Lepidoptera :
Tortricidae, New to Suffolk. Two species of tortrix have been known as Peronea schalleriana. These are (a) The Broad Barred Button, no. 1274 on I.R.P. Heslop's 1947 Indexed Check List of the British Lepidoptera. and (b) The Logian Button, species no. 1277 on the same list. No. 1274 is Peronea latifasciana, Haw. (=schalleriana, Meyr. non Linn., =comparana, Hübn., =perplexana, Barr.) No. 1277 is Peronea schalleriana, L. (=logiana, Schiff., =tristana, Hübn.) Species no. 1274 feeds on Sallow, Hawthorn, Blackthorn and Rose, but species no. 1277 feeds on the Wayfaring Tree and Guelder Rose. The species recorded in 1937 at the top of page 147 of the Lepidoptera of Suffolk by Mr. C. Morley as P. schalleriana, Linnaeus, " among Sallow" should therefore be latifasciana, Haw. (—schalleriana, Meyr.). The form recorded by Dr. Crowfoot in the nineteenth Century from Beccles as latifasciana, Haw., is therefore the same species. On the above evidence P. schalleriana, L. (—logiana, Schiff.) has not been recorded from Suffolk and Mr. Morley says as much on page 148 of the Lepidoptera of Suffolk, 1937, when he considers that one day logiana may occur in Suffolk. On 22nd August, 1963, at Harmony Hall I took a specimen of P. schalleriana, L., (=logiana, Schiff.), the Viburnum species, at light and I am grateful to Mr. S. Wakely for identifying the specimen for me. This new species can be regarded as Suffolk's 1571st lepidopteron and is species no. 887A on the Suffolk list, but unfortunately, species no. 888 now becomes part of 887, as P. comparana is synonymous with latifasciana, Haw. Incidentally, I also took P. latifasciana, Haw., at Harmony Hall on lOth August.
Argyresthia laevigatella, H.S. (=atmoriella, Bankes), Lepidoptera : Hyponomeutidae, New to Suffolk. Mr. Fairclough, writing in The Entomologist's Record for March, 1963, volume 75, no. 3, page 80, mentions that he caught Blastotere laevigatella, H.S., in the Breck. In the next sentence he mentions Tuddenham and, as the species was unrecorded in Suffolk, I wrote to the captor and asked whether he had observed it in Suffolk. Part of his reply runs as follows, " you will be pleased to know that I took the B. laevigatella, H.S., between Barton Mills and Herringswell, definitely in Suffolk . . . I was working pines and larch on the Suffolk side of the border. T h e insects were all caught by knocking the branches and netting anything which flew.". Mr. Fairclough's visit to the Breck was on 30th June. Suffolk's 1570th lepidopteron is dubbed by Heslop the " Larchboring Argent " and is to be inserted on page 188 of the Suffolk list as species no. 1249A. According to Mr. L. T . Ford (A Guide to the Smaller Lepidoptera) the larva of this species feeds on the terminal twigs of Larch, killing the twigs.