Suffolk Argus 10, Feb 1997

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The Suffolk Argus

Moth Evenings . . . . ...............

by TonyPrichard

Deaths HeadHawk-moth

.. . . . .... . ..... .


February 1997


This year the Branch Programme of Events includes several moth evenings. These are being held not only to enable you to experience moth light trapping but to visit sites where we hope to obtain records of our rarer Suffolk moths for our part of the Regional Action Plan. We will start around dusk with two to three lights running. One of these will be suspended over a ground sheet to let everyone have a clearer view of the moths that are attracted to the light. The traps will be run until sometime after midnight; finishing time will largely depend on the number of moths turning up. The weather, although affecting the number of moths which will be seen, is not as important as it is for butterflies. So please, do not be put off if the day has been dull. In fact, good cloud cover tends to produce the best moth nights by keeping up the temperature which is more important for good moth activity. The event is only likely to be cancelled if there is heavy rain. To ensure a comfortable evening, do bring along such items as glasses, sunglasses or a wide brimmed hat, a chair, torch and refreshments. The sunglasses will prevent glare from the UV lamps. If you wear glasses with plastic lenses you will probably find that they will filter out the UV light anyway. The Suffolk Moth Group also runs moth evenings every Friday night through most of the spring, summer and early autumn. Contact Arthur Watchman for derails.

May Newsletter Due to an anticipated publishing delay the next Suffolk Argus will not be issued until June.

1997 Programme of Events For those of you who attended the November Member's Evening, please accept our apologies for not being able to present our programme for 1997 as publicised. I'm afraid that there was a bit of a misunderstanding - mainly on my part I have to say! However, we are now delighted to be issuing our Programme with this issue of the Suffolk Argus. We hope you like the new presentation and moreover, that it proves to be of real interest to you and that you will enjoy attending as many events as possible.

The Suffolk Show

-28/29 May The Branch is pleased to be attending the County Show for the fourth successive year again thanks to the Suffolk Naturalists' Society with whom we shall be sharing a tent. We have made appeals for help on each previous occasion and this time is no different. This is a marvellous opportunity to promote Butterfly Conservation as well as the activities of our own Branch. If you feel you can help in any way please contact a member of the committee. See you there!

A 'weekend in the West' 31st May/lstJune As we expected this field trip aroused a lot of interest and numbers reached an optimum level well before the year end dead-line. If this event proves successful perhaps we can consider something similar for next year.


Regional Action Plan (RAP) Following on from the article in the last newsletter, 'Biodiversity & Suffolk Branch', we aim to brief our members regularly about this high profile initiative since it is to become a vital part of Branch work over the coming months. Regional Action Plans have developed from the national Action for Butterflies project which began in 1994 funded by the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF-UK) and the Country Agencies (English Nature, Scottish Natural Heritage and Countryside Council for Wales). The project aims to place the conservation work of Butterfly Conservation within a firm basis, aiding our Society at national and local level to develop priorities for action. Action plans for each of I 4 regions of Butterfly Conservation are planned as well as national Species Action Plans for 25 of the most threatened species. Our own region consists of the Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and Essex branches as well as our own. However, all the initial work which will consist primarily of a butterfly, moth and habitat audit, will be done on a county basis to be amalgamated at a later stage. Liaison with other groups such as English Nature, SWT, SNS, R.S.P.B., and many others will be vital for its success. Work on the RAP is in progress as we write so if anyone feels they would like to help please contact any committee member now.



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