Autumn 2020
Suffolk County Butterfly Recorder The post of County Butterfly Recorder will become available at the end of 2020 when the present Recorder, Bill Stone, retires from the role. The post is a Suffolk Naturalists’ Society position, and anyone wishing to receive further details of the role should contact: Martin Sanford, Chair, Suffolk Naturalists’ Society Or Peter Maddison, Chair, Suffolk Branch of Butterfly Conservation 01473 736607 The Recorder’s role is to encourage accurate recording of butterflies in Suffolk, to verify and keep county butterfly records and to produce an annual butterfly report for publication in the Suffolk Naturalists’ Society Transactions and the Suffolk Branch of BC Suffolk Argus.
Thank you, Jillian.......... Welcome Liz. Jillian Macready has been our Membership Sec for the last couple of years and we thank her for all the work she has done for us during that time. We are delighted that Liz Cutting, already known to many of us for her interest in natural history and photography, has taken over the role and we welcome her to the Committee. Peter Maddison
Suffolk Branch A.G.M & Members Event The postponed 2020 AGM has been re-arranged for Saturday 20th March 2021 at Stowupland Village Hall. Grid Ref: TM 070600, Post Code: IP14 4BG Time: 2.30 pm. Guest speaker - Martin Warren, Head of Development at Butterfly Conservation Europe and previously Chief Executive of Butterfly Conservation. The AGM will be followed by the guest speaker, members’ slides, light refreshments and the annual photo competition. Further details will be announced in The Suffolk Argus and on the Branch website. The most recent Covid-19 restrictions on meetings make this event, in its intended form, unlikely. If further alterations to the programme must be made, they will be announced on the website and in the Spring edition of the Suffolk Argus. 3