2 minute read
Note from the Editor
At our inaugural meeting in June I was pleased to accept the role of Branch Newsletter Editor. This being a first editorship, I thought I should sit down to clarify in my own mind what should be the objective of such a communication and I came up with the following:
'To support Branch aims by helping bring together members through activities and social events and to provide a medium for the exchange of information and ideas on any matters relating to wildlife conservation in Suffolk and in particular the protection of the county's butlerjlies and moths'.
I hope you agree with this statement. If you don't, or feel it should be modified in some way, please let me know and we'll get it right.
Any exchange of infonnation of this nature depends on regular input from members. Therefore, please contribute as much as you can and help make TH£ SUFFOLK AR6US a valuable part of the Branch scene. I would like to think that we can issue three magazines in a year to reach you in January, May, and September. Deadlines for printing will respectively, Xmas Eve, April Fool's Day and August Bank Holiday!
Hopefully, you will already have many ideas of your own for the Newsletter but maybe the following will help:
Memories - Good/Bad Butterfly Days/Sightings Butterflies & Moths - Questions and Answers Field Trips/Branch Events Review Favourite Spots Local Conservation Issues Favourite ID Guides/ID Tips What's About, Where and When? Photography Gardens and Gardening for Butterflies Butterfly & Moth Recording Wildflowers Other conservation topics which interest you
If you all agree withthe issue periods then the next SUFFOI.K AR6US should be with you in May. Don't leave it 'till the last minute! Remember.it's never too soon to send in information, questions and articles, so I shall look forward to receiving your first communications long before Spring arrives.
Steve Goddard
Anyone interested in helping with Branch activities. We particularly need a Membership Secretary and an Honorary Treasurer. The duties are more satisfying than onerous and training and equipment is available to whatever level suits you. Contact Andrew Phillips (below).
Russell Edwards, 19 Ipswich Road, Holbrook, Suffolk IP9 2QY (0473 328779)
Steve Goddard, 47 Colchester Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP4 3BT (0473 252598)
Diane Firmin, 11 Rowan Close, Stanway, Colchester, Essex CO3 SQJ (0206 331183)
Roger Kendrick, c/o BSc Conservation Mgt, Otley College, Otley, Suffolk (0473 785543)
Richard 'Stewart, 63 Belstead Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP2 88D (0473) 688725
Adrian Hart, Wood Cottage, High Comer, Butley, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP4 SAQ (0394 450994)
Alan Johnson, 28 Medway Road, Ipswich, Suffolk JP3 OQH (0473 715701)
Michael & Jenny Kelsey, 25 Prospect Place, Leiston, Suffolk IP16 4AL (0728 830975)
Michael Bramley, SS Hamlet Drive, Colchester, Essex _CO4 JSR (0206 862908)
Ron Bridle, Brook Hall Cottage, Grays Lane, Wissett, Halesworth, Suffolk IP19 0JT (0981 681392)
Janice Pritchard, 89 Leopold Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP4 4RN (0473 718137)
Andrew Phillips, Swallow House, Long Road West, Dedham, Essex CO7 6ES (0206 322908)
Howard Mendel, c/o Ipswich Museum, High St, Ipswich, Suffolk IPl 3QH (0473 213761)
Steve Piotrowski, 18 Cobham Rd, Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 9JD (0473 711856)