the two previous years, mild weather in the early part of 1959 caused insects to emerge at least by average dates, and as the season progressed emergences became earlier than average. UNLIKE
No collecting was done during the first three months but Dotted Border Moths (Hybernia marginaria, Borkh.), appeared on 12th and 13th of March. Catkins of black poplar were collected in the Breckdistrict on 1 Ith April in the hope thatthey wouldproduce larvae of the Pale Lemon Sallow Moth (Cirrhia ocellaris, Borkh.), About one third of the larvae proved to be this species, the remainder producing the Brick (Agrocola circellaris, Hufn.), the Red-line Quaker (Agrocola Iota, Clerck.), and the Yellow-line Quaker (Agrocola macilenta, HĂźbn.). Late spring moths continued to be well up-to-time and a Great Prominent (Notodonta anceps, Groeze.), appeared at Stowmarket light on 8th May. On the same day I first saw the Orange-tip Butterfly (Euchloe cardamines, Linn.). T h e Common Blue Butterfly (Polyommatus icarus, Rott.), was flitting about commonly on the sandhills at Walberswick during an outing of the Bird Section of the Society on 3Ist May. Larvae of the Butterbur Moth (Hydraecia petasitis, Doubleday), were fully fed at Bosmere on 6th June and Meadow Brown Butterflies (Maniola jurtina, Linn.), were out well up to normal date at Darmsden on 13th June and freshly emerged Small Tortoiseshells (Aglais urticae, Linn.), appeared on 22nd June. T h e first Varied Coronet Moth (Hadena compta, Fab.), was seen on 23rd June. T h e White Admiral Butterflies (Limenitis Camilla, Linn.), were already showing signs of wear by the 4th July in Capel woods, but were still Aying in Belstead Woods together with 12 other species of butterflies when the Newmarket Field Club members visited that area on 1 Ith July. I was lucky enough to capture a Ringlet (Aphantopus hyperantus, Linn.), showing signs of albinoism on the hindwings. In view of the early season I decided to visit Walberswick Marshes with Mr. R. V. Ellis and Mr. Alfred Waller on the evening of 18th July. Our principal quarry was the White-necked Wainscot (Nonagria neurica, HĂźbn.), In contrast to 1958, when I took only one perfect specimen on 3 Ist July, this species was quite common and already showing signs of wear. There were also a
few Silky Wainscots { maritima, Tousch.), about and many commoner noctuid moths on grass flowers. Mr. Waller also took a perfect specimen of the Kent Black Arches (Nola albula, Hübn.), which has been taken several times in this neighbourhood in the last few years. The usual summer moths continued to appear in large numbers on every suitable night although nothing exceptional was sean. On 8th August Mr. A. E. Aston and I visited Staverton Heath but found very few insects about. However Mr. and Mrs. Crosby had kindly allowed us to plug in our mercury vapour light in their loggia at their bungalow at Aldeburgh and when we later visited them we were kept busy until 3 a.m. In all 105 different species were seen, including many Lesser Swallow Prominents (Pheosia gnoma, Fabr.), several White Point Wainscots (Leucania albipuncta, Fabr.), and a single Triple-spotted Clay (Amathes ditrapezium, Borkh.). There were also quite a number of micro-lepidoptera, one of which, Blastobasis lignea, Wals., was a new species to the County List. Düring the autumn moths have continued to appear in good numbers although few of the expected migrants have turned up, apart from the Rush Veneer (Nomophila noctuella, Schiff.), which seems to have been very common everywhere and the Rusty Dot (Hapalia ferrugalis, Hübn.), which was still about on 14th October. One species which I have not taken at Stowmarket before was a single specimen of the Flounced Chestnut (Anchocelis helvola, Linn.), which was attracted on 4th October with several other late autumn species. The usual late summer and autumn butterflies were about in fair numbers particularly Red Admirals (Pyrameis atalanta, Linn.), and Commas (Polygonia c album, Linn.), but I have neither seen nor heard of any reports of the Large Tortoiseshell (Nymphalis polychloros, Linn.). Several Clouded Yellows {Calias croceus, Foure.), have been seen in Suffolk but we do not appear to have been visited by the Pale Clouded Yellow (Colias hyale, Linn.), as in the hot summer of 1947.