Suffolk Bird Report for 1966

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assisted by C. G .



and The County Records Committee H.







T H E REV. P . H . T .




HARTLEY a n d A . E .





Acknowledgements: We are indebted once again to all those who have sent in records and to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, the Lowestoft Field Club, and the Dingle Bird Club who have given us access to their own reports and logs. M. J. Seago, Editor of the Norfolk Bird Report and G. M. S. Easy, Editor of the Cambridge Bird Club Report have as usual helped bv passing on relevant records and correspondence. Species for SPECIAL SURVEY: It is proposed that the following species shall be subject to special survey during the years 1968 and 1969: woodlark, little owl, common partridge, nightingale, and wheatear. Only breeding records are asked for in case of the last tvvo species but otherwise please make details as comprehensive as possible, particularly by comparing status in particular areas with previous years. Records for 1967 should besent to the Editor at Härtest Place, Bury St. Edmunds (telephone Härtest 224) by the end of January next. It is regretted that as records have now become so numerous they can no longer be acknowledged individually by post. Separate copies of this report, price 4/6d. including postage, may be obtained on request from the Editor or from C. G. D. Curtis, 100 Camden Road, Ipswich. A Brief Review of the Year On the whole the year was comparatively uneventful and we were fortunately spared most of those extremes of weather which are all too often harmful to wild bird life, however interesting they may be for bird-watchers. For once, no new species were added to the Suffolk list, but 240 species in all were recorded in the county, including a good tally of interesting rarities. Minsmere, as usual, produced the




bulk of these rarities, the most notable, perhaps, being two Radde's warblers which occurred within six days of each other in October, followed, in November, by another visitor from Siberia, a Pallas's warbler, the second for the county. Other species of note during the year were a red-breasted flycatcher, two white-rumped sandpipers, two Caspian terns, and two alpine swifts. A particularly interesting record, also from Minsmere, was a sooty tern, the second only for the county and the first for sixty-six years. At least two purple herons, a little egret, two cranes, three barred warblers, and a great reed warbler also came under notice. The usual small passage of hoopoes and golden orioles took place in April and May and there was a lone honey-buzzard in July, the first for nine years. However it was the opening days of the year that provided the most astonishing record of all, a common swift that was watched— on Jan. 6—by a number of observers at Lowestoft as it flew to and fro along the seafront. Such an early date is without precedent in the British Isles. Although the summer was not particularly warm or settled, most small passerines seem to have had a good breeding season. Among resident species, the wren has made a good recovery from the winter of 1962/63 and the green woodpecker is increasing again, but the kingfisher and goldcrest still have much lee-way to make up. During the year proof was at last forthcoming of the breeding in the county of the siskin, a pair with young just out of the nest being seen at Herringfleet. There seems little doubt that this species has in fact been breeding in both north-east and northwest Suffolk for some years. Marsh harriers again had a good nesting season at Minsmere and Walberswick and kestrels are quite clearly holding their own in the less highly-farmed areas. Sparrow hawks remain very scarce, but three pairs probably bred near the coast. On the other hand the decline of what may be called "the wasteland birds", particularly the woodlark and tree pipit, and to a lesser extent the stonechat, whinchat, and stone curlew, continues. There were no reports during the year of landrail or spotted crake, and only one of quail. Incidentally, it is worth noting in the case of the latter species that the bob-white quail, introduced from America, is now established in at least three areas in the county.

418 Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists',

Vol. 13, Part 6

Among non-breeding species, roseate terns were unusually numerous during the summer, and wrynecks during the autumn migration. It was also a good year for crossbills, with evidence of irruption from mid-June to early autumn. Late autumn also saw another waxwing invasion, though not on anything like the scale of that of the previous winter. Finally, 1966 was also a "rough-legged buzzard year", with birds concentrated as usual on the heaths of east and north-west Suffolk. Migration [Based on reports provided by F. C. Cook and E. W. C. Jenner (Lowestoft), A. G. Hurrell (Benacre), G. B. G. Benson (Southwold), G. J. Jobson (Walberswick), H. E. Axell (Minsmere), H. Pease (Sudborne), E. F. Crosby (Aldeburgh), M. Packard (Shotley), and C. G. D. Curtis (Ipswich).] Nothing very outstanding took place in the way of migration during the year, and certainly nothing to compare with the events of early September, 1965. On Jan. 13, at the outset of the only really severe spell of that winter, a considerable weather movement of fieldfares, redwings, and linnets took place at Aldeburgh. During the next few days more redwings and starlings and—on Jan. 17—more than 700 linnets, were moving south at Minsmere between the snowstorms. Knots and dunlins in small numbers, as well as snow buntings and siskins were also included in this weather movement. Although February in Suffolk was relatively mild, cold weather farther north at the beginning of the month resulted in a small southward passage of wigeon and brent geese past Minsmere on Feb. 9 and 10. Next day half the winter herd of Bewick's swans left the reserve. At Aldeburgh chaffinch emigration was on a larger scale than for some years, particularly during the period Feb. 20 to 26, when big numbers of greenfinches, goldfinches, yellow hammers, and starlings were also on passage. Particularly large numbers of greenfinches were also in evidence there on Mar. 2 and 3. Unusually mild weather brought in the first chiffchaff on Mar. 4—nearly a fortnight before its usual time, but the cold winds with snow at times, that prevailed for much of the remainder of the month delayed other migrants and the stone curlew, sand martin, willow warbler, and redstart were all later than usual. However, by contrast, what was perhaps Suffolk's first

419 authentic March cuckoo was recorded at Minsmere on Mar. 31. Practically all the later migrants, e.g., turtle dove, swift, nightjar, and spottedflycatcherwere also well before their usual time. Late April and May saw a small passage of hoopoes and golden orioles, with one or two wrynecks and—on May 23—an alpine swift at Minsmere. On the same date more than eighty turtle doves were heading south down the coast there. Only one spring piedflycatcherwas reported. On June 4 the first immigrant lapwings came in over the coast at Minsmere, while many northward-bound waders were still on the move. About the middle of the month another "irruption" of crossbils took place, the first birds reaching Aldeburgh on the 20th with numbers building up there and elsewhere during the following weeks. Numbers were still high at the end of the year. Autumn migration began as usual with a dribble of waders in mid-July, but wader numbers throughout the autumn were low. This was particularly so with little stints, curlew-sandpipers, greenshanks, and black-tailed godwits. Two white-rumped sandpipers at Minsmere on Aug. 11 and Oct. 20 were part of an influx of American waders to Britain at that time. BIRD REPORT

Passerine migration began on Aug. 25, with thefirstwheatears and piedflycatchersat Walberswick and Minsmere. Two days later there was a modest "fall" of redstarts, more pied flycatchers and wheatears, four wrynecks and a sprinkling of garden warblers and spottedflycatchersat Lowestoft, Benacre, Wangford, and Southwold, several lesser whitethroats at Minsmere and two more wrynecks at Aldeburgh. Wrynecks were much in evidence during the three weeks from about Aug. 27 and overfiftywere reported from the coast and as far inland as Badingham. On Aug. 26 another alpine swift occurred at Lowestoft. A very large passage of swallows was noted at Southwold on Sept. 1 and at Walberswick during most of that week, while Minsmere had a number of Arctic ringed plovers and no fewer than three barred warblers on Sept. 8. The day before there had been three more wrynecks and the only bluethroat of the year at Aldeburgh. The rest of September was comparatively uneventful except for two ospreys seen high over Minsmere on Sept. 19 and the first influx of redwings and other thrushes right at the end of the month.

420 Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists',

Vol. 13, Part 6

October provided the greatest migratory activity of the year, beginning with a big arrival of wintering thrushes—mainly fieldfares, but with some redwings, missel thrushes, and at least six ring ouzels at Aldeburgh and elsewhere between Oct. 1 and 8. It was to be another good ring-ouzel year. Goldcrests were also particularly prominent among the October immigrants, with the first birds at Lowestoft and Southwold on October 7 and 8 and high numbers at Minsmere and Aldeburgh between Oct. 14 and 16 and again on Oct. 23 when at least forty were counted at Thorpeness. At least ten goldcrests also came to grief against lighted windows at Stowmarket during the period Oct. 9 to 15. More thrushes and fair numbers of robins arrived at Lowestoft, .Minsmere, and Aldeburgh between Oct. 14 and 17 with the first bramblings in from the sea at Walberswick on Oct. 15. In fact the second and third weeks of October, with the wind mainly from the east or south-east, produced quite a marked influx all along the coast of the usual autumn immigrants— thrushes, starlings, rooks, skylarks, and lapwings predominating, but there were two Radde's warblers at Minsmere on Oct. 15 and 20 and more goldcrests and ring-ouzels than for some years. On Oct. 26 at least 500 blackbirds came in at Minsmere, with several flocks of long-tailed tits also on the move down the coast. At the end of the month—on Oct. 29—the first waxwings, a great grey shrike and at least three ring-ouzels made a landfall at Aldeburgh. Inland the autumn had produced little of interest. The first redwings and fieldfares were noted in West Suffolk on Oct. 8 and two immature swallows spent the period Oct. 28 to Nov. 5 at Härtest, apparently little inconvenienced by the very cold frosty weather prevailing at the time. A late swallow was also seen at Bury St. Edmunds on Nov. 23. Although the usual winter visitors—rooks, lapwings, starlings, and siskins—continued to arrive in generally small numbers throughout the remainder of the month, a Pallas' warbler at Minsmere on Nov. 4 really brought to a close an autumn passage which was one of considerable interest, if in no way to compare with that of the previous year. W.H.P.



Speeles Chiffchaff

First seen Mar. 4

Locality Plavford/ Minsmere Minsmere Minsmere Risby/Tunstall Minsmere Minsmere Minsmere Lowestoft Walberswick

Last seen


Minsmere Minsmere Minsmere Risby Minsmere Minsmere Minsmere Lakenheath Butley/ Chillesford Yellow wagtail Apl. 3 Minsmere Oct. 7 Minsmere Common tern Apl. 4 Havergate Oct. 30 Lowestoft Redstart Apl. 5 Butley Oct. 29 Lowestoft Southwold Sedge warbler Apl. 6 Minsmere Nov. 8 t Minsmere Blackcap Apl. 6 Minsmere Nov. 24 Minsmere Whitethroat..._ Apl. 8 Minsmere Sept. 29 Minsmere T r e e pipit Apl. 10 H i n t o n Sept. 10 Minsmere Nightiagale Apl. 10 Minsmere Aug. 12 Minsmere Grasshopper warbler Apl. 10 Minsmere Aug. 20 Minsmere House martin Apl. 11 Redgrave Nov. 18 Boyton Reed warbler Apl. 17 Minsmere Oct. 16 Minsmere Garde i warbler Apl. 17 Orford Oct. 5 Minsmere Littlt tern Apl. 17 Havergate Sept. 29 Minsmere Swift Apl. 19 Lowestoft Oct. 23 Minsmere T u r t l t dove Apl. 21 Tunstall Oct. 1 Reydon Whinuiat Apl. 24 Sizewell/Orford Sept. 27 Havergate Lessei whitethroat Apl. 25 Minsmere Oct. 10 Minsmere Nightjar May 3 Hollesley — — Spotted flycatcher May 6 Härtest —— Red-backed shrike May 6 Minsmere Sept. 25 Walberswick * also willow/chiff Nov. 6 Lowestoft t possibly unable to migrate

Garganey Wheatear Stone curlew Sandwich tern Cuckoo Willow warbler Swallow Sand martin

Mar. Mar. Mar. IVIar. Mar. Apl. Apl. Apl.

20 25 28 29 31 1 1 2


Oct. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Aug. Oct. Nov. Sept.


21* 19 20 15 23 28 13 23 23


Numbers refer to B.O.U. Check List (1952). 1. Black-throated diver.—Only recorded at Minsmere: two to four Jan. 5 to 8, three Mar. 1, one Oct. 13 and 23 (HEA). 2. Great northern diver.—One at Havergate, Jan. 5 and 25 (RJP) and one at Walberswick, Jan. 1 (DBC). 4. Red-throated diver.—Considerable numbers of divers were, as usual, reported at sea off Walberswick, Dunwich, and Minsmere between January and March and from October to end of year. Majority were of this species (many obs.). One dead at Henham, Jan. 7 (S). Odd birds at Havergate, Jan. to Mar. (RJP).

422 Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists', Vol. 13, Part 6 5. Great crested grebe.—Breeding sites were not well covered but prs. bred Holbrook, Bosmere, and Minsmere (unsuccessfully) with three prs. at Redgrave (RJC) and seven to nine at Livermere (RJC, WHP, AEV). One bird on R. Blackbourne at Euston in Dec. (RJC). Odd records from coast and estuaries both winters. 6.

Red-necked grebe.—One Minsmere, Feb. 6 to 13 (HEA).

7. Slavonian grebe.—One R. Orwell, Jan. 23 (CGDC, WHR) and Nov. 27 to Dec. 10 (RJC). One Minsmere on various dates between Jan. 29 and Mar. 8 (HEA, GJJ) and one Benacre, Mar. 6 (CGDC) and—same bird?—Easton Broad, Mar. 9 (HJL). Little grebe.—SPECIAL SURVEY. Is this species now becoming as scarce a breeding bird as the lack of records suggests? The only breeding reported was five prs. at Minsmere (HEA), one pr. Badingham (PHTH), one pr. R. Stour (WHP), and one probable R. Lark (HJL). Ten at Oulton Broad, Apl. 1 (RSB) and scattered autumn/winter birds at Oulton Broad, Benacre Pits, Thorpe Meare, and R. Lark. C. thirty-five on R. Deben (CGDC). 9.

16. Manx shearwater.—One Aying north at Walberswick, Sept. 18 (GJJ); one dead Sizewell, July 3 (HJL). 26. 30.

Fulmar.—Usual coastal records between May 6 and Sept.

27. Gannet.—Usual passage birds off coast at Minsmere and Walberswick between May and end Nov. (many obs.); twenty-two off Minsmere on Sept. 29 (HEA). One, ringed as nestling on Bass Rock, June 29, found dead at Sizewell three months later (per BTO). 29. Shag.—Up to seven at Lowestoft between Jan. 7 and early Apl. (FCC, EWCJ, GJJ). One Minsmere, May 22 with five together Sept. 16. One or two Oct. and Nov. (HEA, BJJ). 30. Heron.—Occupied nests at: North Cove—not reported; Henham—eleven (GBGB); Methersgate—not reported; Blackheath—forty-six plus five possible (EFC); Stutton—not reported; Minsmere—none bred (HEA); Boyton—six (PAB); Stoke-byNayland—fourteen plus two possible (WHP); Eriswell—four (WHP); Livermere—nine (WHP); Redgrave—nil (WHP); Brandon—six (AEV). 31. Purple heron.—One at Minsmere, May 17 to 26 (HEA). A second bird present on May 18, the two being seen together, occasionally displaying in flight (HEA, DL, JCN).



32. Little egret.—One Aying north at Minsmere, June 14 (JCN). 38. Bittern.—Good breeding numbers—with minimum of fifteen prs.—on coast. Two were reported during winter in West Suffolk—at Bures (CRP) and Acton (DMW). A tired migrant in from the sea at Benacre, Nov. 20 (JRR). 42. Spoonbill.—At Minsmere one was present on Feb. 23, and one or two irregularly from May 19 to June 19 (HEA, GJJ). Two at Walberswick, May 29 (DBC). 47. Garganey.—Three recorded elsewhere.






49. Gadwall.—Thirty-five to forty prs. nested at Minsmere (HEA). Usual numbers on and in vicinity of Breck, but thirty at Tostock, Dec. 24 (RJC) is new locality for this species. 50. Wigeon.—Inland records were eighteen at Livermere on Feb. 20 (CAEK) and three at Tostock, Feb. 27 (RJC). A pr. at Minsmere in summer (HEA) and a drake at Havergate on July 8 (RJP). Winter numbers were (maximum): Minsmere c. 600 in Feb. (HEA), Havergate 850 in Feb. (RJP), and R. Stour 11,800 in Oct. (RVAM), the latter being highest number for some years. 52. Pintail.—Small numbers in spring and autumn at Minsmere where a lone drake oversummered (HEA). Up to thirteen R. Orwell in Jan. and Feb. (CGDC, HJL, WHR) and 170 R. Stour in Nov. (RVAM). One at Livermere, Sept. 29 (CAEK). At Havergate 550 in Jan. and Feb. and c. 300 in Dec. (RJP). 55. Scaup.—Odd birds at Minsmere in Jan, Oct., and Nov., with a f. there June 17 to July 9. This bird was joined by a drake on June 20 and 22 (HEA). Nine at Havergate, Jan. 16 (RJP); twenty-six at Benacre, Nov. 20 (JRR); one Sudbourne, Dec. 26 (PAB) and Oulton Broad, Oct. (RSB). 56. Tufted duck.—Small numbers only on coast with no evidence of breeding. Average numbers nested in north-west Suffolk with a pr. probably at Drinkstone (RJC). 57. Pochard.—No breeding records from coast but up to 100 at Minsmere in Feb. (HEA); twenty-five at Weybread gravel pits on Feb. 21 (WHP); two ms. at Bosmere, Nov. 29 (ADR). High numbers in north-west Suffolk, with sixty-five at Barton Mere on Mar. 20 (RJC).

424 Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists', Vol. 13, Part 6 60. Goldeneye.—Small numbers—maximum six—at Minsmere early and late in year. One at sea, May 29 (HEA). Single birds Havergate, Nov. and Dec. (RJP). Up to 100 R. Orwell, Jan. and Feb. (CDGC, WHR, JRC, HJW). Thirty R. Stour, Dec. (RVAM). Ten Benacre, Feb. 6 (RSB) and nine there Dec. 28 (BJB). Seven Oulton Broad, Feb. 24 (RSB). Two Tuddenham, West Suffolk, Jan. and Feb. (CAEK). 61. Long-tailed duck.—Single drakes at Shingle Street, Nov. 27 to Dec. 31 (PAB, PRC) and Minsmere, Dec. 4 (JAJ, RS). 62. Velvet scoter.—One at Minsmere in Jan. and Sept. and two Nov. 20 and 23 (HEA, GJJ). 64. Scoter.—No large numbers off coast in summer or autumn and no records for June. Between 100 and 130 off Minsmere in Sept. and Oct. were maximum numbers recorded (HEA). Two present R. Orwell, Nov. 27 (RJC). 67. Eider.—There were rather more records than for some time, with up to nine at Lowestoft (GJJ) and fourteen off Minsmere (HEA) in Jan. One Levington, Mar. 20 (WHR) and Easton Broad, May 15 (GJJ). A f. Minsmere, June 7 (HEA). At Havergate one or two in May and one on two dates in July, with four in Sept. (RJP). C. twenty Southwold, Oct. 2 (GBGB) and eight at Walberswick, Nov. 19 (GJJ). Eight off Benacre, Aug. 30 (DBC). 69. Red-breasted merganser.—About average numbers (maximum thirty) R. Orwell, Jan and Mar. (CDGC, RJC, HJL, WHR) with small numbers Minsmere, Jan. to Mar. and up to seven irregularly in autumn (HEA). Up to four at Havergate, Jan and Feb. (RJP). 70. Goosander.—Odd birds only on coast and estuaries Feb. to Apl. and from Sept. 30 to end of year. 71. S m e w . - A drake at Minsmere, Feb. 22 (JCN) and six f./ims. Pin Mill, Feb. 12 (HJL) were only records. 73. Shelduck.—Usual high numbers on coast throughout year. Inland records were: a brood hatched on a pond at Great Glemham, though young did not survive (C); a pr. at Stoke-by-Nayland during summer but nesting not proved (per WHP); one at Livermere during most of year (many obs.).



75. Greylag goose.—One Havergate, Feb. 24 and Apl 22 and 23 (RJP); at Minsmere two, Mar. 28 and Apl. 21, then one tili Apl. 24. Five Nov. 6 to end of year (HEA). Three probable Benacre, Dec. 28 (CAEK). 76. White-fronted goose.—Numbers down again in Breydon area (RHH). At Minsmere small numbers (maximum nineteen) in Jan. and ten on Oct. 14 (HEA); a flock of c. 110 at another coastal locality in Jan. and Feb. (GJJ). Variable numbers at Havergate during Jan., with maximum c. forty on Jan. 29 (RJP). 78. Pink-footed goose.—Six in Sudbourne area Jan. and Feb. (GJJ); one Havergate, Jan. 21, Feb. 9 (RJP), seven, probably this species, Aying east at Edwardstone, Oct. 13 (WHP) and six at Minsmere, Oct. 29 (HEA). 80. Brent goose.—Numbers generally low, with a maximum of 250 on R. Stour in Dec. (RVAM), up to fifty on R. Orwell early and late in year (HJL, WHR) and up to forty-eight irregularly at Havergate in Jan. and Feb. (RJP). Small numbers on R. Blyth and at Walberswick and Boyton in early months of year. 81. Barnacle goose.—One wintered with Bewick's swans at Minsmere, leaving with them on Mar. 6. A second bird there on Jan. 9 (HEA). 82. Canada goose.—Numbers well maintained everywhere and probably a continued spread near coast, where breeding in at least six localities reported. 85. Whooper swan.—Five at Minsmere, Jan. 15, and two to four in Nov. (HEA); eight, probable, Freston, Feb. 20 (CGDC); thirty-five on R. Blyth, Nov. 10 (S). 86. Bewick's swan.—Good numbers again in both winters, with Minsmere herd numbering c. sixty in Jan. and Feb. and maximum of 102 on Dec. 17 (HEA); smaller numbers also present at Walberswick, Thorpeness, and Havergate in Jan., when between ten to eighteen at Tuddenham, West Suffolk (CAEK). Nine on R. Blyth (DBC), eleven Boyton and seventeen Butley (PAB) in Nov. and Dec. 91. Buzzard.—Singles in spring at Playford, Mar. 7 (WHR), Kesgrave, May 7 (HJL), and at Minsmere, Mar. 1, Apl. 1, 3 and 24, and May 4 with two together on Feb. 27 and Mar. 15 (HEA). In autumn and winter singles Walberswick, Sept. 3 and 9 (DBC, GJJ), Hinton, Nov. 19 (RVAM), and at Minsmere, Aug. 23, Oct. 10, with three Sept. 5 (HEA).

426 Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists\

Vol. 16, Part 6

92. Rough-legged buzzard.—Unusually high numbers at coastal localities from Benacre to Orford, one or two being present from Oct. 22 to end of year (many observers) with at least five on Dec. 17 (DBC). In West Suffolk one or more on Breck Oct. to Dec. (CAEK, MN). 93. Sparrow hawk.—Three prs. bred on coast at, respectively, Walberswick (GJJ), Minsmere—five young—(HEA), and Tunstall, where only one young was reared, remaining egg on analysis contained high level of chemical contamination (PAB). A number of records of passage and wintering birds on and near coast and on Breck. 98. Honey buzzard.—One near Brandon on July 3 (CAEK) is first record for the county for nine years. 99. Marsh harrier.—Breeding records were: Minsmere, two ms. mated to three fs. reared nine young. There was probably a fourth nest but both ads. disappeared in June (HEA); Walberswick one m. mated to two fs. probably reared seven young (GBGB, GJJ). 100. Hen harrier.—Usual numbers near coast between Jan. to Apl. 10 and Oct. 6 to year's end. At least three at Walberswick on Dec. 18 (DBC). Two on Breck from early Nov. (MN). 102. Montagu's harrier.—Did not breed at last year's site. Single ms. at Minsmere, Apl 23 and 24 (HEA), and Walberswick, July 7 (DBC) and Aug. 2 (GBGB). A f.—thought to be the same individual—was recorded at Havergate on Apl. 19 to 26, May 23, July 4 to 30, Aug. 2 to 27, and Sept. 6 to 9 (RJP). Harrier sp.—One over Knettishall Heath, July 17 (RRS). 103. Osprey.—Only reports were from Minsmere, where single birds occurred June 28 and 30, July 4 and 23, Aug. 27 and 28, with two Aying north on Sept. 19 (HEA). 104. Hobby.—Single birds recorded at Minsmere, June 13, July 9, 24 and 25 (HEA), at Havergate, June 12 (RJP), and Wablerswick, Sept. 10 (DBC). 105. Peregrine.—Recorded only at Minsmere on Sept. 2, Oct. 5 and 22, and Dec. 4 (HEA).



110. Kestrel.—Breeding numbers were certainly well maintained and possibly a little up on last year, with at least ten nests near coast (HEA, GBGB, PAB, MP, PCS), possibly four round Stowmarket (RJC), two at Ixworth (JC), probably five or six on Breck (CBC), and one near Cläre (per WHP). The usual autumn passage through county, with fair numbers of wintering birds. 116. Partridge.—Though numbers are still very low everywhere, this species had a good breeding season, with covies of twelve to fifteen in evidence. A covey of thirty was noted at Great Finborough on Aug. 13 (RJC). 117.

Quail.—A nest with seven eggs at Risby in July (per WHP).

119. Crane.—One at Westleton and Minsmere on May 14 had possibly been in area for a week (DBC, RGHC, SBE). One Westleton and Walberswick on July 9 and 10 (DBC.) 135. Little ringet! plover.—Only recorded from Minsmere, with one or two on a number of dates July to Sept. One on July 11 had been ringed as juv. in Oxfordshire on May 31 (HEA). 136. Kentish plover.—One Walberswick, Apl 24 (GJJ), one or two Havergate, May 22 to 31, one Minsmere, June 19 (FKC et al). 147. Jack snipe.—A late bird at Minsmere on May 29 (HEA, RGHC). 148.

Woodcock.—About average numbers during winter 66/67.

151. Whimbrel.—Spring passage from Apl. 17 to June 9, with c. sixty at Havergate on May 7 (RJP). Autumn passage between July 8 and Oct. 2, with c. fifty moving south at Minsmere on Aug. 7 (HEA). 154. Black-tailed godwit.—Spring passage from mid-Mar. to late June, with autumn birds in evidence from first week July. Usual small winter flocks at Minsmere and on R. Blyth. 155. Bar-tailed godwit.—Recorded in every month except Jan. A flock of sixty at Havergate on May 7 (RJP) and one of sixty-eight at Minsmere on Sept. 8 (HEA). 157. Wood sandpiper.—A small spring passage from mid-May to mid-June. Two early birds in a chalk-pit near Needham Market on Apl. 17 (ADR). Usual autumn passage to early Oct.

428 Transactions of the Sujfolk Naturalists', Vol. 16, Part 6 162. Spotted redshank.—Present on coast in every month of year but winter numbers were very low. One captured at Butley on Sept. 25 had been ringed a month previously at Chew Valley Reservoir, Somerset (PAB). 165. Greenshank.—Numbers generally passages. One at Minsmere, Jan. 29.




169. Knot.—Wintering numbers were low. 170. Purple sandpiper.—One or two at Lowestoft, Jan. 22, Nov. 26, Dec. 3 (FCC, BJB et al). One Easton Broad, Nov. 5 (DBC), and at Minsmere, Sept. 18 to Nov. 12 (HEA). One Boyton, Nov. 20 (PAB, PRC). 171. Little Stint.—Only spring records were two at Minsmere on May 17. Autumn passage there, with maximum six, from July 7 to Nov. 2 (HEA). One or two at Havergate from July 19 to Oct. 13 (RJP). 173. Temminck's Stint.—One at Minsmere, Sept. 1 and 3 (HEA, RGHC). 175. White-rumped sandpiper.—One at Minsmere, Aug. 9 to 15 (HEA, JAJ, GJJ et al) and a second there on Oct. 20 (HEA, RDE, JCN). 179. Curlew sandpiper.—Numbers were low and only spring record was one at Havergate on May 19 (RJP). First in autumn at Havergate on July 12 and last at Minsmere on Oct. 17. Four inland at Livermere, Sept. 25 (CAEK). 184. Ruff.—A wintering bird at Sudbourne, Jan. 29 (GJJ). A modest spring passage from mid-Mar. to mid-May with a straggler at Minsmere on June 27 (HEA). Low numbers from July 9 to end Oct. 185. Avocet.—At Havergate sixty-five prs. reared c. 125 young and at Minsmere fours prs. reared eight young. 188. Red-necked phalarope.—Recorded at Havergate, May 14, July 14, Aug. 9 to 30, and Sept. 10 to 15 (RJP). A very late bird at Aldeburgh, Dec. 4 (DGJ). 189. Stone curlew.-—Bred in at least four localities in coastal belt but numbers were low and probably declining, as they are in Breckland also.



• A w ' i n i f r i n g b i r d f o u n d dead under telephone wires at Westleton in mid-Dec. had been ringed as ad. at Walberswick in 1July (P y K Muttitt per DBC). 193. Arctic skua.—Not recorded in spring but fair numbers— one to iour—at Covehithe, Easton Bavents, Walberswick, and Minsmere between June 15 and Oct. 14 (HEA, GJJ, JPW). 9 ? 4 m u i r f a t S j U a ' T r S i n g l c S a t M i n s m e r e ' J u l y 16 (JD) and Aug. 21 (HEA), and at Havergate, Aug. 22 (RJP). /p9vr^eSflSer,blf^:ba?ked Berners Heath, Mar. 27 (OMSE), flock of 126, of which all ads. were of Scandinavian race, at Minsmere on Jan. 9 (HEA). Usual autumn and winter birds on coast with c. 100 daily at Minsmere in mid-Aug. (HEA)Herring 202.





b r e d at M i n s m e r e f

or the first time

Glaucous gull.—One Lowestoft, Feb. 17 (RSB



Covehithe, Jan. 1 (GJJ) and Minsmere Jan. 11, Mar. 12 ( H E A ) - a n d Apl 17 (GJJ, HJL). A first winter bird at Aldeburgh, Sept. 18 (BJB). 203. Iceland gull.—One Lowestoft, Jan. 8 (GJJ); an im at Minsmere, Jan. 22 and 23 (FKC), Feb. 9 to 14 and Sept. 5 (HEA). ad a t 5S\/rMi?itTerrai^an " Minsmere, Apl. 14 and 28 May 12, June 11 to 13 (HEA, DRM, JCN) and at Covehithe, July 16 to end of year (DBC, DAD, GJJ, CAEK). An im. at Easton Bavents, June 26 (GJJ).

207. Linie gull.—An im. at Lowestoft, Jan. 1 to 8 (GJJ), and a number of ads. and ims. at Easton Bavents, Minsmere, and Havergate dunng Apl., May, June, and July with seven at Minsmere on Oct. 13 (HEA). 211. Kittiwake. At the colony on South Pier, Lowestoft c twenty-nine young fledged from about thirty nests, much the same result as last year (EWCJ). 212. Black tern.—Single birds only at Minsmere, Apl. 24 and 25 and dunng May, but twenty on May 31st. One or two during i U ng e ' (/ u TA7 ^ a g e ^ n U m b e r s ~ m a x i m u m eight-during July and o " ' ™ ; O m at Havergate, May 20 to 22 and up to three Sept. 1 to 9 (RJP). One Walberswick, Aug. 30 (DBC). 216. Caspian tern.-Single a d s . - b u t different b i r d s - a t Minsmere, July 14 (HEA, DM, JCN) and Aug. 23 (HEA, JMA).

430 Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists', Vol. 13, Part 6 217. Common tern.—The Minsmere colony increased to over 250 prs. and had good breeding success, the majority leaving area in early July, with all gone by Aug. 31 (HEA). The Havergate colony, of c. forty-five prs., had poor results (RJP). 218. Arctic tern.—One or two on passage at Minsmere in June and at Havergate in Sept. 219. Roseate tern.—Easton Bavents: two June 28 and July 19. An im. July 16 and 17 and ad. July 30 (GJJ). Minsmere: three May 14 and June 10, one or two during July and seven together Aug. 14 (HEA). Walberswick: one July 3 "and Sept. 4 (DBC). Havergate, one June 5 and July 30 (RJP). 220. Sooty tern.—One Aying up and down the shore at Minsmere on evening of June 11 (JBC, FAC, JCN), was only the second record for the county, the first having occurred sixty-six years ago. 222. Little tern.—Bred for the first time on man-made shingle Stretch inside sea wall at Minsmere where three prs. fledged at least four young (HEA). Breeding success elsewhere on public beaches was as usual almost nil. 223. Sandwich tern.—Minsmere: at least 250 prs. bred very successfully, while birds from elsewhere brought numbers up to c. 1,000 on July 7 and 8. Havergate: eight-three pairs nested but a family of stoats is thought to have wiped out all the young, just after hatching (RJP). 224. Razorbill.—Small numbers of mainly "oiled" birds on coast Jan. and Feb. and Oct. and Nov. 226. Little auk.—One offshore at Minsmere on Oct. 22 (RVAM). 227. Guillemot.—Some twenty to thirty "oiled" birds reported between Lowestoft and Minsmere during course of the year. 230. Puffin.—Singles offshore at Minsmere, Apl. 18 (DRM) and Oct. 25 (JELP).



Collared dove.—At last beginning to extend inland from the coast and from its two main colonies in north-west Suffolk. New localities from which it was recorded during the year were: Yoxford, Saxmundham, Middleton, Darsham, Hinton, and Framlingham (HH), Brandeston (JELP), and Woodbridge (CGDC). In West Suffolk a number colonised Bury St. Edmunds (MN) with odd birds at Mildenhall and Icklingham in May (EJC, WRI). Numbers increased at Southwold (BAC), Ipswich (HEPS), and Brandon, where c. twenty-four were present in Tan. (RJC). 237. Cuckoo.—First recorded at Minsmere on Mar. 31 (HEA). Numbers continue low everywhere. A hepatic iuv. at Southwold on Aug. 24 (EDG). 241.

Barn owl.—Very few records received.


Little owl.—Now very scarce almost everywhere.

248. Long-eared owl.—A slight increase in breeding records, with two prs. probable at Walberswick (GJJ), two in Tunstall area (PAB), one at Darmsden (JV) and a pair with young near Lakenheath (EJC, WRI). One was also found dead in a trap at Lakenheath (CAEK). 249. Short-eared owl.—Three young reared in Aldeburgh area (EFC) and twelve young from four prs. at Havergate (RJP). Usual winter reports from east and north-west Suffolk. 252. Nightjar.—Very few reports of this species were sent in, and all as usual were from coastal belt and Breck, to which areas, in fact, the nightjar now seems entirely confined. It is probably decreasing in most of its haunts, e.g., at Thorpness and Aldeburgh where there were no records during year (EFC). About twenty prs. bred at Minsmere (HEA). A nest with two eggs at Euston on May 11 (G. Gought per WHP) is very early for this species. 255. Swift.—One watched at Kirkley Cliff, Lowestoft at 3.45 p.m. on Jan. 6 (H. E. Jenner et al). This is apparently a date unprecedented in the British Isles. 256. Alpine swift.—One at Minsmere, May 23 (JW), one at Lowestoft, Aug. 26 (H. E. Jenner per EWCJ).

432 Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists', Vol. 13, Part 6 258. Kingfisher.—SPECIAL SURVEY. Whilst records of actual breeding were still rather sparse viz: Beccles (CRC), Minsmere (HEA), Great Finborough (RJC), and Long Melford (MC), one or more birds were reported throughout the year at following localities: Walberswick (GJJ), Needham Market (ADR), Bury St. Edmunds (MN), Ixworth (AAJ), and Acton (DMW). Birds were also noted during spring, autumn, or winter at Sudbourne (HP), Thorpeness (EPC, CCN), Aldeburgh (EFC, RJH), Ipswich (HJL), R. Orwell (RJC, WHR), Butley (PCS), Minsmere (HEA), Blythburgh (GBGB), Brampton (BAC), Kessingland (HJL), Southwold (WER), Oulton Broad (FCC, JGW, RSB), Badingham (per PHTH), and R. Blyth (DBC). 261. Hoopoe.—Single birds at Hollesly about Apl. 27 (per PAB), Buxhall, May 7 to 9 (RJC), Minsmere, May 13 (CC, JCN), and—same bird?—Walberswick, May 14 (DBC) and Orford, May 20 (per PAB). A very late bird was also recorded at Tuddenham, West Suffolk on Oct. 30 (CAEK). 262. Green woodpecker.—SPECIAL SURVEY. Recovery of this species appears to be continuing well and during the year it was recorded from at least thirty-five localities. 265. Wryneck.—Only spring reports were: one at Aldeburgh, Apl. 19 (EFC), one at Minsmere, May 13 and 14 (HEA), and one in song at a Breckland locality on May 17 (EJC, WRI). Autumn passage on the coast between Aug. 27 and Sept. 15 was again on an exceptional scale though not of course when compared with the vast "fall" of September, 1965. At least fifty examples were recorded—mostly singly—from Lowestoft, Frostenden (RSB), Benacre (GBGB), Westleton (RSB, PT), Walberswick (GJJ), Southwold (GJB), Sizewell (DGJ), Aldeburgh (EFC, RJH), Butley, Gedgrave (PAB), Felixstowe (JPW), Badingham and Dennington (PHTH). There were also four at Benacre on Aug. 27 and 28 (AGH), up to seven at Minsmere, Aug. 27 to Sept. 4 (HEA), at least four at Walberswick, Aug. 27 to 30 (DBC) and three at Thorpeness, Sept. 7 (EFC). At Great Bealings one was caught by a cat but was released unhurt (per CGDC). 271. Woodlark.—Still decreasing, with no breeding at Minsere for the first time for many years (HEA), none at Aldeburgh (EFC), and numbers on Breck "very much down" (JCR). Noted on passage along shore at Minsmere on Feb. 27 and early Oct. (HEA). The Cambridge Bird Club Report for 1965 was able to record no more than fourteen breeding prs. of woodlark for the whole of the Suffolk and Norfolk Breck.



273. Shore lark.—Two or three only at Walberswick and Minsmere (GJJ, HEA) in early months of year and again during Nov. and Dec., with an early bird at Thorpeness on Oct. 2 (HJL) and one at Lowestoft on Oct. 30 (JRR). From Dec. 18 to end of year a flock of c. fifty-seven was present at Slaughden, near Aldeburgh (HEA, MB, EFC, CRC, DM). 274. Swallow.—A very big passage of this species was recorded at Southwold (GBGB) and Walberswick during the week Sept. 1 to 8, and the Dingle Bird Club considered that well over 500,000 birds must have been present and roosting in the reedbeds at night. Majority departed on Sept. 9, but there was another big movement past Walberswick on Sept. 17. On Sept. 7 many of the swallows performed mass aerobatic flights before entering the roost, in a similar manner to starlings. 278. Golden oriole.—Two ms. and one f. at Minsmere between May 25 and 28 (HEA). 281. Hooded crow.—Considerably more records than for some years, mainly from coast and covering both winters viz: Dunwich, Darsham, Easton Bavents, Havergate, Minsmere, Sudbourne, and Tunstall and also inland at Darmsden and Icklingham. Highest numbers were twelve at Minsmere, Nov. 2, with eleven in Dec., ten at Aldeburgh, Oct. 28, eight at Sudbourne, Dec. 31, and possibly eleven at Icklingham Nov. 19. 294. Long-tailed tit.—Unusual numbers on coastal passage at Minsmere, Oct. 24 to 31 (HEA). 295. Bearded tit.—Breeding numbers thought to be rather down at Walberswick (DBC). At Minsmere c. thirty prs. bred. Autumn eruption was as pronounced as ever and was noted from Sept. 9. Among birds ringed on reserve during 1966 four were subsequently recovered in Kent (HEA). Other non-breeding areas from which bearded tits were reported during the autumn were Thorpe Meare, late Sept. (EFC), Butley and Shingle Street, Oct. 23 (PAB, PRC), R. Orwell, Shotlev, Oct. 23 to 30 (MP). " 299.

Wren.—Numbers appear to be back to normal in most areas.

300. Dipper.—One on R. Stour at Wiston Mill, Nov. 17 to 28 (Mrs. L. C. Cook per WHP). 304.

Redwing.—First at Playford, Sept. 21, caught and ringed

434 Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists',

Vol. 13, Part 6

307. Ring ouzel.—Minsmere: first at East Bridge, Apl. 6 (PCS), then one or two most days Apl. 17 to 23, with a late bird June 9 (HEA). One Aldeburgh, May 3 (EFC). One or two Sudbourne, Apl. 13 to 16 (PAB), and Walberswick, Apl. 25 (GJJ). A good and rather late autumn passage from Sept. 19 to Oct. 26 at many coastal localities, with a straggler at Lowestoft, Nov. 8 to 10 (many obs.). Large numbers—estimated at c. 100 were present in Boy ton area on Oct. 9 (PRC). 317. Stonechat.—Breeding numbers in coastal areas showed a decline, possibly to only nine to ten prs., though all likely areas were probably not covered. 318. Whinchat.—Very few records received. Like most waste land birds this species has decreased markedly in recent years. 320. Redstart.—One ringed at Benacre during the "great fall" of Sept. 4, 1965 was recovered in Norway on July 8, 1966 (AGH). 321. Black redstart.—Bred Lowestoft (EWCJ, JGW) and Sizewell (HEA). Odd birds Southwold, Oct. and Nov. (GBGB, BAC), Minsmere, Apl, June and Oct. (HEA), Aldeburgh, May 3 (EFC), Orford and Havergate, Oct. 11 to 16 (JFH, RJP). 324.

Bluethroat.—One at Aldeburgh, Sept. 7 (EFC).

327. Grasshopper warbler.—Recorded during summer from following new localities: Redgrave, Knettishall (RRS), and Hollesley (HJL). 332. Great reed warbler.—One at Minsmere, July 7 (HEA, V DM). ' 337. Sedge warbler.—A very late bird at Minsmere on Nov. 8 had not completed moult (HEA). 343. Blackcap.—Wintering birds at Woodbridge, Feb. (AAC) and Ipswich, Dec. 5 (PCS). 344. Barred warbler.—Three at Minsmere on Sept. 8 (HEA, RB, EARE et al). 348. Lesser whitethroat.—Unusually plentiful Southwold, Dunwich, and Brampton (BAC) and at Minsmere (HEA) but numbers continued low in West Suffolk. 357.

Wood warbler.—One singing at Minsmere, Apl. 24 (HEA).

436 Transactions of the Suffolk NaturaHsts', Vol. 13, Part 6

382. Blue-headed wagtail.—One at Minsmere, Apl 6 to 12 (HEA) and one at Blythburgh, Aug. 29 (GBGB). 383. Waxwing.—Following the unusually big irruption of Oct. and Nov., 1965, small flocks and individuals were present in many parts of the county from Jan. to late Mar., feeding on apples, cotoneaster, and pyracantha berries and on any haws that remainded. Ipswich was as usual particularly favoured (CDGC, WHR, HEPS, JCNW) with two or three birds still there on Apl. 29 (MGC), the latest date so far recorded for the county. In autumn waxwings again put in an appearance, with the first report from Aldeburgh on Oct. 29 (EFC), but numbers were everywhere very much below those of previous winter. Maximum numbers recorded were up to fifty at Lowestoft during Nov. and Dec. (EWCJ, GM, JRR), fourteen at Aldeburgh on Nov. 12 (EFC), and only quite small numbers at Minsmere, Nov. 13 (MC et al), Reydon, Nov. 29 (WER), Leiston on Nov. 4 to 24 (CRC, DGJ, DM) and two or three only in West Suffolk at Ixworth (AAJ) and Lakenheath (MN, MR). 384. Great grey shrike.—Numbers were probably much as usual, with wintering birds scattered over the heathland areas of coastal and north-west Suffolk from Jan. to Apl. 6 and again from Oct. 20. The Minsmere-Dunwich-Walberswick-Blythburgh area contained five or six birds at least (HEA, GBGB, DBC, HEC, HJL, GJJ) and there were probably nearly a dozen on the Breck at Tuddenham, Cavenham, Icklingham, and Culford (HEC, CAEK, DAD, WHP). Odd birds also occurred at Aldringham (EFC) and inland at Yoxford (GJJ), Haughley (per HEC), and Newton (per WHP). A number are reported each year as captured in bullfinch traps in fruit orchards. 388. Red-backed shrike.—SPECIAL SURVEY. Rather more records were sent in and breeding numbers MAY have been a little up on last year, but it would be helpful if in future observers would indicate relative status of shrikes compared with previous years when same breeding areas are visited. About twenty-five prs. were lecorded from five coastal localities, with numbers considered sharply down in two. Two observers considered Breck numbers down by 50%. 389. Starling.—A pr. nested and almost certainly reared young in the roof of any empty house at Härtest towards the end of Dec. (P. Clarke per WHP).




391. Hawfinch.—Kennet (CAEK) and Nayland (WHP) appear to be new localities for this species. 394. Siskin.—A pr. feeding young just out of the nest at Herringfleet during the summer (H. E. Jenner per EWCJ). This is first proof of actual breeding in the county, though there have been indications for some years past that the siskin was probably breeding in the afforested areas of the Breck and the coastal belt. 397. Redpoll.—Unusual numbers during summer at Blythburgh (BAC) and Minsmere (HEA) and in wintcr along the fringe of the Breck, e.g., Risby and Culford (WHP). About twelve Mealy redpolls at Benacre, Dec. 10 (GBGB). 404. Crossbill.—Another "irruption" took place during the summer with high numbers on coast from mid-June when six arrived at Aldeburgh, building up to c. forty by July 10, after which numbers declined again (EFC). About thirty at Minsmere on June 27 (MB, PB) with smaller numbers from July to early Nov. (HEA) and up to forty at Westleton and Walberswick (DBC) and twenty-five at Sudbourne (PAB) in July. One bird settled on beach at Ness Point, Lowestoft, July 5 (per EWCJ). Three in Christchurch Park, Ipswich on Aug. 11 (ALB) and up to eight at Blythburgh in Sept. (PT). During winter, parties of up to ten at Dunwich (GBGB, FAC) and Tunstall (PAB) and one in a large mixed flock of linnets and tree sparrows at Walberswick (GJJ). Average numbers on Breck throughout the year. 408. Brambling.—High numbers were reported from some areas during both winters with "thousands" Coming into finch roosts at Butley and Sudbourne in Feb. (PAB) and over 2,000 in mixed flock at North Warren in Feb. and Mar. (HD, DL). Smaller but still high numbers in north-west Suffolk, Jan. to Mar. (CAEK, MN, WHP). First recorded in autumn on Aug. 30 at Sudbourne (PAB). Another large flock of c. 1,000 at Worlington in late Dec. (MN). 413. Red-headed bunting.—Single ms. at Minsmere, May 7 (RGHC, RB) and Aug. 28 (F and RK). Another apparently bred successfully at Walberswick during summer when mated with either a f. of its own species or with a f. yellow hammer (C.N. et


422. Lapland bunting.—Oniy reported from Minsmere, where one or two occurred on various dates between Sept. 23 and Nov. 4 (HEA).



361. Pallas's warbler.—One at Minsmere, Nov. 4 (HEA, DM) was the second record for the county. The first also occurred in Nov. 363. Radde's warbler.—Two individuals occurred at Minsmere within five days of each other viz: Oct. 15 (HEA, H and Jf, DM) and Oct. 20 (HEA, DM, JCN). 364. Goldcrest.—Breeding population at Minsmere increasing but still below pre-1963 level (HEA). Also bred Freston (WSHP) and Bury St. Edmunds (MN). There was a pronounced immigration between Oct. 9 to 23; at Stowmarket four flew into a wire fence under bright lights on night Oct. 9/10 (ADR) and six were killed or injured against lighted factory windows Oct. 10 to 15 (RJC). Twenty at Aldeburgh, Oct. 16 and c. forty at Thorpeness, Oct. 23 (EFC). About twenty at Minsmere, Oct. 14 (HEA). 365. Firecrest.—Only records—from Minsmere—where Single individuals between Oct. 6 and 15 (HEA). 368. Pied Flycatcher.—A m. at Minsmere on May 7 (HEA) was sole spring record. Autumn passage was only on a modest Scale and there were no records from inland. 370. Red-breasted (per HEA).


at Minsmere, Oct. 8

371. Hedge sparrow.—A nest with three eggs at Kessingland, 6 Feb. 6 (RSB). 376. Tree pipit.—SPECIAL SURVEY. There seems little doubt that, like other heathland birds, the tree pipit is decreasing steadily as a breeding species. Nesting season records received were: one Wangford (PT), three or four Walberswick (BAC), six breeding prs. Minsmere (HEA), one pr. only Aldeburgh (EFC), fairly numerous, Sutton and Hollesley (HJL). On Breck fifteen to twenty prs. (RJC, CAEK, MN, WHP). 379. Water pipit—Singles at Minsmere, Mar. 14, Apl. 6, and Oct. 16 to 26 (HEA). 380. White wagtail.—Singles at Easton, Apl. 10 (GJJ) and Kessingland, Apl. 11 (JRR) with one or two at Minsmere between Apl. 11 and May 2 and Oct. 20 and 22 (HEA). 381. Grey wagtail.—Usual small autumn passage on coast, with maximum five at Minsmere on Oct. 7 (HEA). After several years absence, wintering birds were again noted at Tuddenham and Bury, St. Edmunds (CAEK) and at Härtest (WHP).

438 Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalist?,

Vol. 13, Part 6

423. Snow bunting.—Generally small numbers on coast during both winters. L I S T OF OBSERVERS

H. E. Axell Mrs. J. Axell G. J. Baker P. A. Banks Mrs. M . Bale Miss P. Barlee G. B. G . Benson M . Bendix B. J. Brown R. S. Briggs A. L . Bull A. A. Calder R. G . H . Cant E. J. Clement H . E. Chipperfield P. Clements F. K. Cobb F. C. Cook M . Coath Miss B. A. Conev J. B. Cox R. J. Copping E. F. Crosby J. Cross M . G . Cockram TheCambridgeBirdClub T h e Earl of Cranbrook F. A. Currie C. G. D . Curtis C. R. C u t h b e r t M . Cutler G. Dunnett Dingle Bird Club H . Dockrill D. A. Dorling

G. M . S. Easy S. B. Edwards R. D. English E. A. R. Ennion Mr. and Mrs. H . ffennell Miss E. D. Goldsmith G. G o u g h t Miss J. F. Hancock R. H. Harrison R. J. Holloman Miss G. Houghton H. Hunt A. G. Hurrell W. R. Ingram E. W . C. Jenner D. G . J e n k s J. A. Jobling G. J. Jobson Col. A. A. Johnson L. F. Kellow C. A. E. Kirtland Mr. and Mrs. F. Knight R. Knight Mr. and Mrs. K. Landon D. Lea H. J. Lee K. A. L o n g R. A. L o n g Lowestoft Field Club R. V. A. Marshall D. I. McCorkindale G. Mitchell D. R. Mower C. N a u n t o n D. D. Nesling

Miss M . Nixon J. C. Nicholson M. Packard R. J. Partridge Mrs. W. S. H . Paul W . H . Payn H. Pease C. R. Peacock J. E. L . Pemberton Miss E. M . Prime Mrs. M . Pressland W. H . Ramsav J. R. Read Miss L. Riehes J. C. Robson A. D. Rowe W. E. Rowe R. R. Scott E. A. Smith R. Smith H. E. P. Spencer P. C. Steggall T h e Earl of Stradbroke P. T ä t e Lord Tollemache J. Vane A. E. Vine J. G. W a r n e r A. E. Welch Mrs. D . M . Wheeler J. P. Widgery Miss J. C. N . Willis C. D . Wilson J. Wood

DINGLE BIRD CLUB—WALBERSWICK Bird Ringing Report for 1966 A total of 2,088 birds were ringed during the year, a considerable drop on 1965 due mainly to the absence of more active ringers, and a very quiet migratory period compared with the September, 1965 'fall'. Very high numbers of swallows roosted in the reed beds in early September and a total of 578 were ringed. A recovery in South Africa fully justified this effort. A total of 226 bearded tits were ringed and two of these (consecutive numbers) were controlled at Portsmouth, 150 miles. G.



65 miles N.W.

17. 8.60 Walberswick 22. 7.66 Terrington, King's Lynn Controlled. Wash Wader Group.

Song thrush CX 97015 F.G.

10.10.65 12. 3.66

Walberswick Brages, Bordeaux, France

3. 8.64 5. 9.66

Walberswick Bustos, Palhaca, Portugal

Killed. Reed warbler AN 91129 Ad. Killed. Spotted flycatcher AN 91786 F.G.

6. 8.64 Walberswick 7. 5.66 Bradwell, Essex 50 miles S.W. Controlled. Bradwell B.O. A K 97204 Juv. 24. 6.63 Walberswick Calahorra, Spain 2.10.66 Controlled. Redpoll AR 31958


FoĂźnd Dead. AK 97477 Ist W. Caught and caged.

14. 8.65 14.11.66

Walberswick Hornu, Belgium

31. 8.63 Walberswick 12.10.65 Ardenne, Belgium. Sexed Male.


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