Suffolk Lepidoptera in 1968

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SUFFOLK LEPIDOPTERA IN 1968 H . E . CHIPPERFIELD U N L I K E the previous year, January, 1968, was very cold and emergence of the early spring moths was delayed. However by 7th February the Pale Brindled Beauty (Phigalia pedaria, Fabr.) had made its appearance at house lights. On 15th March a specimen of the Mediterranean Flour Moth (Anagasta kuehniella, Zell.) emerged from some flour found in an old jar. These moths are sometimes a nuisance in flour mills where their larvae cause the chutes to clog with the webs which they spin. By the end of March the Early Grey Moth (Xylocampa areola, Esp.) and the Mottled Grey Carpet (Colostygia multistrigaria, Haw.) were emerging and were followed by the 'Quaker' tribe. DĂźring April visitors to my moth-trap included the Blossom Underwing (<Orthosia miniosa, Schiff.), Northern Drab (Orthosia advena, Schiff.), and the Pine Beauty (Panolis flammea, Schiff.).

The Holly Blue Butterfly (Celastrina argiolus, Linn.) was Aying at Walberswick on 30th April and several were seen there during May, in which month also one was seen at Great Glemham by Mrs. J. O. Paternoster. This little butterfly is well known for its fluctuations in numbers from one season to another, and has been rather scarce in Suffolk for some years. The Orange-tip Butterfly (Anthocharis cardamines, Linn.) was quite numerous at Great Glemham on 24th May and larvae of the Angelica Flat-body Moth {Agonopterix angelicella, HĂźbn.) were common in bunched-up leaves of Angelica in the woods there on the same day. These subsequently produced the bright orange imagines at the end of June. Very few moths were attracted to the Society's mercury vapour light when Messrs. C. W. Pierce, Geoffrey Burton, George Baker, and I visited the Redgrave and Lopham Fen Reserve on 8th June. Walking round Lopham Little Fen before we began Operations revealed that there had been a fire which had completely destroyed the mature growth of Petty Whin. Although the plants were beginnmg to sprout again the colony of the Petty-Whin Case Moth (Coleophora genistae, Staint.) had evidently disappearcd. It was hoped that we should confirm whether a much rarer species, the Slate Sober (Stomopteryx albipalpella, H.-S.) occurred in the'fen. These species both have the same larval pabulum, and larvae were thought to have been found there in 1967. It proved to be a good year for the Elephant Hawk Moth (Deilephtla elpenor, Linn.) and the Birds-wing Moth (Dypterygia scabriuscula, Linn.), both species being frequent visitors to the light trap. On 16th June, the Alder Moth (Apatele alni, Linn.) was a welcome visitor. Specimens of the pyralid moth the



Wormwood Knothorn (Eusophera citierosella, Zell.) emerged during June from larvae found in the root stocks of the Artemisia absinthium at Thorpeness. Towards the end of the month also many Red-belted Clearwing Moths (Aegeria myopaefortnis, Borkh.) were bred from a portion of a branch of an apple tree from the Stowmarket garden of Mrs. Balfe. Judging by the number of holes the tree must have been the home of this colony for a very long time. Two tortrix moths also emerged from the same piece of wood—Woeber's Piercer (Enarmonia formosana, Scop.) and the Codlin Piercer (Laspeyresia pomonella, Linn.). A visit to Wenhaston Mill Heath on 2nd July to see how the small isolated colony of the Silver-studded Blue Butterfly (Plebejus argus, Linn.) was progressing resulted in the sighting of two males and one female of this species. On 3rd July a single specimen of the Silver Hook Moth (Eustrotia uncula, Clerck.) was seen on some marshy ground at Walberswick. Subsequently this attractive little insect was found to be quite common locally. The moths commenced Aying about 4 p.m. On 30th July, Mr. Wilfrid George found a specimen of the Yellow-legged Clearwing (Aegeria vespiformis, Linn.) on Hemp Agrimony blossom at Haiesworth. The White-necked Wainscot (Nonagria neurica, Hßbn.) was just appearing and in very fresh condition when Mr. Oliver Knowland and I visited Walberswick Marches on 31st July, and on 3rd August when Mr Peter Rogers operated his mercury vapour lamp in the marshes this species and Fenn's Wainscot (Arenostola brevilinea, Fenn.) were quite numerous. Large numbers of various species of Wainscot Moths were also attracted to Mr. Denis O'Keeffe's light on 5th August. On this date a specimen of the Kent Black Arches (Nola albula, Schiff.) found its way into my moth trap. As far as I am aware this only the third recorded Suffolk example. On 3Ist August, Mr. G. B. G. Benson and Mr. L. W. Howard both telephoned to report the sighting of Camberwell Beauty Butterflies (Nymphalis antiopa, Linn.) at Benacre and on Woodbridge Golf Course respectively. This beautiful butterfly is often found in the vicinity of ports into which Scandinavian timber is imported. Originally thought to fly the North Sea, it is now considered by some to come over either as a pupa or perfect insect with the timber. A specimen was found at Leiston by Dr. D. G. Garnett some years ago. It has never been observed in the British Isles in any but the adult stage and it is thought that our winters are too damp for it to survive here. Although East Anglia was apparently missed when the wave of migrants appeared in early July after the great Sahara dust storm, the usual influx of the Silver-Y Moth (Plusia gamma, Linn.) took place in September and early October. Also present were the Rush


Transactions of the Suffolk Naturalists',

Vol. 14, Part 3

Veneer (Nomophila noctuella, Schiff.) and the Rusty Dot (Udea ferrugalis, Hübn.). On 18th September larvae of the Bordered Straw Moth (Heliothis peltigera, Schiff.) were found feeding on Sticky Groundsel on the beach at Walberswick. After the shingle ridge was breached by the sea in March, and subsequently bulldozed into position, the Sticky Groundsel greatly increased. Incidentally the flooding drowned most of the hibernating Fox Moth larvae which formerly fed on the Birdsfoot Trefoil on the shingle. On 22nd September and on several nights following specimens of the Feathered Ranunculus (Eumichtis lichenea, Hübn.) came to my light trap. This species was unknown to Claude Morley as a Suffolk insect in 1937 and is presumably a new county record. On 3rd October a specimen of the Scarce Bordered Straw (Heliothis armigera, Hübn.) came to light. This is an extremely rare immigrant, but the larva is sometimes found in imported tomatoes. It was recorded from Brandon before 1890 and Mr. Henry Lingwood captured a specimen at Needham Market in 1903. The wet summer has undoubtedly affected the butterfly population and autumn species have not been as common as usual, although a few Painted Ladies appeared in September along the coast and Red Admirals, Peacocks, and Small Tortoiseshells have been present but in smaller numbers than in 1967. Mr. Mervyn Crawford reported that Dark Green Fritillaries were common at Wortham Ling and Knettishall Heath in July and the Comma was fairly common in West Suffolk. In addition Mr. Crawford saw a Large Tortoiseshell, a butterfly which has become very rare of late.

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