Suffolk Butterflies from 1945

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IN 1937 Claude Morley produced a Memoir of the Suffolk Naturalists' Society on ' T h e Lepidoptera of Suffolk', giving details of all the butterflies and moths that had been found in the county. There have been considerable alterations since 1937, and the present list attempts to bring the knowledge of the Suffolk butterflies up to date. No localities are stated for the more common species, as these are generally widespread. Some of the rarer species have not been recorded for some years, and in these cases the localities in which they used to be Seen are stated, together with the year in which they were last recorded. Those species which have not been recorded since 1945 are not included in the list. T h e numbers in brackets following the names of the butterflies refer to the numbers given to the species in the 1937 Memoir. Thanks are due to the following for their help in compiling the list:—Messrs. G. J. Burton, H. E. Chipperfield, C. W. Pierce, Baron C. G. M. de Worms. Family SATYRIDAE Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria L.) (617). T h e numbers of this species have increased considerably in the neighbouring counties of Essex and Norfolk during recent years, so that, although it has not yet been recorded for Suffolk since 1945, there is every hope that it will soon be seen here. Wall (P. megera L.) (618). Common and widespread. Grayling (Eumenis semele Hßbner) (619). Widespread on heathlands. Not common. Hedge Brown (Maniola tithonus L.) (620). Common and widespread. Meadow Brown (M. jurtina L.) (621). Common and widespread. Small Heath (Coenonympha pamphilus L.) (623). Common and widespread. Ringlet (Aphantopus hyperanthus L.) (622). Common and widespread. Family


Pearl-bordered Fritillary (Argynnis euphrosyne L.) (602). Belstead, Raydon. Last recorded in 1959 at Belstead (S.B.). High Brown Fritillary (A. cydippe L.) (599). Barking, Belstead, Blythburgh, Brimlin Wood, Hintlesham, Minsmere, Raydon, Staverton. Last recorded in 1959 at Belstead (S.B.).


Suffolk Natural History, Vol. 15, Part 2

Silver-washed Fritillary (A. paphia L.) (598). Barking, Belstead, Hintlesham, Raydon, Wherstead, Wickham Market. Last recorded in 1959 at Raydon. Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta L.) (612). Sometimes common, depending upon immigration to this country in the spring. Painted Lady (V. cardui L.) (613). Sometimes common, depending upon immigration to this country in the spring. Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae L.) (608). Common and widespread. Large Tortoiseshell (Nymphalispolychloros L.) (609). Widespread before 1955. Last recorded in 1955 at Belstead (C.W.P.). Peacock (N. io L.) (610).

Common and widespread.

Camberwell Beauty ( N . antiopa L.) (611). Occasional migrant from Europe. Two were recorded in 1968, one at Benacre by Mr. G. B. G. Benson, and one at Woodbridge by Mr. L. H. Howard. Comma (Polygonia c-album L.) (607).

Frequent and widespread.

Purple Emperor (Apatura iris L.) (615). Ova, larvae and imagines at Raydon. Last recorded there in 1959 (S.B.). White Admiral (Limenitis Camilla L.) (614). Barking, Belstead, Bentley Long Wood, Blythburgh, Brimlin Wood, Capel, Raydon, Wherstead. Last recorded in 1960 at Belstead (H.E.C.) and at Bentley Long Wood (S.B.). Family LYCAENIDAE Small Blue (Cupido minimus Fuessl.) (632). As this species occurs on the Devil's Ditch, Newmarket, it is probable that it strays across the nearby border into Suffolk. Silver-studded Blue (Plebejus argus L.) (639). Blythburgh, Foxhall, Martlesham, Barton Mills, Purdis Heath, Wenhaston, Westleton. Not so common as in past years. Small colony at Wenhaston in 1968 (H.E.C.) and at Purdis Heath in 1969 (S.B.). Brown Argus (Aricia agestis Schiff.) (634). uncommon.

Widespread, not

Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus Rott.) (640). widespread.

Common and

Chalk-hill Blue (Lysandra coridon Poda) (637). As the species is common on the Devil's Ditch, Newmarket, no doubt some spread across the nearby border into Suffolk. Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus L.) (636). in some years.




Small Copper (Lycaena phlaeas uncommon.


L.) (630).



Green Hairstreak (Callophrys rubi L.) (625). common.



Purple Hairstreak (Thecla quercus L.) (629). common.



White-letter Hairstreak (Strymonidia w-album Knoch) Widespread. Not uncommon in some years. Family



Swallow-tail (Papilio machaon L.) (651). It is probable that a few stray across the border into Suffolk from the nearby Norfolk Broads, where the species is common. Family


Large White (Pieris brassicae L.) (649). Common and widespread. Small White (P. rapae L.) (648). Common and widespread. Green-veined White (P. napi L.) (647). Common and widespread. Orange-tip (Anthocharis cardamines L.) (644). Common and widespread. Pale

Clouded Yellow (Colins hyale L.) (642). Occasional Benacre in 1947 (C.G.M. de W.), Needham Market in 1947 (G.J.B.), Stowmarket in 1947 (H.E.C.).

Clouded Yellow (C. croceus Fourcroy) (641). depending upon immigration to the country. Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni L.) (643). land. Family HESPERIIDAE Dingy Skipper (Erynnis common.



Not uncommon on chalk

L.) (654).



Grizzled Skipper (Pyrgus malvae L.) (653). common.



Small Skipper (Thymelicus sylvestris Poda) (655). widespread. Essex Skipper ( T . Uneola Ochs.) (656). particularly near coast.

Common and

Common and widespread,

Large Skipper (Ochlodes venata Bremer and Gray) (658). mon and widespread.


S. Beaufoy, M.B.E.,


B.Sc.{Eng.), Ipswich,

F.R.E.S., Suffolk.

98 Tuddenham

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