Records of Suffolk Cladoniae (Lichens)

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RECORDS OF SUFFOLK CLADONIAE (LICHENS) S . A . MANNING, F . L . S . SOME of the cup-lichens, "reindeer m o s s e s " , and certain other m e m b e r s of the liehen g e n u s Cladonia f o r m an element of the Suffolk flora which is of s o m e importance in s u c h places as dunes, heaths, and expanses of sandy shingle. Unfortunately these interesting and often attractive plants are neglected by m a n y naturalists and botanists and it would probably be useful to f u t u r e workers to record the presence of s o m e of them in the county before more of their habitats are rendered unsuitable or disappear completely. In the following list n a m e s are arranged alphabetically. Where a species is included in that work, its n u m b e r in the C e n s u s Catalogue (Watson, 1953) is given in parenthesis after its name. Records are referred to the vice-county divisions (East Suffolk, v.c. 25, and West Suffolk, v.c. 26), which are separated by the line 1° E . longitude. A n asterisk indicates that Watson did not list the species for that particular vice-county. U n l e s s otherwise indicated, speeimens s u p p o r t i n g each record are preserved in the herbarium of the author, w h o m a d e those gatherings which are not accredited to other collectors. s Cladonia


(Wallr.) Rabenh. (875).

E a s t S u f f o l k : A m o n g m o s s e s on fixed sand, T h e D e n e s , K e s s i n g land, 30.5.1966. West S u f f o l k : S a n d y heathland, in Callunetum, C a v e n h a m , 9.6.1951 ( E . C . Wallace). O n light soil at roadside, Lakenheath, 21.5.1966 ( I have also seen material collected here by E. D a h l , 11.2.1952, and by J . R. L a u n d o n and M . G o o d m a n , 1.8.1955)! T h e t f o r d Heath, October, 1951 ( D . M c V e a n , H e r b . N a t u r e Conservancy). C. bacillaris

Nyl. (920).

* E a s t S u f f o l k : R e c o r d e d from Staverton T h i c k s , near W o o d bridge, 1959 (Brightman, i 9 6 0 ) , and f r o m the Callunetum, Hollesley Heath, 1965 (Hawksworth, 1967), where the present writer again saw this small, red-fruited species on 31.5.1966. C . cariosa (Ach.) S p r e n g . (902). East S u f f o l k : O n fixed s a n d , T h e D e n e s , K e s s i n g l a n d , 30.5.1966. West S u f f o l k : O n g r o u n d on heath, B a m h a m , A u g u s t , 1936 ( R . Burn). Elveden, 16.7.1936 ( E . A. Ellis). T h e t f o r d H e a t h 2.10.1958 ( E . A . Ellis).


Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists', Vol. 14, Part 1

C. cervicornis (Ach.) Flot. (897). East Suffolk: Amongheather onsandy heath, Dunwich Common, 30.5.1967. What may be squamules of this species were growing on fixed sand, The Denes, Kessingland, 30.5.1966. West Suffolk: On light soil at roadside, Lakenheath, 21.5.1966. C. coccifera (L.) Willd. (913). East Suffolk: Among heather on sandy heath, Dunwich Common, 30.5.1967. Among heather on light sandv soil, Hollesley, 31.5.1966. West Suffolk: On light soil at roadside, Lakenheath, 21.5.1966. C. conista (Ach.) Robb, ex Allen. (?890 var.). *East Suffolk: On sandy shingle, in shelter of marram grass by the sea, Covehithe, 27.5.1967. On fixed shingle, Dunwich, 29.5.1966. On sandy heath near the sea, Dunwich Common, 30.5.1967. On decayed plant remains over shingle, Shingle Street, 30.4.1966. On fixed shingle near the sea, Thorpeness, 28.5.1967. C. crispata (Ach.) Flot. var. cetrariaeformis (Del. ex Duby) Vain. (904). *East Suffolk: Among heather on sandy heath near the sea, Dunwich Common, 30.5.1967. C. fimbriata (L.) Fr. (890). East Suffolk: Among heather on sandy heath near the sea, Dunwich Common, 30.5.1967. On fallen thatch from barn near Fiatford Mill, 5.3.1967. C. floerkeana (Fr.) Sommerf. (921). West Suffolk: On old wood on heath, Elveden, 1.5.1937 (R. Burn). C. foliacea (Huds.) Willd. (885). East Suffolk: Fritton Lake, 29.5.1937. On heath among heather, Hollesley, 31.5.1966. On fixed sand, The Denes, Kessingland, 30.5.1966. On fixed shingle near the sea, Thorpeness, 28.5.1967. On sandy shingle, Walberswick-Dunwich area, 27.5.1951. West Suffolk: Ling Heath, Brandon, 17.4.1949 (G. P. Larwood). On light soil at roadside, Lakenheath, 21.5.1966. On light soil at roadside, Wordwell, 21.5.1966. C. furcata (Huds.) Schrad. (906). East Suffolk: On fixed shingle, Dunwich, 29.5.1966. On fixed sand, The Denes, Kessingland, 30.5.1966. WalberswickDunwich area, 27.5.1951. West Suffolk: On light soil at roadside, Lakenheath, 21.5.1966. On light soil at roadside, Wordwell, 21.5.1966.



C. gracilis (L.) Willd. (899). East Suffolk: On Soil, Walberswick-Dunwich area, 27.5.1951. West Suffolk: Under Calluna vulgaris, Lakenheath, August, 1960 (Miss E. R. Noble). On light soil at roadside, Lakenheath, 21.5.1966. C. impexa Harm. (879). *East Suffolk: On the ground, Shrublands Park, Coddenham, 16.3.1938 (R. Burn). Among heather on sandy heath near the sea, Dunwich Common, 30.5.1966. Fritton Lake, 29.5.1937. Among heather on light sandy soil, Hollesley, 31.5.1966. Kessingland, 11.2.1952 (E. Dahl, Herb. Univ. Coli. North Wales, Bangor). On fixed sand, The Denes, Kessingland, 30.5.1966. WalberswickDunwich area, 27.5.1951. West Suffolk: Lakenheath Warren, February, 1952 (E. Dahl, Herb. Univ. Coli. North Wales, Bangor). Under Calluna vulgaris, Lakenheath, August, 1960 (Miss E. R. Noble). Thetford Heath, October, 1951 (D. McVean, Herb. Nature Conservancy). C. macilenta Hoffm. (918). East Suffolk: On sandy shingle in shelter of marram grass by the sea, Covehithe, 27.5.1967. On fixed shingle, Dunwich, 29.5.1966. Among heather on sandy heath near the sea, Dunwich Common, 30.5.1967. On fallen thatch from barn near Fiatford Mill, 5.3.1967. On coniferous wood and on soil, Fritton Lake, 29.5.1937. C. pityrea (Flรถrke) Fr. (893). East Suffolk: On sandy shingle in shelter of marram grass by the sea, Covehithe, 27.5.1967. On fixed shingle, Dunwich, 29.5.1966. On fallen thatch from barn near Fiatford Mill, 5.3.1967. On fixed sand, The Denes, Kessingland, 30.5.1966. On soil, Walberswick-Dunwich area, 27.5.1951. C. polydactyla (Flรถrke) Spreng. (919). *East Suffolk: Fritton Lake, 29.5.1937. C. rangiformis Hoffm. (907). East Suffolk: On fixed shingle, Dunwich, 29.5.1966. On fixed sand, The Denes, Kessingland, 30.5.1966. On fixed sand, Shingle Street, 30.4.1966. On fixed shingle near the sea, Thorpeness, 28.5.1967. On the ground, Walberswick-Dunwich area, 27.5.1951. West Suffolk: On light soil at roadside, Lakenheath, 21.5.1966. On light soil at roadside, Wordwell, 21.5.1966.


Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalist?,

Vol. 14, Part 1

C. scabriuscula (Del. ex Duby) Leight. (906 var.). *East Suffolk: In brick pit, Bramford, 21.3.1938 (R. Burn). On sandy shingle in shelter of marram grass by the sea, Covehithe, 27.5.1967. On fixed shingle, Dunwich, 29.5.1966. On fixed sand, The Denes, Kessingland, 30.5.1966. Among heather on heath, Martlesham, 7.5.1936 (R. Burn). Shingle Street, 30.4.1966. West Suffolk: Heathy bit, Higham on Stour, September, 1936 (R. Burn). On light soil at roadside, Lakenheath, 21.5.1966. Broom Hill, Polstead, 1935 (R. Burn). Heath, Stratford, 22.2.1938 (R. Burn). On light soil at roadside, Wordwell, 21.5.1966. C. squamosa (Scop.) Hoffm. (910). East Suffolk: Among heather, Hollesley, 31.5.1966. West Suffolk: On light soil at roadside, Lakenheath, 21.5.1966. C. subrangiformis Sandst. The status of this species has been in doubt for some time and one worker (Schade, 1966) considers it to be an ecological form of C. furcata growing on calcareous soils. However, the records are kept separate for the present. *East Suffolk: On fixed shingle, Dunwich, 29.5.1966. *West Suffolk: On sandy bare bank, Wode's Lane, Raydon, 27.10.1936 (R. Burn). Determination confirmed by Prof. Henry des Abbayes, 1958. C. subulata (L.) Web. (890 var.). East Suffolk: On sandy shingle in shelter of marram grass by the sea, Covehithe, 27.5.1967. Among heather on sandy heath near the sea, Dunwich Common, 30.5.1967. On fixed shingle near the sea, Thorpeness, 28.5.1967. On soil, Walberswick-Dunwich area, 27.5.1951. C. tenuis (Flรถrke) Harm. (876). *East Suffolk: Among heather on sandy heath near the sea, Dunwich Common, 30.5.1967. Fritton Warren, 28.2.1937 (E. A. Ellis, Det. confirmed Prof. H. des Abbayes, 1958). On light sandy soil among heather, Hollesley, 31.5.1966. On fixed sand, The Denes, Kessingland, 30.5.1966. On ground, Walberswick-Dunwich area, 27.5.1951 (Det. Prof. H. des Abbayes, 1958). # West Suffolk: Lakenheath Warren, 11.2.1952 (E. Dahl, Herb. Univ. Coli. North Wales, Bangor). Material seen from the Callunetum, Lakenheath Warren, 1.8.1955 (J. R. Laundon and M. Goodman). With C. impexa under Calluna vulgaris, Lakenheath, August, 1960 (Miss E. R. Noble). On light soil at roadside, Lakenheath, 21.5.1966.



C. uncialis (L.) Web. (881). East Suffolk: Fritton Warren, 28.2.1937 (E. A. Ellis). Acknowledgments Grateful thanks are due to Mr. J. R. Laundon, Dr. D. McVean, and Prof. P. W. Richards for the loan of material, Miss E. R. Noble and Messrs. R. Burn, E. A. Ellis, G. P. Larwood, and E. C. Wallace for collecting and donating the specimens mentioned, and to Prof. H. des Abbayes, Dr. I. M. Lamb, and the late Dr. W. Watson for much valuable help and encouragement Over the years. References Brightman, F. H . (1960). 203.

Field Meeting at Fiatford.

The Lichenologist I,

Hawksworth, D . L. (1967). A Note on Suffolk Lichens. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 13, 323. Schade, A. (1966). U b e r die Artberechtigung der Cladonia subrangiformis Sandst. sowie das Auftreten von Calciumoxalat-Exkreten bei ihr u n d einigen anderen Flechten. Nova Hedwigia 11, 285 Watson, W . (1953). Census Catalogue of British Lichens. London.

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