The Suffolk Argus
Grayling by Douglas Hammersley
My Net
Reaction by Wilfred George. In 1930s, butter-muslin was too thick - so left me puzzlin'. Mosquito-net, in 1940s dari.fied our bug-hunt sorties. I'd found the common butterflies and so it was no great surprise that hover-flies became my quest and my over-riding interest. For these I use a smaller net which folds up, so that I can get it in my pocket, out of view, where it does not upset those who might think I'm netting butterflies exterminating some rareprize. Yet, if I say I'm catching flies, then no-one minds how hard one tries. But what's the difference? Why applaud a hunter of a different Order?
And then that golden flash goespast swooping round - and much too fast. Reminiscent of a bomber W'lisit Painted Lady? - or a Comma? Identity mistakes get made when specimens are worn and frayed. Richard and I displayed this failing took Painted Lady for a Grayling. So even with my half-sized net it's worth a try, in hopes we get one more speciesfor the list which (if netless) we'd have missed.
Grayling records 2000 to 2004 inclusive.
men searching fescue for Lunar Yellow Underwing larvae at night do find Grayling larvae at sites like Rendlesham Forest. Late in June they pupate in a silk-lined cavity at ground level, awaiting emergence some hot day in July. So, if you want to see Graylings, make a note in your 2006 diary now. In the west, visit Cavenham Heath NNR, the King's Forest, Lakenheath Warren (the public bits) or even Ramparts Field. Towards the coast, there is a wider range of opportunities around Minsmere, Dunwich and Sutton Hoo, to name but a few. Go on a fine day in July or August, and look out for patches of heather. Remember that Meadow Browns will be on the wing, and watch them first, noting their size and the appearance of their underwings when settled on the ground. When something larger flies by more strongly, watch it carefully - it could be Hipparchiasemele. And if it is, then be sure to note the date and precise location. The County Butterfly Recorder is waiting for your records! ( ).
Note the polarisationtowardsthe sandy areasof the Brecksand the Sandlings. Found in a total of I 08 tetradsover thefive yearperiod.
Written Autumn 2005
Key: • 1 sighting • 2-9 max seen • 10+ max seen
Then the restlessClouded Yellow never stops - athletic follow. W'lisit he/ice?- Berger's?- Pale? Could befemale - could be male. These three species make my case to be readyfor the chase. And Richard is, at heart, we know it just one more, bug-hunting poet.
Now if I see a butteifly, I'm still excited - and try to note its species, and its sex, which may require (in practice) nets. Some types, like Graylings, closetheir wings at rest, which means the bloomin' things all look the same until they flutter {which must make other Graylings mutter.)