Moths of Redgrave and Lopham Fens

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report Covers the survey of Moths (Macrolepidoptera), carried out under the auspices of the Redgrave Fen Advisory Committee, up to the end of the 1967 Season. Part of the Committee's duties is to organise regulär plant and animal surveys so that a wealth of scientific information will be available when future management is planned. THIS

No attempt has been made here to describe the history, ecology, and geographical features of the Fens. These have been well described by Bellamy and Rose (1960) and Duffey (1961), to which reference should be made. As part of the Lepidoptera survey, the committee endeavoured to obtain records from those who had carried out work on the Fens in the past. Unfortunately only one such person could be found, Rev. Guy Ford, who kindly sent notes on his captures at various dates in 1946, 1949, and 1950. Most of the moths taken by him have been noted during this season. Those which have not are given in the list of species at the end of this report. Until the generator became available this season day time visits only were made. On 21st July, 1965, the most noteworthy species were Purple Bordered Gold (Sterrha muricata) and July Belle (Ortholitha plumbaria). On 7th June, 1966, the July Belle was again present Aying over the heather on Lopham Little Fen in Company with the Common Heath (Ematurga atomaria). Other species noted included the Small Purple Barred (Phytometra viridaria) and Marbled White Spot (Lithocodia fasciana). The next day visit on 8th July, 1966, produced a total of twentyfour species. The Purple Bordered Gold and the July Belle were again present. Beating the scrub and heather produced, among others, Lesser Cream Wave (Scopula immutata), Sharp Angled Carpet (Euphyia unangulata), Small Scallop (Sterrha emarginata), Small Fanfooted Ware (5. biselata), Single Dotted Ware (S. dimidiata), Treble Brown Spot (5. trigeminata), July Highflyer {Hydriomena furcata), and Grass Emerald (Psendoterpna pruinata). Small numbers of Five Spot and Six Spot Burnets (Zygaena trifolii and Z. filipendula) were Aying. The first attempt at night work on 7th June, 1967, was rendered abortive by the generator refusing to Start. Mr. H. E. Chipperfield, who was my companion on that occasion, agreed that the equipment should be overhauled by a local mechanic. A defective


Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists', Vol. 14, Part 1

part was discovered and replaced. The next visit on 27th June, this time with Mr. S. Beaufoy, was more successful in spite of unfavourable weather. Among the thirty species seen were Small Clouded Brindle (Apatnea unanimus), Drinker (Philudaria potataria), Powdered Wainscot (Simyra venosa), Elephant Hawk (Deilephila elpenor), and Pale Shouldered Brocade (Hadena thalassina). The most productive day visit this year took place on 2nd July, when fourteen species were noted. Again the Purple Bordered Gold, July Belle, and Common Heath were plentiful. Single specimens of Mother Shipton (Euclidimera mi), Burnet Companion (Ectypa glyphica), and Blackneck (Lygephila pastinum) were observed. On a warm humid evening on 5th July I was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. H. Kershaw. The generator, unfortunately behaved temperamentally and the light was off for part of the time. In spite of this, upwards of forty species were recorded and some were appearing in fair numbers. These included the Drinker (P. potataria), Elephant Hawk (D. elpenor), Round Winged Muslin (Thumatha senex), Dotted Fanfoot (Zanclognatha tarsipennalis), Flame Wainscot (Meliana flamme a), Silky Wainscot (Clnlodes maritima), Southern Wainscot (Leucania straminea), and Green Carpet (Colostygia pectinataria). The most pleasing to record was the New Gold Spot (Plusia gracilis). It is only recently that this has been given the status of a "good species". It can be distinguished from Plusia festucae by the difference in shape of one of the gold streaks in the tips of the forewings. On 9th July, I led a joint party from the Stowmarket and Lowestoft Natural History Societies. In fine sunny weather the Purple Bordered Gold and the July Belle were again Aying. A Double Dart (Graphiphora augur) was seen resting on the hut and a larva of the Emperor (Saturnia pavoniä) was found on the heather by one of the party. Mr. G. Burton accompanied me on the next visit on 15th July. Dßring two hours of collecting in warm weather following a heavy shower, fifty-seven species came to the light. Several Elephant Hawks, one Lobster (Stauropus fagi), a dozen Striped Wainscots (Leucania pudorina), a few Barred Straws (Lygris pyraliata), two True Lover's Knots (Lycophotia varia), two White Satins (Leucoma salicis), and single specimens of Small Rivulet (Perizona alchemillata), Straw Dot (Rivula sericealis), Vine's Rustic (Caradrina ambigua), and two Iron Prominents (Notodonta dromedarius) were those most worthy of note. An extensive programme was planned for 29th July. Mr. H. E. Chipperfield accompanied by Mr. D. Wilson, brought his own generator, as did Mr. G. Burton. Soon after we arrived, it rained



heavily and this persisted until after our departure at midnight. To make matters worse, difficulty was experienced in starting the generator and it was very late when Mr. Wilson managed to get it going. By this time the ground sheets and our nets were soaked and very little was recorded near the hut. Fortunately, Mr. Burton brought his Robinson trap with his generator, which was placed at the bottom of the lane on the north side of Middle Fen. Among sixty-five species attracted were several Hawk Moths and Prominents. Because of the cool clear nights early in August and the füll moon in the middle of the month, no further work was attempted until 26th August. In the meantime the generator had been overhauled and for the remainder of the season behaved satisfactorily. In almost ideal conditions until a cool mist descended at 11.30 p.m., Mr. G. Burton and I recorded over sixty species. Early on one Silver Hook (Eustrotia unculä) came to the sheet followed by a Small Wainscot (Arenostola pygmina) and a Small Rufous (Coenobia rufa). Several Crescents (Celaena leucostigma) and Fen Wainscots (Arenostola phragmatidis) appeared with about twelve Haworth's Minors (C. haworthii). The latter is of special interest as Morley stated that it "approaches us in Cambs., whence it may be found to impinge into Suffolk". It is possible that this may be a first record for Suffolk as well as the New Gold Spot taken on 5th July and again on this evening. Others to show up during the evening were the Olive (Zenobia subtusa), Lunar Yellow Underwing (Euschesis orbonci), and Scalloped Hook Tip (Drepana lacertinariä). A fresh breeze sprang up during the evening of 2nd September. This gained in strength towards 11 p.m. and few moths were then appearing. Earlier on Mr. Burton and I observed forty-one species among which Haworth's Minor and Small Wainscot were the commonest. Most of the other species came singly, but a few Oblique Carpets (Orthonama lignata), Rosy Rustics (Gortyna micacea), Twin Spot Wainscots (Nonagria gemimipuncta), Hedge Rustics (Tholera cespitis), and Feathered Gothics (T. popularis) turned up. 1 made a short day visit on 22nd September in connection with Trust activities, but managed to spend half an hour on Little Fen beating for larvae. Single specimens of Green Silver Lines {Bena fagana), Pale Tussock (Dasychira pudibunda), Dark Dagger {Apatele tridens) feil on the tray. The remainder had already been recorded as imagines or will have to await identification on emergence next year.


Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists', Vol. 14, Part 1

An evening visit with the Stowmarket Naturalists' Society to demonstrate the generator and light gave an opportunity for further recording. Twenty-seven species appeared in reasonably favourable weather. Haworth's Minors, now a little worn and Small Wainscots were common and a few specimens of Large Wainscot (Rhyzedra lutosa), Beaded Chestnut (Agrochola lychnidis), Brown Spot Pinion (Anchoscelis litura), and Pink Barred Sallow ('Citria lutea) turned up. This was the last visit of the season. In spite of the small number of visits made to this restricted area and of the malfunctioning of the generator, a total of 220 spcies has been recorded. Reasonable hopes exist, therefore, that work in future seasons over an extended period may lead to this total being greatly increased. List of Species Recorded (Nomenclature as Moths of the

Isles, Richard South—1961 Edition)


Lime Hawk Eyed Hawk Elephant Hawk Small Elephant Hawk Poplar Hawk

Mimas tiliac, Linn. Smerinthus ocellata, Linn. Deilephila elpenor, Linn. D. porcellus, Linn. (1962) Laothoe populi, Linn.



Saturnia pavonia,



Lobster Swallow Prominent Lesser Swallow Prominent Pebble Prominent Iron Prominent Coxcomb Prominent Pale Prominent Buff T i p Sallow Kitten

Stauripus fagi, Linn. Pheosia tremula, Clerck. P. gnoma, Fab. Notodonta ziczac, Linn. N. dromrdarius, Linn. Lophopteryx capucina, Linn. Pterostoma palpina, Clerck. Phalera bucephala, Linn. Harpyia furcula, Clerck.


Buff Arches Peach Blossom

Habrosyne pyritoides, H u f n . Thyatira batis, Linn.


Pebble Hook T i p Oak Hook T i p Scalloped Hook T i p

Drepana falcataria, Linn. D. binaria, H u f n . D. lacertinaria, Linn.


Yellow Tail White Satin Pale Tussock

Euproctis similis, Fuessly Leucoma salicis, Linn. Dasychira pudibanda, Linn.


Garden Dart White Line Dart Turnip Heart and Club Shuttle Shaped Dart Heart and Dart Dark Sword Grass

Euxoa nigricans, Linn. E. tritici, Linn. Agrotis segetum, Schiff. A. clavis, H u f n . A. puta, H Ăź b n . A. exclamationis, Linn. A. ypsilon, H u f n .


T r u e Lovers Knot Double Dart Ingrailed Clay Small Square Spot Flame Shoulder Setaceous Hebrew Character Triple Spotted Clay Double Square Spot Six-striped Rustic Square Spot Rustic Flame Lesser Broad Border Lesser Yellow Underwing Lunar Yellow Underwing Least Yellow Underwing Large Yellow Underwing Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing HADENINAE

Cabbage Dot Bright-line Brown-eye Nutmeg Dog's T o o t h Pale shouldered Brocade Lychnis Campion Feathered Gothic Hedge Rustic Antler Flame Wainscot Common Wainscot Smoky Wainscot Southern Wainscot Striped Wainscot Shoulder Striped Wainscot White Point Clay Brown-line Bright-eye



Lycophotia varia, deVill. Graphiphora augur, Fab. Diarsia mendica, Fab. D. rubi, View. Ochropleura plecta, Linn. Amathes c-nigrum, Linn. A. ditrapezium, Schiff. (1946 Ford) A. triangulum, H u f n . A. sexstrigata, Haw. A. xatithographa, Schiff. Axylia putris, Linn. Euschesis janthina, Schiff. E. comes, H 端 b n . E. orbona, H u f n . E. interjecta, H 端 b n . Noctua pronuba, Linn. Lampra fimbriata, Schreber. Mamestra brassicae, Linn. Melanchra persicariae, Linn. Diataraxia oleracea, Linn. Discestra trifolii, H u f n . Hadena suasa, Schiff. H. thalassina, Schiff. H. bicruris, H u f n . H. rivularis, Fab. Tholera popularis, Fab. T. cespitis, Schiff. Cerapteryx graminis, Linn. Meliana flammea, Curt. Leucania pallens, Linn. L. impura, H 端 b n . L. straminea, Treit. L. pudorina, Schiff. L. comma, Linn. L. albipuncta, Schiff. L. lythargyria, Esp. L. conigera, Schiff.


Minor Shoulder Knot Dark Brocade Beaded Chestnut Brown Spot Pinion Pink Barred Sallow

Bombycia viminalis, Fab. (1950 Ford) Eumichtis adusta, Esp. Agrochola lychtiidis, Schiff. Anchocelis litura, Linn. Citria lutea, Strom.


Poplar Grey Dark Dagger Grey Dagger Knotgrass Powered Wainscot

Apatele megacephala, Schiff. A. tridens, Schiff. A. psi, Linn. A. rumicis, L i n n . Simyra venosa, Borkh.


Copper Underwing Mouse Bird's Wing Light Arches Dark Arches Small Clouded Brindle

Amphipyra pyramidea, Linn. A. tragopoginis, Clerck. Dypterygia scabriuscula, Linn. (1946 Ford) Apamea lithoxylaea, Schiff. A. monoglypha, H u f n . A. unnnimus, H 端 b n .


Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists', Vol. 14, Part 1

Common Rustic Double Lobed Dingy Shears Marbled Minor T a w n y Minor Middle Barred Minor Cloaked Minor Flounced Rustic Small Angle Shades Angle Shades Mottled Rustic Uncertain Vines Rustic Haworth's Minor Crescent Ear Rosy Rustic Frosted Orange L u n a r Spotted Pinion Lesser Spotted Pinion Dun-bar Olive Large Wainscot Small Wainscot Fen Wainscot Bulrush Wainscot T w i n Spotted Wainscot Small Rufus Silky Wainscot

A. secalis, Linn. A. ophiogramma, Esp. A. ypsilon, Schiff. Procus strigilis, Clerck. P. latruncula, Schiff. P. fascinuncula, Haw. P. furuncula, Schiff. Luperina testacea, Schiff. Euptexia lucipara, Linn. Phlogophora meticulosa, Linn. Caradrina morpheus, H u f n . C. alsines, Brahm. C. ambigua, Schiff. Celaena haworthii, Curt. C. leucostigma, H 端 b n . Hydraecia oculea, Linn. Gortyna micacea, Esp. G. flavago, Schiff. Cosmia pyralina, Schiff. C. affinis, Linn. (1950 Ford) C. trapezina, Linn. Zenobia subtusa, Schiff. Rhizedra lutosa, H 端 b n . Arenostola pygmina, Haw. A. phragmitidis, H 端 b n . Nonagria typhae, T h u n b . N. geminipuncta, Haw. Coenobia rufa, Haw. Chilodes maritima, Tausch.


Marbled White Spot Silver Hook

Lithacodia fasciana, Linn. Eustrotia uncula, Clerck.


Green Silver Lines Scarce Silver Lines

Bena fagana, Fab. Pseudoips prasinana,



Red Underwing Mother Shipton Burnet Companion

Catocala nupta, Linn. Euclidimera mi, Clerck. Ectypa glyphica, Linn.


Burnished Brass New Gold Spot Piain Golden Y Silver Y Spectacle

Plusia chrysitis, Linn. P. gracilis, Lempke. P. jota, Linn. P. gamma, Linn. XJnca triplasia, Linn.


Blackneck Straw Dot Small Purple Barred

hygephila pastinum, Treit. Rivula sericealis, Scop. Phytometra viridaria, Clerck.


Snout Fanfoot Small Fanfoot Dotted Fanfoot Beautiful Hook T i p

Hypena proboscidalis, Linn. Zanclognatha tarsipennalis, Treit. Z. nemoralis, Fab. Z. cribrumalis, H 端 b n . Laspeyria flexula, Schiff.





Lackey Oak Eggar Drinker

Malacosoma neustria, Linn. Lasiocampa guercus, Linn. Philudoria potatoria, Linn.


Short Cloaked

Nola cucullatella, Linn.


Round Winged Muslin Buff Footman Dingy Footman Common Footman Rosy Footman

Thumatha senex, Hübn. Lithosia deplana, Esp. (1946 Ford) L. griseola, Hübn. L. lurideola, Zinck. Miltochrista miniata, Forst. (1950 Ford)


White Ermine Water Ermine Ruby Tiger Garden Tiger

Spilosoma lubricipeda, Linn. S. urticae, Esp. (1946 Ford) Phragmatobia fuliginosa, Linn. Arctia caja, Linn.



Callimorpha jacobaeae, Linn.


Grass Emerald Large Emerald

Pseudoterpna pruinata, subsp. atropunctaria, Walker Geometra papilionaria, Linn.


Blood-vein Birch Mocha Lesser Cream Wave Cream Wave Purple Bordered Gold Single Dotted Wave Small Dusty Wave Satin Wave Riband Wave Treble Brown Spot Small Fan-footed Wave Small Scallop

Calothysanis amata, Linn. Cosymbia albipunctata, Hufn. Scopula immutata, Linn. S. luctata, Haw. Sterrha muricata, Hufn. S. dimidiata, Hufn. S. seriata, Schrank. S. subsericeata, Haw. S. aversata, Linn. S. trigeminata, Haw. S. biselata, H u f n . S. emarginata, Linn.


Silver Ground Carpet Garden Carpet Large Twin-Spot Carpet Dark Barred Twin-Spot Carpet Red Twin-Spot Carpet Oblique Carpet July Belle Shaded Broad Bar Green Carpet Small Rivulet Sandy Carpet Sharp Angled Carpet Yellow Shell Purple Bar Broken-barred Carpet Small Phoenix Barred Straw Spinach Chevron Barred Yellow

Xanthorhoe montanata, Schiff. X. fluctuata, Linn. X. quadrifasiata, Clerck. X. ferrugata, Clerck. X. spadicearia, Schiff. Orthonama lignata, Hübn. Ortholitha plumbaria, Fab. O. chcnopodiata, Linn. Colostygia pectinataria, Knoch. Perizoma alchemillata, Linn. P. flavofasciata, T h u m b . Euphyia unangulata, Haw. E. bilineata, Linn. Lyncometra ocellata, Linn. Electrophaes corylata, T h u m b . Ecliptopera silaceata, Schiff. Lygris pyraliata, Schiff. L. mellinata, Fab. L. testata, Linn. Cidaria fulvata, Forst.


Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists', Vol. 14, Part 1

C o m m o n M a r b l e d Carpet G r e y Pine C a r p e t July Highflyer Common Carpet Small W a v e d U m b e r Shaded P u g Toadflax P u g Valerian P u g L i m e Speck P u g T a w n y Speckled P u g Grey Pug Bordered P u g Juniper Pug D o u b l e Striped P u g

Dysstroma truncata, H u f n . Thera obeliscata, H ü b n . Hydriomena furcata, T h u m b . Epirrhoe alternata, M u l l . Horisme vitalbata, Schiff. (1949 F o r d ) Eupithecia subumbrata, (1950 F o r d ) E. linariata, Schiff. E. valeriananata, Hübn. (1946 F o r d ) E. centaureata, Schiff. E. icterata, deVillers. E. castigata, H ü b n . E. succenturiata, L i n n . E. sobrinata, H ü b n . (1950 F o r d ) Gymoscelis pumilata, H ü b n .


Magpie C l o u d e d Border C l o u d e d Silver Common White Wave C o m m o n Wave Scorched C a r p e t Light E m e r a l d Canary Shouldered T h o r n Dusky T h o r n September T h o r n Early T h o r n Purple T h o r n Scalloped Oak Swallow Tailed Brimstone Bordered Beauty Peppered Willow Beauty M o t t l e d Beauty G r e y Birch Common Heath Latticed H e a t h

Abraxas grossulariata, L i n n . Lomaspilis marginata, L i n n . Bapta temerata, Schiff. Deilinia pusaria, L i n n . D. exanthemata, Scop. Ligdia adustata, Schiff. Campaea margaritata, Linn. Deuteronomus alniaria, L i n n . D. fuscantaria, Steph. D. erosaria, Schiff. Selenia bilunaria, Esp. S. tetralunaria, H u f n . Crocallis elinguaria, L i n n . Ourapteryx sambucaria, Linn. Opisthograptis luteolata, L i n n . Epione repandaria, H u f n . Biston betularia, L i n n . Cleora rhomboidaria, Schiff. Alois repandata, L i n n . Aethalura punctulata, Schiff. Ematurga atomaria, L i n n . Chiasmia clathrata, L i n n .


Zygaena trifolii, Esp. Z. filipendulae, subsp. anglicola,

Five Spot Burnet Six Spot B u r n e t HEPIALIDAE

Ghost Moth C o m m o n Swift (Total of


Hepialus humuli, L i n n . H. lupulina, L i n n , recorded—220)

References Final catalogue of the Lepidoptera 1937.

of Suffolk.

Suffolk Naturalists' Society,

Bellamy, J. and Rose, F. (1960). T h e W a v e n e y - O u s e Valley Fens of the Suffolk-Norfolk Border. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 11, 367. Duffey, E. (1961). Spiders f r o m Redgrave, L o p h a m , H o p t o n Fens in the \ y a v e n e y and Little Ouse Valleys. Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 12, 31.

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