Zanclognatha tarsicrinalis again in Suffolk and some Further County Records of Lepidoptera for 1967

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LAST year, 1967, a most notable capture was made in early July between Aldeburgh and Saxmundham by Mr. A. A. Myers, a newcomer to live in Suffolk. It was the second example of the Fanfoot moth Zanclognatlia tarsicrinalis, Knoch., to be taken not only in the County, but also in the whole of Britain. The first record was the specimen obtained in July, 1965, near Thorpeness by Mr. E. C. Pelham Clinton about which I wrote a special article in these Transactions {Trans. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 13: 163) drawing attention to its similarity to the Dark Fanfoot (Z. tarsipennalis, Treits.). The capture of this further insect is of the greatest interest and importance, as it would seem clearly to denote that the species is now breeding with us. It is, of course, only conjecture as to how long the species may have been with us, though it is more likely that it is a newcomer, recently established on the Suffolk seaboard. It would be well worth while during the Coming season to make a füll investigation in the area to see whether it may not now be a definite resident and possibly expanding its ränge. So any captures of these Fanfoots should be carefully scrutinised to make sure they are not this new visitor to our shores. Mr. S. Wakely was once more in Suffolk between 19th May and 2nd June during which period he made some very interesting captures both among the macro- and the microlepidoptera. The Flame Wainscot (Meliana flammea, Triets.) re-appeared in the Walberswick Marshes on 30th May. Among the smaller moths there were three new County records. These include the Dark Crescent Piercer (Grapholitha internana, Guen.) which was common on gorse on Aldringham Heath on 29th May. Another new record for the County from this locality was the Confused Cosme (Mompha conturbatella, Hübn.) bred from larvae feeding in spun shoots of the Rosebay Willow Herb (Epilobium angustifolium). From the vicinity of Sizewell and Thorpeness, Mr. Wakely obtained the tiny Nepticulid, the Isle of Wight Pygmy (Stigmella suberivora, Stainton) whose larvae mine the leaves of of Holm Oak {Quercus Hex). Other microlepidoptera of especial interest included a series of the small Tortrix, the Isle of Wight Conch (Phalonidia griseana, Haworth) taken on the saltings at Southwold. Artemisia vulgaris at Orford produced larvae of Sluggish Plume (Leioptilus lienigianus, Zell.), while larvae of the Seaside Plume (Agdistis bennettii, Curtis) were to be found on sea-lavender at Walberswick and Aldeburgh. Another small Tortrix, the Oblique-barred Grey Conch (Phalonidia alismana, Rag.) was found in the larval State at Thorpeness feeding



in stems of Alisma plantago. Larvae of the Pyrale, the Daldinia Knot-horn (Apomyelois neophanes, Durr.) were also obtained on the fungus Daldinia concentrica at Aldringham Heath. Mr. Wakely also reported that larvae of the Pale Lemon Sallow (Cirrhia ocellaris, Borkh.) were still quite plentiful on Black Poplar catkins at Mildenhall on 16th April. Mr. O. H. Knowland, a junior member, reports a number of insects taken at his moth-trap run at Crow's Hall, Debenham, during the latter part of August, 1967. Among his more interesting records is that of the Lunar Yellow Underwing (Euschesis orbona, Hufn.), now quite a scarce species, though appearing fairly frequently in the Eastern Counties. The Clouded Bordered Brindle (Apamea crenata, Hufn.) was numerous and the Dark Sword Grass (Agrotis ypsilon, Hufn.) was very plentiful. No less than 750 moths came into his trap on 25th August, while there were several nights during the month when the number of these visitors exceeded 500. Other records of note among this harvest included the Dusky Sallow (Eremobia ochroleuca, Schiff.), both the Large and the Lesser Swallow Prominents (Pheosia tremula, Clerck. and P. gnoma, Fab.), the Iron Prominent (Notodonta dromedarius, Linn.), the Privet Hawk (Sphinx ligustri, Linn.), the Sallow Kitten (Harpyia furcula, Clerck.), the Pale Prominent (Pterostoma palpina, Clerck.), and the Copper Underwing (Amphypyra pyramidea, Linn.). The Setaceous Hebrew Character (Amathes c-nigrum, Linn.) was also abundant. The most interesting geometer recorded was the August Thorn (Ennomos quercinaria, Hufn.), while the Dusky Thorn (Deuteronomos fuscantaria, Stephens) was a less frequent visitor. Mr. Humphry Pease from Cedar House, Sudbourne, mentions a Painted Lady (Pyrameis cardui, Linn.) seen there on 16th August, also that the Dusky Sallow (E. ochroleuca, Schiff.) was quite common there as was also the Straw Underwing (Thalpophila matura Hufn.). He too reports the Lunar Yellow Underwing on Ist August. For my part I did not visit Suffolk during 1967, so that I have no personal records for the County.

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