HĂźbn.) together with several of the Double-lobed Moth (Apamea ophiogramma Esp.), while on August 10 I found a freshly emerged melanic Willow Beauty (Cleora rhomboidaria Schiff.), sitting on a wall near the Museum in Ipswich. With the warmer nights in September came a veritable influx of moths to light. These were mainly the commoner noctuids, especially the Setaceous Hebrew Character (Amathes c-nigrum Linn.), but it also included most of the autumn moths and in particular two of the White Point Wainscot (Leucania albipuncta Fabr.) which turns up most years. In contrast to the autumn of 1955 larvae of the Sycamore Moth (Apatele aceris Linn.) seem to be very scarce this year. I have found none myself and have only heard of one larva taken by a small boy. Of ten kept last year all pupated, but only three emerged. It would appear that a great number of the larvae are parasitised and destroyed by ichneumons. H. E.
Clostera anachoreta Fabr. A N O T E ON I T S H I S T O R Y I N T H E B R I T I S H ISLES T h e capture this last August of a specimen of the Scarce Chocolate Tip (Clostera anachoreta Fabr.) at Waldringfield has prompted me to say something about its past history in this country, since it has had a Very chequered career. Though mention is made of its occurrence in the older literature of the early 19th Century, its authentic starting point seems to have been in 1859 when it was noted almost simultaneously in the Folkestone area by a Mr. Cooper and Dr. Knaggs. Eleven larvae were found by the latter collector all together on poplar, since this species, unlike its near relatives, feeds gregariously. From these imagines were bred and further generations were obtained. A few more larvae were found annually until 1863 when the species virtually disappeared. Very little was heard of the insect for another 30 years. In the pages of the Entomologist of 1893, there was quite a controversy between the Rev. Joseph Greene and Dr. Knaggs as to whether the species had been artificially introduced or was of natural occurrence, the evidence resting on the latter theory. According to R. F. Bretherton in " Our Lost Butterflies and M o t h s " (Ent. Gazette, 1951, 2. 231) the insect reappeared that very year with the finding of larvae on sallow near Hastings.
From these further generations were bred. DĂźring the early part of the present Century the species reappeared in Kent, near Deal where the last larvae were obtained in 1912. A batch of ova was also found near Boumemouth in 1909, while the nearest the species has been taken to Suffolk was two insects reared from wild larvae taken at Dovercourt by Commander Mathew in 1907. A female was also caught at light at Clacton-on-Sea in August, 1908. Since 1912 there is an interval of nearly 40 years since anything reliable has been heard of the Scarce Chocolate Tip. On August 8, 1951 a male was secured at mercury-vapour light by Mr. G. Youden at Dover, then on August 9, 1953 another was obtained in a similar manner at Lydd, Kent, by Major General G. Johnson. So that this capture at Waldringfield is only the third for recent years. Let us hope this species may re-establish itself in this country. [See p. 44.] C.
CAPTURES NEAR SOUTHWOLD DĂœRING 1956 I have thought it might be of interest to submit the following list of the more outstanding captures during the present season. Except where mentioned all the species enumerated have been taken in the mercury-vapour moth-trap run nightly in the garden here. T h e Death's Head Hawk-moth (Acherontia atropos Linn.). Two taken during the thick fog on Sept. 1, while another was brought to me the next day, also taken on the previous night. A fourth specimen was obtained on the sea-front at Southwold in mid-September. T h e Poplar Hawk (Laothoe populi Linn.) and the Eyed Hawk (Smerinthus ocellata Linn.). Both common over the whole period. T h e Pine Hawk (Hyloicus pinastri Linn.). Three only seen. T h e Convolvulus Hawk (Herse convolvuli Linn.). One at rest in mid-Sept. T h e Privet Hawk (Sphinx ligustri Linn.). Very plentiful. A dozen some evenings. T h e Elephant Hawk (Deilephila elpenor Linn.). About half a dozen seen. T h e Small Elephant Hawk {Deilephila porcellus Linn.). More plentiful than usual. T h e Lime Hawk (Mimas tiliae Linn.). Distinctly rare here. Only two seen.