1492 944

Apr 3 275 1534

Sep 0 0 9

Oct 100 169 545

Nov 360 786 264

Dec 958 1084 1497

(PALE-BELLIED) BRENT GOOSE Branta bernicla hrota Uncommon winter visitor. Amber list. this was another year with very few records, just three in total, and all of single birds; in the early part of the year on havergate island on January 18th and the grazing marshes at North Warren on february 6th and, from later in the year, off Gunton cliffs on November 21st.

BLACK BRANT Branta bernicla nigricans Scarce visitor. there were two records, probably relating to one individual, both in the first half of the year. the Levington creek bird had been present from November 2014. Levington Creek: Jan 1st to Apr 8th (W J Brame). Shotley: feb 2nd to Mar 28th (multi-observer) – not exactly far from the above!

RED-BREASTED GOOSE Branta ruficollis Very rare visitor. the only accepted truly-wild record of this species was at Landguard in September. the bird was also seen in Essex. Landguard: Sep 30th (P r oldfield et al.).

EGYPTIAN GOOSE Alopochen aegyptiaca Locally fairly common resident. Categories C and E. this species is found throughout the county and continues to increase in numbers; observers stated that at Alton Water there has been “an explosion in numbers” and at Livermere pig fields “the local population continues to increase year on year”. A look at the different areas from where records were received shows that the north-east had the most sites with 40, the west 25 sites and just 16 sites in the south-east, although this area has historically always had fewer records. the species was found in four of the BBS squares, up from the two in the previous year, with the individuals also twice as many with ten. the increasing population is mirrored by the increase in breeding records, to a high of 21 sites and 27 pairs, although there were similar numbers of young, a total of 84, compared with 80 in 2014. there were almost twice as many breeding sites in the west. these included; Barton Mere with an exceptionally early brood of two young on January 6th and a pair with nine young in April; West Stow cP with seven newly-hatched young on february 27th; Great Saxham with a pair and six large goslings and Mickle Mere with a brood of seven in April and a new brood of eight young in June. in the north-east pairs with the largest number of young were at oulton Broad with six and at Somerleyton also with six while in the south-east the only breeding records were of two pairs at Snape Marshes rSPB and a female incubating at hollesley Marshes. the largest flocks in the north-east were 76 at Burgh castle, 35 at North cove/castle Marsh and 23 on a WeBS count at carlton Marshes. there was a record count of 48 at Alton Water on 46

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November 9th – the largest count in the south-east. the largest flock in the west was at Livermere pig-fields with a maximum of 82 on September 25th. other large counts included 50 at both Lackford Lakes and the Bto Nunnery reserve, thetford and 48 at hall farm, fornham St. Martin.

COMMON SHELDUCK Tadorna tadorna Locally common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. Monthly counts from the key sites:– Jan Blyth Estuary 267 Alde/Ore Estuary 812 Deben Estuary 296 Orwell Estuary 330 Stour Estuary 1529

Feb 246 870 398 473 781

Mar 83 762 299 515 502

Apr – – 311 183 309

Oct – 293 37 26 363

Nov 257 416 101 124 398

Dec 313 651 315 203 710

for the third successive year numbers were generally low in both winter periods. this trend is reflected nationally, where Shelduck, together with two other familiar dabbling ducks, Wigeon and Pintail, have declined in the last ten years by 26%, 16% and 43% respectively. it is unclear whether this is a direct response to climate change, since research using data from across northwest Europe has suggested that dabbling ducks are less affected by winter temperatures than diving ducks. Besides those in the table, the only other notable counts received were a high-water WeBS count of 174 on the orwell Estuary, May 17th and 156 at Livermere Lake, June 21st. overall it was a good breeding season. At orfordness a minimum of 16 pairs raised 94 young, of which at least 40 fledged, and a count of 60 young was made at Livermere Lake, June 6th. Elsewhere, three pairs bred at Dingle Marshes, two pairs at Benacre Broad, Great Barton and Bury St Edmunds Sugar Beet factory and single pairs at Burgh castle, reydon, Minsmere, Sizewell, orford, Melton, trimley St Martin, Ampton, Lackford Lakes, culford Park and fornham St Martin. offshore, a cumulative total of 506 flew south off Landguard during December, including a peak of 132 on 14th.

MANDARIN DUCK Aix galericulata Uncommon feral visitor. Small breeding population. Categories C and E. Breeding was reported from three sites, but for the first time since 1999 these included neither christchurch nor holywells Parks in ipswich. Single pairs accompanied by their offspring were seen at Brandon in May and kesgrave, along a tributary of the Mill river, in June and a pair nested in a box at ipswich Golf club, Purdis farm, although the outcome went unreported. Fritton Lake: male, May 2nd and 7th; two males, May 14th. Lound Lakes: July 18th and 19th; three, Aug 16th. St Olaves: pair, Apr 28th. Oulton Marshes: pair, Apr 25th. Carlton Marshes: pair, Apr 25th (same as oulton). Kessingland: Africa Alive!, July 23rd. Minsmere: pair, Apr 5th; Aug 16th; Aug 29th; Sep 9th to 11th; male, oct 29th. Orfordness: Lantern Marshes, male, Jan 1st to Mar 21st. Ipswich: christchurch Park, five, Jan 6th; seven, Jan 17th; eight, Jan 31st; five, June 4th; three, July 20th; six, Aug 29th; nine, Dec 25th. holywells Park, four, feb 3rd and Mar 18th; June 5th; four, Aug 9th; eight, Sep 14th; oct 20th; 15, Nov 19th; four, Dec 29th. Playford: river fynn, female, May 4th. 47

Mandarin Duck Terry Everett

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Rushmere St Andrew: two, Apr 3rd and 9th. Kesgrave: pair with two young, June 13th. Foxhall: five, June 21st. Purdis Farm: ipswich Golf club, pair, Mar 4th; three (two males), Mar 5th; nine (five males), Mar 11th; nesting pair, Mar 12th to May 13th, with additional male, Mar 12th, Apr 23rd and May 1st, two additional males, May 13th and three additional males, Mar 16th; pair, oct 14th; three (two males), Nov 1st; 11 (five males), Nov 11th. Weybread GP: male, Apr 23rd. Barking: Pipps ford, male, Nov 7th. Santon Downham: Little ouse river, Jan 29th and feb 8th; six, feb 28th; two, Mar 27th; four, Apr 9th; Apr 10th; five (three males), May 4th; six, May 6th. Brandon: 13 (six males), Mar 8th; pair with young, May 23rd; eight, Aug 30th; 13, Nov 13th; four, Dec 29th. Thetford: Nunnery floods: Jan 17th; June 23rd to 28th; July 20th. Dalham: river kennett, three (two males), Apr 13th. Brettenham: two, Jan 9th; two Mar 9th to 17th. Little Thurlow: river Stour, three (two males), Apr 5th. Bramford: Nov 7th. Sudbury: two males, Apr 24th. Nayland: hullback’s farm, two males, May 15th.

EURASIAN WIGEON Anas penelope Common winter visitor and passage migrant. A few oversummer and occasionally breed. Amber list. Categories A and E. Monthly counts from the key sites:–

Blyth Estuary Minsmere* North Warren Alde/Ore Estuary Snape Marshes* Deben Estuary Orwell Estuary Stour Estuary Oulton Marshes* Lakenheath Fen/Washes* Redgrave Lake* Lackford Lakes* Mickle Mere* Gifford’s Hall* Thorington Street Reservoir* *monthly maxima

Jan 599 545 500 6481 380 871 735 1387 250 171 50 108 120 370 155

Feb 497 561 1130 5894 200 859 665 1009 400 88 – – 60 255 73

Mar 163 457 390 2418 160 552 461 771 289 125 – – 16 370 155

Sep – 205 15 – – 49 23 189 – 16 50 24 3 – 43

Oct – 433 82 1208 – 477 469 935 – 18 160 100 25 – 200

Nov 235 335 46 3451 400 596 1035 541 – 22 326 175 120 330 32

Dec 579 584 920 4299 600 733 672 1076 – – 160 129 172 525 –

this year’s peak count, the January WeBS count of 6481 on the Alde/ore Estuary complex, is the highest for three years, but overall wintering numbers were below average in both periods (see also Shelduck and Pintail). Apart from those in the table, further three-figure counts in the first winter period came from outney common, Bungay, 100, January 10th and flixton GP, 130, March 18th and in the second winter period from flixton Decoy, 174, September 15th and 600, october 8th; Blundeston Prison Lake, 500, october 1st and Sizewell SWt reserve, 120, December 14th. it is pleasing to report that a pair bred successfully at Nunnery Lakes, thetford, with young present in late June. this is the first time since 2005 that breeding has been proved in the county and only the third time in the last 25 years. Breeding was not suspected elsewhere, but one or two individuals were noted at four coastal sites during June and July. offshore passage was recorded up to March 24th and again from August 24th, and was lighter 48

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than normal. the following significant counts were logged:–

Gorleston: 250 north, Nov 21st. Corton: 300, feb 8th. Lowestoft: Ness Point, 107 south, Sep 30th. Southwold: 423 north, Nov 21st. Minsmere: 100 south, oct 29th. Thorpeness: 166 south, Sep 28th; 400 south, Sep 29th; 163 south, oct 29th; 238 south, Dec 14th. Landguard: 120 north, Mar 23rd; 196 south, Sep 30th; four north and 703 south in oct, including peak daycounts of 173 south on 28th and 104 south on 30th; 154 south, Dec 14th; 124 south, Dec 16th.

GADWALL Anas strepera Common resident and winter visitor. Amber list. Categories A and C. Monthly counts from the key sites:–

Lowestoft Leathes Ham* Minsmere Alde/Ore Estuary Lound Lakes* Redgrave Lake* Lackford Lakes* Mickle Mere* *monthly maxima

Jan 85 437 209 115 90 146 132

Feb 187 343 186 100 – – 170

Mar – 151 110 16 – – 41

Sep 10 105 – 11 110 – –

Oct 25 71 16 35 120 352 20

Nov 60 125 52 95 249 70 29

Dec 151 278 219 151 80 139 76

Minsmere remains the only site in the county regularly attracting wintering numbers exceeding the threshold for national importance of 250, although WeBS counts here were down compared with the particularly high counts of last year. the only other site where a count exceeded 250 was Lackford Lakes, with 352, october 24th, the largest gathering in the west of the county since 432 were present at the same site in September 2002. Apart from those in the table, other significant counts in the first winter period included: 104 at thorington Street reservoir, february 4th; 114 at Lakenheath fen Washes, Gadwall Richard Thewlis March 8th and 109, March 18th and 122, April 5th at flixton GP. two summer WeBS counts, 125 at Minsmere, June 14th and 108 on the orwell Estuary, August 16th, were noteworthy, while in the second winter period, additional three-figure counts were received from culford Park, 103, September 13th; North Warren, 110, December 12th and flixton GP, 130, December 17th. the number of breeding pairs at Minsmere, the principal site, was significantly down; 67 pairs compared with 86 pairs in 2014. this largely contributed to the drop in the overall county total to 113 pairs (135 pairs in 2014) from nine coastal and six inland sites. other significant sites included North Warren with 13 pairs and Mickle Mere with seven pairs. 49

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EURASIAN TEAL Anas crecca Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Scarce resident. Amber list. Monthly counts from the key sites:– Jan Feb Burgh Castle* 500 – Blyth Estuary 1088 488 Dingle Marshes* 112 94 975 1073 Minsmere North Warren* 229 335 Alde/Ore Estuary 4473 3961 Orfordness* 1162 1079 Snape Marshes* 700 200 Deben Estuary 658 790 Orwell Estuary 1037 495 Stour Estuary 1169 837 Carlton Marshes* 60 – Bungay Outney Common* 109 100 Lakenheath Fen/Washes* – – Lackford Lakes* 654 350 Culford Park* 93 88 Mickle Mere* 130 282 Gifford’s Hall* 200 290 Tendring Hall* 170 52 *monthly maxima

Mar 130 180 320 478 160 1910 905 250 347 176 329 30 2 278 410 103 298 100 18

Apr 50 – – 194 231 – 342 49 64 106 128 16 20 240 132 25 162 60 –

Aug – – – 112 – – – – – 6 – 160 – – – – – – –

Sep – – 346 718 24 – 350 – 70 704 169 115 – 5 – – 105 – –

Oct 8 – 370 787 118 1812 450 – 241 267 529 – – 17 250 58 140 – 30

Nov – 403 372 678 99 2453 711 300 799 520 498 – 42 28 444 136 200 200 100

Dec 180 329 191 1958 830 3296 958 450 728 495 1153 – – 122 250 104 228 170 40

overall wintering numbers were at their highest for five years. of particular note was the WeBS count of 1958 at Minsmere, December 13th, the highest WeBS count at this site since october 2004. Aside from those in the table, further three-figure counts received were of 750 at hollesley Marshes, May 11th; 177 on the Butley river, September 20th; 350 at hazlewood Marshes, September 26th; 150 at Shelley Priory, october 20th and 114 at Bury St Edmunds Sugar Beet factory, November 14th. Breeding was not confirmed, although a pair held territory at a coastal site in the north-east of the county and small numbers were present throughout the breeding season at a second site nearby and at a coastal site in the south-east. offshore passage was logged in every month, with cumulative totals highest in September, although the peak day-count was of 446 north off Southwold, November 21st. the following significant movements were recorded, all during the autumn and second winter period:–

Southwold: 446 north, Nov 21st. Thorpeness: 200 south, Aug 23rd; 79 north and 885 south in Sep, including peak day-count of 300 south on 29th; 109 south, oct 29th; 164 south, Dec 14th. Landguard: 127, Aug 24th; 12 north and 999 south in Sep, including peak day-count of ten north and 329 south on 9th; 100, oct 28th; 129, oct 30th; 15 north and 145 south, Nov 21st; 150 south, Dec 14th.

GREEN-WINGED TEAL Anas carolinensis Rare visitor. for the first time since 2008, there were no records of this Nearctic duck in Suffolk. MALLARD Anas platyrhynchos Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. Monthly counts from the key sites:– Jan Lowestoft Leathes Ham* 290

Feb 90

Mar 60 50

Apr –

Aug –

Sep 130

Oct 100

Nov 82

Dec 80

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Systematic List Monthly counts from the key sites:– Jan Covehithe Broad* 102 Blyth Estuary 193 Dingle Marshes 236 Minsmere 352 Alde/Ore Estuary 512 Deben Estuary 102 Orwell Estuary 55 Flixton GP* – Lakenheath Fen/Washes* – Culford Park* 189 Mickle Mere* 180 Thorington Street Reservoir* – *monthly maxima

Feb – 94 116 275 407 101 48 – – 139 – –

Mar – 111 26 134 187 74 51 253 130 – – –

Apr – – – 90 – 77 38 620 – – – –

Aug – – – 124 – – 21 – – 108 – –

Sep – – 156 167 – 76 42 – 198 181 – 165

Oct 120 – 46 36 156 86 182 – 88 105 200 –

Nov – 89 198 213 462 109 108 – 259 141 110 175

Dec 139 123 88 716 626 105 111 370 650 112 170 108

Wintering Mallard have been in a steady long-term decline, both in the county and nationally, so it is especially pleasing to note in the table impressive numbers towards the end of the year. this duck’s status is affected by annual summer releases of captive-bred birds for shooting, in particular at flixton GP and Livermere Lake. ignoring counts from these two inland sites, this year’s highest count, the WeBS count of 716 at Minsmere, December 13th, is the highest in the county since 838 were present on the vast Alde/ore Estuary complex in December 2006. furthermore, it is the largest gathering at Minsmere since 822 were recorded in January 1982. the year’s second highest count, a non-WeBS count of 650 at Lakenheath fen, December 18th, is a site record. Apart from those in the table, other significant counts in the first winter period included 100 at Snape Wetland, January 4th; 113 on the Stour Estuary, January 25th (WeBS count); 127 at Burgh castle, January 27th; 108 at Benacre Broad, february 22nd and 250 at Livermere Lake, April 8th. further high counts in spring and summer were made at Minsmere, 135, May 17th and 126, June 14th; Leathes ham, Lowestoft, 250, June 30th; Lackford Lakes, 118, August 14th and redgrave fen, 168, August 19th. the remaining notable counts were all in December and included 129 at Lackford Lakes on 4th; 245 at Sudbury on 7th; 127 at Nunnery floods, thetford on 15th and 150 at heveningham Park on 20th. A total of 142 breeding pairs was reported from 39 sites, which is considerably down on the 231 pairs reported from 46 sites in 2014. however, it is very likely this was due to a lack of reporting rather than a significantly poorer breeding season, and there were no figures from several coastal nature reserves known to hold strong populations. the five-yearly comprehensive survey of Benacre National Nature reserve and adjacent areas by David Pearson found increased numbers at covehithe Broad (20 pairs compared with 12 in 2010), but fewer at Benacre Broad (six pairs compared with 15) and Easton and Smear Marshes (ten pairs compared with 15).

NORTHERN PINTAIL Anas acuta Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant; a few oversummer. Amber list. Categories A and E. Monthly counts from the key sites:–

Blyth Estuary North Warren* Alde/Ore Estuary Deben Estuary Orwell Estuary Stour Estuary *monthly maxima

Jan 48 93 341 81 164 81

Feb 85 114 325 83 77 49 51

Mar 29 8 108 2 46 22

Oct – 49 2 7 48 23

Nov 90 13 126 33 26 58

Dec 34 337 171 108 37 39

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Both the Alde/ore Estuary complex and North Warren recorded their highest counts since 2012, but overall wintering numbers remained low (see also Shelduck and Wigeon). Aside from those in the table, the only other significant gatherings were at Snape Marshes, where 110 were present on January 4th, and flixton GP, with 58, March 18th and 53, April 5th (possibly returning birds from previous releases). there was no suggestion of breeding, although there were a number of records involving up to four individuals in late May and June at a coastal site in the south-east of the county, including a pair, May 25th and two pairs, June 13th. the following records were received from the west of the county:–

Lakenheath Fen/Washes: four, Jan 19th; regularly, Jan 25th to Apr 4th; 12, oct 28th. Lackford Lakes: two regularly, Jan 2nd to Mar 5th, with three, Jan 25th; female, Dec 27th to 30th. Livermere Lake: Aug 7th; Sep 30th; two, Dec 20th. Mickle Mere: female, Jan 28th, feb 7th and Mar 19th; male, Dec 27th. Shelley: Priory, two, oct 20th.

offshore passage was logged up to february 3rd and again from August 23rd as follows:–

Gorleston: 18 south, Dec 8th. Lowestoft: south, oct 31st; 74, Nov 21st. Kessingland: two south, Jan 1st; four south, Jan 7th; south, Jan 19th; four south, feb 3rd. Benacre: south, oct 26th. Southwold: 64, Nov 21st. Minsmere: south, oct 29th; 40 in off sea, Dec 1st. Thorpeness: seven south, Jan 11th; four south, Aug 23rd; eight north, Aug 31st; two north and five south in Sep; 28 south, oct 26th; 83 south in Dec. Bawdsey: 34 south, Nov 10th. Landguard: 96 south in Sep; ten south in oct; 11 south in Nov; 140 south in Dec, including peak day-count of 61 on 29th.

GARGANEY Anas querquedula Uncommon summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. Spring passage began with a pair at Southwold Boating Lake, March 12th. Migrants appeared at two further sites over the following three days, and continued to arrive steadily through to early summer, with the largest gathering of five at Snape Marshes, April 8th. Single pairs lingered at five sites, although the only direct evidence of breeding was a mating pair at Snape Marshes in early May, and no broods were reported in the county. the last record of the year involved three on the Scrape at Minsmere, September 20th.

Oulton Marshes: pair, Apr 25th; male, May 7th; pair, May 11th and 16th; male, May 17th; pair, May 23rd; male, May 25th. Carlton Marshes: pair, Apr 26th (same as oulton). Benacre: Pit, pair, May 16th. Southwold: Boating Lake, pair, Mar 12th. Walberswick: tinker’s Marshes, male, May 16th; Aug 25th. Minsmere: male, Apr 12th; pair regularly, Apr 15th to June 24th; regularly, July 3rd to Sep 9th; three, Sep 13th; one or two, Sep 15th to 18th; three, Sep 20th. Snape Marshes: five (three males), Apr 8th; male, Apr 10th; four, Apr 11th; pair regularly, Apr 23rd to May 20th; male, May 22nd and 28th. Orfordness: male, Mar 15th and Mar 28th to Apr 6th. Boyton Marshes: two, Apr 9th, Aug 30th and Sep 4th. Hollesley Marshes: pair, June 7th to 10th; male, June 12th; pair, July 9th; male, Aug 6th; two regularly, Aug 21st to 27th; Aug 29th. Trimley Marshes: male, May 15th; pair, May 16th; May 17th to 20th, June 7th, July 22nd, 24th and 28th and Aug 4th; two, Aug 23rd to 26th. Redgrave Fen: pair, Mar 27th. Lakenheath Fen/Washes: pair, Mar 13th; male, Mar 16th and 20th; pair, Mar 22nd; two males, Mar 23rd; pair regularly, Mar 22nd to Apr 4th, with two males, Mar 23rd and 25th; male, May 20th; two, July 23rd. Great Barton: Barton Mere, female, July 17th. 52

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NORTHERN SHOVELER Anas clypeata Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Uncommon resident. Amber list. Monthly counts from the key sites:– Jan Minsmere* 259 North Warren* 72 293 Alde/Ore Estuary Hollesley Marshes* 80 Orwell Estuary 23 Stour Estuary 17 Snape Marshes* 25 Lakenheath Fen/Washes* – Livermere Lake* – Mickle Mere* 66 Great Barton* 39 Gifford’s Hall* – *monthly maxima

Feb 133 90 299 34 20 85 18 26 – 47 13 –

Mar 111 127 194 45 35 35 21 45 31 58 – 80

Apr 44 36 – 48 32 5 36 – 45 – – 80

Aug 29 – – 35 2 – – – – – – –

Sep 33 8 – – 0 – – – 91 – – –

Oct 147 7 128 – 37 6 – – 123 69 27 –

Nov 126 69 245 – 62 1 46 84 – 63 61 19

Dec 174 128 306 – 54 2 70 – – 50 94 5

overall numbers were slightly down on the exceptional counts of last year, but were still well above average in both winter periods helped by the mild weather. Shoveler favours wintering in warmer conditions than other regularly-occurring dabbling duck species since they are a specialist feeder of freshwater invertebrates, and higher crustacean densities are associated with warmer water temperatures. the year’s largest gathering, the December WeBS count on the Alde/ore Estuary complex of 306 on 13th, is the highest number recorded at this site since 441 were present in March 2007. Besides those in the table, notable counts were also received from Lackford Lakes of 137, october 24th, the largest gathering of the year in the west of the county, and from redgrave Lake of 66, November 10th. in contrast with the national picture, where breeding numbers are increasing, the breeding population in Suffolk appears to be in decline. the number of pairs at Minsmere, the principal site, have fallen year on year from a peak of 105 pairs in 2012 to 33 pairs in 2015, the lowest total since 2008. Elsewhere, nine pairs bred at North Warren, four pairs at Mickle Mere, three pairs at Dingle Marshes and two pairs at carlton Marshes, with single pairs at Sizewell and Shotley.

RED-CRESTED POCHARD Netta rufina Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant. Categories A and E. A pair bred at Lackford Lakes for the second successive year and, in contrast with last year when their ducklings were all predated by gulls, successfully fledged three young. All records were from the west of the county and outside the winter months, firmly suggestive of captive origin. Lakenheath Fen/Washes: female, Mar 13th; two males, Sep 22nd. Cavenham Pits: male, July 11th. Lackford Lakes: pair, Mar 6th to Aug 9th, bred and seen with six young, May 16th, three of which fledged and remained until oct 20th.

COMMON POCHARD Aythya ferina Fairly common but declining winter visitor and passage migrant. Uncommon resident. Red list (from Amber). Categories A and E. Monthly counts from the key sites:– Orwell Estuary (High Water) Alton Water*

Jan 44 103

Feb 34 – 53

Mar 66 –

Apr 66 –

Nov 38 3

Dec 47 8

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Suffolk Bird Report 2015 Monthly counts from the key sites:–

Lackford Lakes* *monthly maxima

Jan 65

Feb –

Mar –

Apr 1

Nov 109

Dec 46

Sadly the wintering population shows no sign of recovery. Nationally the news is no better, and Pochard has been added to the red List in the latest uk’s Birds of conservation concern report (British Birds 108: 708-746), with the overwintering trend decreasing by two thirds between 1987/88 and 2013/14. the year’s highest count was the february low-water WeBS count on the orwell Estuary of 125. otherwise the only other counts to exceed 30 came from Livermere Lake, with 46, february 25th and 41, June 21st and from Alton Water with 39, August 2nd. the highest count in the north-east of the county was of 21 at flixton Gravel Pits, April 5th, but records from this site come with the proviso that birds of captive origin have been released there in recent years. the breeding season was also very poor. the only confirmed report came from a site in the west of the county, where one pair fledged two young. FERRUGINOUS DUCK Aythya nyroca Rare winter visitor and passage migrant.

Lakenheath Fen: female, March 21st and 22nd (k Puttick et al.).

the second site record for this extensive rSPB wetland reserve, following the first, also a female, in october 2010. unusually there were no records from Minsmere. TUFTED DUCK Aythya fuligula Common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Green list (from Amber). Monthly counts from the key sites:– Jan Feb Alde/Ore Estuary 19 76 Orwell Estuary 17 37 Alton Water* 299 – Flixton GP* – – Nunnery Lakes* 57 – Lackford Lakes* 50 80 *monthly maxima

Mar 57 67 – 155 – 127

Apr – 221 26 146 – 85

Aug – 79 175 – – –

Sep – 14 34 – – –

Oct – 52 86 – 65 226

Nov 18 37 165 – 86 297

Dec 30 32 385 57 137 218

following two poor years, it is pleasing to report that there were some impressive numbers in both winter periods. the year’s highest count of 385 at Alton Water, December 13th is the highest at this site for three years, the high-water WeBS count on the orwell Estuary of 221, April 19th is the highest at this site for five years and, in the west of the county, the count of 297 at Lackford Lakes, November 8th is the highest there for nine years. the only other gatherings exceeding 50 were of 85 at homersfield GP, January 11th; 51 on orfordness, May 3rd and 57 at Great Barton on December 11th. it is very difficult to form an accurate opinion on the current breeding status of this species, since the meagre total of 15 pairs from just 11 sites surely reflects under-reporting. At the Benacre National Nature reserve, which has been surveyed by David Pearson every five years since 2000, there were two pairs, compared with eight in 2010, six in 2005 and none in 2000.

GREATER SCAUP Aythya marila Fairly common but declining winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list. this was the second successive below-average year for this declining species, but records did include up to three that lingered at Beccles Quay in the first winter period. 54

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Covehithe Broad: male, Jan 23rd to 28th. Minsmere: two offshore, feb 4th. Stutton: Ness, female, Jan 6th; two, Mar 21st. Lound Lakes: female, Jan 10th. Beccles: Quay, two, Jan 20th; three, Jan 22nd; two, Jan 23rd to 25th; three, Jan 26th; two, Jan 27th to feb 3rd; feb 4th to 7th. Flixton GP: Apr 3rd.

An unseasonal record involved two which flew south off thorpeness on May 10th, otherwise there were no further sightings until october. Benacre: Pit, two, oct 1st; oct 10th. Southwold: oct 8th. Orfordness: ten north, Nov 21st.

LESSER SCAUP Aythya affinis Very rare visitor.

Trimley Marshes: male, photographed, Apr 6th and 7th (P J holmes et al.).

this is the third county record of this North American vagrant, the previous two having occurred at Suffolk Water Park, Bramford in March 2004 and May 2006. Although it was only present for two days it did show very well at times with observers being able to see the fine detail of the bird’s plumage.

COMMON EIDER Somateria mollissima Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Bred in 1996. Amber list. records were sparse in the first winter period, with a total of just 12 individuals recorded from four sites on six dates between february 6th and April 5th. there were records in each of the next five months, with one south off Minsmere, May 25th; one at Gorleston harbour, June 13th; three off Lowestoft, July 25th; singles off Minsmere, August 3rd and Gorleston, August 20th and one north off Landguard, September 10th. As usual records were more numerous during the second winter period and passage was regularly reported along the whole length of the coastline from october 11th until the end of the year. however, numbers were generally low and the only day-counts exceeding 20 occurred in northerly winds on November 21st, when 45 were logged flying north off Lowestoft, 66 north off Southwold and 22 north off Sizewell. the only record away from the immediate coast involved one on the river Stour off Stutton on December 11th. LONG-TAILED DUCK Clangula hyemalis Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list (from Green). With just four records, it was the poorest showing since 2011. however, one of these records did involve a male tracked off Minsmere, Southwold and Lowestoft as it flew north on october 13th. there was also a long-staying female at Lackford Lakes at

Long-tailed Duck Richard Thewlis


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the end of the year, the first record from the west of the county since 1999 when two were seen in flight over Nunnery Lakes, thetford, November 24th and the first for Lackford Lakes since June 16th 1995. Lowestoft: male north, oct 13th. Southwold: male north, oct 13th. Minsmere: on sea, Jan 21st; male north, oct 13th. Landguard: male south, Dec 10th. Lackford Lakes: female, Nov 4th to Dec 31st.

COMMON SCOTER Melanitta nigra Declining non-breeding resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list. Thorpeness North South Landguard North South






1 45

1 0

12 6

65 8

33 2

45 38

49 5

23 11

5 7

7 13


146 269

13 0



37 32

6 6

147 120

27 140


81 373

29 64




40 84

65 169

72 42

82 280

39 61

380 156

Accumulated monthly totals from thorpeness (Dave thurlow) and Landguard Bird observatory are shown in the table. Numbers logged at both sites were notably down on the previous two years and unusually were highest off thorpeness in December. Significant day-counts from all sites are summarised below, including the year’s highest count of 380 on the sea off Dunwich, october 29th:–

Gorleston: 150 on sea, Nov 4th; 180 on sea, Nov 15th; one south and 100 on sea, Nov 17th; 230, Nov 22nd; 175 on sea, Nov 28th; 205 on sea, Nov 29th. Southwold: 233, Nov 22nd. Dunwich: 380 on sea, oct 29th; 150 on sea, Dec 28th. Minsmere: 100, June 21st and 23rd; 200, July 1st; 160, July 3rd; 100, July 5th; 100, Dec 1st. Thorpeness: 95 north and 63 south, June 30th; five north and 110 south, Sep 9th; 16 north and 110 south, Sep 28th; 124 south, oct 26th; 144 north, Dec 23rd; 120 north, Dec 24th. Slaughden: 150 north, Nov 22nd. Orfordness: 23 north and 115 south, Nov 21st. Landguard: 14 north and 107 south, Nov 21st.

overland spring migrants involved one at Alton Water on March 21st and a male at Lackford Lakes two days later, the first record from the west of the county since 2010 when one was at Little cornard, october 15th. records from the Stour Estuary included one on february 21st and two on March 24th, while records from more unexpected coastal locations involved singletons at covehithe Broad, January 1st; Benacre Broad, January 2nd; Boyton Marshes, october 30th and on the Scrape at Minsmere, December 27th to 29th. SURF SCOTER Accidental.

Melanitta perspicillata

Stour Estuary: Stutton, 1st-winter male, Jan 1st to April 2nd (E keeble et al.).

the popular first-winter male stayed into early April, by which time it had moulted into firstsummer plumage and acquired a striking white nape patch and large black spot at the base of the bill.

VELVET SCOTER Melanitta fusca Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list (from Amber). occasional sightings of up to two off Minsmere compensated for an otherwise very poor showing during the first winter period. 56

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Minsmere: up to two recorded on ten dates between Jan 18th and Mar 26th. Stour Estuary: Stutton, Jan 1st and 2nd.

unusually there were two summer records involving two south off thorpeness, June 30th and one north off Southwold, July 26th. Sightings were slightly more frequent during the second winter period, including one again on the Stour Estuary. Southwold: oct 15th; south, Nov 3rd; north, Nov 14th. Minsmere: Sep 1st; male, Dec 1st; Dec 14th; male south, Dec 25th. Sizewell: male on sea, Dec 25th. Thorpeness: north, Sep 2nd. Landguard: south, Dec 14th. Stour Estuary: Stutton, oct 8th to 18th.

COMMON GOLDENEYE Bucephala clangula Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. Monthly counts from the key sites:– Jan Stour Estuary 37 Alton Water* 14 Lackford Lakes* 10 *monthly maxima

Feb 22 12 16

Mar 20 9 13

Nov 0 2 5

Dec 16 5 10

Numbers were generally low, a reflection of the mild temperatures in both winter periods. increasingly Goldeneye are wintering in the Baltic Sea and not migrating further west and south, as climate change results in expanding areas of coastal water remaining ice-free in winter, particularly in finland, where the population multiplied more than forty-fold between 1980 and 2010 (Diving ducks on the rise in finland – Aleksi Lehikoinen – Annual WeBS Report 2014/15). Aside from the table, the only other onshore counts reaching double figures were the february low-water WeBS count on the orwell Estuary of 37; ten at Benacre Broad, february 5th; 13 on the Deben Estuary, february 8th (WeBS count); 15 at fritton Lake, November 21st and 11 on the orwell Estuary, December 13th (WeBS count). unseasonable records included one at Lackford Lakes, May 2nd and a redhead south off thorpeness on July 25th.

River Stour Richard Allen


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Autumn offshore passage began with two south off Minsmere on September 29th. it was heaviest off Landguard with a total of 55 recorded at this well-watched site between october 28th and December 30th, with a peak day-count of 14 south, December 14th. Elsewhere, notable movements included 22 off Southwold and 16 off Gorleston, November 21st and 23 south off thorpeness, December 14th.

SMEW Mergellus albellus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. Both covehithe Broad and Minsmere hosted long-staying redheads during the first winter period, although overall it was a below-average showing, with just a single record during the second winter period. All records refer to redheads unless otherwise stated. Burgh Castle: feb 8th. Covehithe Broad: Jan 1st to Mar 21st (with visits to Benacre Broad, Jan 1st, 2nd and 4th). Minsmere: Jan 1st to feb 17th; two, feb 18th to Mar 23rd; south offshore, Dec 14th. Stour Estuary: male, feb 18th. Alton Water: two, Jan 27th.

RED-BREASTED MERGANSER Mergus serrator Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. Stour Estuary

Jan 38

Feb 64

Mar 31

Apr 31

Oct 19

Nov 2

Dec 49

WeBS counts from the Stour Estuary, the main wintering site, are shown in the table. in general, numbers were well below average and the only other site to host significant gatherings was the orwell Estuary, with WeBS counts of 41 in January (low water) and 14 on December 13th. the last of the spring was a female that took up residence on Lantern Marshes, orfordness between April 18th and May 3rd. this was followed by an unseasonal female at Benacre Broad, June 27th, and there were then no further records until a redhead flew south off thorpeness on october 6th. Landguard recorded the highest numbers during autumn passage, with a total of 59 logged between october 11th and the end of the year, and a peak day-count of 16 south, December 14th. the only other significant movement was of 13 off Southwold on November 21st. orfordness continued its good year for this species with a redhead present, November 14th and 15th and again on December 13th. GOOSANDER Mergus merganser Locally fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. Lackford Lakes

Jan 15

Feb 10

Mar 1

Nov 8

Dec 6

Maximum counts from the main wintering site at Lackford are summarized in the table above. As with the majority of other diving duck species, numbers were low in both winter periods.

Hen Reedbeds: Apr 6th. Landguard: south, Jan 23rd. Alton Water: up to two redheads, Jan 2nd to 26th; up to four (one male), feb 14th to 22nd. Carlton Marshes: five (four males), Jan 17th. Heveningham: Park, Mar 7th and 8th. Lakenheath Fen: Apr 18th. Thetford: Nunnery floods, five, Jan 20th; two, feb 2nd. West Stow: country Park, two, Jan 13th. Nayland: river Stour, two, Jan 22nd, feb 2nd and 26th. 58

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the last of spring, at Lakenheath fen, April 18th, was followed by an unseasonal male at Easton Broad, July 9th and two south of Minsmere, September 18th. there were then no further records until a moderate influx in November, which saw records from four sites by mid-month.

Lowestoft: Ness Point, north, Nov 21st. Southwold: Nov 21st. Minsmere: two south offshore, Sep 18th; redhead in off sea, Nov 2nd; five (four males), Nov 20th; Nov 28th; two offshore, Dec 18th and 24th. Thorpeness: four south, Nov 11th; male south, Dec 6th. Landguard: south, Nov 8th; two south, Nov 9th; east, Nov 14th; south, Nov 18th; three south, Dec 8th. Trimley St Martin: Loompit Lake, two males, Dec 13th. Ipswich: christchurch Park, three redheads, Dec 9th to 27th; redhead, Dec 31st. Alton Water: redhead, Nov 1st to 13th; up to two (one male), Nov 15th to 17th; three (two males), Nov 19th; redhead, Nov 23rd; three redheads, Dec 28th. Fritton Lake: five, Nov 21st. Elveden: center Parcs, five, Dec 2nd; six, Dec 30th. West Stow: country Park, male, Nov 23rd; three males, Dec 15th.

the redheads in Wilderness Pond, christchurch Park, ipswich in December were very popular with birders and photographers.

RED-LEGGED PARTRIDGE Alectoris rufa Common resident; numbers augmented by releases. Categories C and E. With only 37 records being received from some 22 sites, this species remains under-recorded. only six reports of breeding or probable breeding were received, the majority being of single pairs in the north-east of the county. the more isolated coastal populations also continue to struggle. At orfordness there were no reports for a second year, whilst at Landguard three dead birds were recorded on february 22nd followed by only singles on four dates in March.

GREY PARTRIDGE Perdix perdix Formerly common resident, now localised. Red List. Categories A, C and E. Some 104 records received in 2015 represent an increase of 22 records compared with the previous year and are hopefully indicative of a slight upturn in the population of this once-common species. Birds were recorded from 55 sites, again a slight increase on 2014. confirmation of breeding, however, remains extremely rare with only three reports received although a further 42 reports were of adults during the breeding season. the highest autumn count of 18 birds of mixed ages came from Puttockshill, Pakenham on September 13th.

COMMON QUAIL Coturnix coturnix Scarce summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber List. A poor year with only four records submitted. No reports of breeding were received.

Common Quail Richard Thewlis


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the Quail at Minsmere on october 5th is the latest in Suffolk since 2000 when one was at North Warren on November 8th.

Minsmere RSPB: flushed from the dunes, oct 5th (rSPB). Stutton: May 17th (Birdguides). Hopton: June 28th (S J holloway). Mildenhall: kenney hill, July 31st (S Evans).

COMMON PHEASANT Phasianus colchicus Very common resident; numbers augmented by releases. Categories C and E. only 29 records were submitted for this very common species from a total of 19 sites. Breeding was recorded at only eight of these sites. With such a low level of recording, other than periodically for the Bird Atlas, it is not possible to establish any local population trends which may, either directly or indirectly, have implications for the wellbeing of other bird species within the county.

GOLDEN PHEASANT Chrysolophus pictus Scarce resident. Categories C and E. With only three records from two locations this species continues to retain a slender foothold in the west of the county. Barton Mills: male, Sep 18th (West Suffolk Birders). Euston: Jan 21st (E W Patrick); male, feb 7th (S Abbott).

RED-THROATED DIVER Gavia stellata Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Green list (from Amber). Mass winter movements of this species, most frequently accounted for by the wanderings of the sprat shoals off our coast, are a frequently-observed phenomenon in most years – but were noticeably absent in 2015. indeed, only two days’ counts – from the species’ traditionally-favoured area of thorpeness and within six days of each other in December – reached four figures. the ever-vigilant David thurlow counted 2050 from his cliff-top perch on December 14th, most of which were heading south, and 1982 on December 20th, when again most were moving south. in both winter periods there was a remarkable paucity of records from the south-east recording area. the tables below feature the north-east recording area’s peak day-counts in the relevant months and Landguard Bird observatory’s accumulated sightings per month. the low totals in comparison with some recent years can clearly be seen. North-east Landguard

Jan 371 34

Feb 490 65

Mar 397 305

Apr 37 14

Sep 38 1

Oct 35 2

Nov 252 7

Dec 2052 192

to put these rather sparse totals into some context, Suffolk’s record day-count was set on the last day of 2011, when ‘that man again’ David thurlow logged 5642 south and 27 north off thorpeness. observers on orfordness remarked on the species’ scarcity in 2015 in their synopsis of the year. they stated: “Although seawatching was again very much curtailed this year it would appear that numbers were again much lower than would be expected. The only noteworthy numbers were 15 on the sea on January 31st, 83 north on March 7th, and the last of the early winter, five on April 5th. The first returning bird was one on September 5th, with the next eight on October 11th. A maximum of two during November and three in December rounded off a very poor year.” orfordness’s first autumnal returning bird was pipped by the county’s first herald of winter – a singleton off Ness Point, Lowestoft, on September 1st – and the species was, as expected, virtually absent in the summer months, with just three records in June and one in July.

BLACK-THROATED DIVER Gavia arctica Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. Another steep decline in records of this species was noted in 2015. following a dramatic upsurge 60

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in some recent years – possibly relating to over-enthusiastic identifications – only a meagre handful of reports was received. All are listed below:– Southwold: Sep 9th; three, oct 10th (B J Small, D f Walsh). Thorpeness: oct 13th (S Mayson); Nov 8th (S Mayson). Orfordness: two, feb 18th (P M J Espin).

GREAT NORTHERN DIVER Gavia immer Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. A marked passage of southbound birds took place in the north-east recording area in october, with 11 recorded between 10th and 19th, including four off Southwold, october 10th. Somewhat surprisingly, only one was seen during this period in the south-east recording area – off Landguard, october 10th. Also in the north-east recording area, two were noted in January, three in March, one in April, one in May and one in November. the three reported in December included a popular individual that drew several admirers to Lake Lothing during its stay from December 7th to the year’s end. the large estuaries of the rivers Stour and orwell retained their status as favoured wintering sites for the species. in January, singles were noted on eight dates in the holbrook and Stutton Ness area, a stretch of the Stour Estuary that also held singles on several dates from November 16th and two on December 31st. from December 12th, several of a series of records in the Nacton to ipswich area of the orwell Estuary related to two birds being seen and three were reported at ipswich on December 23rd. At Landguard, observers reported the following series of sightings: singles in-off January 12th and 15th, north, March 18th, south, october 10th, south, November 5th, 13th, 18th, one south plus one in- off 19th, singles south, December 2nd, north, 7th and south, 16th.

BLACK-BROWED ALBATROSS Thalassarche melanophris Extremely rare vagrant. undoubtedly Suffolk’s ornithological highlight of 2015, this county ‘first’ probably was not on many observers’ radar as a potential mid-summer blockbuster. ‘Wrong’ time of year, ‘wrong’ habitat, even ‘wrong’ hemisphere – this was not so much an unexpected visitor, more a shock mega-vagrant whose appearance seems difficult to comprehend. But there are eye-watering photos to prove it. yes, it really did sit out a heavy downpour amid the emergent vegetation on a freshwater pool behind rSPB Minsmere’s South hide – at a range so close it is particularly painful for those who missed the bird – for just a very few, precious, minutes. Quite what the incredulous finder, Minsmere rSPB staff man ian Salkeld, must have thought when he first set eyes on this giant is unimaginable, but he had the presence of mind to request reserve visitor Peter hobbs, of Basildon, to take some photos and the rest, as they say, is ornithological history. When the albatross alarm was raised, and when local observers had picked themselves up off the floor, a search was mounted, but to no avail. the albatross had spread its enormous wings as soon as the shower was over – and had headed out to sea, perhaps to return to its surprise adopted home of heligoland, off the German coast, where it has become quite a celebrity. Another visit to Suffolk would – needless to say, and as something of an understatement – be very much appreciated. Such is the enormity of this record that some observers’ hearts sink whenever they pass the pool in question as the agony hits home for them time and time again. Some have even given the hallowed site its own name. they call it the “Pool of Despair”. But who knows what the future might bring? Minsmere: adult, July 12th (i Salkeld, P hobbs et al.).

NORTHERN FULMAR Fulmarus glacialis Occasional summer visitor and declining passage migrant. Formerly bred. Amber list. the “worrying decline” noted in recent years and referred to in Suffolk Birds 2014 showed no sign of improvement in 2015. in no month did our north-east recording area – where the species has 61

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traditionally been encountered in the highest numbers – reach a combined sightings total of three figures. With a degree of duplication likely to be involved, the area’s monthly aggregate totals are listed below:– Jan 10

Feb 17

Mar 51

Apr 88

May 92

Jun 67

Jul 13

Aug 22

Sep 48

Oct 4

Nov 0

Dec 2













the north-east’s highest day-count came from thorpeness on May 29th when 33 headed south and two went north. in the context of a year in which there were generally such poor numbers, the 24 north and two south, also off thorpeness, on June 11th is also noteworthy. the paucity of records from the south-east recording area was even more remarkable. other than observations at orfordness and Landguard, there were a mere five birds seen all year. observers at orfordness reported that it was “Again a very poor year for this species, with the only sightings being four north on April 26th and two on October 11th.” Landguard’s meagre monthly totals are listed below:– 1












CORY’S SHEARWATER Calonectris diomedea Rare passage migrant. Mobile phones and bird news services certainly prove useful when seawatching! they enable information to be disseminated immediately, much to the delight of observers who are near enough to the coast to hotfoot it and connect! So it proved with these records, the only ones of the year relating to this large, much-sought-after seabird. the news went out from Southwold and, sure enough, a Lowestoft observer reaped the benefit, at least connecting with one of the two birds seen further south. Lowestoft: Ness Point, north, oct 10th (r Wilton et al.). Southwold: two north, oct 10th (B J Small).

SOOTY SHEARWATER Puffinus griseus Uncommon passage migrant. Witnessing the masterful, wind-riding flight of this oceanic traveller from the southern hemisphere is one of the great rewards for Suffolk seawatchers and any sighting makes up for the many hours they spend in fruitless, largely-birdless vigils. Such a thrill can be enjoyed over a surprisingly broad temporal span and in 2015 the dates within which “sooties” were seen were August 30th, when one passed thorpeness, and December 28th, which enlivened a winter’s walk along Dunwich Beach. Another December record related to a singleton off Landguard on christmas Eve. As with all Suffolk seabird records, there is a close correlation between North Sea weather conditions and species occurrence. Whereas 2014 proved to be a rather poor year for Suffolk “sooties”, with only 52 tabulated in Suffolk Birds 2014, the year under review featured a greater number of productive seabird days, with the periods September 5th to 11th and october 10th to 18th producing the most sightings. the highest day-counts reported were 15 off corton cliffs on September 9th and 11 off Southwold, october 13th. With the usual warning about probable duplication, the combined monthly totals were:– Aug 1

Sep 50

Oct 60

Nov 1

Dec 2

MANX SHEARWATER Puffinus puffinus Uncommon passage migrant. Amber list. in contrast with the previous species’ strong showing, its smaller, more-dapper cousin was quite a scarcity. indeed, there were no records at all received from our south-east recording area. the 62

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north-east did not fare much better either, with a mere 11 birds being seen. All records are listed below:– Southwold: June 7th; July 4th; oct 10th. Minsmere Beach: Sep 10th. Thorpeness: two, May 29th; July 25th; three, July 26th; Sep 27th.

BALEARIC SHEARWATER Puffinus mauretanicus Rare, but nearly annual, passage migrant. Critically endangered. Red list. After a blank year for this species in 2014, a total of seven represents exactly half the county’s best-ever year total, which came in 2002, and is one of our best annual returns to date. the orfordness bird listed below was enjoyed by the massed ranks of visiting Waveney Bird club members, who interrupted their lunch near the lighthouse to observe a ‘scope-filling flypast. Southwold: five, south, Aug 26th (B J Small); north, Aug 31st (c fulcher). Orfordness: north, oct 11th (J h Grant, S h Piotrowski, et al.).

LEACH’S STORM-PETREL Oceanodroma leucorhoa Scarce passage migrant. Amber list. observations were made on just three dates and it seems very likely that there is some duplication, with at least some of the sightings relating to the same bird being seen at multiple locations. As with the previous species, the orfordness bird listed below was enjoyed by Waveney Bird club members who certainly struck lucky with the timing of their visit. All records received are listed:– Lowestoft: North Beach, north, 11:25am oct 10th (J A Brown). Southwold: north, 11:07am oct 10th (B J Small); north 11:44am oct 11th (B J Small); north, 9:30am oct 16th (c fulcher). Thorpeness: two, north, Sep 27th (D thurlow). Orfordness: north, oct 11th (J h Grant, S h Piotrowski et al.).

it is worth noting that although the last “blank” year in Suffolk for Leach’s Storm-petrel was way back in 1999, we have had no sightings of European Storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus since 2008 off our well-watched coastline.

NORTHERN GANNET Morus bassanus Common passage migrant. Amber list. in general, numbers were less impressive than those recorded in 2014 and the year’s accumulated monthly totals show several anomalies when both years are compared. for example, in february 2014 the month’s total was 2140 but the same month in 2015 could only amass 485. July 2014 saw that year’s peak monthly total of 6055, but in the same month in 2015 there were only 850. however, November 2015 saw the year’s highest monthly accumulated total, 4286, whereas the same month in 2014 amassed only 1698. Such vagaries are difficult to interpret with certainty, but varying weather conditions, fish movements and observer effort may all have a bearing. the spike in numbers in March was probably accounted for by birds moving off our coast towards more northerly breeding sites, while feeding forays from those sites probably account for June and July’s totals. A November surge in records is becoming the norm although December’s total was only about one-third of the number recorded in the same month in 2014. Duplication of records is certain to be involved, but the table below illustrates the year’s pattern of observations. the top row of figures relates to the relevant month’s accumulated totals and the lower row refers to that month’s peak day count:– Jan 483 98

Feb 485 116

Mar 1738 274

Apr 277 42

May 130 27

Jun 771 131


Jul 850 199

Aug 313 101

Sep 733 300

Oct 201 74

Nov 4286 383

Dec 552 142

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GREAT CORMORANT Phalacrocorax carbo Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Has bred since 1998. it is tempting to speculate that we are starting to see a change in this species’ preferences when it comes to the choice of winter roost sites. Suffolk Birds 2014 reported that orfordness observers had noted a “new trend in the second half of the year” with birds roosting on the site’s famous Lantern Marshes communication structures. the trend continued – and became far more marked – during 2015. this time, the same observers noted: “Seen throughout the year, with the highest numbers gathering on Lantern Marsh. The numbers this year were way above any previously recorded, with over 800 present from March 14th through to the maximum 1156 on April 5th. Many were seen to roost on the pylons with 524 on March 14th and 653 the next day. In May there were still 403 roosting on 2nd with numbers dropping quickly after that. An increase from October 24th, peaking at 730 on November 7th.” the site’s maxima in selected months were recorded as follows:– Jan
















With a long-established roost at fritton Lake nearby, it is hardly surprising that several locations in the extreme north of the county also recorded large gatherings in both winter periods. the 372, mostly heading north, off kessingland on January 24th were probably associated with this roost although the 400 off Minsmere on January 30th may have involved at least some birds from orfordness, or even further south at Loompit Lake, another favoured gathering place. other eye-catching counts early in the year included 500 flying south off Gorleston in just 15 early morning minutes on March 15th, perhaps having roosted at fritton, and 496 were watched by Landguard observers as they left the orwell/Stour estuary complex on february 2nd, perhaps having roosted at Loompit Lake. in the second winter period, the highest count reported came from East Lane, Bawdsey, where a total of 830 flew from the direction of orfordness towards Loompit Lake between 3pm and 3.30pm on December 23rd. A total of 784 left the orwell/Stour estuary complex on December 6th and 500 had gathered at Loompit Lake on December 14th. the peak count in the north of the county in this period was 800 at Gorleston on December 19th. hardly surprisingly, such high totals were not reached in the west of the county, where the year’s peak was a mere 40 at Lackford Lakes on January 9th. Breeding again occurred at the well-established Loompit Lake tree-nesting site, but no relevant data were received.

EUROPEAN SHAG Phalacrocorax aristotelis Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list (from Amber). remarkably few records were received in comparison with recent years. indeed, in observers’ notes covering the first winter period there were only two references to this species – two south off Landguard on January 15th and an immature on the Stour Estuary at harkstead on January 17th. During the second winter period, the first was noted off Easton Bavents on November 17th and it or another was off nearby Southwold on November 21st. the Lowestoft area is a traditional wintering site for this species but even here records were sparse, the first being reported there on November 22nd, with two being present on November 28th. thereafter, singles were noted in this area on four dates in December, up until 18th. Such a dearth of records is probably explained by the mildness of both winter periods. GREAT BITTERN Botaurus stellaris Slowly increasing breeding population, scarce resident, passage migrant and winter visitor. Amber list (from Red). the serious saltwater incursion suffered by many of our coastal reedbeds during the North Sea 64

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surge on December 5th, 2013, thankfully appears to have caused only a temporary setback for these sites’ breeding Great Bitterns. rSPB senior conservation scientist Simon Wotton has again be kind enough to share with Suffolk Birds his official national summary of the Great Bittern breeding season in 2015. We are grateful to him – and he has good news for us. reporting “encouraging increases” in the “traditional strongholds” on the Suffolk coast and in the Norfolk Broads, Simon writes: “Most of the Suffolk coast sites that were adversely affected by saltwater inundation during storms in December 2013 seem to have recovered well – the figure of 32 booming males on the Suffolk coast is the highest recorded since annual monitoring began in 1900.” the level of 32 “boomers” was, in fact, a minimum – there may have been a maximum of 35. the equivalent figures for the previous surge-affected year were 21 and 22. in the fens, an area that includes the rSPB’s Lakenheath fen nature reserve, there was also an increase in the number of “boomers”, with at least 32 and a possible maximum of 35. Nationally, the number of “booming” males in 2015 is recorded as at least 156, with a possible maximum of 176, from at least 71 sites. in 2014, the corresponding figures were 141 at 62 sites. to appreciate the success of conservation efforts put in on behalf of this species by a number of organisations in recent years, it may be worthwhile to recall that in 2002, for example, the corresponding national figures were as low as a maximum of 37 “boomers” at a maximum of 23 sites. it was not possible to carry out full nesting activity monitoring of all the uk sites which held “booming” males, but 64 “confirmed or probable” nests were recorded at a total of 27 sites. of the 15 nests recorded on the Suffolk coast, 11 were at rSPB Minsmere. Simon’s report makes a point that is particularly pertinent for the Suffolk coast, where saline inundation of reedbeds is becoming more frequent. he writes: “Since the mid 1990s, a key objective in creating, restoring and managing wetland habitats for Bitterns in the UK was to create suitable breeding habitat away from coastal sites under threat from saline incursion.” And he adds: “All of the booming Bitterns between 1990 and 1996 were found on sites at risk of saline incursion. Since 2008, however, there has been a steady increase in the proportion of the booming population on ‘safe’ sites, coinciding with the colonisation of wetland sites that were created from the mid-1990s, such as Ham Wall (Somerset) and Lakenheath Fen.” the species was reported from a total of about 30 sites outside of the breeding season. All the sites, predictably, involved reedbed habitat, save for one – a Great Bittern was reported flying over old kirton road, trimley St Martin, on September 16th.

Lakenheath Richard Thewlis


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LITTLE BITTERN Ixobrychus minutus Extremely rare vagrant. Probably bred in the past. had it not been for the Black-browed Albatross, a singing male Little Bittern at rSPB Lakenheath fen would surely have had no contest for the accolade of Suffolk’s ‘bird of the year’. unlike the albatross, which chose to make its Suffolk sojourn an all-too-brief affair and so was seen by a tiny handful of oh-so-lucky observers, this diminutive reedbed-dweller remained for about five weeks and was enjoyed by hundreds of admirers. Many had to work hard for their reward, however. hearing this much-celebrated bird’s at-times constant, repetitive “barking” call from deep within the reedbed was easy enough. Seeing the “singer” presented much more of a challenge and, for the most part, called for stoic perseverance. for some, several visits were required but patience eventually paid off for most. the reason so many Suffolk observers made the westward pilgrimage to this Suffolk outpost in the fens was the extreme rarity of the species in the county. it is now being more frequently recorded in the uk than for many decades – possibly ever – primarily as a result of the creation of the vast Avalon Marshes wetlands in Somerset. however, the Lakenheath fen bird was the first of its species to be seen in Suffolk since 1980, although the record was not officially accepted, when a secretive pair evaded most observers during their stay at Minsmere in June and July, and so was a “must-see” for county listers. Lakenheath Fen: singing adult male, May 16th to June 26th (P Goffin et al.).

CATTLE EGRET Bulbulcus ibis Very rare visitor.

Felixstowe: June 8th, north along Promenade from undercliffe (P oldfield). Trimley Marshes/Shotley: seen to cross the river orwell after having been photographed on the Suffolk Wildlife trust nature reserve, June 28th (P J holmes, E Lucking et al.).

A single bird may have accounted for all of the sightings listed above. there had been ten previous Suffolk records, involving a total of 12 birds since the first in 1988.

LITTLE EGRET Egretta garzetta Locally common and increasing resident and passage migrant. Green list (from Amber). Breeding was confirmed at six sites. in the north-east recording area one site held six nesting pairs and another held five. At one site in the south-east area “confirmation” was reported without numerical detail and at another, the longstanding Stutton site on the Stour Estuary there were 14 nests. At one site in the west area five pairs were responsible for the fledging of about 15 young and another site held two pairs. however, beyond breeding reports, such has been the ubiquitous nature of this species in recent years it is possible that observers are becoming blasé about it and there may be an element of under-recording creeping in. Monthly maximum counts, excluding breeding records, were as follows:– Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug North-east 10 18 12 23 18 18 17 30 South-east 36 26 40 20 35 64 137 51 West 22 10 23 13 3 3 16 14

Sep 28 78 4

Oct 6 105 11

Nov 8 26 12

Dec 12 21 13

Visible migration was noted at Landguard Bird observatory, from where observers reported the following: “Total of ten north, 14 south and two in-off April 21st to July 30th, max. three north, two south July 30th. Total of two north, three south and one in-off September 29th to December 2nd, plus a later bird south, December 29th.”

GREAT (WHITE) EGRET Ardea alba Uncommon, but increasing, visitor. there were fewer records from our north-east and south-east recording areas than we have 66

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come to expect of this imposing egret, but this somewhat surprising situation was compensated for by events in the west. there was a surge of sightings at rSPB Lakenheath fen, where at least one was present in every month. there was even a tantalising hint of what may be to come – a bird in breeding plumage was seen displaying on washlands on March 9th. rSPB staff reported that up to three birds were noted “on many dates” during the first four months of the year, then singles were seen frequently until November 11th, when three were present. two remained on the reserve at the year’s end. Elsewhere in the west, singletons were at thelnetham fen on April 18th and Mickle Mere on May 27th. in our north-east recording area, none was reported until a singleton was noted at Minsmere on June 6th. No others were reported until a spate of autumn and winter sightings began at Minsmere on September 18th. from this date to December 27th the species was encountered on many dates from the following sites: North cove Staithe, carlton Marshes, Easton Bavents, hen reedbeds, Dingle Marshes, Minsmere, thorpeness, knodishall and hazlewood Marshes. in this series of records, all reports related to single birds apart from two at Dingle Marshes on october 31st. the only report from our south-east recording area concerned a singleton at Loompit Lake, trimley St Martin on June 6th. GREY HERON Ardea cinerea Common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. over the past 150 years 69 Suffolk heronries have been recorded in data received by the Bto. Some are no longer extant but in 2015 there were 25 in use. Nine of them were in the northeast recording area, six in the south-east and ten in the west. the sites of some of them are not being made public. thus, this familiar, widespread species has more breeding sites in the county than the mere seven referred to in observers’ submitted data. of those seven, numerical details were given for only three sites – one in the north-east recording area held seven pairs, the longstanding Stutton site on the Stour Estuary held seven nests and another in the west held 12 pairs. Spring migrants were noted offshore at Landguard Bird observatory on March 21st and April 14th, 16th and 18th. Autumn movement was hardly more marked, with singles off Ness Point, Lowestoft, on August 12th and September 12th, and Grey Heron Terry Everit off Gorleston on December 8th. Given the dearth of reports in general, a series of observations from orfordness gives at least some indication of this species’ movements. observers said birds “took advantage of the flooded Lantern Marshes with high numbers from June 27th to August 9th, peaking at 26 on July 12th.” Monthly maxima at orfordness were as follows:– Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 8 8 5 8 4 14

Jul 26

Aug 15

Sep 6

Oct 3

Nov 3

Dec 1

Watching this species devour its prey can be fascinating or gory, depending on your point of view. richard ‘Dick’ Walden was captivated by a tussle he witnessed on Beccles common on July 4th – the Grey heron taking a full five minutes to tackle a Grass Snake, Natrix natrix, before the unfortunate reptile was “pummelled into submission.” robin Biddle reported that a visit by a Grey heron to his garden pond in trimley St Martin on April 3rd was the first he had known in about 20 years. he did not have to wait as long for another 67

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visit, as the bird, or another, returned on December 12th. Mr Biddle did not report if he was pleased to play host to such visits – or whether any fish were consumed.

PURPLE HERON Ardea purpurea Scarce passage migrant. heart-warming stories about wildlife – nature tales that have happy endings – seem so few and far between these days it is worth dwelling on one such episode and enjoying it to the full. During the afternoon of August 11th, Lowestoft-based fishermen hauled in a surprise catch 26 kilometres off Southwold. it was a juvenile Purple heron. the confused migrant was clearly struggling with its journey and tried to hitch a lift on their vessel. As it tried to land it grabbed a rope in its bill and held on for dear life as it crashed into the side of the boat. Luckily for the heron, it held on firmly to the rope and, to their great credit, the fishermen pulled the bird aboard. having regained its composure and strength, and showing no signs of injury, the bird was released at Suffolk Wildlife trust’s carlton Marshes nature reserve that evening. on regaining its freedom, it was said to have flown off strongly to the treetops of White cast Marsh, part of the reserve, before dropping into the nearby reedbed. it was last seen in the area on August 17th. in light of such an episode, the list below that formally records this species’ occurrence in the county in 2015, seems somewhat bland. Carlton Marshes SWT: juvenile, released after sea rescue off Southwold, Aug 11th to 17th (A Easton et al.). King’s Fleet/Felixstowe Ferry: first-summer, July 14th to Aug 17th (W J Brame, multi-observers).

BLACK STORK Ciconia nigra Very rare visitor.

Landguard: juvenile south, Aug 28th (c J Bridge, k Norman, D Whimpress).

this must have been a fine sight – and a surprising one at that. it represents the site’s first record of the species. the bird flew south into Essex where it was also seen. there have now been records of Black Stork in Suffolk so far this century involving nine birds.

WHITE STORK Ciconia ciconia Rare passage migrant.

Southwold: circling over harbour, then west, Mar 20th (D A fairhurst).

they may sometimes be tainted by suspicions about their origins, but White Storks make for exciting encounters nevertheless and this one occurred on a date that may well give it the benefit of any doubt.

EURASIAN SPOONBILL Platalea leucorodia Uncommon passage migrant. Now increasingly oversummer and overwinters. Amber list. this species was reported in every month of the year and encountered at sites that spanned virtually the entire length of the Suffolk coast – from Lowestoft in the north to Landguard in the south. the broad temporal spread of records is highlighted by the group of up to four that frequented the orfordness/havergate island area during January, three of which visited North Warren on 22nd, and the four that were seen on several dates in December in the North Warren/hazlewood Marshes area, a quartet last seen at the latter site on 27th. Monthly maxima at some of the species’ favoured haunts are as follows:– Minsmere NorthWarren/ Hazlewood Orfordness/ Havergate/ Hollesley

Jan 0 3 4

Feb 3 0


Mar 4 0 3

Apr 2 1 1

May 4 0 6


Jun 6 6


Jul 1 6


Aug 0 8 15

Sep 0 5 15

Oct 0 1 4

Nov 0 1 4

Dec 0 4 0

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We still await this species’ long-hoped-for establishment of a breeding colony. the “smart money” may well be on the orfordness/havergate area as the best bet, but observers on ‘the Ness’ commented: “There was no sign of breeding activity but one to two were present in early May, increasing to six late in the month and then up to nine in June. Most birds were immatures and some of the birds were seen ‘playing’ with sticks on Lantern Marshes, but nest-building was not observed.” Migrating birds were noted at Landguard, with one north on March 24th, three in-off, September 9th, three south, September 18th, three north, September 30th and seven south, october 4th. these are the eighth to twelfth site records. the group of seven was seen earlier at Shingle Street.

LITTLE GREBE Tachybaptus ruficollis Locally common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Green list (from Amber). Although the suspicion persists that this species’ breeding population is consistently underrecorded, observers’ reports alluded to a total of at least 24 pairs at a total of 15 sites – a slight improvement on the 12 sites referred to in the previous year. the highest concentrations were reported at the hen reedbeds and the Snape Wetlands reserve, with each holding four pairs. our estuaries hold significant wintering populations and a snapshot of these sites’ importance is given in the WeBS counts tables for three estuaries:– Deben Orwell Stour

Jan 64 23 9

Feb 57 32 10

Mar 15 23 5

Sep 13 0 6

Oct 28 38 4

Nov 24 14 10

Dec 35 27 18

in addition, noteworthy WeBS count totals on the Alde Estuary included 37 in January, 57 in february, 32 in March and 49 in December. observers on orfordness noted some high counts for the site. they commented: “Numbers in the early part of the year were very encouraging and back to the counts of 10 years ago. Most of the birds frequented Lantern Marshes with counts of 55 on February 15th and 57 on February 22nd.” however, in the second winter period numbers were lower, with only up to 27 in November and December, levels that were “probably due to the mild weather.” in the west of the county, the highest counts came from cavenham Pits, where 22 of mixed ages were reported on August 25th, and 18 at Lakenheath fen, September 13th. An individual which frequented the Wilderness Pond in christchurch Park, ipswich, from November 22nd onwards into 2016, is only the second to have been reported from the site, the first having occurred there in february 2004.

GREAT CRESTED GREBE Podiceps cristatus Locally common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Details relating to breeding activity were sketchy at best but they referred to at least 18 pairs at a total of 11 sites, with a bias towards the west of the county where the highest concentration was four territories at Lackford Lakes SWt. No productivity details were submitted from Alton Water, one of the county’s key breeding sites for the species, but some level of the population may be indicated by the 66 counted there on April 19th. After the breeding season, the reservoir held 126 on 69

Great Crested Grebes Peter Beeson

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August 2nd and there were 62 still there on December 13th. the Stour Estuary is perhaps the pre-eminent wintering area for the species in Suffolk, with WeBS counts for the key months of the year as follows:– Jan 30

Feb 22

Mar 26

Apr 49

Aug 50

Sep 102

Oct 61

Nov 11

Dec 65

in contrast with the previous year, the largest gatherings were not estuarine, but marine, the highest counts received being 350 off Minsmere on January 20th and 300 off the same site on february 10th.

RED-NECKED GREBE Podiceps grisegena Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list (from Amber). the total of nine individuals reported in 2014 was described in the relevant edition of Suffolk Birds as a “fairly meagre” showing – and in 2015 the total was, at best, one less. All reports received are listed below and if the Stutton Ness records refer to the same individual we are left with a total of just seven. Either way, it was not a vintage year for the species.

Minsmere: south, oct 9th (M James). Thorpeness: north, Jan 26th (D thurlow); north, Dec 7th (D thurlow). Stutton Ness: oct 14th (per BirdGuides); oct 27th (M f Peers). Alton Water: Jan 12th (B Buffery); Nov 9th to Dec 27th (multi-observer). Lackford Lakes SWT: adult in summer plumage, May 19th (multi-observer). Livermere Lake: adult in summer plumage, May 24th (M Wright).

the Lackford Lakes and Livermere Lake records refer to the same individual – a fine, much-admired bird and a species only very rarely encountered in the west of the county. this is the first sighting in west Suffolk since 2006 when one was on Nunnery Lakes, thetford from february 17th to 23rd.

SLAVONIAN GREBE Podiceps auritus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list (from Amber). the holbrook Bay and Stutton Ness area again proved to be the species’ favoured Suffolk haunt, holding up to six in January, up to five in february and the year’s county peak of eight on March 9th. None was reported in the first winter period in this area after the two seen on March 25th. in the second winter period, the area’s peak count was four on December 13th and December 29th, singletons having been reported at nearby Alton Water from November 1st. Elsewhere, one frequented covehithe Broad from December 11th to December 31st and others were noted off Minsmere on March 22nd and on the river Alde off Aldeburgh on february 8th.

Slavonian Grebe Richard Allen


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BLACK-NECKED GREBE Podiceps nigricollis Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. Just six individuals were reported and are listed below:–

Stutton Ness: Dec 13th and 14th. Alton Water: Jan 25th to 31st (J Glazebrook et al.); feb 24th (S Moore); Mar 17th; Aug 2nd to Aug 3rd (J Glazebrook). Livermere Lake: juvenile, July 17th to Aug 5th (J Walshe).

EUROPEAN HONEY-BUZZARD Pernis apivorus Scarce passage migrant. Amber list. there were four accepted reports of this species in 2015 probably involving three birds.

Minsmere: July 7th and 8th (PD Green et al.). Theberton Woods: same as Minsmere bird, July 9th (A rowlands). Hollesley Marshes: adult male south then drifted inland, Sep 2nd (D fairhurst, P r kennerley, J A kennerley). Stowupland: June 29th (B Moyes).

BLACK KITE Milvus migrans Rare passage migrant. 2015 was a reasonably good year for this species, with four accepted reports involving up to three individuals. this brings the county total to 38. the escaped individual at Wrentham continued to be reported regularly and at one point was seen building a nest in the village near the old cemetery.

Shingle Street: south, May 13th (P r kennerley). Bawdsey: Marshes, July 29th (W J Brame, N Mason); July 31st (S Abbott). Trimley Marshes SWT: May 16th (E Zantboer, J Zantboer). Pipps Ford: watched for five minutes circling low with a red kite, July 26th (P Whittaker).

RED KITE Milvus milvus Uncommon but increasing winter visitor and passage migrant. Has bred in recent years. Green list (from Amber). there was a total of 265 reports received, compared with 226 in 2014. BBS data showed a marked increase of 29% nationally while in England there was an increase of 27%. At least two pairs nested in Suffolk, but there was still no sign of any further colonisation of this species in the county. Minsmere proved to be a favoured location in the early part of the year, but the resident birds near Lackford accounted for the majority of the reports between January and february. towards the end of february three were seen at Dalham on 28th. An influx of birds on the coast resulted in a noticeable increase in reports during March. Multiple sightings included three circling together high over Wrentham on March 23rd; three at corton on March 30th and two flying north at Landguard Bird observatory on March 25th which constituted the ninth record for the site. Also of interest was a small roost which built up at Brettenham, peaking at six birds on March 15th. Birds continued to be widely reported across the county in April, with at least two birds moving up and down the coast throughout the month. Sightings in the west came from several locations away from known breeding sites and probably involved several different birds. A wing-tagged bird was seen at cavenham on April 11th and four were seen around Dalham on several dates in the first two weeks of April. Activity had decreased significantly along the coastal margins by May, except at Minsmere where up to two birds continued to show intermittently. it was a similar picture in June although there were indications of another small influx of birds into the north-east region which included sightings of four at covehithe and three at Minsmere on June 18th. At least two birds remained in the Minsmere area until late July and three were present at East Lane, Bawdsey on July 30th. Breeding was confirmed at two sites in west Suffolk; one pair bred successfully near Dalham and probably fledged two young. A second pair nested again near Lackford again but failed for 71

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the second year running. Evidence suggests that there is a small population close to the cambridgeshire border in the Dalham/Lidgate area, where there may be as many as three pairs holding territory. Proving breeding is inherently difficult with this species but is often made even harder by the fact the nests are on large private estates. A fledged juvenile bird of unknown origin was seen flying over cavenham Pits on July 10th, West Stow on July 16th and possibly the same bird at Ampton on August 13th. Single birds were reported from four coastal locations and five sites in the west in August. Sightings then decreased into the autumn and the majority of the winter sightings came from the west of the county, including two birds at Lidgate and Lakenheath fen in early December. the only report from a coastal site came from Minsmere on December 17th. Year No. of reports

2006 69

2007 6

2008 82

2009 89

2010 98

2011 217

2012 232

2013 308

2014 226

2015 265

WHITE-TAILED EAGLE Haliaeetus albicilla Very rare winter visitor. Red list. Categories A and E. there were two birds seen in Suffolk in 2015 both in spring. A second-winter bird was observed at several locations over a period of about a week in March and an adult seen on just one date in April. the immature bird was first seen at the SWt reserve at Mickle Mere, Pakenham at 09.45 hours on March 15th. the bird landed on the reserve and remained there long enough to be seen by a few fortunate observers and to have some photos taken. it then flew north into Norfolk passing over Swaffham and Warham later the same day. the following day it was seen flying east along the North Norfolk coast then south to the Broads and back into Suffolk where there were unconfirmed reports of it flying over from Bungay to homersfield. it reappeared in the Broads on March 19th then headed back south into Suffolk where it was seen flying south over island Mere, Minsmere and Sizewell Power Station late afternoon. the following morning after being spotted heading north offshore at Minsmere it was eventually relocated perched in a tree at Benacre Broad. Later that day it was seen at Breydon South Wall and then it briefly returned to the Broads before heading south once again. it was last seen over felixstowe Docks on March 23rd. remarkably, less than a month later an adult bird ventured briefly into Suffolk and was seen over Boyton Marshes on April 21st. this individual was originally seen on the North Norfolk coast on April 18th and, like the earlier bird, made its way south via the Broads before returning the same way and ending up back on the North Norfolk coast on April 25th.

Breydon South Wall: Mar 20th. Benacre Broad: perched in tree, 08:00hr, Mar 20th. Minsmere: island Mere, south, 16:30hr, being mobbed by corvids, Mar 19th (D A fairhurst, P D Green); Beach, north offshore, 06:10hr, Mar 20th. Sizewell: south, 16:45hr, Mar 19th (J h Grant); south, 13:39hr, Mar 23rd (J h Grant). Boyton Marshes: adult NNW, 11:45hr, Apr 21st (A howe, G Lowe). Landguard Bird Observatory: over docks, 16:00hr, Mar 23rd – first record for the site (cJ Bridge, M Marsh). Mickle Mere: second-winter bird landed on the SWt reserve for about an hour before being disturbed by a dog-walker and flying north, Mar 15th (P haines)

WESTERN MARSH HARRIER Circus aeruginosus Fairly common summer visitor and passage migrant. Increasing numbers overwinter. Amber List. it was a reasonably good year for this species, despite the number of nests, fledged young and roost counts being slightly lower than in 2014. first winter period counts produced a maximum of 92 birds compared with 104 in 2014:–

Belton Marshes: 38, feb 8th. Minsmere: 12, Jan 14th. Walberswick: six, Jan 27th. Iken: four, Jan 21st. Orfordness: five in January and february.


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Gedgrave Marshes: four, Jan 19th. Boyton Marshes: two, Jan 15th and 16th. Lakenheath Fen: 21, Jan 1st.

Systematic List

A migrant was seen flying in off the sea at Gorleston on January 1st; elsewhere potential spring passage birds were noted at Landguard on two dates in March and one in April. Breeding was confirmed at 25 sites and birds held territories at another four at least. only 42 nests were located, 11 fewer than in 2014, and from these 81 young fledged, compared with 104 in 2014. Even so productivity was only very slightly down from 1.96 young per nest in 2014 to 1.92 in 2015. Benacre Broad: one nest / one young Easton Broad, Potter’s Bridge and Smear Marshes: nine nests/ 22 young (11 nests fledged 27 young in 2014) Walberswick NNR: Westwood Marshes, four nests/ten young (same as 2014) Minsmere: nine nests/ 14 young (six nests fledged ten young in 2014) North Warren: two pairs (same as 2014) Snape Marshes: one nest/ four young Orfordness: one nest/two young (one nest fledged three young in 2014) Hollesley Marshes: one nest/ three young. Brantham: one nest/ two or three young Lakenheath Fen: 14 nests/ 23 young (15 nests fledged 38 young in 2014)

in addition to the above, breeding was confirmed at 15 other coastal locations, and suspected at two others. Probable autumn passage birds included one drifting south at Lowestoft North Denes on August 28th, one south close inshore off thorpeness on September 17th and another in off the sea there on october 18th. inland, post-breeding birds and juveniles were seen at several sites in the Brecks during late summer, including a tagged juvenile at Livermere Lake on July 18th. Second winter period counts were slightly down from 74 in 2014 to 65 in 2015.

Reydon: Smear Marshes, six, Dec 19th. Minsmere: seven, Dec 28th. Orfordness: five, oct to Dec. Ramsholt/Shottisham Creek: six, oct 29th. Butley River: nine, Dec 10th. Trimley Marshes: five, Nov 20th. Lakenheath Fen: 27, Dec 18th.

HEN HARRIER Circus cyaneus Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant. Red List. 2015 was a rather disappointing year for this species; records indicate that at least nine birds were present during the first winter period and seven in the second winter period. this is the lowest total since 2009 (see table below). the 144 reports were 15% down on last year’s total of 169 but 5% up on the 137 in 2013. reports came from about 50 sites; all were coastal locations apart from Lakenheath fen. Single ‘ringtails’ were reported from 13 sites along the coastal margin during January. the ‘ringtail’ which overwintered on orfordness in the latter part of 2014 remained until June. Also two birds were seen at Dunwich Pools on January 4th and at Westwood Marshes on January 31st. A male was present at Snape on January 18th. in the west of the county up to five birds roosted at Lakenheath fen in January, four males and a ‘ringtail’. Sightings of single ‘ringtails’ came from seven coastal locations in february and eight in March. A ‘ringtail’ was also present at Lakenheath fen on March 6th. April reports included ‘ringtails’ at nine locations along the coast, including a second ‘ringtail’ on orfordness on April 25th and 26th. May sightings included single birds at four coastal sites; there was also a report of two at Minsmere on May 15th. Sightings in June indicate that at least two birds were still present in the county; ‘ringtails’ were seen at corton and Minsmere on June 5th and the long staying individual at orfordness was last seen on June 9th. An early returning bird was logged at Lowestoft on August 26th (per Birdtrack). More passage 73

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was noted the following month when a ‘ringtail’ flew north at Badingham on September 23rd and another flew in off the sea at Minsmere on September 29th. Single birds were seen at another three coastal sites. further migrants ‘in off the sea’ were noted at Southwold and thorpeness during october. At Minsmere two were present on october 19th and single males were seen at Barnby on october 23rd and at oulton Marshes and Minsmere the following day. further down the coast two birds were seen on two dates on orfordness in october; this increased to three birds, a male and two ‘ringtails’, by the end of the month. the only inland record came from Lakenheath fen where a male and a ‘ringtail’ were seen going to roost on october 11th. Single birds were seen at nine coastal locations in November, including a late migrant seen flying in off the sea at Southwold on November 25th. Males were seen at Gapton Marshes, Bradwell and Snape Marshes and up to three birds continued to frequent orfordness during the month. it was another disappointing winter in the Brecks where the sole report came once again from Lakenheath fen where a male was seen going to roost on November 10th and 11th. Single birds were reported from seven coastal sites through December and included single males at Snape Marshes on three dates and Lakenheath fen on two dates. on orfordness a 'ringtail' was seen on one date in December and a male on two dates. Year 1st winter period 2nd winter period

2007 6 7

2008 10 6

2009 6 6

2010 15 13

2011 22 10

2012 21 15

MONTAGU'S HARRIER Circus pygargus Uncommon passage migrant. Formerly bred. Amber List. there was just one accepted record of this species in 2015. By accepted we mean that only one was submitted to Sorc. So here is a request that all Montagu’s harrier sightings are submitted so that Sorc can assess them. there were four other ‘possible’ sightings but none of these were received with identification details and, therefore, they cannot be included here. A second-calendar year bird was seen at Brettenham on May 18th. Brettenham: second-calendar-year female, May 18th (M carter, D carter).

2013 13 15

2014 13 7

2015 9 7

Montagu’s Harrier Peter Beeson

NORTHERN GOSHAWK Accipiter gentilis Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant, uncommon resident. the 43 reports received in 2015 were predominantly from the gradually-increasing population in the Brecks where a total of 17 pairs was located. of these, seven pairs were in Suffolk (using the Watsonian boundary) and six of these were successful, fledging at least nine chicks overall, thetford forest held 14 pairs, seven more than the previous year. twelve of the 13 nests located in the forest were successful and 17 pulli were ringed from eight of them. reports of a male and female seen displaying on separate occasions over woodland near Needham Market are perhaps an indication that this species is spreading from its traditional forest location, although reports have come from this area for some years. other reports included up to two birds seen hunting over fields between Lackford and cavenham on several dates in spring. in the autumn single birds were also seen at Denham, Lackford Lakes, thetford and thetford heath. finally, an immature bird was seen unsuccessfully chasing a Woodcock at cavenham in late December. 74

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FIELD NOTE the Goshawk population in thetford forest has been monitored for 39 years and below are a few fascinating facts: • the mean date for the first egg to be laid is March 30th • Between 1977 and 2014 pairs breeding in the forest produced an average of 2.94 fledged young per successful nest and the average clutch size was 4.1 eggs • from 1976 to 2014, 51% of the eggs laid in examined nests produced fledged young; half of these were male and half were female. Bernard Pleasance EURASIAN SPARROWHAWK Accipiter nisus Common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. reports came from 121 parishes across the county. BBS data have revealed that although the national long term trend is still down for this species, in 2015 there was a 32% increase nationally and a 34% increase across England. in Suffolk it was encountered on six BBS squares in 2015, a notable increase on the two in 2014 and three in 2013. this increase is also reflected to a lesser extent in the total of 709 reports received in 2015, which is just up (about 0.5%) on the 699 in 2014. however, there is still some cause for concern as this species was recorded on only three out of 12 monthly visits along the Lavenham railway Walks and is considered to be in decline on orfordness. Breeding was confirmed at just 11 sites; these included two pairs at Benacre Broad and three pairs at Sizewell. Displaying birds were noted at a further three locations. Notable counts included five at trimley Marshes on April 24th and Snape on July 19th and four birds at Aldeburgh on october 15th, ipswich Golf club on february 3rd and Nunnery floods, thetford on April 2nd. Migrants were seen flying in off the sea at Ness Point, Lowestoft on April 5th and Gorleston on April 18th. At Landguard movements included Eurasian Sparrowhawk Terry Everit singles in off the sea on April 28th, May 4th, and october 15th. unexpected prey items included a Snipe at Minsmere on february 25th and one eating a freshlykilled Magpie on orfordness on September 5th.

COMMON BUZZARD Buteo buteo Fairly common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant; increasing breeding population. the 759 reports (including 222 from Birdtrack) received in 2015 are about 13% down on last year’s total of 871. reports came from 165 parishes across the county. the BBS results show a modest 3% increase in 2015 nationally and a more pronounced increase of 11% in England. this species was encountered in 16 of the 43 BBS squares in Suffolk in 2015, compared with 12 in 2014 and 20 in 2013 (the average for the last ten years is nine). Breeding was confirmed at 22 locations with a maximum of seven pairs at Benacre Broad. Notable counts in the early part of the year included an impressive 30 at Minsmere on february 21st and 15 there on April 15th. Elsewhere, counts into double figures included 18 at Berners 75

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heath on february 18th and 12 at Great Livermere on february 16th. At hawstead, near Bury St Edmunds, a group of 17 seen together in a field on october 25th, and then 15 on November 1st, were presumably foraging for earthworms. Visible migration was noted at orfordness where 15 flew over on April 5th and Shingle Street where two flew in off the sea on June 9th. During autumn, groups probably involving migrants included 26 at hollesley Marshes on September 25th; 12 at flixton on october 8th, 11 at corton on September 20th and 14 at ipswich Golf course, Purdis farm on September 25th. observations of hunting behaviour reflecting the Buzzard’s catholic diet included one seen taking a Song thrush at hollesley and one catching and killing a juvenile Moorhen at Mildenhall fen in June. Another was seen hunting summer chafers at ipswich Golf course at dusk in mid-July.

ROUGH-LEGGED BUZZARD Buteo lagopus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. it was an average year for this species. the six reports included an individual which was seen at three coastal locations on one date in october. A late passage bird was seen near Woodbridge in early May. Easton Bavents: north, 12:34hr, oct 18th (B J Small). Minsmere Beach: in off the sea, 11:40hr, over the Scrape then south, oct 20th (J h Grant). Thorpeness: former caravan site, north, 11.45hrs, oct 20th (G Grieco, D Pearsons, Df Walsh). Melton Park Wood: May 4th (S Abbott). Alderton: oct 20th (WJ Brame).

OSPREY Pandion haliaetus Uncommon passage migrant. Amber list. A record-breaking total of 113 reports (including ten via Birdtrack) was received in 2015, easily beating the previous highest total of 80 in 2008. this was helped by two very long-staying individuals in late summer which between them made up 32 of the total. reports came from a total of 49 sites, the first being seen at Dingle Marshes on April 5th, but the vast majority of spring sightings were in May. there were 25 reports from the spring period (including four via Birdtrack). Burgh Castle: south-west, May 7th. Lound Lakes: north-west, May 10th. Lowestoft: Ness Point, north, May 8th; North Denes, May 16th. Carlton Marshes: May 4th. Southwold: May 16th. Walberswick: May 9th: flew north, May 16th. Dingle Marshes: Apr 5th. Minsmere: north, May 13th; May 22nd; May 28th. Orfordness: south, May 10th; north, June 14th. Hollesley Marshes: June 14th. Felixstowe Ferry: Apr 27th. Martlesham Heath: Apr 30th. Little Bealings: June 19th. Needham Market: May 22nd. Lakenheath Fen: Apr 27th; May 2nd; May 4th; May 10th. The King’s Forest: May 22nd. Fornham St Martin: May 15th.

A total of 88 reports (including seven via Birdtrack) was received from the period between July and November. An early returning bird was seen at Burgh castle, carlton Marshes and Lound early in July. Single birds were present at favoured locations such as the Blyth Estuary and Minsmere on many dates through August and September. At hazlewood Marshes a colour-ringed juvenile originating from Stirlingshire was present for over a fortnight in September and october. Another long staying bird stayed at Lakenheath fen for two weeks in September. the last bird was seen on the Butley river on November 3rd. 76

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Burgh Castle: drifted west then south, July 5th. Lound Lakes: July 8th. Carlton Marshes: July 6th. Kelsale: east, Aug 27th. Beccles Marshes: north, Aug 28th. Flixton: Gravel Pits, Aug 8th. Kessingland: Aug 2nd. Benacre Broad: Sep 25th. Hen Reedbeds: Aug 11th. Southwold: oct 8th. Hazlewood Marshes: colour-ringed juvenile present Sep 18th until oct 5th. Walberswick: in off sea, Sep 11th; Sep 19th. Blyth Estuary: Aug 11th to 15th; Sep 17th to 20th: oct 1st. Minsmere: July 27th and 28th; Sep 12th; Sep 23rd to 26th; Sep 30th and oct 1st; oct 5th to 8th. Sizewell Power Station: Sep 25th. Thorpeness: south, Aug 27th. North Warren: north, Sep 30th. Aldeburgh: Sep 22nd; Sep 26th. Snape: Sep 18th. Orfordness: Sep 5th; Sep 27th. Butley River: Nov 3rd. Bawdsey: juvenile south, Sep 13th; Sep 20th. Felixstowe Ferry: Sep 2nd. Landguard Bird Observatory: singles south on Aug 27th and Sep 13th. Pipps Ford: Aug 1st and 2nd. Lackford Lakes: Sep 23rd. Moulton: oct 2nd. Livermere Lake: juvenile, Sep 3rd (same as thetford bird). Lakenheath Fen: Sep 13th to 26th (different from thetford bird below). Nunnery Lakes N.R., Thetford: Aug 27th; juvenile, Sep 9th.

** fALcoNS hAVE MoVED – thEy NoW foLLoW WooDPEckErS **

WATER RAIL Rallus aquaticus Fairly common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. this species remains widespread throughout the county with some 190 records received from 71 sites representing a significant increase on the previous three years. Breeding or probable breeding was reported from 18 sites, more than double the total in 2014, including one in the south-east and seven in the west of the county. the largest breeding population was recorded at hen reedbeds (26 breeding territories) and the largest overall population at Minsmere (21 breeding territories and 72 individuals). SPOTTED CRAKE Porzana porzana Rare passage migrant; rarely oversummers. Amber List No reports were received for this species in 2015.

COMMON MOORHEN Gallinula chloropus Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. this very common, though under-recorded, species remains widespread throughout the county. reports of breeding or probable breeding were received from 28 sites, a slight increase on the previous year. the largest breeding population, of 21 pairs, was recorded at the Sizewell SWt reserve. the highest count of 51 birds was received from Lackford Lakes on August 14th. No birds were recorded on orfordness in 2015 perhaps signalling its demise as a breeding species at this isolated coastal site. 77

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the results of winter counts at regularly-monitored sites are shown below:– Minsmere Alde/Ore Estuary Deben Estuary Orwell Estuary Stour Estuary Alton Water

Jan 5 15 35 17 12 15

Feb 4 13 29 17 1 12

Mar 5 10 14 16 15 15

Apr 9 – – 20 5 11

Sep 20 – 10 1 28 23

Oct 5 3 15 35 16 22

Nov 1 11 5 23 15 11

Dec 8 6 18 21 9 16

Minsmere Alde/Ore Estuary Deben Estuary \Orwell Estuary Stour Estuary Alton Water

Jan 48 10 4 145 6 106

Feb 45 0 0 253 10 148

Mar 63 7 3 92 20 93

Apr 41 0 0 66 6 52

Sep 5 – 0 63 2 39

Oct – 1 0 274 17 51

Nov – 0 0 205 7 114

Dec – 0 0 105 9 80

COMMON COOT Fulica atra Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. this species remains common in suitable habitat throughout the year. Breeding or probable breeding was, however, reported from only 19 sites, a significant drop on the previous year. high winter counts were recorded at Lackford Lakes (peaking at 405 on November 8th), redgrave Lake (400 on December 6th), Alton Water (peaking at 172 on August 16th), Loompit Lake (160 on July 8th) and flixton Gravel Pits (132 on December 17th). one present intermittently on Wilderness Pond, christchurch Park, ipswich from January 6th to June 9th is the first site record. the results of winter counts at regularly-monitored sites are shown below:–

COMMON CRANE Grus grus Scarce passage migrant. Has bred since 2007. Amber List. At Lakenheath fen reserve the first potential breeding pair returned on January 16th, then two breeding pairs were present from february 4th. A third pair then joined the two breeding pairs on April 11th. Breeding proved successful for two pairs with three young being fledged. this is the first year that one of the breeding pairs has raised two young. Some 42 reports were received from 13 sites away from the recognised breeding area and appear to relate to 7 – 12 individuals. All these records are included below:–

Lowestoft: two north, June 26th. Carlton Colville: Peto’s Marsh, juvenile, June 25th and 30th. Carlton Marshes SWT: two south-west, Apr 11th. Covehithe: four south, Apr 28th. Kessingland: Sewage Works, two over, Apr 11th. Reydon: four south-west, Apr 24th; two north, May 26th; Potters Bridge, two, Apr 17th; reydon Smear, two west, Mar 10th. Southwold: six south, June 25th. Dunwich: Dingle Marshes, two, Apr 23rd. Minsmere: two over, Mar 1st; two, Mar 22nd and 23rd; four south, Mar 27th; two west, Apr 1st; two on the Levels, Apr 11th to 14th; two, Apr 18th; Apr 21st; two, Apr 25th; four, Apr 26th to 30th; two, May 1st; three, May 2nd and 3rd. Orfordness: May 4th. Lackford Lakes SWT: over, Mar 22nd.

STONE CURLEW Burhinus oedicnemus Locally fairly common summer visitor. Occasionally overwinters. Amber List. the first returning birds were recorded at Minsmere, with one, and cavenham heath, two, on 78

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March 12th. there was confirmed breeding in Suffolk: Breckland 85 pairs and 11 pairs on the coast. A co-ordinated count of the roosts in Suffolk on September 15th showed 120 in the Brecks and 23 in the Sandlings area. of the latest counts, at cavenham heath all had departed by october 27th while Westleton heath held seven on November 5th.

BLACK-WINGED STILT Himantopus himantopus Rare visitor. two, an adult and second-calendar year, were at trimley Marshes SWt on April 26th (E Lucking, D Langlois et al. per Suffolk recorder). they stayed for a couple of hours, before flying off high north. A pair was at Mickle Mere, Pakenham on May 13th (S Bishop, M Wright et al.). the pair was seen mating during the evening, but there was no sign of them the next day. So there was no evidence of any breeding in 2014, but this wader’s occurrences in Suffolk are now increasing in regularity. these birds were also seen in cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire.

EURASIAN OYSTERCATCHER Haematopus ostralegus Very common winter visitor and passage migrant. Common resident. Amber list. the highest site-counts, again, came from the orwell Estuary, with 810 birds noted on the october 18th WeBS count at hare’s creek, Shotley. the highest inland count came from Livermere Lake, with 13 birds on february 28th. Breeding was recorded at eight sites including inland at redgrave fen, Ellough Airfield, Lackford Lakes and knettishall heath. WeBS data:–

Blyth Estuary Alde Estuary Deben Estuary Orwell Estuary Stour Estuary

Jan 88 15 94 1038 493

Feb 181 59 103 1028 309

Mar 51 225 148 389 432

Apr – – 143 184 250

Sep – – 77 857 688

Oct – 36 69 871 779

Nov 57 28 15 812 433

Dec 85 37 62 615 641

PIED AVOCET Recurvirostra avosetta Fairly common resident, summer visitor and passage migrant on the coast. Amber list. Breeding records were received from eight sites with only the following fledging success confirmed: Benacre Broad, 30 young, covehithe Broad, two young, Minsmere, 58 young, Shingle Street, two young. WeBS data:–

Blyth Estuary Alde Estuary Deben Estuary Orwell Estuary Stour Estuary

Jan 521 497 197 117 97

Feb 426 713 272 87 150

Mar 99 355 19 19 55

Apr – – 0 6 41

counts of 250 or more, other than WeBS, were as follows:–

Sep – – 198 11 –

Oct – 633 196 143 65

Breydon South Flats: 637, Mar 5th; 425, Sep 6th. Blyth Estuary: 264, Jan 8th; 800, feb 28th; 268, Mar 20th. Minsmere: Scrape, 281, July 1st; 300, July 3rd; 260, July 4th; 260, July, 9th; 267, July 16th. Snape Marshes: 300, Jan 4th. Butley River: 288, Aug 13th; 260, Sep 13th; 316, oct 1st; 276, Dec 4th; 250, Dec 9th.

Nov 190 810 108 108 120

Dec 103 1141 299 228 143

inland, Avocets were recorded at: Lakenheath Washes; Lakenheath fen; Mickle Mere and 79

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Lackford Lakes, with the highest count at the latter site being of four on July 24th.

COLLARED PRATINCOLE Glareola pratincola Very rare visitor.

Lakenheath Fen: adult, June 7th to 11th (D Bradnum et al.).

the bird was generally elusive. this is Suffolk’s fourth record, with the previous three being in 1977, 1996 and 2014.

LITTLE RINGED PLOVER Charadrius dubius Uncommon summer visitor and passage migrant. the first arrival was on March 21st at Gorleston. Breeding was confirmed at only two sites; one pair nested at Minsmere but failed due to predation and two pairs raised five young at Pipps ford (P Whittaker). highest counts:– Flixton: Gravel Pits, seven, May 1st, Pipps Ford: nine, June 21st. Mickle Mere: seven, Apr 25th.

Autumn migrants on the coast, including several immatures, were recorded at carlton Marshes, tinker’s Marshes in Walberswick, on Minsmere Scrape, hollesley Marshes and at trimley Marshes. A juvenile seen at North field, Walberswick on November 26th is the latest ever Little ringed Plover recorded in Suffolk, the previous latest was on November 17th 2008 at trimley Marshes. RINGED PLOVER Charadrius hiaticula Declining resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list (from Amber). Sightings of birds considered to be of race tundrae were:–

Walberswick NNR: Westwood Marshes, three, May 3rd; eight, May 25th; ten, May 28th. Minsmere: 24, May 8th; three, May 11th, 15, May 12th, 13, May 13th; 16, May 14th; ten, May 18th, two, May 19th; five, June 10th. Snape Marshes: eight, May 13th. Hollesley Marshes: 16, May 16th; five, June 4th; two, Dec 6th (P kennerley) – possibly the first Suffolk midwinter records? Trimley Marshes: 12, May 13th; 25, May 19th. Mickle Mere: May 13th (S Bishop).

Breeding was again confirmed at eight sites:–

Kessingland: pair, breeding confirmed. Benacre Broad: two pairs raised seven young. Covehithe: pair, breeding confirmed Easton Bavents: pair, breeding confirmed. Dunwich: Dingle Marshes, two pairs, breeding confirmed. Minsmere: two pairs, breeding confirmed. Orfordness: four pairs raised seven young of which two fledged. Landguard: five pairs raised four young. During the autumn/second winter period flocks of 50 or more at non-estuarine sites were:– Dunwich: Dingle Marshes, 50, oct 31st. Hollesley Marshes: 65, Aug 21st; 75, Sep 12th. WeBS data:–

Blyth Estuary Alde Estuary Deben Estuary Orwell Est. Stour Estuary

Jan 18 36 28 147 16

Feb 7 15 25 16 29

Mar – 32 8 7 – 80

Apr – – 0 2 –

Sep – – 106 8 193

Oct – 24 94 174 10

Nov 8 – 41 21 –

Dec 5 10 36 210 25

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9. Black-browed Albatross extraordinary appearance at Minsmere in July. See article. Peter Hobbs

10. Black-browed Albatross all too soon heading back out to sea!

Peter Hobbs

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11. Little Bittern male singing at Lakenheath Fen in May and June. See article.

12. Great (White) Egret at Hazlewood Marshes in September.

Ian Goodall

John Richardson

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13. Purple Heron surprise discovery of a first-summer bird at King’s Fleet in August. John Richardson

14. Black Kite the popular escaped bird at Wrentham. Peter Ransome

15. Common Buzzard steady population growth maintained. John Richardson

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16. Common Crane family party at Lakenheath Fen in May.

17. Avocets mating pair at Minsmere in April. David Borderick

Chris Mayne

18. Black-winged Stilts brief visit to Trimley Marshes in April. Chris Mayne

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EURASIAN DOTTEREL Charadrius morinellus Scarce passage migrant. Red list (from Amber). there were just two birds recorded in 2015. Both were photographed. Dunwich: Mount Pleasant farm, two, Apr 26th and 27th (r Drew).

EUROPEAN GOLDEN PLOVER Pluvialis apricaria Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Green list (from Amber). counts of 300 or more were widespread with the largest flocks as follows:–

Breydon South Wall: 800, Jan 13th. Boyton Marshes: c 1000, Dec 23rd. Cavenham: 700, oct 17th.

the species continues to arrive in large flocks on the Deben Estuary, both at ramsholt and between felixstowe ferry and kirton as can be seen in the WeBS Data:– Blyth Estuary Alde Estuary Deben Estuary Orwell Estuary Stour Estuary

Jan 35 540 2625 4 500

Feb 0 706 2025 650 0

Mar 0 53 0 0 0

Apr – – 0 0 0

Sep – – 486 276 208

Oct – 707 2081 173 14

Nov 80 276 1602 – 68

Dec – 449 1351 18 550

Also of interest from the WeBS data is the fact that the vast majority of birds have left by March, compared with the next three species which leave a month later. FIELD NOTE While undertaking a breeding bird survey on a farm in south Suffolk on April 22nd, at around 07:30hr i noted five Golden Plover take flight from within a large field of winter beans and head north. the plants were around one metre high, so the birds had been out of sight down at ground level at the base of the crop. the air temperature at the time was 5oc, so it’s likely that the overnight air minimum had been close to 0oc. Presumably the spacing between the individual plants had allowed the birds to drop down fairly easily and provided some degree of shelter as well. Edward Jackson PACIFIC GOLDEN PLOVER Pluvialis fulva Very rare visitor. this bird a female or second-calendar year that was on Breydon Water from June 28th to 30th (k r Dye, A Stride et al.) was seen to fly over to the south side on June 29th only (A Easton, J and P ferguson, J Lansdell, r Wilton).

GREY PLOVER Pluvialis squatarola Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. Present in every month of the year, but only on coastal scrapes and estuarine sites, and particularly on the Deben and Stour Estuaries. there was one inland report, of a singleton at Lakenheath fen rSPB on March 30th. counts of at least 50 from individual sites were:– Falkenham: 81, oct 18th. Holbrook Bay: 54, Jan 13th; 62, feb 13th. WeBS data:–

Blyth Estuary

Jan 132

Feb 20

Mar 4 81

Apr –

Sep –

Oct –

Nov 4

Dec 11

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Suffolk Bird Report 2015 WeBS data:–

Alde Estuary Deben Estuary Orwell Estuary Stour Estuary

Jan 114 260 264 448

Feb 59 308 136 529

Mar 36 205 77 440

Apr – 3 12 15

Sep – 245 26 298

Oct 8 466 100 558

Nov 40 380 138 693

Dec 98 469 401 570

NORTHERN LAPWING Vanellus vanellus Very common winter visitor and passage migrant. Declining as a breeding species. Red list. counts of 1000 or more in the first winter period were:–

Carlton Colville: Peto’s Marsh, 2500, Jan 15th; carlton Marshes SWt, 1000, Jan 17th. Hollesley Marshes: 1800, feb 14th.

Breeding was confirmed at carlton Marshes, Dunwich Dingle Marshes, Minsmere, North Warren, orfordness, hollesley Marshes, Shotley Marshes, Mickle Mere, Bto Nunnery reserve, Euston, rymer Point (honington), Lakenheath fen, higham (Nr hadleigh), knettishall Airfield, tuddenham St Mary, Giffords hall (Stoke-by-Nayland), rodbridge in Long Melford and the British Sugar Ponds at Great Barton. WeBS data:–

Blyth Estuary Alde Estuary Deben Estuary Orwell Estuary Stour Estuary

Jan 28 2525 1670 583 1219

Feb 596 2799 2999 765 1487

Mar 73 397 24 57 253

Apr – – 7 21 95

Sep – – 122 75 115

Oct – 894 583 288 140

Nov 147 1007 1027 468 182

Dec 696 2694 832 613 650

Apr – – 0 0 0

Sep – – 25 – –

Oct – – 13 28 8

Nov 7 2 40 4 3425

Dec 2 38 59 22 3513

RED KNOT Calidris canutus Locally common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. counts of 50 or more:– Gorleston: 225 south, Aug 23rd, during a seawatch. Kessingland: 55, feb 3rd Cattawade: 3000, Jan 6th. Seafield Bay: 3000, Jan 11th. WeBS data:–

Blyth Estuary Alde Estuary Deben Estuary Orwell Est. Stour Estuary

Jan 128 29 105 913 1625

Feb 340 38 38 1027 1375

Mar 18 10 22 231 862

SANDERLING Calidris alba Locally common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list (from Green). counts of over 20 or more:– Orfordness: 64, May 30th; 20, Sep 5th.

LITTLE STINT Calidris minuta Fairly common passage migrant. Occasionally overwinters. the overwintering singleton was recorded at:– Trimley Marshes: Jan 1st to May 5th.

Spring passage, mostly of singletons, was recorded at:–

Walberswick: tinker’s Marshes, four, May 29th; three, May 31st. 82

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Minsmere: May 18th. Orfordness: Apr 26th. Hollesley Marshes: Mar 6th, Apr 6th (both early for spring migrants); June 4th.

Autumn sightings were as follows:–

Carlton Marshes: Aug 12th to 17th. Walberswick: tinker’s Marshes: Aug 10th and 11th. two, Aug 14th, three, Aug 15th, two, Aug 16th, Aug 28th; north; Sep, 17th. Minsmere: singletons throughout July from 17th to August 31st, with four, Aug 20th, three, 21st, four 22nd. Orfordness: three, July 18th; two, July 19th; Aug 29th; Aug 31st; Sep 19th; Sep 26th and 27th. Hollesley Marshes: two, Aug 8th; Aug 21st;, Aug 26th; Sep 9th, three, Sep 19th; four, Sep 18th to 20th; Sep 27th and 28th. Landguard: south, Aug 22nd.

TEMMINCK’S STINT Calidris temminckii Scarce passage migrant. Spring records in 2015:–

Orfordness: three, May 13th and 14th. Hollesley Marshes: May 8th and 9th; two, May 10th to 12th; three, May 13th to 17th. Trimley Marshes: May 11th and 12th; May 30th.

Autumn records:–

Minsmere: Aug 26th Hollesley Marshes: Aug 5th; Sep 5th; oct 5th (B Buffery et al.); two, Nov 5th (P r kennerley et al.).

these are the first autumn records since 2008, the first August records since 2006, the first September record since 2000, the first october record since 1961 and Suffolk’s first November record. PECTORAL SANDPIPER Calidris melanotos Scarce passage migrant.

Minsmere: Aug 19th to 24th (J h Grant). Hazlewood Marshes: Aug 29th (M L cornish). Orfordness: Lantern Marshes, Aug 31st (M Marsh, D crawshaw, G J Jobson).

CURLEW SANDPIPER Calidris ferruginea Uncommon passage migrant. Has overwintered. Amber list (from Green). there was an excellent spring passage, probably the best ever recorded in Suffolk. Sightings were recorded at:–

Walberswick: tinker’s Marshes, three, May 20th; three, May 22nd and 23rd; May 24th; June 7th; June 11th. Minsmere: May 16th; three, May 17th; June 6th; June 14th to 17th; June 27th. Orfordness: May 2nd to 4th; May 10th; May 16th; May 23rd; four, 24th and 25th; two, 30th and 31st; June 6th; June 12th. Hollesley Marshes: May 27th. Trimley Marshes: May 7th; May 13th; May 18th to 20th; June 15th; June 18th.

Autumn records were as follows:–

Benacre Broad: July 19th and 20th. Blyth Estuary: July 29th. Walberswick: tinker’s Marshes, Sep 17th. Minsmere: July 18th; four, July 28th; Aug 9th and 10th; three, Aug 14th, two, Aug 15th and 16th; Aug 21st; two, Aug 22nd; three, Aug 23rd; oct 20th to 31st. Hazlewood Marshes: Aug 11th to 15th. Orfordness: July 18th; Aug 29th. Hollesley Marshes: three, Sep 9th and 10th, four, Sep 17th.

PURPLE SANDPIPER Calidris maritima Fairly common winter visitor. Scarce passage migrant. Amber list. the most regular site for this species remains Ness Point, Lowestoft. Purple Sandpipers were 83

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recorded there, in the first part of the year, from January 1st until May 4th with the highest count being 14 on february 20th, March 16th and March 18th. the first returning birds were seen on october 23rd, with birds present until the year’s end, with a maximum of 11 on December 17th. other records in the first part of the year:– Lowestoft: feb 28th; nine, Mar 1st. Slaughden: Jan 12th to 15th. Bawdsey: East Lane, two, Mar 23rd; Mar 27th; two, Mar 28th; Apr 27th and 28th. Landguard: two, Apr 6th.

records, other than from Ness Point, from July 29th through to the end of the year came from:–

Gorleston: Sep 21st. Corton Cliffs: Nov 26th. Lowestoft: North Beach, two, oct 25th; four Nov 29th; 14 Dec 28th; hamilton Docks, oct 27th. Southwold: July 29th; oct 28th; Nov 9th. Thorpeness: haven, two, Dec 5th and 6th. Slaughden: Nov 1st; Nov 22nd. Bawdsey: East Lane, Aug 5th. Falkenham Marshes: Aug 14th. Landguard: Sep 12th; oct 26th; two south, Nov 13th; south, Nov 20th.

DUNLIN Calidris alpina Very common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber List (from Red). in the first winter period counts of over 300, apart from WeBS which are shown below, came from the following locations:–

Burgh Castle Flats: 500, May 1st. Breydon South Wall: 400, Jan 31st; 300, May 9th. Orford Ness: 2389, feb 8th; 303, Apr 26th; 585, May 3rd, 500; May 4th. Levington Creek: 500, feb 8th. Cattawade: 2000, Jan 6th.

During the second winter period counts of more than 300 were from:–

Southwold: 359, Nov 21st; 480, Nov 26th. Hen Reedbeds: 350, Dec 17th. Blyth Estuary: 500, Nov 29th; 1000, Dec 13th; 1000, Dec 20th. Walberswick: 342 north, Dec 11th; 800, Dec 27th. Orfordness: 450, Nov 7th. Iken: 450, Dec 12th. Deben Estuary: 450, Sep 12th. Cattawade: 750, Dec 11th.

inland counts came from the following: Lackford Lakes, Lakenheath Washes, Lakenheath fen, Mickle Mere (three on August 3rd) and Livermere Lake. WeBS data:–

Blyth Estuary Alde Estuary Deben Estuary Orwell Est. Stour Estuary

Jan 3121 3160 2834 3342 1016

Feb 1149 5485 2706 1866 2883

Mar 463 767 523 516 1747

Apr – – 185 100 987

Sep – – 286 67 102

Oct – 301 788 424 3557

Nov 732 1293 1138 1706 2270

Dec 2248 3464 3396 3287 3348

BROAD-BILLED SANDPIPER Limicola falcinellus Very rare passage migrant. Another good find by carl Buttle who works this patch with great success. this is the seventeenth county record and a typical late-May sighting.

Walberswick: tinker’s Marshes, adult May 22nd and 23rd (c A Buttle et al. per Suffolk recorder). 84

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RUFF Calidris pugnax Fairly common passage migrant. Small numbers overwinter. Red List. Birds were recorded in every month of the year. reports were received from six inland sites; Mickle Mere, Shelley Priory reserve, Gifford’s hall in Stoke-by-Nayland, Livermere Pig fields, Livermere Lake and creeting St. Mary. counts of ten or more in the first winter period and spring were as follows:– North Cove/Castle Marshes: 15, Jan 25th. Alde Estuary: 13, feb 8th. Hollesley Marshes: 11, Jan 6th; 13, feb 8th; 38, feb 9th; 13, Mar 1st; 12, Mar 4th; 12, Apr 12th; 11, May 9th,

Sightings of ten or more in the autumn:–

Minsmere: ten, July 18th; ten, July 24th; 11, Aug 7th; 14, Aug 8th; ten, Aug 16th; 13, Aug 17th; 11, Aug 20th; 13, Aug 25th. Hollesley Marshes: an excellent site for this species in 2015 – 15, Aug 21st; 20, Aug 22nd; 25, Aug 24th; 15, Aug 27th; 26, Aug 29th; 25, Aug 31st; 43, Sep 1st; 40, Sep 8th; 12, Sep 9th; 12, oct 9th. Great Livermere: Pig fields, ten, Aug 25th.

BLACK-TAILED GODWIT Limosa limosa L.l.islandica: Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. L.l.limosa: Scarce visitor. Formerly bred. Red list. there were no reports of adults or juveniles of the nominate limosa subspecies this year. Data from the monthly WeBS counts on the principal estuarine sites are set out in the table below. Numbers in the first winter period were relatively low, with no evidence of any substantial midwinter influx. totals included 250 at Breydon on february 25th, 900 at North Warren on January 2nd, 200 at hollesley on January 24th and 1000 in Seafield Bay, Stour Estuary, on January 17th, but generally few flocks in excess of 200 birds were reported. Spring passage was evident from March with good individual counts including 300 at Burgh castle on March 3rd; 350 at Breydon Water on March 7th and 260 at iken on April 5th. the main exodus of northbound adults took place in late March and in April, with numbers tailing off into May. inland records from two sites reflect this, with notable groups including records of ten at Mickle Mere on April 26th, 38 at Lakenheath fen on March 27th and Black-Tailed Godwit Richard Allen 170 there on March 29th. A flock of oversummering immatures and non-breeders was present at hazlewood Marshes and Minsmere with interchange between the two sites being likely. the flock at Minsmere peaked at 300 on June 18th. return passage was first evident from the west of the county in late June with one at Lakenheath on June 20th and 15 at Mickle Mere on 25th. the inland locations perhaps suggested an initial overland arrival. the first returning birds on the coast may have been masked by the oversummering flock, but numbers built-up through July and into August with 1400 at hazlewood Marshes on August 19th and peaked in october with at least 3000 in the county, when counts from the estuaries and other sites are combined. Numbers in the second winter period were unexceptional by recent standards, with totals including 280 at Snape on November 11th, 475 at cattawade, December 11th, and 800 at North Warren on December 12th. 85

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Suffolk Bird Report 2015 Blyth Alde/Ore Deben Orwell Stour Totals

Jan 7 782 254 195 114 1352

Feb 96 669 376 275 192 1608

Mar 34 100 105 241 571 1051

Apr – – – 13 770 783

Aug – – – 249 449 698

Sep – – 683 1353 184 2220

Oct – 673 613 576 1004 2866

Nov 64 944 135 427 26 1596

Dec 10 914 194 157 484 1759

Blyth Alde/Ore Deben Orwell Stour Totals

Jan 0 41 6 15 327 389

Feb 0 23 21 8 350 402

Mar 0 310 17 3 240 570

Apr – 0 0 – 19 19

Aug – – – – 1 1

Sep – – 1 – – 1

Oct – – 1 – 5 6

Nov – – 1 – 10 11

Dec 0 15 3 17 413 448

BAR-TAILED GODWIT Limosa lapponica Fairly common passage migrant and locally common winter visitor. Amber list. Data from the monthly WeBS counts on the principal estuarine sites are set out in the table below. the estuaries in the south-east of the county appear to be the stronghold for this species in recent years. the flock which frequents the outer reaches of the Stour peaked at 350 in february and 413 in December. totals of 310 from the Alde/ore in March and a report of 150 from the Deben on January 25th suggest that there may be one or more other wintering flocks, but some interchange between them cannot be ruled out. there were 41 on orfordness on January 18th. Spring passage numbers included 30 at Breydon Water on May 21st and 23 on orfordness on May 4th. in autumn numbers were generally low, but with a high total of 1330 logged as birds moved south offshore in a concentrated passage off thorpeness on August 23rd. Seventeen were counted south past Landguard on August 14th. the only inland report received was of two at Livermere Lake on April 17th.

WHIMBREL Numenius phaeopus Fairly common passage migrant. Occasionally overwinters. Red list. in the first winter period, there were reports of up to two birds from Boyton and hollesley Marshes between January 7th and March 5th, with another bird reported from Landguard on January 9th. in the second winter period, there were reports of one bird at Boyton Marshes on November 8th and two at hazlewood Marshes on December 8th. it is unprecedented for there to be multiple winter reports in the county, so it will be interesting to see if this is the start of a trend. Migrants were reported from early April and passage continued into early June, with a peak in the last week of April and first week of May. records came from over 40 sites, mostly coastal but also at seven sites in the north-west of county, including a party of five at Mickle Mere on April 26th. records involving more than ten birds were as follows:– Breydon South Flats: 15, May 3rd. Beccles Marshes: 50, May 2nd; 26 still present, May 4th. North Cove: 12, May 2nd. Walberswick: ten, May 3rd. Minsmere: 15, Apr 22nd. Thorpeness: 27, Apr 26th. North Warren: 11, May 9th. Orfordness: peak of 18, May 2nd. Landguard: 112, between Apr 9th and May 28th, with a maximum of 17, Apr 28th.

the first bird of return passage was noted at Minsmere on June 17th and there were reports from 25 coastal sites. Passage tailed off in September and there were no inland reports. records 86

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involving more than ten birds were as follows:–

Gorleston: 30, July 26th. Benacre: ten, July 21st. Minsmere: 14, July 26th. Thorpeness: ten, July 15th; 15, July 26th; 13, Aug 1st. Shingle Street: 19, Aug 14th. Landguard: 117, between June 13th and September 10th, with maxima of 14 south on July 26th and 15 south on August 6th.

EURASIAN CURLEW Numenius arquata Common winter visitor and passage migrant. A few pairs breed. Red list (from Amber). Data from the monthly WeBS counts on the principal estuarine sites are set out in the table below. there was an impressive count of 326 on orfordness on December 5th. the WeBS figures suggest that numbers peaked in the county at approximately 3000 in January and february, when counts from the estuaries and other sites are combined. Numbers dropped off as birds began to migrate away from the estuaries in March. consistent with this, there were records from seven inland sites during March, including 15 birds at the Nunnery, thetford on 18th. Passage continued into April, with the highest count past Landguard being 30 flying north on April 12th. A small breeding population clings on in the county. Breeding was confirmed at two sites in the Brecks, with probable or possible breeding recorded from a further three sites. As usual, return passage was noted from early June, with the first past Landguard on June 1st and eight at Burgh castle on June 6th; an impressive total of 312 was recorded past Landguard during June. Numbers increased during July and August, with a count of 200 at hazlewood Marshes on August 20th. the wintering population approached 2000 by the end of the year. Blyth Alde/Ore Deben Orwell Stour Totals

Jan 29 1336 517 351 565 2798

Feb 289 974 822 431 375 2891

Mar 48 474 445 424 556 1947

Apr – – – 98 174 272

Aug – – – – 248 248

Sep – – 348 410 443 1201

Oct – 454 332 462 400 1648

Nov 102 555 493 353 327 1830

Dec 36 464 447 139 457 1543

COMMON SANDPIPER Actitis hypoleucos Common passage migrant. Sometimes overwinters. Amber list. the wintering bird at oulton Broad from late 2014 remained there until March 11th and another bird was reported from the Stour Estuary in January and february. Spring passage was light in terms of numbers of birds, with records coming from 14 coastal and 11 inland sites and the following being the only records of three or more birds:– Lowestoft: North Beach, four, May 11th. Oulton Marshes SWT: three, May 4th. Oulton Broad: three, May 11th. Minsmere: five, Apr 30th. Hollesley Marshes: six, Apr 8th; four, Apr 26th.

A bird at Easton Broad on June 5th might have been a late spring or an early autumn migrant and thereafter there were widespread reports from 12 inland and 29 coastal sites during autumn passage. high counts included the following, with the count from Livermere Lake in the west of the county being particularly eye-catching. Corton: nine, Aug 11th. Walberswick: tinker’s Marshes, six, Aug 14th. Minsmere: peaked at 13, Aug 24th.


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Hazlewood Marshes: seven, Aug 6th. Orfordness: six, Aug 9th; six, Aug 30th. Hollesley Marshes: six, July 8th. Deben Estuary: ten, Sep 13th. Stour Estuary: 17, Aug 16th. Livermere Lake: 15, Sep 1st.

Suffolk Bird Report 2015

in the second winter period what was presumably the returning bird was reported from oulton Broad and records from tuddenham St Mary on october 30th and November 29th suggest that a bird was wintering inland.

GREEN SANDPIPER Tringa ochropus Fairly common passage migrant. Small numbers overwinter. Amber list. there were widespread records of single birds in the first winter period, with records from six sites in the west, eight sites in the north-east and five sites in the south-east of the county. these typically involved one or two birds, but records of three came from outney common, Bungay, on January 11th and April 23rd, hollesley Marshes with seven on May 9th and from the river Deben with six on April 19th. Six birds at hollesley Marshes on May 28th were either non-breeding birds or very early autumn migrants. return passage is typically very early for this species, but this year records from June were sparse with the first report being from knettishall on June 20th and, others in the west of the county, from Mickle Mere on 23rd, Livermere Lake, 24th and Lackford, 26th. there were few June reports from coastal sites, but these included 11 at Snape Marshes on June 27th and seven at Minsmere on 30th. thereafter passage picked up in July and peaked in August with counts of five birds or more being recorded from coastal sites, with the highest tallies as follows:– Carlton Marshes: peaking at 15, July 3rd. Hazlewood Marshes: five, Aug 22nd. Minsmere: six, Aug 7th to 9th. Snape: seven, July 4th. Boyton: seven, July 26th. Hollesley Marshes: high numbers during August peaking at 26 on 24th.

Passage at inland sites generally involved single birds, but there was a high count of six birds at cavenham on August 23rd. Numbers tailed off during September and into the second winter period, with records from 14 coastal sites and seven sites in the west of the county from october to December, with a notable count of six from Lakenheath on December 28th.

SPOTTED REDSHANK Tringa erythropus Fairly common passage migrant. A few overwinter. Amber list. records of overwintering birds were concentrated in the north-east of the county, with reports from seven sites; up to three birds were recorded from Dingle Marshes, up to four from Breydon and two on the Blyth Estuary. there was also a single bird on orfordness. Early spring passage began with an inland bird at Gifford's hall, Stoke-by-Nayland on April 8th and a remarkable group of 11 at Lakenheath on April 11th, which is the largest inland flock ever recorded in the county. thereafter passage was confined to coastal sites with individuals or small groups reported during April and into the first week of May, with the highest count being of four at Burgh castle on April 28th. the only sites to record the species in May were Burgh castle with three on 1st and Minsmere with two on 2nd and one on 19th and 20th. the first bird of return passage was noted at Minsmere on June 9th and numbers of early returning adults reached an early peak of 18 on June 26th. Numbers at Minsmere continued to build reaching a maximum of 29 on July 19th and persisted into September. Numbers then tailed off in october. there were, however, relatively few autumn records away from the prime site of Minsmere and 88

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the only record of more than five birds was a count of six at trimley Marshes on August 12th. in the second winter period there was a bird on the Deben Estuary on December 16th; otherwise records were confined to Minsmere and sites in the north-east of the county, with one still at Minsmere on December 14th and two at Breydon on December 31st.

COMMON GREENSHANK Tringa nebularia Common passage migrant. Sometimes overwinters. Amber list (from Green). in the first winter period, single overwintering birds were reported from the orwell, Deben and Stour Estuaries, the latter being a regularly-returning flagged bird which breeds in Scotland. A report of five birds from Melton on March 5th may have been early spring passage birds rather than overwinterers. Spring passage was evident through April and into May, but only in small numbers and with a peak in the last week of April. records were concentrated at coastal sites, but also came from five sites in the west of the county. the only spring count in double figures was of 14 at Minsmere on April 23rd. there were three June records. Autumn passage was noted from June 23rd, with a single bird at Minsmere. Numbers peaked in the latter half of August, with four sites providing double-figure counts with peak counts as follows. records of up to three birds came from seven sites in the west of the county. Minsmere: 11, Aug 25th. Hazlewood Marshes: 41, Aug 19th. Orfordness: 13, Aug 9th. Hollesley Marshes: eight, Aug 22nd. Deben Estuary: 14, Sep 13th. Stour Estuary: 34, Aug 16th.

in the second winter period, records came from five coastal sites, including seven birds on the Deben Estuary on November 8th which may have been late migrants. the regular wintering bird returned to the Stour Estuary.

LESSER YELLOWLEGS Tringa flavipes Very rare visitor. A bird first seen at Breydon Water on october 29th spent the rest of the year in the area and was finally noted on the south side, at Burgh castle, on two dates. it represents the 11th record for Suffolk. Burgh Castle: 29th and 31st Dec (r Wilton, S h Piotrowski).

WOOD SANDPIPER Tringa glareola Fairly common passage migrant. Amber list. Spring passage was confined to the coast with the exception of a bird at Pipps ford on May 12th. coastal records from mid-April into May were as follows:– Oulton Marshes: three, May 4th. Minsmere: singles with last record on May 19th. Hollesley Marshes: records from May 3rd to 17th, including two on 9th and 10th. Ramsholt: two, Apr 19th. Trimley Marshes: May 7th. Shotley Marshes: Apr 15th. Cattawade: two, May 1st; May 8th.

the first autumn record was of two birds at Snape on June 27th, followed by four at carlton Marshes and one at tinker’s Marshes, Walberswick on June 29th. thereafter there was a good spread of records during July and August from 11 coastal sites, with the highest totals being recorded when juveniles were passing through in August. there were 12 at Minsmere on August 21st and 12 at hollesley Marshes on the same date. the only inland report of the autumn was from Livermere Lake on August 20th. 89

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COMMON REDSHANK Tringa totanus Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Declining resident. Amber list. Data from the monthly WeBS counts on the principal estuarine sites are set out in the table below. Breeding season reports were as follows:–

Carlton Marshes: breeding pair (one pair in 2014). Dunwich Dingle Marshes: seven breeding pairs (eight pairs in 2014). Minsmere: 21 breeding pairs (22 pairs in 2014). Orfordness: 31-36 breeding pairs, but low breeding success (29-34 pairs in 2014). Stoke-by-Nayland: Gifford's hall, pair may have attempted to breed (one pair in 2014). Mickle Mere: breeding pair.

A direct comparison with previous years across the whole of Suffolk is not possible as breeding reports were not received from a number of sites, but the position at Minsmere (where the 21 breeding pairs in 2015 compare with 22 in 2014) and orfordness (where the 31-36 breeding pairs in 2015 compare with 29-34 in 2014) would suggest that numbers of pairs are being maintained. the breeding record from Mickle Mere is notable. there were counts of 70 at Burgh castle on June 20th and 35 on the Butley river on June 25th indicating that passage was underway, perhaps including local breeders. Numbers then built to a peak at the end of the year, with the available reports suggesting that there were approximately 5000 in the county in December, when counts from the estuaries and other sites are combined. Blyth Alde/Ore Deben Orwell Stour Totals

Jan 527 1254 760 411 205 3157

Feb 557 1808 679 336 181 3561

Mar 120 1004 745 501 227 2597

Apr – – – 95 319 414

Aug – – – 54 709 763

Sep – – 686 481 420 1587

Oct – 1242 1211 708 623 3784

Nov 792 2295 640 556 369 4652

Dec 430 2169 889 552 515 4555

Blyth Alde/Ore Deben Orwell Stour Totals

Jan 0 57 43 288 83 471

Feb 0 22 55 117 128 322

Mar 0 12 69 62 372 515

Apr – 0 0 21 100 121

Aug – – – 8 120 128

Sep – – 50 47 80 177

Oct 0 13 56 159 150 378

Nov 0 20 88 260 117 485

Dec 0 13 83 219 266 581

RUDDY TURNSTONE Arenaria interpres Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. Data from the monthly WeBS counts on the principal estuarine sites are set out in the table below. in the first winter period, numbers reported on the estuaries in the county peaked at 515 in March, with totals at other coastal sites including 45 in Lowestoft harbour on January 30th. Small numbers of birds were reported from Minsmere on spring passage, including six on May 20th, but otherwise few reports were received of late migrants. there were only three records of individual birds in June and there were no reports of any oversummering flocks on the estuaries. Numbers increased from July with noteworthy counts including 45 at North Beach, Lowestoft on September 1st. inland, two flew east at Great Livermere on August 22nd. By the end of the year numbers were at similar levels to the previous winter period, with a single flock of 46 in holbrook Bay on December 18th.

RED-NECKED PHALAROPE Phalaropus lobatus Rare passage migrant. Red list. After a blank year in 2014, there were reports of up to ten birds in 2015. it was the best-ever 90

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recorded year for this species in Suffolk exceeding the previous record of nine in 1976. the occurrence of three different breeding-plumaged birds in spring is exceptional.

Minsmere: male, May 18th to 26th (P Phillips et al.); female, May 30th and 31st (multi-observer); Sep 9th to 11th (J h Grant). Hollesley Marshes: Aug 23rd (M Deans, N Mason); Sep 10th (P r kennerley), with two, Sep 12th and one remaining until 18th (D fairhurst); Nov 8th to 12th (multi-observer). Levington Creek: July 31st (P J holmes). Mickle Mere: photographed, June 22nd and 23rd (J Walshe).

the bird at hollesley Marshes until November 12th is the latest in Suffolk since December 17th 1989 when one frequented the thorpe Bay/Loompit Lake area of trimley St Martin.

GREY PHALAROPE Phalaropus fulicarius Scarce passage migrant and rare winter visitor. there were late autumn records as follows:–

Minsmere: south close inshore, 09:00hr oct 29th (J h Grant, r Drew). Thorpeness: same bird as above, oct 29th (D thurlow). Bawdsey: north, 08:08hr oct 13th (S Abbott). Landguard: Nov 5th (P oldfield).

[it is worth a reminder here that Grey Phalarope is now a description species. Birds passing at any distance from the shore are quite difficult to identify at times.]

JACK SNIPE Lymnocryptes minimus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Green list (from Amber). this species was reported from 16 sites in the Grey Phalarope Peter Beeson coastal belt and six sites in the west of the county. As is usual, the majority of reports related to single birds and the only notable multiple counts were of three at hollesley Marshes on January 6th (D Sheppard) and five at Shingle Street on october 27th (P r kennerley).

EURASIAN WOODCOCK Scolopax rusticola Declining resident. Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list (from Amber). this once-common and widespread bird continues to decline, with winter shooting and climatic and habitat changes all potentially being contributory factors. in the first winter period, there were reports from 15 inland sites and 36 in the coastal belt, mostly relating to individuals, but with some notable multiple counts; seven in the Waveney forest on January 25th; six at heveningham Park on february 15th; five at Lackford Lakes on february 15th; 15 at Minsmere on february 23rd; 16 at Bramfield on february 5th and ten at rickinghall on January 25th. the decline in our breeding population continues, with mid-summer records coming from seven sites in the north-west of the county, but with none involving more than three birds. the first autumn arrival was reported from Landguard on october 10th, with further reports concentrated on the north-east coast between october 14th and 19th. from october to December, there were records from only six inland sites but as many as 40 in the coastal belt, with few multiple reports. only 14 were noted from Landguard between october 10th and November 21st. there were significantly more Woodcock reported in the county in the period January to March than in october to December, perhaps suggesting a limited mid-winter influx in the early part of the year. 91

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COMMON SNIPE Gallinago gallinago Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Probably extinct as a breeding species. Amber list. Widespread reports in the first winter period included some high totals from inland and coastal sites as follows, with some of these concentrations persisting into April. Several sites in the northwest held good numbers, with Mickle Mere being particularly impressive for the species. the peak in numbers in february and March suggests that these totals may include a return passage of birds that had wintered further west or south.

Bungay: 33, feb 22nd. Minsmere: 16, feb 14th. Hollesley Marshes: 40, feb 15th. Trimley Marshes: 33, Mar 21st. Brantham: 21, Mar 14th. Thetford: 41, Jan 14th. Thurston: 67, Mar 6th. Lakenheath Fen RSPB: 46, feb 20th. Mickle Mere: 98, Mar 25th; 41 still present, Apr 20th. Kedington: 15, Jan 15th.

there were few records in May and only three in June, with no evidence of breeding. records then picked up from late June with a report on 30th from carlton Marshes and 12 were there by August 16th. Numbers built up over the autumn with high counts over the second winter period being reported as follows:–

Carlton Marshes SWT: 45, Dec 13th. Oulton Marshes SWT: 34, oct 1st. Benacre: 23, Dec 8th. Southwold: 28, Nov 21st. Minsmere: 130, Nov 4th; 38, Nov 15th. Alde Estuary: 94, Nov 15th. Thetford: 17, Dec 3rd. Mickle Mere: 30, Sep 30th; 71, oct 25th.

POMARINE SKUA Stercorarius pomarinus Uncommon passage migrant. A few overwinter. At the beginning of the year, there were several sightings of a number of singles off the coast. the first were of singletons off Dunwich and kessingland, January 6th and 8th respectively. Multiple sightings included three off Minsmere, January 13th and two south off kessingland the following day. Later in the month four were off kessingland including three sat together on the sea on 24th and two days later four were harassing common Gulls off thorpeness. there were fewer sightings further south in the county with single birds off Landguard, January 12th and 13th, with another off felixstowe ferry, January 28th. the following month, one was seen off orfordness, february 12th. three were off Landguard, April 4th but, overall, spring passage in 2015 was largely non-existent. return passage was slow to get going with only one July and one August record. Sightings picked up slightly in September with two adults south off Southwold, September 2nd.the following month, three pale-phase adults flew south off East Lane, Bawdsey on october 15th and the following day one dark-phase adult flew north there. there was a late flurry of sightings during November when 14 consisting of eight north and six south were noted off thorpeness on 24th and on the following two days five were seen from the same location. four were seen off thorpeness, December 7th and three, December 13th and another two the following day. further south in the county, single birds were seen off Landguard, November 14th and December 15th and 30th.

ARCTIC SKUA Stercorarius parasiticus Decreasing passage migrant. A few overwinter. Red list. it was a very quiet first half of the year with the only January record being of an individual off thorpeness on 12th. the following month, two were off orfordness, february 12th. it was a long wait 92

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until the next records when singles were seen in May north off thorpeness on 4th and Sizewell on 10th. An early returning bird was seen flying south off Gorleston, June 23rd. return passage proper started with six south past kessingland, July 25th and two south off thorpeness, July 29th. the following day two were seen past the same location but this time flying north. Later in the summer, by comparison an impressive count of 25, including 23 southbound, were seen from thorpeness on August 23rd and at the end of the month two and then three were seen south off thorpeness on August 30th and 31st. A single flock of 14 was seen from Gorleston which made up for a total day-count of 17, September 4th and the following day six went south past Ness Point, Lowestoft. September then proved to be quiet apart from towards the end of the month when six were seen off thorpeness on 28th. Six were seen off Southwold on october 10th and, the same day, four flew south past Bawdsey. the following day three were seen off thorpeness. the last multiple sightings of the year were both of three birds off Lowestoft Ness and Southwold, November 18th and 21st respectively. in all it was a disappointing year, possibly down to a lack of rough weather which is beneficial to us seeing skuas. LONG-TAILED SKUA Stercorarius longicaudus Uncommon passage migrant. in total there were around 20 sightings all year with the sole spring bird photographed from Minsmere beach late in May. the first returning bird was an adult south past thorpeness on August 23rd. there were multiple sightings made during october on 10th (four off Southwold) and 11th (two off orfordness) and three together off Southwold on November 13th. All sightings are as follows:–

Southwold: juvenile north, 07:05hr, Sep 10th (c fulcher); four, oct 10th (B Small); three first-winters south, 08:55hr, Nov 13th (E Patrick). Minsmere: adult, May 28th (J Evans); juvenile north, 10:17hr, Sep 9th, (J h Grant) Thorpeness: adult south, Aug 23rd (D thurlow); juvenile south, Sep 2nd (D thurlow); juvenile south, Sep 9th (D thurlow); two dark-phase individuals south, 11:50hr (different time from Dave thurlow's observation), Sep 9th (S Abbott); south, 12:20hr, Sep 15th (P Whittaker); juvenile north, Sep 27th (D thurlow); first-winter south, Nov 25th (D thurlow). Orfordness: two, oct 11th (S Piotrowski).

GREAT SKUA Stercorarius skua Fairly common passage migrant. A few overwinter. Amber list. the year started relatively quietly for this species with one south off Walberswick, January 4th. Another off Minsmere on January 10th was on the sea and being attacked by a gull which appeared to be trying to drown it! An interesting reversal of roles! the skua eventually escaped and flew over the reserve appearing to be in poor condition with several wing feathers missing. further south in the county, singles were off Landguard, January 9th and 28th and two were off orfordness, february 12th. the only multiple occurrence was of four north past kessingland on January 14th. During the spring very few were seen, with one off Minsmere, March 1st, and singles off kessingland, April 1st and 27th. return migration, which was slow to get going, included four north past Minsmere, September 9th and six south past Southwold the following day. the following month, six were off Southwold, october 10th and the same day two were off thorpeness and another was off Lowestoft Ness. towards the end of the month, four were seen south past thorpeness, october 26th. in the final two months of the year sightings did somewhat increase with most records coming from the thorpeness area. Notable sightings from this period include six off Southwold, November 9th, seven off Slaughden, November 21st and the same day six were off Southwold. Six were recorded off thorpeness on November 26th which included five north, and five others were noted from there three days later. in December off thorpeness ten were noted, on 14th and five on 24th. Elsewhere, seven were off Landguard, November 21st. two were seen off Landguard on three different dates, December 14th, 15th and 26th. the final record of the year was of one north past corton on December 31st. 93

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SABINE’S GULL Xema sabini Rare passage migrant. two records were made during october, both were adults:–

Lowestoft: Gunton cliffs, adult south, 14:10hr, oct 11th (M robertson). Thorpeness: adult north then south, 11:00hr, oct 14th (P Whittaker, D Pearsons).

BLACK-LEGGED KITTIWAKE Rissa tridactyla Very common passage migrant and winter visitor. Small numbers breed. Red list (from Amber). At the start of the year, some good movements were witnessed which included some very good day-counts. highlights included 106 south off thorpeness, January 11th and the following day 432, including 426 that flew south, were seen past there. further north in the county, a total of 180 was recorded off kessingland, 134 of which were flying north, January 14th. overall, three-figure counts were the exception rather than the rule as March proved to be a quiet month. in April numbers started to pick up again as the breeding season approached. Notable totals included 50 off thorpeness, April 4th and 82 past there, May 2nd. further up the coast, 52 were off kessingland on May 7th. the Suffolk breeding population continues to hold steady. in Lowestoft, 196 nesting pairs fledged 212 young, including; 24 nests (39 young) at claremont Pier, 35 nests (40 young) at Waveney Dock, five nests (four young) at trawler Dock, 62 nests (63 young) at our Lady Star of the Sea roman catholic church, 36 nests (36 young) at telephone Exchange, 22 nests (16 young) at Boots the chemist, ten nests (12 young) at icehouse and two nests (two young) on houses. All nesting attempts at SLP in the harbour were predated by herring Gulls and can account for the diverse spread of locations as birds sought safer places to nest. further down the coast at Sizewell a total of 194 nesting pairs (76 on near rig and 118 on far rig) was observed in a census from the car park on June 1st. As the summer progressed, numbers moving offshore started to increase with 349 north off thorpeness, July 25th and 76 passing there the following day. there were few records during September and october and what records there were didn’t break into double figures. in the last two months of the year, offshore numbers, mostly southbound birds, did pick up slightly and some decent counts were made including 98 off Slaughden, November 21st. the most notable counts were off thorpeness with 150 south, December 23rd and further up the coast, 50 flew south off Lowestoft Ness, December 26th.

BLACK-HEADED GULL Chroicocephalus ridibundus Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. At the start of the year there were some good roost numbers noted in west Suffolk. counts made included 4500 at Great Livermere pig fields, January 2nd and 6000 at Lackford Lakes, January 28th and the following month, an impressive 14000 roosted at Livermere Lake on february 28th. on the coast, notable counts included 1000 at Walberswick Beach, January 4th, and 700 were at Easton Marshes, reydon on January 20th. Good numbers held steady throughout february with 500 at Southwold boating lake, february 15th and at the end of the month, 600 were on the Blyth Estuary and 540 at herringfleet Marshes, february 28th. into the spring good numbers remained at inland sites with 4000 at Livermere Lake, March 24th and April 1st. Elsewhere, at Mickle Mere, 1500 and 1200 were present, March 14th and 26th respectively. At Livermere Lake, 652 were present, which included 592 second calendar year birds, April 15th and on the coast, 620 were noted at the Blyth Estuary, March 20th. over the summer, breeding was noted away from the coast at Lackford where at least 50 pairs were recorded. Elsewhere, three pairs bred at an agricultural reservoir at hall farm, fornham St. Martin. there were also signs of breeding at Lakenheath fen/Washes where it was thought several pairs may have bred, but in an inaccessible location. Elsewhere, 53 nests were counted at Mickle Mere and 46 at Livermere Lake during May. A noteworthy roost of 2000 at Livermere Lake, included 150 juveniles, July 16th. At the coast, 280 pairs were noted at Minsmere, eight pairs were at Dingle Marshes and there 94

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was even one pair noted at Leathes ham in Lowestoft. on orfordness, 718 pairs were present but only 70 young were known to have fledged. there were some good numbers on the move in late summer with 1000 south off Gorleston cliffs, August 1st and 5000 were observed flying east over Burgh castle, August 24th. towards the end of the year, roosts gathered at the usual locations with the highlight being 6500 at Lackford Lakes, December 4th and 1000 were noted at Livermere pig fields the following day. towards the coast, 3000 were counted at Burgh castle, october 2nd. A total of 850 flew south past thorpeness, october 11th. At flixton Gravel Pits, 760 were counted on December 17th and 800 were at covehithe Broad on 30th.

LITTLE GULL Hydrocoloeus minutus Fairly common passage migrant. Regularly oversummers. Small numbers overwinter. Green list (from Amber). it was a very quiet first three months with just one record of an individual on covehithe Broad, January 10th. During the spring, at the coast, the first record was on North Warren rSPB reserve, March 28th, two were seen at Gunton Beach, April 25th and up to four birds were noted on Minsmere Scrape, May 20th and 21st. further south, individuals were noted at hollesley Marshes, March 5th and May 3rd and at Loompit Lake, April 13th. in the west of the county, the bulk of the year’s sightings were confined to April, when there was a good showing of passage birds. At Lackford Lakes six were noted, April 9th rising to 20 the following day; seven were noted there again on April 20th. towards the end of the month there was another small flurry of records, centred for the most part around Livermere Lake with two first noted, April 17th, rising to ten by April 23rd. there was a single record at Lackford, May 7th and during the summer a single record was made at Livermere Lake, July 4th. At the coast, a small number oversummered at Minsmere where up to nine birds were noted throughout June. in July numbers duly increased with 21 noted, 3rd which had increased to 70 by the end of the month. into August the usual build-up and interchange between Minsmere and Sizewell continued; numbers remained steady throughout but there were no three-figure counts like there had been in previous years. Numbers peaked at 96 and 91 present on Minsmere Scrape, August 7th and 11th respectively. into September the focus of sightings shifted more to the Sizewell rigs, where 80 were noted, September 2nd and 5th. Elsewhere along the coast, very few were seen outside of the Minsmere/Sizewell area. in the west of the county one found its way to Lackford Lakes, September 26th. from the middle of September, numbers in general dropped back with the highlight of october being 17 off Southwold on 17th. the following month, 63 were noted off Slaughden, November 21st, the same day that 47 flew south off Southwold. the last records of the year were of singletons off corton and thorpeness on December 31st.

MEDITERRANEAN GULL Larus melanocephalus Uncommon resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Rare breeder. Amber list. At the start of the year in west Suffolk an adult was noted at Lakenheath fen/Washes on January 11th. on the coast, the monopoly of occurrences was in and around Lowestoft with 12 noted at the Links road car Park, January 10th and ten were just to the north on Gunton Beach, January 15th. Away from here, only singletons were noted at kessingland, covehithe and Southwold. in the south-east, the main observations were of five on the river Deben at Melton, January 22nd and three at Landguard, february 7th. As spring approached, numbers dispersed along the coast with seven noted at Southwold, March 12th and numbers picked up at Minsmere where six were noted, March 26th and April 9th and 26th. At Livermere Lake, up to three birds were seen during the spring, consisting of a longstaying pair and a separate individual. observations of these birds were made on March 12th and 95

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April 2nd and four birds were noted there, April 24th. three passage birds were noted at Lackford Lakes on April 9th. Early summer saw numbers rise sharply at Minsmere with an impressive 80 and 90 birds noted, June 19th and 23rd respectively. Nearby at tinker’s Marshes, 126 were counted, June 27th with 184 there two days later. At Minsmere numbers peaked at 105 on July 5th but, despite these high counts, only one pair nested on the reserve. in the west, an adult and juvenile were at Livermere Lake, August 4th and 15th. Numbers at Walberswick held up well throughout July with an impressive maximum of 460, July 18th, the highest total ever recorded in Suffolk; 300 were still present, July 26th but numbers dropped away substantially by the end of the month with counts of 60 on 30th and 12 on 31st. During the late summer, the far south-east of the county seems to miss the build-up in numbers witnessed in the north-east. the largest totals seen here were of three at Landguard, July 8th and three at trimley Marshes, August 8th. in the far north-east of the county, a very impressive 450 were noted feeding on the rugby pitch by the south bank of Breydon Water, September 1st and a few days later, 334 were seen in fields at corton, September 6th. towards the end of September and for the last three months of the year, numbers dropped back to the levels seen at the start of the year at the usual sites in the Lowestoft area. towards the end of the year, 17 were recorded at both Links road, Lowestoft on November 29th and Gorleston, December 8th and 14 were at Links road car Park, Lowestoft on December 26th. in the south east, seven (including six adults) were noted at Landguard, october 18th. Very few birds were noted in the south east of the county with three at Snape Marshes, December 15th and two at hollesley Marshes, December 23rd. the only record later in the year of an inland winter bird was made at Lackford Lakes on December 20th.

COMMON GULL Larus canus Very common winter visitor and passage migrant. Scarce breeding species. Amber list. At the start of the year up to 2000 were noted in the covehithe area, January 4th, 14th and 25th. Elsewhere 1500 were counted at Dunwich, January 15th with the same number lingering off thorpeness, January 26th. further south, 600 were noted at Landguard, January 28th and 400 off thorpeness caravan Park, January 21st. the following month, 2000 were again noted at covehithe, seemingly drawn to the local pig fields, february 15th and 600 were counted at Benacre Broad, March 28th. in the west of the county, numbers slowly built up during January and february but stayed low and there were no records of any large roosts. At Lakenheath Washes, ten were recorded on January 2nd and 13 on 9th. forty-two were counted at the Bto Nunnery reserve, thetford on January 22nd and 29 were there on february 9th. During spring passage, 700 were at Stoke-by-Nayland and 120 at hightown Green, rattlesden on March 17th. At the coast numbers were much lower with only 32 seen north off Landguard, April 17th. there were very few summer observations but a first-summer bird was noted at Landguard, June 13th and the first returning adults appeared from July 10th. At Boyton Marshes, two adults were seen, July 6th. there were no known breeding attempts recorded anywhere in the county. During the autumn, 250 were noted south past thorpeness, october 11th. towards the end of the year, numbers again started to build up in the covehithe area with 1000 noted, December 13th. the only record from the second winter period inland was of 200 noted at higham (near Newmarket) on December 17th. Small numbers were noted in the south-east, with 11 on Alton Water on December 13th.

LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL Larus fuscus Very common summer visitor and passage migrant. Increasing numbers overwinter. Amber list. At the start of the year 1500 were noted at Lakenheath fen/Washes on January 2nd and the following month, 450 were at Lackford Lakes. on the coast, 165 were noted at Minsmere, March 96

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19th and 250 were at Landguard on March 20th. Good numbers were present in the Great Livermere area in the spring including 850 at Livermere Lake, May 2nd. Summer roosts at Great Livermere included 2200, July 16th rising to a peak of 4600 by August 10th. on the coast, 350 were counted at covehithe Broad, August 25th. Breeding fortunes continue not to make good reading with flooding issues continuing on orfordness following the December 2013 storm surge, but an estimated 60 pairs attempted to breed. Elsewhere the urban breeding populations at Lowestoft, ipswich and felixstowe Docks continued with unknown success. As the autumn progressed the pig fields at covehithe attracted 260, September 4th and 200 were noted at Southwold, october 8th. the following month, 103 were noted during a WeBS count on the Blyth, November 18th. in the west of the county, a post-breeding gathering of 1700 at Livermere Lake included 700 juveniles, September 23rd. During the following months, the largest inland roosts noted were 300 on Livermere pig fields, November 21st and 490 at Lackford Lakes, December 4th. on the coast, good numbers remained in the Walberswick area with 580 on December 10th.

HERRING GULL Larus argentatus Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list. During the first winter period, good numbers were noted in the north-east of the county with 2000 at oulton Broad, January 3rd and later in the month, 3500 were at North cove Marshes on 26th. further south, 800 were noted at Landguard, January 11th and 750 were at Snape Marshes, february 27th. in the west of the county, 200 were at Lakenheath fen/Washes and 107 at Livermere pig fields, January 2nd. Also, 600 were noted at Ellough Airfield, february 1st and 7th. these roosts dispersed as the winter gave way to spring. During the spring, 2000 were noted at Landguard, March 20th and, at Minsmere, numbers peaked at 1286 on March 19th. through the rest of the spring and summer, numbers stabilised along the coast with 395 present at Minsmere, April 2nd and at Snape Marshes, 285 were noted on April 23rd. in west Suffolk, 305 were at Mickle Mere, April 13th and elsewhere some exceptional counts were made, including 825 at the Livermere pig fields, April 19th with 800 still present, early the following month, on May 2nd. Breeding records included 77 pairs on orfordness and nesting occurred alongside Lesser Blackbacked Gulls in the more urban settings of Lowestoft town centre, ipswich and felixstowe Docks. in the west of the county there was no reported breeding but a flock of 40 at Great Livermere included 30 juveniles on September 23rd. towards the end of the year, numbers gathered at the usual roost sites. in the south-east of the county, 800 were at Landguard, November 28th and 400 at hollesley Marshes, December 1st. in the north-east, 350 were at carlton Marshes, November 3rd and the following month 400 were at Lake Lothing, December 29th and 150 were at covehithe Broad on December 30th. in the west of the county, the main roost gathering was at Livermere Lake where 360 and 340 were present (including four ‘argentatus’), November 21st and December 5th respectively.

YELLOW-LEGGED GULL Larus michahellis Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Small numbers oversummer. Amber list. in the south-east of the county, the bulk of the sightings were in and around the hollesley area with an adult and first-winter present throughout January and february. further north along the coast very few were present in the first half of the year with two at Walberswick on January 9th. other records included a second-winter at Gorleston Pier, february 21st and March 15th and two on Minsmere Scrape, March 28th and 29th. in the west a peak of 14 was at Lakenheath fen/Washes, January 11th with eight noted at Mickle Mere on March 14th. During the summer at hollesley Marshes an adult was present, July 12th and a first-summer on August 28th. 97

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in the west of the county very large flocks occurred centring on the Great Livermere area. it started with 45 noted on July 16th, rising to 68 (including 32 adult-types), July 23rd. the following month a stunning west Suffolk record of 82 (including 46 adult-types) was noted on August 12th (P Wilson). into the autumn numbers dropped back but 33 were noted at Livermere Lake, october 1st. on the coast, numbers increased over the summer at Minsmere with highlights being 13 on the Scrape, June 30th and 19, July 21st. At Walberswick, 18 were noted, August 8th and 25th. At the end of the year, six were at hollesley Marshes, November 15th, which included four firstwinters. the following month, two first-winters and two adults were in the hollesley area being seen on numerous dates, including both adults together, December 14th and the two first-winters, December 17th. further north, most records were split between Minsmere and Walberswick with the highest numbers being 25 on Minsmere Scrape, November 6th and 15 at Walberswick, December 27th. in the west of the county, 11 adults were noted at the Livermere pig fields, December 18th and 12 adults at Lackford Lakes, December 31st.

CASPIAN GULL Larus cachinnans Scarce winter visitor. Amber list. At the start of January up to three adults were noted in the Lakenheath area, January 2nd (P Wilson) and remained in the area until at least January 11th. At pig fields in Great Livermere, three were present, January 18th and 25th (West Suffolk Birders, P Wilson). An adult and firstwinter were noted at the Lackford Lakes roost, January 17th and 29th (West Suffolk Birders, E Patrick). in the south-east of the county, three were noted at trimley Marshes, March 15th (E Lucking) and a first-summer was at Landguard on March 19th and 20th (P oldfield et al.). further up the coast, three were at Minsmere, March 20th (N Mason) and later in the spring, two were at hollesley Marshes on May 6th (P kennerley). throughout the summer months a pattern of sightings indicated that a first-summer was resident in the Minsmere and Walberswick area. As autumn approached, numbers built up with six noted at Walberswick, August 15th (B Small), increasing to eight by August 21st (S Nixon). in the west of the county, numbers increased as summer progressed and at Livermere Lake, peaked at six and seven, August 6th and 17th respectively (P Wilson) and the following month, five remained, September 5th. After a countywide drop in numbers throughout September and october, three were at Snape Marshes on November 15th (D fairhurst) and, on the coast, ten were at Minsmere Scrape, November 6th and December 5th (J h Grant) with the latter record including five adults. five were at hollesley Marshes, December 14th (P kennerley) and the same day five were noted at Snape Marshes (D fairhurst). in the west of the county, two were at the Great Livermere pig fields on November 21st and three there on December 18th (P Wilson). An adult and first-winter were together at Lackford Lakes on December 24th (L Gregory). there was a good spread of sightings in the north-east at the end of the year with two noted at Minsmere, two at oulton Broad (A Easton), one at Slaughden (M cornish) and two at Walberswick (B Small), all recorded on December 27th. the following day six were together at Walberswick (B Small).

ICELAND GULL Larus glaucoides Scarce winter visitor. Amber list. Most of the year’s sightings were made in west Suffolk with all in the first winter period consisting of three individuals of different ages. on the coast it was a below-average year with flybys at hopton-on-sea and Lowestoft but an adult did linger on the Scrape at Minsmere. All records received as follows;

Hopton-on-sea: adult south, feb 5th (k Dye). Lowestoft: second-winter south, Mar 6th (S Abbott). Minsmere: adult on scrape, Apr 8th (G J Jobson). Thorpeness: haven, adult, oct 16th.


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Mickle Mere: third-winter roosted, Mar 26th to Apr 2nd (c Jakes); first-winter, Apr 5th (West Suffolk Birders); first-winter (same bird as at Livermere), Apr 13th (West Suffolk Birders). Barnham: rymer Point, ‘near-adult’ on pig fields, feb 15th (M Wright); first-winter on pig fields, Mar 21st and 27th (N Moran); first-winter, Apr 3rd (West Suffolk birders). Livermere Lake: third-winter on pig fields, feb 15th and 17th (West Suffolk Birders); two, first-winter and third-winter roosted on lake, Mar 16th (t Stopher); first-winter roosted on lake, Mar 24th and 26th (West Suffolk birders); two, first and third-winters present on pig fields, Mar 28th (West Suffolk Birders); first-winter roosted, Apr 1st (West Suffolk birders); third-winter, Apr 4th (West Suffolk Birders); first-winter on pig fields, Apr 8th, 17th and 18th (West Suffolk Birders). Lackford Lakes SWT: third-winter roosted most evenings (same as Livermere bird), feb 14th to Mar 6th (West Suffolk Birders); second-winter roosted, feb 27th (c Gregory).

GLAUCOUS GULL Larus hyperboreus Scarce winter visitor. Amber list. overall another very good year for this handsome Arctic brute! in west Suffolk, all records were in the first winter period. A first-winter bird was present in the Livermere area throughout January and february and was last seen on March 8th. What was presumably the same bird was seen roosting intermittently at Lackford Lakes until March 6th. An immature bird, that was present at Livermere on January 18th, was thought to be a Glaucous x herring Gull hybrid. on the coast, up to two first-winters frequented the Lowestoft area venturing as far as Ellough near Beccles and over the border into Norfolk to feed with many other gulls at Aldeby tip. further south two different birds interchanged between Sizewell and Minsmere towards the end of the year with another noted on two dates at Landguard. full list of sightings received as follows:–

Lowestoft: first-winter roosted on claremont Pier, feb 3rd (A Easton); first-winter along South Beach groynes, feb 25th, 27th and 28th (A Easton); first-winter roosted on claremont Pier, Mar 1st, 3rd and 8th (A Easton); first-summer on South Pier, Apr 26th (A rowlands). Oulton Broad: first-winter roosted, Jan 1st at 15:35 and 2nd at 16:05 (J Brown); first-winter west, Jan 31st (r Wilton) and feb 2nd (P Napthine). Carlton Marshes/Peto’s Marsh: first-winter, Jan 15th and 16th (A Easton); two first-winters, Jan 17th (r Wilton); first-winter, Jan 18th (N carter) and 19th (M Parker). Ellough: first-winter near airfield industrial estate, Jan 15th and 16th (c Shaw); first-winter, Jan 31st (r Wilton); first-winter, feb 1st and 2nd (r Wilton) and 6th (M Parker). Kessingland: flew out to sea, feb 28th (c Shaw). Covehithe Broad: first-winter, feb 8th (r Walden); first-winter, Dec 9th (c A Buttle). Minsmere: first-winter on Scrape, Mar 26th (S Piotrowski); first-winter on Levels, Mar 28th (J h Grant); firstwinter on Scrape, Dec 8th and 9th (D Pearson) and Dec 11th (rSPB); third-winter on Scrape and first-winter on beach, Dec 13th (S Nixon, P Phillips); first-winter on Scrape, Dec 15th (c cuthbert) and Dec 21st to 31st (A rowlands). Sizewell: first-winter around offshore rigs, Dec 13th to 15th (M cornish); first-winter, Dec 22nd (G J Jobson); first-winter Dec 25th to 27th (D fairhurst). Thorpeness: north, Dec 13th (D thurlow). Hollesley: first-summer, Apr 4th (S Abbott, N Mason, D Sheppard). Felixstowe Ferry: unaged, Nov 28th. Landguard: first-winter north, Mar 14th (W Brame, t holland); first-winter, Dec 29th and 30th (M May et al.). Barnham: rymer Point, first-winter, feb 15th (M Wright). Great Livermere: first-winter in pig fields, Jan 3rd (t Stopher); Jan 18th (West Suffolk Birders); Jan 25th (N Mason); Jan 26th (S Abbott); feb 11th (M Peers); Mar 8th (West Suffolk Birders). Lackford Lakes SWT: immature in roost, feb 27th (c Gregory); Mar 6th (West Suffolk Birders).

GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL Larus marinus Common winter visitor and passage migrant. A few oversummer. Has recently bred. Amber list. At the start of the year 187 were at carlton Marshes, January 15th and a southward movement of 80 was noted off Gorleston cliffs two days later. in west Suffolk, numbers were low at the start of the year with only eight counted at Lackford Lakes on January 8th. Numbers did increase the 99

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following month with 63 and 25 recorded at Lackford Lakes on february 1st and 21st respectively. Nearby, ten were noted at Lakenheath fen/Washes, february 8th. in the south-east 11 were noted at Shingle Street, January 19th and 40 at hollesley Marshes, March 4th. on the coast, 150 were noted on Minsmere Scrape, March 8th and off orfordness there was a notable spring passage movement with 200 on March 15th and 400 on March 22nd. the following month 70 were counted on Minsmere Scrape, April 20th. During the summer, four were noted at Boyton Marshes, June 26th and three on Minsmere Scrape, July 19th. towards the end of the year, 500 were on orfordness, November 28th with the same number at thorpeness caravan Park, December 6th and 52 were at Bawdsey on December 21st. Some strong southbound passage was noted with 400 past Lowestoft Ness, December 5th and 618 past Gorleston on 6th. A very noteworthy count of 2500 south past Gorleston was made, December 8th, the highest total ever in Suffolk. Later in the month, 192 were noted on Minsmere Scrape on 18th and 170 at carlton colville on 25th. No observations were made in west Suffolk during this time.

LITTLE TERN Sternula albifrons Common summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. the first two of the year were seen flying north off Landguard on April 21st, followed by two on Minsmere Scrape on 23rd. the next sightings were Landguard on 28th and Minsmere on 30th with increasing numbers arriving daily after that. A notable sighting was of 265 south off hoptonon-Sea on May 3rd. During the second breeding season of the five-year Eu LifE+ Nature Little tern recovery Project, it is encouraging to see that a very good number of young fledged in Suffolk in 2015 from one site but elsewhere breeding success was poor or non-existent. Breeding Site Kessingland Benacre

Dunwich, Corporation Marshes Walberswick Minsmere Sudbourne Orfordness/Slaughden Shingle Street Knolls, mouth of Deben

No. of Pairs 66 116 2 ? ? ? nil nil ?

Fledged Young nil Peak fledgling count of 121 in late July but estimated that a total of 180 fledged 2+ ? ? ? nil nil ?

Remarks All nests abandoned this was the most successful breeding this colony has seen, exceeding even the years 2001 and 2010 two pairs fledged young No details No details No details No breeding attempts Seen displaying over roped-off area but no attempts to nest No details

Most activity in the summer was centred on Benacre Broad where the main breeding attempt occurred with peak numbers of 350 to 400 reported in mid-July. Post-breeding gatherings included 60 at Sizewell on July 20th and 70 at North Beach, Lowestoft on July 25th. By mid-August, autumn passage was well underway evidenced by 119 south past Gorleston on 27th. the year's last records came from corton on September 9th (four) and Sizewell on 14th (two).

BLACK TERN Chlidonias niger Fairly common passage migrant. Spring migration in 2015 was very poor with a maximum of 13 birds at six sites between April 23rd and June 13th. the sightings were, atypically, almost equally divided between coastal and inland sites:–

Corton: May 8th. Minsmere: two, June 10th.


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Orfordness: May 31st. Trimley Marshes: Apr 23rd; Apr 25th; May 3rd. Livermere Lake: five, May 3rd. Lakenheath Washes: June 13th.

the four birds reported during May 31st to June 13th may have been non-breeders rather than late spring migrants. Autumn passage along the coast was rather better than in 2014 when just 26 individuals were reported. Migration was noted between July 16th and September 18th when the last one was seen off Sizewell. in total, 105 birds were reported over this two-month period with only a few individuals possibly double-counted at different locations. there were no large groups, the most significant being:– Southwold: six, July 25th. Thorpeness: ten, Aug 31st; seven, Sep 2nd. Orfordness: eight, Aug 7th; eight, Sep 5th.

unusually, there were reports from more west Suffolk sites in the autumn than in spring, with the birds at Lakenheath fen and Washes being notably late sightings for the county:– Livermere Lake: Sep 16th; Sep 17th. Fornham St Genevieve: Aug 22nd. Cavenham Pits: Sep 10th. Lakenheath Fen RSPB/Washes: two, oct 9th.

SANDWICH TERN Sterna sandvicensis Common passage migrant, declining summer visitor. Amber list. the first of the year were two at Minsmere on April 5th with the next at Blythburgh on April 9th. thereafter, throughout the spring and summer, the species was recorded almost daily, but generally in small numbers. the largest spring count was 40 at Minsmere on April 23rd. once again, there were no breeding attempts made in the county. the species was passing offshore regularly from May to September. the table below shows monthly movements past the well-watched coastal site at thorpeness:– 2015 – North – South 2014 – North – South

Apr 10 1 32 1

May 13 10 54 28

June 40 25 185 92

July 75 32 139 132

Aug 16 31 16 47

Sep 8 39 15 31

Oct – 1 – 3

in the 2014 report, it was noted that the autumn passage was disappointing to say the least. As can be seen, this trend continued and the spring and summer movements in 2015 were even further down. the species was recorded virtually daily up to September 28th. october records totalled ten birds (five off corton on 4th; four off East Lane, Bawdsey on 13th) with the final sighting being made on october 29th when a single bird flew south past thorpeness. None was recorded in the west of the county in 2015.

COMMON TERN Sterna hirundo Common summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. the first sightings were in the west of the county, with a single bird at honington on April 1st and four at Lackford Lakes the same day. the next inland records came from Lakenheath Washes, April 14th and Livermere Lake, April 23rd. Along the coast, the first sighting was at Minsmere on April 10th but records were sparse until early May when birds started returning to their breeding colonies. the only breeding information received is summarised below:–

Minsmere: total of 133 pairs fledged 120 young (no young reared in 2014). Orfordness: total of nine pairs nested, all on Lantern Marshes, but no young fledged (unfortunately no pairs 101

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attempted to nest on king’s Marshes where successful breeding took place in 2014). Alton Water: as a result of predation by crows and gulls, numbers of fledglings were much reduced (46 chicks were ringed). Lackford Lakes SWT: pair raised one chick.

Southbound migration was evident from mid-July with the highest day-counts past the wellwatched coastal site at thorpeness being 820 on July 29th and 628 on August 2nd. counts at the site are summarised below:– 2015 – North – South 2014 – North – South

Apr 5 2 7 1

May 22 52 77 43

June 104 57 103 101

July 427 1317 200 397

Aug 102 1238 121 1024

Sep 13 53 201 24

Oct 0 0 3 0

Whilst the numbers in July are well up on 2014, numbers recorded in July, August and September as a whole are dramatically lower than in 2013 and previous years. it is possible that the terns are migrating far out to sea rather than along the coast. the last sighting was of a single bird at island Mere, Minsmere on September 29th.

ROSEATE TERN Sterna dougallii Scarce passage migrant. Red list. After the total lack of sightings in 2014, there was a modest improvement with reports of three birds:– Benacre Broad: July 11th (D J Pearson). Landguard: May 14th and 15th (N odin et al.); north, Aug 11th (c J Bridge). totals of roseate terns reported 2006-2015 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 10 10 4+ 10+ 5

2011 6+

2012 7-8

2013 7-9

2014 0

2015 3

ARCTIC TERN Sterna paradisaea Fairly common passage migrant. Occasionally breeds. Amber list. A single bird at Lackford Lakes on April 13th was the first of the year. other than six birds flying north over Needham Market on April 22nd, early reports came from just three inland sites:– Livermere Lake: Apr 20th; Apr 26th; May 3rd. Lackford Lakes: Apr 13th; Apr 19th; three, Apr 20th; Apr 22nd; three, Apr 23rd; Apr 26th. Lakenheath Washes: three, May 4th.

these sightings were the only records for the year from the west of the county. there were no signs of breeding activity. Spring passage along the coastal strip was very poor with three singles off Landguard on 4th, 5th and 14th and three with common terns off Shingle Street on 21st being the only May records. on June 11th, seven flew north past thorpeness. A singleton was on Minsmere scrape on June 21st and varying numbers were seen at this site fairly regularly until July 31st, with a peak count of eight on July 25th. Autumn passage had started by July 12th when three birds flew south past Gorleston. Peak numbers were 24 past Lowestoft on July 25th and 20 past Gorleston the following day. in total, there were about 120 sightings up to September 12th, higher than 2014 and in line with 2012 and 2013. the final record of the year was of a first winter bird which flew north past Lowestoft on october 30th.

COMMON GUILLEMOT Uria aalge Common passage migrant and winter visitor. Amber list. Around 700 Guillemots were reported in 2015 compared with 1080 in 2014 and 870 in 2013. however, very large numbers are reported from time to time when they are close enough to shore 102

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to be identified as to species. this occurred in the winter of 2013-14 but not in the winter of 201415. Numbers increased again at the end of 2015. A comparison of the monthly totals for the last three years appears below:– Monthly totals of live Guillemots Jan Feb Mar 2015 23 34 11 2014 802 104 13 2013 33 44 58

Apr 4 128

May 33 32 31

Jun 103 30 76

Jul 2 4 4

Aug – 1 2

Sep 5 7 23

Oct 101 16 23

Nov 205 44 191

Dec 180 21 257

Monthly totals of unidentified Auks Jan Feb Mar 2015 – – 1 2014 42 40 5 2013 3 51 143

Apr – 1 587

May – 2 10

Jun – 6 9

Jul – 1 1

Aug 1 – –

Sep – 1 13

Oct – 18 47

Nov 21 52 956

Dec – 151 140

in addition, some unidentified auks are reported, but in 2015 there were only 23 such records:–

the combined total of Guillemots and unidentified auks this year was approximately 720, compared with about 1400 in 2014 and 2800 in 2013. however, the 2013 figures include exceptional peaks in March, April and November totalling over 1600 without which the annual count would have been about 1200. Even so, it appears that there may well be a reduction in the numbers of auks present off our coast.

RAZORBILL Alca torda Uncommon passage migrant and winter visitor. Amber list. the total of individuals for the year was 27. All were seen in flight apart from one bird which landed close inshore with two Guillemots off Bawdsey on November 10th. the main difference from 2014 was that there were sightings made in october, November and December:– Monthly totals of live razorbills Jan Feb 2015 4 1 2014 5 2

Mar – –

Apr – 1

May 3 2

Jun 6 –

Jul – –

Aug – 2

Sep 1 1

Oct 1 –

the table below shows the variability in the number of birds seen each year:–

totals of live razorbills reported 2006-2015 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 23 53 341 40 70

2011 36

2012 82

2013 45

Nov 7 –

2014 13

Dec 4 –

2015 27

BLACK GUILLEMOT Cepphus grylle Very rare visitor. Amber list. A juvenile was tracked flying north on November 22nd, passing Slaughden at 9:57hr (S Abbott, L G Woods), Sizewell at 10:05hr (J h Grant, M t cartwright) and Southwold at 10:25hr (c fulcher, S h Piotrowski, N Vipond, A riseborough). this is the tenth record for Suffolk and the first since 2007.

LITTLE AUK Alle alle Uncommon passage migrant and winter visitor. this was a much better year for this species with 115 records but there is probably a small degree of overlap of individuals seen at more than one location. the first bird of the year was seen on the sea off Benacre on october 27th and the second was reported at Dunwich beach the 103

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following day. the next sightings were on November 21st (total along coast of 44 birds) and 22nd (51 birds), the majority of records, with 17 more seen between November 23rd and 29th. the last sighting was of a single bird flying south at Minsmere on December 14th. the most significant records are listed below:– Lowestoft: Ness Point, eight, Nov 21st; six, Nov 22nd. Southwold: 21, Nov 21st (including two flying inland with starlings); 12, Nov 22nd. Minsmere: eight, Nov 22nd. Sizewell: four, Nov 22nd. Thorpeness: nine, Nov 27th. Slaughden: four, Nov 21st; eight, Nov 22nd. Landguard: six, Nov 22nd.

the most unusual record of the year was of a wrecked bird picked up and taken into care in Brandon on November 23rd (West Suffolk Birders).

ATLANTIC PUFFIN Fratercula arctica Scarce passage migrant. Red list. As in 2014, there were very few sightings, in fact just two in all. one was seen off East Lane, Bawdsey on october 18th (S Piotrowski) and the second was seen off Slaughden on November 13th. totals of live Puffins reported 2006-2015 2006 2007 2008 2009 2 20 8 13

2010 7

2011 5

2012 8

2013 13

2014 3

2015 2

ROCK DOVE/FERAL PIGEON Columba livia Very common resident from feral stock. Categories A, C and E. this species has traditionally been under-recorded and 2015 appears to have been no different. reports were received from just 11 widespread locations. All counts of 50 or more are listed below:–

Lowestoft: 157, feb 1st. Covehithe: 60, Jan 5th. Sizewell: 70, Apr 6th. Sudbury: 50, oct 17th. Lakenheath: 100, May 2nd. Newmarket: 100, Jan 3rd; 80, oct 3rd.

there were no reports of breeding during the year – clearly a reflection of observer reporting behaviour, rather than the true nesting status of this species.

STOCK DOVE Columba oenas Fairly common resident and passage migrant. Amber list. the highest counts received during the first winter period were 40 at Ampton, february 11th, 50 on pig fields at Bury St Edmunds, february 9th, 30 roosting in a disused barn at Lakenheath fen rSPB, January 18th and 100 on the same reserve, february 5th (the latter being the highest count of the year). During the breeding season the BBS found Stock Doves in 49% of the 43 squares surveyed (54% in 2014) with a combined total of 52 birds recorded. the seven territories found on the Sizewell SWt reserve were notable, as were the six territories at Benacre. counts of 50 and 75 birds on pig fields at Great Livermere on May 3rd and 29th respectively could, perhaps, relate to local breeding birds exploiting a valuable food resource. counts of 58 around the twin Banks and oxley Dairy area of hollesley on october 21st and 50 at Stoven on october 24th were the highest totals during the autumn/second winter period. the only report of birds seen on passage during the latter part of the year related to flocks of 20 and 35 flying south past Shingle Street on December 11th. 104

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COMMON WOOD PIGEON Columba palumbus Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Several counts in excess of 500 birds were recorded during the first winter period; 1000 at Ashby, february 27th; 600 at Stoven, february 7th; 800 at Norton, february 13th, with 3000 there on february 16th; 1000 at cavenham, february 23rd; 800 at Lindsey, January 19th; 600 at Long Melford, January 25th and 1000 at Stoke-by-Nayland, february 11th. As in 2014, the BBS found this ubiquitous species in 98% of the 43 squares surveyed, with a combined total of 1919 birds recorded. the only breeding season report of note was of 12 to 15 pairs attempting nesting at Landguard. During the autumn, Landguard recorded totals of eight north, 1581 south and two in off between october 20th and November 18th, with a maximum day-count of 565 south on November 12th. the only other report of autumn migration was of 500 birds flying south-west over Southtown, Gorleston on November 16th. flock sizes appeared a little smaller in the second winter period with just two counts in excess of 500 birds being noted; 510 at upper Abbey farm, Sizewell, November 16th and 1400 seen leaving the roost at Long Melford, December 26th.

EURASIAN COLLARED DOVE Streptopelia decaocto Common resident. this is another common species that is under-recorded within the county. Despite the BBS logging collared Doves in 65% of the 43 squares surveyed (71% in 2015), there were very few reports of probable or confirmed breeding received. An idea of how numerous this species can be within our urban areas came from Sudbury, where a total of 70 pairs was recorded on April 23rd. however, some local populations may not be doing so well as one recorder from Pakenham fen noted a collapse in numbers during 2015 with ‘only one to two birds instead of the usual 10-15’. A leucistic bird was noted amongst a flock of 25 birds seen at Gorleston harbour on August 13th. Noteworthy counts obtained during the year are as follows:– Gorleston: harbour, 31, Sep 19th. Trimley St Martin: Gosling’s farm, 50, Jan 12th. Great Livermere: 105, oct 24th. Great Cornard: 50, oct 26th.

EUROPEAN TURTLE DOVE Streptopelia turtur Declining summer visitor and passage migrant. Red list. the first record of 2015 was of a singing male at chillesford on April 19th and this was closely followed by two at Mayday farm the following day. A further 13 widespread sites reported birds by the end of April, before the ‘main’ arrival in May. Spring passage was recorded at Landguard in the form of single birds on 11 dates between May 6th and 29th. the BBS results continued to highlight the decline of this species; just a single bird was located in the 43 squares surveyed (2.3%). Although birds were reported across a wide range of county sites, they were always in very low densities and there were very few reports of confirmed breeding – juveniles being reported from Boyton Marshes (where three singing males had previously been recorded), Pipps ford (Barking) and Stradishall Airfield only. Elsewhere, four pairs were located at Minsmere and three pairs were found at North Warren. the highest counts of the year were both of five birds; ten Acre covert, Blythburgh on June 20th and Boyton Marshes on August 6th. As expected, autumn passage was almost impossible to detect. Landguard recorded no birds during this period. the last bird to be seen in the west of the county was at Stradishall Airfield on August 24th, whilst birds were recorded in the east during September at Boyton Marshes (4th), Waldringfield (14th) and Minsmere (18th). there was just a single october sighting, at Levington creek on 1st. 105

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COMMON CUCKOO Cuculus canorus Declining summer visitor and passage migrant. Red list. the first returning bird of 2015 was a singing male at Lackford Lakes on April 7th. this was followed by single birds at the Bto’s Nunnery reserve in thetford on 8th and cavenham heath on 10th. A widespread arrival of birds was then noted over the following week, including the first birds in the east of the county. During the breeding season, birds were found in 26% of the 43 squares surveyed under the BBS (22% in 2014). Lakenheath fen provided the highest concentration of breeding birds with nine singing males present on May 21st. Elsewhere, four birds were present in the north-east section of the king’s forest on June 11th, while four other sites recorded three birds. Juveniles were subsequently reported from 14 locations, including two which were found dead – at corton sewage works and cavenham Pits (the latter believed to have been killed by a Sparrowhawk). the satellite-tagged male, known as chris, was again recorded within the county (back for his fourth summer) being present at cavenham heath on June 6th. two hepatic females were reported during June; Boyton Marshes on 26th and 30th and cavenham heath on 14th. the final records of the year came in September and involved birds at Shingle Street on 6th and 8th, Southwold Golf course on 12th and Minsmere on 15th.

BARN OWL Tyto alba Fairly common resident. Green list (from Amber). Categories A and E. the Suffolk community Barn owl Project celebrated its tenth year in 2015. Since inception, the project has advised on the fixing of more than 1800 Barn owl nest boxes. this magnificent effort resulted in there being the highest total number of active nest boxes/sites on record – 1741, compared with 1673 in 2014. Monitoring revealed that 452 of these sites showed signs of Barn owl use during the year, including 240 containing young birds (297 in the bumper vole year of 2014), although brood sizes were generally considered to be small. An injured female was found near Lackford on April 14th and, after being taken into care so that it could recover, was eventually released back into the same area. high counts reported during the year included six birds at carlton Marshes on June 12th, with five there on october 25th, five at Lakenheath fen on January 30th and five at Long Melford on January 3rd.

LITTLE OWL Athene noctua Fairly common resident. Although anecdotal evidence seems to suggest that this species has experienced something of a decline in the county over recent years, it remains relatively common and widespread. the BBS recorded Little owls in 7% of the 43 squares surveyed – a little below the 8% average for the previous ten years (albeit, using a very small sample size). Despite breeding being confirmed at just seven sites – Sizewell, Woolverstone, holbrook, Burgate, fressingfield, Stradbroke (where a pair nested in a box inside a horse shelter) and Stowlangtoft – it was suspected at several others and, no doubt, took place at many more. A pair was again present at Landguard all year, but did not raise any young. Dispersing juveniles were recorded at the site on September 23rd and october 28th (the latter being found moribund and dying the next day).

TAWNY OWL Strix aluco Common resident. Amber list (from Green). Although still considered to be common and widespread, the nocturnal nature of this species makes it harder to survey than many other species of similar abundance. this will, no doubt, account for the fact that breeding was only confirmed at six sites, four of which were in the west 106

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of the county. of these, an adult was seen in the day with two chicks at Brettenham, a pair hatched two young in a nest box at Mickle Mere and at least five birds were roosting around the Albana Walk at ickworth Park during late summer. Not surprisingly, tawny owls were recorded at just 2% of the squares surveyed during the BBS. this species is known for its sedentary habits, so one found dead on the roadside at kessingland on June 16th, which had been ringed as a chick at henstead the previous May, was of interest.

LONG-EARED OWL Asio otus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Scarce resident. there was just a single report during the first winter period – a bird at Bredfield on february 6th. After a spring report from St James South Elmham on March 30th, there were no further reports until the breeding season. confirmed breeding records came from five sites, all in the west of the county. Birds were recorded at a couple of other west Suffolk sites during June or July, which may be an indication of additional breeding territories. there was a definite influx of birds in the ‘autumn’, with birds reported as follows:– Corton: in off the sea, Sep 26th. Lowestoft: hamilton Dock, oct 12th; North Denes, oct 18th. Carlton Marshes: hunting at dusk, oct 23rd. Covehithe: oct 21st and 22nd; in off the sea and then south, Dec 13th. Easton Bavents: oct 31st. Westleton: Westleton heath, Nov 13th and 14th. Landguard: Sep 3rd; Nov 18th.

SHORT-EARED OWL Asio flammeus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Formerly bred. Amber list. following on from the good numbers recorded during the latter part of 2014, birds were reported from around 27 coastal sites and four locations in the west of the county during the first part of 2015. Peak counts included four at Boyton Marshes on January 15th, four at orford on January 16th and 19th, four on havergate island, January 18th and an impressive maximum of six, Breydon South Wall on february 20th. there were a number of ‘mid-summer’ records this year:–

Corton: radar Lodge, south, June 5th. Carlton Marshes: Aug 17th. Benacre: south, Aug 25th. Walberswick NNR: Westwood Marshes, June 21st. Minsmere: Aug 25th and 27th. Hollesley Marshes: June 28th; Aug 1st. Bawdsey: July 13th. Landguard: Aug 25th. Westhorpe: roosting in barley field, Aug 29th.

Although there were no reports of attempted breeding within the county, it seems highly likely that some of the above birds may have, at least, oversummered within Suffolk. the Westhorpe bird is particularly interesting, being well inland in central Suffolk. the above ‘summer’ records mean that it is not particularly easy to determine quite when true autumn passage commenced. however, there was a small flurry of September sightings (including one seen flying in off the sea at Minsmere on 26th) before numbers really increased in october. A substantial movement occurred later in the month with Landguard logging maximum counts of seven birds on october 15th and six on 18th (out of a total of 33 birds seen between october 14th and November 19th). Elsewhere at this time, peak sightings included four at Benacre Sluice on october 17th, four, marshes at king’s fleet, october 18th, four, Gedgrave Marshes, october 25th, five on orfordness, october 28th, five on havergate island, November 4th and five, 107

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Minsmere Beach, November 5th. During this period of movement, there was an interesting observation of a Short-eared owl roosting on the saltmarsh at Bawdsey on october 16th, before being flushed by a small ring-tailed harrier. this second winter period produced a large number of reports from around 38 coastal sites and three sites in the west. Sadly, a number of dead birds were found during the year:–

Herringfleet Marshes: Mar 17th. Oulton Marshes: by railway line, Mar 30th. Barnby: Dec 18th. Hen Reedbeds: Dec17th. Minsmere: chapel ruins, oct 23rd.

EUROPEAN NIGHTJAR Caprimulgus europaeus Locally fairly common summer visitor. Scarce migrant. Amber list (from Red). the first returning bird of the year was found in the king’s forest on May 11th. this was followed by birds at Sutton common on 13th, Brandon Park, also on 13th, Martlesham heath on 16th and Westleton heath on 17th. Surveying of the Sandlings produced a total of 63 territories during the breeding season (65 in 2014 – a slightly revised figure from that reported in Suffolk Birds 2014), including 12 territories around Sutton and hollesley commons, ten around tunstall forest and commons and 15 in rendlesham forest. As there was no complete survey of Breckland sites, it is not possible to provide anything other than a ‘snapshot’ of the numbers present. reports of at least 38 churring males came from a number of traditional sites and included at least 12 males in the central and north-west sections of the king’s forest. the only report of the autumn was of a male disturbed from near the cliffs at Bawdsey on September 11th.

COMMON SWIFT Apus apus Very common summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. A bird at Minsmere on April 16th was the first reported during 2015. the following day one was seen in the west at Lackford Lakes, whilst numbers increased to two at Minsmere on 19th, six on 22nd and 20 on 28th. twelve other sites reported April sightings (with ten birds at Lakenheath fen on 26th being the largest of these), before a more general arrival commenced in early May. Several three-figure counts were received from lakes and reedbeds in early May, including 100 at Lakenheath fen on 4th, 180 at Minsmere on 6th, 150 at redgrave Lake on 9th and 150 at Livermere Lake on the same day. the largest spring count was of 1000 birds at carlton Marshes on May 29th. the BBS found 153 Swifts in 42% of the 43 squares surveyed in 2015 (44% in 2014). the only counts received of breeding birds related to 20 pairs at Sudbury and 25 pairs around rickinghall. however, please continue to log all breeding season details of screaming parties and nest sites (now including nest boxes) on the Suffolk Swift Survey: Monthly Movements of common Swifts at Landguard:– Apr May Jun Jul Aug In/North 0 50 151 13 5 South 0 192 561 7930 232

Sep 0 6

Some sizeable southerly movements were noted along the coast during July. these included 1000 past thorpeness on 8th, 215 past North Denes, Lowestoft on 20th, 1362 past thorpeness on 27th, 2151 past Landguard on 27th and 4101 past the same site the following day. Movements of Swifts were also noted inland during July with a ‘visible passage’ of birds seen in the Lackford area on 23rd and 200 moving through Sudbury during a break in the rain on 24th. A notable departure of birds was also observed at Pakenham between July 24th and 26th. 108

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A partially albinistic bird (with a white rump) was seen (S Abbott) and photographed (J richardson) at hollesley Marshes on July 9th and, presumably, had the observers excited for a while (yes! – editor). FIELD NOTE Although we have had common Swifts nesting under the bargeboards of our house in central ipswich since at least 2006, 2015 was the first year in which they might have hatched a second brood. there were certainly juvenile birds around between July 10th and 15th. the birds usually leave in the second week of August, but this year we had the pleasure of their company until September 8th. Although there is no mention of second broods in the Birds of the Western Palearctic (BWP Vol4:667) there have been records of double-brooding in Germany and Denmark ( and www.commonswift,org/records-english.html, scroll down to multiple broods). An alternative explanation for this delayed departure might be that the birds laid a replacement clutch after the failure or loss of their first clutch (BWP4:667). Richard Attenborrow

A total of nine sites (excluding ipswich above) recorded Swifts between September 1st and 4th, then there were no sightings until two at Stowmarket on 11th, followed by one at cavenham heath on 12th, one at Stowmarket on 15th, six at haverhill on 16th, one at Minsmere on 17th and, the last bird of the year, at Belton on 20th. FIELD NOTE further to Malcolm Wright’s note in Suffolk Birds 2014 about the successful rehabilitation of a juvenile Swift, here’s some useful ‘first aid’, as rehydration can significantly increase the chances of birds surviving. if you find a grounded or injured Swift, first check whether it’s an adult or a juvenile with pale feather fringes. if an adult, hold it up high in both hands to see if it will take flight on its own. if it will not, or if it’s a juvenile, place the bird in a shoe box (or similar) on several layers of kitchen roll. Make up a weak solution of warmish water with a tiny pinch of glucose e.g. plain Dextrasol. if unavailable use ordinary sugar – or just use plain water if no sugars are available. With a cotton bud (e.g. Q-tip), run a few drops of the solution around the bird's bill, avoiding the nostrils. if it's thirsty it will swallow, but don’t force it to drink. then contact ‘re-habber’ Judith Wakelam asap on 01638 715971 for further advice. Edward Jackson

EURASIAN HOOPOE Upupa epops Scarce passage migrant. Categories A and E. the bird present in mid-Suffolk during the second winter period was quite mobile, as the records below show, although it did linger at Southolt for long enough to allow a good number of observers to see it. December birds are rare but not unprecedented in Suffolk. Mendham: Withersdale Street, Nov 23rd (M hudson) – presumed same as Worlingworth and Southolt. Worlingworth: fingal Street, Dec 10th and 11th (W Searle); same, Dec 14th (W Searle) – same as at Southolt. Southolt: Dec 2nd to 6th (J Alexander); Dec 26th (t G Edwards) – same as at Worlingworth. Lawshall: April 15th (West Suffolk Birders).

EUROPEAN BEE-EATER Merops apiaster Scarce but now annual passage migrant. the year saw an impressive influx of this species, culminating in a flock of ten birds frequenting the Minsmere/Leiston/theberton area for several days in July. this is the largest group ever recorded in Suffolk. 109

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Corton: old Sewage Works, May 10th (c Shaw). Covehithe: field farm, two, July 23rd (M Berry, r Berry). Minsmere: North Wall, June 15th (D Broderick, multiple-observers); north over South Levels, ten, June 19th (J A rowlands); five west towards Eastbridge, July 10th (P D Green, r harvey); north over car park, Aug 2nd (D f Walsh). Theberton: Moat road, ten, July 7th to 10th (M t cartwright et al.). Leiston: Valley road, ten, July 5th (J A rowlands). Aldeburgh: five south, 11:05hr June 27th (J Davies).

there were unsubstantiated reports from three other locations.

European Bee Eaters Peter Beeson

COMMON KINGFISHER Alcedo atthis Fairly common resident. Amber list. Although this species remains fairly common and widespread (particularly in the north-east of the county, from where a large proportion of the records received originated), it was only recorded from 5% of the 43 squares surveyed during the BBS (a total of two birds found), down from 7% of sites surveyed in 2014. Breeding was confirmed at ten sites; oulton Marshes, carlton Marshes, hen reedbeds, Darsham Marshes, Sizewell SWt, Alton Water, outney common (near Bungay), Lakenheath fen, Lackford Lakes and kedington and was probable at several others. Site totals of note included five birds at the Bto Nunnery reserve, thetford on August 1st and seven birds at Lakenheath fen on August 20th and throughout the second winter period. following on from last year’s observations of one visiting a garden pond in Brettenham, this, or another bird, visited the same pond, catching fish there throughout January, until the surface became frozen over. An unusual sighting involved one with a white rump seen along the river Deben, near Woodbridge on December 13th. Landguard recorded singles moving through on September 20th, 21st and 23rd, indicating some movements, perhaps of a local nature. EURASIAN WRYNECK Jynx torquilla Uncommon passage migrant. Former breeding species in Britain. there was just a single spring record from a ‘traditional’ site:– Benacre: Beach farm, Apr 14th (c A Buttle).

the first returning bird of the autumn was recorded from Benacre Sluice on August 22nd (A c Easton). this bird remained until August 27th and was followed by at least 14 more, including two from the west of the county.

Corton: old Sewage Works, Aug 25th to 27th (D r Eaton); Aug 28th (c Shaw); radar Lodge, Sep 10th (c Shaw). Gunton: Gunton Warren, Aug 28th (r Wilton). Lowestoft: North Denes, oct 12th (r c Smith). Easton Bavents: Aug 25th (c fulcher). Southwold: harbour, Aug 31st (B hancock). Minsmere: old car Park, Aug 29th and 30th (J h Grant); Whin hill, Sep 10th to 15th (A M Gregory). Thorpeness: caravan Park, Aug 29th (S Mayson); on beach, Aug 26th to Sep 1st (A raine, S Mayson); caravan Park, Sep 27th (S Mayson). Hollesley Marshes: Sep 17th (S Goddard, E W Patrick). Cowlinge: photographed, Sep 1st (per S Jarvis). Moulton: Sep 11th. 110

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GREEN WOODPECKER Picus viridis Common resident. Green list (from Amber). Despite declines being reported over recent years, this species remains quite common and widespread. the BBS found a total of 49 Green Woodpeckers in 63% of the 43 squares surveyed (59% in 2014). Breeding was confirmed at 17 sites, most of which were either along the coastal strip or in the south-west of the county. these included three pairs at both reydon Smear Marshes and the Sizewell SWt reserve. Elsewhere, seven territories were found around Sudbury (this total matching the previous eight year average) and six territories were located at cavenham heath. ickworth Park at horringer is clearly a favoured site for this species. By far the largest counts of the year were recorded at this National trust property with totals of 13 reported on both July 21st and August 11th. Spring movements included singles at Landguard on five dates between April 2nd and 22nd. the site then recorded further movements on seven dates between July 16th and August 15th.

GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER Dendrocopos major Common resident. Scarce passage migrant. As seems to be the norm nowadays, the first drumming bird of the year was recorded in early January – an individual near the Visitor centre at rSPB Minsmere on 4th. historically, this species was generally expected to start drumming in early february but, perhaps due to milder winters, early-January drumming is now not that unusual. During the nesting season, confirmed or probable breeding was reported from just 14 sites. these included concentrations of five pairs at Benacre, the Sizewell SWt reserve, Sudbury and Lakenheath fen rSPB. clearly the breeding records received under-represent the true status of this species within the county, which is probably better illustrated by the BBS, which found a total of 32 Great Spotted Woodpeckers in 51% of the 43 squares surveyed (59% in 2014). Landguard recorded a single spring bird on April 20th, then late-summer and autumn movements of 26 birds between June 9th and october 23rd (maximum of two on August 2nd). finally, an interesting observation came from Aldeburgh on october 18th when a bird was noted flying high north along the coast during a good finch movement.

LESSER SPOTTED WOODPECKER Dendrocopos minor Uncommon resident. Red list. the long-term decline of this species appears to be continuing, with records received from just five sites (eight in 2015), two of which related to ‘one-off’ sightings.

Iken Cliff: Nov 5th (c cuthbert). Barking: Pipps ford, drumming behind chicken farm before flying towards Baylham, Apr 13th (P Whittaker). Cavenham Heath NNR: regular sightings on the reserve and around temple Bridge from feb 10th to Apr 6th (P Aldous, c Jakes, M taylor, D f Walsh); female, Dec 23rd (P Aldous). Santon Downham: visiting garden feeders, Jan 1st (D underwood); and feb 18th (West Suffolk Birders); several sightings on the Suffolk side of the Little ouse river between Santon Downham and Brandon between feb 8th and Mar 27th (c Jakes, West Suffolk Birders); singing, Mar 27th (S Abbott, N Mason). Lakenheath: West Wood, May 4th and 22nd (rSPB); oct 18th (rSPB).

COMMON KESTREL Falco tinnunculus Common resident. Amber list. reports were received from 178 parishes across Suffolk. the BBS data show that there has been further recovery of this species, 111

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Peter Beeson

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although the long-term trend is still downward. Across the uk there was an increase of 36% and in England 38%. the number encountered in Suffolk BBS squares was 13 compared with 12 in 2014 and eight in 2013. Breeding was confirmed at 21 sites across the county, including two pairs at covehithe, reydon Smear Marshes and ipswich. Details about productivity were sparse but pairs fledged three young on orfordness and at Martlesham, felixstowe Docks and Palgrave. Notable counts included 11 on orfordness on September 6th, seven at Berners heath on June 16th and the same number in the king’s forest on March 7th. Possible migrants were logged at Landguard Bird observatory on March 23rd and May 25th. Single birds were also recorded there on three dates in September. reports of hunting behaviour included one chasing a female Blackbird in a garden and a rather brave individual feeding on a Brown hare Lepus europaeus roadkill at rymer Point, near Barnham, ignoring cars passing within a few metres! RED-FOOTED FALCON Falco vespertinus Rare visitor. After a blank year in 2014 there was a single accepted record of this species in 2015. this bird at Minsmere is the earliest-ever arrival in Suffolk, the previous earliest was a male at cavenham heath on 21st and 22nd April 1992. Minsmere: adult male over island Mere, Apr 19th (i Barthorpe).

MERLIN Falco columbarius Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Red List (from Amber). the 87 reports from 45 sites suggest that up to nine birds were likely to have been present during both winter periods. reports came from ten locations along the Suffolk coastal strip from January to March. Single birds were logged on four dates in March at Landguard and three dates in April, including two on April 12th. on orfordness up to three were present in february, but sadly two birds were found dead, one on March 20th and the second on April 3rd. Both were probably predated by another raptor. in the west there were sightings of single birds at several sites in the Brecks, the report of a male and a female on separate dates in early March. the last sighting on orfordness was on May 10th and coincidentally one was seen flying in off the sea at corton cliffs on the same day. the latest spring sighting was at Minsmere Beach on May 16th. Early returning birds were seen at orfordness and trimley Marshes on August 9th. this was followed by a report of three flying in off the sea together at Gorleston on August 29th. in September reports came from North Warren and hollesley Marshes, where one individual had an injured eye. Probable migrants were logged at Landguard Bird observatory on two dates and two birds were present on orfordness by the end of the month. During october single birds were seen going to roost at fritton and Lakenheath fen. Elsewhere, reports of single birds came from seven coastal locations during the month and the two birds remained on orfordness. there were just four coastal sightings in November, including one flying south at thorpeness. in the Brecks a female was seen at Lakenheath fen on November 7th and a male at West Stow country Park two days later. the four reports from December included a juvenile at North Warren and the two birds which continued to be seen on orfordness until the year’s end. on orfordness a bird was seen with a freshly caught ringed Plover on April 18th.

EURASIAN HOBBY Falco subbuteo Fairly common summer visitor and passage migrant. A total of 572 reports was received in 2015 (including 249 Birdtrack records), which is a 26% increase on the 2014 total and a 40% increase on the 2013 total. this does depend on whether Birdtrack records are included, with some of these records being questionable especially in this 112

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more-difficult-to-identify species. however, the fortunes of this species seem to be improving after a couple of poor years; the BBS data showed a significant increase of 31% nationally, and 34% regionally. it was encountered in just two of the BBS squares in Suffolk compared with none in 2014 and one in 2013. the first returning bird was seen at Landguard Bird observatory on April 8th. the next sightings were at Lackford Lakes on April 9th, henham, April 12th and Boyton Marshes on April 13th. At Landguard, 19 birds were logged between May 6th and June 24th. Notable spring aggregations included the following peak counts; 46 birds at Lakenheath fen on May 10th; 23 at North Warren on May 10th; 14 at Minsmere on June 7th and ten at Stutton Ness on May 17th. Breeding was confirmed at 20 sites, including three pairs at Minsmere and two pairs at reydon Smear Marshes. A pair fledged two young at Sutton common and two pairs each successfully fledged two young in thetford forest where the general consensus was that the breeding population in the Brecks had still not fully recovered from the decline noted in 2012 and 2013. FIELD NOTE A nest in the south of the county provided an opportunity to observe some of the adventures that befell three young hobbies. About a week before the chicks were due to fledge, the female returned with food presented by the male, and just as she arrived on the rim of the nest a Stoat Mustela erminea was observed level with it at a height of about fifteen metres. the female fled immediately and all three chicks bailed out of the nest, never to return to it. two of them survived the episode, but sadly the third fell to the ground and disappeared, presumably predated. Samantha Lee

the two survivors successfully fledged from an oak some distance away and had another unexpected encounter whilst loafing on a stubble field. A covey of fully-grown red-legged Partridges Alectoris rufa were walking past when one of the adults noticed them and gave a prolonged threat display, circling them and snaking its head from side to side, before leaping forward and striking one of them between the shoulders. the young hobbies flew a short distance and settled again, apparently unruffled by the episode. it seemed remarkable that a red-legged Partridge would treat them as potential predators and take the trouble to see them off. the hobbies departed in late September, hopefully the wiser for their experiences. Ed Keeble

in autumn two were seen flying south-east offshore at kessingland Levels on September 28th. Elsewhere, single birds were seen flying in off the sea at thorpeness on three dates in September and at Landguard Bird observatory ten were seen between August 10th and September 21st including one flying south on September 11th. A total of 22 reports was received from ten sites in october and just two in November. the last sighting of the year came from Minsmere on November 7th, the latest in Suffolk since one on November 20th 1983 at knettishall.

PEREGRINE FALCON Falco peregrinus Uncommon but increasing winter visitor and passage migrant. Has bred since 2008. Categories A and E. the 418 reports in 2015 (including 52 via Birdtrack) represent a 15% increase on last year’s total of 362. reports came from 85 sites across the county, ten less than in 2014. the BBS data showed an increase of 15% nationally but a surprising decrease of -75% across England. Attempted breeding probably took place at four locations, although it was possibly five, and two pairs were successful. A pair fledged three young on the grain silo at Lake Lothing, Lowestoft and the pair on the orwell Bridge fledged two young. Another pair nested at felixstowe Docks 113

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but they failed for the second successive year, as did the pair at the Bury St Edmunds Sugar Beet factory despite strong evidence of attempted breeding. up to three birds were present on orfordness around the cobra Mist building and it seems only a matter of time before this species is added to the site breeding list. Elsewhere, a pair was seen displaying at Sizewell A Power Station on March 12th and birds took up residence on two churches in the county. there were numerous reports between January and March; those involving two birds came from several coastal locations. At felixstowe Docks the resident pair was joined by an extra female on february 17th, by an immature female on March 11th and then by an immature male on March 23rd (see field Note below). At the end of february a single bird was photographed on St Mary’s church, Bungay where it remained for several weeks. A male was seen on pylons at Pipps ford on May 1st and at Lakenheath fen a single bird was seen on eight dates between January 1st and March 12th. on orfordness a pair of adults was joined by an immature female on April 6th. the adult female then disappeared but the male and immature continued to be seen regularly until the end of May, often perched close to each other. however, what appeared to be the original pair of adults was seen back together again in June. Elsewhere in April two birds were seen at carlton Marshes, Minsmere and at Landguard. At Bury St Edmunds Sugar Beet factory the resident male was seen chasing off an immature female; meanwhile at felixstowe the confusing picture continued as additional individuals turned up on April 10th and May 16th. on the orwell Bridge four juveniles were present in the nest box by mid-May with one of them seen sitting on the parapet of the bridge on May 21st but only two of them fledged. Elsewhere, a pair was seen hunting at North Warren on May 16th and at cattawade another pair was seen making a sustained assault on the waders over the marshes on May 26th. Notable sightings in July included two birds at St olaves and ipswich plus a juvenile bird at Benacre Broad. August was a relatively quiet month; sightings included a juvenile at felixstowe Docks on August 6th and two at Sizewell on two dates. the 26 reports from September all involved single birds apart from two seen at falkenham Marshes on September 19th. the number of sightings increased in october and included two birds on at least three dates in the Minsmere/Sizewell area. the single bird was present again on St Mary’s church, Bungay and another bird took up residence at Lakenheath fen in early october and remained there until the end of the year. Notable reports from November included one in off the sea at Slaughden on November 21st and two birds at Gapton Marshes (Bradwell), Boyton Marshes and trimley Marshes. in the west of the county the overwintering bird returned to Stradishall Airfield for the third consecutive year. At Minsmere two birds were seen on several dates in December, and three were there on December 20th. At Lavenham a male was present on the church throughout the month and was occasionally joined by a second bird. Also in the west a bird was seen harassing a pair of ravens at ickworth Park on December 2nd and at Lakenheath fen a single male was seen on several dates and two birds were present on December 4th. FIELD NOTE As the breeding population of this species grows in the uk and more offspring disperse from their natal sites to find breeding territories, disruption to resident breeding birds seems to be an inevitable consequence. the graphic events at Norwich cathedral, where a new female attacked and killed two of the young as they started to fly, this year show how potentially devastating this can be and similar scenarios have occurred in Suffolk in recent years. Although these incursions have not resulted in quite such turmoil, they have undoubtedly affected productivity at a number of sites. on a more positive note, since many chicks are ringed this has provided some interesting insights as to how far they disperse. the ‘rogue’ female at Norwich cathedral in 2016 originated from Bath and another intruder at the same site in 2012 fledged in London. Chris Gregory 114

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Systematic List

EURASIAN GOLDEN ORIOLE Oriolus oriolus Scarce passage migrant. Formerly scarce summer resident, last bred 2009. Red list. only four spring sightings at two sites of this elusive, beautiful bird. Minsmere RSPB: singing male, May 8th (J A rowlands); pair, May 24th (B Westwood).

At the traditional breeding site, Lakenheath fen rSPB, there was just one sighting which perhaps gives a slight glimmer of hope that the bird is not yet extinct in that general area as a breeding bird.

Lakenheath Fen RSPB: calling bird, May 7th (P Dolton).

RED-BACKED SHRIKE Lanius collurio Scarce passage migrant; formerly bred. Red list. there were just six sightings at three sites of this handsome bird. the individual at Landguard is the earliest since 2009 (May 14th, trimley Marshes).

Southwold: Woodsend Marshes, male, May 22nd (S Abbott); singing male, May 30th (c fulcher); juvenile, Aug 25th to 27th (c A Buttle). Minsmere: adult, June 26th (t Blackburn); juvenile, Sep 1st to 4th (rSPB). Landguard: male, May 16th (W E Mackie et al.).

LESSER GREY SHRIKE Lanius minor Very rare visitor. After single sightings in 2013 and 2014 there were no sightings in 2015.

GREAT GREY SHRIKE Lanius excubitor Scarce passage migrant and winter visitor. After a relatively quiet year in 2014, with only five sightings, it was a busy year for this rapacious species with records coming from 32 sites making it quite a widespread county bird during the autumn and early spring. in the north east there were possibly 29 birds recorded between oct 11th and Nov 13th. these included two at Southwold, oct 15th (c A Buttle, B J Small) and one was seen to fly in off the sea at North Beach, Lowestoft on october 14th (r Murray). other selected records included:– Minsmere: south of sluice and on levels, oct 16th (M James). Orfordness: singles present at the Black Beacon, oct 17th; the Lab, oct 18th. Upper Hollesley Common: overwintering bird, Jan 1st to March 20th (multi-observer) at times seen on Sutton common. Landguard: oct 12th (W J Brame et al); oct 15th (c russell et al); two, oct 19th (P J holmes, W J Brame et al). All moved on quickly inland after discovery. Wherstead: Jimmy's farm, oct 27th (B r carpenter). Icklingham: Berner’s heath, feb 9th to March 28th at least (S Abbot, N Mason, P A Whittaker, West Suffolk Birders). Santon Downham: feb 15th (B Buffery). Great Waldingfield: Apr 20th (West Suffolk Birders). Lakenheath Fen RSPB: oct 26th (rSPB).

Great Grey Shrike and Magpie Richard Thewlis

WOODCHAT SHRIKE Lanius senator Very rare visitor. there were no sightings in 2015, the second blank year since 2010.

EURASIAN MAGPIE Pica pica Very common resident. Sightings of this unmistakeable bird came from many sites across the county with breeding confirmed 115

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at five of them. BBS data show this species as occurring in 74% of squares surveyed (85% 2014) with a combined total of 108 birds counted. there were significant roost counts from three sites:–

Gunton: disused railway track, 156 south from roost, Jan 5th. Orfordness: present on all visits with no significant counts made. the maximum noted was 15 on August 16th but it was assumed more are "surely present". the breeding population was estimated at 7-10 pairs. Pipps Ford: 128, roosted at traditional site, feb 6th (141 in 2014).

At Landguard birds were present all year with five pairs nesting; three pairs reared six young with two failing. there was a spring maximum of 20 on April 27th and a maximum of 18, october 20th later in the year. in the west the largest roost count was at Long Melford Sewage Works with 24 on January 26th.

EURASIAN JAY Garrulus glandarius Common resident and scarce passage migrant. Surprisingly, no records of this loud, ostentatious but elusive species came from the north-east of the county, though surely they are present. in the rest of the county, records were mainly of one or two birds. this species was found in 44% of BBS survey squares, with a combined total of 29 birds counted. Jays are very scarce on orfordness where the only record was of two flying south on May 10th. in spring at Landguard a total of 20 was noted between April 5th and May 20th and a later mid-summer bird, June 20th, with a maximum of five on April 18th. No Jays were seen in autumn. in the west at Maids cross hill, Lakenheath, 13 were present on october 16th. Breeding was only confirmed at Lakenheath fen rSPB with one pair on territory.

WESTERN JACKDAW Corvus monedula Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Sightings of the smallest of our crows came from locations across the county with breeding confirmed at six sites. the BBS found this species in 74% of surveyed squares with a combined total of 466 birds counted. Significant large flock counts in the north-east and south-east came from:– Eurasian Jay Terry Everit

Carlton Marshes SWT: 1700, Jan 1st. Covehithe: 1000, March 21st; 600, Dec 30th. Snape Marshes RSPB: 700, oct 26th.

on orfordness they were present throughout the year, with up to 110 on March 28th and 83 on october 11th being the highest counts. the breeding population here was estimated at 23-27 pairs, all of which were in various buildings on site, including 8-10 pairs in Lab 1. At Landguard in the spring a total of 11 flew north and 53 south, with 27 on site between february 18th and June 7th, and a maximum of two north and five south on March 8th. in autumn a total of nine went south with six on site September 18th to November 12th, with a maximum of three south, September 26th. in the west of the county large congregations were noted at:–

Icklingham: Berner’s heath, 140, feb 19th. Cavenham Heath: 240, March 14th. Little Cornard: Workhouse Green, 300, Dec 9th.

At Lakenheath fen rSPB the recent massive roosts of Jackdaws (c 15000 in 2014) were considered to be stable although no official counts were undertaken. 116

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Single birds showing the characteristics of the Nordic race (C. monedula monedula) were noted at Landguard on May 16th (N odin et al.), the third site record, and Livermere Pig fields, february 22nd (P M Wilson) and November 21st (West Suffolk Birders).

ROOK Corvus frugilegus Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. there was a spotlight on rooks during 2015 as SoG carried out a full rook Breeding Survey of the county. An article on this can be found earlier in this Bird report. BBS data show this species in 58% of the squares surveyed with a combined total of 507 birds counted. At covehithe, in Big Ausgates wood, 50 breeding pairs were recorded and breeding was recorded at two other north-east sites. Flixton: 1000, pre-roost gathering Jan 1st.

on orfordness the first of the year were 60 at the Point on May 17th with two others near the Black Beacon. up to 25 were then noted on the shingle until the last five were seen on June 21st. one was on the shingle spit on July 11th, four were present on August 30th and one flew south on September 19th, the last of the year. At Landguard, there were spring passage totals of seven north, 25 south and two on site between february 24th and May 13th with a maximum of four on April 2nd. in autumn, 14 went south between September 18th and october 20th, with a maximum of five south on September 27th. Breeding in the south-east was confirmed at four sites and a maximum of 89 counted at Alton Water on December 14th. Breeding was confirmed at 15 sites in the west and the highest count was at fornham St Genevieve where 1181 were recorded on both April 23rd and 29th at this extensive rookery (c Jakes). At Lakenheath fen rSPB the recent massive roost (c 15000 in 2014) was considered stable although no official surveys were made. CARRION CROW Corvus corone Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Sightings of this vigilant corvid came from a wide range of sites across the county but with breeding confirmed at only two sites. this species was found in 95% of BBS surveyed squares and the combined total of birds counted was 361. A large flock was counted at:– Covehithe: pig fields, 200, Nov 26th.

Nearby, one was seen to catch and eat a Mole Talpa europaea at Beach farm, Benacre on March 28th. hybrid birds (Corvus corone x cornix) were as usual seen throughout the year in the covehithe and kessingland areas with two present on November 30th. one bird also frequented the corton and Gorleston areas in June and July. At Snape Marshes rSPB, 500 were present on october 26th. on orfordness the species was present throughout the year with up to seven frequently seen. in february, 11 were noted on 22nd with a small passage in March involving 12 on 8th and 29 on 21st . it was April however, that saw the largest gatherings with 60 on 5th, 37 on 11th and 31 on 18th. two pairs nested, both on the cobra Mist aerials. up to 14 were noted in September, 15 in october and 17 in November with just six in December. At Landguard birds were present all year. one pair nested in the adjoining dock area rearing three young. “Intruders occasionally turn up on site and are soon seen off by the locals”. there was a spring maximum of 17 on March 6th and 24 on october 4th, in the autumn. one came in off the sea on January 2nd, one south, february 7th and another south, february 8th. there were spring passage movements of 27 north and 75 south between March 4th and May 22nd with a maximum of 18 south on April 12th. in mid-summer one flew south on June 26th, one south, July 3rd and one in off the sea on July 29th. there were visible movements in autumn of two south on october 20th and three south, october 28th. 117

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Large flocks in the west included:–

Suffolk Bird Report 2015

Little Cornard: Workhouse Green, 105, Dec 9th . Little Livermere: 125, March 29th.

HOODED CROW Corvus cornix Scarce winter visitor. unusually, there were no reports submitted during the year, apart from the apparent hybrids noted above.

NORTHERN RAVEN Corvus corax Uncommon visitor. Formerly bred. this extraordinary corvid is now possibly making incursions into the county as a breeding bird and sightings increased significantly during 2015. it may well be that records from the west show the species possibly bred although there is no confirmation of this. A well-watched raven was at Benacre Broad, March 20th to 22nd (multi-observer). other sightings came from mainly coastal sites:– Snape: south, Jan 10th (D. fairhurst). Butley/Boyton: Jan 3rd (M J cornish). Bawdsey Quay: Jan 4th (S Abbott, D hermon). Foxhall: near tip, April 6th to 8th (multi-observer).

Sightings in the west of the county increased significantly in 2015 with birds being noted at eleven sites. Accepted records came from:–

Sudbury: feb 19th (M Peers). West Stow: over the king’s forest, Mar 15th (c Gregory). Culford Park: Apr 27th (S Evans). Ickworth Park: two. May 3rd (t humpage); pair bonding and mating observed Nov 26th and birds remained into 2016 (c Jakes). Lakenheath Fen RSPB: May 13th (P Dolton). Depden: Aug 25th (r Duncan). Barton Mere: July 23rd (D cawdron).

GOLDCREST Regulus regulus Very common resident and passage migrant. records of this tiny gem of a bird came from a wide range of sites across the county. BBS recording found this species in 39% of the squares surveyed with a combined total of 55 birds seen. there was a significant movement of this diminutive 'crest' along the coast in September and october. A remarkable count of 500 was made at kessingland Sewage Works on october 15th and 400 were recorded at Gunton, october 17th . on orfordness an overwintering bird was noted on January 4th and february 22nd with it, or possibly a migrant, on March 22nd. in April, four on 5th, five on 11th and three on 12th were the last of the spring. the first to return was one on September 13th with two on 19th and 20th, three on 26th and one the next day. the significant october movement was also noted here, with 110 present on 3rd, at least 200 on 11th, 150 on 17th and 180 on 18th. in all 533 were ringed during october. these are record numbers for the site – one had been ringed five days previously at falsterbo in Sweden. Numbers quickly dwindled in November with a maximum of seven until the last on 8th. the table shows the significance of this exceptional movement reflected in the ringing totals for the last five years:– 2011 2012 35 69

2013 4 118

2014 30

2015 549

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At least 400 were recorded at Aldeburgh on october 17th. At Dunwich, Dingle hills 435 were trapped and ringed between Sept 12th and 20th. At least 14 breeding territories were recorded at Sizewell SWt. FIELD NOTE riparian feeding Goldcrests During very cold winter weather i often see Goldcrests feeding at the water’s edge of the river Gipping, often using rarely frozen small muddy patches, over-hanging riverside vegetation and even dipping into the water, presumably for insects. this seems to be a little out of character when their usual arboreal feeding habits are considered. An interesting example of adaptive feeding from this diminutive bird. P A Whittaker there was a big 'fall' of later Goldcrests on December 10th between Bawdsey hall and the Quay with 500 being counted. At Landguard two on february 15th were unseasonable. Spring passage ran from March 6th until April 23rd, with a maximum of four on March 28th. there was a record autumn passage from September 5th until November 26th with at least two birds lingering to the end of December, and a maxima in october of 100 birds on october 3rd, 130, 11th, 100, 14th and 150 on 26th. in the west the most recorded was 14 at North Stow in the king’s forest on April 23rd.

FIRECREST Regulus ignicapilla Uncommon regular breeder and passage migrant. Some overwinter. Green list (from Amber). recorded mainly from a range of coastal sites in the north-east and south-east, records of this strikingly attractive 'crest' were mostly of one or two birds. Goldcrests Oliver Slessor overwintering birds were seen at corton Wood from January 21st to february 17th and Minsmere on february 3rd. for the first time since recording began at orfordness there were no spring records. the first arrived on September 12th, with two on 30th. in october, three were present on 11th, two on 13th, one on 18th, two on 27th, three on 28th and one on 31st, the last of the year. At firecrest 'hotspot', Bawdsey, a singing male was present on January 4th with as many as six present, January 10th – a county mid-winter record total. two singing males "clearly on territory" were also present at upper hollesley common in early May. At Landguard two were present January 14th to 27th and again february 18th to March 6th. Spring passage ran from March 15th until April 23rd plus a later bird on May 11th, with a maximum of three on six dates. Autumn passage ran from September 11th to october 31st, with a maximum of three on September 17th and october 26th and 27th. inland a bird was present at Pipps ford, April 23rd. in the west, consistent recording at Brandon c.P. produced a maximum of ten on May 24th with breeding recorded at two sites. the well-known bird at Santon Downham church appears to have been quite elusive for some! 119

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EURASIAN PENDULINE TIT Remiz pendulinus Rare visitor. there was only one record of this secretive vagrant. Minsmere remains as the “hot spot” in Suffolk for this visitor from the wetlands of continental Europe. Minsmere: island Mere, two, october 18th and 19th (P Phillips, S Abbott).

BLUE TIT Cyanistes caeruleus Very common resident and scarce passage migrant. records of this tiny ubiquitous tit, were, as always widespread and breeding was confirmed at a small number of sites. BBS data shows this species as occurring in 100% of surveyed squares and a total of 357 birds was counted. At Sizewell SWt breeding appears to have increased with 92 breeding territories being recorded (76 in 2014; 75 in 2013). on orfordness two at the holm oaks on April 6th was the only spring record. A record autumn saw three on September 20th, six on 26th and two on 27th and, in october, a maximum of seven on 3rd. Birds were present all year at Landguard with one pair nesting. twelve birds from previous years survived the winter, the oldest from June 2010. Spring passage ran from March 9th until April 16th with later new birds on May 8th and 11th, and a maximum day-count of eight on March 9th. A new adult turned up, unseasonably, on June 20th. the first juvenile was seen on June 6th with dispersing juveniles turning up from elsewhere from June 16th to July 6th and later new birds on July 31st and August 16th. Autumn passage ran from August 29th until october 26th, with a maximum of 30 on September 29th. up to four were on site later in the year. in the west there were many double-figure counts and a maximum of 40 trapped and ringed at Great Livermere on November 21st. At Lackford SWt a record number of 31 juveniles was trapped and ringed throughout the year (cES).

GREAT TIT Parus major Very common resident and scarce passage migrant. records of this widespread bird came from many locations and breeding was confirmed at a number of sites across the county. BBS surveys showed this species in 95% of surveyed squares with a total of 200 birds counted. At Sizewell SWt there were 42 breeding territories (62 in 2014; 48 in 2012). At Landguard birds were present all year with a record seven pairs nesting. twenty birds from previous years survived the winter with the oldest from June 2010 (the same as Blue tit). Spring passage ran between february 22nd and April 16th, with a maximum of 15 on March 9th. the first juveniles were seen on May 30th with dispersing juveniles turning up on site from elsewhere from June 6th to July 23rd, with a maximum of 15, June 17th and 18th. Autumn passage ran from August 22nd until october 27th, with a maximum day-count of six. At Lackford SWt 21 juveniles were ringed throughout the year (cES) the highest number this decade. twenty-five 25 were at Santon Downham on March 23rd and at Brandon country Park 21 were seen on November 1st.

COAL TIT Periparus ater Very common resident and scarce passage migrant. this bird was found in 39% of surveyed BBS squares with a total of 85 birds counted. Sizewell SWt held 11 breeding territories (eight in 2014) there was a "distinct movement along the coast" on January 10th with 20 recorded at Bawdsey (M cornish). there was a marked movement there also from September 27th with 15 present on September 29th. At Landguard, eight were noted between June 15th and July 6th and 17 between August 24th and october 17th, with a maximum of four on September 25th. 120

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19. Stone-curlew close-up view at Minsmere in June.

20. Knot see article on flagged Knot. Bill Baston

Mick Vince

21. Curlew Sandpiper at Shingle Street in May. Sean Nixon

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22. Spotted Redshank up to 25 birds at Minsmere in July.

23. Caspian Gull up to nine in Minsmere roost in December. Sean Nixon

Alan Tate

24. Black Tern at Lowestoft in August. Sean Nixon

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25. Little Auk moving along the coast at Minsmere in November.

26. European Turtle Dove still present at Boyton – if not elsewhere.

Sean Nixon

John Richardson

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27. Common Cuckoo juvenile at Sproughton in July. Liz Cutting

28. Long-eared Owl popular bird at Landguard in September. Liz Cutting

29. Short-eared Owl more sightings at Orford in the first winter period.

John Richardson

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Systematic List

FIELD NOTE in central ipswich a pair attempted to breed, albeit unsuccessfully, in a gap between the flints in the north wall of St Matthews church. P Murphy At Sudbury, where long-term surveys have taken place, ten breeding territories were recorded – a slight increase on the eight-year mean of eight territories. At Lavenham railway Walk the species was only noted in August during regular monthly visits. Bradfield Woods SWt held 25 on December 3rd and 25 were also noted at Brandon country Park on November 1st and high Lodge, thetford on March 22nd .

Continental Coal Tit Periparus ater ater Scarce passage migrant.

Thorpeness: former caravan site, oct 6th (S B Mayson). Landguard: two, oct 26th.

WILLOW TIT Poecile Montana Rapidly declining resident and scarce passage migrant. Red list. it is possible that this species is not entirely absent from Suffolk although still teetering on the brink of extinction. however, there were no accepted records in 2015.

MARSH TIT Poecile palustris Fairly common resident. Red list. this is always a popular bird and recording levels were as usual high although numbers seen were usually only singles or pairs. Breeding was noted at six sites. BBS recording showed this species occurring in 11% of squares visited with five birds counted. Eight breeding pairs were in residence at Minsmere rSPB and four at Sizewell SWt. At Melton Park Wood a pair bred and fledged two young. the highest concentrations appear to be in the west of the county where records came from 39 sites. in Bradfield Woods SWt ten birds were seen on December 3rd and ten were seen at Santon Downham on January 9th.

BEARDED TIT Panurus biarmicus Uncommon resident. Green list (from Amber). records of this attractive and very popular reedbed specialist came from many of Suffolk's larger marshes. Breeding was confirmed at 11 sites. Significant breeding numbers were noted at Minsmere rSPB with 35 probable breeding pairs and at Westwood Marshes, Walberswick NNr with 20, also probable, breeding territories. At Snape Marshes rSPB 20 were present on November 1st. on orfordness at least five were in chantry reedbed on January 1st with at least two to the end of the month. they were not seen again until a pair was noted on May 10th – this pair then remained to the year’s end. Autumn migration was very light with eight on November 1st, six on December 5th and 13 on 13th being noteworthy counts. one pair bred in the chantry reedbed and two recently-fledged juveniles were trapped and ringed there in early July. this is the second confirmed breeding record for the site, the other being near Pig Pail in 2013. At trimley Marshes eight were seen on october 18th. Lakenheath fen rSPB held 40 pairs on territory during the count on May 15th (37 in 2014; 55 in 2011). there were also sightings at Nunnery floods, thetford, with a male on January 31st and at Arger fen, Bures on october 3rd a male and female were trapped and ringed. 121

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WOODLARK Lululla arborea Fairly common breeding species. Scarce on passage and in winter. Green list (from Amber). in the first winter period up to eight birds were present on Berner’s heath with two birds at both cavenham and Mayday farm. in March three birds were seen at Aldringham Walks with two at hazlewood farm and at Landguard birds went south with one on 3rd then two, 18th. in the west of the county on the Suffolk Brecks a total of 78 singing males was recorded, up from 66 the previous year. in the Sandlings, breeding records came from 23 sites; Minsmere held a total of 21 pairs, the North Warren/Aldringham Walks area held eight pairs and 11 territories were held on Sutton common where a total of 30 young was ringed from the year’s broods. Migrant birds were seen at:– Thorpeness: south, oct 18th. Bawdsey: south, oct 31st. Landguard: south, Sept 25th and 29th; two south, oct 25th. Stowupland: over, oct 12th.

Also at Bawdsey, ten were seen moving then a few lingering for a while on November 10th and two went south on December 18th.

SKYLARK Alauda arvensis Common resident, passage migrant and winter visitor. Red list. the only winter counts received were of 60 at upper Abbey farm, Sizewell on January 19th, 30 at knettishall heath, January 26th and 40 at Newman’s Green, Sudbury on february 3rd. Breeding was recorded at 19 sites; at Great Waldingfield there were 40 pairs, four up on the previous year; 16 pairs were present at Stradishall Airfield, a 50% decrease since 2011, and there were no birds present on the solar field there which was said to be “devoid of bird life”. on orfordness there were between 14 and 17 pairs on the main reserve but the Point was not surveyed in 2015. Migrant birds reported during october were as follows:– Lowestoft: Ness Point, 102 south, 11th. Minsmere: 13 in off, 19th. Thorpeness: 30 south, 31st. Orfordness: 50, 10th; 42, 31st. Landguard: 324, with max of 39 south, 8th.

HORNED ( SHORE) LARK Eremophila alpestris Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. During the first winter period birds were at the following sites that are close to each other and at Shingle Street:– Benacre: a few dates between feb 18th and Mar 6th (same birds as above). Covehithe Broad: three, Jan 1st to Mar 20th. Easton Broad: several dates between Jan 18th and Mar 20th (same birds as above). Shingle Street: two, Jan 3rd to Mar 17th (pair with the male the brighter bird).

During october a bird was at Gunton Warren on 13th and then another was present at Minsmere from 22nd to 30th.

Gunton: Warren, oct 13th. Minsmere: oct 22nd to 30th.

SAND MARTIN Riparia riparia Common summer visitor and passage migrant. Green list (from Amber). A single bird at Lackford Lakes on March 14th was the first of the year and was followed by three birds there on March 17th. there were March records from five further sites. During early April numbers built up, with 12 at Southwold, 8th and by 11th 60 were at Lackford. Breeding was recorded from the following:– 122

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Covehithe: 65 pairs ( 250 pairs in 2005; 800 in 2000; 2000 in 1960). Minsmere: 221 active burrows.

Dispersing birds were seen from July onwards with 250 south over Potter’s Bridge, reydon on 18th, 99 through Landguard, 28th and 500 feeding over the reed beds at Minsmere the following day. Gatherings during September saw 100+ at Loompit Lake, 4th, 20 at cavenham on the same day and 25 at Lakenheath on 21st. october saw the last departing individuals with a single bird at Landguard on 3rd and then two at hollesley Marshes on 15th.

BARN SWALLOW Hirundo rustica Very common summer visitor and passage migrant. Green list (from Amber). there were no March records for the third year in a row, the first birds appearing on April 1st with a single at Mickle Mere, two at both Long Melford and Minsmere and nine over Lackford Lakes. on the 6th there were 11 at Snape Marshes and by the 26th 100 were at hollesley Marshes. Breeding was only reported from eight localities with ten pairs in the Benacre area, five at covehithe and two or three pairs on orfordness. in July over 1000 individuals were over Burgh castle Marshes on 21st then. During August, 250 were seen to roost in a maize field at Great Livermere, 10th and 150 at Long Melford on 17th. Landguard recorded 6004 south in September with the highest day-counts being 1090 on 2nd and 1160 on 18th. on october 18th, 80 birds were feeding over Aldeburgh Marshes. Several records were received from November and then there were some very late individuals in December involving one at kessingland Sewage Works on 9th with three birds there on 11th and two on 12th and 13th. the last bird of the year flew over the car park at Minsmere on December 16th – the latest in Suffolk since December 16th 2000 (Sizewell) and December 16th 1956 (Nacton). Sand Martins Peter Beeson

HOUSE MARTIN Delichon urbicum Very common summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. the first returning bird was seen at Southwold on March 29th with no other records until April 7th with singles at both Debenham and Mickle Mere and then three birds at Weybread Gravel Pits on 12th. Breeding was reported from 45 locations; there were 25 active nests on a single house in Stradbroke with a further ten in another part of that village; there were 28 nests in Pakenham which was the highest-ever count at this location. further counts of ten plus nests were recorded at six other sites and a pair breeding at Worlingham was still feeding young on october 2nd. high counts during migration were as follows:– Minsmere: 2000, Sept 3rd – single flock attended by four hobbies Hollesley Marshes: 400, Sept 25th. Cavenham: 300, Sept 15th Great Livermere: 250, Sept 17th.

At Landguard they were noted up until october 23rd plus a later bird on November 12th. the peak movement was 212 south on July 25th. Small numbers occasionally loitered on site. the monthly totals at Landguard were:– N S+ IN

Jan 0 0

Feb 0 0

Mar 0 0

Apr 3 3

May 6 362

Jun 5 76

Jul 0 220

Aug 0 24

Sep 20 456

Oct 0 16

Nov 0 1

Dec 0 0

there were five records during November but the last individual was of a very late bird at Dingle 123

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Marshes, Dunwich on December 6th – the latest since 2006 when five roosted on Sizewell ‘A’ Power Station, December 19th with one still there on December 20th. FIELD NOTE Some new houses built in 2014 in Wickham Market had six house Martin nests on them in 2015. they were on the north and east elevations, between four and eight metres above ground level. one nest was in a loft with the adults feeding the young via an open window and loft hatch. Eddie Bathgate RED-RUMPED SWALLOW Ceropis daurica Scarce visitor. there were two records in 2015 which bring the county tally to 43 involving 49 birds.

Landguard: photographed, June 7th, the tenth site record involving eleven birds (c Bridge, r crookshank, c Day). Loompit Lake: photographed, May 16th (A Dowe).

CETTI’S WARBLER Cettia cetti Fairly common resident and rare passage migrant. recent trends continued north of the Alde with over 240 territories noted (200 in 2014) including 125 at Minsmere (74 in 2014). South of this boundary no increase was obvious. Lakenheath rSPB reported 42 singing males, with another 12 sites in the west holding one or two. Dingle ringers trapped 39 birds between August 22nd and November 12th. in September orfordness held a singleton on 13th and two on 26th.

LONG-TAILED TIT Aegithalos caudatus Very common resident and scarce passage migrant. this easily-identified favourite of many is more often admired than reported. Diligent work at Sizewell SWt led to 21 recorded breeding territories. they were found in 26 of the 43 BBS squares with a total of 77 individuals. in the south-east, Bussock Woods, Shottisham held 35 birds in December. orfordness saw only two on october 31st but Landguard noted birds on 21 dates, with a maximum of 18 on october 25th.

PALLAS’S LEAF WARBLER Phylloscopus proregulus Peter Beeson Rare autumn passage migrant. After three blank years this century including 2012 and 2014 these records are very welcome, although the birds were not accessible to most:– Long-tailed Tit

Orfordness: trapped, oct 11th (G Stannard, D crawshaw,P Barker); trapped, oct 18th (M Marsh, D crawshaw, r Walsh). Landguard: oct 26th and 27th (c J Bridge, M May).

YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER Phylloscopus inornatus Regular autumn passage migrant. Autumn saw over 2000 birds in Britain so the Suffolk share of about 50 was to be expected. the first came on September 12th at Lowestoft, the earliest recorded arrival in Suffolk since 1910 (September 3rd, Southwold) and the last was noted at Bawdsey on october 25th. 124

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WOOD WARBLER Phylloscopus sibilatrix Scarce summer and autumn migrant. Red list.

Lowestoft: May 5th (A Easton). Bawdsey: Aug 8th (M cornish). Landguard: trapped, Aug 11th; three, Aug 14th with one remaining the following day. (the highest Landguard site-total since three on Aug 15th 1996). Upper Hollesley: Aug 22nd (G coppard).

the three at Landguard is the highest Landguard site-total since three on August 15th 1996.

COMMON CHIFFCHAFF Phylloscopus collybita Very common summer visitor and passage migrant. A few overwinter. Wintering birds were widely reported with a notable seven at Southwold Sewage Works on January 24th and an estimate of about 15 in each period in the west. clear signs of movement were indicated by counts of 22 at Bawdsey on March 10th and 25 at Landguard on April 25th where passage was noted from March 18th until June 26th. As with some other species, breeding numbers came from efficient field work in the north-east with 34 pairs at Benacre (D Pearson) and 51 at Sizewell SWt catching the eye. of the 43 BBS squares 36 held a total of 133 individual birds. Post-breeding records from orfordness included day-counts of over 30 twice in early october and a 2015 ringing total of 171 compared with an annual mean of 70 over the last four years. Autumn migration was reported from August 24th to November 25th at Landguard with a maximum of 30 on September 26th. Bawdsey held a peak of 30 on August 20th when Blackcap numbers were also at their highest. the diligent hollesley ringers trapped and ringed 28 on october 3rd. Siberian chiffchaffs, seen and heard, were at Aldeburgh on october 30th (M cornish), Landguard, April 8th (P holmes, P oldfield) and December 23rd (E Lucking, N odin), Lackford Lakes on November 15th (L Gregory) and on several dates in the first winter at Long Melford (D underwood).

WILLOW WARBLER Phylloscopus trochilus Common summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. the earliest bird was at Landguard on April 6th. on the coast breeding data again suggested that the recent decline was continuing with the excellent coverage of the north-eastern sites producing only 12 confirmed breeding records. Spring records came from only six sites in the south-east with five clustered around the Deben Estuary and the other from ipswich Golf club in ipswich/Purdis heath where four were singing on April 25th (N Sherman). Better news came from the west where at least five areas held over ten singing birds in April/May with the 23 pairs at Maidscross hill, Lakenheath being the highest total. the decline in reports from the BBS was halted, perhaps temporarily, with 19 birds reported in nine squares. on orfordness extreme dates were April 11th and october 18th. the year’s ringing total of 48 sat nicely with the annual mean of 50 for the last five years. Landguard, after its early bird, had a maximum of 15 on May 5th whilst there were impressive totals in August of 50 on 25th and 40 on 28th. the day-total of 50 is the highest autumn count at Landguard since August 15th 1996 when c.100 were present. only two birds were ringed at the cES at Lackford.

BLACKCAP Sylvia atricapilla Common summer visitor and passage migrant. Possibly some overwinter but might be wintering birds from elsewhere. in the north-east no breeding count took place at last year’s hot spot of Walberswick but several surveyed areas produced notable numbers with 48 at Benacre, 40 at reydon Smear and 36 at Sizewell SWt. 125

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Again nothing of note came from the south-east but seven places in the west reported that they held at least 14 territories. Blackcaps were found in 37 out of 43 squares in the BBS with 180 individuals noted. on orfordness 38 were trapped in the autumn giving a five-year mean of 40. hollesley ringers caught 206 in four sessions including 47 on August 29th and, on the same day, there were 25 sightings at Bawdsey. Autumn passage at Landguard was from August 24th to December 8th with a maximum of 30 on September 26th. ringers operating at inland sites trapped and ringed 31 at Great Livermere on August 16th and 40 at creeting St Mary on September 1st.

GARDEN WARBLER Sylvia borin Common summer visitor and passage migrant. the first of the year appeared at Bto headquarters at the Nunnery, thetford on April 13th. Pleasing numbers emerged from the north-east surveys with 23 at Benacre, 12 at covehithe and 15 at Sizewell SWt. there may have been as few as five pairs in the south-east. Some seven areas in the west held at least four territories with the Nunnery and the king’s forest leading on seven. Garden Warblers were found in nine out of 43 BBS squares, but only ten individuals were counted. As usual few were trapped in the autumn with the six on hollesley heath on August 2nd equalling the year’s total on orfordness. Landguard had three on August 24th and September 13th after the same maximum spring count on May 6th. At Lackford 13 post-breeding birds were ringed of which three were juveniles. BARRED WARBLER Sylvia nisoria Scarce passage migrant. the expected or mean annual county total for the species is just over three (with extremes of ten and zero) so this year’s records were unsurprising. the Minsmere bird was a real crowd-pleaser, easily seen from the beach as it fed in the only bush near the derelict wind pump.

Lowestoft: North Denes, Sep 1st (A Easton et al.). Southwold: Sep 5th (c fulcher, L G Woods). Minsmere: Sep 9th to 13th (multi-observer), Orfordness: Village, Sep 6th, not trapped (D crawshaw, M c Marsh).

LESSER WHITETHROAT Sylvia curruca Fairly common summer visitor and passage migrant. the first of the year appeared at Arger fen, Bures on April 18th. it is possible that the breeding status of this species may need revising. in the north-east, in spite of the thorough efforts of those who found so many other breeding birds, there may well have been only ten pairs with a maximum of four at Sizewell SWt. Not more than a dozen were noted in the south-east with six at East Lane on June 9th. Singers were reported from ipswich where they may be more numerous than is known. the west of the county, however, had some 50 singing birds with a maximum of four at any single site. there was a total of 22 individuals noted in the 11 BBS squares in which it was recorded. A wintering bird was reported from North Warren on January 2nd (J Davies) and 4th (k roy), the county’s second January record following one at ipswich, January 17th to 25th 2001. it is worth noting that on August 28th when 28 were trapped at hollesley, one observer noted seven at Minsmere. Suggestions of the presence of the sub-species blythi were made by some and indeed a bird trapped at orfordness on october 18th was confirmed as such by DNA analysis. 126

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COMMON WHITETHROAT Sylvia communis Common summer visitor and passage migrant. Green list (from Amber). in the north-east six carefully-surveyed areas produced a total count of 117 pairs whilst further down the coast there were a couple of double-figure reports. Birds were noted in 33 of the 43 BBS squares with 139 individuals counted which showed no significant variation on the two previous years. orfordness saw 81 ringed in the autumn giving a five-year annual mean of 79. the hollesley region nets were less prolific than some years but with one notable total of 27 on August 29th. Landguard had seasonal maxima of 12 on April 26th and 13 on September 1st.

DARTFORD WARBLER Sylvia undata Uncommon local resident. Scarce visitor. Amber list. After a 25 % increase from 2013 to 2014 which saw breeding pair numbers rise to 75 a further surge produced an increase of over one third taking the total to 104. Dunwich and Minsmere combined held 44 pairs whilst the southern commons between Woodbridge and hollesley accounted for 34. other breeding pairs were recorded at sites such as Sizewell. Westleton and North Warren. Wanderers, admittedly barely a spitting distance from known territories, were reported from Southwold on September 10th and thorpeness on october 2nd. further from home was one at covehithe on November 23rd. Dartford Warblers have still not moved in to the west of the county and there were no reports from there in 2015.

COMMON GRASSHOPPER WARBLER Locustella naevia Uncommon and declining summer visitor and passage migrant. Red list the first reelers were at fisher row and Minsmere on April 13th and 14th respectively. Appeals to those still young enough, to search for reeling birds in the breeding season certainly did not produce good news. in the north-east there were perhaps 11 birds on territory with four at carlton Marshes and three close by at oulton. Perhaps only five pairs nested in the south-east, all near the mouth of the river Deben. Lakenheath rSPB and culford Park hosted two pairs each with another at Barton Mills. At felixstowe ferry one was still showing and reeling on July 31st. orfordness had two singing birds on one day in the spring with six migrants during the autumn.

SAVI’S WARBLER Locustella luscinioides Rare summer visitor and passage migrant. Red list. After three in 2013 and one in 2014, 2015 was a blank year for this species.

ICTERINE WARBLER Hippolais icterina Scarce passage migrant. there were three records in 2015, all between August 25th and September 12th – typical dates for this species.

Thorpeness: Aug 27th and 28th (J Davies). East Lane: Aug 25th (M cornish et al.) with John richardson photographing the bird as others struggled to see it in the wind and the rain. Landguard: Sep 12th (P J holmes, N odin).

AQUATIC WARBLER Acrocephalus paludicola Very rare autumn passage migrant. this is the eighth county record and the first in Suffolk since 2003 when two were trapped on orfordness in August – an adult, 14th and immature, 15th. 127

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Orfordness: juvenile trapped, Aug 9th, third record for the site (M c Marsh, D crawshaw, G Jobson et al.).

SEDGE WARBLER Acrocephalus schoenobaenus Common summer visitor and passage migrant Lakenheath rSPB noted the first bird on April 7th. Breeding information from the north-east told of 193 pairs at various sites between hen reedbeds and carlton Marshes with the former holding the highest county total of 66. further down the coast only orfordness, Boyton and the twin Banks behind Shingle Street managed to just get into double figures. the Nunnery, thetford reported ten pairs and Lakenheath an expected 41. the autumn ringing season kept fingers busy. orfordness recorded 392 with 313 of these in August and the last caught on october 4th. At the hollesley netting grounds 184 were trapped in six sessions between July 26th and August 29th. MARSH WARBLER Acrocephalus palustris Scarce migrant. Bred in 2010. Red list.

Carlton Marshes SWT: singing, July 3rd (J A Brown et al.). Landguard: trapped, June 14th (W J Brame, N odin, P oldfield).

EURASIAN REED WARBLER Acrocephalus scirpaceus Common summer visitor and passage migrant. trimley Marshes SWt held the first arriving bird on April 8th. the same assiduous surveyors as for the Sedge Warbler found 303 pairs between hen reedbeds and carlton Marshes with reydon Smear topscoring on 82. further down the coast no site held prolific numbers, according to records received. in the west Lakenheath fen still has many territories but counting the whole reserve has become too difficult because of the other species that require to be left undisturbed. the 2010 estimate of 800 pairs may not be too far out. orfordness saw 199 caught, mainly in August, with the last on october 18th. At the hollesley netting grounds 503 were ringed in the same six sessions as for the Sedge Warbler. in a single day at the osiers, hollesley, August 29th produced 121 birds and another in rob Duncan’s garden, 72! one trapped and ringed at Great Livermere on october 11th is very late for West Suffolk.

BOHEMIAN WAXWING Bombycilla garrulus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. there must have been more good rowan berry crops in Northern Europe as both the first and second winter periods of 2015 produced few records of Waxwings. the first winter period saw a total of 54 records, mostly from the south-east of the county, compared with 73 in 2014. in the north-east there were ten reports, with five at Lowestoft on february 20th being the largest. the last of the winter was seen at carlton colville on April 5th. the south-east produced more records with 40 during this period, reaching the same peak of 15 at upper hollesley common on february 27th, ipswich on March 3rd and Sutton common on April 17th and 18th (the last sighting of the period). there were four records from the west during this period, all of one or two birds. the last sighting was of one at Mildenhall on March 21st. the second winter period produced only 14 records altogether reaching a peak of five at various sites in the east of the county. the earliest report was of one at 128

Waxwing Richard Thewlis

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Landguard on November 26th and the largest gatherings were five at falkenham and felixstowe ferry on November 27th, and copdock on November 28th. there were four reports of one or two birds from the west for this period with the first on November 29th at Santon Downham.

EURASIAN NUTHATCH Sitta europaea Fairly common resident. the number of records submitted of this highly-sedentary bird was 121 from 52 sites, similar to 2013 and 2014. the north-east and west of the county provided the highest proportion, with 25 records from 13 sites and 89 records from 34 sites respectively. there were 35 confirmed breeding reports, 28 of which were in the west. these figures continue the trend for stability shown in the Suffolk Bird Atlas 2007-2011. Eight at ickworth on April 26th was the highest number at any one site (the same location as 2014’s maximum). the total number of sites sending in records was 52, very similar to the totals in 2013 and 2014. Despite much searching, this species could not be located in its former stronghold of christchurch Park in central ipswich.

EURASIAN TREECREEPER Certhia familiaris Common resident. Rare passage migrant. this unobtrusive passerine is thriving nationally, as shown by its removal from the Amber list of birds of conservation concern. it is more widespread than the Nuthatch being able to utilise conifers to a greater extent. As in previous years, there were few records of more than a single pair at any one site with no counts of more than six individuals. records were submitted of 236 birds from 98 sites, nearly the same numbers as in 2013 and 2014. Breeding was reported as follows:– Reydon: one pair. Darsham: one pair. Sizewell Belts: eight pairs (six in 2014).

there were single pairs at 28 sites in the west. Generally the records again seem to support the trend indicated in the Suffolk Bird Atlas 200711 of a stable population in all areas of the county.

EURASIAN WREN Troglodytes troglodytes Very common resident and scarce passage migrant. the lack of severe winters seems to be contributing to numbers of this abundant songbird continuing the stable trend shown in recent years. the count of individuals on the Breeding Bird Survey (320) is slightly up on 2014 (287). the number of 1km squares reporting individuals is also up from 38 to 42 out of the 43 BBS squares surveyed. in the north-east recording area there were 11 records submitted with the following comparisons:–

Gunton Warren: five territories (three in 2014) Oulton Marshes: 11 territories (ten in 2014) Carlton Marshes: six territories (seven in 2014) North Cove SWT Reserve: four territories (five in 2014) Hen Reedbeds: 16 territories (five in 2014) Sizewell SWT Reserve: 207 territories (174 in 2014)

in the south-east, there were 19 reports, of which the highest count of ten was at upper hollesley common on January 20th. on orfordness, this species continued its recovery from 2011 when it was down to a single pair, with five or six pairs in 2015. there were also 65 birds ringed there, 34 of which were in october. At Landguard five pairs bred and 16 individuals overwintered. Spring passage lasted from March 1st until April 25th. Autumn passage was from September 18th until November 26th with a maximum of 15 on october 3rd. Eight birds were attempting to overwinter. in the west 29 records were submitted, with 41 at Lakenheath fen rSPB and up to 17 at Lackford being the highest counts. 129

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COMMON STARLING Sturnus vulgaris Very common but declining resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list. Like the house Sparrow this once ubiquitous species becomes less familiar with the passing years. the Breeding Bird Survey count of individuals (278) continued a downward trend compared with 306 in 2014 and a peak of 902 in 2005. the number of 1km squares reporting individuals (22) is equal to that of 2014 the lowest since 2001. only 64 records were submitted to recorders. As the species is in decline, perhaps there is a need for more? there were fewer counts of flocks going to roost with only 11 of more than 10000 compared with 17 in 2014. these included:– Lowestoft Harbour: 12000, feb 15th. Walberswick NNR: Westwood Marshes, 30000, Jan 4th. Lakenheath Fen RSPB: 15000, Jan 5th; 10000 oct 14th; 12500, Nov 3rd. Monthly maxima at orfordness were as follows:– Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 30 36 240 50 40 250

Jul 500

Aug 250

Sep 200

Oct 1800

Nov 617

Dec 70

A total of 617 was observed to arrive in off the sea at late-winter maximum of 200 on January 31st and february 3rd. None, however, nested. there were five juveniles present on May 15th and a midsummer peak of 800 on June 30th. the first visible movement of the autumn was on october 8th, preceding a total of 1136 from then until December 2nd with a maximum of 221 on october 27th. in December, up to 400 occasionally roosted on one of the cranes on the nearby dock (N odin).

RING OUZEL Turdus torquatus Fairly common passage migrant. Red list. the national range contraction and decline in numbers is probably reflected in the number of sightings on passage in Suffolk. there were 95 observations at 36 sites in 2015 compared with 127 at 46 sites in 2014. the north-east produced 38 spring migration records from 14 sites. the first was at Breydon South Wall, April 10th and the last at Minsmere, April 27th. A remarkable record of 15 birds at Minsmere on April 21st was the highest spring total ever recorded in Suffolk (rSPB). the southeast had 14 spring records from seven sites, all of one or two birds. there were also eight spring sightings in the west of the county from eight sites, of which the earliest was one at Lakenheath, April 12th and one at Bto Nunnery reserve, on the same date. the autumn produced slightly less records with 25 reports from seven sites in the north-east, four from three sites in the south-east and none from the west. Most of these reports were of one bird with the largest group being three at Minsmere, october 15th and 18th. the earliest autumn sighting was of one at Bawdsey on September 27th and the next thorpeness on october 8th in the north-east and the last was at Minsmere, November 10th. At orfordness, 2015 was another poor year for this species, with just one spring and two autumn records. Landguard fared slightly better with one in spring and four in the autumn. Ring Ouzel Richard Allen


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2013 Addition Ipswich: female St Matthew’s churchyard, oct 12th.

COMMON BLACKBIRD Turdus merula Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. it is hard to believe that in the 19th century the Blackbird was less common than the Song thrush and was “a solitary bird, frequenting woodlands and thickets” (Bewick 1804). it is now ubiquitous in Suffolk, and, according to the Suffolk Bird Atlas 2007-2011, has a stable population. Suffolk recorders submitted 78 records from 48 sites, compared with 1330 records from 117 sites in 2014; this must reflect under-recording rather than population decline, especially as the Breeding Bird Survey showed 337 individuals from 40 of the 1km squares in which it was recorded in, so continuing a stable trend in recent years. reports of breeding came from 13 sites including:–

Benacre (east): 18 breeding pairs. Reydon Smear: 17 breeding pairs. Sizewell SWT: 20 breeding pairs (24 in 2014). Landguard: ten pairs nesting, as in 2014.

on orfordness there was a slight improvement on the poor showing in 2014. in spring there was a maximum of 15 and autumn maxima of 30 in october, 160 in November and two in December. in the north-east, the maximum count was 150 at Slaughden, November 21st. At Landguard, 13 males and 20 females survived the winter, the oldest of which had been ringed in 2010. Spring passage was from february 19th to June 2nd with a maximum of 26 on April 25th. the first juveniles were noted on May 11th with dispersing juveniles turning up on site from then until August 10th. Autumn passage was from September 27th to December 9th with a maximum 75 on November 21st. in the west the maximum count was 45 at Sudbury, November 22nd.

FIELDFARE Turdus pilaris Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list. one of the most abundant breeding birds of northern Europe gave us more chances to admire them than in 2014. out of a total of 187 records (108 in the first winter and 79 in the second winter period), there were 64 reports of flocks involving 100 individuals or more, compared with 28 in 2014. During the first winter period the most notable counts were:– Fritton: caldecott hall, 300, Mar 11th. North Cove: 300, feb 10th. Hollesley Marshes RSPB: 150, feb 27th. Chilton: 400, Jan 30th.

Most birds had gone by mid-April, with a few stragglers lingering into May, the latest of which were two at Minsmere on 2nd. Spring passage at Landguard was from March 4th to April 25th. in the second winter period, the first record was on September 10th at Gunton Dip farm, otherwise from early october throughout the county. Passage at Landguard lasted from october 11th to December 20th with a maximum of 305 in off on october 16th. Notable second winter flocks were recorded as follows:–

Bawdsey picnic site: 380 over, oct 16th. Berners Heath: 300, oct 31st.

orfordness had had only one sighting in 2014, but had 35 returning birds on october 17th 2015 and some present until nine in off on November 21st.

SONG THRUSH Turdus philomelos Fairly common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list. there are between 20 million and 26 million pairs of Song thrush in Europe according to the 131

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iucN red List of threatened Species, with a classification of least concern. in Britain, however, the Bird Atlas 2007-11 gives a 54% decline between 1995 and 2010. the number of records received for this familiar garden bird was well down on 2014, 76 from 49 sites compared with 497 from 99 sites. in the north-east, four pairs bred at Darsham Marshes and one to three at eight other sites. four pairs bred at Landguard with limited success. At Sudbury 25 breeding pairs were reported which is the highest number since 2007. orfordness had an improved year on 2014 with a few singles and one report of two in spring, but, in autumn there were 16 on September 30th and 30 on october 11th and 17th. At Landguard at least nine successfully overwintered with the oldest having been ringed in July 2012. the only report of migration of note during the autumn was of 43 at this site on october 11th. REDWING Turdus iliacus Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list. As this species is irruptive in nature there can probably be no significant conclusions drawn from the fact that 2015 was a quieter year than 2014 with 66 spring and 97 autumn records. in the north-east of the county there were eight spring counts of 100 or more including:– Minsmere: 400, Jan 8th; 250, Jan 6th; 250, feb 13th.

in the south-east there were no spring counts higher than ten. in the west:–

Cavenham: 200, Mar 12th. Lakenheath Fen: 200, March 22nd.

A poor spring was again noted at orfordness with no sightings of more than two birds. however, at Landguard spring passage lasted from february 26th to April 11th with a maximum of 47 on March 24th. A bird of the icelandic race T.i.coburni was noted on March 6th. the last spring sighting was at orfordness on April 19th, slightly later than the last in the south-east at Landguard on April 11th and, in the west, one at hardwick hall, Bury St. Edmunds on April 13th. the first record of the autumn was of eight at Bawdsey on August 29th, a remarkable record for such an early date (M cornish) and the earliest since 2011 (Lowestoft, August 25th). in the rest of the county, the earliest were on September 27th with singles at corton radar Lodge in the north-east and Great Livermere in the west. there were 13 reports of migrant flocks during the second winter period involving 100+ birds, the same number as in 2014. ten of these were over a three-day period from october 15th to 17th. these included:– Hopton-on-sea: disused railway line, 200, oct 16th. Southwold: 200, oct 16th. Aldeburgh: 600, oct 17th. Landguard: 225, oct 16th.

there was also a significant count in the west, as follows:–

Cavenham: 1000, oct 11th.

At orfordness, the only significant autumn return was of 80 on october 17th. At Landguard, autumn passage lasted from September 28th to December 16th with a maximum 225 on october 16th.

MISTLE THRUSH Turdus viscivorus Fairly common resident and scarce passage migrant. Red list (from Amber). the Mistle thrush has, perhaps surprisingly, been added to the red list of birds of conservation concern. in Suffolk, it has a steady breeding status according to the Suffolk Bird Atlas 2007-2011. the Breeding Bird Survey also indicates a fairly stable population with 26 individuals reported from 16 of the 43 1km squares surveyed (24 from 11 in 2013). Significantly fewer records were submitted to the recorders involving 156 from 85 sites compared with 306 from 91 in 2014. Breeding was reported from 11 sites compared with 17 in 2014, but this is probably a case of less reports being submitted. 132

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there were seven double-figure counts spread across the county, including the following:–

Flixton: 14, oct 6th. Benhall: 23, Aug 26th. Hazlewood Marshes: 18, Sep 24th. Sutton Common: 12, May 9th. Sudbury: ten, feb 8th.

At Landguard there was only one spring record but 15 were noted in the autumn between october 12th and December 19th with a maximum of four on october 27th. one in the holm oaks on orfordness on october 11th was a rare visitor to this remote site.

SPOTTED FLYCATCHER Muscicapa striata Declining summer visitor and passage migrant. Red list. in the north-east an early individual was noted at the allotments in Snape on April 20th (D Walduck). this is the earliest in Suffolk since one at Alton water, April 15th 1999. the next record was from Sparrow’s Nest, Lowestoft on May 5th. the highest count was noted at heveningham hall Park with four on May 17th and reports came from a total of 13 sites during the spring. the first report in the south-east was from Landguard on May 5th. Peak counts were reported from Shingle Street (three, May 13th) and Landguard (six, May 21st) with spring reports from just seven sites. An interesting late report came from orfordness on June 14th. in the west of the county Lakenheath fen provided the first on May 1st with the next report from Brettenham, May 7th, presumably back to one of last year’s breeding sites. A total of 24 sites recorded this species in the west during the spring. in the north-east 11 pairs were confirmed as successfully breeding with a possible further two; only one breeding report was received from the south-east, from foxburrow farm SWt and the west continues to be the stronghold for Suffolk with ten pairs successful and a possible further 11 pairs unconfirmed. the key site as usual was Brettenham where seven pairs fledged at least 20 young. Due to the lack of breeding records in the south-east the overall total of 34 possible breeding pairs is 15% down on the 40 pairs in 2014. During the autumn, passage was noted from a total of 32 sites throughout the county with the best count being of five at Bawdsey on August 25th. the final reports of the year were noted from Mildenhall fen on September 12th, orfordness, September 20th, North Denes, Lowestoft, october 4th with the latest record from Aldeburgh on october 17th.

EUROPEAN ROBIN Erithacus rubecula Very common resident, passage migrant and winter visitor. During the first winter period orfordness reported nine on January 4th and at Santon Downham 20 were present, January 9th. Landguard reported 21 overwintering including an individual first recorded in September 2010. Breeding results from the north-east totalled 134 pairs with the best count of 91 at Sizewell SWt, a considerable improvement over the 62 pairs in 2014. in the south-east, orfordness reported a better year for this species with a total of 131 ringed following just 51 in 2014. During the autumn on the coast the highest counts were reported from hopton disused railway line with 30 on october 14th and with 50 at the same site on 16th, Aldeburgh, 40, october 17th, Landguard, 60, october 15th, Sudbury common Lands, 26, September 20th and Bto Nunnery Lakes with 24 on october 24th.

COMMON NIGHTINGALE Luscinina megarhynchos. Fairly common summer visitor and scarce passage migrant. Red list (from Amber). the north-east reported its first sighting on April 14th at Sizewell SWt and on the same date at Aldeburgh Golf course. in the south-east sector individuals were noted at Pipps ford and kirton on April 14th. the west followed a couple of days later with the first report from thorington Street on April 16th. 133

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there were over 50 sites with singing Nightingales in the north-east. Breeding as always is not conclusive just because males take up a territory but breeding records were submitted from Westleton/Dunwich with 20 pairs (eight in 2014), Minsmere, 15 pairs (16 in 2014), North Warren, 20 pairs (14 in 2014). there were four at North Warren on April 21st. the south-east records came from 39 sites with breeding recorded at Alton Water with up to 31 pairs (20 in 2014) and peak counts at Purdis heath with five, April 19th and April 25th, Bridge Wood, six, May 15th and Pipps ford, five, May 6th. they were recorded in 23 sites in the west of the county with the highest counts from Maids cross hill, Lakenheath with five on May 12th and fir farm, Assington, five, April 27th while at Lackford Lakes there were two or three pairs (three in 2014). overall 79 sites reported this species, roughly the same as the 81 in 2014, with breeding pair numbers also similar with around 100 pairs. A dispersing juvenile was recorded at Landguard on June 20th and the final reports of the year, also from Landguard, were of singles noted on July 7th and August 13th. RED BREASTED FLYCATCHER Ficedula parva Rare passage migrant. one was trapped and ringed at orfordness on September 27th (M Marsh, D crawshaw, G Stannard).

PIED FLYCATCHER Ficedula hypoleuca Fairly common passage migrant. Red list (from Amber). Just two records for this year’s spring passage with a singleton at Minsmere on May 1st and a male at chilton near Sudbury on May 4th. it was an excellent autumn for this species recorded at 38 sites with all but one within the coastal belt. first reports came from Minsmere Sluice on August 10th and Landguard, August 12th. the bulk of the records came from the north-east of the county and the highest counts were recorded during the last week of August and first week of September:– Southwold: four, Aug 25th to 28th. Thorpeness: five, Aug 28th with six the following day. Shingle Street: five, Sep 7th. Bawdsey: four, Aug 28th. Landguard: seven, Sep 5th; four, Sep 9th.

Just one sighting in the west came from Lavenham railway Line where a singleton was present on August 28th and 29th. A couple of late reports came from Sparrow’s Nest, Lowestoft on october 4th and finally Landguard with two october, 15th with a singleton on october 22nd.

RED-SPOTTED BLUETHROAT Luscinia svecica Rare vagrant An individual was recorded at Minsmere on May 15th (D Elliot). this is the first red-spotted recorded in Suffolk since 2008.

BLACK REDSTART Phoenincurus ochruros. Uncommon summer visitor and passage migrant. Occasionally overwinters. Red list (from Amber). During the first winter period all reports were confined to the south-east with a single noted at upper hollesley common on february 5th, a single at felixstowe, January 5th and three reported at Landguard, January 20th. the first migrants were recorded at Sizewell Power Station on March 10th when two males and a female were present with singles noted at kessingland, March 13th until 20th and at Southwold Boating Lake, March 13th to 16th. Landguard recorded spring passage from March 16th until April 20th with peak counts of five, March 18th and five April 10th. Elsewhere orfordness reported five on April 10th with four there, April 12th. unexpected reports came from ipswich on March 18th 134

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and Bucklesham, March 24th and 25th and one was seen and heard singing at the rock Barracks, Sutton on May 10th. in all spring passage was noted from 18 mostly coastal sites. in the west of the county it is possible that breeding took place at Lakenheath Airfield following reports of a singleton on May 1st with two noted there from May 21st until at least May 28th. Sizewell again was the only site with confirmed breeding with at least one pair. An unexpected record was received of an individual seen in Debenham on June 17th. A singing male was noted on orfordness, June 14th. the first autumn migrants were noted at Landguard, July 8th and trimley, July 15th with 30 coastal sites reporting migration or local movements up to the end of year. Peak counts were noted from:– Sizewell: Power Station, four, Sep 25th; three, oct 15th; three, Dec 18th. Shingle Street: three, oct 26th. Landguard: three, Sep 26th and 27th.

An interesting report came from Bungay with a male present on November 11th. other second winter reports were of individuals at Gorleston harbour, November 27th, orfordness, November 22nd, holbrook, November 3rd, November 19th, December 12th (presumably these sightings referring to the same bird) and hadleigh, November 28th.

COMMON REDSTART Pheonicurus phoenicurus. Uncommon summer visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. An early report came from hollesley common on April 4th with all spring records as follows:– Benacre: Beach farm; May 1st. Minsmere: Apr 15th. Orfordness: Apr 25th. Shingle Street: Apr 15th. Landguard: singles noted from Apr 11th to May 9th, and three, May 7th. Lackford Lakes SWT: May 8th. Great Barton: May 9th. Icklingham: Berner’s heath, May 17th. Brandon Country Park: May 17th; May 24th. The King’s Forest: May 11th.

Breeding was confirmed at Minsmere with three pairs, upper hollesley common, four pairs with one nest containing six chicks present, Lower hollesley common, one pair, Sutton common, one pair and cavenham, one pair reported with two juveniles on July 2nd. Brandon country Park probably had one pair nesting although this was not confirmed. the total number of pairs was ten or 11 which is just one less than 2014. Autumn migration was more productive than in the spring and was widely reported in the coastal belt with Landguard noting migration from July 26th to october 9th. the highest counts were noted from:– Southwold: eight, Sep 10th, the best autumn count since 18 were recorded on orfordness, Sep 28th 2010. Minsmere: five, Sep 2nd; five, Sep 10th; five, Sep 12th. Bawdsey: five, Sep 13th. Landguard: six, Sep 11th; seven, Sep 12th.

reports of birds still at the nest sites continued through August from the west of the county with the final report on August 23rd. Elsewhere, the last reports came from North Denes, Lowestoft on october 18th, Aldeburgh where two were present october 18th and finally Landguard, october 26th.

WHINCHAT Saxicola rubetra. Declining passage migrant. Last bred in 2004. Red list (from Amber). An average spring passage was noted from just 12 sites with the earliest reported from Landguard on April 23rd. All spring reports are listed, involving singletons except where stated:– 135

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Corton: old Sewage Works, May 5th Lowestoft: North Denes, male Apr 30th. Kessingland: Dunes, May 10th. Benacre: Sluice, female May 9th; May 10th; May 16th: Broad, May 13th. Brampton with Stoven: male, May 3rd. Westleton: common, Apr 25th. North Warren: male, May 8th. Orfordness: male, Apr 26th. Shingle Street: female, May 13th. Landguard: passage noted from Apr 23rd until May 26th, with a maximum of five, Apr 26th. Lakenheath Fen RSPB: Apr 28th; Apr 29th; May 1st.

the first records of an excellent autumn passage came from Landguard on August 4th and Minsmere, August 7th. Peak counts for August were as follows:–

Lowestoft: North Denes, eight, Aug 28th. Carlton Marshes SWT: five, Aug 23rd. Walberswick: tinker’s Marshes, 22, Aug 29th. Dunwich Heath: six, Aug 28th. Minsmere: 11, Aug 28th. Aldeburgh Marshes: 12, Aug 25th. Orfordness: seven, Aug 22nd; ten, Aug 23rd; 34, Aug 29th, the best count there for 13 years since 39 were recorded on August 23rd 2002; 12, Aug 30th. Shingle Street: six, Aug 27th; eight, Aug 30th.

During September the highest counts were noted from:–

Carlton Marshes SWT: eight, Sept 15th. Walberswick: tinker’s Marshes, eight, Sep 6th. Walberswick: 12, Sep 1st. Minsmere: nine, Sep 2nd; seven, Sep 11th. Shingle Street: 12, Sep 7th.

A few multiple records were received in october from:–

Benacre: Sluice, three, oct 4th. Minsmere: two, oct 24th. Boyton Marshes: two, oct 3rd.

in the west of the county reports came from five sites between August 13th and october 4th with only cavenham holding more than a singleton, with two on September 1st. the final sightings of the year came from Benacre Sluice on November 11th, Easton Bavents, November 16th and 17th and Woodsend Marshes, Southwold on November 25th which is the latest date since 2009 (when one was present at Alton water, December 7th to 10th).

EUROPEAN STONECHAT Saxicola rubicola Fairly common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Widely reported throughout the county during the first winter period. the highest counts were noted from:– Breydon South Wall: seven, Jan 20th; ten, Jan 21st; seven, feb 17th; five, Mar 8th. Carlton Marshes SWT: three, Jan 9th. Southwold: three, feb 8th. Dunwich: Dingle Marshes, three, Jan 15th. Orfordness: max eight in January, eight in february and seven in March. Boyton: four, feb 23rd. Shingle Street: six, Mar 20th. Upper Hollesley Common: four, feb 27th. Sutton Common: four, feb 10th; four, Mar 15th. Icklingham: Berner’s heath, six, Mar 7th; five, Mar 28th. Lakenheath Fen RSPB: five, feb 5th. 136

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FIELD NOTE A male showing characteristics of S. r. rubicola, the continental race, was trapped and ringed on April 3rd. this bird then paired with a female hibernans (the British race) and remained to breed. Orfordness NNR Breeding figures continue to improve with 40 pairs in the county, up from 35 in 2014. in the north-east there were 15 pairs, the south-east 14 pairs and the west, 11 pairs. the key site was again orfordness with eight pairs. Autumnal gatherings of note were reported from:– Benacre: Sluice, five, Aug 16th; five, Sep 11th; five, oct 17th. Minsmere: ten, oct 9th and 10th. Orfordness: six, Sep 22nd; eight, oct 10th; six, oct 11th. Shingle Street: seven, oct 22nd. Cavenham: five, Aug 7th; five, Sep 10th. Icklingham: Berner’s heath, nine, Sep 17th.

During the second winter period this species continued to be well observed throughout the county with the highest counts from Walberswick with four on December 11th, Benacre Sluice four, November 23rd and November 30th and Lakenheath fen reporting five, November 12th and five, December 12th. SIBERIAN STONECHAT Saxicola maurus Very rare visitor. Sub-species S. m. maurus A first-calendar-year female was trapped, ringed and released at orfordness NNr on october 10th (M c Marsh, D crawshaw et al.). this is Suffolk’s 12th record of Siberian Stonechat. it was confirmed by DNA to be of the sub-species S. m. maurus.

NORTHERN WHEATEAR Oenanthe oenanthe. Common passage migrant and uncommon summer visitor. Green list (from Amber). unexpectedly, the first sight of spring passage occurred along the fressingfield to Laxfield road on March 8th with the next report from a more traditional site at cavenham where a male was noted, March 14th. in the south-east the first reports came from Shingle Street on March 18th, orfordness and Pipps ford, both on March 21st and Landguard where spring passage was noted from March 23rd until May 30th. the best of the March counts all came from Landguard with seven on March 23rd and nine, March 24th. Numbers began to increase into April with peak counts occurring during the last week.

Breydon south Wall: nine, Apr 15th. Corton: six, Apr 16th. Kessingland: nine, Apr 29th. Benacre: Sluice, six, Apr 12th; Pits, six, Apr 15th. North Warren: six, Apr 13th; 11, Apr 15th. Orfordness: ten, Apr 18th; 15, Apr 25th; 27, Apr 26th. Shingle Street: eight, Apr 5th. Landguard: 16, Apr 27th; 23, Apr 30th. Cavenham: six, Apr 17th; six, Apr 26th. Mildenhall: Airfield, seven, Apr 24th. Eriswell: foxhole heath, five, Apr 20th.

inland records of the Greenland race leucorhoa are more unusual than on the coast, therefore a male at Gifford’s hall, Stoke-by-Nayland on May 1st was noteworthy. A couple of late spring sightings were noted at corton, June 5th, Sizewell, June 7th and Benacre Pits, June 12th. Breeding was confirmed on orfordness with eight pairs, one pair less than 2014, and one pair 137

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bred at Shingle Street. Autumn passage was first reported from Landguard on August 1st and Benacre Sluice, August 4th with the west recording the first passage at Stradishall Airfield, August 15th. from then on during August numbers began to increase with peak counts from:– Lowestoft: North Denes, eight, Aug 25th. Benacre: Sluice, eight, Aug 24th. Orfordness: 22, Aug 30th.

During September the best counts were from:–

Corton: radar Lodge, 14, Sep 10th. Lowestoft: North Denes, 19, Sep 10th; 13, Sep 11th. Easton Bavents: 17, Sep 11th. Minsmere: 22, Sep 12th. Sizewell: beach, ten, Sep 15th. Orfordness: 18, Sep 12th. Landguard: 11, Sep 17th.

As is traditional, october saw numbers dwindle with highest counts from the Blyth Estuary with four on october 2nd and thorpeness haven, four on october 3rd. A flurry of late birds was noted from Lakenheath fen rSPB on october 29th, Easton Bavents, october 31st, orfordness, November 1st and Landguard, November 1st with the final report from East Lane on November 11th.

PIED WHEATEAR Oenanthe pleschanka Rare vagrant. there was a first site record for Landguard with an adult male present on November 2nd and 3rd (W J Brame, N odin, c ryde et al.). this is the third Suffolk record and the first adult male. the two previous records were of females noted at fagbury, october 1994 and Shingle Street, october 2009.

HEDGE ACCENTOR (DUNNOCK) Prunella modularis Very common resident and fairly common migrant. Amber list. During the first winter period concentrations were noted at Bungay with 24 on January 4th and up to 18 were present throughout the period at Landguard. Spring passage was noted at Landguard from March 1st until May 12th. other spring reports came from Lackford with 21 on April 24th and Maids cross hill, Lakenheath where 18 were present on May 13th and May 21st. Breeding reports were predictably low but records were submitted from Sizewell SWt with 55 pairs, orfordness seven to nine pairs and Landguard with 12 to 15 pairs. During the autumn, coastal passage was evident at thorpeness caravan Park where 21 were present on october 4th and 12 on october 12th with 30 recorded at Landguard on october 18th.

HOUSE SPARROW Passer domesticus Common but declining resident. Red List. there were 44 records from 24 sites noted across the county; this is a significant decrease from the 543 records from 89 sites of 2014. Although the numbers were similar to previous years in the BBS squares the number of squares in which they were recorded dropped to 20 from 26 in 2014 (23 in 2013 and 24 in 2012). Breeding was recorded at Landguard where 30 pairs nested around the cottage and the fort and the first juvenile noted on May 24th. flocks of 40 or more birds were recorded at the following sites:–

Lowestoft Ness Point: 50, Aug 15th. Bungay: 44, Jan 4th; 43, Apr 4th. Southwold: 48, oct 8th. Leiston: 40, Aug 13th. Fressingfield: 40 west, Jan 4th; 40, Aug 9th and 12th; chippenhall Green, 50, Apr 23rd. 138

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Systematic List Chilton: 65, Aug 4th.

At Landguard there were peak counts of 100 on february 19th, 120 on April 2nd and 124 on August 10th.

TREE SPARROW Passer montanus Uncommon and declining resident. Scarce passage migrant. Red List. there were 84 reports from 33 sites noted across the county; this is a pleasing increase from the 72 reports from 28 sites in 2014 and 47 records from 18 sites in 2013. few records of over three birds were recorded in the north-east and south-east of the county. Significant flocks were reported from Ampton in the west where winter feeding is undertaken. Peak counts throughout the county were:–

Reydon Smear: four to 11 between feb 6th and 16th; Marshes, 14, Mar 3rd. Westleton (west): seven, Jan 8th. Stradbroke: Pixey Green, 12, Jan 11th. Landguard: four, Aug 17th. Shotley: 24, Jan 24th. Stutton Ness: 20, Jan 17th. Ampton: 45 to 336 between Jan 1st and feb 11th; 30 to 300 between July 25th and Nov 15th. Dalham: 20, feb 12th. Timworth: four to 30 between feb 2nd and Mar 20th; Tree Sparrow Peter Beeson seven to 40, between Sep 2nd and Dec 6th. Livermere Lake: ten to 12 between Jan 6th and 9th. Cavenham: 20, oct 31st; Bunkers Barn, eight, Mar 1st. Tuddenham (near Mildenhall): eight to 52 between Jan 17th and feb 25th. Mildenhall Fen: 30, Jan 26th; ten, May 30th; 81, Dec 31st.

there was no spring migration recorded at Landguard but in autumn there were six on August 17th, three on August 19th and up to four from october 12th to 22nd.

YELLOW WAGTAIL Motacilla flava flavissima Rapidly declining summer visitor and passage migrant. Red list. there were 184 reports from 75 sites, a reduction from the 2014 figure of 290 reports from 83 sites. there were no records of breeding received by the north-east and south-east recorders. in the west, however, S Jarvis and M Peers recorded breeding at Sudbury, knettishall, kedington, higham, and Wissington. there were only three counts of ten or more birds:– Burgh Castle: 13, July 21st; 75 roosting, Aug 9th. North Warren: ten, Apr 30th.

Autumn migration at Landguard involved five north, 159 south and 50 on site between July 6th and october 2nd with a maximum day-count of 47 south on August 29th. Late migrants were seen on the coast with the latest at hollesley Marshes on November 4th. Blue-headed Wagtail M.f. flava Uncommon passage migrant. Amber list. Single birds were noted in the spring at four sites (six in 2014, 14 in 2013 and eight in 2012):–

Minsmere: Apr 26th. Hollesley Marshes RSPB: Apr 15th.


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Bawdsey: May 2nd. Landguard: Apr 26th.

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Grey-headed Wagtail M.f. thunbergi Scarce passage migrant. Amber list. Single birds were noted at three sites with five birds in total (only one bird was recorded in both 2014 and 2013). the bird at Loompit Lake is the latest spring record since one was at Landguard on June 5th 1992. the Bird at Walberswick in September is only the sixth Suffolk autumn record.

Walberswick: Sep 13th (B Small); tinker’s Marshes, May 20th (c fulcher). Trimley Marshes SWT: photographed, May 7th (P J holmes); photographed, May 14th and 15th (P J holmes, J Zantboer). Trimley St Martin: Loompit Lake, June 5th.

GREY WAGTAIL Motacilla cinerea Fairly common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Red list (from Amber). this colourful bird continues to be well-observed and was recorded from 141 sites (128 in 2014, 114 in 2013 and 91 in 2012) of which few held more than two birds. Spring migration at Landguard involved eight north, three south and five on site between March 5th and April 4th. Breeding was confirmed at Pipps ford in the south-east area and at nine sites in the west of the county. Many of the records below are presumably of migrants:– Corton Cliffs: four, Sep 20th. Corton: old Sewage Works, six, Sep 30th. Kessingland: Sewage Works, four, oct 1st. Minsmere: four, Sep 18th. Thorpeness: four, Sep 25th. North Warren: five, oct 2nd. Aldeburgh: four, oct 17th. Sudbury: four, feb 16th; common Lands, five, May 24th. Little Cornard: four, feb 16th. Long Melford: Sewage Works, seven to 11 between Jan 11th and Mar 1st. Mickle Mere: four, Mar 23rd. West Stow: four, May 17th. Kedington: four, Aug 25th. Haverhill: four, Mar 4th. Santon Downham: four, Mar 4th and May 6th.

return migration at Landguard involved five north, 132 south, two in off and 26 on site between June 25th and November 2nd with a maximum day-count of 26 south on September 18th.

PIED WAGTAIL Motacilla alba Very common resident, passage migrant and winter and summer visitor. Green List (from Amber). this species is widely distributed in the county: but there was a considerable reduction in sightings submitted with only 89 records (584 in 2014, 323 in 2013 and 133 in 2012) from 41 sites (87 in 2014, 91 in 2013 and 56 in 2012). however, they were recorded in 25 of the 43 BBS squares with a total of 53 birds compared with 33 in 2014, 37 in 2013 and 46 in 2012. on orfordness “Small numbers noted but becoming much scarcer in the winter with just one record on January 11th with the next one not until March 14th” the highest counts across the county were:–

Oulton Broad: 100 in pre-roost gathering, oct 22nd and 23rd. Kessingland: Sewage Works, 20 to 50 between Jan 4th and Mar 29th. Woodbridge: 220, Nov 22nd. Ipswich: 123, feb 22nd. 140

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Little Cornard: 60, feb 16th; cornard Mere, 110, Mar 3rd. Redgrave Fen: 50, oct 18th. Long Melford: Sewage Works, 44 to 102 between Jan 3rd and Mar 7th. Bury St Edmunds: 100, Jan 28th; 150, Dec 2nd. Icklingham: Berners heath, 50, Dec 31st.

Autumn passage at Landguard was noted from September 5th to November 13th with 48 south and a maximum of 19 south on october 7th. on orfordness breeding was confirmed for the first time since 2011 with one pair doublebrooding at different locations. FIELD NOTE on 22nd November 2015 there was a minimum of 220 Pied Wagtails coming into roost in the small reedbed by Woodbridge train station. i had previously counted around 110 the previous winter but i had little time as i was on a family walk. they started to gather about 3:15 pm, initially only two birds then up to a 100 gathered on a jetty with others on boats or feeding in the tidal mud and small flocks flying around overhead. they started going to roost immediately after approximately 500 Starling had flown in and it was all over by 16:15. i had further counts approaching 200 birds before christmas and their behaviour again was to land beforehand, either on the pontoons or the moored-up-boats, prior to going to roost. Eddie Bathgate White Wagtail M.a. alba Fairly common passage migrant. Amber list. there were 74 records (55 in 2014, 64 in 2013 and 38 in 2012) from a total of 34 sites (31 in 2014, 29 in 2013 and 20 in 2012); this species is always recorded predominately on spring passage with few autumn records. there were three records of four birds or more as follows:– Carlton Marshes: four, Apr 5th. Covehithe Broad: four, Mar 23rd. Walberswick: six, Apr 6th.

RICHARD’S PIPIT Anthus richardi Rare visitor. there were two records submitted from the same site. the first bird, which was photographed, was found on January 7th and was present until March 23rd. A second bird was found further along the wall and was present from february 15th until March 23rd. these are the second and third county mid-winter records. the previous mid-winter record was in 2007/2008 when one was in the Shingle Street/orfordness area. Breydon South Wall: single, Jan 7th to feb 14th (J Brown et al.); two, feb 15th to Mar 23rd (multi-observed).

OLIVE-BACKED PIPIT Anthus hodgsoni Very rare visitor. there were no submitted records of this species in 2015.

TREE PIPIT Anthus trivialis Declining summer visitor and passage migrant. Red list. the first of the year was inland at cavenham on April 10th. there were 70 records (90 in 2014 and 53 in 2013) from 38 sites (39 in 2014 and 27 in 2013), a significant decrease in records but similar number of sites as in 2014. As in 2014, in the northeast and south-east of the county, there was no sign of breeding. there was, however, an excellent coastal passage in late August most of the records were of single birds, the exceptions being:– 141

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Lowestoft: North Denes, two, Aug 27th. Thorpeness: haven, five, Aug 28th. North Warren: three, Aug 28th. Aldeburgh Marshes: two, Sep 2nd. Shingle Street: oxley Marshes, five flying south, Aug 29th. Sutton Common: four, May 30th, but no breeding recorded in the area. Landguard: seven, Aug 25th.

the picture in the west of the county was again significantly different with the majority of birds recorded in the king’s forest (all sections). Multiple counts were as follows:–

Icklingham: Berners heath, three, Apr 15th. Elveden: Parsonage heath, four, May 22nd. Cavenham Heath: two, May 25th. The King’s Forest (Central): up to five, between Apr 15th and June 29th. The King’s Forest (North-east): four, Apr 23rd; five, May 2nd. The King’s Forest (North-west): three, May 16th. The King’s Forest (North Stow): three to 12, between Apr 23rd and May 24th. Mayday Farm: six, June 30th. Lakenheath Fen RSPB: five, Aug 6th; two, Aug 8th.

the final bird of the year was at Gunton on September 27th.

MEADOW PIPIT Anthus pratensis Common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. there were 77 records (424 in 2014) from 35 sites (89 in 2014). they were recorded in only one BBS square with nine birds present. Significant counts of passage birds were reported from coastal sites:–

Corton Cliffs: 100 south, Sep 20th. Lowestoft North Denes: 70, oct 18th. Thorpeness: 113 south, Sep 25th.

Significant inland counts were:–

Long Melford: Sewage Works, 150 on passage, Sep 19th. Cavenham Heath: 40 to 60 between Mar 12th and 25th. Ampton: 40, Jan 3rd.

on orfordness there was an estimated breeding population of 31 to 40 pairs (similar to the previous two years) with the autumn passage lower than usual including maximum daily counts of 100 on September 19th and 150 on September 20th. the ringing figures were well down on the previous two years with only 321 birds compared with 531 in 2014 and 583 in 2013. Autumn passage at Landguard was from September 7th through until as late as December 20th with a total of 2608 birds including a maximum one-day count on September 17th of 400 south.

RED-THROATED PIPIT Anthus cervinus Accidental. there were no submitted records of this species in 2015.

ROCK PIPIT Anthus petrosus Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. there were 122 records (161 in 2014) from 50 coastal sites (50 in 2014). During the first winter period there were numerous reports of up to four birds with higher counts at only three sites:–

Dunwich: Dingle Marshes, six, Jan 17th. Hollesley Marshes RSPB: ten, Jan 7th; 15, feb 15th; six, feb 27th; 15, Mar 20th. Orfordness NNR: See field Note.

During the second winter period reports of up to four birds continued with only two higher counts:–

Boyton Marshes RSPB: 15, Nov 27th. Orfordness NNR: See field Note.


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FIELD NOTE ‘on orfordness birds were present from the beginning of January through to April 6th with up to ten regularly present with a noteworthy 30 counted on february 15th. the first return was of two on october 3rd with up to eight then present to the year’s end’. Orfordness NNR Report WATER PIPIT Anthus spinoletta Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. there were 52 reports (45 in 2014) from 19 sites (25 in 2014) mostly of one to three birds. the only reports from the west of the county were from Lakenheath fen where up to six birds were recorded on various dates between January 1st and March 29th. At the same site up to three birds overwintered between october 14th and December 29th.

CHAFFINCH Fringilla coelebs Very common resident, winter visitor and passage migrant. Categories A and E. this species showed the most significant reduction in both records and sites due to the elimination of the daily records submitted to Birdtrack. there were only 60 records of this common bird (1004 in 2014) from 40 sites (144 in 2014). Similar to 2014 they were recorded in 42 of the BBS squares with 421 individuals counted. reasonable-sized flocks (50+ birds) were reported from 13 sites in the county covering both the first and second winter periods:–

Somerleyton: 80, Jan 24th. Sotterley: Golding’s farm, 100, Jan 18th. Westleton: 55, Jan 11th; 65, Jan 15th. Aldeburgh: 80, oct 18th. Butley River: 50, Dec 20th. Stoke-by-Nayland: Withermarsh Green, 50, Dec 2nd. Nayland: Wissington, 50, Nov 28th. Sudbury: hagmore Green, 70, Nov 27th. Ampton: folly Grove, 145, Jan 3rd. Knettishall: Airfield, 50, Jan 26th. The King’s Forest (South–west): 100, Dec 29th. Risby: 50, feb 11th. Tuddenham (near Mildenhall): 60, Jan 17th.

A total of 108 breeding territories was recorded on Sizewell SWt reserve. Autumn migration at Landguard was between September 5th and December 17th with totals of 14 north and 629 south or in off with a maximum day-count of ten north and 98 south on october 26th. on orfordness autumn movements involved just one or two birds with an exception on November 22nd when 25 flew in off the sea. there were no December sightings there. FIELD NOTE chaffinches were present all year at Landguard with eight birds from previous years retrapped with one first ringed in february 2008; this bird has only been controlled on three previous occasions in winter since its original trapping. Landguard Bird Observatory Report BRAMBLING Fringilla montifringilla Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant there were 181 reports (200 in 2014 and 201 in 2013) from 84 sites (108 in 2014 and 86 in 2013). the last bird of spring was at Bradwell on April 12th. there were only six records of 20 or more birds, a significant reduction from the counts of the 143

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previous year:–

Corton: 23, oct 18th. Pakefield Cliffs: 44, oct 18th. Reydon: Smear Marshes, 20, Mar 3rd. Cavenham: 60, Nov 26th. Lackford: Bunkers Barn, 30, Jan 22nd. Thetford BTO Nunnery: 25, Jan 29th.

the first bird of autumn was at North Warren on october 2nd. the autumn passage at Landguard was recorded from october 11th to December 2nd with a total of 151 birds noted and a maximum of 48 on october 19th.

EUROPEAN SERIN Serinus serinus Rare migrant. Amber list. there was a single record from Southwold on october 20th. the only other site was Landguard with seven records between April and August (some of the same bird no doubt) and a further bird in october. there was just a single bird reported in both 2014 and 2013. it was the best year ever recorded for this species in Suffolk with possibly as many as six located:–

Southwold: Denes, oct 20th (c fulcher). Landguard: Apr 23rd (P J holmes); three (two males) being the largest gathering ever recorded in Suffolk, Apr 26th (B MacDonald, S h Piotrowski); May 16th (P J holmes); Aug 2nd (N odin); Aug 7th (M May, c Bridge); Aug 15th (N odin); oct 9th (c Bridge).

EUROPEAN GREENFINCH Carduelis chloris Very common resident and passage migrant. Categories A and E. this is another species showing a considerable reduction in records and sites. there were only 44 reports (482 in 2014 and 321 in 2013) from 31 sites (89 in 2013 and 99 in 2013). the BBS data, however, show that Greenfinches were found in 32 of the 43 squares, similar to recent years, with 101 counted. ringing totals at orfordness perhaps reflect the recent increase after the damaging effects of aflatoxins on their populations. 2011 117

2012 103

2013 5

2014 4

2015 39

this previously well-recorded bird produced only three reports of counts involving 50 or more birds in the first winter period:–

Flixton (near Lowestoft): 100, feb 7th. Long Melford: 150, Mar 14th. Mildenhall: holywell row, 60, Apr 9th.

there were 12 records of counts involving 50 or more birds in the second winter period:–

Carlton Colville: Burnt hill, 75, Dec 13th. Flixton (near Lowestoft): 100, Sep 2nd; 50, oct 27th. Minsmere: 250 north and 120 on beach, oct 20th; 150, oct 22nd; 50, oct 27th. Aldeburgh: 75, oct 18th. Newton: 50, oct 10th. Bures: 50, Nov 28th. Long Melford: 140, Nov 21st. West Stow CP: 85, Nov 2nd.

Another low autumn passage at Landguard where only 203 were recorded flying south from october 8th to November 20th, with a maximum of 64 south on october 8th.

EUROPEAN GOLDFINCH Carduelis carduelis Very common summer visitor and passage migrant. Overwinters in small numbers. As with the other finches there was a significant reduction in both records and sites. there were 144

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30. Eurasian Hoopoe surprise discovery at Southolt in December.

31. European Bee-eater up to ten birds near Theberton in July. Jon Evans

Chris Mayne

32. Eurasian Wryneck posing well at Thorpeness in September. Bill Baston

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33. Merlin first-summer male at Shingle Street in September.

34. Red-backed Shrike at Landguard in May. Chris Mayne

Barry Woodhouse

35. Great Grey Shrike at Upper Hollesley Common in March. John Richardson

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36. Rook surveyed in 2015. See article. Ian Goodall

37. Northern Raven more frequent sightings in the county. Colin Jakes

38. Pallas’s Leaf Warbler a better year for the Asiatic gem in 2015.

Paul Oldfield

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39. Marsh Warbler ringed at Landguard in June.

40. Pied Wheatear third for Suffolk at Landguard in September. Bill Baston

Paul Oldfield

41. Serin one of three birds at Landguard in April. Chris Mayne

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82 records (893 in 2014, 590 in 2013 and 249 in 2012) from 45 sites (128 in 2014, 134 in 2013 and 68 in 2012). the BBS data, however, show that they were found in 32 of the 43 squares with 196 individuals counted, showing a rising trend. counts of 100 or more birds were recorded as follows:–

Corton: 200, oct 18th. Hopton-on-Sea: Warren road, 108, oct 3rd. Pakefield Cliffs: 572, oct 18th. Benacre Sluice: 500, oct 17th. Minsmere: 500, oct 12th; 200, oct 17th and 19th. Sizewell Beach: 200, oct 18th. Thorpeness: 100 to 697 between Sep 25th and oct 25th. Aldeburgh: 315, oct 18th. Shingle Street: 180, Jan 10th; 120, Mar 10th; 160, Aug 10th; 800, oct 17th; 120, oct 19th. Bawdsey Marshes: 200, oct 18th. Long Melford: 190, Sep 5th.

Movement at Landguard involved 4323 south (6647 in 2014, 16226 in 2011) from September 4th to December 20th with a maximum south in october of 636 on 23rd and an autumn maximum of 63 grounded birds on october 15th.

EURASIAN SISKIN Carduelis spinus Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Uncommon resident. After a considerable decrease of nearly 50% in both records and sites during 2014 the figures in 2015 returned closer to those of 2013. there were 183 records (108 in 2014 and 206 in 2013) from 69 sites (44 in 2014 and 74 in 2013). flock sizes returned to pre-2014 sizes with significant reports along the coastal sites where a duplication of records was the result of seasonal migration from the continent. there were unexpected movements in July noted at thorpeness and hollesley. counts of 100 or more birds were recorded as follows:–

Corton Cliffs: 477, Sep 20th. Gunton Warren: 185, Sep 13th. Pakefield Cliffs: 212, oct 18th. Lound Lakes: 150, Sep 18th. Minsmere: 100, feb 7th; 750, oct 12th; 100, oct 19th and 20th. Minsmere Beach: 320, Sep 13th; Beach, 130, Sep 5th. Thorpeness: 224, July 16th; 120 to 290 between Sep 17th and Nov 9th. Aldeburgh: 275, oct 18th. Hollesley Marshes RSPB: 120, July 13th. Shingle Street: 200, oct 18th. Bawdsey: 200, Sep 13th. Bramford: 100, Nov 8th. Creeting St Mary: 100, Dec 8th. Leavenheath: Spouses Grove, 125, Dec 24th. Thorpe Morieux: 120, Dec 1st. West Stow CP: 200, July 30th. Cavenham Heath: 100, Sep 16th. Santon Downham: 220, Jan 1st.

Autumn passage at Landguard, which reflected the overall county increase, was noted from September to the end of the year with maximum counts south in November of 430 on 11th, 419 on 16th and 287 on 20th.

COMMON LINNET Carduelis cannabina Common summer visitor and passage migrant. Overwinters in small numbers. Red List. As with other finches there was a significant reduction in both records and sites. there were 101 records (101 in 2014, 359 in 2013 and 184 in 2012) from 61 sites (109 in 2014, 116 in 2013 and 82 in 2012) with sizeable flocks in both winters. Linnets were, however, found in 24 of the 43 145

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BBS squares with 100 birds counted. flocks of 75 upwards were reported in the first winter period from the following sites:–

Easton Bavents: 170, Mar 15th. Thorpeness: 58 to 127 between Apr 7th and 19th. Snape: 180 to 420 between Jan 23rd and feb 19th. Iken: 75, Jan 21st. Gedgrave: 85, Jan 21st. Great Livermere: Pig fields, 170, Jan 31st.

Significant flocks of 75 upwards were reported in the second half of the year from:–

Thorpeness: 78 to 125 between oct 3rd and 31st. Stoke-by-Nayland: Withermarsh Green, 80, Dec 2nd. Creeting St Mary: 150, Nov 25th; 200, Dec 28th. Sudbury: common Lands, 90, Nov 22nd; hagmore Green, 75, Nov 27th. Timworth: 120, Sep 29th. Knettishall: Airfield, 100, Sep 30th. Risby: Poor heath, 80, Dec 31st. Lackford Lane: 100, Dec 23rd; 150, Dec 7th; 200, Dec 28th. Lackford: Bunker’s Barn, 200, Nov 12th. Livermere Lake: 120 to 660, between Sep 27th and Dec 6th. The King’s Forest (South-west): 100, Dec 29th.

up to 50 pairs bred at Landguard with several more nearby; this is a significant increase over previous years. Autumn passage at Landguard involved 598 south (926 in 2014, 11530 in 1983) from october 8th to December 3rd with a maximum of 98 south on November 11th.

TWITE Carduelis flavirostris Declining winter visitor and passage migrant. Red List. there were 38 records from six sites; these figures were similar to those of 2014. As in the previous year the highest counts came from the Walberswick/Dingle area. No records were received from the south-east or west of the county. first winter reports received are summarised as follows:–

Breydon Water (south shore): Jan 15th. Gorleston: cobholm island, six to 14, between Jan 25th and feb 4th. Hen Reedbeds: 24, feb 10th. Walberswick: tinker’s Marshes, 27 to 40, between Jan 27th and Mar 13th. Dunwich: Dingle Marshes, 15 to 97, between Jan 1st and Mar 1st.

Second winter reports received are summarised as follows:–

Dunwich: Dingle Marshes, five to 50, between oct 31st and Dec 28th. Minsmere Dunes: six, oct 20th.

LESSER REDPOLL Carduelis cabaret Uncommon and declining resident. Declining winter visitor and passage migrant. Red List. As with Siskin there was a significant increase in both records and sites in 2015 from 2013 levels, with 197 records (108 in 2014 and 175 in 2013) from 82 sites (59 in 2014 and 80 in 2013). there was no evidence of any breeding. there were only two significant counts in the first winter period:– Leavenheath: Spouses Grove, 40, Jan 17th. Culford Park: 44 trapped and ringed, Mar 25th.

there were numerous reports in the second winter period with peak counts:–

Corton: 40, oct 18th. Pakefield Cliffs: 87, oct 18th. Kessingland: Sewage Works, 20 to 50, between oct 3rd and 20th. Minsmere: 40, oct 20th. Thorpeness: caravan Park, 40, Sep 25th; 100, oct 12th; 40, oct 17th; haven, 100, oct 3rd. North Warren: 100, oct 23rd. 146

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Aldeburgh: 57, oct 18th. Boyton Marshes RSPB: 35, July 12th. Hollesley Marsh RSPB: 80, oct 3rd. Hollesley Heath: 75, Dec 13th. Shingle Street: 40, oct 15th; 120, oct 18th. Cavenham Heath: 75, oct 6th. Livermere Lake: 78 trapped and ringed, oct 11th. Mildenhall: holywell row, 45, oct 26th. Lakenheath Fen RSPB: 103 trapped and ringed, Nov 26th.

Autumn passage at Landguard involved 563 (only 46 in 2014 but 619 in 2013) from September 5th to December 4th with a maximum of 55 south on october 18th.

MEALY (COMMON) REDPOLL Carduelis flammea Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. the less common of the two regular redpoll species with a significantly reduced number of records and sites for the year with just three records (26 in 2014, 31 in 2013 and nine in 2012) from three sites (12 in 2014, 17 in 2013 and seven in 2012):–

Capel St Andrew: tangham, two, Apr 13th. Culford Park: single bird trapped and ringed, Mar 25th. Thetford BTO Nunnery: single, Mar 14th.

ARCTIC REDPOLL Carduelis hornemanni exilipes Very rare winter visitor. there were no records of this species in the county in 2015.

COMMON CROSSBILL Loxia curvirostra Locally common resident and irruptive visitor. Amber list. the number of records and sites of this species continues to fluctuate year by year with no obvious pattern with 54 records (70 in 2014, 119 in 2013 and 223 in 2012) from 33 sites (23 in 2014, 47 in 2013 and 79 in 2012). Peak counts were:–

Wrentham: Mill Lane, 18, June 16th. Minsmere: 11, June 22nd; 19, July 9th. Sizewell: Goose hill, 30, July 13th. Thorpeness: caravan Park, nine, oct 6th. Stutton: ten, Aug 8th. Mayday Farm: 50, July 31st. The King’s Forest (North-west): 22, June 16th.

TWO-BARRED CROSSBILL Loxia leucoptera Accidental. there were no submitted records of this species in 2015.

PARROT CROSSBILL Loxia pytyopsittacus Very rare winter visitor. After this species appearance in the two previous years there were no submitted records of this species in 2015.

COMMON ROSEFINCH Erythrina erythina Rare passage migrant. Has bred. Amber list. there were no submitted records of this species in 2015. the expected colonisation from the continent has not occurred. 147

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COMMON BULLFINCH Pyrrhula pyrrhula Common but declining resident. Amber List. this species continues to be widely reported in both records and sites with 477 records (508 in 2014 and 299 in 2013) from 158 sites (186 in 2014 and 145 in 2013). they were recorded in ten of the 43 BBS squares with 21 individuals a figure comparable with recent years. however, only 14 localities had over five birds, these being:– Minsmere: eight, Dec 18th. Westleton (west): seven, Jan 15th. Alton Water: eight, July 13th. Badingham: six, feb 8th; nine, feb 21st; eight, Nov 16th; ten, Dec 6th. Earl Soham: six, Mar 12th. Creeting St Mary: eight, Aug 3rd. Thorington Street: six, Dec 17th. Bures St Mary/Assington: Arger fen, nine, Sep 14th. Lavenham: railway Walk, seven, July 7th. Little Cornard: six, Dec 9th. Sudbury: six, feb 1st; eight, Dec 17th. Thurston: Grove farm, seven feb 2nd; six, oct 23rd; 12, Nov 24th; 17, Dec 15th. Lackford Lakes SWT: seven, Jan 25th; six, feb 5th and 19th. Mayday Farm: ten, Jan 5th.

HAWFINCH Coccothraustes coccothraustes Uncommon resident and rare passage migrant. Red List. Single birds of this increasingly scarce species were reported from four sites (four in 2014, seven in 2013 and four in 2012) from across the county:– Bawdsey: oct 13th (M cornish). Felixstowe: Peewit hill, Nov 29th (E W Patrick). Purdis Farm: ipswich Golf club, Nov 24th (N Sherman). Barnham Cross Common: Apr 18th (Birdtrack).

SNOW BUNTING Plectrophenax nivalis Locally common winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. there was a significant reduction in both records and sites in 2015. there were 86 records (173 in 2014) from 21 coastal sites (33 in 2014). Significant flock counts were:–

Corton Cliffs: 11, feb 1st. Pakefield Beach: up to 12, between Jan 4th and Mar 12th. Easton Broad: 11 to 21, between Mar 4th and 10th. Walberswick: Shore Pools, 60, Jan 31st. (same flock as Dunwich below) Dunwich: corporation Marshes, 23 to 63, between Jan 1st and feb 13th. Slaughden: 22 to 30, between Jan 12th and 16th.

LAPLAND LONGSPUR Calcarius lapponicus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Amber list. there were 14 records of single birds (seven in 2014 and 16 in 2013) from one inland and nine coastal sites (seven in 2014 and ten in 2013). there was just one record of a bird on orfordness in the first winter period. Gorleston Cliffs: oct 14th. Gunton: Warren, oct 3rd to 7th; Beach, oct 17th and 18th. Lowestoft: North Denes, oct 1st; oct 23rd. Minsmere: Beach, oct 12th. Orfordness NT: Mar 10th; oct 24th. Shingle Street: Sep 20th. Bawdsey: Sep 29th. Landguard: oct 20th; oct 22nd. Ashbocking: oct 11th, the first sighting at a non-estuarine site since 2011. 148

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YELLOWHAMMER Emberiza citrinella Common but declining resident and passage migrant. Red List. there was a significant reduction in both records and sites in 2015. there were 70 records (189 in 2014) from 40 sites (81 in 2014). they were recorded in 27 of the 43 BBS squares (27 in 2014, 31 in 2013, 33 in 2012) with 131 counted (107 in 2014, 118 in 2013, 141 in 2012). As in recent years most of the larger gatherings came from the west of the county. counts of 30 or more were:–

Willingham: 30, Dec 13th. Bures: 50, Nov 28th. Shelley: 60, feb 4th. Long Melford: 225, Jan 3rd; 350, Jan 17th; 180, Jan 25th. Thurston: Grove farm, 33, Jan 16th. Lackford; Lackford Lane, 100, Dec 23rd. Stradishall Airfield: 37, Nov 28th; 30, Dec 20th.

ORTOLAN BUNTING Emberiza hortulana Rare passage migrant. After a single bird in 2014 there were no submitted records of this species in 2015.

REED BUNTING Emberiza schoeniclus Common but declining resident and passage migrant. Amber list. there was a significant reduction in both records and sites in 2015. there were 79 records (323 in 2014, 230 in 2013 and 117 in 2012) from 47 sites (80 in 2014, 77 in 2013 and 60 in 2012). they were, however, recorded in ten of the 43 BBS squares compared with six in 2014, five in 2013 and seven in 2012. there were 131 individuals recorded in the BBS similar to the average for the last few years. Between 16 and 23 pairs were estimated to have bred on orfordness. Peak counts within the county were:–

Carlton Marshes SWT: 30, feb 9th and 27th. Sotterley: Golding’s farm, 50, Jan 18th. Bawdsey Marshes: 30, oct 18th. Bramford: 118, Nov 7th. Mildenhall: holywell row, 33, Mar 17th. Lakenheath Fen RSPB: 30, May 2nd; 35, June 1st.

Autumn migration at Landguard involved 31 south, one in off and 21 on site between September 19th and December 12th with a maximum ten south on october 8th.

CORN BUNTING Emberiza calandra Locally common resident. Red List. overall records show this species ‘numbers continuing to drop within the county although the number of sites remained as in 2014. there were 48 records from 20 sites of which only three had counts of more than six birds:– Iken: eight, Jan 21st. Chelmondiston: Ling’s Lane, seven, Apr 2nd. Lakenheath: 22, Jan 26th; Sedge fen, 20, Jan 25th. Lakenheath Fen RSPB: 30, feb 8th.


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Species that would otherwise appear in categories A or B except that there is reasonable doubt that they have ever occurred in Britain in a natural state. No reports in 2015.


Species that have been recorded as introductions, transportees or escapees from captivity, and whose breeding populations (if any) are thought not to be self-sustaining. Where a species is also placed in other categories of the British List, this is indicated in the species' summary.

TRUMPETER SWAN Cygnus buccanator Breeds Alaska and western Canada south to northern prairie states of USA, and winters from south-eastern Alaska and coastal British Columbia south to southern border of Washington. Reintroduced into southern Ontario around the Great Lakes. Category E. Boyton: Boyton Marshes rSPB, two, adults regularly reported from Jan 4th to feb 24th.

these two unringed and fully-winged birds arrived at Boyton in December 2014 and attracted considerable interest until their origin was established (see SBr 2014: 147). After this, interest waned and there were few reports in early 2015, although it seems likely that they were present in the Mute Swan flock until their departure in late february. BLACK SWAN Cygnus atratus Throughout Australia and Tasmania. Category E.

Minsmere: Mar 6th; June 13th. Friston/Aldeburgh: hazlewood Marshes SWt, Sep 24th; oct 1st and 8th; Nov 8th. Woodbridge: river Deben, oct 19th and 24th. Boyton: Boyton Marshes rSPB, Nov 26th to Dec 23rd. Trimley Marshes SWT: feb 9th; oct 27th. Stutton: Stutton Mill, four, oct 11th (collection). Cattawade: July 6th; oct 28th. East Bergholt: flatford, Sep 5th. Pipps Ford: Jan 27th. Lackford Lakes SWT: oct 25th to Dec 23rd at least. Livermere Lake: Jan 3rd; June 15th.

SWAN GOOSE Anser cygnoides North-eastern Asia, winters central China. Category E.

Parham: intermittently, from 2013, May 29th; July 27th; Sep 20th.

EMPEROR GOOSE Anser canagica Breeds north-eastern Siberia and western Alaska. Winters from southern Alaska to northern California. Category E. Lackford Lakes SWT: Jan 1st and 9th.

this individual has been noted regularly at Lackford SWt since March 1997. there were no sightings after January 9th suggesting that it may no longer be with us.

LESSER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE Anser erythropus Forest bogs of northern Scandinavia east to eastern Siberia. Winters locally from the Netherlands to eastern China. Categories A and E. Aldeburgh: North Warren rSPB, four, juveniles, Jan 2nd and 3rd (SBR 2014:22 to 24, 148 and 149). Flixton: Gravel Pits, Apr 3rd and 5th. 150

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BAR-HEADED GOOSE Anser indicus Breeds by lakes in central Asia from Mongolia to the Tibetan plateau. Winters throughout the Indian subcontinent and Myanmar (Burma) Category E. Walberswick: tinker’s Marshes, Mar 21st. Lakenheath Fen RSPB: May 17th. East Bergholt: flatford, Mar 14th.

RED-BREASTED GOOSE Branta ruficollis Breeds Taimyr Peninsula in arctic Siberia. The majority winter on western shores of Black Sea in Bulgaria and Romania, with small numbers annual in the Netherlands. Categories A and E.

Covehithe: Broad, two, oct, 7th; then one or two adults, Dec11th to 30th. Reydon: Easton Marshes, two, Jan 2nd. Southwold: town Marshes, Sep 29th; two, oct 8th; Nov 4th. Walberswick: two, Sep 17th and 19th. Minsmere: two, oct 30th. Aldeburgh: North Warren rSPB, two, adults remaining from 2014, to Jan 17th; one or two adults, intermittently, oct 14th to Dec 4th. Landguard: south, Sep 30th.

RUDDY SHELDUCK Tadorna ferruginea Morocco and Turkey east through Central Asia to Tibetan plateau. Winters to south of breeding range, with majority in Indian subcontinent. Feral population breeds in northern Europe. Categories B and E. Gorleston: three, Nov 8th, flew in off the sea and continued south-west. Wherstead: Wherstead Strand, feb 27th.

CAPE SHELDUCK Tadorna cana Breeds in southern Africa. Category E.

Trimley St Martin: Loompit Lake, feb 21st; Trimley Marshes SWT: Jan 11th and 25th; feb 1st and 22nd; Mar 1st; Dec 27th. Wherstead: Wherstead Strand, Jan 13th and 14th; Dec 26th.

MUSCOVY DUCK Cairina moschata Southern Mexico to northern Argentina and Brazil. Category E.

Walberswick: Blyth Estuary, two, Apr 26th. Alton Water: two, Jan 1st; feb 21st; Apr 19th; Aug 3rd and 16th; Sep 20th and 25th; oct 18th. Beccles: Quay, up to six present, Jan 24th to Nov 14th. Sudbury: common Lands, five, feb 16th.

WOOD DUCK Aix sponsa Canada to northern Mexico, Cuba and Bahamas. Category E. Brantham: July 1st; Aug 17th.

CHILOË WIGEON Anas sibilatrix Breeds southern South America to Falkland Islands. Some winter south-eastern Brazil. Category E. Flixton: Gravel-pits, Dec 17th. Thetford: the Nunnery, two, Nov 19th.

RED-CRESTED POCHARD Netta rufina Breeds Western Europe to central China. Winters to south of breeding range. Categories A, C and E. Flixton: Gravel Pits, 11, Mar 18th and 27th; ten, Apr 3rd, declining to seven, Apr 5th, and two, Apr 10th; 16, Dec 17th. Weybread: Gravel Pits, two, Apr 10th. 151

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FERRUGINOUS DUCK Aythya nyroca Breeds southern Spain, and from eastern Europe to Caspian Sea, and east through Kazakhstan and western Mongolia to Tibetan Plateau. Winters eastern Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Seas, north-eastern Africa and Indian subcontinent. Categories A and E. Flixton: Gravel Pits, intermittently, Mar 31st to May 10th, with two, Apr 3rd, and three, Apr 5th.

HELMETED GUINEAFOWL Numida meleagris Sub-Saharan Africa. Category E. Westleton: 13, Apr 1st; two, June 3rd.

REEVES’S PHEASANT Syrmaticus reevesii Forests of central China. Category E.

Benacre: Benacre Broad, two, oct 7th; Nov 11th. Bawdsey: male, Sep 29th; oct 4th. Great Barton: Barton Mere, female, Mar 15th. Fornham St Martin: hall farm, oct 16th. Lackford-Risby: female, Lackford Lane, Jan 24th. Lackford: Bunkers Barn, Apr 9th.

INDIAN PEAFOWL Pavo cristatus Breeds throughout the Indian subcontinent from eastern Pakistan south to Sri Lanka. Category E. Sibton: two, June 3rd. Martlesham: Apr 18th.

BLACK KITE Milvus migrans Breeds throughout Mediterranean basin and continental Europe except maritime north-west and Scandinavia, east to European Russia and W Kazakhstan. Most winter Africa. Other races migratory, dispersive or resident, sub-Saharan Africa, C and E Asia, Indian subcontinent, E and SE Asia and Australia. Categories A and E. Wrentham: Jan 9th; Mar 7th to June 17th.

this adult with captive origin colour rings has been present in the area since June 2014.

HARRIS’S HAWK Parabuteo unicinctus South-western USA south through Central and South America to southern Argentina and Chile. Category E.

Carlton Colville: carlton Marshes SWt, June 12th. Aldeburgh: North Warren rSPB, intermittently, Jan 2nd and 23rd; Mar 21st; Apr 13th and 30th; May 12th.

WHITE STORK Ciconia ciconia Breeds Iberian Peninsula and temperate Eastern Europe east to W Russia, Turkey and Iran. Reintroduction projects are returning species to former range in NW Europe and these are likely source of some British records. Winters sub-Saharan Africa and increasingly in Iberian Peninsula. Categories A and E. Carlton Colville: carlton Marshes SWt, Apr 16th.

this individual had a small yellow colour ring on the left leg which is not known to be fitted by any of the reintroduction projects.

BUDGERIGAR Melopsittacus undulatus Drier regions of Australia. Category E.

Lowestoft: May 27th.


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Systematic List

COCKATIEL Nymphicus hollandicus Widespread throughout interior Australia. Category E. Lowestoft: oct 20th. Landguard: Apr 23rd.

CRIMSON ROSELLA Platycercus elegans Eastern Australia from NE Queensland south to South Australia and Victoria. Category E. Burgh Castle: Apr 11th.

ISLAND CANARY Serinus canaria Resident on Madeira, Azores and western Canary Islands. Category E. Dunwich: Mar 19th and 20th.


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Suffolk Bird Report 2015

Suffolk Ringing Report 2015 Simon Evans

reflecting back across a previous year’s data, scanning over one’s own notes, ringing totals and wading through recoveries has become somewhat of an annual ritual for me over the past seven years, and one i quite enjoy. yes, there are frustrations but generally the experience is one i look forward to. Searching for those trends, variations and oddities can be ultimately rewarding, as can looking back on what has been achieved. So, what of 2015 then? for me personally, my busiest ringing year to date, not necessarily in terms of the number of birds caught but more accurately, in the depth and detail of the projects i’m involved in. the science behind our activities has certainly become more important, i’m keen to know more and i seem to learn more each year. Perhaps remembering it is now the real issue! Anyway, i hope you find what’s to follow interesting. the updated ringing figures for 2014 are now 55,623. only a slight increase on the figures quoted a year ago. the provisional figure for 2015 currently sits at 61,668, the highest annual total for Suffolk to date and, again, the highest county-total across the country. this represents 6.2% of the total for Britain and Northern ireland. With over two and a half thousand ringing recoveries, birds found more than five kilometres from their original site of ringing, the county also contributed 8.2% of the national data. included in these recoveries are 176 reports of foreign-ringed birds that were noted in the county as well as 419 reports being received of Suffolk-ringed birds recorded abroad. Amongst the latter, were an impressive 322 reports of Suffolk-ringed Lesser Black-backed Gulls. Also included amongst these were the first Suffolk-ringed Peregrine reported abroad, the first reed Bunting to france and second Grey Wagtail to the Netherlands. Additionally, the first German-ringed Whitethroat, second German-ringed redshank and sixth Danish-ringed robin were reported in the county. in total, 134 species appeared in the Suffolk ringing tables for 2015. Mandarin Duck became the 226th species to be ringed in the county. the first Wood Sandpiper since 2005 made a welcome return, as did the first Little tern since 2003 and the first Lapland Bunting since 2000. highest annual totals were achieved for Goldcrest, Blue tit, coal tit and Woodlark. in contrast, there were dramatic decreases in the number of herring and Lesser Black-backed Gulls ringed. further, significant decreases in the number of Swallows ringed and the downward trend in Willow and Sedge Warblers continued. of the scarcer species, eleven yellow-browed, four Pallas’s Leaf and two Marsh Warblers were joined by a single Aquatic Warbler, Wryneck, red-breasted flycatcher and Pied Wheatear. Sounds like an average morning at Spurn! here’s your countdown to this year’s top five. Greenfinch bounced back in to the number five spot, having dropped out of the top flight in 2014. Goldfinch climbed one place to number four. Great tit dropped down a place to appear in the number three spot again. Goldcrest made a shock appearance, straight in at number two, whilst Blue tit held on to the top spot for yet another year. Sadly, no warbler species was in the top five in 2015. the following table summarises the provisional figures for 2015 as well as any amendments noted for any of the previous few years. the information presented here is mainly as a result of the ringers submitting their data directly to the Bto, and whilst it is possible to view much of this information online, it is unfortunately incomplete. in acknowledgement, i’d like to thank tim cowan, Alec hillier, the kessingland ringing Group and John Walshe for forwarding their data directly to me. the following ringers and groups are known to have been active in the county in 2015; Abbott and kennerley; E Batty; catchpole, cockram & Peters; Dingle Bird club; rob Duncan; Janette troop; Lackford ringing Group; Landguard ringing Group (including orfordness); Paul Newton; Suffolk community Barn owl Project; thompson and hedges; thetford forest ringing Group; ken Venus; Waveney Bird club and Mick Wright. Apologies to anyone i’ve missed or am unaware of. My email is below. Simon Evans:


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Suffolk Ringing Report 2015

Species Mute Swan Cygnus olor canada Goose Branta canadensis Shelduck Tadorna tadorna Mandarine Duck Aix galericulata Wigeon Anas penelope Gadwall Anas strepera teal Anas crecca Mallard Anas platyrhynchos Pintail Anas acuta tufted Duck Aythya fuligula Grey Partridge Perdix perdix Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo Grey heron Ardea cinerea Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis Marsh harrier Circus aeruginosus hen harrier Circus cyaneus Goshawk Accipiter gentilis Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus Buzzard Buteo buteo Water rail Rallus aquaticus Moorhen Gallinula chloropus oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta Stone-curlew Burhinus oedicnemus Little ringed Plover Charadrius dubius ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola Lapwing Vanellus vanellus knot Calidris canutus Sanderling Calidris alba Little Stint Calidris minuta curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea Dunlin Calidris alpina ruff Philomachus pugnax Jack Snipe Lymnocryptes minimus Snipe Gallinago gallinago Woodcock Scolopax rusticola Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus curlew Numenius arquata common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus Spotted redshank Tringa erythropus Greenshank Tringa nebularia Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola redshank Tringa totanus turnstone Arenaria interpres kittiwake Rissa tridactyla Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus Mediterranean Gull Larus melanocephalus common Gull Larus canus Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus herring Gull Larus argentatus Great Black-backed Gull Larus marinus Little tern Sternula albifrons common tern Sterna hirundo Little Auk Alle alle Stock Dove Columba oenas Woodpigeon Columba palumbus collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto

2011 1 0 5 0 2 1 16 15 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 13 1 0 81 5 4 12 5 28 87 5 13 9 19 46 10 0 0 0 361 0 5 6 7 54 16 0 10 1 1 1 11 0 378 1 134 51 1 3 544 149 0 0 85 0 152 143 134


2012 3 0 0 0 11 1 24 10 0 0 2 1 0 2 0 21 0 2 52 8 1 24 4 4 74 1 4 12 6 36 15 1 0 1 125 3 0 10 10 21 12 0 0 7 3 0 5 0 176 18 62 44 1 23 275 105 0 0 63 0 184 160 85

2013 0 1 0 0 0 1 8 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 16 0 5 67 4 3 17 0 5 46 0 6 1 5 14 10 8 0 0 66 2 10 14 8 20 2 0 4 4 17 0 4 0 184 9 164 42 2 8 302 88 0 0 88 0 192 211 92

2014 2 0 0 0 0 0 24 4 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 19 0 7 62 16 6 20 10 16 69 2 22 1 0 29 2 0 0 0 39 1 2 11 6 23 2 0 3 6 7 0 11 0 326 2 162 42 0 1 391 64 0 0 140 1 120 140 102

2015 3 0 0 1 0 0 28 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 18 0 8 56 10 2 17 7 8 59 0 12 2 2 8 6 0 0 0 43 0 11 20 5 39 0 0 1 5 4 0 2 1 331 3 34 11 0 3 29 14 0 1 46 0 85 145 78

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Suffolk Bird Report 2015

Species turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur ring-necked Parakeet Psittacula krameri cuckoo Cuculus canorus Barn owl Tyto alba tawny owl Strix aluco Long-eared owl Asio otus Short-eared owl Asio flammeus Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus Swift Apus apus kingfisher Alcedo atthis Wryneck Jynx torquilla Green Woodpecker Picus viridis Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major kestrel Falco tinnunculus Merlin Falco columbarius hobby Falco subbuteo Peregrine Falco peregrinus red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio Great Grey Shrike Lanius excubitor Magpie Pica pica Jay Garrulus glandarius Jackdaw Corvus monedula rook Corvus frugilegus carrion crow Corvus corone Goldcrest Regulus regulus firecrest Regulus ignicapilla Blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus Great tit Parus major coal tit Periparus ater Willow tit Poecile montana Marsh tit Poecile palustris Bearded tit Panurus biarmicus Woodlark Lullula arborea Skylark Alauda arvensis Shore Lark Eremophila alpestris Sand Martin Riparia riparia Swallow Hirundo rustica house Martin Delichon urbicum cetti’s Warbler Cettia cetti Long-tailed tit Aegithalos caudatus Greenish Warbler Phylloscopus trochiloides Arctic Warbler Phylloscopus borealis Pallas’s Warbler Phylloscopus proregulus yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus Dusky Warbler Phylloscopus fuscatus radde’s Warbler Phylloscopus schwarzi Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla Garden Warbler Sylvia borin Barred Warbler Sylvia nisoria Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca Whitethroat Sylvia communis Dartford Warbler Sylvia undata Grasshopper Warbler Locustella naevia Savi’s Warbler Locustella luscinioides Booted Warbler Iduna caligata icterine Warbler Hippolais icterina Melodious Warbler Hippolais polyglotta Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus Blyth’s reed Warbler Acrocephalus dumetorum

2011 6 0 4 30 56 0 0 23 18 38 2 59 70 84 0 3 4 0 2 29 39 72 4 0 558 60 5907 3948 532 0 132 215 92 17 2 579 2169 230 155 1228 0 0 1 5 3 0 1 1576 593 3368 213 0 449 1685 48 37 0 1 0 0 0 2181 0


2012 6 0 2 29 39 0 1 23 128 36 2 29 91 101 0 7 1 0 1 21 64 69 5 5 1114 42 5620 3354 519 0 105 186 122 24 0 132 1503 143 79 994 1 0 0 3 0 1 4 1367 913 2663 205 0 347 1052 53 20 0 0 0 0 0 2084 0

2013 4 0 4 13 7 3 0 23 91 39 6 38 63 43 0 8 5 0 0 17 56 59 1 5 270 45 6559 3126 591 0 64 257 83 16 0 236 1911 132 104 911 0 0 0 9 0 0 6 1381 704 2272 164 0 308 1074 18 9 1 0 2 0 0 1745 0

2014 6 0 8 18 57 0 0 43 55 69 7 39 69 99 0 4 0 0 0 30 41 63 0 8 643 35 6747 3375 522 0 88 410 122 26 0 312 1817 78 183 1092 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1858 608 3219 253 1 379 1381 33 17 0 0 0 0 0 2164 1

2015 5 0 2 13 30 0 0 56 95 49 1 20 72 96 0 3 3 0 0 25 27 39 1 3 4105 66 7063 3623 968 0 126 297 153 30 0 164 817 164 201 1172 0 0 4 11 0 0 3 1625 579 2903 195 0 409 931 8 20 0 0 0 0 1 1705 0

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Suffolk Ringing Report 2015

Species 2011 Marsh Warbler Acrocephalus palustris 1 reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus 3079 7 Waxwing Bombycilla garrulus Nuthatch Sitta europaea 29 treecreeper Certhia familiaris 139 Short-toed treecreeper Certhia brachydactyla 1 Wren Troglodytes troglodytes 818 Starling Sturnus vulgaris 761 ring ouzel Turdus torquatus 1 Blackbird Turdus merula 3235 fieldfare Turdus pilaris 24 Song thrush Turdus philomelos 611 redwing Turdus iliacus 234 Mistle thrush Turdus viscivorus 18 Spotted flycatcher Muscicapa striata 62 robin Erithacus rubecula 1603 Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos 54 Bluethroat Luscinia svecica 0 red-flanked Bluetail Tarsiger cyanurus 2 red-breasted flycatcher Ficedula parva 0 Pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca 8 Black redstart Phoenicurus ochruros 13 redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus 14 Whinchat Saxicola rubetra 20 Stonechat Saxicola torquatus 177 Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe 30 Pied Wheatear Oenanthe pleschanka 0 Dunnock Prunella modularis 1585 house Sparrow Passer domesticus 304 tree Sparrow Passer montanus 642 yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava 91 Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea 14 Pied/White Wagtail Motacilla alba 150 tree Pipit Anthus trivialis 19 Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis 879 rock Pipit Anthus petrosus 2 Water Pipit Anthus spinoletta 2 chaffinch Fringilla coelebs 2250 Brambling Fringilla montifringilla 678 Greenfinch Carduelis chloris 2337 Serin Serinus serinus 0 Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis 2542 Siskin Carduelis spinus 1881 Linnet Carduelis cannabina 665 twite Carduelis flavirostris 14 Lesser redpoll Carduelis cabaret 2131 common redpoll Carduelis flammea 150 redpoll (common/Lesser) Carduelis flammea/cabaret 13 Arctic redpoll Carduelis hornemanni 0 common crossbill Loxia curvirostra 107 common rosefinch Carpodacus erythrinus 0 Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula 237 hawfinch Coccothraustes coccothraustes 0 Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis 33 Lapland Bunting Calcarius lapponicus 0 White-throated Sparrow Zonotrichia albicollis 0 yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella 869 Little Bunting Emberiza pusilla 1 reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus 1480 corn Bunting Emberiza calandra 2 Grand Total 59625 226 Species total Species 143 157

2012 3 2986 4 43 117 0 859 473 15 3998 153 733 260 22 69 1837 50 1 0 0 28 11 46 7 50 146 0 1476 378 540 52 30 93 9 989 3 3 2406 401 3023 1 3407 1141 1144 0 4286 22 40 1 184 1 306 0 21 0 0 1424 0 1374 0 60390 143

2013 2 2963 19 36 98 0 720 411 12 2846 525 580 208 33 39 1473 53 0 0 1 21 9 26 19 60 66 0 1417 273 458 41 17 152 8 1522 4 0 2585 953 3010 0 2650 4277 773 0 2379 216 16 0 12 0 205 2 75 0 0 797 0 1327 5 57770 138

2014 0 3163 0 24 118 0 1008 451 7 2457 8 515 280 8 91 1700 48 0 0 1 24 8 18 11 88 47 0 1633 586 303 34 125 200 36 1386 0 2 1860 440 2788 0 2863 992 895 0 245 131 3 0 118 0 218 0 5 0 1 620 0 1239 0 55623 130

2015 2 2910 2 58 130 0 1011 682 1 2039 31 383 192 12 54 1560 57 0 0 1 14 8 30 24 137 36 1 1548 455 689 30 74 141 42 632 2 3 2014 453 3111 0 3598 2874 1425 0 2943 2 21 0 0 0 205 0 44 1 0 972 0 1367 0 61688 134

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Suffolk Bird Report 2015

Selected Ringing Recoveries for Suffolk in 2015

the following pages detail a selection of the more interesting recoveries reported in 2015 and a few from previous years that have only more recently been received. they include the more unusual of reports, as space allows, involving birds travelling greater distances or being older than usual, and do not represent a complete account of the records available. the selection was largely made from the online data presented by the Bto and information supplied directly by some of Suffolk’s ringers. i would like to further encourage the county’s ringers and observers to forward their data directly. Most Schedule one information is excluded from the online published totals. the online recoveries data provides only a selective view of what has been recorded, so, if you wish to have your records included, you know what to do. the selection is presented in species order with the initial capture and ringing data on the first line. foreign ringing scheme code (if applicable), ring number, age and sex (if known), date and location are provided. the second and any subsequent lines report the means of recovery, date and location with coordinates. following this, distance, direction and duration between reports is summarised. i have added a few comments to some of the records. As is the continuing case, the accounts for some species have had to be somewhat additionally selective due to the vast number of recovery reports of colour-ringed and tagged individuals. Many thanks to all those who take the time to record, photograph and report your sightings.

Simon Mute Swan X4223



caught by ringer


flatford Mill, East Bergholt: 51°57’N 1°0’E (Suffolk) flatford Mill, East Bergholt: 51°57’N 1°0’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 0m 22d flatford Mill, East Bergholt: 51°57’N 1°0’E (Suffolk) 0km 1y 2m 15d Mistley, river Stour: 51°56’N 1°4’E (Essex) 4km 2y 4m 7d flatford Mill: 51°57’N 1°0’E (Suffolk) 0km 11y 1m 29d

Alive (ring read in field) 19-09-2004

Alive (ring read in field) 04-01-2007

Alive (ring read in field) 27-10-2015

Canada Goose 5259268

Adult caught by ringer caught by ringer

thetford: c. 52°23’N 0°44’E (Norfolk) thetford: c. 52°23’N 0°44’E (Norfolk) 0km 1y 0m 0d thetford: c. 52°23’N 0°44’E (Norfolk) 0km 1y 11m 15d thetford: c. 52°23’N 0°44’E (Norfolk) 0km 4y 11m 26d Great Livermere: 52°18’N 0°45’E (Suffolk) 12km S 6y 1m 21d

13-07-2009 13-07-2010 28-06-2011

caught by ringer


first-year Long dead

06-10-2007 19-12-2015

iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) oude Bildtzijl: 53°19’N 5°40’E (friesland) The Netherlands 306km ENE 8y 2m 13d only the 9th Suffolk-ringed Shelduck reported abroad and the 5th to the Netherlands

Adult Male


iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk)

Alive (colour rings seen) 03-09-2015

Shelduck GN76817




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Selected Ringing Recoveries for Suffolk in 2015

Cormorant G1450

freshly dead (shot)


klitgard, hals: 57°6’N 10°18’E (Nordjyllands) Denmark 786km NE 1y 9m 3d the 18th Suffolk-ringed teal recorded in Denmark



Abberton reservoir, near colchester: 51°48’N 0°50’E (Essex) frampton Marsh: 52°55’N 0°1’E (Lincolnshire) 135km NNW 0y 2m 26d Great Livermere Lake: 52°18’N 0°45’E (Suffolk) 55km N 0y 5m 13d Great Livermere: 52°18’N 0°45’E (Suffolk) 55km N 1y 10m 26d Great Livermere: 52°18’N 0°45’E (Suffolk) 55km N 2y 4m 4d

Alive (colour rings seen) 11-08-2013

Alive (colour rings seen) 29-10-2013

Alive (colour rings seen) 11-04-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 20-09-2015

Little Egret Gr24066

Lemsford: c. 51°47’N 0°13’W (hertfordshire) Lemsford: c. 51°47’N 0°13’W (hertfordshire) 0km 0y 0m 1d Leagrave, Luton: 51°54’N 0°27’W (Luton) 20km NW 0y 5m 25d trimley Marshes: 51°57’N 1°16’E (Suffolk) 105km E 0y 8m 20d Lemsford: c. 51°47’N 0°13’W (hertfordshire) 0km 0y 9m 19d East hyde: 51°50’N 0°22’W (Bedfordshire) 10km WNW 0y 10m 25d Lemsford: c. 51°47’N 0°13’W (hertfordshire) 0km 1y 3m 2d

first-year 02-09-2014 Alive (colour rings seen) 03-09-2014

Alive (colour rings seen) 27-02-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 22-05-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 21-06-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 27-07-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 04-12-2015

Marsh Harrier Gf65270

Nestling female Alive (wing-tag seen)

Alive (wing-tag seen)

Alive (wing-tag seen)

Alive (wing-tag seen)

Gf65268 fA79149


Nestling female Alive (wing-tag seen)

12-06-2014 27-01-2015

Nestling Male Alive (wing-tag seen)


25-06-2015 20-08-2015

10-06-2015 29-07-2015

Nestling 28-06-2014 freshly dead (hit by car) 12-07-2015

Sparrowhawk DE14609



(hampshire) Gf65271 Nestling female Alive (wing-tag seen)



Alive (wing-tag seen)

Alive (wing-tag seen)

Lakenheath fen: c. 52°26’N 0°30’E (Suffolk) near Burscough: 53°37’N 2°52’W (Lancashire) 262km WNW 0y 3m 9d near Stoke St. Gregory: 51°1’N 2°54’W (Somerset) 284km WSW 0y 5m 15d near catcott: 51°9’N 2°51’W (Somerset) 272km WSW 0y 6m 2d near Stockland Bristol: 51°11’N 3°4’W (Somerset) 284km WSW 0y 6m 8d near Westhay: 51°9’N 2°49’W (Somerset) 271km WSW 0y 7m 2d near Westhay: 51°9’N 2°49’W (Somerset) 271km WSW 0y 8m 10d Lakenheath fen: c. 52°26’N 0°30’E (Suffolk) Dunsby fen: 52°50’N 0°19’W (Lincolnshire) 71km NW 0y 7m 15d Lakenheath fen: c. 52°26’N 0°30’E (Suffolk) near Stubbington: 50°48’N 1°14’W 219km SW 0y 1m 26d Lakenheath fen: c. 52°26’N 0°30’E (Suffolk) Welney WWt: 52°31’N 0°16’E (Norfolk) 19km WNW 0y 1m 19d iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) Dersingham: 52°50’N 0°29’E (Norfolk) 105km NW 1y 0m 14d

18-06-2014 27-09-2014

Adult Male caught by ringer

28-07-2009 15-11-2013


thorndon: 52°16’N 1°7’E (Suffolk) thorndon: 52°16’N 1°7’E (Suffolk) 0km 4y 3m 18d

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Moorhen fh56522

caught by ringer


thorndon: 52°16’N 1°7’E (Suffolk) 0km 5y 8m 21d

Adult Male caught by ringer

22-11-2014 11-02-2015

kessingland: c. 52°24’N 1°43’E (Suffolk) kessingland: c. 52°24’N 1°43’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 2m 20d Lowestoft: 52°29’N 1°43’E (Suffolk) 10km N 0y 9m 14d

Nestling 28-06-2014 Alive (colour rings seen) 09-08-2014

orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) havergate island: 52°4’N 1°30’E (Suffolk) 4km 0y 1m 12d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 10m 26d Axe Estuary: 50°42’N 3°3’W (Devon) 357km WSW 1y 2m 16d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 26d Brands Bay, Poole harbour: 50°39’N 1°58’W (Dorset) 292km WSW 0y 5m 13d Balgzand: 52°54’N 4°48’E (Noord-holland) The Netherlands 237km ENE 1y 7m 24d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 26d Polder Breebaart, termunten: 53°18’N 7°4’E (Groningen) The Netherlands 396km ENE 0y 2m 28d Polder Breebaart, termunten: 53°18’N 7°4’E (Groningen) The Netherlands 396km ENE 0y 3m 0d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) havergate island: 52°4’N 1°30’E (Suffolk) 4km 0y 0m 15d Polder de Sainte Marie du Mont: 49°22’N 1°1’W (calvados) France 351km SSW 0y 10m 19d Balgzand: 52°54’N 4°48’E (Noord-holland) The Netherlands 237km ENE 1y 7m 12d Zierikzee: 51°39’N 3°55’E (Zeeland) The Netherlands 169km ESE 1y 8m 25d included in the above are three of the eight reports of Suffolk-ringed Avocets recorded in the Netherlands.

freshly dead



Suffolk Bird Report 2015


Alive (colour rings seen) 24-05-2015





Alive (colour rings seen) 13-09-2015

Nestling 28-07-2013 Alive (colour rings seen) 23-08-2013

Alive (colour rings seen) 10-01-2014

Alive (colour rings seen) 24-03-2015

Nestling 26-05-2014 Alive (colour rings seen) 21-06-2014

Alive (colour rings seen) 23-08-2014 Alive (colour rings seen) 26-08-2014


Nestling 04-08-2013 Alive (colour rings seen) 19-08-2013

Alive (colour rings seen) 23-06-2014

Alive (colour rings seen) 16-03-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 29-04-2015

Oystercatcher fA40109 fA62463

Adult freshly dead (leg only)

Adult Male

heacham: c. 52°54’N 0°28’E (Norfolk) Sugar factory, Bury St Edmunds: 52°15’N 0°43’E (Suffolk) 75km SSE 22y 5m 14d holbeach St Matthew: c. 52°52’N 0°5’E (Lincolnshire) orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 133km SE 10y 9m 12d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 133km SE 11y 8m 22d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 133km SE 14y 9m 29d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 133km SE 16y 7m 22d

31-01-1993 15-07-2015


Alive (ring read in field) 03-05-2008

Alive (ring read in field) 12-04-2009

Alive (ring read in field) 20-05-2012

Alive (ring read in field) 15-03-2014


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Selected Ringing Recoveries for Suffolk in 2015

orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 133km SE 17y 8m 8d fA62463 certainly seems to like orfordness!

Alive (ring read in field) 29-03-2015

Ringed Plover NV41649

Nestling caught by ringer

Black-tailed Godwit EP85259



caught by ringer

caught by ringer

10-07-2004 16-09-2012

orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) Snettisham: 52°52’N 0°27’E (Norfolk) 117km NW 8y 2m 6d


Lawyer’s farm, holbeach St Matthew: 52°52’N 0°6’E (Lincolnshire) hazlewood, near ham creek: 52°9’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 126km SE 0y 10m 29d iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 127km SE 13y 0m 1d harty: 51°20’N 0°53’E (kent) oare: 51°20’N 0°53’E (kent) 3km 0y 0m 5d Elmley Marshes, isle of Sheppey: c. 51°22’N 0°48’E (kent) 8km WNW 0y 5m 14d Minsmere rSPB reserve: 52°14’N 1°36’E (Suffolk) 110km NNE 0y 7m 19d hazlewood Marshes, Alde Estuary: 52°9’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 100km NNE 0y 10m 8d Minsmere rSPB reserve: 52°14’N 1°36’E (Suffolk) 110km NNE 0y 11m 4d Minsmere rSPB reserve: 52°14’N 1°36’E (Suffolk) 110km NNE 0y 11m 5d



Adult Male 23-09-2014 Alive (colour marks seen) 28-09-2014 Alive (colour marks seen) 09-03-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 12-05-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 31-07-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 27-08-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 28-08-2015

Bar-tailed Godwit DB69709


caught by ringer


Levington creek, river orwell: 51°59’N 1°14’E (Suffolk) Salinas Do Samouco: 38°43’N 9°1’W (Setúbal) Portugal 1,678km SSW 6y 11m 13d the first Suffolk-ringed ‘Barwit’ to be reported abroad. interestingly, exactly 27 years short of the longevity record for this species.


Knot Dunlin

there were 28 reports of Norwegian-ringed knot in Suffolk in 2015. [See also article on knot flagging in this report]





first-year caught by ringer

09-09-2011 26-07-2013

Levington creek, river orwell: 51°59’N 1°14’E (Suffolk) Levington creek: 51°59’N 1°14’E (Suffolk) 0km 7y 4m 24d iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) Wrangle tofts: 53°1’N 0°10’E (Lincolnshire) 136km NW 1y 10m 17d river Deben, near ramsholt Lodge: 52°1’N 1°20’E (Suffolk) Wrangle tofts: 53°1’N 0°10’E (Lincolnshire) 136km NNW 3y 11m 8d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) Parque Natural Marismas Del odiel, huelva: 37°16’N 6°55’W (huelva) Spain 1,776km SSW 6y 0m 0d only the third Suffolk-ringed Dunlin to be recorded in Spain.

Alive (colour rings seen) 06-03-2015





first-year caught by ringer

23-08-2008 23-08-2014

caught by ringer



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caught by ringer

Suffolk Bird Report 2015


Levington creek, river orwell: 51°59’N 1°14’E (Suffolk) ujscie Wisly, Swibno: 54°21’N 18°55’E (Pomorskie) Poland 1,206km ENE 4y 6m 6d ujscie Wisly, Swibno: 54°21’N 18°55’E (Pomorskie) Poland 1,206km ENE 4y 6m 8d


Alive (colour rings seen) 29-07-2015

Purple Sandpiper

NoS 8B43244

Longyearbyen: 78°13’N 15°40’E Svalbard orfordness: 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 2,964km SSW 0y 6m 7d Papa Westray: 59°21’N 2°51’W (orkney) 2,207km SSW 0y 7m 28d North Wick, Papa Westray: 59°21’N 2°53’W (orkney) 2,209km SSW 1y 2m 22d the second report of a Purple Sandpiper ringed in Svalbard to be recorded in Suffolk.

first-year Male 08-08-2014 Alive (colour rings seen) 15-02-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 05-04-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 30-10-2015




EtM u443920

Greenshank DE37315

Redshank Dk95300

first-year caught by ringer

07-09-2014 26-10-2015

Spitend, Sheppey: 51°22’N 0°48’E (kent) Levington Lagoon: 51°59’N 1°14’E (Suffolk) 77km NNE 1y 1m 19d

first-year freshly dead (shot)

23-10-2013 05-01-2015

Borrby, Vormsi, Laanemaa: 59°1’N 23°13’E Estonia Alton Water reservoir, near tattingstone: c.51°58’N 1°6’E (Suffolk) 1,592km WSW 1y 2m 13d only the second report of a Woodcock to Suffolk from the Baltic region. An unfortunate end though.


caught by ringer



hazlewood, near ham creek: 52°9’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) Salinas Do Samouco: 38°43’N 9°1’W (Setúbal) Portugal 1,703km SSW 2y 6m 8d the first Suffolk-ringed Greenshank to be recorded in Portugal

first-year caught by ringer

08-08-1999 10-11-2015

Levington creek: 51°59’N 1°14’E (Suffolk) Levington Lagoon: 51°59’N 1°14’E (Suffolk) 0km 16y 3m 2d Levington creek, river orwell: 51°59’N 1°14’E (Suffolk) Levington Lagoon: 51°59’N 1°14’E (Suffolk) 0km 16y 1m 15d Levington creek, river orwell: 51°59’N 1°14’E (Suffolk) Levington creek, river orwell: 51°59’N 1°14’E (Suffolk) 0km 9y 0m 8d freston, near ipswich: 52°0’N 1°9’E (Suffolk) 6km WNW 10y 3m 22d Nacton Shore: 51°59’N 1°13’E (Suffolk) 2km 10y 11m 13d freston, near ipswich: 52°0’N 1°9’E (Suffolk) 6km WNW 11y 5m 16d freston, near ipswich: 52°0’N 1°9’E (Suffolk) 6km WNW 12y 1m 7d Levington creek: 51°59’N 1°14’E (Suffolk) 0km 13y 2m 2d







caught by ringer

caught by ringer



Alive (colour rings seen) 03-01-2011

Alive (colour rings seen) 25-08-2011

Alive (colour rings seen) 28-02-2012

Alive (colour rings seen) 19-10-2012

Alive (colour rings seen) 14-11-2013


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Selected Ringing Recoveries for Suffolk in 2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 28-10-2014

DE81248 DE39067 DD11626


Little Tern NW09777

freston, near ipswich: 52°0’N 1°9’E (Suffolk) 6km WNW 14y 1m 16d freston, near ipswich: 52°0’N 1°9’E (Suffolk) 6km WNW 14y 5m 0d Meikle tarty, near Ellon: 57°19’N 2°0’W (Aberdeenshire) iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 620km SSE 1y 1m 17d hazlewood, near ham creek: 52°9’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) Noirmoutier-En-L’ile: 46°58’N 2°15’W (Vendee) France 636km SSW 4y 1m 15d Levington creek, river orwell: 51°59’N 1°14’E (Suffolk) thorpe Bay: 51°59’N 1°16’E (Suffolk) 3km 0y 0m 4d Levington creek: 51°59’N 1°14’E (Suffolk) 0km 4y 3m 8d Lanmodez: 48°49’N 3°6’W (cotes-d’Armor) France 468km SW 5y 2m 0d Levington creek, river orwell: 51°59’N 1°14’E (Suffolk) Langeoog: 53°43’N 7°31’E (ostfriesische inseln) Germany 463km ENE 5y 7m 4d included above are only the second Suffolkringed redshank to Germany and the two recorded in france. two others were reported in iceland

Alive (colour rings seen) 12-02-2015


caught by ringer


freshly dead (shot)







Alive (colour rings seen) 26-09-2010 Alive (colour rings seen) 30-12-2014

Alive (colour rings seen) 22-11-2015





Alive (colour rings seen) 24-04-2015

caught by ringer

Winterton holmes, near East Somerton: 52°43’N 1°40’E (Norfolk) Winterton holmes, near East Somerton: 52°43’N 1°40’E (Norfolk) 0km 0y 0m 7d kessingland Beach: 52°24’N 1°43’E (Suffolk) 38km S 12y 0m 3d


freshly dead (predated) 01-07-2015

Kittiwake EP67391

Puffin island: c. 53°18’N 4°1’W (isle of Anglesey) Lowestoft: 52°28’N 1°45’E (Suffolk) 399km ESE 21y 3m 23d Lowestoft: 52°27’N 1°45’E (Suffolk) 399km ESE 21y 11m 5d North Beach, Lowestoft: c. 52°29’N 1°45’E (Suffolk) 399km ESE 22y 6m 3d Lowestoft: c. 52°27’N 1°45’E (Suffolk) 399km ESE 23y 8m 1d Lowestoft: c. 52°27’N 1°45’E (Suffolk) 399km ESE 24y 0m 2d Getting closer to the longevity record. Just over four and a half years to go! Lowestoft: c. 52°27’N 1°45’E (Suffolk) Aberdeen outer South Breakwater: 57°7’N 2°3’W (Aberdeen) 574km NNW 1y 1m 28d Lowestoft: c. 52°27’N 1°45’E (Suffolk) Aberdeen outer South Breakwater: 57°7’N 2°3’W (Aberdeen) 574km NNW 1y 2m 13d Lowestoft: 52°27’N 1°45’E (Suffolk) Lowestoft: c. 52°27’N 1°45’E (Suffolk) 0km 5y 0m 10d Boulogne-Sur-Mer: 50°43’N 1°34’E (Pas-de-calais) France 193km S 5y 3m 28d

Nestling 20-07-1991 Alive (ring read in field) 12-11-2012 caught by ringer


Alive (ring read in field) 23-01-2014

Alive (colour rings seen) 21-03-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 22-07-2015 Ey29656 Ey29597 Er72441

Nestling 02-07-2014 Alive (colour rings seen) 30-08-2015

Nestling 24-06-2014 Alive (colour rings seen) 06-09-2015

Nestling 28-06-2010 Alive (colour rings seen) 08-07-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 26-10-2015


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EX56727 0d

Suffolk Bird Report 2015

Nestling 20-06-2012 Alive (colour rings seen) 20-07-2012

Lowestoft: 52°27’N 1°45’E (Suffolk) Lowestoft: 52°27’N 1°45’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 1m

Lowestoft: c. 52°27’N 1°45’E (Suffolk) 0km 1y 10m 28d Boulogne-Sur-Mer: 50°43’N 1°34’E (Pas-de-calais) France 193km S 2y 10m 26d Boulogne-Sur-Mer: 50°43’N 1°34’E (Pas-de-calais) France 193km S 3y 1m 10d Lowestoft: 52°27’N 1°45’E (Suffolk) Lowestoft: c. 52°27’N 1°45’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 1m 7d Lowestoft: c. 52°27’N 1°45’E (Suffolk) 0km 1y 10m 29d Boulogne-Sur-Mer: 50°43’N 1°34’E (Pas-de-calais) France 193km S 2y 4m 1d included above are four of the five reports received in 2015 of Suffolk-ringed kittiwakes in france.

Alive (ring read in field) 18-05-2014

Alive (colour rings seen) 16-05-2015


Alive (colour rings seen) 30-07-2015

Nestling 25-06-2013 Alive (colour rings seen) 01-08-2013

Alive (colour rings seen) 24-05-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 26-10-2015

Black-headed Gull EP77116


Adult Dead Adult

12-03-1994 09-06-2015 20-11-2010

Alive (ring read in field) 16-02-2015


Adult 28-03-2013 Alive (ring read in field) 15-03-2015




Pitsea Marshes, Basildon: 51°32’N 0°30’E (Essex) Southwold: 52°19’N 1°40’E (Suffolk) 119km NE 21y 2m 28d near hempsted, Gloucester: 51°50’N 2°16’W (Gloucestershire) Lowestoft North Beach: 52°28’N 1°45’E (Suffolk) 284km ENE 4y 2m 27d Whitehouse, ipswich: 52°4’N 1°6’E (Suffolk) kolobrzeg, Zachodniopomorskie: 54°10’N 15°33’E (Zachodnio-Pomorskie) Poland 992km ENE 1y 11m 15d Molsbroek: 51°6’N 4°1’E (oost-Vlaanderen) Belgium orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 202km WNW 1y 0m 20d Additional Suffolk-ringed birds were reported in finland and the Netherlands. thirty-six foreign-ringed bird reports were received for the county in 2015, including 8t32208, the 16th from Belgium.


Alive (colour rings seen) 07-06-2015

Mediterranean Gull BLB E188415 BLB E907365





NLA E927937

Zandvliet: 51°22’N 4°18’E (Antwerpen) Belgium Pett Level: c. 50°54’N 0°40’E (East Sussex) 259km W 5y 10m 15d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 205km WNW 13y 0m 18d Doel: 51°19’N 4°15’E (oost-Vlaanderen) Belgium Lowestoft: 52°28’N 1°43’E (Suffolk) 216km NW 10y 8m 7d Zb Mietkowski, Domanice, Mietkow: 50°57’N 16°36’E (Dolnoslaskie) z corton: 52°30’N 1°44’E (Suffolk) 1,037km W 0y 3m 12d de kreupel, oost: 52°46’N 5°13’E (Noordholland) The Netherlands orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 260km WSW 4y 11m 1d Prosper: 51°19’N 4°13’E (Zeeland) the Netherlands orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 201km

Nestling 26-05-2002 Alive(colour rings seen) 10-04-2008

Alive (colour rings seen) 13-06-2015

Adult 17-05-2004 Alive (colour rings seen) 24-01-2015





Alive (colour rings seen) 07-09-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 25-05-2015

Nestling 11-06-2014 Alive (colour rings seen) 31-05-2015


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Selected Ringing Recoveries for Suffolk in 2015

WNW 0y 11m 20d A further two reports of Belgian-ringed birds to the county were also received.

Common Gull

EtM Et00836

Adult Male 02-06-2005 Alive (colour rings seen) 29-01-2015

Lesser Black-backed Gull Gh36705

Adult caught by ringer

kakrarahu, Laanemaa: 58°46’N 23°25’E Estonia Lowestoft: 52°28’N 1°45’E (Suffolk) 1,525km WSW 9y 7m 27d the 11th common Gull to the county from the Baltic region and the only foreign exchange for the species in 2015 involving Suffolk.

19-07-1986 24-11-2007

Alive (colour marks seen) 06-04-2008

Alive (colour rings seen) 29-07-2008

Alive (colour marks seen) 22-03-2009

Alive (colour marks seen) 21-03-2010

Alive (colour marks seen) 16-08-2010

Alive (colour marks seen) 02-04-2011

Alive (colour marks seen) 06-06-2011 Alive (colour rings seen) 01-04-2012

Alive (colour rings seen) 04-05-2013

Alive (colour marks seen) 18-06-2014

GG63189 GG75931 GG78277


Alive (colour rings seen) 08-03-2015

Nestling 02-07-1989 Alive (colour rings seen) 03-04-2015

Nestling 12-07-1992 Alive (ring read in field) 04-01-2015

Nestling 01-07-2012 Alive (colour rings seen) 22-08-2013 freshly dead (shot)


Nestling 29-06-2014 Alive(colour rings seen) 28-09-2014

Alive (colour rings seen) 21-11-2014


Alive (colour rings seen) 03-06-2015

Adult Alive (colour rings seen)

24-06-2011 01-07-2012

Alive (colour rings seen) 13-04-2013


foxhall, near ipswich: 52°2’N 1°15’E (Suffolk) near Wingmore farm, Stoke orchard: 51°56’N 2°6’W (Gloucestershire) 230km W 21y 4m 5d orfordness: 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 22km E 21y 8m 18d near hempsted, Gloucester: 51°50’N 2°16’W (Gloucestershire) 243km W 22y 0m 10d orfordness: 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 22km E 22y 8m 3d orfordness: 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 22km E 23y 8m 2d near hempsted, Gloucester: 51°50’N 2°16’W (Gloucestershire) 243km W 24y 0m 28d orfordness: 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 22km E 24y 8m 14d Shortwood Landfill Site, Pucklechurch: 51°28’N 2°27’W (South Gloucestershire) 264km WSW 24y 10m 18d orfordness: 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 22km E 25y 8m 13d orfordness: 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 22km E 26y 9m 15d havergate island: 52°4’N 1°30’E (Suffolk) 19km E 27y 10m 30d havergate island: 52°4’N 1°30’E (Suffolk) 19km E 28y 7m 17d orfordness: 52°4’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) Europoort, rotterdam: 51°57’N 4°7’E (Zuidholland) The Netherlands 175km E 25y 9m 1d orfordness: 52°4’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) Monte Gordo: 37°10’N 7°27’W (faro) Portugal 1,799km SSW 22y 5m 23d havergate island: 52°4’N 1°30’E (Suffolk) Albion Landfill Site, Albert Village: 52°44’N 1°32’W (Leicestershire) 221km WNW 1y 1m 21d Bower: 58°32’N 3°19’W (highland) 781km NNW 3y 4m 8d havergate island: 52°4’N 1°30’E (Suffolk) Quarteira: 37°4’N 8°7’W (faro) Portugal 1,830km SSW 0y 2m 30d Marismas Del odiel: 37°10’N 6°55’W (huelva) Spain 1,782km SSW 0y 4m 23d Scorton Gravel Pits: 54°23’N 1°38’W (North yorkshire) 334km NW 0y 11m 5d havergate island: 52°4’N 1°30’E (Suffolk) havergate island: 52°4’N 1°30’E (Suffolk) 0km 1y 0m 7d havergate island: 52°4’N 1°30’E (Suffolk) 0km 1y 9m 20d

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Suffolk Bird Report 2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 05-04-2014

havergate island: 52°4’N 1°30’E (Suffolk) 0k 2y 9m 12d havergate island: 52°4’N 1°30’E (Suffolk) 0km 3y 11m 0d N.P. la Langue de Barbarie: 15°54’N 16°31’W (Senegal) Senegal 4,328km SSW 4y 5m 0d N.P. la Langue de Barbarie: 15°54’N 16°31’W (Senegal) Senegal 4,328km SSW 4y 5m 1d havergate island: 52°4’N 1°30’E (Suffolk) cantabrian Sea, c. 40km Ne of Gijon: 43°49’N 5°21’W (Bay of Biscay) Bay of Biscay 1,048km SSW 0y 9m 9d Amrun/odde: 54°42’N 8°19’E (Nordfriesische inseln) Germany Great Livermere: 52°18’N 0°45’E (Suffolk) 568km WSW 0y 9m 27d Amrum: 54°40’N 8°19’E (Nordfriesische inseln) Germany orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 532km WSW 0y 11m 7d Gomecello Landfill Site: 41°1’N 5°31’W (Salamanca) Spain orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 1,341km NNE 1y 4m 17d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 1,341km NNE 1y 6m 19d A selection from the 18 reports of foreign-ringed and 322 of Suffolk-ringed birds received.

Alive (colour rings seen) 24-05-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 24-11-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 25-11-2015


Nestling 02-07-2014 Alive (colour rings seen) 11-04-2015













Herring Gull GG92142

(Essex) Gf79091

Alive (colour rings seen) 02-05-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 13-06-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 09-05-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 11-07-2015

Nestling freshly dead (injury)

orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) West Mersea, colchester: 51°46’N 0°54’E 57km SW 21y 6m 15d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) near Ditchingham: 52°28’N 1°25’E (Norfolk) 46km N 5y 7m 3d Aldeby: 52°28’N 1°37’E (Norfolk) 43km N 6y 0m 15d Aldeby: 52°28’N 1°37’E (Norfolk) 43km N 6y 11m 27d Aldeby: 52°28’N 1°37’E (Norfolk) 43km N 7y 6m 19d Aldeby: 52°28’N 1°37’E (Norfolk) 43km N 9y 3m 19d Lowestoft: 52°28’N 1°45’E (Suffolk) 45km NNE 10y 8m 17d Lowestoft harbour: 52°27’N 1°44’E (Suffolk) 45km NNE 11y 6m 13d Lowestoft: 52°27’N 1°44’E (Suffolk) 43km NNE 16y 1m 0d rufforth Waste Disposal Site: c. 53°57’N 1°11’W (york) Minsmere: 52°14’N 1°36’E (Suffolk) 267km SE 0y 3m 29d havergate island: 52°4’N 1°30’E (Suffolk) Blaringhem: 50°40’N 2°22’E (Nord) France 167km SSE 0y 5m 5d Pitsea Landfill Site: 51°32’N 0°30’E (Essex) 92km SW 3y 8m 18d cotesbach Landfill, cotesbach: 52°25’N 1°13’W (Leicestershire) 190km WNW 4y 4m 25d

27-06-1993 11-01-2015

Nestling 17-07-1999 Alive (colour marks seen) 20-02-2005

Alive (colour marks seen) 01-08-2005

Alive (colour marks seen) 14-07-2006

Alive (colour rings seen) 05-02-2007

Alive (colour rings seen) 05-11-2008

Alive (colour rings seen) 03-04-2010

Alive (ring read in field) 30-01-2011

GV31605 Gr36558

Alive (ring read in field) 17-08-2015 Second-year


Alive (colour rings seen) 20-12-2015

Nestling 03-07-2011 Alive (colour rings seen) 08-12-2011

Alive (colour rings seen) 21-03-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 28-11-2015


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Selected Ringing Recoveries for Suffolk in 2015




Alive (colour rings seen) 09-12-2015



freshly dead


Alive (colour rings seen) 17-01-2010




Alive (colour rings seen) 20-04-2014

Yellow-legged Gull iAB


freshly dead (storm)

Great Black-backed Gull


Salina Di comacchio, comacchio: 44°39’N 12°10’E (ferrara & rovigo) Italy kessingland: 52°24’N 1°43’E (Suffolk) 1,156km NW 1y 8m 15d the first report of an italian-ringed bird to the county and only the second foreign-ringed report for Suffolk, following the Danish-ringed bird seen at honington in September 2014. Graesholm, frederikshavn: 57°28’N 10°36’E (Nordjyllands) Denmark orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 833km SW 0y 9m 21d Storeholm, frederikshavn: 57°28’N 10°36’E (Nordjyllands) Denmark orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 833km SW 2y 7m 18d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 833km SW 2y 8m 15d Nordre ronner: 57°21’N 10°55’E (Nordjyllands) Denmark orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 838km SW 0y 8m 14d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 838km SW 0y 8m 21d Graesholm, frederikshavn: 57°28’N 10°36’E (Nordjyllands) Denmark orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 833km SW 1y 8m 16d Graesholm, frederikshavn: 57°28’N 10°36’E (Nordjyllands) Denmark orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 833km SW 0y 9m 6d Graesholm, frederikshavn: 57°28’N 10°36’E (Nordjyllands) Denmark orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 833km SW 0y 9m 23d Graesholm, frederikshavn: 57°28’N 10°36’E (Nordjyllands) Denmark orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 833km SW 0y 10m 16d knogen, Laeso: 57°16’N 11°10’E (Nordjyllands) Denmark









3M1097 Dkc

3M0515 Dkc









cotesbach Landfill, cotesbach: 52°25’N 1°13’W (Leicestershire) 190km WNW 4y 5m 6d hyde farm, near Beaconsfield: 51°34’N 0°37’W (Buckinghamshire) Drinkstone: c. 52°13’N 0°51’E (Suffolk) 124km ENE 5y 11m 27d havergate island: 52°4’N 1°30’E (Suffolk) 158km ENE 11y 6m 8d Bonden Varde: 58°31’N 8°58’E (Aust-Agder) Norway orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 855km SW 0y 9m 26d included above is the only foreign-ringed bird reported in the county in 2015 and a selection from the 15 reports involving Suffolk-ringed birds abroad, all to france or the Netherlands.

Alive (colour rings seen) 20-04-2014

Alive (colour rings seen) 15-02-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 15-03-2015



Alive (colour rings seen) 15-03-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 22-03-2015











Alive (colour rings seen) 15-03-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 15-04-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 02-05-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 24-05-2015


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freshly dead






caught by ringer


caught by ringer

caught by ringer







caught by ringer


caught by ringer

caught by ringer

caught by ringer

caught by ringer

caught by ringer

Collard Dove









caught by ringer


caught by ringer

Barn Owl



caught by ringer

Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 0m 20d Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 0km 4y 2m 6d Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 0km 5y 1m 28d Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 0km 5y 1m 19d Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 2m 16d Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 0km 1y 11m 28d Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 0km 3y 2m 18d Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 0km 4y 5m 29d Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 0km 5y 0m 20d




Lowestoft: 52°27’N 1°44’E (Suffolk) 806km SW 0y 3m 18d Graesholm, frederikshavn: 57°28’N 10°36’E (Nordjyllands) Denmark orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 833km SW 4y 5m 1d All eleven reports, of nine individuals, of Danishringed birds reported in the county. i wonder if 3M3490 died before it could make it to orfordness? A further 18 reports of Norwegian-ringed birds in Suffolk were also received in 2015.

Alive (colour rings seen) 28-11-2015

Woodpigeon fc20825

Suffolk Bird Report 2015

Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 0km 2y 6m 22d Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 0km 6y 7m 3d Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 0km 8y 7m 21d



Nestling 16-06-2007 freshly dead (hit by train) 14-11-2015 Nestling female


caught by ringer


Nestling female


caught by ringer



Worlingham: 52°27’N 1°36’E (Suffolk) oulton: 52°28’N 1°40’E (Suffolk) 7km ENE 8y 4m 29d harold-odell country Park: 52°11’N 0°35’W (Bedfordshire) Great Bradley: c. 52°8’N 0°26’E (Suffolk) 71km E 3y 0m 1d Great Bradley: 52°8’N 0°26’E (Suffolk) 71km E 8y 1m 7d Sewage Works, near Bildeston: 52°5’N 0°54’E (Suffolk)

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Selected Ringing Recoveries for Suffolk in 2015

Barn Owl Peter Beeson


Gr61493 Gr24048

Tawny Owl Gc28221

Gr39091 AJ56637

Nightjar LB12465

caught by ringer caught by ringer

Nestling female

02-07-2009 28-07-2015


caught in nestbox


Nestling Dead (hit by car)

05-06-2014 12-02-2015

freshly dead (hit by car) 13-07-2015

chelsworth: 52°5’N 0°53’E (Suffolk) 3km 2y 0m 3d Monks Eleigh: 52°5’N 0°50’E (Suffolk) 4km 8y 0m 29d ringsfield common, near Beccles: 52°25’N 1°32’E (Suffolk) Wrentham: 52°23’N 1°38’E (Suffolk) 8km ESE 3y 10m 30d Wrentham: 52°23’N 1°40’E (Suffolk) 9km ESE 7y 11m 24d Pakenham: 52°15’N 0°49’E (Suffolk) tyseley: 52°27’N 1°50’W (West Midlands) 183km W 0y 8m 7d Ellenbrook fields, hatfield: 51°45’N 0°15’W


Dead (hit powerlines)

23-06-2014 (hertfordshire) 16-01-2015



Nestling Long dead (hit by car)

06-05-2014 16-05-2015

thornham hall, thornham Magna: 52°17’N 1°4’E (Suffolk) thornham Water Meadows: 52°17’N 1°4’E (Suffolk) 2km 7y 8m 23d oakley: 52°20’N 1°10’E (Suffolk) Billingford: 52°21’N 1°11’E (Suffolk) 3km 1y 0m 10d hulver: 52°24’N 1°37’E (Suffolk) Gisleham: 52°24’N 1°41’E (Suffolk) 4km 1y 0m 26d

Adult Male


near Mayday farm: 52°24’N 0°38’E (Suffolk)

freshly dead (hit by car) 06-03-2015

Nestling 21-05-2014 freshly dead (hit by car) 16-06-2015


higham Estate: 52°15’N 0°32’E (Suffolk) 79km NE 0y 6m 23d Good to see an increasing number of recoveries of live birds, largely down to the efforts of the Suffolk community Barn owl Project.

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caught by ringer

Adult female caught by ringer

caught by ringer

caught by ringer caught by ringer

Kingfisher SB22699


first-year Male

caught by ringer

caught by ringer

Adult female

caught by ringer

Great Spotted Woodpecker ct35628 LA47080


Peregrine Gr38659

25-06-2010 27-06-2012


01-07-2015 3km 5y 0m 6d 07-08-2015




Adult Male caught by ringer

06-10-2008 01-04-2009

caught by ringer

Wangford Warren: 52°24’N 0°36’E (Suffolk) 3km 5y 1m 13d

Minsmere Nature reserve: 52°14’N 1°37’E (Suffolk) Minsmere Nature reserve: 52°14’N 1°37’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 10m 12d Minsmere Nature reserve: 52°14’N 1°37’E (Suffolk) 0km 3y 8m 10d Minsmere Nature reserve: 52°14’N 1°37’E (Suffolk) Minsmere Nature reserve: 52°14’N 1°37’E (Suffolk) 0km 3y 8m 1d Green Woodpecker recaptures are fairly unusual so it’s great to see these two birds surviving well at Minsmere.



near thetford Warrren: 52°24’N 0°39’E (Suffolk) 2km 6y 1m 4d Elveden Warren: 52°23’N 0°37’E (Suffolk) Elveden Warren: 52°23’N 0°37’E (Suffolk) 0km 2y 0m 2d Wangford Warren: 52°23’N 0°36’E (Suffolk) 3km 4y 0m 26d Wangford Warren: 52°23’N 0°36’E (Suffolk)

orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) rendham: 52°13’N 1°26’E (Suffolk) 18km NNW 1y 11m 10d Great effort from the observer.


first-year female

thornham hall, thornham Magna, near Eye: 52°17’N 1°4’E (Suffolk) thornham hall, thornham Magna: 52°17’N 1°4’E (Suffolk) 0km 9y 11m 4d thorndon: 52°16’N 1°7’E (Suffolk) thorndon: 52°16’N 1°7’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 5m 26d thorndon: 52°16’N 1°7’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 9m 10d thorndon: 52°16’N 1°7’E (Suffolk) 0km 1y 1m 18d thorndon: 52°16’N 1°7’E (Suffolk) 0km 3y 8m 8d thorndon: 52°16’N 1°7’E (Suffolk) 0km 6y 11m 14d


caught by ringer


caught by ringer caught by ringer

14-06-2012 20-09-2015

Nestling freshly dead (natural causes)


heather farm, horsell: 51°19’N 0°34’W (Surrey)

Nestling female


Site confidential, near Barking: c. 51°30’N 0°5’E (Greater London) Lake Lothing, Lowestoft: 52°27’N 1°42’E (Suffolk) 155km NE 2y 9m 18d

caught by ringer



first-year female 20-08-2013 Alive (ring read in field) 30-07-2015

Green Woodpecker DE37026

Suffolk Bird Report 2015



Great Glemham: 52°11’N 1°24’E (Suffolk) 168km NE 0y 0m 28d

Alive (colour rings seen) 13-03-2015


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Selected Ringing Recoveries for Suffolk in 2015



EX63122 EL73247



Jackdaw EL03421


Goldcrest hrP208 NoS








Alive (colour rings seen) 15-03-2015

Nestling Sick (hit building)

04-05-2011 29-06-2015

Lake Lothing, Lowestoft: 52°27’N 1°42’E (Suffolk) 155km NE 2y 9m 20d ipswich Docks: 52°4’N 1°10’E (Suffolk) Maasvlakte rotterdam: 51°57’N 4°1’E (Zuidholland) The Netherlands 195km E 4y 1m 25d the first Suffolk-ringed Peregrine to be reported abroad.



Minsmere Nature reserve: 52°14’N 1°37’E (Suffolk) Minsmere Nature reserve: 52°14’N 1°37’E (Suffolk) 0km 2y 5m 12d Gate farm road, Shotley: 51°57’N 1°15’E (Suffolk) Lawford hall, Manningtree: c. 51°56’N 1°1’E (Essex) 17km W 0y 10m 17d

freshly dead






Adult female


caught by ringer


caught by ringer

flatford Mill, East Bergholt: 51°57’N 1°0’E (Suffolk) flatford Mill, East Bergholt: 51°57’N 1°0’E (Suffolk) 0km 6y 8m 16d flatford Mill, East Bergholt: 51°57’N 1°0’E (Suffolk) 0km 7y 8m 0d


Nestling Dead

26-05-2007 09-11-2015

05-06-2012 09-11-2015

orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) Seater Landfill Site, Bower: 58°31’N 3°16’W (highland) 779km NNW 8y 5m 14d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) Seater Landfill Site, Bower: 58°31’N 3°16’W (highland) 779km NNW 3y 5m 4d Both birds from orfordness reported dead in the highlands on the same day, how odd!

first-year female


oxley Marshes, hollesley: 52°2’N 1°26’E (Suffolk) Dunes du fort Vert, Marck: 50°58’N 1°55’E (Pasde-calais) France 124km SSE 0y 0m 6d Log, Ana Sira, Sokndal: 58°16’N 6°25’E (rogaland) Norway Lowestoft: 52°28’N 1°45’E (Suffolk) 711km SSW 0y 0m 4d revtangen, klepp: 58°45’N 5°30’E (rogaland) Norway Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 802km SSW 0y 0m 12d Akeroya, hvaler: 59°1’N 10°52’E (ostfold) Norway Walberswick: 52°17’N 1°38’E (Suffolk) 946km SW 0y 0m 15d fyren, falsterbo: 55°22’N 12°49’E (Skåne) Sweden orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 825km WSW 0y 0m 5d All foreign exchanges for the county in 2015 are shown above, including only the second to france.

Nestling Dead

caught by ringer


freshly dead


first-year Male

first-year Male

caught by ringer

first-year Male

caught by ringer

first-year female

caught by ringer









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Blue Tit


Suffolk Bird Report 2015 first-year female caught by ringer

caught by ringer


Great Tit X024944

caught by ringer


Bearded Tit y904340

Woodlark tP41077

Sand Martin D350004 frP




Swallow V007360




first-year Male caught by ringer

30-11-2008 10-01-2009

caught by ringer


caught by ringer


thetford Lodge farm: c. 52°25’N 0°40’E (Suffolk) thetford Lodge farm: c. 52°25’N 0°40’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 1m 11d thetford Lodge farm: c. 52°25’N 0°40’E (Suffolk) 0km 3y 2m 6d thetford Lodge farm: c. 52°25’N 0°40’E (Suffolk) 0km 4y 4m 28d thetford Lodge farm: c. 52°25’N 0°40’E (Suffolk) 0km 6y 2m 1d chelmondiston: 51°59’N 1°12’E (Suffolk) Pin Mill, chelmondiston: c. 51°59’N 1°12’E (Suffolk) 0km 5y 3m 14d


first-year female caught by ringer

23-12-2007 06-04-2013

full-grown female caught by ringer

20-10-2012 22-10-2012

caught by ringer

rushmere St Andrew: 52°4’N 1°10’E (Suffolk) rushmere St Andrew: 52°4’N 1°10’E (Suffolk) 0km 2y 6m 25d rushmere St Andrew: 52°4’N 1°10’E (Suffolk) 0km 5y 2m 30d rushmere St Andrew: 52°4’N 1°10’E (Suffolk) 0km 7y 5m 6d Melton Park, Woodbridge: 52°7’N 1°19’E (Suffolk) Melton Park, Woodbridge: 52°7’N 1°19’E (Suffolk) 0km 6y 3m 20d Another year with some good survival records for this species.


caught by ringer

caught by ringer


11-10-2007 06-05-2010

Pett Level: c. 50°54’N 0°40’E (East Sussex) Pett Level: c. 50°54’N 0°40’E (East Sussex) 0km 0y 0m 2d Walberswick: 52°17’N 1°38’E (Suffolk) 170km NNE 3y 0m 7d


Nestling 11-04-2012 Alive (colour rings seen) 01-03-2015

Elveden Warren: 52°23’N 0°37’E (Suffolk) Sherwood forest: 53°12’N 1°4’W (Nottinghamshire) 145km NW 2y 10m 18d

Adult female caught by ringer

28-08-2013 19-07-2015

caught by ringer


Pett Level: c. 50°54’N 0°40’E (East Sussex) Minsmere Nature reserve: 52°14’N 1°37’E (Suffolk) 164km NNE 1y 10m 21d Parc National de oiseaux du Djoudj: 16°25’N 16°13’W Senegal kesgrave hall, near kesgrave: 52°3’N 1°15’E (Suffolk) 4,253km NNE 0y 2m 22d Parc National de oiseaux du Djoudj: 16°25’N 16°13’W Senegal Waldringfield heath, Sand Pit: 52°2’N 1°16’E (Suffolk) 4,252km NNE 0y 5m 2d Some late reports from Senegal. in addition, single birds to and from france were reported.

full-grown Male

full-grown Male



caught by ringer




flatford Mill, East Bergholt: 51°57’N 1°0’E (Suffolk) cornley farm, Westwoodside, Doncaster: 53°27’N 0°54’W (North Lincolnshire) 213km NW

freshly dead (predated) 10-05-2015 172

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Selected Ringing Recoveries for Suffolk in 2015 y886399 Z687553


Sick (injury)


caught by ringer

Cetti’s Warbler Z418161

y166591 D292009

first-year female caught by ringer

first-year caught by ringer

Adult caught by ringer

caught by ringer

Long-tailed Tit cXP540

full-grown caught by ringer

caught by ringer

caught by ringer caught by ringer

caught by ringer

Chiffchaff hEL426

hhX504 hcJ649 EkB161





12-10-2014 19-04-2015

15-07-2015 23-09-2015


25-07-2009 08-12-2009

27-03-2012 17-04-2013


Juvenile caught by ringer

14-07-2015 03-10-2015

09-08-2015 04-10-2015

15-07-2014 18-07-2015



caught by ringer


first-year caught by ringer

20-09-2015 12-11-2015

caught by ringer

thorndon: 52°16’N 1°7’E (Suffolk) thorndon: 52°16’N 1°7’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 4m 13d thorndon: 52°16’N 1°7’E (Suffolk) 0km 1y 6m 19d thorndon: 52°16’N 1°7’E (Suffolk) 0km 2y 8m 2d thorndon: 52°16’N 1°7’E (Suffolk) 0km 3y 8m 23d thorndon: 52°16’N 1°7’E (Suffolk) 0km 5y 3m 14d thorndon: 52°16’N 1°7’E (Suffolk) 0km 6y 3m 7d Good to see this bird survive into another year. Just over two and a half years to go for the longevity record!



Juvenile female caught by ringer

Walberswick: 52°17’N 1°38’E (Suffolk) iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 18km SSW 0y 6m 7d hen reedbed: 52°19’N 1°36’E (Suffolk) orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 28km S 1y 1m 23d Brandon fen: c. 52°26’N 0°30’E (Suffolk) near cranwich, near thetford: c. 52°31’N 0°36’E (Norfolk) 12km NE 0y 2m 8d near cranwich, near thetford: c. 52°31’N 0°36’E (Norfolk) 12km NE 0y 3m 3d

03-08-2014 26-09-2015

caught by ringer

Juvenile caught by ringer

0y 8m 4d near charity farm, Shotley: 51°59’N 1°14’E (Suffolk) near North thoresby: c. 53°27’N 0°1’W (Lincolnshire) 187km NNW 2y 7m 7d red house farm, thornham Magna: 52°17’N 1°3’E (Suffolk) Motney hill Nature reserve: 51°22’N 0°36’E (Medway) 109km SSW 0y 1m 24d yet another year with no foreign exchange reports for this species and the county.




Bamburgh: 55°36’N 1°43’W (Northumberland) Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 454km SSE 0y 2m 19d Vogwell: 50°37’N 3°49’W (Devon) orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 408km ENE 0y 1m 25d Gibraltar Point: 53°5’N 0°18’E (Lincolnshire) kessingland: c. 52°24’N 1°43’E (Suffolk) 123km SE 1y 0m 3d Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 0m 2d reserve Naturelle Baie de Somme, le triangle, Saint Quentin En tourmont: 50°15’N 1°33’E (Somme) France 188km S 0y 3m 0d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) la Pilarica, la Puebla Del rio: 37°6’N 6°9’W (Sevilla) Spain 1,772km SSW 0y 1m 23d

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Willow Warbler Dkt167

Blackcap Z157970

D669935 D669993 L775684 Z428645 DEW Germany 90289845



full-grown caught by ringer

26-04-2015 19-08-2015

orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) Bassin de la Sucrerie, Boiry Sainte rictrude: 50°12’N 2°45’E (Pas-de-calais) France 225km SSE 0y 3m 24d only the 6th report of a Suffolk-ringed Willow Warbler to france

first-year Male caught by ringer

08-09-2014 06-06-2015

near hollesley heath: 52°3’N 1°25’E (Suffolk) Birtley Sewage Works: 54°53’N 1°36’W (tyne and Wear) 376km NNW 0y 8m 29d Lackford Lakes Swt reserve: 52°17’N 0°37’E (Suffolk) Plaisance, Saint-froult: 45°54’N 1°4’W (charente-Maritime) France 722km S 0y 0m 23d Lackford Lakes Swt reserve: 52°17’N 0°37’E (Suffolk) Zierikzee: 51°39’N 3°55’E (Zeeland) The Netherlands 238km ESE 0y 8m 1d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) Vilamoura: 37°4’N 8°7’W (faro) Portugal 1,832km SSW 0y 2m 8d near hollesley heath: 52°3’N 1°25’E (Suffolk) ingooigem: 50°49’N 3°25’E (WestVlaanderen) Belgium 195km SE 0y 0m 13d helgoland: 54°10’N 7°55’E (helgoland)

first-year Male

caught by ringer


freshly dead (hit glass)

Juvenile caught by ringer

first-year Male caught by ringer

first-year Male

caught by ringer

first-year female

caught by ringer

Garden Warbler L722939

Suffolk Bird Report 2015


Long dead (in building)

Lesser Whitethroat





01-08-2015 09-10-2015

07-09-2015 20-09-2015






Minsmere Nature reserve: 52°14’N 1°37’E (Suffolk) Minsmere Nature reserve: 52°14’N 1°36’E (Suffolk) 2km 3y 8m 14d one of very few recoveries for this species in 2015. flordon road, creeting St Mary: c. 52°9’N 1°3’E (Suffolk) Somersham: 52°5’N 1°2’E (Suffolk) 8km S 4y 11m 0d Sycamore farm, Witnesham: 52°6’N 1°11’E (Suffolk) Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 21km SSE 0y 0m 15d



Second-year female





Whitethroat D639123

freshly dead (hit glass)


caught by ringer




caught by ringer

cauldwell hall farm, hollesley: 52°3’N 1°27’E (Suffolk) 492km WSW 0y 0m 2d Surhuisterveen, koartwald: 53°10’N 6°10’E (friesland) The Netherlands flordon road, creeting St Mary: c. 52°9’N 1°3’E (Suffolk) 365km WSW 0y 11m 28d included above are all six foreign exchange reports for the county received in 2015.

Levington, near river orwell: 51°59’N 1°14’E (Suffolk) Bentveld, Zandvoort: 52°19’N 4°31’E (Noordholland) The Netherlands 226km E 0y 9m 27d

24-04-2015 174

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Selected Ringing Recoveries for Suffolk in 2015

caught by ringer

Dartford Warbler D838519


Dead (hit by car)

Sedge Warbler D218329 Z786097 D291874 D291998


caught by ringer


caught by ringer

Adult female caught by ringer

Juvenile caught by ringer

Reed Warbler X151048

Juvenile female caught by ringer

caught by ringer

V985968 V585406



2m X547126

helgoland: 54°10’N 7°55’E (helgoland) Germany orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 483km WSW 0y 1m 23d the first German-ringed Whitethroat reported in Suffolk. Singles from Norway and france have been reported historically.


Site confidential, near Sutton common: c. 52°4’N 1°23’E (Suffolk) Borstal, rochester: 51°22’N 0°29’E (Medway) 100km SW 0y 11m 9d


Loch of Leys, Banchory: 57°3’N 2°29’W (Aberdeenshire) cauldwell hall farm, hollesley: 52°3’N 1°27’E (Suffolk) 613km SSE 0y 0m 21d Wheldrake ings Nature reserve, Wheldrake, york: c. 53°52’N 0°56’W (york) near charity farm, Shotley: 51°59’N 1°14’E (Suffolk) 257km SE 0y 0m 10d culford School: c. 52°17’N 0°40’E (Suffolk) kervijen, Ploeven: 48°8’N 4°13’W (finistere) France 578km SW 0y 1m 11d Brandon fen: c. 52°26’N 0°30’E (Suffolk) Dunes de la Slack, Wimereux: 50°46’N 1°36’E (Pas-de-calais) France 200km SSE 0y 1m 2d in addition, a further 15 reports of Suffolkringed Sedge Warblers to france were received in 2015.






19-06-2015 30-07-2015

15-07-2015 17-08-2015

29-08-2008 25-05-2014


caught by ringer


Adult Male caught by ringer

25-05-2009 26-07-2009

first-year 14-09-2008 freshly dead (predated) 27-08-2015

caught by ringer

caught by ringer



caught by ringer

caught by ringer

caught by ringer

caught by ringer

first-year caught by ringer







04-09-2011 09-06-2015


the haven, thorpeness: 52°10’N 1°35’E (Suffolk) Minsmere Nature reserve: 52°14’N 1°37’E (Suffolk) 10km N 5y 8m 26d Minsmere Nature reserve: 52°14’N 1°37’E (Suffolk) 10km N 6y 11m 8d Minsmere Nature reserve: 52°14’N 1°37’E (Suffolk) 10km N 6y 11m 22d Sizewell Belts, Sizewell: 52°12’N 1°35’E (Suffolk) Minsmere Nature reserve: 52°14’N 1°37’E (Suffolk) 4km 6y 11m 13d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 1d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 11m 27d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 0km 2y 11m 17d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 0km 4y 25d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 0km 5y 9d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 0km 5y 11m 22d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 0km 6y 22d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) Seaside Dyke, Errol: 56°23’N 3°10’W (Perth and

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Suffolk Bird Report 2015 X917380

Z256541 D292208 BLB


Treecreeper BhL233


LA35751 LA84261 Lik kV68113

Blackbird LA35612

first-year female

caught by ringer


caught by ringer


caught by ringer


caught by ringer


caught by ringer


caught by ringer




caught by ringer

Juvenile caught by ringer


kinross) 569km NNW 3y 9m 5d cauldwell hall farm, hollesley: 52°3’N 1°27’E (Suffolk) Gosforth Park, Newcastle-upon-tyne: 55°1’N 1°36’W (tyne and Wear) 387km NNW 0y 9m 15d Gosforth Park, Newcastle-upon-tyne: 55°1’N 1°36’W (tyne and Wear) 387km NNW 1y 8m 24d Gosforth Park, Newcastle-upon-tyne: 55°1’N 1°36’W (tyne and Wear) 387km NNW 2y 10m 17d Gosforth Park, Newcastle-upon-tyne: 55°1’N 1°36’W (tyne and Wear) 387km NNW 3y 7m 23d Gosforth Park, Newcastle-upon-tyne: 55°1’N 1°36’W (tyne and Wear) 387km NNW 4y 9m 24d Gosforth Park, Newcastle-upon-tyne: 55°1’N 1°36’W (tyne and Wear) 387km NNW 5y 10m 14d titchfield haven, hill head, fareham: 50°48’N 1°14’W (hampshire) Brandon fen: c. 52°26’N 0°30’E (Suffolk) 219km NE 0y 8m 24d Brandon fen: c. 52°26’N 0°30’E (Suffolk) Pett Level: c. 50°54’N 0°40’E (East Sussex) 173km S 0y 0m 23d Saint Laureins: 51°15’N 3°31’E (oostVlaanderen) Belgium herringfleet: c. 52°30’N 1°38’E (Suffolk) 192km NW 0y 11m 25d the latter surprisingly represents the only foreign-ringed reed Warbler reported in Suffolk in 2015. reports of Suffolk-ringed birds to Belgium (1), Portugal (1) and france (6) were also received.



10-08-2015 02-09-2015


caught by ringer




high Lodge, near Brandon: c. 52°25’N 0°39’E (Suffolk) high Lodge, Brandon: c. 52°25’N 0°39’E (Suffolk) 0km 3y 6m 7d

Adult caught by ringer caught by ringer first-year Male caught by ringer caught by ringer first-year caught by ringer

26-06-2007 14-05-2008 29-08-2015 06-04-2008 26-07-2008 25-08-2015 09-09-2009 19-01-2015

ipswich: 52°3’N 1°10’E (Suffolk) ipswich: 52°3’N 1°10’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 10m 18d ipswich: 52°3’N 1°10’E (Suffolk) 0km 8y 2m 3d ipswich: 52°3’N 1°10’E (Suffolk) ipswich: 52°3’N 1°10’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 3m 20d ipswich: 52°3’N 1°10’E (Suffolk) 0km 7y 4m 19d Ventes ragas, Silutes: 55°19’N 21°10’E Lithuania ipswich: 52°3’N 1°10’E (Suffolk) 1,364km WSW 5y 4m 10d

full-grown female caught by ringer caught by ringer caught by ringer caught by ringer

04-02-2007 02-01-2009 16-04-2010 17-03-2012 02-12-2012

ipswich: 52°3’N 1°10’E (Suffolk) ipswich: 52°3’N 1°10’E (Suffolk) 0km 1y 10m 29d ipswich: 52°3’N 1°10’E (Suffolk) 0km 3y 2m 12d ipswich: 52°3’N 1°10’E (Suffolk) 0km 5y 1m 13d ipswich: 52°3’N 1°10’E (Suffolk) 0km 5y 9m 28d

caught by ringer



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Selected Ringing Recoveries for Suffolk in 2015


caught by ringer caught by ringer caught by ringer caught by ringer Juvenile female caught by ringer

caught by ringer


freshly dead

caught by ringer


caught by ringer

caught by ringer

first-year Male

caught by ringer

caught by ringer

LJ19345 SVS





18-09-2007 18-10-2007

caught by ringer

caught by ringer

Adult Male caught by ringer









26-02-2015 27-12-2015



first-year caught by ringer

29-03-2009 06-03-2010

caught by ringer


caught by ringer

caught by ringer

caught by ringer

caught by ringer

rhostryfan, caernarfon: 53°5’N 4°15’W (Gwynedd) 0km 0y 0m 2d rhostryfan, caernarfon: 53°5’N 4°15’W (Gwynedd) 0km 0y 11m 12d Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 398km ESE 2y 8m 25d Barrow: 52°14’N 0°34’E (Suffolk) ruyton-Xi-towns: 52°47’N 2°54’W (Shropshire) 244km WNW 0y 10m 1d Bredmar/Byn, Landsort: 58°45’N 17°52’E (Stockholm) Sweden kessingland: c. 52°24’N 1°43’E (Suffolk) 1,234km WSW 1y 2m 18d four Dutch-ringed birds were reported in the county. Suffolk-ringed birds were also reported in Norway (1), Denmark (1), Germany (1) and Netherlands (2).


caught by ringer

caught by ringer

ipswich: 52°3’N 1°10’E (Suffolk) 0km 6y 2m 27d ipswich: 52°3’N 1°10’E (Suffolk) 0km 6y 8m 9d ipswich: 52°3’N 1°10’E (Suffolk) 0km 7y 10m 5d ipswich: 52°3’N 1°10’E (Suffolk) 0km 8y 7m 9d Stowmarket: 52°10’N 0°59’E (Suffolk) Stowmarket: 52°10’N 0°59’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 2m 10d Stowmarket: 52°10’N 0°59’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 7m 28d Stowmarket: 52°10’N 0°59’E (Suffolk) 0km 8y 5m 21d kessingland, Lowestoft: 52°24’N 1°43’E (Suffolk) kessingland, Lowestoft: 52°24’N 1°43’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 1m 0d kessingland, Lowestoft: 52°24’N 1°43’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 6m 16d kessingland, Lowestoft: 52°24’N 1°43’E (Suffolk) 0km 1y 4m 16d kessingland, Lowestoft: 52°24’N 1°43’E (Suffolk) 0km 2y 4m 16d kessingland, Lowestoft: 52°24’N 1°43’E (Suffolk) 0km 2y 8m 25d kessingland: c. 52°24’N 1°43’E (Suffolk) 0km 7y 7m 21d rhostryfan, caernarfon: 53°5’N 4°15’W


Juvenile Male caught by ringer caught by ringer

LA82327 (Gwynedd)

01-05-2013 13-10-2013 09-12-2014 13-09-2015 19-08-2006 29-10-2006

iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 11m 5d iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 0km 2y 0m 18d iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 0km 2y 5m 27d iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 0km 2y 9m 30d iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 0km 3y 6m 29d iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 0km 4y 5m 9d iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 0km 5y 0m 1d





30-03-2014 177

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caught by ringer


Z339029 Dkc


Nightingale tS99944

caught by ringer




first-year Male caught by ringer

22-07-2013 26-05-2014



caught by ringer

Dead (oiled)





caught by ringer


full-grown female


caught by ringer


first-year Male caught by ringer

25-10-2008 08-11-2009

caught by ringer


Suffolk Bird Report 2015

caught by ringer

caught by ringer

caught by ringer

caught by ringer

caught by ringer

caught by ringer

Tree Sparrow








Nestling caught by ringer

13-06-2015 02-10-2015

Grey Wagtail

iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 0km 1y 0m 14d iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 0km 1y 8m 2d iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 0km 3y 2m 14d iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 0km 4y 2m 12d iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 0km 4y 5m 26d iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 0km 6y 3m 21d iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 0km 6y 11m 27d



caught by ringer

Grafham Water Nature reserve: 52°17’N 0°20’W (cambridgeshire) Maidscross Nature reserve: 52°24’N 0°31’E (Suffolk) 62km ENE 0y 1m 28d Maidscross Nature reserve: 52°24’N 0°31’E (Suffolk) 62km ENE 1y 0m 20d



the Barracks, Little Livermere: c. 52°18’N 0°43’E (Suffolk) Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 57km SE 0y 2m 2d Mildenhall fen: 52°22’N 0°26’E (Suffolk) the Barracks, Little Livermere: c. 52°18’N 0°43’E (Suffolk) 22km ESE 0y 3m 19d



first-year female





iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 0km 5y 9m 19d iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 0km 5y 9m 27d tidmoor, the fleet: 50°35’N 2°30’W (Dorset) Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 305km ENE 0y 10m 4d Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 305km ENE 1y 10m 4d cauldwell hall farm, hollesley: 52°3’N 1°27’E (Suffolk) Elgin oil Platform: 57°10’N 2°0’E (North Sea) North Sea 570km N 1y 0m 4d Blavand fuglestation, Blavand: 55°33’N 8°4’E (ribe) Denmark the haven, thorpeness: 52°10’N 1°35’E (Suffolk) 568km SW 1y 0m 18d only the sixth report of a Danish-ringed robin in the county.

Alive (ring read in field) 15-03-2015


Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) Billingford: 52°21’N 1°10’E (Norfolk) 48km NNW 0y 6m 11d Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk)

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Selected Ringing Recoveries for Suffolk in 2015


freshly dead (bird of prey) 03-10-2015


Sick (hit glass)

Pied/White Wagtail D827493

first-year Male caught by ringer

Meadow Pipit



17-03-2015 02-04-2015

kessingland: c. 52°24’N 1°43’E (Suffolk) kirkton of Logie Buchan: 57°20’N 2°1’W (Aberdeenshire) 600km NNW 0y 0m 16d Another good movement for this species and more happily, a recovery of a living bird. orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 0km 5y 26d A good age for this species. the longevity record is 7 years 7 months and 5 days. iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) la roussiere, Saint-Maixent de Beugne: 46°30’N 0°37’W (Deux-Sevres) France 648km SSW 1y 2m 4d only the 5th record to france from the county.


Juvenile caught by ringer

01-09-2010 27-09-2015


first-year Long dead

28-09-2014 02-12-2015

full-grown Male



Rock Pipit NoS


Chaffinch X010305


Alive (colour rings seen)


Adult Male caught by ringer

13-04-2008 04-10-2008

caught by ringer


first-year Male caught by ringer

23-12-2007 27-01-2008

caught by ringer


Adult Male freshly dead

07-01-2013 18-03-2015

caught by ringer


Makkevika, Giske: 62°30’N 6°1’E (More og romsdal) Norway orfordness: 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 1,188km SSW 0y 5m 0d orfordness: c. 52°5’N 1°34’E (Suffolk) 1,188km SSW 0y 5m 21d only the 5th foreign-ringed rock Pipit reported in Suffolk, but the 4th from Norway.


Alive (colour rings seen)

caught by ringer

near Stradbroke: 52°18’N 1°14’E (Suffolk) 43km N 0y 0m 20d Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) Breda: 51°34’N 4°46’E (Noord-Brabant) The Netherlands 242km E 0y 0m 10d only the second Suffolk-ringed bird reported in the Netherlands.

iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 5m 21d iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 0km 2y 0m 5d iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 0km 7y 8m 0d iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 1m 4d iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 0km 3y 0m 17d iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 0km 7y 3m 27d A few of the older recoveries received. the longevity record, however, is 13 years 11 months and 26 days. Nuthampstead: 51°59’N 0°3’E (hertfordshire) hulver Street: 52°25’N 1°37’E (Suffolk) 118km ENE 2y 2m 11d




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Suffolk Bird Report 2015


first-year Male



Adult Male



first-year female caught by ringer

05-04-2015 14-10-2015



Greenfinch th63024

caught by ringer

caught by ringer

Adult Male


caught by ringer


caught by ringer

caught by ringer

caught by ringer

V180893 y795436 Z735165



Juvenile Male

caught by ringer




caught by ringer



caught by ringer

caught by ringer

first-year female








first-year Male caught by ringer caught by ringer Second-year Male caught by ringer

27-03-2007 06-12-2014 28-11-2015 07-05-2014 11-12-2015

full-grown female

caught by ringer

caught by ringer

Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 4m 21d Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 0km 1y 4m 8d Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 0km 1y 7m 14d Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 0km 2y 0m 8d Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 0km 2y 9m 16d Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 0km 4y 4m 10d Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) 0km 6y 0m 16d the oldest Greenfinch reported in the county in 2015, still over six and half years shy of the longevity record. frampton-on-Severn: c. 51°45’N 2°21’W (Gloucestershire) West row: 52°20’N 0°27’E (Suffolk) 205km ENE 2y 3m 13d


freshly dead

first-year caught by ringer

the Barracks, Little Livermere: c. 52°18’N 0°43’E (Suffolk) Bomyra, randaberg: 59°0’N 5°34’E (rogaland) Norway 804km NNE 1y 7m 17d Brandon fen, Lakenheath fen: c. 52°26’N 0°30’E (Suffolk) utsikten 7 Andslia, Malselv: 69°3’N 18°28’E (troms) Norway 2,075km NNE 1y 6m 29d iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) revtangen, klepp: 58°45’N 5°30’E (rogaland) Norway 774km NNE 0y 6m 9d Anholt By, Ebeltoft: 56°42’N 11°31’E (Århus) Denmark iken Marsh, near iken: 52°8’N 1°33’E (Suffolk) 819km SW 0y 5m 7d All four foreign exchanges of Brambling received for the year. Note the different distances involved within Norway.

Brandon: 52°25’N 0°36’E (Suffolk) Brandon: 52°25’N 0°36’E (Suffolk) 0km 7y 8m 9d Brandon: 52°25’N 0°36’E (Suffolk)0km 8y 8m 1d invererne, forres: 57°36’N 3°37’W (Moray) Barrow: 52°14’N 0°34’E (Suffolk) 656km SSE 1y 7m 4d Girdle Ness: 57°7’N 2°3’W (Aberdeen) Barrow: 52°14’N 0°34’E (Suffolk) 571km SSE 0y 1m 20d Brewery farm, Earl Stonham: c. 52°10’N 1°5’E (Suffolk) Leswalt: 54°55’N 5°5’W (Dumfries and Galloway) 509km NW 1y 0m 30d Leswalt: 54°55’N 5°5’W (Dumfries and Galloway) 509km NW 1y 1m 16d

04-10-2015 24-11-2015





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D632965 Z300490


V032961 Z506433

D942336 Z002630


Z380643 D979422 Z380536 Z380518

Selected Ringing Recoveries for Suffolk in 2015

full-grown caught by ringer

first-year female


first-year female caught by ringer

23-02-2008 13-03-2013

Sick (hit glass)

Juvenile Male caught by ringer

caught by ringer

first-year female caught by ringer

Z495543 Z506063 Z495556


15-11-2014 17-05-2015



Alive (colour rings seen)

Brandon: 52°26’N 0°35’E (Suffolk) Bierbeek: 50°49’N 4°46’E (Brabant) Belgium 339km ESE 5y 0m 18d Morar: c. 56°57’N 5°48’W (highland) high Lodge, Brandon: c. 52°25’N 0°39’E (Suffolk) 652km SE 0y 3m 2d high Lodge, Brandon: c. 52°25’N 0°39’E (Suffolk) 652km SE 0y 3m 4d Brandon: 52°25’N 0°36’E (Suffolk) Blairgorm: c. 57°15’N 3°36’W (highland) 599km NNW 0y 6m 2d Airthrey Loch, Stirling university: 56°8’N 3°55’W (Stirling) high Lodge, Brandon: c. 52°25’N 0°39’E (Suffolk) 508km SE 1y 6m 2d included in the above is the only foreign exchange Siskin reported for Suffolk in 2015.

26-06-2015 28-09-2015


caught by ringer

humshaugh: 55°1’N 2°7’W (Northumberland) Brandon fen, Lakenheath fen: c. 52°26’N 0°30’E (Suffolk) 336km SSE 1y 6m 19d Brewery farm, Earl Stonham: c. 52°10’N 1°5’E (Suffolk) Bellestraat 16: 50°46’N 2°43’E (WestVlaanderen) Belgium 193km SE 0y 2m 24d V180893 was just three days short of the longevity record for the species. Let’s hope he’s still around.


Adult Male


Booth Wood reservoir, rishworth: 53°38’N 1°58’W (West yorkshire) Bawdsey: 52°0’N 1°25’E (Suffolk) 291km SE 0y 0m 6d Booth Wood reservoir, rishworth: 53°38’N 1°58’W (West yorkshire) near Dunwich: 52°17’N 1°38’E (Suffolk) 284km ESE 0y 4m 8d Booth Wood reservoir, rishworth: 53°38’N 1°58’W (West yorkshire) near Dunwich: 52°17’N 1°38’E (Suffolk) 284km ESE 0y 3m 22d Booth Wood reservoir, rishworth: 53°38’N 1°58’W (West yorkshire) near Dunwich: 52°17’N 1°38’E (Suffolk) 284km ESE 0y 3m 22d








Alive (colour marks seen) 24-01-2015

Alive (colour marks seen) 24-01-2015

Alive (colour marks seen) 24-01-2015

Lesser Redpoll L230950

29-04-2014 17-11-2015

first-year Male




Adult female caught by ringer

27-04-2015 23-12-2015

Alive (ring read in field) 15-06-2015

caught by ringer

first-year Male




Landguard Point, felixstowe: 51°55’N 1°18’E (Suffolk) treshnish: 56°32’N 6°18’W (Argyll and Bute) 713km NW 2y 8m 10d ordiequish forest, theifs hill, fochabers: c. 57°34’N 3°5’W (Moray) flordon road, creeting St Mary: c 52°9’N 1°3’E (Suffolk) 658km SSE 0y 10m 6 Morar: c. 56°57’N 5°48’W (highland) Brandon fen, Lakenheath fen: c. 52°26’N 0°30’E (Suffolk) 645km SE 0y 7m 26d ordiequish forest, theifs hill, fochabers: c.

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Suffolk Bird Report 2015


caught by ringer


caught by ringer




Adult Male




BLB 12900312

Adult Male caught by ringer

13-11-2012 03-12-2015

caught by ringer caught by ringer

Snow Bunting tS56734

first-year female caught by ringer

57°34’N 3°5’W (Moray) culford School: c. 52°17’N 0°40’E (Suffolk) 633km SSE 0y 11m 4d teindland forest, carraburn, near rothes: c. 57°34’N 3°11’W (Moray) Brandon fen, Lakenheath fen: c. 52°26’N 0°30’E (Suffolk) 616km SSE 1y 0m 10d copeland Bird observatory, uk: 54°41’N 5°32’W (Down) Brandon fen, Lakenheath fen: c. 52°26’N 0°30’E (Suffolk) 470km ESE 0y 2m 10d calf of Man, isle of Man, uk: 54°3’N 4°49’W (GBioM) Brandon fen, Lakenheath fen: c. 52°26’N 0°30’E (Suffolk) 397km ESE 3y 9m 5d Blerwert: 50°32’N 5°1’E (Namur) Belgium Brandon fen, Lakenheath fen: c. 52°26’N 0°30’E (Suffolk) 337km NW 3y 0m 20d the latter being the only foreign exchange for the county in 2015.





Pakefield: c. 52°26’N 1°43’E (Suffolk) Pakefield: c. 52°26’N 1°43’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 0m 24d Seaton Sands, North Gare, teesmouth: 54°39’N 1°10’W (hartlepool) 311km NW 0y 1m 4d Barns Ness, near Dunbar: 55°58’N 2°26’W (East Lothian) 477km NNW 0y 1m 5d

04-02-2015 28-02-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 08-03-2015

Alive (colour rings seen) 09-03-2015

Yellowhammer L049910


first-year Male

caught by ringer

caught by ringer

Adult Male

caught by ringer

Reed Bunting X081618

first-year Male

caught by ringer

caught by ringer

caught by ringer

D671042 D495398 Germany Z427518

caught by ringer

first-year Male caught by ringer

first-year female

caught by ringer

first-year female

Brewery farm, Earl Stonham: c. 52°10’N 1°5’E (Suffolk) Brewery farm, Earl Stonham: c. 52°10’N 1°5’E (Suffolk) 0km 5y 3m 3d Brewery farm, Earl Stonham: c. 52°10’N 1°5’E (Suffolk) 0km 5y 3m 9d Brewery farm, Earl Stonham: c. 52°10’N 1°5’E (Suffolk) Stonham Aspal: 52°11’N 1°7’E (Suffolk) 4km 2y 4m 21d





24-05-2012 09-03-2008





15-10-2014 28-03-2015





Brewery farm, Earl Stonham: c. 52°10’N 1°5’E (Suffolk) Brewery farm, Earl Stonham: c. 52°10’N 1°5’E (Suffolk) 0km 0y 0m 17d Brewery farm, Earl Stonham: c. 52°10’N 1°5’E (Suffolk) 0km 1y 10m 25d Brewery farm, Earl Stonham: c. 52°10’N 1°5’E (Suffolk) 0km 2y 11m 11d Brewery farm, Earl Stonham: c. 52°10’N 1°5’E (Suffolk) 0km 6y 11m 6d Buckton: 54°8’N 0°11’W (East riding of yorkshire) Brewery farm, Earl Stonham: c. 52°10’N 1°5’E (Suffolk) 235km SSE 0y 5m 13d oxley Marshes, hollesley: 52°2’N 1°26’E (Suffolk) helgoland: 54°10’N 7°55’E (helgoland) 494km ENE 0y 5m 23d Minsmere Nature reserve: 52°14’N 1°37’E

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Selected Ringing Recoveries for Suffolk in 2015 caught by ringer

(Suffolk) Noyant, Soulaire-Et-Bourg: 47°33’N 0°31’W (Maine-et-Loire) France 545km SSW 0y 6m 30d the first Suffolk-ringed reed Bunting to Germany and the fourth reported in france.



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Suffolk Bird Report 2015

List of Contributors

Whilst every effort has been made to make this list as comprehensive as possible, some observers names may have been inadvertently omitted. if your contribution has not been acknowledged, please accept my sincere apologies. it is doubtful that all those who only submit to Birdtrack will feature here. S Abbott, M D Abdullah, P Aldous, k Allenby, P r Allard, A E Allen, L Allen, Alton WeBS counters, N Andrews, t Atkins, r Attenborrow, c G and J Ayers, r Ayers.

S Babbs, f Bagnall, S r Baillie, c Baines, D E Balmer, t Bamber, M f M Bamford, N Banham, P Barker, A Barnett, i Barthorpe, c r Bartrum, B Baston, G Batchelor, E Bathgate, P Beeson, r and M Berry, r Biddle, BiNS, Birdline East Anglia, Birdguides, Birdtrack (thousands), S Bishop, t Blackburn, D Borderick, P Bradnum, W J Brame, r Brockman, G B Brown, J Brown, S Brown, Bto thetford, M Buckingham, B Buffery, D W Burns, A & r Burrows, t Butler, c A Buttle. A M cage, N calbrade, B calversbert, M D campbell, N cant, B r carpenter, D carr, M carr, c carter, D & M carter, N carter, M cartwright, i castle, P catchpole, M cavanagh, D cawdron, c chadwyck-healey, r chittenden (Birdline East Anglia), f c clark, f A clements, G clewley, M colman, P collins, S collins, G conway, G coppard, M L cornish, c courtney, S cox, J crapnell, D crawshaw, N crouch, c cuthbert, L cutting.

c Darby, A Damant, J Davidson, J Davies, A P Davis, M Deans, J P Dickie, P Dolton, P Douch, A Dowe, r Drew, S L Drever, r Duncan, J Durrant.

A c Easton, D Eaton, M A Eaton, E y Edwards, t Edwards, M Eke, c Elmer, P M J Espin, P Etheridge, r Etheridge, J Evans, L G r Evans, S P Evans, A Excell. r fairhead, D fairhurst, M fairley, J ferguson, M ferris, M L finlay, J flatt, P follett, forest Enterprise, L forsyth, B fountain, B fraser, S fryett, c fulcher.

k Garret, J Gibbs, S Gillings, Gipping Valley Birders, J Glazebrook, S Goddard, M Gooch, A Goodall, A Goddard, S r Goddard, M Gooch, A Gooding, P Gowen, S Graham, J h Grant, P Greasby, A Green, D J Green, P D Green, A M Gregory, c Gregory, L Gregory, A Gretton, G Grieco, S Grimwood, r D Gross, A Guildford.

P haines, i hambleton, A handford, B harrington, B and M hart, c hartwell, r harvey, G hawes, c herrington, J higgott, r higgs, M highfield, E W hitchings, P hobbs, P hobbs (2), r hoblyn, r holt, S J holloway, P J holmes, P holness, A howe, S V howell, c hullis, t J humpage. r ingleston, E Jackson, c Jacobs, c J Jakes, M James, S Jarvis, G J Jobson, r Johnson.

E keeble, c keeling, M kemp, P kennerley, J kennerley, t kerridge, A kettle, D B kightly, D king, V king, M kirkland, A knowles, J kornjaca.

P c Lack, Lackford Lakes Log, Lackford ringing Group, Landguard Bird observatory, D Langlois, o Last, Lavenham Bird club, r Leavett, J Levene, M Linsley, N Lloyd, c Lodge, A Longbon, N Loth, D Lowe, G Lowe, Lowestoft Lounge Lizards, E Lucking.

D Mcfarlane, P Maddison, J h Marchant, A Marfleet, E Marsh, M Marsh, N Marsh, r Marsh, J E Mason, N J Mason, t Mayhew, S Mayson, c Mccrave, Mickle Mere Log, A Miller, M Miller, S Minns, 184

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Minsmere rSPB, G Moates, S Moore, N J Moran, G E Morris, J Mountain, B Moyes, P W Murphy, A Musgrove.

A Nairn, P Napthine, National trust orfordness, Natural England, c Naunton, S E Newbold, P Newton, r Nice, S Nixon, r Noble, S Noble, North Warren rSPB, M Nowers.

J f o’connor, N odin, M offord, P oldfield, orfordness report, r t osborne, J owen.

M Parkard, r Parfitt, E Patrick, r Pargeter, D J Pearson, D Pearsons, P Pearson, r Peck, M f Peers, J Pell, N Percival, G Perkins, E i Peters, P Phillips, S h Piotrowski, S P Piotrowski, G Piper, r Plowman, M Pond, c Powell, k Puttick.

A rae, A rafinski, J rankin, P J ransome, S read, G reeder, J richardson, M robertson, M rosser, S E rosser, J A rowlands, rSPB Lakenheath, rSPB North Warren, r D ruffell.

i Salkeld, c Shaw, P Shaw, D Sheppard, N Sherman, N Skinner, o Slessor, B J Small, P Smith, N Spicer, r Stewart, t Stopher, B Stuckey, Suffolk Wildlife trust, W Sutherland, M Swindells.

Little Owl Peter Beeson

J A turner, M taylor, B thompson, D thurlow, M M tickler,, J trew, trimley Marshes SWt, P turner, N turvey, A tysoe. D k underwood.

k Verlander, N Vipond, r Vonk.

r Walden, L k Walduck, D f Walsh, J Walshe, S Waters, E Watson, WeBS counters, L h Weeks, West Suffolk Birders, D White, G White, c Whiting, P Whittaker, P Wiggens, B Williamson, P Wilson, r Wilton, G P Womack, D G Woodard, B Woodhouse, L G Woods, J Wright, M t Wright, r M Wright. E Zantboer, J Zantboer.


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Suffolk Bird Report 2015


this gazetteer gives locations for sites listed in the main checklist section of this issue of Suffolk Birds. the intention is to make it easier for newcomers to birdwatching, or those less familiar with the county, to be able to locate sites. Specific sites are given a six-figure reference where appropriate; larger sites are given a four-figure reference for the 1km square in which they are situated. Whilst a complete list of all sites would obviously be of most use, it would of necessity, be very long. therefore, it does not, in general, contain parish names, which are easily located by reference to a standard road map. Aldeburgh town Marshes Alde Estuary Aldringham common Aldringham Walks Alton Water Ampton Water Barham Pits Barnhamcross common Barsham Marshes Barton Mere Bawdsey Marshes Belle Vue Gardens, Lowestoft Benacre Broad Benacre Pits Bentley Berner’s heath Blundeston Marshes Blyth Estuary Botany Bay Bowbeck Boxford Boyton Marshes Brackenbury cliff, felixstowe Brent Eleigh Breydon Water Bromeswell carlton Marshes campsea Ashe castle Marshes cattawade Marshes cavenham heath cavenham Pits christchurch Park, ipswich cobbold’s Point combs Lane Water Meadows cornard Mere corton railway line corton sewage works cosford hall, hadleigh cove Bottom covehithe Broad Deben Estuary Dingle Marshes Dunwich heath Eastbridge East Lane, Bawdsey

tM450560 tM3957-4450 tM458606 tM4661 tM1436 tL8770 tM1251 tL8681 tM4090 tL910668 tM340390 tM550944 tM530828 tM535842 tM120385 tL7976 tM5095 tM4575-4776 tL675854 tL9475 tL9640 tM3946 tM322360 tL943480 tM4706-5107 tM3050 tM4991 tM3256 tM475915 tM0932 tL755725 tL763715 tM164454 tM315349 tM043581 tL887391 tM537579 tM539982 tM013446 tM4979 tM524808 tM2850-3238 tM4872 tM4768 tM452660 tM354401


Easton Broad Elveden Erwarton Bay Euston Lake/Park fagbury cliff falkenham Marshes felixstowe ferry fisher row flixton GP foxhole heath fressingfield fritton Decoy/Lake frostenden Gedgrave Marshes Gifford’s hall Gipping Great Wood Glemsford Groton Gunton Warren hardwick heath hare’s creek, Shotley haughley Park havergate island hazlewood Marshes hengrave hall hen reedbeds herringfleet Marshes herringswell hinderclay fen holbrook Bay hollesley Marshes holywells Park, ipswich homersfield Gravel Pits icklingham Plains ilketshall St Lawrence ipswich Golf course ipswich Wet Dock kedington kentwell hall, Long Melford kessingland Levels kessingland sewage works king’s fleet king’s forest, the kirton creek knettishall heath Lackford Lakes

tM518794 tL8279 tM2333 tL9079 tM270346 tM3138 tM3237 tM507927 tM3187 tL735776 tM260775 tM4800 tM4781 tM410480 tM0137 tM075625 tL8348 tL9642 tM5495 tL854625 tM244360 tM000620 tM4147 tM435573 tL824686 tM470770 tM468977 tL7169 tM025788 tM1733 tM375450 tM175435 tM287855 tL7573 tM3883 tM207433 tM169439 tL7046 tL863479 tM530850 tM533857 tM310379 tL8173 tM292417 tL952804 tL800710

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Lake Lothing Lakenheath fen Lakenheath Warren Lakenheath Washes Landguard Lavenham railway walk Layham pits Leathes ham Leiston Abbey Levington creek Levington Marina Lineage Wood, Lavenham Livermere Lake Long Melford churchyard Long Melford sewage works Loompit Lake Lound Waterworks Lowestoft harbour Market Weston fen Martlesham creek Mayday farm Mickle Mere Middleton Minsmere Minsmere Levels Mutford Needham Market Lake Ness Point North Denes, Lowestoft Northfield Wood North Warren Nowton Park Nunnery Lakes old Newton olley’s farm orfordness orwell Bridge orwell Estuary outney common, Bungay oulton Broad oxley Marshes Pakefield Beach Pakenham fen Peewit hill Pipps ford Potter’s Bridge Puttockshill ramsey Wood ramsholt Marshes redgrave and Lopham fen redgrave Lake reydon Marshes Santon Downham Sedge fen, Lakenheath Shelley Shingle Street Shotley Marshes


tM5392 tL7085 tL7580 tL7085 tM2831 tL9049 tM021402 tM530933 tM444643 tM237383 tM246380 tM890485 tL882716 tL868468 tL855459 tM255377 tG501007 tM5592 tL980787 tM2647 tL7983 tL937699 tM4267 tM4766 tM4667 tM4988 tM094548 tM555936 tM551951 tM024600 tM4658 tL866615 tL872815 tM0562 tL824815 tM4654-3743 tM175413 tM1641-2534 tM3290 tM5192 tM370435 tM5389 tL930680 tM289338 tM108538 tM509791 tL898695 tM065430 tM298423 tM046797 tM055767 tM485766 tL818878 tL6784 tM0338 tM365425 tM248350

Shottisham creek Sizewell Beach Sizewell SWt Slaughden Snape Wetland Sole Bay Sotterley Park Southwold Boating Lake Southwold town Marshes Spinny Marsh Staverton thicks Sternfield Stonham Aspal Stour Estuary Stradishall Airfield Stratton hall Stutton Mill Sudbourne Marshes Suffolk Water Park Sutton common Sutton heath tangham temple Bridge, cavenham theberton Grange thetford heath thorington Street reservoir thorpeness common thorpeness Meare tinker’s Marshes trimley Marshes trinity hall farm, Moulton tuddenham heath tuddenham St Martin ufford undley upper Abbey farm, Leiston Walberswick NNr Waldingfield airfield Waldringfield Pit Walpole Wangford Warren Westleton heath West Stow country Park Westwood Lodge Westwood Marshes Wetherden Weybread GPs Wherstead Strand Wilford Bridge Wolves Wood Wordwell Workhouse Green


tM3043 tM4763 tM460640 tM464555 tM385585 tM5177 tM460850 tM510769 tM500754 tM292428 tM3650 tM3961 tM1359 tM1032-2433 tL7452 tM254388 tM133330 tM4553 tM120485 tM3247 tM308478 tM355485 tL758728 tM438652 tL845800 tM012352 tM475604 tM4659 tM484760 tM2635 tL693651 tL7472 tM1948 tM300525 tL6981 tM453646 tM4674 tL8943 tM274438 tM3674 tL758842 tM4569 tL800713 tM465737 tM4773 tM0062 tM2481 tM173408 tM291501 tM055440 tL828720 tL9037

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Suffolk Bird Report 2015

EARLIEST AND LATEST DATES OF SUMMER MIGRANTS 2015 Garganey osprey hobby Stone-curlew Little (ringed) Plover Whimbrel

ARRIVALS Date Mar 12th Apr 5th Apr 8th Mar 12th Mar 21st Jan 7th

Wood Sandpiper Little tern Black tern Sandwich tern common tern Arctic tern turtle Dove cuckoo Nightjar Swift Wryneck Sand Martin Swallow

Apr 21st Apr 23rd Apr 5th Apr 1st Apr 13th Apr 19th Apr 7th May 11th Apr 16th Apr 14th Mar 14th Apr 1st

house Martin Wood Warbler Willow Warbler Garden Warbler Lesser Whitethroat* common Whitethroat Grasshopper Warbler Sedge Warbler reed Warbler ring ouzel Spotted flycatcher Nightingale

Mar 29th May 5th Apr 6th Apr 13th Apr 18th Apr 5th Apr 13th Apr 7th Apr 8th Apr 10th Apr 8th Apr 14th

redstart Whinchat Wheatear Pied flycatcher yellow Wagtail tree Pipit

Apr 4th Apr 23rd Mar 8th May 1st Apr 12th Apr 10th

Locality Southwold Dingle Marshes Landguard cavenham/Minsmere Gorleston Boyton/ hollesley Marshes overwintered Landguard trimley Marshes Minsmere honington Lackford chillesford Lackford the king’s forest Minsmere Benacre Lackford Lakes Minsmere/ Lackford Lakes/ Mickle Mere/ Long Melford Southwold Lowestoft Landguard Nunnery, thetford Arger fen Bawdsey fisher row Lakenheath trimley Breydon S Wall Barking Sizewell/Aldeburgh/ Pipps ford/kirton hollesley Landguard fressingfield Minsmere Benacre cavenham

DEPARTURES Date Locality Sep 20th Minsmere Nov 3rd Butley river Nov 7th Minsmere Nov 5th Westleton Nov 26th Walberswick/Minsmere oct 27th

Sep 14th oct 9th oct 29th Sep 29th oct 30th oct 1st Sep 15th Sep 11th Sep 20th oct 12th oct 15th

hollesley Marshes overwintered Sizewell Lakenheath thorpeness Minsmere Lowestoft Levington creek Minsmere Bawdsey Belton Lowestoft hollesley Marshes

Dec 16th Dec 6th Aug 22nd oct 20th oct 17th oct 17th oct 3rd Aug 19th Sep 25th oct 11th Nov 10th oct 17th

Minsmere Dunwich hollesley Southwold thorpeness Sizewell kessingland Lakenheath Burgh castle Livermere/corton Minsmere Aldeburgh

Aug 13th oct 26th Nov 25th Nov 11th oct 22nd Nov 4th Sep 27th

* Excluding wintering bird at North Warren on January 2nd and 4th 188

Landguard Landguard Southwold East Lane Landguard hollesley Gunton

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A Guide to Recording Birds in Suffolk


Introduction the foundation stone of any report is the data upon which it is based. unless we all submit our records diligently, and in a usable form, then the Suffolk Bird report will not be a comprehensive account of the birds recorded in Suffolk.

The system the recording of the county’s avifauna is the responsibility of the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society, working in close co-operation with the Suffolk ornithologists’ Group. the linchpins of the system are the recorders, who are the initial point of contact for all records. Because of the volume of records in Suffolk the county has been divided into three areas. See the inside front cover for a map and addresses. observers are reminded that Suffolk works to Watsonian vice-county boundaries, taking in areas that are now administered as Norfolk, cambridgeshire or Essex. the most significant area affected is that of Lothingland, the northern limits of which follow the river yare and include the south side of Breydon Water. We have retained these original boundaries as we feel that sensible comparison of data can only be made from year to year if the recording area is kept constant.

Submission of records All observers are requested to submit their records monthly. We also suggest that the following format be followed: (a) Location (precise place name from the ordnance Survey map plus parish if ambiguous). oS grid reference should be added if in any doubt or if reporting breeding locations. (b) Species (c) Date (d) Name and address of observer (e) Sex/age – male, female, juvenile etc. (f) Abundance – count numbers, frequency, etc. (g) type of record – dead, ringed, etc. (h) other comments considered relevant – behaviour etc. in particular see the list below for particular information required for each species. All claims of national rarities should, of course, be accompanied by a full description. the recorder will automatically forward this to the British Birds rarities committee (BBrc). if submitting a list of records for one particular site, please put all details at the top of the list and annotate with sex and/or frequency. remember, if in any doubt as to the value of any record, please send it in! A spreadsheet is available for submitting records and can be downloaded from the SoG website. this can be sent electronically to the recorders and is a much easier and quicker method for them. Whilst this is not essential, we would encourage all those who can to use this method of submitting their records.

Assessment of records All records come under the scrutiny of the Suffolk ornithological records committee (Sorc) and for rare or scarce species, verification is sought – i.e. photographs, field sketches, witnesses, sound recordings (for calling or singing birds) and (most importantly) written descriptions. the Sorc’s policy for vagrants, classified as national rarities, is clear; records should be channelled through the county recorder to be considered by the British Birds rarities committee (BBrc), whose decisions are accepted by Sorc. A full list of species that are considered by the Sorc follows. the committee may also request further details regarding any other species that, in the opinion of the committee, is out of context in terms of season, habitat or numbers. A list of records which have not been accepted for publication can be found in Appendix iii and 189

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Suffolk Bird Report 2015

includes those which have been circulated to the respective committees but were considered unacceptable due to either the identification not being fully established or, more rarely, a genuine mistake having been made. it does not include records still under consideration.

Guide to species the following list shows all the species recorded in the county and thus this is also a checklist for Suffolk. for any species not listed, a full description will be required. the list shows those species accepted into categories A, B and c, as per the British ornithologists’ union (see the introduction to the Systematic List for more details). Note that a large number of species included can also fall into categories D and E (basically as escapees); a description of such a bird may be requested but will be essential if it is believed that the bird is of wild origin. A reminder that turtle Dove, yellow Wagtail, Nightingale, Spotted flycatcher, Marsh tit and corn Bunting have all been moved from category 4 to category 3 – records of all of them would be appreciated. A reminder that Black-throated Diver and Grey Phalarope have been moved from 3 to 2, especially for those seen at sea. SoG/Sorc would also like to receive any breeding records for the following species: Kestrel, Ringed Plover, Lapwing, Common Snipe, Curlew, Redshank, Common Gull, Great Black-backed Gull, Common Swift, Sand and House Martin (colonies), Mistle Thrush, Willow Warbler and Reed Bunting. there have been a few changes of category from BBrc over the past years and they are here as a reminder:Moving from category 1 to 2 are Lesser Scaup, Penduline tit, Blyth’s reed Warbler and citrine Wagtail. Sorc, of course, will still require descriptions of these species Moving from category 2 to 1 are Aquatic Warbler, tawny Pipit, red-throated Pipit and rustic Bunting. Descriptions of these species will need to be sent to BBrc. Black-browed Albatross is added to the Suffolk list in 2015. Mute Swan tundra (Bewick’s) Swan Whooper Swan Bean Goose tundra taiga Pink-footed Goose Greater White-fronted Goose Greylag Goose Snow Goose Greater canada Goose Barnacle Goose Brent Goose Dark-bellied Pale-bellied Black Brant red-breasted Goose Egyptian Goose ruddy Shelduck * common Shelduck Mandarin Duck Eurasian Wigeon American Wigeon Gadwall Baikal teal Eurasian teal Green-winged teal Mallard Northern Pintail Garganey

4 3 3

3 2 3 3 4 1 4 3

4 3 2 1 3 1 4 4 4 2 4 1 4 2 4 4 3

Blue-winged teal Northern Shoveler red-crested Pochard common Pochard ring-necked Duck ferruginous Duck tufted Duck Greater Scaup Lesser Scaup common Eider king Eider Long-tailed Duck common Scoter Surf Scoter Velvet Scoter Bufflehead common Goldeneye Smew red-breasted Merganser Goosander ruddy Duck red-legged Partridge Grey Partridge common Quail common Pheasant Golden Pheasant red-throated Diver Black-throated Diver Great Northern Diver White-billed Diver 190

1 4 3 3 2 2 4 3 2 3 1 3 3 1 3 1 4 3 3 3 2 4 3 3 4 3 3 2 3 1

Black-browed Albatross Northern fulmar cory’s Shearwater Great Shearwater Sooty Shearwater Manx Shearwater Balearic Shearwater European Storm-petrel Leach’s Storm-petrel Northern Gannet Great cormorant European Shag Great Bittern Little Bittern Black-crowned Night-heron Squacco heron cattle Egret Little Egret Great Egret Grey heron Purple heron Black Stork White Stork Glossy ibis Eurasian Spoonbill Little Grebe Great crested Grebe red-necked Grebe Slavonian Grebe Black-necked Grebe

1 4 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 4 3 3 1 2 1 2 3 3 4 2 1 2 2 3 4 4 3 3 3

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A Guide to Recording Birds in Suffolk European honey-buzzard Black kite red kite White-tailed Eagle Eurasian Marsh harrier hen harrier Pallid harrier Montagu’s harrier Northern Goshawk Eurasian Sparrowhawk common Buzzard rough-legged Buzzard Greater Spotted Eagle osprey Lesser kestrel common kestrel red-footed falcon Merlin Eurasian hobby Eleonora’s falcon Gyr falcon Peregrine falcon Water rail Spotted crake Little crake Baillons crake* corncrake common Moorhen Allen’s Gallinule* common coot common crane Sandhill crane Little Bustard Macqueen’s Bustard Great Bustard Eurasian oystercatcher Black-winged Stilt Pied Avocet Stone-curlew cream-coloured courser* collared Pratincole oriental Pratincole Black-winged Pratincole Little ringed Plover ringed Plover killdeer kentish Plover Greater Sand Plover Eurasian Dotterel American Golden Plover Pacific Golden Plover European Golden Plover Grey Plover Sociable Lapwing Northern Lapwing Great knot red knot Sanderling Semipalmated Sandpiper Little Stint

2 2 3 2 3 3 1 2 2 3 3 2 1 3 1 4 2 3 3 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 2 4 1 4 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 2 1 2 2 1 4 4 1 4 1 4 3 1 3

temminck’s Stint White-rumped Sandpiper Baird’s Sandpiper Pectoral Sandpiper curlew Sandpiper Stilt Sandpiper Purple Sandpiper Dunlin Broad-billed Sandpiper Buff-breasted Sandpiper ruff Jack Snipe common Snipe Great Snipe Long-billed Dowitcher Eurasian Woodcock Black-tailed Godwit Bar-tailed Godwit Whimbrel Eurasian curlew terek Sandpiper common Sandpiper Spotted Sandpiper Green Sandpiper Spotted redshank Greater yellowlegs common Greenshank Lesser yellowlegs Marsh Sandpiper Wood Sandpiper common redshank ruddy turnstone Wilson’s Phalarope red-necked Phalarope Grey Phalarope Pomarine Skua Arctic Skua Long-tailed Skua Great Skua ivory Gull Sabine’s Gull kittiwake Slender-billed Gull Black-headed Gull Little Gull ross’s Gull Laughing Gull franklin’s Gull Mediterranean Gull Audouin’s Gull common Gull ring-billed Gull Lesser Black-backed Gull herring Gull yellow-legged Gull caspian Gull iceland Gull Glaucous Gull Great Black-backed Gull Sooty tern 191

3 2 1 3 3 1 3 4 1 2 3 3 4 1 1 3 4 3 4 4 1 3 1 3 3 1 3 1 1 3 4 4 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 2 4 1 4 3 1 1 1 3 1 4 2 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 1

Little tern Gull-billed tern caspian tern Whiskered tern Black tern White-winged Black tern Sandwich tern Lesser crested tern common tern roseate tern Arctic tern common Guillemot razorbill Black Guillemot Little Auk Atlantic Puffin Pallas’s Sandgrouse* feral Pigeon Stock Pigeon common Wood Pigeon Eurasian collared Dove European turtle Dove oriental turtle Dove rose-ringed Parakeet Great Spotted cuckoo common cuckoo yellow-billed cuckoo Barn owl Eurasian Scops owl* Snowy owl Little owl tawny owl Long-eared owl Short-eared owl tengmalm’s owl* European Nightjar common Swift Pallid Swift Pacific Swift Alpine Swift common kingfisher European Bee-eater European roller hoopoe Eurasian Wryneck Green Woodpecker Great Spotted Woodpecker Lesser Spotted Woodpecker red-eyed Vireo Eurasian Golden oriole isabelline Shrike red-backed Shrike Lesser Grey Shrike Great Grey Shrike Southern Grey Shrike Woodchat Shrike red-billed chough* Black-billed Magpie Eurasian Jay Spotted Nutcracker

4 1 1 1 3 2 4 1 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 1 4 4 4 4 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 4 1 1 2 3 2 1 3 3 4 4 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 4 4 1

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Eurasian Jackdaw rook carrion crow hooded crow common raven Goldcrest firecrest Eurasian Penduline tit Blue tit Great tit crested tit coal tit Willow tit Marsh tit Bearded tit Greater Short-toed Lark crested Lark Wood Lark Sky Lark horned (Shore) Lark Sand Martin Barn Swallow house Martin red-rumped Swallow cetti’s Warbler Long-tailed tit Greenish Warbler Arctic Warbler Pallas’ Leaf Warbler yellow-browed Warbler hume’s Leaf Warbler radde’s Warbler Dusky Warbler Western Bonelli’s Warbler Wood Warbler common chiffchaff Siberian chiffchaff Willow Warbler Blackcap Garden Warbler Barred Warbler Lesser Whitethroat common Whitethroat Spectacled Warbler Dartford Warbler Marmora’s Warbler Subalpine Warbler Sardinian Warbler Lanceolated Warbler common Grasshopper Warbler river Warbler

4 4 4 2 2 4 3 2 4 4 2 4 2 3 3 2 1 4 4 3 4 4 4 2 3 4 2 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 3 4 2 4 4 4 3 4 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 3 1

Suffolk Bird Report 2015

Savi’s Warbler olivaceous Warbler Booted Warbler icterine Warbler Melodious Warbler Aquatic Warbler Sedge Warbler Paddyfield Warbler Blyth’s reed Warbler Marsh Warbler Eurasian reed Warbler Great reed Warbler Bohemian Waxwing Wood Nuthatch Eurasian treecreeper Short-toed treecreeper Winter Wren common Starling rosy Starling White-throated Dipper White’s thrush ring ouzel common Blackbird fieldfare Song thrush redwing Mistle thrush Spotted flycatcher European robin thrush Nightingale common Nightingale Bluethroat Siberian Blue robin red-flanked Bluetail Black redstart common redstart Whinchat Stonechat Siberian Stonechat isabelline Wheatear Northern Wheatear Pied Wheatear Desert Wheatear White-crowned Wheatear (White-tailed Wheatear) red-breasted flycatcher collared flycatcher Pied flycatcher hedge Accentor Alpine Accentor house Sparrow Spanish Sparrow

1 1 1 2 2 1 4 1 2 2 4 1 3 3 3 1 4 4 2 2 1 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 1 3 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 1

1 2 1 3 4 1 4 1

Eurasian tree Sparrow yellow Wagtail Blue-headed Wagtail Grey-headed Wagtail Black-headed Wagtail Ashy-headed Wagtail citrine Wagtail Grey Wagtail Pied Wagtail White Wagtail richard’s Pipit Blyth’s Pipit tawny Pipit olive-backed Pipit tree Pipit Meadow Pipit red-throated Pipit rock Pipit Water Pipit chaffinch Brambling European Serin European Greenfinch European Goldfinch Eurasian Siskin common Linnet twite Lesser redpoll common (Mealy) redpoll Arctic redpoll two-barred crossbill common crossbill Parrot crossbill trumpeter finch common rosefinch Eurasian Bullfinch hawfinch Snow Bunting Lapland Longspur Lark Sparrow White-throated Sparrow Pine Bunting yellowhammer cirl Bunting ortolan Bunting rustic Bunting Little Bunting yellow-breasted Bunting reed Bunting Black-headed Bunting corn Bunting

* not recorded as wild since at least 1949 Key: 1 National rarity – detailed description required. 2 county rarity – notes detailing observation will always be required. 3 All records requested – supporting notes may be requested. 4 Specific records – records of breeding, large counts, earliest/latest dates, unusual inland records or migration/weather-related movements requested. 192

3 3 3 3 1 2 2 3 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 1 3 3 4 3 2 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 2 2 1 2 1 4 1 3

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Rare Birds in Suffolk 2015

Rare Birds in Suffolk 2015 David Walsh

Accepted BBRC records 2015 Red-breasted Goose Branta ruficollis: Landguard, September 30th (P r oldfield et al.); also seen in Essex. Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris: Minsmere rSPB, adult, July 12th (P hobbs, i Salkeld et al.). Little Bittern Ixobrychus minutus: Lakenheath fen rSPB, adult male, May 16th to June 26th (P Goffin et al.). Black Stork Ciconia nigra: Landguard, juvenile, August 28th (c J Bridge et al.); also seen in Essex. Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus: trimley Marshes, two, adult and 2cy, April 26th (D Langlois, E Lucking et al. per Suffolk recorder). Mickle Mere, Pakenham, two, pair, May 13th (S Bishop, M Wright et al.); also seen in cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire. Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva: Breydon Water, 2cy/female, June 28th to 30th (k r Dye, A Stride et al.), seen on south side on June 29th (A Easton, J and P ferguson, J Lansdell, r Wilton). Broad-billed Sandpiper Calidris falcinellus: tinker’s Marshes, Walberswick, adult, May 22nd and 23rd (c A Buttle et al. per Suffolk recorder). Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes: Breydon Water, october 29th into 2016 (P r Allard et al.), seen on south shore from Burgh castle on December 29th and 31st (S h Piotrowski, r Wilton). Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola: Lakenheath fen rSPB, adult, June 7th to 11th (D Bradnum et al.). Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola: orfordness, juvenile, August 9th (D crawshaw, M c Marsh et al.). Siberian Stonechat Saxicola maurus: orfordness, 1cy/female, S. m. maurus, october 10th (M c Marsh et al.). Pied Wheatear Oenanthe pleschanka: Landguard, adult male, November 2nd and 3rd (W J Brame, N odin, c ryde et al.).

Record not proven 1964 Citrine Wagtail Motacilla citreola: Minsmere rSPB, 1cy, october 17th to November 14th, previously accepted but now considered not proven following a review.

Record not proven 2011 Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo vulpinus: Sudbourne, June 5th to August 30th.

Records not proven 2015 Black Stork Ciconia nigra: tuddenham St Mary, June 9th. Pallid Swift Apus pallidus: Sizewell, November 7th.


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Suffolk Bird Report 2015

Alphabetical Index of Species Accounts – Common Names Alpine Swift American Golden Plover American Wigeon Arctic redpoll Arctic Skua Arctic tern Avocet Baird’s Sandpiper Balearic Shearwater Barn owl Barnacle Goose Barred Warbler Bar-tailed Godwit Bean Goose Bearded tit Bee-eater Bewick’s Swan Bittern Black-browed Albatross Black kite Black redstart Black Stork Black tern Black-throated Diver Blackbird Blackcap Black-headed Gull Black-necked Grebe Black-tailed Godwit Black-winged Stilt Bluethroat Blue tit Blue-winged teal Blyth’s reed Warbler Brambling Brent Goose Buff-breasted Sandpiper Bullfinch Buzzard canada Goose carrion crow caspian Gull cattle Egret cetti’s Warbler chaffinch chiffchaff citrine Wagtail coal tit collared Dove crossbill common crane common Gull common rosefinch common Sandpiper

– – – 147 92 102 79 – 63 106 45 126 86 42 121 109 41 64 61 71 134 68 100 60 131 125 94 71 85 79 134 120 – – 143 45 – 148 75 44 117 98 66 124 143 125 – 120 105 147 78 96 147 87

common Scoter common tern coot cormorant corn Bunting corncrake cory’s Shearwater crossbill cuckoo curlew curlew Sandpiper Dartford Warbler Desert Wheatear Dipper Dotterel Dunlin Dunnock Dusky Warbler Eider Egyptian Goose feral Pigeon ferruginous Duck fieldfare firecrest fulmar Gadwall Gannet Garden Warbler Garganey Glaucous Gull Glossy ibis Goldcrest Golden Pheasant Golden oriole Golden Plover Goldeneye Goldfinch Goosander Goshawk Grasshopper Warbler Great Black-backed Gull Great-crested Grebe Great Egret Greater yellowlegs Great Grey Shrike Great Northern Diver Great reed Warbler Great Skua Great Snipe Great-spotted Woodpecker Great tit Green Sandpiper Green-winged teal Green Woodpecker 194

56 101 78 64 149 – 62 147 106 87 83 127 – – 81 84 138 – 55 46 104 54 131 119 61 49 63 126 52 99 – 118 60 115 81 57 144 58 74 127 99 69 66 – 115 61 – 93 – 111 120 88 50 111

Greenfinch Greenish Warbler Greenshank Grey heron Grey Partridge Grey Phalarope Grey Plover Grey Wagtail Greylag Goose Gull-billed tern Guillemot hawfinch hen harrier herring Gull hobby honey Buzzard hooded crow hoopoe house Martin house Sparrow hume’s Warbler iceland Gull icterine Warbler isabelline Shrike Jack Snipe Jackdaw Jay kentish Plover kestrel kingfisher kittiwake knot Lapland Longspur Lapwing Leach’s Petrel Lesser Black-backed Gull Lesser Grey Shrike Lesser redpoll Lesser Scaup Lesser-spotted Woodpecker Lesser White-front Lesser Whitethroat Lesser yellowlegs Linnet Little Auk Little Bittern Little Bunting Little crake Little Egret Little Grebe Little Gull Little owl Little (ringed) Plover Little Stint

144 – 89 67 59 91 81 140 43 – 102 148 73 97 112 71 118 109 123 138 – 98 127 – 91 116 116 – 111 110 94 82 148 82 63 96 115 146 55 111 150 126 89 145 103 66 – – 66 69 95 106 80 82

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Little tern Long-billed Dowitcher Long-eared owl Long-tailed Duck Long-tailed Skua Long-tailed tit Magpie Mallard Mandarin Duck Manx Shearwater Marsh harrier Marsh Sandpiper Marsh tit Marsh Warbler Meadow Pipit Mealy redpoll Mediterranean Gull Melodious Warbler Merlin Mistle thrush Montagu’s harrier Moorhen Mute Swan Night heron Nightingale Nightjar Nuthatch olive-backed Pipit ortolan Bunting osprey oystercatcher Pacific Golden Plover Pallas’s Warbler Pallid harrier Pallid Swift Pectoral Sandpiper Penduline tit Peregrine Pheasant Pied flycatcher Pied Wagtail Pied Wheatear Pink-foot Pintail Pochard Pomarine Skua Puffin Purple heron Purple Sandpiper Quail radde’s Warbler raven razorbill red kite red-backed Shrike red-breasted flycatcher red-breasted Goose

100 – 107 55 93 124 115 50 47 62 72 – 121 128 142 147 95 – 112 132 74 77 40 – 133 108 129 141 149 76 79 81 124 23 – 83 120 113 60 134 140 138 42 51 53 92 104 68 83 59 – 118 103 71 115 134 46

Index of Species

red-breasted Merganser red-crested Pochard red-flanked Bluetail red-footed falcon red-legged Partridge red-necked Grebe red-necked Phalarope red-rumped Swallow redshank redstart red-throated Diver red-throated Pipit redwing reed Bunting reed Warbler richard’s Pipit ring ouzel ring-billed Gull ringed Plover ring-necked Duck robin rock Pipit roller rook roseate tern rose-ringed Parakeet rosy Starling rough-legged Buzzard ruddy Duck ruddy Shelduck ruff rustic Bunting Sabine’s Gull Sand Martin Sanderling Sandwich tern Savi’s Warbler Scaup Sedge Warbler Semipalmated Sandpiper Serin Shag Shelduck Shore Lark Short-eared owl Short-toed Lark Shoveler Siskin Skylark Slavonian Grebe Smew Snipe Snow Bunting Snow Goose Song thrush Sooty Shearwater Sparrowhawk 195

58 53 – 112 59 70 90 124 90 135 60 142 132 149 128 141 130 – 80 – 133 142 – 117 102 – – 76 – 151 85 – 94 122 82 101 127 54 128 – 144 64 47 122 107 – 53 145 122 70 58 92 148 – 131 62 75

Spoonbill Spotted crake Spotted flycatcher Spotted redshank Starling Stock Dove Stonechat Stone-curlew Storm Petrel Subalpine Warbler Surf Scoter Swallow Swift tawny owl tawny Pipit teal temminck’s Stint tree Pipit tree Sparrow treecreeper tufted Duck turnstone turtle Dove twite Water Pipit Water rail Waxwing Wheatear Whimbrel Whinchat Whiskered tern White-fronted Goose White Stork White-rumped Sandpiper White-tailed Eagle Whitethroat White Wagtail White-winged (Black) tern Whooper Swan Wigeon Willow tit Willow Warbler Woodchat Shrike Wood Lark Wood Sandpiper Wood Warbler Woodcock Woodpigeon Wren Wryneck yellowhammer yellow-browed Warbler yellow-legged Gull yellow Wagtail

68 77 133 88 130 104 136 78 – – 56 123 108 106 – 50 83 141 139 129 54 90 105 146 143 77 128 137 86 135 – 43 68 – 72 127 141 – 41 48 121 125 115 122 89 125 91 105 129 110 149 124 97 139

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Suffolk Bird Report 2015

Sufffolk Or nit n hologiists’ Group o SOG are Q The voice of Suffolk birdwatchers Q An independent birding grroup and registered charity

Foor consseerrvva vatiion

Foor enjjoy meentt

Protecting birds

Provid ding birding resources....

Q Active lobby protecting ha abitats and extending

Q Annual ally 20+ field trips – ideal for novices or

birding amenities

experts ts, young or old; practical birding skkills

Q Generates and undertakes conservation projects

Q Programme a of talks and presentations – variety

that have secured excellen nt outcomes:

of top pics (county,, national, or internation nal) with quality speakers

– Contributed to several sspecies breeding

successes (Barn Owls, Peregrine Falcon etc.) – Involved with community and education projects – Organises and hosts dawn w chorus walks – On-going participation in key surveys for the BTO, such as BBSS, the Bird Atlas, plus studies for environmental waste companies etc.

...and d media Q Strong g web presence – www.sogonline.or . Q Active Twitter feed – @suffolkbirds1 Q Annual all revie i w – Suf S ffollk Bir Bi ds d report Q Quarterly e magazine – The Harrie

Join us Q Membership of SOG is ope en to everyone. Q Download a membership application form from our website Q Or write to Matthew Dean ns, Membership p Secretaryy 49c Oak Hill,, Hollesley, Woodbridge g , Suffolk IP12 3JY J

or tel: 07912 859747

For birddss & foor birddeerrss Fo w www. SOG Registered Charity No. 87 71446


Founded in 1929 by Claude Morley (1874–1951), the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society pioneered the study and recording of the County’s flora, fauna and geology, to promote a wider interest in natural history.

Recording the natural history of Suffolk is still one of the Society’s primary objects, and members’ observations are fed to a network of specialist recorders for possible publication, and deposited in the Suffolk Biological Records Centre, jointly managed with Ipswich Museums.

Suffolk Natural History, a review of the County’s wildlife, and Suffolk Birds, the County bird report, are two high quality annual publications issued free to members. The Society also publishes a quarterly newsletter and organises an interesting programme of field excursions and winter lectures at venues throughout the County. The Suffolk Naturalists’ Society offers a joint membership with the Suffolk Ornithologists’ Group at a reduced subscription. This entitles joint members to receive literature and attend the meetings of both organisations. If you are not yet a member of the Society but would like to join, contact Mrs J. Hardingham, c/o The Museum, High Street, Ipswich IP1 3QH.

MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES: Individual Family Corporate

SNS £15 £17 £17

Joint membership SNS/SOG £30 £35

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Editorial: Nick Mason................................................................................................................. 5 Weather report: Edward Jackson .............................................................................................. 7 Review of scarce and rare birds in Suffolk in 2015: Lee Woods................................................ 9 Black-browed Albatross at Minsmere: Ian Salkeld, Peter Hobbs, Adam Rowlands................. 18 Little Bittern at Lakenheath Fen: Nick Mason, Philip Murphy................................................. 21 Juvenile ringtail harrier at Bawdsey: Steve Abbott ................................................................. 23 Rookery Survey 2015: Gi Grieco .............................................................................................. 25 Recent experiences with flagged Knot in Suffolk: Ed Keeble .................................................. 33 Observations on the Tawny Owls in Christchurch Park: Richard Stewart.............................. 36



The 2015 Suffolk Bird Report Introduction......................................................................................................................... 38 Systematic List ..................................................................................................................... 40 Appendices ........................................................................................................................ 150 Suffolk Ringing Report 2015: Simon Evans ...................................................................... 154 List of Contributors ............................................................................................................ 184 Gazetteer .......................................................................................................................... 186 Earliest and Latest Dates of Summer Migrants.................................................................. 188 A Guide to Recording Birds in Suffolk ................................................................................ 189 Rare Birds in Suffolk 2015: David Walsh ............................................................................... 193 Index of species: ..................................................................................................................... 194

Vol. 65


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