Poa subcaerulea, Sm. Spreading Meadow-Grass. U n d e r recorded by Hind (1889) and probably still confused with Poa pratensis largely on account of its strong and hooded blunt tipped leaves. In P. subcaerulea the tip of the lemma is prominently pointed and there is a fringe of very small hairs on the leaf margin at the ligule. Study on the Breckland sands shows that it is common particularly in the Icklingham-Eriswell area, where it is found in a smaller than average form from 4-20 cm. high. Poa nemoralis, L.
Wood Meadow-Grass.
Woodlands and shaded banks. U n c o m m o n in West Suffolk but may be under recorded on the Cambridge boundary on the more chalky clay loams. A few plants under beech trees in the avenue south of Canada Farm, Icklingham, 1968. Reported by Simpson (1961) 'local and scarce' in East Suffolk. Anthoxanthum
puelii, Lecoq and Lamotte.
Annual Vernal-Grass.
T h i s is a less robust plant than A. odoratum. It is branched and an annual grass of waste land and arable. Now classified as rare but fortunately germinates after the usual farm spraying activities and therefore has a chance of survival. Reasonably frequent in a crop of barley south of Covehithe, 1968. Reported to the writer by C. P. Barsted of Oulton Broad in 1966. Recorded by Hind. Earliest notice 1884 at Hinderclay, Troston and Rede. Bromus inermis, Leyss.
Awnless Brome.
A grass of Central Europe and temperate Asia. Uncommon in East and West Suffolk. It is drought resistant on sandy soils. Trist (1961) and Miss G. T u c k , 1968. A good colony spreading by rhizomes on a roadside sand bank near the railway arch west of Higham. Bromus diandrus, Roth.
Great Brome.
Recently reported by Simpson (1958) at Felixstowe and Trist (1960). T h i s large annual is found on roadside banks, farm hedges and on open waste ground. It is spreading throughout the eastern coastal area. It can be seen in abundance on waste land by the railway at Parkeston in Essex and is reported from Norfolk. In Suffolk I have seen it along four minor roads in the parish of T h u r s t o n and in the parishes of B a m h a m , Lakenheath, Culford, Higham, Little Eriswell, Icklingham, and T u d d e n h a m in West Suffolk and in Hasketon in East Suffolk.
References H i n d , W . M . (1889). The Flora of Suffolk. Simpson, F. W . (1958). Suffolk Grasses. Trans. 72.
T r i s t , P. J. O. (1961). R e c o r d s of interesting grasses in Suffolk. Suffolk Nat. Soc. 12, 58.
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