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Newsletter Details & General Information
Newsletter Details
. If. you feel that you have any talents as anartist, please send your work to me and it will be included and acknowledged at the very first opportunity. • Photographs will also be very welcome.
Copy Dates
Contributions for our newsletter should reach the Editor (address on back page) no later than:
January May September
Christmas Eve April Fools Day August Bank Holiday
Any piece of writing that is considered to he of interest will be published together with line drawings/prints/photographs.
The Suffolk Argus is your magazine; so please let us hear from you.
Butterfly Line
0891 884505
Regular Updates & Latest News
All profits are used for the conservation of bunerflies and their habitats.
Calls charged at 49p per min. peak and 39p per min. at other times
Suffolk Branch Organiser Steve Goddard, 47 Colchester Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP4 3BT (01473 252598)
Branch Contacts
Membership Secretary
Paul Gilson, 18 Cheltenham Avenue, Ipswich, Suffolk IP4 4LN (01473 253276)
Newsletter Editor
Steve Goddard, 47 Colchester Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP4 3BT (01473 252598)
Volunteers Needed
If you feel you could run a small sales operation or just help out now and then with the growing work of the Branch, please contact Steve ,
Goddard on 01473 252598.
Published by the Suffolk Branch of Butterfly Conservation (The British Butterfly Conservation Society Ltd.)
R,g, No. 2206468 R<g-Charity No. 254937 Head Office P,0, Box 222, Dedham, Essex CO? 6EY, TcL (01206) 322342 Edit<d by Steve Goddard Prillt<d by Gr,g H,r/,m & Sanr, Logo (Silver-muldcd Blue) Doug Hammml,y Designed and produced by St,phm Ion, Car & Mouse Design (01473 729423 ali:cr 7pm) © 1995 all rights r<scrvcd
Programme Secretary
AlanJohmon, 28 Medway Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP3 0QH (01473 715701)
Conservation Officer &: County Recorder
Richard Stewart, 63 Belstead Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP2 8BD (01473 688725)
Conservation Officer (Moths)
Roger Kendrick, do BSc Conservation Mgt, Otley College, Otley, Suffolk (01473 785543)
County Recorder (Moths)
Arthur Watchman, Onchan, Back Lane, Monks Eleigh, Suffolk IP? ?BA
Janice Pritchard, 89 Leopold Road, Ipswich Suffolk IP4 4RN (01473 718137)
Graham Bull, Oakbank, Ardleigh Road, Dedham, Essex CO? 6EG (01206 323530)
Committee Members
Michael & Jenny Kelsey, 25 Prospect Place, Leiston, Suffolk IP16 4AL (01728 830975)
Strom Goss, Y axley Manor House, Y axley, Eye, Suffolk IP23 8DG (01379 783386)
James Mann, The Old School, The Street, Darsham, Saxmundham, Suffolk, IP17 3QA (01728 668532)
Howard MmdeL do Ipswich Museum, High St., Ipswich, Suffolk IPl 3QH (01473 213761)