THE purpose of this note is to draw attention to some of the work that still remains to be done in connection with the Suffolk County Flora in recording the present distribution of some of our uncommon, doubtful or overlooked flora. There are many species for which there have been no records since about 1950, while others have not been recorded since 1939. In many instances it is known that the habitats have been destroyed and it may well be that because of the rapid changes taking place in our countryside, it is now too late to look for some of these species. Nevertheless the list that follows has been compiled in the hope that it may prove helpful to the present generation of botanists in indicating just how much — or how little — is known about the occurrence of certain species in Suffolk. LYCOPODIACEAE
Lycopodium inundatum L. Marsh Club-moss. Last record about 1860. May possibly survive in Lothingland, East Suffolk. L. clavatum L. Common Club-moss. One record for Snape, 1941, requires confirmation. EQUISETACEAE
Equisetum hyemale L. Rough Horsetail, Dutch Rush. Probably now extinct. Last record about 1860. E. sylvaticum L. Wood Horsetail. There is some doubt that this species occurs in the County. I have seen no specimens and a record for Hadleigh, 1960, requires confirmation. MARSILEACEAE
Pilularia globulifera L. Pillwort.
Last record, Flixton, 1898.
Azolla filiculoides Lam. Water-fern. An introduced and naturalised alien. Only four Suffolk records. RANUNCULACEAE
Ranunculus parviflorus L. Small-flowered Buttercup. There are no authentic records since Hind's Flora, 1889. May be extinct. R. hederaceus L. Ivy-leaved Crowfoot. Probably overlooked. Last record, 1953. R. fluitans Lam. Water Crowfoot. Very few records, likely overlooked and frequent in larger streams and rivers. R. circinatus Sibth. Used to be frequent in ponds and streams on the Boulder Clay.
R. trichophyllus Chaix. Fine-leaced Water Crowfoot. Probably frequent. Very few records. R. aquatilis L. Water Crowfoot. Surprisingly few records. R. peltatus Schrank spp. peltatus. Rare or overlooked. Only one record, 1958. Sp. pseudofluitans (Syme) C. Cook. Distribution unknown. No records since Hind's Flora, 1889. Myosurus minimus L. Mousetail. Probably now very rare. CERATOPHYLLACEAE
Ceratophyllum submersum L. Hornwort. Probably rare or overlooked. Perhaps, however, mistaken for C. demersum L. PAPAVERACEAE
Papaver hybridum L. Prickly-headed Poppy.
Now rare.
Fumaria vaillantii Lois. No records since Hind's Flora, 1889. F. parviflora Lam. Small-flowered Fumitory. May still occur on chalky soil in West Suffolk. CRUCIFERAE
Hirschfeidia incana (L.) Largreze-Fossat. (Brassica incana (L.) F. Schultz) Hoary Mustard. This established alien IS probably frequent in Breckland and has been overlooked. Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop. var leiocarpum D.C. Hedge Mustard. This variety may be frequent. Only one record. Glabrous and more yellowish-green. VIOLACEAE
Viola canina L. Dog Violet. Distribution imperfectly known. This species has often been recorded in error for forms of V. riviniana Rchb. CARYOPHYLLACEAE
Dianthus armeria L. Deptford Pink. Possibly extinct. Stellaria pallida (Dum) Pire. Lesser Chickweed. Probably frequent on light soils, especially Breckland. Overlooked and mistaken for S. media (L.) Vill. Common Chickweed. Stellaria neglecta Weithe. required. Likely frequent.
Greater Chickweed.
More records
Hypericum maculatum Crantz. (H. dubium Leers) Imperforate St Tr,Kn's Wort. Probably under-recorded.
Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 15, Part 2
Atriplex glabriuscula Edmondst. Babington's Orache. Overlooked, local or uncommon annual on the sea-shore or sea embankments. Salicornia herbaceae L. agg. (S. stricta agg.) Annual Glasswort. Marsh Samphire. T h e distribution of the Suffolk species is not properly known. The following species have been recorded: 1. S. appressa (Dum) Dum. 2. S. disarticulata Moss. 3. iS. dolichostachya Moss. 4. S. prostrata Pall sec. Moss. 5. S. ramoisissima Woods. 6. S. stricta Dum. LINACEAE
Radiola linoides Roth.
All Seed.
May be extinct, or very local.
Ulex minor Roth. Dwarf Furze. U. galli Planch. The distribution of both species requires checking. It is likely that errors of identification has been made and U. minor has been recorded in mistake for U. gallii. ROSACEAE
Agrimonia odorata (Gouan) Mill. frequent than A. eupatoria L.
Fragrant Agrimony.
Alchemilla vulgaris agg. Lady's Mantle. A. vestita (Buser) Raunk. Probably extinct or very rare. Last seen about 1953. Rubus fruticosus agg. Blackberry. Very little attention has been given to this difficult genus and we have no records of the distribution of the many species. There appears to be about sixty species in the County. Rosa. We have very few recent records, 1950+ and the distribution of some species is imperfectly known. T h e majority of recorders have identified all 'Wild Roses' as Rosa canina L. T h e following species have been recorded for Suffolk: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Rosa arvensis Huds. Field Rose. R. spinosissima (R. pimpinellifolia L.) Burnet Rose. R. rugosa T h u n b . Briar Rose. Established and planted alien. R. stylosa Desv. No records since Hind's Flora. Extinct or doubtful species. 5. R. canina L. Dog Rose. There are many named varieties of which we have no up-to-date records. 6. R. dumetorum Thuill. Formerly included with R. canina L. 7. R. dumalis Bechst. Probably very rare.
8. R. obtusifolia Desv. Likely rare or very local. 9. R. tomentosa Sm. Downy-leaved Rose. Uncommon or overlooked. 10. R. villosa L. Rare or local. 11. R. rubiginosa L. Sweet Briar. Not uncommon. 12. R. micrantha Borrer ex Sm. Small Prickly Rose or Sweet Briar. No recent records and probably confused with R. rubiginosa. In addition there may be other species and unrecorded hybrids. ONAGRACEAE
Epilobium Willow-herb. We have very few records for some species and even those which are widespread have been overlooked. The various hybrids have not been identified. Records required for: 1. Epilobium roseum Schreb. Small-flowered Smooth Willowherb. 2. E. adenocaulon Hausskn. Alien. Likely frequent. 3. E. adnatum Griseb. Square-stemmed Willow-herb. 4. E. lamyi F. W. Schultz. Probably local. 5. E. lanceolatum Seb. and Mauri. Spear-leaved Willow-herb. Local or rare. HALORAGACEAE
Myriophyllum verticillatum L. Whorled Water-milfoil. M. spicatum L. Spiked Water-milfoil. Both species have been confused and under-recorded. M. alterniflorum DC. Alternate-flowered Water-milfoil. Confirmation required. Likely uncommon, or extinct in former habitats. CALLITRICHACEAE
The distribution of the species of the genus Callitriche, Water Starwort, is at present unknown. Some are difficult to identify without mature fruits and these are not always produced. 1. Callitriche stagnalis Scop. Water Starwort. Frequent and likely the commonest species. 2. C.platycarpa KĂźtz. Probably common. C.verna L. o f H i n d ' s Flora may be this species although C. platycarpa is noted as a sub. sp. of C. stagnalis. 3. C. obtusangula Le Gall. Blunt Water Starwort. Overlooked. Likely frequent. 4. C. intermedia Hoffm. (C. hamulata Kutz.) Hooked WaterStarwoort. Rare or local. (To be continued.)