Autumn 2011 preliminary work on a new Brimstones and Buckthorn project has been done. Matt Berry reported both these projects in separate briefings.
autumn appearance, along with a few Clouded Yellows. The fine weather of the Indian summer, which brought record high temperatures in the last weeks of September and early days of October seemed like a missed opportunity for butterflies, as very few took advantage of the late sunshine.
On the administrative side, letters were sent to Suffolk County Council concerning the plans to dispose of their country parks (several of which contain BAP butterfly and moth species), and to Ipswich Borough Council objecting to a planning proposal concerning the Ransomes County Wildlife Site (where there is a colony of Silverstudded Blue).
Transect walks confirmed generally low indices, with 2011 equating to 2006 as the worst equal season of the past decade. Major habitat restoration work at Purdis Heath was executed as planned, and
White Admiral by Beryl Johnson
Christmas is coming ...... Gift Membership sent direct to the recipient with a personalised message or to the purchaser to give as a gift on Christmas Day.
Half price gift membership for Christmas will be available on the BC website from Monday 14th November. Gift membership has been promoted in Butterfly magazine and for the first time BC is planning to email current members sending them a direct link to the join page on the website.
To purchase gift membership please visit the BC website or contact Catherine Levett by email or telephone 01929 406015.
Half price gift membership is great value at only £14 for single membership. Joint, Family and Young Person Membership are available also. The welcome pack can be
Orders for Christmas must be received by Friday 9th December and for new members only.