Suffolk Bird Report for 1967

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assisted by C. G . D . CURTIS

and The County Records Committee H . E . AXELL, G . B. G . BENSON, F . K . COBB, F . C . COOK, T h e Rev. P. H . T . HARTLEY, a n d A. E . VINE

Acknowledgments: Grateful acknowledgment is made to the following societies for giving us access to their own reports and logs: The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, the Lowestoft Field Club, and the Dingle Bird Club. Also to the editors of the Norfolk Bird Report and the Cambridge Bird Club Report for passing on relevant records and correspondence. SPECIAL SURVEY: Records of the following species during 1968 and 1969 are particularly asked for: woodlark, little ovvl, partridge, nightingale, and wheatear. Records for 1968 should be sent to the Editor at Härtest Place, Bury St. Edmunds (telephone Härtest 224) by the end of January next. N.B. Will observers who do not already do so, please ensure that their species records are arranged in accordance with the order laid down in B.O.U's. The Check List of Gt. Britain and Ireland (1952). Back Numbers: A number of copies of the Suffolk Bird Report for 1960, 1961, 1962, and 1963 are still available from the Editor, price 2/6d. post free. A Bird Atlas of Gt. Britain: The B.T.O. is planning an atlas of the breeding birds of the British Isles. 1968 is the first year in a five year plan and G. B. G. Benson of 17 South Green, Southwold is the organiser for SufFolk. Füll details will be found at the end of this Report.



The Year in Brief Though in no way outstanding when compared with some years recently, 1967 was nevertheless a year of good average interest. Its highlights were undoubtedly the successful nesting in the county of three pairs of Montagu's harriers and the attempted breeding—even to egg-laying—of the golden oriole. Another remarkable nesting effort was made by a scaup, which laid and incubated a clutch of infertile eggs on Havergate Island. A velvet scoter also over-summered there. One new species was added to the steadily growing county list— a Baird's sandpiper, that remained at Minsmere for more than a fortnight in the autumn. The year also produced a bee-eater, an ortolan, a Sabine's gull, two white storks, and, from Minsmere, a remarkable autumn "double" of a yellow-headed wagtail and a probable eastern blue-headed wagtail. One or more purple herons, two red kites, a gull-billed tern, and several Caspian terns were also reported but we are now beginning to look upon some of these species as regulär birds of passage through Suffolk. The waxwing invasion, now almost an annual event, was however on a very small scale and in contrast to the previous winter's high numbers, there was only one rough-legged buzzard. Bewick's swans continue to increase, while the visits ofthe whooper become fewer. There were also very few Lapland buntings. A very fine summer, following a mild winter, produced ideal conditions for the further recovery of most of those resident species that suffered so severely during the "Great Frost" of 1962/63 and wrens, long-tailed tits, and pied wagtails are probably back to their pre-1963 numbers. The kingfisher in particular has made a spectacular recovery and is now well distributed again, one even visiting a bird bath on the Editor's lawn. However, breeding goldcrests are still scarce in most places and stonechats showed a further decline. This species is unaccountably failing to re-establish itself in manv suitable aeas in which it formerly bred. Some of our summer visitors again showed a decrease, notably nightingales, sylvias, red-backed shrikes, and whinchats—all species which are particularly effected by the continuous destruction of hedgerows and waste places. Members of the Lowestoft Field Club also reported a decrease in its area of house


Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists',

Vol. 14, Part 2

martins, woodpeckers, owls, lapwings, snipe, and redshank. Breeding numbers of the last three have of course, been declining for a number of years, in most parts of Suffolk. Kestrels were well in evidence throughout the year, with good numbers in autumn and winter and probably twenty to twenty-five breeding pairs divided about equally between East and West Suffolk. There was an almost total lack of any reports from the centre of the county. This in fact applies to reports of all species from Mid and North Suffolk. It seems a pity that some of those enthusiasts who now rush to the coast every week-end, cannot instead spend a little time in investigating and reporting on the bird-life of central Suffolk and its river Valleys. Information on that part of the county has been, since 1960, virtually N I L .

Migration [Based on reports from: F. C. Cook and E. W. C. Jenner (Lowestoft), R. J. Reid (Benacre), G. B. G. Benson (Southwold), G. J. Jobson and the Dingle Bird Club (Walberswick), H. E. Axell (Minsmere), E. F. Crosby and C. R. Cuthbert (Aldeburgh), M. Packard (Shotley), C. D. G. Curtis (Ipswich), and W. H. Payn (West Suffolk).] It was a poor year generally for migration. Between Jan. 4 and 6 a small weather movement of redwings, fieldfares, and lapwings was noted at Covehithe, Walberswick, and Aldeburgh, but otherwise, thanks to the exceptionally mild weather that lasted for almost two months from mid-January, weather movement was negligible. For the same reason emigration started early and linnets and chaffinches were on the move past Aldeburgh between Feb. 15 and 16 and again on Feb. 27, while chaffinches were also prominent among small passerines coasting south at Lowestoft during the second week in March, Emigrant jackdaws were also departing during the same period, but small numbers of rooks Coming in from the sea at Minsmere between Mar. 25 and 30 were reversing the usual order of things. The cold winds and keen frosts that set in at the end of March might have been expected to delay the arrival of the first spring migrants, but in fact most of them were well up to time. The first real influx of summer visitors took place on Apl. 15 and the following two days, with chiffchaffs and whitethroats predominating. On Apl. 16 many goldcrests were present in the



coastal bushes at Benacre and these were probably emigrants preparing to depart eastwards. Between A p l . 12 and M a y 13 there was a good passage of ring ouzels, mostly along the coast but w i t h one b i r d seen on the Breck on Apl. 16. Emigration by fieldfares and redwings was also recorded at A l d e b u r g h between M a y 7 and 10. Belated migrants passing through the Editor's garden at Härtest were a nightingale on June 1 and a sedge warbler on June 10. O n the coast the first immigrant lapwings were recorded on the evening of June 3, when thirty to forty came i n from the sea at Aldeburgh, followed by several more parties on June 10. Most of these lapwings headed away northwards. On the coast the a u t u m n passage of small passerines was on a much reduced scale compared w i t h most recent years, owing to the absence of east or south-east winds. First arrivals were a sprinkling of redstarts, wheatears, spotted flycatchers, and pied flycatchers at Minsmere and Aldeburgh on Aug. 23 and 25. T w o days later migration was more marked, with chiffchaffs and whitethroats in some numbers, while Aug. 28 saw the beginning of a marked passage of blue tits, which continued for nearly a f o r t n i g h t ; thirty-eight were present in E.F.C's. garden at A l d e b u r g h on Sept. 6. At Lowestoft the first pronounced fall of night migrants took place on Sept. 14 and 15, following heavy rain and mist and a north-east wind, w i t h redstarts, pied flycatchers, wheatears, and blackcaps conspicuous. D ü r i n g the next four days—Sept. 16 to 19—small numbers of whinchats and willow warblers were i n evidence about Lowestoft and Southwold and there were one or two barred warblers and bluethroats o n the coast at Benacre and Minsmere. A t the latter locality barred warblers had also been recorded on Sept. 3 and 6. D ü r i n g the same period a modest passage of whinchats, sand martins, and cuckoos took place through West Suffolk on Sept. 12, w i t h the w i n d north-east; on Sept. 20 redstarts and whinchats were m o v i n g through Härtest. A ring ouzel was killed against wires at I x w o r t h that night. Back on the coast, at Aldeburgh, Sept. 20 marked the start of a streng southwards passage of linnets and chaffinches, followed next day by more redstarts and wheatears, and on Sept. 25 twelve


Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists',

Vol. 14, Part 2

long-tailed tits—possibly immigrants—were seen to come in from the sea. Farther north, at Southwold and Minsmere, good numbers of goldfinches and linnets were also coasting south during the last week of September and the first fortnight of October, and there were still a few wheatears and spotted flycatchers about. Wader passage was generally good and protracted, with high numbers of little stints and turnstones and at Minsmere a marked passage in August and early September of the dark Northern ringed plover. Spotted redshanks were less numerous than usual. A feature of the autumn migration, due doubtless to the warm and settled weather of October and early November, was the late departure of many summer visitors. There was a late whinchat at Risby on Oct. 7 and a still later one at Minsmere on the 12th. Turtle doves were present in many places up to mid- and even late-October with a laggard at Minsmere on Nov. 6. Sedge and reed warblers and spotted flycatchers were also late, there was a swift at Minsmere on Oct. 20, while swallows and house martins lingered on through November. T h e settled weather, with its predominantly westerly winds during October, also resulted in a generally late arrival of winter visitors, with only small numbers of immigrant starlings, skylarks, fieldfares, and redwings in evidence up to the first week in November, when good numbers of all four species were coming in from the east over Shotley, Sizewell, and Lowestoft. Throughout this period immigrant blackbirds were conspicuous by their absence. So also were continental robins. An influx of starlings and skylarks was noted at Lowestoft and Southwold between Nov. 5 and 13, while a big north-westerly passage of lapwings and skylarks took place at Härtest on Nov. 16. Snow and unusually hard frosts during the first week of December brought a sudden rush of weather migrants. Ninety-nine Bewick's swans came in from the sea at Minsmere on Dec. 10, along with hundreds of lapwings, golden plovers, starlings, and fieldfares. Numbers of fieldfares, starlings, and lapwings were also reported Coming in over Southwold in heavy snow, throughout that morning. An interesting immigrant to round off the year was an eastem blue-headed wagtail, which visited Minsmere from Nov. 14 to




First seen


Stone curlew Chiffchaff

Feb. 24 M a r . 12

Wheatear Sandwich tern

M a r . 13 M a r . 24

Sand martin Blackcap Willow warbler Redstart Yellow wagtail Sedge warbler Swallow Cuckoo T r e e pipit Nightingale House m a r t i n Common tern Little tern Whitethroat Whinchat Grasshopper warbler

Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apl. Apl. Apl. Apl. Apl. Apl. Apl. Apl. Apl. Apl. Apl. Apl.

Swift Lesser whitethroat Garden warbler

Apl. Apl. Apl.

Reed warbler Turtle dove Spotted flycatcher Nightjar Red-backed shrike

Apl. Apl. May May May

Minsmere Bury St. Ed./ Lowestoft Minsmere Minsmere


Last seen


Oct. 16 Oct. 26 Oct. 5

Orford Orford Minsmere/

26 O r f o r d / N e e d h a m N o v . 26 Minsmere Nov. 30 Minsmere Sept. 31 Reydon Nov. 1 Shingle Street Oct. 5 Minsmere Oct. 5 Aldeburgh Dec. 6 Bealings Sept. 15 Hinton Sept. 16 Risby Aug. 16 Walberswick Dec. 12 Minsmere Nov. 20 Havergate Is. Nov. 16 Reydon Sept. 19 Sutton Heath Oct. 22 F o r n h a m St. Martin 23 Aldeburgh Oct. 26 Sutton Heath Sept. 27 Lowestoft/ Minsmere Oct. 28 Minsmere Oct. 28 Tunstall Nov. 4 Härtest Oct. 7 Walberswick Sept. 11 Minsmere Sept.

5 5 28 14 1 12 3 12 21 1 5 8 3 30 13

Orford Minsmere Chillesford Southwold Minsmere Minsmere Aldeburgh Härtest Sudbourne Minsmere Minsmere Minsmere Oulton Broad Minsmere Minsmere

20 19

Minsmere Minsmere

7 29 6 10 26 30

Minsmere Minsmere Minsmere Aldeburgh Minsmere Minsmere


Numbers refer to B.O.U. Check List (1952). 1. Black-throated diver.—One off Minsmere, Jan. 14 (RH) and two there Jan. 21 (HEA). One Havergate, Jan. 28 (RJP). 4. Red-throated diver.—Only low numbers were present at usual assembly area off Walberswick, Dunwich, and Minsmere during early and late months of the year (many obs.). Highest number reported was c. twenty-five on Jan. 21 (CRC, GJJ). One on R. Orwell, Jan. 8 (CGDC, WHR). 6. Red-necked grebe.—One Minsmere, Sept. 5 (HEA); one Benacre Pits, Sept. 10 to Oct. 13 (many obs.).


Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists', Vol. 14, Part 2

7. Slavonian grebe.—One at Havergate, Oct. 25 and Nov. 6 to 8 (RJP). 8.

Black-necked grebe.—One off Minsmere, Sept. 3 (TAH).

5. Great crested grebe.—Recorded breeding at: Holbrook, two prs. (PRC), Minsmere, one pr. unsuccessfully (HEA), Ampton, six to eight prs. (RHM), Redgrave, six prs.—a good increase (RJC), and Bosmere, one pr. (RJC). Odd birds out of breeding season at Claydon (AB), Oulton Broad (RSB), and on Rs. Orwell and Deben. Two prs. on Oulton Broad in summer but breeding not proved (RSB). 9. Little grebe.—Bred Benacre, c. six prs. (GJJ), Minsmere, four prs. (HEA), Boyton, three prs. (PRC), Thorpeness, one pr. (HFC), Barham, two prs. (RJC), Hawstead, two prs. (per WHP), Bury B.F., one pr. (AJL, RHM). Three on R. Gipping, Stowmarket, Dec. (ADR). 16. Manx shearwater.—An im. found alive on a road at Aldeburgh on Sept. 6, had been ringed Skokholm, Pembrokeshire, seven days before. It was released on sea atMinsmere (HEA). Shearwater sp.—One off Minsmere, Mar. 23 (CRC). 26. Fulmar.—The usual records along shore and cliffs between Kessingland and Minsmere between Mar. 23 and Sept. 16 (many obs.). Five off Benacre, Apl. 16 (GJJ) and eight off Minsmere, June 4 (HEA) were highest numbers reported. Four off Pakefield Cliffs on June 21 (FCC). 27.

Gannet.—Low numbers offshore Apl. to Nov.

29. Shag.—At Minsmere, two Mar. 23, one Apl. 14, Oct. 15 and 16, and Dec. 4 (HEA). Three off Walberswick, Sept. 13 (DBC). One Lake Lothing, Feb. 20 (RSB). 30. Heron.—Nest counts were as follows: Henham, ten and three possible (GBGB), Methersgate, five(?) (per AAC), Blackheath, forty-five (EFC), Boyton, nine or ten (PAB, PRC), Redgrave, one (RJC), Breckland—a new site, three (MN, NK, AEV), Eriswell, six (AEV), Brandon, five (AEV), and Livermere, nineteen (AEV). 31. Purple heron.—Singles at Minsmere, perhaps same bird in each case, Apl. 19 and 26 (HEA, DM) and May 7 (BRS, BJN).



32. Little egret.—One or two were present on coast during summer and autumn as follows: one at Minsmere, June 19 and 21 (HEA et al), two at Orford/Butley, July 23 (MRT), two at Orford, Aug. 29 (GBGB), one on R. Aide, Sept 8 (DIMW), one at Orford, Sept. 10 (GJJ), and two at Orford, Sept. 12 to 21 (RJP, JELP). 38. Bittern.—Six or seven prs. bred at Walberswick (GJJ), and about eight prs. at Minsmere (HEA). "Booming" from Feb. 5 (HEA) to Aug. 27 (AJL). 40.

White Stork.—Two at Minsmere, July 24 (HEA).

42. Spoonbill.—One on the R. Blyth between Sept. 10 and Oct. 1 (DBC, HMG, JP-J). Singles at Minsmere irregularly between May 27 and July 1. An im. from July 24 to Aug. 3 and a juv. daily from Aug. 20 to Sept. 2. One again on Sept. 11 (HEA). Singles at Walberswick on Aug. 2 and Sept. 2 (DBC). Unusual numbers visited Havergate, with one or two present throughout most of the period from June 28 to end of July, two or three throughout Aug., four on Sept. 1, three from Sept. 2 to 9, and one up to Sept. 21 (RJP). 47. Garganey.—There were more reports of this species than for some time. At Minsmere, birds were present from Mar. 4 to Sept. 10 and three prs. bred (HEA). Two prs. with two spare drakes were present at Walberswick on Mar. 31 and Apl. 1 (RH, GJJ) and one pr. certainly bred (DBC). There was also a pr. at Thorpeness on Apl. 1 (RJC). Four at Havergate in Aug. (RJP). Inland records were: a drake at Kersey, Mar. 25 to 27 (AB) and one at Livermere, Sept. 21 (CAEK). 50. Wigeon.—High numbers in both winters on coast with c. 8,000 at Havergate in Jan. (JRP) and on R. Stour, 6,800 in Jan. and 8,300 in Oct. (RVAM). A number—mostly ms.—oversummered at Walberswick, Minsmere, and Havergate Island. 52. Pintail.—Good numbers in Jan. viz: 500 on R. Stour (RVAM), c. fifty on R. Orwell (CGDC), and c. 200 on Havergate, with a rapid fall in numbers at each locality from about end Feb. A pr. at Minsmere during breeding season (HEA) and a m. at Havergate during May (RJP). 53. Shoveller.—Numbers well maintained in coastal localities and on Breck rivers and meres. A pr. on Bosmere, Needham Market, May 17 (ADR) is an unusual locality for the species.


Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists', Vol. 14, Part 2

55. Scaup.—A f. nested at Havergate, sitting for some weeks on infertile eggs (RJP) and a m. was seen on R. Aide, July 15 (GJJ). Small numbers during Oct. to Dec. at Benacre, Minsmere, Iken, and R. Orwell. 60. Goldeneye.—More than usual were reported from a number of coastal areas during both winters with max. twenty-five on R. Orwell in Jan. and Feb. and c. thirty-three in Dec. (RJC, AB). Up to seven at Benacre in Nov. and Dec. (many obs.), one or two at Minsmere in both winters, and seven on R. Deben in Jan. (PAB). 61. Long-tailed duck.—Up to four at Benacre Broad between Oct. 24 and end of vear (many obs.); ad. and im. ms. at Minsmere, Oct. 29 (FKC, RVAM); one at Havergate, Nov. 21 to 23, one Shingle Street, Jan. to Mar. (PAB, PRC); one R. Orwell, Mar. and Dec. (CGDC). 62. Velvet scoter.—One at Benacre in Mar. (DBC, DAD, G J j , BWJ) and an unusual summer record from Havergate area on Apl. 15, May 31, and June 2 (RJP). One at Minsmere, Nov. 11 (HEA) and three offshore at Walberswick, Dec. 30 (DBC). 64. Common scoter.—Fewer than usual off Dunwich and Minsmere in winter (max. 150) and in summer (c. twenty). 67. Eider.—Most reports were from Minsmere where two on May 11, five on July 7, and a max. of fifteen, the latter Aying south offshore, on three dates in Nov. (HEA). A f. at Havergate in July (RJP), one at Shingle Street, Oct. to Nov. was then found oiled and dead (PAB, PRC); one at Easton Bavents, Dec. 10 (GBGB), and up to five off Lowestoft in Dec. (RSB, GJJ). 69. Red-breasted merganser.—Reported from R. Orwell in both winters. One at Benacre, Nov. 7 (JRR). 70. Goosander.—A f. on R. Orwell, Jan. 1 (RJC), one at Benacre, Nov. 7 (JRR), and one or two at Minsmere in Nov. and Dec. were only birds reported. 73. Shelduck.—Three or four prs. inland at Gt. Glemham produced at least two broods but it is doubtful if any young survived (C). One pr. bred Livermere Lake where six ads. were present in May (AJL, RHM) with odd birds June to Sept. (CAEK). 1,500 max. on R. Stour in Jan. and Feb. (RVAM). 75. Greylag goose.—The five present at Minsmere at end of 1966 remained there until Mar. 27, being joined by two more on Mar. 12. One there May 22 to 28 (HEA). One at Havergate, Apl. 18 to 25 (RJP); one at Livermere Lake, Apl. 16 (CAEK).



76. White-fronted goose.—At Minsmere, four, Jan. 21 to 30, one Apl. 23 and May 2 (HEA). Twenty-three at Havergate, Jan. 27, sixty-one there on Feb. 15, twenty-five on Dec. 15, and three on Dec. 24 (RJP). Up to fifty-five at one other coastal area during early months of year (GJJ). 78. Pink-footed goose.—Only reported from Minsmere were one present on Apl. 22 and 23 (HEA) and eight Aying south on Nov. 8 (JPW). 80. Brent goose.—No more than average numbers during both winters with c. 250 on R. Orwell in Feb. (CGDC, WHR) and c. 200 on R. Stour in Mar. (RVAM). Four pale-breasted birds at Minsmere, Feb. 13 where usual offshore passage took place from Oct. 19, with c. 900 on Nov. 20 (HEA). A late bird-pricked?—at Southwold, May 18 (GBGB). 82. Canada goose.—So few records of this species were sent in that no useful purpose would be served by publishing them. Could a country-side census of this now wide-spread goose be undertaken, perhaps during the 1969 breeding season? NorthWest Suffolk would need particularly careful cover. 85. Whooper swan.—One at Oulton Broad, Nov. 15 to 17 (RSB), eighteen over Kesgrave, Dec. 10 (PRC), and two at Minsmere, Dec. 31 (HEA). 86. Bewick's swan.—In contrast to the previous species, numbers of this swan were again high during both winters. At Minsmere there was a max. of eighty in Jan. and a passage herd of ninety-nine, Dec. 10 (HEA). On Jan. 15 there were five at Thorpeness and eighteen at Aldeburgh (JGJ, MB). A herd of fifteen or sixteen on R. Blyth in Jan. (DBC, WER) and about twenty-five there in Dec. (DBC). Up to thirty at Easton Bavents in Dec. (WER). In West Suffolk what may have been the same herd numbering nineteen or twenty was reported at Tuddenham, Dec. 13 (CAEK), at Culford, Dec. 22 (WHP), and at Livermere, Dec. 24 (RVAM). 91. Buzzard.—One or two reported on a number of dates between Mar. and late May from Covehithe, Dunwich, Minsmere, and Sudbourne and again from Sept. to end of year (many obs.). 92. Rough-legged buzzard.—The high numbers present on both sides of the county at the end of 1966 remained in evidence right through to the end of March with at least two in Apl. and a late bird at Minsmere, May 3. Individuais spread as far south as Sutton and Staverton. On the Breck one or two also lingered into Apl. One at Walberswick, Dec. 7 (AEW).

150 93.

Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists', Vol. 14, Part 2 Sparrow hawk.—Monthly occurrences reported were: Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

East Suffolk 3 West Suffolk 3

1 2



1 2





2 1 1

Possible breeding: one pr. each Dunwich (FAC), Walberswick (GJJ), Minsmere—may have failed (HEA). One found dead at Butley contained high quantity of deildrin (PAB). 95. Red kite.—One at Fritton, Jan. 29 (RAFC) and one at Covehithe, Nov. 11 (DAD), and Minsmere, Nov. 12 (HEA). 99. Marsh harrier.—At Minsmere two prs. fledged eight young, including five from one nest (HEA). Elsewhere two other prs. produced three young and three or four young respectively (GBGB, GJJ, DBC). There were also the usual winter and passage records from a number of coastal localities. 100. Hen harrier.—Wintering and passage numbers were much as usual. 102. Montagu's harrier.—Three and a half pairs bred in three different localities in the county, producing nine Aying young, with one other nest deserted through interference. These very successful breeding results underline once again the perseverance as well as the resilience of this species and give hope that it may once again become established as a regulär breeding bird in Suffolk. Singles at Havergate Island on five dates in Aug. (RJP). 103. Osprey.—Single birds at Slaughden, May 1 (EFC), Minsmere, May 3 to 7 and 9 and 10 (HEA), and at Walberswick— same bird?—May 7 (DBC, GJJ). Minsmere, June 3 and Sept. 6 (HEA) and Blythburgh, Aug. 9 and 10 (GBGB). 104. Hobby.—Only single birds at Minsmere, June 1, July 6 and 28, and Aug. 3 and 4 (HEA), and at Aldeburgh, Aug. 10 (EFC) and a juv. at Havergate, July 19 (RJP). 105. Peregrine falcon.—One at Walberswick, Jan 21 (DBC) and one at Minsmere, Feb. 4 (HEA). 107. Merlin.—The usual reports of wintering birds on both sides of the county.



110. Kestrel.—Reports indicate a further slight increase in breeding numbers, with a probable twelve to fourteen nests near coast (HEA, GBGB, PAB, CRC, MP). Also present during nesting season in at least five Breckland parishes, and with one definite nest in South-West Suffolk (per WHP). 116. Partridge.—It is to be hoped that the paucity of records received does not give a true indication of the status and numbers of the partridge in the county at the present time. On the coast there were odd records from Blythburgh and Sizewell. At Minsmere numbers were low, though it bred well (HEA). A covey of fifteen was reported at Playford (WHR) and only four covies were known in the Hadleigh area (AB). At Nayland there has been a good increase in the past two years (A. C. B. Hopewell). Similar conditions applied in North-West Suffolk where following two warm dry hatching seasons the partridge was to be found locally in modest numbers, with covies of twelve to fifteen not infrequent. Everywhere however, the red-legged partridge is the more plentiful, though there are many parts of the county in which both species are apparently very scarce, if they occur at all (WHP). 117. Quail.—One at Lakenheath, June 3 (CAEK) and one calling at Eriswell, June 18 (AEV) were the only records for the year. 121.

Spotted crake.—One at Minsmere, Oct. 22 (HEA).

131. Oyster-catcher.—Inland records were: one at Theberton, Aug. 2 (CRC) and one at Hawkedon in Oct. (per WHP). 134. Ringed plover.—A pr. bred and reared young on a disused airfield, East Suffolk (C). A pr. probably bred Livermere (RHM). At Minsmere a number of the tundrae race in Aue All were ims. (HEA). 135. Little ringed plover.—A pr. bred successfully at one mland site (C, HEC). One was present at Havergate on eight dates in June (RJP). High numbers at Minsmere from July 9 to Sept. 22, all being juvs. Single birds there Apl. 19 and May 25. A juv. ringed at Sevenoaks on June 28 was at Minsmere on Aue 6 6 (HEAJ. 136. Kentish plover.—Single birds at Minsmere, May 6, 7, 17 and 26 and Aug. 26 to 29 (HEA, GJJ). One or two at Havergate on three dates in May, twice in July and twice in Aug. (RJP). 145 ' Snipe.—More than 150 on Shotley marshes in winter (MP) is a high number for the present day.


Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists', Vol. 14, Part 2

151. Whimbrel.—A rather light spring passage between Apl. 23 and June 23 with peak second week in May. Autumn passage from July 7 to Sept. 18. 154. Black-tailed godwit.—Present on coast from Feb. 5 (one at Havergate) to mid-Oct. with eighty-five at Butley, Oct. 8 (PRC). Numbers on R. Blyth in spring (DBC) and at Minsmere in autumn were low (HEA). 155. Bar-tailed godwit.—Numbers about average throughout year. Three on R. Blyth, Jan. 23 with passage birds there up to May 7 (DBC). Last noted at Minsmere, Dec. 2 (HEA). 156. Green sandpiper.—Usual wintering birds on streams and dykes on both sides of the county. 157. Wood sandpiper.—Few spring records but one at Minsmere, May 10 was performing song-flight (HEA, RGHC). Average autumn passage from July 4 to mid-Sept. 159. Common sandpiper.—A late bird on R. Deben in Dec. (PRC). 162. Spotted redshank.—Present on coast in every month but numbers somewhat down, particularly at Minsmere. 165. Greenshank.—Probably about average numbers on spring and autumn passage with summering (?) birds at Minsmere, June 11, Shingle Street, June 18 (PRC) and at Havergate one throughout June (RJP). Late birds at Walberswick, Nov. 25 and 26 (DBC). 169. Knot.—Small numbers only at usual localities during both winters. One at Minsmere, June 24 to 26 (HEA). 170. Purple sandpiper.—More than usual were reported viz.: three at Lowestoft, Jan. to Mar. (EWCJ, G J J ) and two, Nov. 30 (FCC); one at Minsmere, Mar. 26 (HEA); one at Havergate between Jan. 28 and Feb. 16 (RJP) and one at Shingle Street up to Feb. 26 and from Nov. 25. This bird has returned to the sarne place each winter since it was ringed there in Dec., 1963 (PRC, WHR). 171. Little stint.—Up to six at Havergate during May and June (RJP). High numbers at Minsmere in autumn, particularly in Sept. and early Oct., with c. thirty on Oct. 1 and last on Oct. 31. Six at Bury B.F., Sept. 21 (CAEK).



173. Temminck's stint—Two at Minsmere, May 20 (GJJ) and June 19 and 20 with one next day (HEA). Single birds at Havergate, July 19 and Sept. 20 (RJP). 174. Baird's sandpiper.—NEW TO SUFFOLK. One visited Minsmere between Aug. 30 and Sept. 13 (HEA et al). 179. Curlew sandpiper.—One spring record at Minsmere, Apl. 26, and only a thin autumn passage from July 16 to Oct. 25. One retrapped at Butley Creek in autumn had been ringed there the previous year (PAB). 181. Sanderling.—Spring passage on coast from May 8 with a late bird in f.s.p. at Minsmere, June 21, (HEA). Autumn numbers were low. 184. Ruff.—Present from Feb. 16—one or two only, at Minsmere—to mid-Oct., Havergate. A m. at Minsmere, June 15 and three there on June 24 (HEA). Two inland at Bury B.F., Aug. 13 (CAEK). 185. Avocet.—A good breeding season with seventy-three prs. fiedging c. 137 young at Havergate (RJP) and six prs. fiedging seventeen young at Minsmere (HEA). Present on coast from Feb. 26 to Dec. 6. 187. Grey phalarope.—Four or five during autumn viz: one at Walberswick, Oct. 23 (GBGB, ME, CWGP-E), one at Sizewell, Oct. 28 and 29 and two Nov. 5 to 11 (HEA, DGJ, HJL, DN), and one at Minsmere, Nov. 4 and Nov. 11 to 16 (HEA, AG, D M et al). 188. Red-necked phalarope.—One at Havergate, Aug. 2 to 11, with two there on Aug. 9 and 12 (RJP). 189. Stone curlew.—Definite breeding recorded in Wrentham (DR), Walberswick/Blythburgh (CAEK, GJJ), Minsmere (HEA), and Orford (JW) areas—perhaps seven prs. in all, an improvement on recent years. Numbers in Breckland were probably down. 193. Arctic skua.—Only spring record was two together at Minsmere, May 20 (HEA); a very light autumn passage to Oct. 25. 194. Great skua.—Two off Minsmere, Sept. 3 (JCB, PWJF) and 7 (JPW). One at Minsmere, Nov. 20 (HEA, AG, DM). 200. Herring gull.—The Minsmere pr. again bred successfully (HEA).


Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists\ Vol. 14, Part 2

202. Glaucous gull—One at Lowestoft, Feb. 12 (RSB) and an ad. at Minsmere, Dec. 27 (BAEM). 205. Mediterranean gull.—The Covehithe bird which had over-wintered as usual, remained until at least Mar. 5 and was back again in its old haunts on July 29 when it was in almost f.s.p. (many observers). An ad. at Minsmere, Mar. 24 (GJJ). 207. Little gull.—On coast: one at Easton Bavents, Jan. 7 (GJJ). Then one or two, mostly im., between May 17 and Nov. 23 at coastal localities. There is an interesting record of an im. inland at Livermere, July 23 (AJL, RHM). 209. Sabine's gull.—One at Havergate Island, Sept. 5 (JTC, MW). 211. Kittiwakes.—The breeding colony at Lowestoft continues to flourish, with c. thirty-eight occupied nests from which at least forty-one young birds flew (EWCJ). 212. Black tern.—First recorded on Apl. 7, with one's and two's only throughout May and up to June 20 on coast. Then higher numbers from July 1 to Oct. 9. Highest autumn numbers were c. twenty at Havergate, Aug. 2 (RJP). Only inland report was one at Livermere, Aug. 8 (RHM). 215. Gull-billed PWJF).

tern.—One at Dunwich,

Sept. 3 (JCB,

216. Caspian tern.—All records were from Minsmere: one on July 9 (RJJ, ETW), two ads. on July 19 (CC, TT, MC et al), one on July 24, and two on Aug. 6 (HEA). 217. Common tern.—Parties of up to ten still on passage at Sizewell/Minsmere, Nov. 5 to 8 were late for this species. 219. Roseate tern.—At Minsmere, singles on June 4, 6, and 25, with two on June 18 (HEA) and at Havergate, two on Aug. 2 and one on Aug. 15 (RJP). 222. Little tern.—It was a better year for this species on public beaches, with c. fifteen breeding prs. at Easton Bavents and seventeen prs. at Minsmere. Inland records were two at Livermere on June 25 (RHM) and one on R. Stour at Sudbury, Sept. 18 (AAB).



223. Sandwich tern.—First arrival, Minsmere, Mar. 24 and last on Oct. 5. This colony of c. 700 prs. fledged c. 1,000 young, thanks to a safe breeding site and good weather (HEA). A single bird on the moat at Helmingham Hall, Apl. 15 (T) and a large flock migrating overland at Theberton, July 23 (CRC) are unusual inland records. 224. 227.


Probably as a result of the lack of easterly > winds, very few auks were reported during the GuillemotJ year.

235. Turtle dove.—A number of individuals lingered very much later than usual before migrating, possibly because of the mild autumn weather, single birds occurring at Alpheton, Oct. 9 (WHP), Breck, Oct. 12 (CAEK), Benacre, Oct. 31 (HJL), and Minsmere, Nov. 6 (HEA). 235. Collared dove.—Continues to increase and colonise more inland areas. One pr. at Theberton (CRC), a bird at Needham Market, May 19 (ADR), one or two prs. breeding at Cavendish, probably since 1966 (FW), one or more prs. at Nayland, and odd birds at Härtest (WHP). 237. Cuckoo.—Appears to be still declining in numbers over much of the county and is now seldom heard in many areas, particularly in southern and south-western Suffolk, once the passage birds have passed through in Apl. Reported as still common round Theberton, were ten calling ms. were present but few juvs. were seen (CRC). An hepatic im. at Bury B.F., Aug. 27 to Sept. 2 (RHM). 241. Barn owl.—Actual breeding, or prs. during breeding season, recorded only at Woolverstone (EMH), Aldringham (EFC), Rendlesham (PAB), Stowupland (RJC), and Hadleigh—two prs. where fifteen years ago at least eleven nests were found in a month (AB). Did not breed at Brundon, Sudbury, where at least one pr. in previous years (AAB). None at Shotley, where it formerly bred (MP). Recorded during the year also, though no breeding proved, at Theberton/Middleton (HEC), Westleton (FAC), Sizewell and Iken (DGJ), Blythburgh (GJ), Minsmere, Nov. and Dec. only (HEA), Fiatford (RVAM), Bamham and Fornhams (RHM), Lakenheath, Sedge Fen, and Wangford (AEV), and at Whepstead (WHP).


Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists', Vol. 14, Part 2

246. Little owl.—Breeding recorded only at Hadleigh, one nest, and at Bramford (AB). A pr. at Shotley was observed taking young swallows from their nest in a cart-shed (MP). None at Southwold (DGJ), but individuals noted irregularly at: Benacre (GJJ), Westleton (FAC), Aldringham—much less plentifully thanformerly (EFC), Minsmere, scarce and no evidence of breeding (HEA), Butley, Blaxhall, Sudbourne, and Hollesley (PAB), Brockley (WHP), Stansfield and Hawkedon (L.H-M), Timworth, Fornham St. Martin, Gt. Barton, Troston, and 6 t . Livermere (RHM). 247. Tawny owl.—Numbers appear to be maintained. on bare ground in forest, Butley (PAB).

A nest

248. Long-eared owl.—Probably two prs. bred in Walberswick/ Blythburgh area (DBC, GJJ). One pr. bred Chillesford (PAB). One at Dunwich in May (PT). 249. Short-eared owl.—Six prs. bred at Havergate. numbers on coast and Breckland were much as usual.


252. Nightjar.—Breeding numbers at Minsmere were good but elsewhere a decline is indicated. More information on the numbers and status of this species would be helpful. 255. Swift.—On the evening of Aug. 12 two swifts were found in the bedroom of a house at Southwold, having entered through a window which was about 3" open. They were very docile and departed early the following morning (HAL). 258. Kingfisher.—This species has made a spectacular recovery in the five years since it was almost totally wiped out during The Great Frost of 1962/63, following which only about eight individuals could be located in the county. It is now widespread, though scarcely plentiful, in most suitable localities. At least twenty nests were reported on the Rs. Waveney, Aide, Stour, Brett, Gipping, and Lark, with others at Orford, Mariesford, Walberswick, Minsmere, and Redgrave. One or more birds were also present during the year—including summer— at thirty-three other localities. 259. Bee-eater.—One—and almost certainly the same bird— was recorded at Lowestoft, Aug. 15 (FCC) and at Southwold next day (GBGB). 261. Hoopoe.—Spring records were one at Sudbourne, Apl. 23 and 24 (PAB) and at Helmingham, May 21 (per T). One at Foxhall, Oct. 1 and 2 (MGC, EIP).



262. Green woodpecker.—Once again widespread, if not as plentiful as pre-1%3. 265. Wryneck.—A small autumn passage on coast between Aug. 4 and Sept. 24, produced singles at Walberswick on Aug. 4 and 8 and Sept. 1 and 6 (DCB, HJL), at Aldeburgh, Aug. 31 (EFC), at Minsmere and Walberswick between Sept. 12 and 19 (HEÄ, DBC), and at Benacre, Sept. 17 (GJJ), Woodbridge, Sept. 23 (PAB), and at Sutton next day (PRC). There were also three at Benacre, Sept. 21 (TAH). 271. Woodlark.—Numbers continue low, only definite breeding records being from Sutton (PRC, GJJ) and Tunstall (PAB). A few scattered reports from Breckland. One at Bury B.F. in July (RHM). 273. Shore lark.—-The flock of c. fifty-seven (1966 Report) was still present at Slaughden in mid-Jan. (CRC), but was not observed again, though there were three at Aldeburgh, Mar. 19 (JELP). Three also at Covehithe, Jan. 1 (TAH) and odd birds at Minsmere during that month (HEÄ). First birds of the winter were four at Slaughden, Nov. 1 (EFC) followed by nine at Minsmere, Nov. 24, increasing during Dec. to c. twenty-five (HEA). 274. Swallow.—There were a number of records of Nov. swallows, with one at Aldeburgh, Dec. 3 (JELP). 275. House martin.—Late birds were reported from Little Blakenham, Nov. 19 (AB), Henham, Dec. 1 (S), Walberswick and Woodbridge, Dec. 3 (WHR), and Minsmere, Dec. 5 (HEA). 278. Golden oriole.—Probably the most interesting event of the year, ornithologically, was the attempted nesting, in north-west Suffolk, of a pr. of golden orioles. The nest, in an alder tree contained one egg (see P L A T E ) , on June 2 but later the egg was found broken. It was thought that two prs. of orioles were present in the area but there was no evidence that any young were reared. The birds were first seen on May 11 and were last heard in the area on Aug. 4 (LR et al). One or two golden orioles were also noted at Minsmere between May 31 and June 3 (HEA, JMA, AG). 281. Hooded crow.—Small numbers on the coast with max. eight at Havergate in early part of year. One at Lakenheath, Feb. 12 (CAEK). 284. Magpie.—Numbers continue low in most areas but the species is thought to be increasing in the Woodbridge area (AAC).


Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists', Vol. 14, Part 2

295. Bearded tit.—This species had another very good breeding season at both its main centres. At Walberswick numbers were thought to be up on 1966 (DBC) and at Minsmere, following a very good nesting season, the usual pattern of emigration was noted between mid-Sept. and early Nov. Groups of returning birds were observed from late Mar. to early May, by which time some prs. already had young (HEA). Minsmere-ringed birds were controlled in Cambridgeshire, North and South Suffolk, Sussex, and Hants. (HEA). Eruption also noted at Benacre, Sept. 23 (GBGB). There were more reports than usual of this species away from its breeding areas, e.g.,: two or three at Thorpeness, Jan. 6 (CRC), flocks at Trimley, Jan. 22 (MGC), and at Snape, Chillesford (PAB), and Butley (Mrs. JW), in autumn. A flock of 150 to 200 noted at Oulton Broad in Nov. (RSB); one bird at Livermere, Dec. 18 (AJL), and up to a dozen at Culford in Dec. (CAEK, WHP). 302. Fieldfare.—An unusually early bird at Southwold, July 15 and 17 (GBGB). Otherwise main passage was from Sept. 15. 304. Redwing.—A laggard at Minsmere, May 17 (HEA). First of autumn immigrants recorded at Walberswick, Sept. 23 (AEW). 307. Ring ouzel.—A good spring passage along coast between Apl. 12 and May 13, sixteen individuals being recorded between Sutton and Lowestoft, with one bird in north-west Suffolk on Apl. 16 (many obs.). By contrast the return autumn passage was very light indeed, with odd birds only at Minsmere and Aldeburgh between Sept. 16 and Oct. 18 and one killed against wires at Ixworth, Sept. 20 (RJH). 311. Wheatear.—Very few records were received. Three or four prs. on coast (HEA, GJJ) and perhaps thirty to forty prs. Breckland (CAEK, WHP). 317. Stonechat.—Breeding numbers on coast showed a further sharp dehne with only six prs. known. A passage of ten "prs." took place along Minsmere Cliff, Feb. 5 (HEA). 320.

Redstart.—A very late bird at Southwold, Nov. 14 (HAI,).

321. Black redstart.—Two prs. bred Sizewell (per HEA) with one or perhaps two prs. at Lowestoft (LFC). One m. singing in Ipswich in May (GJJ). There were also a number of records of wintering or passage birds on coast.



322. Nightingale.—Records suggest a further fall in numbers except in a few areas, e.g., Walberswick where the Dingle Bird Club noted an increase. Now quite scarce in many localities round Bury St. Edmunds where formerly plentiful (WHP). None at Shotley (MP) or Stansfield (LHM) for past two years. 324. Bluethroat.—One at Benacre, Sept. 21 (TAH) and at least three at Minsmere between Sept. 15 and 24 (HEA, CC, AG, H, GJJ, DM). 327. Grasshopper warbler.—New areas from which this species has been reported during summer are: Theberton (CRC), Fornham St. Martin and Livermere (RHM), Ballingdon and Rodbridge (AAB), and Onehouse, Finborough, and Stowmarket (RJC). ADDENDUM.

Heard singing in Witnesham in



343. Blackcap.—Over-wintering birds at Herringfleet (H. E. Jenner per EWCJ) and Orford (PAB, JH) in Dec. Decreasing in West Suffolk and failed to breed for first time in memory, in the Editor's garden at Härtest. 344. Barred warbler.—Single birds at Minsmere, Sept. 3, 6, and 16 (HEA et al). An im. at Benacre, Sept. 16 (RVAM). 357. Wood warbler.—The only record was one at Minsmere, May 7th (HEA). 364. Goldcrest.—Breeding numbers are still below pre-1963 levels in most places and in some areas, e.g., Härtest, have so far failed to re-establish former breeding population. A slight increase at Minsmere but numbers still below those of five years ago. There was only a thin autumn passage. 365. Firecrest.—It was a poor year for this species with single birds only at Minsmere, Apl. 16, 26, and May 13 (HEA) and two probables at Coney Weston, Nov. 13 (JW). 368. Pied flycatcher.—Spring records were one at Walberswick, May 7 (GJJ) and a m. inland at Gt. Finborough, Apl. 25 (RJC). Ä light autumn passage between Aug. 8 and Sept. 17. Two inland at Hadleigh, Aug. 27 and one in Christchurch Park, Ipswich, Sept. 3 (AB).


Transactions of the Suffolk Natur alists', Vol. 14, Part 2

379. Water pipit.—Only noted at Minsmere where one or two were present between Jan. 29 and Apl. 16 and one or two and again during Oct. and Nov. (HEA). 380. White wagtail.—One or two at Minsmere, Mar. 24 to Apl. 5 (HEA). One at Oulton Broad in Nov. (RSB). 382. Yellow wagtail.—While numbers have fallen considerably during the past twenty years, this wagtail still breeds in small numbers in suitable localities along coast, and in Valleys of R. Stour (AAB, WHP) and R. Lark, and elsewhere. More Information from inland areas would be valuable. Yellow-headed or Citrine wagtail.—One at Minsmere, Oct. 10 and 11 (HEA et al) was the second record for the county. Eastern blue-headed wagtail.—A bird having the characteristics of M. f . simillima was caught on Nov. 16 at Minsmere where it remained until Dec. 8 (HEA, AG, DM, RSB). Blue-headed wagtail.—A m. at Minsmere, Apl. 12 and 14 (HEA) and at Walberswick, May 17 (PT). 383. Waxwing.—Two or three birds, remnants from the irruption of the previous autumn, were noted at Leiston in Jan. and Feb. (DGJ, DN). There was another very small influx in early winter; three at Hollesley, Nov. 5 (PAB), two at Orford, Nov. 7 and 8 and Nov. 20 (PAB, JFH), one at Aldeburgh, Nov. 26 (EFC), and two or three at Oulton Broad between Dec. 12 and 16 (JGW). 384. Great grey shrike.—Average numbers during both winters on coast and in Breckland with last spring bird noted on May 11 (DBC) and first of autumn on Oct. 7 (PRC). A number are caught each year in bullfinch traps in inland fruit orchards. 388. Red-backed shrike.—This species shows a continued decrease throughout the county, particularly in Breck (CAEK). Numbers down from three to one pr. at Aldringham (EFC). 391. Hawfinch.—Raydon Wood, Hadleigh (AB), is a new locality for this species.



394. Siskin.—A pr. bred at Dunwich (per G J J ) and four young were seen at Tunstall, June 21 (PAB). 395. Redpoll.—Reports suggest that it was another very good year for this species which appears to be on the increase in both East and West Suffolk. A continued increase in breeding numbers at Minsmere was noted (HEA) with high numbers—forty to fifty —at Aldeburgh in July (EFC). There were widespread flocks from a few individuals to fifty or more, in Breckland and in south-west Suffolk during the winter (WHP). A flock of twenty to thirty mealy redpolls was present at Minsmere in Mar. and Apl. (HEA). 404. Crossbill.—Modest numbers were reported during spring and summer at Henham (GBGB), Dunwich and Minsmere (HEA, GJJ), Martlesham (PRC), and Sutton (JRR) with breeding confirmed at Dunwich where flocks of up to forty birds were recorded in June (FAC), Blythburgh and Walberswick (DBC, HEC), and Tunstall (PAB). Small numbers on Breck and along its fringes, e.g., Fornham St. Martin, June 15 (RHM), Livermere, Mar. and Apl., and Herringswell, Apl. 16 (CAEK) and flocks of up to a score in usual winter haunts at Risby (WHP). 408. Brambling.—Numbers were still high throughout the early part of the year with a flock of c. 1,000 at Lakenheath in Jan. (per MN), 750 at Westleton in Mar. (DGJ), and big flocks at Staverton in Apl. (HJL). One at Brandon, Apl. 23 (AEV). By contrast to foregoing, numbers in autumn and winter were very low. 416. Ortolan.—A f. at Minsmere, May 12 (HEA, RGHC, DM). Add one at Gunton Cliffs, Oct. 29 (BJB). 422. L a p l a n d bunting.—Single birds at Minsmere, Apl. 2 (HEA), Aldeburgh, Oct. 22 (EFC), and Walberswick, Oct. 27 (JG). 423. Snow bunting.—One at Minsmere, Apl. 7, with varying numbers from Oct. 24 (HEA). Up to fifty at Walberswick in Nov. and Dec. (AEW) and c. 250 at Slaughden in Dec. (HEA, H). 425. T r e e sparrow.—Wintering numbers were generally high including a flock of 2—3,000 at Benacre, Nov. 7 (JRR).


Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists',

Vol. 14, Part 2


F. Arnsby

T h e Dingle Bird Club

R. V. A. Marshall

H. E. Axell

C. W . G . Paulson-Ellis

H . Massey

Mrs. J. Axell

Mrs. M . Eilenbach

R. H . May

J. C. Barker

Dr. and M r s . P. M . Fisk

H. Medhurst

P. A. Banks

P. W . J. Findlev

D . Mower

M . Bendix

J. Gooders

D. Nesling

G. B. G . Benson

A. Grieve

B. J. Nightingale

H. R. Beecroft

Mrs. P. G r u n d y

Miss M . Nixon

A. Botwright

R. Harkness

M . Packard

E. T . Bowyer

Miss J. F. Hancock

R. J. Patridge

Mrs. J. Bridges

J. R. Hall

Mrs. K. Patey

B. J. Brown

R. J. Holloman

W . H . Payn

R. S. Briggs

L . R. Howard

J. E. L. Pemberton

P. J. K . Burton

Mrs. J. Holyfield

E. I. Peters

A. L . Bull

T . A. H o b d a y

Miss D. Raikes

A. A. Butcher

Miss G. Houghton

W . H . Ramsav

P. R. Catchpole

Lord H u r c o m b

J. R. Read

R. G. H . Cant

Mrs. E. M . Hyde

A. D. Rowe

F. C. Cook

B. W . Jarvis

W . E. Rowe

A. Cook

D. G. Jenks

A. Russell-Smith

F. K. C o b b

E. W . C. Jenner

L. Rutterford

A. A. Calder

G . J. Jobson

B. R. Squires

H. E. Chipperfield

R. J. J o h n s

T h e Earl of Stradbroke

R. J. C o p p i n g

Col. A. A. Johnson

P. T ä t e

M . G . Cockram

J. Penny-Jones

L o r d Tollemache

Dr. R. A. F. Cox

C. A. E. Kirtland

Lt.-Col. M . R. Tomkin

J. T . Corkindale

N. Knights

T. Trueman

M. Chadwick

Mrs. P. Knights

A. E. Vine

T h e Earl of Cranbrook

Dr. D. Lack

D. I. M . Wallacc

E. F. Crosby

A. J. Last

M . Walton

C. G . D . Curtis

H . J. Lee

J. G . W a r n e r

F. A. C u r r i e

H. A. Lyon

T h e Hon. M r s . J. Watson

C. R. C u t h b c r t

T h e Lowestoft Field C l u b

F. Wayman

G. D u n n e t t

Dr. L. H . Matthews

A. E. Welch

D. A. Dorling

B. A. M a r r

E. T . Weiland



DINGLE BIRD CLUB—WALBERSWICK Bird Ringing Report for 1967 A total of 1,562 birds were ringed during 1967, a drop from the previous year due mainly to adverse weather conditions during the migratory period, and the absence of any large swallow roosts in the reed beds during September. 201 bearded tits were ringed, and some interesting winter recoveries are included in the selected recoveries. Numbers of Acrocephalus warblers ringed show an increase from 198 to 328. Stone curlevv Wryneck Bearded tit Red-backed shrike Snow b u n t i n g Lapwing Turnstone Redshank Black headed gull Common tern Turtle dove Kestrel

1 1 201 1 2 8 2 6 16 6

Great tit Coal tit

2 1 1 21 1 1 5 19 4

Wren Song thrush

22 13

Ringed plover Dunlin Woodpigeon Green woodpecker House martin

Wheatear Whinchat Robin Reed warbler Blackcap Whitethroat Willow warbler Spotted flycatcher Hedge sparrow

1 1 33 178 28 28 38 8 27

T r e e pipit Greenfinch Bullfinch Brambling Kingfisher Swallow Sand martin Jay Blue tit Marsh tit Long tail tit T r e e creeper Blackbird Redstart Nightingale Grasshopper warbler Sedge warbler G a r d e n warbler Lesser whitethroat Chiffchaff Goldcrest Pied flycatcher Starling Goldfinch Linnet Redpoll Chaffinch Yellow bunting Reed bunting

1 145 40 2 1 26 125 1 86 9 22 4 26 12 2 1 150 7 8 43 18 11 2 28 9 5 58 21 24 1,562


Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists',

Vol. 14, Part 2



30. 8.62 Walberswick 21. 8.67 Snettisham, Norfolk Controlled. Wash Wader G r o u p

65 miles N.W. Oystercatcher 3089003 Ad. 65 miles N.W. Swallow H E 80250

12. 5.63 Walberswick 24. 7.67 Snettisham, Norfolk Controlled. Wash Wader G r o u p


210 miles N.W. Sand martin H B 94220 Ad.

8. 9.66 7. 5.67 Found dead

3. 7.66 4. 5.67

Walberswick Kirkham, Lancs

Dunwich Nijmegen, Netherlands

Found dead Whitethroat A Whitethroat ringed in September, was controlled ten days later thirty-two miles North. H H 69736 PJ 18. 9.67 Walberswick 27. 9.67 Waxham, Norfolk 32 miles N. Controlled B e a r d e d tit Twelve of this species were controlled at Minsmere, and the following controls give some indication of Winter dispersal. H H 69869 PJ 24. 9.67 Walberswick 25.11.67 Farlington Marsh, Portsmouth 155 miles S.W. H H 69792 PJ Walberswick 23. 9.67 19.11.67 Maidstone, Kent 83 miles S.W. H B 64317 F.G. 26. 9.65 Walberswick 16.10.67 Dersingham, Norfolk 60 miles N.W. H H 69105 Juv. 1. 8.67 Walberswick 16.10.67 Dersingham, Norfolk 60 miles N . W . H H 69096 Juv. 1. 8.67 Walberswick 12.11.67 Butley, Suffolk 16 miles S.S.W. H H 69095 Juv. 1. 8.67 Walberswick 12.11.67 Butley, Suffolk 16 miles S.S.W. H H 69541 PJ 10. 9.67 Walberswick 24.12.67 Wicken, Cambs. 56 miles W . H H 69536 PJ 10. 9.67 Walberswick 24.12.67 Wicken, Cambs.



A BIRD ATLAS OF GREAT BRITAIN A N D IRELAND THE British Trust for Ornithology has undertaken to compile an atlas of birds breeding (or present in the breeding season) for the whole of the British Isles. This year, 1968, is the first year in the five-year plan. T h e work will be based on the 10 km. squares of the National Grid. T h e 2\" Ordnance Survey maps correspond to the 10 km. squares. Suffolk comprises some fifty such squares or parts of squares, and obviously a considerable number of competent and active ornithologists will be needed if the work is to be fully and reliably performed. At the time of writing (28th April), I have managed to arrange for the coverage of nine squares, and I shall be very glad to hear from anyone Willing and able to undertake others. If preferred, two or three members could co-operate to cover a Square. Please write to me, saying which squares you can undertake (if possible giving alternatives) and I will send printed instructions and cards. T h e work is exacting, but very interesting, and it is important that SufTolk should be thoroughly covered. G . B. G . BENSON ( B . T . O .

17 South Green, Southwold, Suffolk.


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