2 minute read


by Jim Mann

Our second AGM was held on 25th March, at the Guardian Sports & Social Club, Ipswich who generously sponsored the event. We did not quite match the attendance of last year but all those present

were keen to participate. Perhaps a spring

Saturday afternoon is not the right time for


Andrew Phillips opened the meeting and introduced the members of the committee as they made their reports.

Our Membership Secretary, Paul Gilson, was able to report a current membership of 139 and of his work to recruit more. Graham Bull, our Treasurer, reported that we were £539.36 in the black! Our Newsletter Editor, Steve Goddard, was unable to attend due to illness and his report was read by Jim Mann. The new format is very acceptable and the high standard will be maintained provided that the current input of articles from members continues but there will always be room for new contributors. Roger Kendrick, Conservation Officer (Moths), was unable to attend as he was away 1epresenting the Branch at the Branches Committee Meeting. His report was read by Richard Stewart, Conservation Officer and County Recorder (Butterflies). Both reports were comprehensive and much of what they have to say on lepidoptera conservation is regularly reported in Suffolk Argus.

The Chairman's report referred to other committee workers, particularly Janice

Pritchard who does an excellent job both as

Secretary and in fond raising at Branch events. Of Alan Johnson, who is responsible for looking afrer Field Trips, a current programme of 14 trips for 1995 speaks for itsel£ Jim Mann chaired the election of the committee and he gave thanks to Andrew

Phillips for the dedication he has shown as

Chairman, in setting up the Branch and in helping to build the present committee.

Andrew has shown a desire to step down from Chairmanship and to take a less active role on the committee. , Jim then explained the constitution in , that the committee is elected at the AGM with the encumbents of the specific posts being confirmed at the next committee meeting.* Immediately following the formal proceedings it had been intended that Neil

Ravenscroft would talk to us about the

Silver-scudded Blue but unfortunately he was stranded in foreign parts. His place was more than ably filled, at very short notice, by Richard Stewart on the subject of Garden

Butterflies, a topic on which he talks regularly throughout the year to various groups. An excellent illustrated presentation also suggested how we might attract them to our gardens. This naturally led onto the recording ofbuttedlies particularly having in mind the millennium project. We ended the day with refreshments, a prize draw and a general informal chat which proved to be very successful. We look forward to many more productive butterfly years in Suffolk.

• The meeting confirming committee appointments took place on 7th, April.

See back cover of Newsletter for current appointments.

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