The Suffolk Argus
Sunday July 30th 2017. Open garden at Prior’s Oak, Aldeburgh, at the kind invitation of BC member Trudie Willis. Richard Stewart For once other wildlife ‘stole the show’, at least momentarily. A red kite flew over, the increasingly rare turtle dove was recorded and by the end of the day three separate webs of the wasp spider had been discovered, a new species for the garden. As usual bees, moths and abundant refreshments added to the experience and the nesting swallows still managed to feed their young despite the close presence of a parked four by four. Other birds heard or seen included green woodpecker and goldfinches. I found Purple Hairstreaks in two separate oaks but the ‘star of the day’ was the Red Admiral, at least fifty, some probably flown in from
the continent. Other butterflies recorded were: Small Skipper, Brimstone, Large and Small White, Common Blue, Small Copper (one var. caeruleopunctata with blue spots at the bottom edge of the hindwings), Painted Lady, Comma, Peacock, Small Tortoiseshell, Speckled Wood, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Small Heath and Grayling. As usual there was no entry fee but a request for donations and the final total was an incredible £706-12, all of which went to our branch funds. Thank you once again Trudie for your generosity, organisation and continued presence all day.
Red Admiral by Beryl Johnson