Weather at Ipswich in 1969

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The month was cold and damp although the total rainfall was only 1-35", measured on eighteen days. Two inches of snow was recorded on the 9th and half-an-inch on the 12th. Air frost occurred on eleven nights. Winds blew chiefly from a westerly direction. There were no clear sunny days. The maximum (screen) temperature was 53-5°F. on the 14th. On the 12th/13th the temperature remained at, or just below, freezing, and during the night dropped to 17-5°F. (—8-l°C.) in the screen, which is a low reading for this Station. Another sharp frost (22-5°F.) was recorded on the lOth. The 9th and lOth were both cold days with maximums of 34-5°F. and 33°F. Means: (screen) Max. 43 • 3°F. Min. 34 • 3°F. (1° Fahrenheit = 0-556° Centigrade.) FEBRUARY

A mainly cold and overcast month, and only one clear and bright sunny day on the 26th. The total rainfall (with snow) was 2-01", falling on thirteen days. Rain on the 7th turned to sleet and snow during the night and 1" of wet snow was measured in the morning. The wind direction was mainly between north and east. With a rise in pressure after the 23rd, the weather became dry, but mainly cloudy with cold easterly winds. Air frost was recorded on twelve days. The highest temperature was 46°F. on the 13th, and the lowest 29°F. on the 4th/5th. Means: Max. 41 • 3°F.

Min. 33 • 6°F.


Very unsettled for the first half of the month and squally with gale force winds on the 6th/7th bringing thunderstorms, sleet and snow showers. Towards the end of the month there was a change to fine and very warm conditions and a maximum temperature of 69 • 5°F. on the 29th. The lowest temperature was 30 • 5°F. on the Ist. Total rainfall 1.22" recorded on fifteen days. Winds mainly between south and west. Means: Max. 47°F.

Min. 38-7°F.


A cool start to the month with night frosts from the 3rd to the 15th. During the Easter period, 10th-15th, cold N.E. winds blew bringing several bright days: Continental type of weather, high pressure and no rain. Falling pressure from the 16th brought a



spell of thundery conditions, 17th-20th. The 21st was a fine and very warm day with a temperature of 75°F. The lowest temperature was 30°F. on the 3rd. Total rainfall 1-34" on eleven days. Means: Max. 56 • 2°F.

Min. 41 • 0°F.


A mainly unsettled month with variable winds. Fine period at the end of the month 24th-31st. Total rainfall 1 • 30" on twelve days. Highest temperature 70°F. on the 31st. Lowest 37-5°F. on the 19th. Means: Max. 58 • 5°F. Min. 45 • 3°F. JUNE

An average month with the best weather during the first fifteen days. After that it became unsettled with rain falling on twelve out of thirteen days, 16th-28th. There were thunderstorms on the 20th, 21st and 27th, and heavy rain -50" feil during the afternoon storm on the 27th. Total rainfall 1-85" measured on fifteen days. Highest temperature recorded was 77-5°F. on the 15th. Lowest 45-0°F. on the lOth. Means: Max. 67°F. Min. 52-4°F. JULY

After a fine and hot start the weather turned much cooler and unsettled with little or no sun. This July was probably one of the dullest on record with much persistent cloud from the 13th-29th, except one day, the 21 st, which was very bright. The 1 Ith was a cold day with blustery winds and a maximum temperature of only 59°F. The wind direction was mainly N.W. during the cloudy period. Total rainfall 1-42" recorded on eleven days. Highest temperature 84-5°F. on the Ist. Lowest 48-5°F. on the 25th. Means: Max. 68°F.

Min. 53-7°F.


An unsettled, dull and wet month, with little sunshine, except towards the end of the month from the 20th-27th. This period was dry and warmer. Highest temperature 75°F. on the 23rd. Lowest 46°F. on the 18th. Total rainfall 2-48" falling on fifteen days. -63" feil on the 6th/7th. Means: Max. 67-4°F. Min. 55-4°F. SEPTEMBER

A very wet month with more rain than usual. Very disturbed conditions persisted from the 1 Ith to the end of the month with some heavy rain storms accompanied by thunder. -70" measured on the morning of the 1 Ith and 1-22" on the 15th which


Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 15, Part 2

feil on the 14th-15th. Suffolk escaped the worst of the exceptionally heavy rains which caused extensive flooding in many areas of Southern England. Total rainfall 4-29" falling on nineteen days. Highest temperature 72-5°F. on the lOth. Lowest 46°F. on the 25th. Means: Max. 64-4°F.

Min. 53°F.


Unsettled weather with rain on seventeen days. Total rainfall 1 • 92". There were a few fair and fine days, mild and no frost. Fog persisted all day on the 22nd. Highest temperature 66-25°F. on the lOth. Lowest 44-5°F. on the 15th. Means: Max. 60°F.

Min. 50-9°F.


A cloudy, dull month with little sunshine, only one really fine and sunny day on the 24th. The first air frost of the autumn occurred during the night and early morning of the 9th-10th. 2°F. of frost recorded. This was the only frost during the month. Between the 1 Ith and the 16th cold dry easterly winds blew, reaching gale force on the 15th. The maximum day temperature on that day was 39°F. Total rainfall 1 • 06" falling on seventeen days. Highest temperature 58-5°F. on the Ist. Lowest 30°F. on the lOth. Means: Max. 49-6°F.

Min. 41 -7°F.


Overcast and mainly dry weather with easterly winds persisted for the first eleven days, only • 01" of rain was recorded. However, the month was really dominated by two cold spells bringing sharp night frosts, fog and snow. The first commenced on the 12th and lasted for five days. On the 12th, 13th and 14th, the temperature remained at or just above freezing point during daytime with very cold nights, minimums of 26°F. on the 13th and 25°F. on the 14th. The second cold spell commenced on the 24th and persisted over the Christmas period to the end of the month. The maximum day temperature between the 25th and the 30th, was 33 -5°F., and for long periods remained below freezing. The minimum temperature was 24°F. There were periods of snow, especially on the 27th, with a fall of 3". On the 30th there was freezing fog, followed by a slow thaw on the 31 st. Total rainfall 1 - 1 1 r e c o r d e d on thirteen days. Highest temperature 50-5°F. on the 22nd. Lowest 24°F. on the 30th. Means: Max. 41 • 0°F. Min. 34 • 6°F.



Total rainfall for the year 21 • 35" falling on 176 days. Although 1968 was said to have been a wet year the total rainfall was just about the average for this Station. September was undoubtedly a wet month with 4-29". In 1967 the total rainfall was 21-23". The previous wettest September was in 1965 with 4-0". 1968 was a poor year for sunshine, especially July, and also for any good periods of hot weither. Only on two days, the Ist and 2nd July, did the temperature exceed 80°F., with 84-5°F. on the Ist and 83-5°F. on the 2nd. The driest period was in April with no rain for thirteen days from the 3rd to the 15th.

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