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Suffolk Moth Group/List


Moth Group

by Tony Prichard


Moth List

by Tony Prichard

Jon Nicholls of the Suffolk Moth Group has just produced a pamphlet 'The Current Status of Moths in Suffolk'. The pamphlet includes a foreword by Jon about moth recording in Suffolk and then lists the current known species in Suffolk, grouped by family, with national and local distribution status. Jon has collated records from 1990 onwards from known moth recorders within the county to produce an up-to-date list. The list covers microlepidoptera and macrolepidoptera (butterflies are not included in the list), although the micros are almost certainly under-represented due to lack of recorders of this group. In case you were unaware the Suffolk Mnth Group run moth trap nights (led by Arthur Watchman) almost every Friday from May to September at various localities around the county. The evenings are quite informal and new people interested in turning up are most welcome: If you are interested in attending either contact myself on 0 1473 270047 or Arthur Watchman on 01449 7 40728 to find out details of the events list.

The current list can be viewed as a starting point and is not meant to be a definitive list of species that occur in Suffolk. It is expected that the list will continue to grow significantly in the years to come. The pamphlet will be of most interest to moth recorders in helping them determine the status of a particular moth species in Suffolk. If you do identify a species not included in the list then it is important that the identification is confirmed with the county moth recorder - Arthur Watchman. The species will then be added to the existing list. The pamphlet can be obtained from Jon Nicholls at most Suffolk Moth Group nights for the price of £1 or alternatively by writing to Jon at 18 Berners Road, Felixstowe, IP! 1 7LF, enclosing £1 and a stamped addressed envelope.

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