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1999 Annual General Meeting/Accounts
The 1999 AGM at the Butterfly Hotel, Bury St. Edmunds, started with a full account of recent activities by Chairman James Mann. Each Branch officer then gave a separate report and these included the presentation and acceptance of the annual financial statement. Our guest speaker for the evening was Mike Hall who gave us a wonderful slide show presentation and talk on garden insects. He talked at length about their life cycles and how they interacted with each other in the garden environment. He
Balance Sheet as at 31/03/99
Assets Total
Bank and Cash Accounts
918.30 Petty Cash 10.35 Total Bank & Cash Accounts 928.65
Other Assets
Accounts Receivable 0.00 Plant and Equipment 364.99 Stock for Resale 119.50 Total Other Assets 484.49
Total Assets 1,413.14
Liabilities Total
Other Liabilities
Total Liabilities 60.60
Net Worth 1.352.54
stressed the need for a balance in the garden between what we would call 'fiends' or 'foes' and how this can be easily upset by the use of insecticides, pesticides, sprays etc. The meeting concluded with refreshments and a chance not just to talk but also take copies of several new posters and leaflets available.
Once again we are extremely grateful to our hosts, the Butterfly Hotel, for providing the room, and there was an increase in attendance this year, nineteen in fact, six being committee members. Please don't be put off by the word AGM, which invariably acts as a 'turn off to many who might possible come? Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions to improve future attendance.
Income & Expenses Report 01/04/98 to 31/03/99
Category Total
General Donations 149.85 Grants 164.50 Membership Subs 779.00 Sales Revenue, Zero VAT 13.89 Income - Unassigned 0.00
Total Income 1,107.24 Expenses
Conference Exps 50.00 Exhibition Costs 50.00 Members Night 47.50 Newsletters 489.15 Office Expenses, Zero VAT 22.75 Photocopy 2.05 Purchases,Std Rate 77.87 Repairs & Renewals 31.39 Room Hire std VAT 69.00 Subscriptions 12.50 Sundry 58.75 Expense - Unassigned 6.00 Total Expenses 916.96