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Notes from the Editor
Notes frotn the Editor
by Richard Stewart
First, an update on the leaflet inserted in the last edition. The campaign to plant Buckthorns in and around Ipswich has increased in momentum: launched at the November meeting of the Ipswich Organic Gardeners Group, then a successful planting of the shrub at Ipswich allotments, which was subsequently publicised in the Evening Star and on Anglia TV. I have written articles about it for the SNS 'White Admiral' (already published and the national 'Organic Gardening' magazine hopefully for March 1999). Julian Dowding can be contacted about everything on O 1473414092 and there is now a much fuller leaflet available, some having been printed on Brimstone yellow paper. Already over 300 plants have been ordered-I have one planted in my garden-and the importance of this initiative is best explained by 1998 figures. The Brimstone was reported from 93 tetrads, only 26 of which were in East Suffolk.
This edition contains a new programme of events. Please look at it carefully and 'book' dates in your diary for any you can attend. Admittedly the weather could have been better in 1998 but it is dispiriting to arrange a meeting at a farm which is probably one of the best run for wildlife in Suffolk (Bower House Farm at Polstead) and only six turn up. Equally, the November quiz was a great success but only attracted an audience of 13. It wasn't a bad night and there was adequate parking in front of the building, off road. If you've never seen a White Admiral, Silverstudded Blue or Purple Hairstreak, then come along to those meetings where they can be guaranteed, assuming the weather is good. We shall again be at the Suffolk Show and also at Notcutts in Woodbridge over a July weekend: more details in the programme.
New President
The fact that Sir David Attenborough has agreed to take on this role is a measure of Butterfly Conservation's national standing. He also hopes to be as involved as the late Gordon Beningfield. I was at the Hampshire Members Day in November when it was announced that he would be present at one of their 1999 events.
Articles for the Suffolk Argus
If any members have articles for future editions of the Suffolk Argus could they please send them to Paul Gilson at 18, Cheltenham Avenue, Ipswich IP1 4LN. Myself and Richard Stewart will be overseeing the production of the newsletter until a new Editor is found.
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting will rake place at the Butterfly Hotel, A 14 Bury East exit, Moreton Hall, Bury St Edmunds at 7.00 pm on 20th March 1999.
This year's AGM will include a talk by
Mike Hall on Garden Insects - 'Friends or
Foes'. Mike Hall is one of the leading moth recorders in Suffolk and writes a yearly report for the Suffolk Naturalists' Society Transactions. He also organised the 1980's Norfolk Butterfly Survey.
The programme is:7 .00 pm Doors open. 7.15 pm Annual General Meeting.
1. Apologies. 2. Chairmans opening address and report. 3. Reports from: i) Treasurer. ii) Conservation Officer and County Recorder (Butterflies). iii) Conservation Officer (Moths). iv) Newsletter Editor. v) Membership Secretary. vi) Programme Secretary. vii) Publicity Officer. 4. Election of Committee. 5. Any Other Business (only items handed to the Chairman in writing prior to the start of the meeting will be accepted). 8.00 p.m. (approx) Mike Hall - Garden
Insects, 'Friends and Foes'.
9.00 p.m. (approx) Refreshments (a small charge will be made). During and after refreshments there will be the opportunity for general discussion and questions to the committee on current and future activities or anything else of interest to you.
Note: Committee nominations will be taken on the day or in advance to the Chaiman, all we need is a nominator, a seconder and the willingness of the member to stand. Please try to attend to tell us if you think we are doing a good job or how you would like to see the job done. This is the time and the place to set next years agenda.
Publicty Officer 'Vacancy'
Steven Goss has recently stepped down as Publicity Officer on the Suffolk Branch committee.
This now leaves a vacancy to be filled. If anyone feels that they could step into this post please contact James Mann, Chairman, who will be pleased to give you the necessary information about the post. Steven, although no longer Publicity Officer will be remaining on the committee as a member.