September 21st. The Deep-brown Dart (Aporopliyla lutulenta, Borkh.), was the first seen in Waldringfield for five years; another specimen was taken on the 23 rd. The Pink-barred Sallow (Citria lutea, Stroem.)*, also appeared on this date. A visit to Walberswick marshes was made on July 18th with Mr. H. E. Chipperfield and Mr. R. V. Ellis of Wenhaston. The weather was not ideal with a f端ll moon and cold wind, but the Sussex Wainscot (Nonagria neurica, H端bn.), came to light in some numbers together with one example of the Rosy Wave (Scopula emutaria, H端bn.). The outstanding insect of the evening was without doubt the Kent Black Arches (Nola albula, H端bn.), which nearly extinguished itself in the Tilley lamp. Mr. Chipperfield's father took this moth for the first time in Suffolk some years ago near the same spot, the Pale Water Veneer (Schoenobius forficellus, Thunb.), and the Scarce Water Veneer (Donacaula mucronellus, Schiff.), were present in some numbers. Two extreme forms of the Dot Moth (Melanchra persicariae, Linn.), came to light. The first had a distinct comma-shaped dot and the other no dot mark at all. The exceptionally fine weather this year and the favourable east winds seem to have failed to bring with them any considerable number of migrants, though the Swordgrass (Agrotis ipsilon, Rott.), and the Rush Pearl (Nomophila noctuella, Schiff.), appeared very plentifully, but in worn condition, indicating a likely influx from the Continent. Of the migrant butterflies only four Clouded Yellows (Colias croceus, Fourc.), were observed, two at Waldringfield and two at Bawdsey. N.B.
An asterisk indicates a new record for Waldringfield.
PROBLEMS OF WORKING A MERCURY VAPOUR MOTH TRAP THE advent of the mercury vapour moth trap has raised difficulties hitherto unforeseen. With the great increase in the number of captures of the lepidoptera has come a profusion of bats from dusk tili early morning ready to devour all the incoming moths with deadly accuracy. At dawn their place is taken by the "early " birds, blackbirds, sparrows and robins in search of breakfast; these are reinforced by a party of wasps who peel off the wings and depart with the bodies at high speed and there is nearly always a faithful attendance of gnats and midges ever ready to devour the entomologist. T.