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The 'late'Paimed Lady
The 'Late' Painted Lady
by Jean Garrod
My husband Ken and I had heard that a Painted Lady (Cynthia cardui) had been seen at Landguard on 2nd, November last year and although we visited the site we did not see it as we were proccupied by six Little Auks and one or two Woodcock which were present. However, we returned the next day and on searching the 'Butts' area we came across a superb male Black Redstart which appeared to be chasing a pale lea£ On focusing our telescope on the bird to our joy the leaf was in fact a very worn Painted Lady. We both admired the bird and butterfly but then to our horror, the bird caught the insect and as we watched the entire creature was eaten, wings and all! We felt so sad to think that this butterfly had perhaps made it to the coast only to be devoured - it was a lovely bird though!
A fascinating observation. This woul.d appear to be the latest Painted Lady of the year unless you know different! Ed.