COUNTY FLORA RECORDINGS T H A N K S to a great deal of diligent work in the past three years a good picture of the distribution of plants throughout the whole County is emerging, but there still remain areas where too little has been done, owing to our having no botanists resident in them. This is along the Norfolk boundary from Euston to Eye and from Livermere to Walsham-de-Willows. Any records from botanists visiting these parts will be welcome.
When Lady Rowley lent me a copy of Hind's Flora which had once belonged to the late Miss Edith Rawling, an early member of this society, I Struck a small gold-mine. She, with the help in identification of Ronald Burn, our first " Flowers Recorder "— later to be dignified as " Phanerogams Recorder "—and of other botanist members, seems to have been working diligently towards a revision of that work. Additional localities are given for a great many plants and the notes ' still there ' to others and some additional species are given for which she had the authority of W. H. Pearsall, Main Professor of ÜQtany at University College, London. It is sad to see that she did not carry this further than 1939, but she and other botanists now dead would no doubt have been pleased to know that their work would not be wasted. I give a list of some species she recorded in 1933 to 1935 of which we have no later records. I add her localities for them in the hope that people will look for them and report if they are still there or not. Bunias orientalis.
(Hadleigh, Bushy Green).
Reseda suffruticulosa — R. alba.
Dianthus prolifera. (Felixstowe Dock, 1935. County Record.) (Our only other record of this was by H. J. Boreham at Bury in 1957.) Vicia bithynica.
(Kessingland, 1934, E. R. Long.)
Pyrus torminalis = Sorbus torminalis.
Lythrum hyssopifolia.
(near Cläre, Benrose.)
Sedum dasyphyllum.
Sedum rupestre = S. forsterianum. CEnanthe silaifolia. (Enanthe crocata.
(Hadleigh, per E. A. Ellis).
(Butley.) (Pin Mill, 1936, verified by W. H. Pearsall.)
Chaerophyllum sativum Street, Hadleigh.) Valerianella carinata.
(Cattawade, 1934, Polstead, 1933.)
Inula helenium (Hemingstone, 1934, Barham, 1934.) (This confirms what Miss E. S. Rowling told me some 7 or 8 years ago, though we did not see it then.) Hieracium boreale = plenty.) Hieracium aurantiacum. or garden.)
H. perpropinquum.
(Boxted, hedge bank far from houses
Limnanthemum nymphaeoides = Nymphoides peltatum. (per Miss M. Sharp, 1933. W.H.P. says not native but I see C.T.W, says it is native.) Veronica praecox.
(Barton Mills and Brandon, 1939.)
Chenopodium glaucum. Chenopodium hybridum. Euphorbia esula.
(Chelmondiston, 1935 County Record.) (Layham, 1934.)
(Seven Arches, Ipswich, Nacton Shrubbery.)
Luzula sylvatica.
(Woolpit Wood, 1934.)
Eleocharis acicularis.
(Carlton Colville, E.R.L.)
Scirpus savii = Isolepis cernua. Carex strigosa.
(Lowestoft, 1934, E. R. Long.)
(Arger Fen.)
Carex ericetorum.
Calamagrostis lanceolata = C. canescens.
(Raydon Wood.)
Corynephorus canescens. (Yarmouth, E.R.L.) (We have one recent record.) Catabrosa aquatica. (Barton Mills, 1939.) (We have recent record.) Cynosurus echinatus.
(Felixstowe, 1933-35, well established.)
Bromus madritensis = Anisantha madritensis.
(Felixstowe, 1936.)
Lastrea cristata = Dryopteris cristata. (Purdis Farm.) (Still there, A. Beaufoy.) J.