PREVALENCE IN EAST SUFFOLK O F Simyra albovenosa Goeze and of Triphaena orbona Hufn. It is of special interest to learn of the comparative abundance in the middle of August, 1957, of the Powdered Wainscot (Simyra albovenosa Goeze) in some of the marshland in East Suffolk. This insect is seldom common even in the Eastern Counties, its main head-quarters in the British Isles, though it has more recently been found to occur in restricted marshy areas of Kent, Sussex and Hampshire. Even of greater interest is the appearance in fair numbers of the Lunar Yellow Underwing (Triphaena orbona Huf.=subsequa Hübn.) This species has been exceptionally rare in recent years in the South. The only area where it still remained reasonably numerous was in the Scottish Highlands, chiefly on the sandhills around Forres. It is encouraging to know of this new region where it appears to be well established. C.
Apart from one S. ravida at light on 7.ix.57 and two atalanta on buddleia, 8.ix.57,—one with and one without the white dot, at Stowmarket, my collecting has not been in Suffolk this year. I thought, however, that the following list of lepidoptera collected at Dulwich in South-East London might interest Suffolk lepidopterists—and warn them against cities ! T h e numbers are those of the 1937 S.N.S. Moth Memoir, and all specimens were caught at the house here. 19 lubricipeda, 20 lutea, 24 caja, 28 cucullatella, 36 tridens, 38 megacephala, 44 perla, 57 testacea, 60 tragopoginis, 64 trapezina, 67 micacea, 77 minima, 78 clavipalpis, 80 morpheus, 81 alsines, 84 matura, 85 maura, 86 meticulosa, 87 lucipara, 92 lithoxylea, 93 monoglypha, 104 secalis, 111 furuncula, 112 strigilis, 117 ipsilon, 125 exclamationis, 126 nigricans, 129 puta, 133 plecta, 135 putris, 137 c-nigrum, 138 xanthographa, 146 triangulum, 148 typica, 149 comes, 151 pronuba, 153 janthina, 162 lunosa, 174 litura, 204 impura, 205 pallens, 207 lithargyria, 208 conigera, 234 H. trifolii, 241 oleracea, 245 brassicae, 246 persicariae, 249 tarsipennalis, 259 proboscidalis, 278 moneta, 279 chrysitis, 284 gamma, 289 antiqua, 300 seriata, 302 fuscovenosa, 324amata, 325 aestivaria, 337 rectangulata, 344 absinthiata, 349 centaureata, 353 linariata, 354 succenturiata, 366 abbreviata,