Supplement to the Final Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Suffolk

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THE LEPIDOPTERA OF SUFFOLK INCLUDING THE 62 ADDITIONS BETWEEN 1937 AND 1960. by ALASDAIR ASTON. THIS list is meant to facilitate reference for any entomologist working on the County List. The additions are printed in the order of the 1937 list and the first number refers to the position of the species on that List. The second number refers to the order of addition to the list down the years. Consequently the next species new to Suffolk will be numbered 1568. I have not been able to discover who is editing the next edition of South's " Moths " but it is hoped that here will be found much useful information for that publication. Similarly, if the " British Pyralid and Plume Moths " of Bryan P. Beirne is edited again, it is to be hoped that mention is made of a list more recent than that of Morley and Bloomfield, 1911. This Supplement deals only with NEW species, but it should make the entomologist's task a little easier. It is important to remember that the 1937 list has, itself, 5 additions printed at the end. These additions may seem to present a cheerful view of our lepidoptera, but possibly as many species have disappeared as have arrived. Spraying has made the continuance of any insect fauna at all problematical. Apart from that, some of these insects are not permanent residents. Others are recent arrivals to the British Isles. Some of these may settle permanently, but others may withdraw. There has been a marked increase in coniferous feeders and this with the arrival of several birch feeders and other northern species may have something to do with the activities of the Forestry Commission. The largest single additional factor has probably been the general use of light, and particularly of Mercury-Vapour light, in collecting. I am most grateful to Mr. S. Wakely for the trouble he has taken in identifying my microlepidoptera and to Mr. Chipperfield for his general encouragement over the last twenty years. The Common Room, Alleyn's School, Dulwich, S.E.22.




Mola albula, Hübn. Kent Black-arches. First Suffolk capture was by Mr. Chipperfield at Knodishall on l.viii.1948 (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. VI, part III, p. 243) and it is now known from Easton Broad, Reydon, Walberswick and Aldeburgh. It has extended its " Kent to Devon " (Morley, 1937) ränge.


Laphygma exigua, Hübn. Small Mottled Willow. Thought by Claude Morley to be established in the West of England, this migrant was first noticed in Suffolk on l.viii.1938 at Iken bv Mr. Garrettjones (Trans. S.N.S. Vol. IV, pt. I, pp. 35, 72). There have been several since, including four taken by me at Stowmarket light 1947-1949.


Caradrina ambigua, Fab. Vine's Rustic. In 1937 considered a recent immigrant to the south coast and first captured in Suffolk by Mr. P. J. Burton, at Benacre on 3.viii.l948. Later taken at Needham Market on May 26th, 1952 by Messrs. J. and G. Burton (Trans. S.N.S. Vol. VIII, pt. I I , p . 77)who helped Mr. Chipperfield and myself to obtain a series at light on Staverton heather, 30.viii.1953 (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. VIII, pt. II, p. 78).


Hydraecia paludis, Tutt. Saltern Ear. Mr. Austin Richardson recorded this at Southwold on 30.vii.1954 (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. IX, pt. I, p. 13).


Heliothis scutosa, Schiff. Spotted Clover. In lucerne field, Lowestoft, August 1938 (Proc. R. Ent. Soc. Lond., Agenda of meeting, 7th Dec., 1938). On the morning of 9.ix.l945 specimen picked up by me outside the Roval Oak Tavern, Stowmarket (Trans. S.N.S. Vol. V, p. 225 and Vol. VI, p. 25). Specimen seen on sea-aster, Havergate Island, by Mr. Alfred Waller on 30.ix.1956 (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. X, p. 78).


Heliothis maritima, Graslin. Fulvous Clover. cannot at the moment find this record.


Amathes depuncta, L. Piain Clay. Mr. Morley thought this " might yet turn up with us " but all we have discovered to date is Stainton's record from Stowmarket (Stainton 1857, p. 233). Unlikely (Trans. S.N.S., V. XI, pt. II, p. 144).





Eumichtis lichenea, Hübn. Feathered Ranunculus. Noted by Mr. Morley as pretty well confined to the west of England. A specimen recorded from a mercury vapour moth-trap at Waldringfield on 29th September, 1959, by Mr. Alfred Waller (Trans. S.N.S. Vol. XI, pt. IV, p. 327). 221A(1538) Orthosia advena, Schiff. Northern Drab. Seems generally not to be as restricted as was once believed. The Suffolk specimen was taken at mercury-vapour light by Messrs. John and Geoffrey Burton in their Needham Market garden on 3.V.1952 (Trans. S.N.S. Vol. VIII, pt. II, p. 77). 225A(1540) Hadena compta, Fabr. Varied Coronet. I caught the first Suffolk specimen at Polstead on 2.viii.l953, 3.30 p.m. at rest. Before that it was known only from Dover and the Hill of Howth, Dublin, but now it has colonised East Anglia across to Hertfordshire and we have noted it in Suffolk at Stowmarket, Reydon, Aldeburgh, Southwold, Ipswich, Walberswick, Waldringfield. (See Trans. S.N.S., Vol. VIII, pt. III, p. 135). Morley (1937) made no mention of the species. 234A(1550) Hadena bombycina, Hufn. Glaucous Shears. The 1937 Memoir notices that this extends to Norfolk and so I think that Mr. Morley had missed Stainton's record for Stowmarket, erroneous as it may be (Stainton, 1857, p. 275). 283A(1552) Plasia ni, Hübn. Ni Moth. Known as an immigrant to Cornwall in 1937, this species has lately been observed as a more general migrant. The Suffolk specimen was taken at light at Waldringfield on 1 l.viii. 1958 and recorded by Canon Waller (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. XI, pt. I, p. 51). 251A(1557) Parascotia fuliginaria, L. Waved Black. Noted by Mr. Morley as very rare. The Suffolk specimen was taken at Walberswick light by Professor J. V. Dacie on August 2nd, 1959 (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. XI, pt. III, p. 256). 470A(1539) Semiothisa alternata, Hb. This presumably is the Semiothisa alter naria, Hübn., of Heslop, the Sharp-angled Peacock. In 1937 Mr. Morley excluded it on the authority of Bloomfield (1890, p. 5) but Richard South and H. M. Edelsten (1948) specify Suffolk. Our record is of one caught at mercury-vapour light on 3.v. 1952 by Messrs. J. and G. Burton in their Needham Market garden (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. VIII, pt. II, p. 77).




Itarne fuharia, Vill. T h e two Suffolk specimens were both taken on the same day. Messrs. John and Geoffrey Burton took a male in Barking Woods, Suffolk, on and Mr. S. Beaufoy took one on bracken in Bentley Woods on 1946 (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. VI, pt. I, p. 1.). Claude Morley's (1937) note was " Exclusively Northern " but the 1946 report included other records from Southern England.


Ectropis crepuscularia, HĂźbn. Small Engrailed. Recorded at Worlingham by Mr. Goldsmith on 14.V.1954 (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. IX, pt. I, p.17). Mr. Morley considered crepuscularia synonymous with bindularia.


Ennomos autumnaria, Wemb. Large Thorn. Female of this new species taken at light by Mr. Garrett-Jones at Fiatford on 22.ix.1946 (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. VII, pt. I. p. 26). Mr. Chipperfield next took it at Stowmarket on 2.X.1952 and 3.X.1954 (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. IX, pt. I, p. 53). More recently it has been taken at Waldringfield by Mr. Alfred Waller. Clostera anachoreta, Fabr. Scarce Chocolate-tip. Specimen caught by Mr. E. W. Platten during 1898 at Ipswich in a light trap facing S.W. (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. IV. pt. IV, p. 256). Woodbridge, 1946-47 taken by the Reverend H. A. Harris and the specimen exhibited at Woodbridge on December Ist, 1947 (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. VI, pt. II, p. 61). Caught by Mr. Alfred Waller in a telephonekiosk at Waldringfield, near Woodbridge, 3.viii.l956 (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. X, pt. 1, p. 44).



Ptilophora plumigera, Esp. Plumed Prominent. Mr. E. W. Platten discovered the species at Needham Market on 10.xi.1937 when he found a male at light (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. III, p. 295). It is now the object of pilgrimages to Barking Woods but in fact it has been found in several woods on the boulder-clay.


Argynnis diu, L. Weaver's Fritillary. Mr. E. W. Platten caught a male on 16.V.1899 in the marsh adjacent to Bentley Woods. It had either fed there on Viola odorata or it had been blown from the coast ten miles away. T h e actual diary note of this capture still exists and the specimen was presented to Claude Morley in whose collection it may still be seen at Ipswich Museum (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. V, pt. I, p. 1.).




Alispa angustella, Hb. Narrow-winged Knothorn. Supposed in 1937 to be confined to the South-West. Mr. Chipperfield took a spec : men at Stowmarket in 1949 and I took one at Stowmarket light on 20.vii.1951 (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. X, pt. IV, p. 291).


Ephestia cautella, Walk. (desuetella, Walk., cahiritella, Zell., pascuella, Barr.) Dried-fruit Knot-horn. 2 specimens were taken at Freckenham in early June, 1931, bv Messrs. B. S. Harwood and Gilles (Trans. S.N.S.", Vol., IV pt. I, p. 74). Eusophera terebrella, Zinck. Dark Knot-horn. Messrs. C. Morley and P. J. Burton took this species at light on 31.vii.1948. Foxhall Heath, near Ipswich (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. VI, pt. III, p. 251). Homocesoma saxicola, Vaugh. Narrow Clouded Knot-horn. Mr. Morley took a female at light at Monks' Soham on 6.viii.l938, the identification being checked by Hayward (Vol. IV, pt. I, p. 35). Mecyna flavalis, Schiff. Auriferous Pearl. H. L. Horsfall took this at light at Cliff House, Dunwich on some occasion between 1909 and 1939 (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. IV, pt. II, p. 131). Nascia cilialis, HĂźbn. Orange-rayed Pearl. Brandon in S.W. wind (Entomologist lxxiv, 171 and Trans. S.N.S., Vol. IV, pt. IV, p. 267). Messrs. P. J. Burton and C. Morley took the species at light at midnight on 1946 in Thelnetham Fen (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. VI, pt. I, p. 56). Messrs. C. Morley and P. J. Burton took cilialis in Flixton Marsh on June lOth, 1948, and on Kessingland Denes on (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. VI, pt. III, p. 250). Well established in marshes near Waldringfield on 26th June, 1959, and seen there by Mr. Alfred Waller (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. XI, pt. III, p. 257). July 1960, at Walberswick one specimen taken by Professor J. V. Dacie (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. XI, pt. V, p. 401). Phalonia dubitana, Hb. Doubtful Dwarf Conch. Taken at Brandon on 22.vii.1939 by C. Morley and P. J. Burton (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. IV, p. 136). I took one at Stowmarket light on 30.vii. 1951 (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. X, pt. IV, p. 290). Mr. Chipperfield and I took some at the Aldeburgh House of Mr. and Mrs. Crosby on 8.viii.l959 (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. XI, pt. V, p. 416). I took one at Aldeburgh on 28.viii.1958 when visiting Mr. Wilfrid George (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. XI, pt. I, p. 60).






THE LEPIDOPTERA OF SUFFOLK 484 835A(1528) Euxanthis aeneana, HĂźbn. Silvery Broad-bar Conch. Swept by C. Morley and P. J. Burton on in Barking Wood, Needham Market (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. VI, pt. III, p. 251). 847A(1561) Ptycholomoides aeriferana, H.S. Larch Taken at light by Mr. Chipperfield on 12.vii.1958 at Stowmarket and confirmed by Mr. Wakely (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. XI, pt. IV, p. 328). Recent addition to the British List. 903A(1529) Evetria sylvestrana, Ct. Pine Shoot. Specime were swept by C. Morley and P. J. Burton on from spruce in Blythburgh Wood and were determined by Mr. Rait-Smith (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. VI, pt. III, p. 250). 936A(1522) Eucosma latiorana, H.S. Obscure Sealed B Specimen swept by Mr. Morley on 6.vii.l941 in North Holton Park and determined by Mr. RaitSmith (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. V, pt. I, p. 48). 952A(1547) Eucosma chsiana, Zell. Smaller Blotch-mark Bell. Specimen at light at Stowmarket in August, 1948 which Mr. Wakely determined for me (Trans. XI, pt. II, p. 144). Confused in the 1937 Final Catalogue with 952. 1021A(1542) Pammenc aurantiana, Staud. Recent additio the British list. I caught a specimen during the day on 10.vii.1951 at Stowmarket (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. X, pt. IV, p. 288). The Golden Piercer. 1025A(1562) Laspeyresia conicolana, Heylaerts. New F Piercer. I possess the rather cryptic note that this species was captured by a Mr. Gibb and a Miss Monica Betts in Thetford Chase during 1957, but I have lost the reference to the source of this information which was probably one of the Entomological Journals, possibly the Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 1029A(1535) Laspeyresia zebeana, Ratz. Larch-gall Pie Fairly recent arrival on the British List. Reported by Mr. H. C. Huggins as being widespread by 1950 in the Elvedon and Brandon-Thetford districts (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. VII, pt. II, p. 90). 1080A(1537) Mniophaga galbanella, Zell. Perth Ground Mr. Morley caught a female specimen at 9 p.m. on l.ix.1945 in Bentley Woods and the specimen was determined by Mr. Rait-Smith (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. VII, pt. I, p. 32).


485 1085A(1523) Gelechiapinguinella, Tr. Grand Groundling. Mr. Morley swept it commonly on 30.V.1941 from the gravel hillside to the North of Bentley Woods. Specimens identified bv Mr. Rait-Smith (Trans. S.N.S. Vol. V, pt. I, p. 48). 1096A(1543) Platyedra malvella, HĂźbn. Hollyhock Groundling. I took specimens at Stowmarket light on 1951 and in August, 1956 (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. X, pt. IV, p. 290). 1108A(1564) Phthorimaea viscariella, Staint. Lychnis Groundling. A moth I caught in 1950 at Stowmarket could just conceivably be this species but Mr. Wakely is not at all certain of the identity. It would be a most unlikely capture (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. XI, pt. III, p. 265). 1117A(1536) Stomopteryx albipalpella, H.S. Slate Sober. Mr. P. J. Burton took this at light at Pakefield on (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. VII, pt. II, p. 90). 1135A(1560) Blastodacna atra, Haw. Apple Black Cosmet. Confused with 1135 in 1937 Moth Memoir. I took a specimen at Stowmarket light on ll.viii.1959 (Trans. S.N.S, Vol. XI, pt. V, p. 415.) 1143A(1519) Mompha miscella, Schiff. Yellow-tinged Cosmet. Mr. Geoffrey Burton took two at Apsey Green, Framlingham, on 17.V.1939 (Trans. S.N.S.. Vol pt. III, p. 207). 1145A(1555) Blastobasis lignea, Wals. Furness Dowd. Mr. Chipperfield and I took a series at light at the Aldeburgh house of the Suffolk Naturalists' Society's Honorary Auditor, Mr. E. F. Crosby on 8.viii.l959 (Trans. S.N.S, Vol. XI, pt. III,' p.265). The species was introduced to Britain this Century. 1145B(1556) Blastobasis decolorella, Woll. Wakely's Dowd. Wakely kindly confirmed a specimen of this that Mr. Chipperfield and I took at Aldeburgh light on 8.viii.l959, as in case of lignea (Trans. S.N.S, Vol. XI, pt. III, p. 265). The specimen was a worn female, checked by Mr. J. D. Bradley. Mr. Chipperfield has taken the species again since at Aldeburgh.




Elachista kilmunella, Staint. Moor Dwarf. Mr. Morley took this at light at Fritton Lake in August, 1939 (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. IV, p. 155).


Elachista gangabella, Zell. Albin's Dwarf. Claude Morley took a specimen on 29th May, 1939, inside a Monks' Soham House door (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. IV, p. 155). " Sure to have been overlooked " Morley (1937).


Scythris fletcherella, Durr. Brown-copper Owlet. Mr. Morley swept it commonly north of Bentley Woods on 30.V.1941. Mr. Rait-Smith named the specimens (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. V, pt. I, p. 48). Noted from Cambs., in 1937 Memoir and expected here.


Scythropia crataegella, L. Local Hawthorn Ermel. Mr. E. W. Platten found this species on hawthorn near Newton Wood, Needham Market, on 7.vii. 1942 (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. V., pt. I, p. 5). There are two other reports unchecked by microlepidopterists : Lord Cranbrook found it at Great Glemham in 1955 on Cotoneaster horisontalis and Miss Willis reported it from Ipswich on Cotoneaster, sp., in 1955 (Trans S.N.S., Vol. IX, pt. I I I , p. 269). L. T . Ford gives Cotoneaster as a food-plant and consequently both these reports could be valid enough. I would like to be sent some larvae.


Coleophora deauratella, Zell. Gilded Case. I took a specimen at Stowmarket light on 31.vii.1951 (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. X, pt. IV, p ;> 290). Considered " probably present with us " in 1937, as was S. crataegella, L.


Coleophora frischella, L. Frisch's Case. I took a specimen at Stowmarket light (teste Wakely, as in all my microlepidoptera) on 28.vii.1951 (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. X, pt. IV, p. 290). Known from Cambs. in 1937 and expected here.


Coleophora ahenella, Hein. Shining-brown Case. Claude Morley beat this from Rhamnus frangula in Shipmeadow Marshes on (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. IV, pt. IV, p.268). In 1937 he considered it confined to south-west England and unlikely to occur here.




Coleophora fuscocuprella, H.S. Brown-copper Case. A specimen flew onto the sheet at Staverton on 8.vii.l959 when Mr. Chipperfield and I were there (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. XI, pt. V, p. 415). An expected addition in 1937.


Phaulernis dentella, Zell. Scale-tooth Lancewing. Canon Waller found it common on flowers of chervil in a Waldringfield orchard from 1940 (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. IV, pt. III, p. 268). An expected addition.


Cerostoma alpella, Schiff. Double-barred Smudge. Mr. Jack Goddard took three specimens in Benacre Woods during the period 1934-1937 (Trans. S.N.S. Vol. IV, pt. I, p. 35).


Plutella dalella, Staint. Rock-cress Smudge. Considered by Mr. Morley in 1937 to be a Northern species. A female specimen was taken by Claude Morley and P. J. Burton on Kessingland Denes, (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. VI, pt. III, p. 250).


Acrolepia assectella, Zell. Leek Smudge. A recent importation of which a specimen came to my Stowmarket lighton 10. viii. 1959. Mr. J. D. Bradley and Mr. S. Wakely identified the insect for me (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. XI, pt. V, p. 414).


Opostega crepusculella, Zell. I took a specimen of this at Stowmarket light on 22.viii.1958 (Trans. S.N.S. Vol. XI, pt. III, p. 265). Mr. Morley in 1937 suspected that it was here. English name : Mint Bentwing.


Nepticula confusella, Wals. Fuscous Birch Pigmy. Claude Morley took a specimen on Monks' Soham window in 1940 (Trans. S.N.S. Vol. IV, p. 155).


Micropteryx mansuetella, Zell. Single-spotted Gold. Recorded from Stowmarket by Stainton in 1859 (Trans. S.N.S., Vol. XI, pt. II, p. 45).


Phalonia implicitana Wocke (anthemidana Wilk.) The Chamomile Conch. Quite a common garden species on Solidago and expected by Morley in 1937. I took a specimen at light near Mr. Peter Rudge's farm at Hepworth on 3 Ist August, 1960, the first Suffolk Observation.



739A(1566) Pyrausta perlucidalis, Hübn. The Pellucid Pe Recent immigrant with colony established at Wood Walton Fen. Also taken on coast of Essex, Kent and Suffolk : " and Mr. D. ffennell captured a very worn but recognizable specimen at Southwold in Suffolk on August bank holiday." Mr. Huggins continued , " after the Wood Walton brood was nearly or quite over ; it was fully out this year on June 4th". (Ent. Ree. Vol. LXXIf, no. 9, September, 1960, p. 185) ; another reference : Ent. Ree. Vol. LXXIII, no. 5, May, 1961, p. 141. 112A(1567) Procus latruneula, Schiff. The Tawny Minor Mr. Chipperfield took two speeimens at Stowmarket light on June 13th and 18th, 1960 (Trans. S.N.S., supra Vol. XI, pt. V, p. 419). ERRATUM :—Hadena caesia, Borkh. It is almost certain that the report of this species in Trans. S.N.S. Vol. IX, pt. 1, p. 16 is a mistake. REFERENCES.

1. Trans. S.N.S.—Transactions of the SufTolk Naturalists' Society, 1929-1960. 2. Proc. R. Ent. Soc. Lond.—Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. 3. Morley, Claude—Memoirs of the SufTolk Naturalists' Society, I, Final Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Suffolk, printed in Suffolk, 1937, pp. 1-214. 4. Stainton, H. T.—Manual of British Butterflies and Moths, 2 Vols., 1857 and 1859 London : Vol. I pp. i-xii, 1-338. Vol. II, pp.i-xi, 1-480. 5. Bloomfield, The Reverend E. N.—Lepidoptera of Suffolk, 1890 and additions 1900. 6. South, Richard—The Moths of the British Isles, 2 Vols. 1948, London. 7. Entomologist lxxiv. 8. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 9. Ford, L. T.—A guide to the Smaller British Lepidoptera, London, 1949, pp. 1-230. 10. Ent. Ree.—The Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation.

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