Purple Flat-body feeds on St. John's Wort and flew to Stowmarket light, 16.viii.59. There seem to have been only two previous records in Suffolk. 1252 Argyresthia goedartella L. The Greeklettered Argent at light Stowmarket, 9.viii.59. 1262 Argyresthia nitidella, Fab. Cream-coloured Argent feeds in shoots of hawthorn and came to light at Stowmarket, 10.viii.59. 1263 Argyresthia albistria, Haw. The Purple White-streak Argent on blackthorn came to light Stowmarket, 10.viii.59. 1267 Swammerdamia heroldella, Hübn. The Birch Ermel at light Stowmarket, lO.viii. 59—" by no means a common species." 1276 Hyponomeuta cognatella, Hübn. Allied Ermel at light Stowmarket, 9.viii.59. 1360 Lithocolletis corylifoliella, Haw. The Hawthorn Red Midget feeds, in fact, upon several trees and flew to Stowmarket light, 10.viii.59. 1363 Lithocolletis geniculella Rag. The Sycamore Porcelain Midget at Stowmarket light, August 1959. 1372 Ornix betulae, Staint. The Separated Slender off birch to light at Staverton, 8.viii.59. 1382 Epermenia illigerella Hübn. The Large Lancewingto light at Stowmarket, 8.viii.59. and Thelnetham light, 25.viii.59, an umbel species. Only twice recorded in Suffolk previously. 1403 Lyonetia clerkella, L., Clerck's Snowy Bentwing to Stowmarket light, 9.viii.59. 1411 Bucculatrix ulmella, Zell. Red and White Bentwing on oak to Stowmarket light, 10.viii.59. 1429 Tinea pallescentella Staint. T h e Large Pale Clothes at light near Ipswich Docks, 24.viii.59. Mr. Wakely generously identified the specimens.
(Apatura iris, L.). In August, 1959, two ova were found on sallow in a wood in Suffolk. T h e resulting larvae were kept on cut twigs of sallow for a few weeks and were then transferred to a small sallow sapling growing in the garden. They were protected from predators by netting. In previous years larvae have started to hibernate in October, but this year, no doubt owing to the continuing hot weather one of the two larvae continued to feed and grow. On lOth October it moulted for the last time. On 19th October, as the weather turned much colder, the larva was brought indoors, where it continued to feed. It pupated on 6th November, and a male, rather smaller than usual, emergedonöth December. The second larva hibernated in the normal manner, started to eat again at the beginning of April, 1960, and resulted in a male emerging on 20th June. PURPLE EMPEROR